1887 THE JOCBNALT mm it r -It. " V" t- iv I . Look! Look! Look! ... . f . You will find at the Store of 0. MARKS the largest line of Dress Goods, Plain and Fancy, Dry " Goods, Notions, Ladies, Gents, Misses, Children's Shoes, Boots and Slippers, Cloths, Ilattings, Oil Cloths, Carpets, Gents' Fur nishing Goods, Straw Goods, and in fact everything you can think of, to be found in a Dry Goods Emporium. Our Store is packed to ; overflowing this season with Drives and Bargains. We can please you all. Money is "not plentiful, so look well before spending it. .?' Oar (A A) 1 jd. wide Homespun . 5c. Our (4 4) 1 jd. wide Bleaching . . 5c. " Our good Ginghams V Our Faat Color Print . Onr Pant Goods Our elegant line of Worsted for V Our elegant White Lawn very wid. ' Our elegant Hamburg Kdgine (5 (Km y Garter Webb Ottoman all silk H id. wide Kill, Nioe large Towels Big line colored and white ( ape .lar Crochet Needles Colored Hamburg Buttons! Buttons! Genu' i Hose Ladies' H?r Musses' Hose Children's Hose Straw Hats Ladies' Gloves Beautiful ilandk rein, f, , Large Handkercln. -i Mm,. Knitting Cotton i ! m Pocket Hook s. Tooth Rrushci, . Jress iiutto WkiU 1'earl Button.-, J .) .. i, "Raw Silk" Jlaudkcrchicf. 1,000,000 Toothpick fur. Nice Cuffs Men's Linen ( 'ollaro l lat' tit r-1 v 1 Mei'i Linen Cufl.i (latent Mil. Men's Linen Collar- i''lud.'" Nioe Jersey for Nine Corset . Nioe Gold ,1 l;r, .i I'm, Large line Leauhlul flm.lc-. i All linen Crs-ih . . Kice Ituttons icstiIm Ladies' Slippers Rick Rack lirai.U Toilet Soap (uicei Nice Linen Dojlevi" Elegant and Beautiful Line of Dress Buttons, One Half New York Cost. Paper (elegant not . Envelopes (lo match) Fine Turkish Tow U Biggest and Cheapest Line of Goods Ever : ' 8een in this City. Naveltj Braid ' Niee Drew S.Ik Kice Satins Cream Crinkle Oolored Crinklen (lovely . Beautiful line Seersucker . Beanttful line Organdie. . ladies' Handkerchief (all I men ) . f See That Beautiful Line of Etamines. Fens! Fens! Fans! Novelties! Novelties! -,' Led Peociln, rnbbpr tipped , ' Trejs, all wool) "big job". . Ckunbrays (importod) K ' Sateens, beautifnl lmr (worili ',"! MHltns, lorclj lino , Ht Pins V.TelreU "Bthj Shoes (nice' T"rkik Bath 8or ,:, Best tL,25 Shoe in the city. Vv, RestflXO 8b oe in thr city. liMt M. Obo- id tbe city. Beat 13.00 Shoe m th- iu v 8pol Bilk (eb.) -",PirtJola, niee $ Ijargest line of I'araols over brought bore. WARNER'S HEALTn ("ORSKTS Kul! Iir,f of (,rMt and prico. i( v WHOLESALE DEPARTMENT. if tri eonplet than ver. We cater epeciallj for tbe wbolosale trade. rntM u u nal to ' DUPLICATE ANY BILL JJOT'GHT IN A iJUniEEN MARKET IN LESS THAN BALE LOTS. T TO '.EVERYBODY woaU ur, that any Goods purchased from ns that are NOT T-Y AS liK PRESENTED, can be returned and the purchaser will JLLT SATISFIED More learing. We want tbe trad of every "Jt wid naalL, and it will be to erery person's advantage te see re pcrcnMing uyiusf in oar l(c. l(c. wort li 10c. Buttons! Buttons! ,10c. ISc. 10c -10c. . -C. i-c I 'lutli l'ic 10c I Oc . .v. lOr. . .2 for 5c. 50c. up i;c. l-'J' 1c. Uk. 40o ,r.c. . lc .50V. ill MvlfS line, very truly, , ; . , ArriraJ tad Departure Hilli ' IOJL;CL06KS. For North. Wet aaa South, ria A., ft N. C.B. R. at 7:30 a.m. For Beaufort and the East, at 8.-00 p. m. For Washington, Swift Creek, Hyde and Beauiort Comnues Mondays, Wednes day, and Friday at 5:00 a. m. For Trenton, PolloksTille and Mar t Tille, daily at 7 :S0 a. m. For Orantaboro, Bajboro an 1 Van demere. daily at 6 a. m. OFFICE H0JJK8: In Money Order and Registered Let ter Department, from 9 a.m. to 4 p..m. In Mailing Department from V a.m. to 5 p. m. Household Hint. To sweeten bitter yeast thrust into il a red Lot iron. A 8joonlal of oxgall to a gallon of water will set the colors of almost any goods soaked in it previous to washing. A roasted or boiled lemon, filled while hot wit h .sugar, and eaten still hot, just before retiring, will often break up a cold. To keep cake from sticking to the pun. without using paper, after greasing the pan, sift a little tlour in, then turn it over and shake out ! all that you can. To clean satin that has become ! creasy, sponge lengthwise, never ! across the width, with lenzine, al cohol or borax water. Press ou tin wrong side. I'ut a small piece of charcoal into , the pot when boiling cabbage to pre vent tbe disagreeable odor that usn l ally accompanies the cooking of this ' vegetable. It is said that white spots can le removed from furniture ly rub , biny ith essence of camphor oi peppermint, and afterwards with furniture polish oil. I ii cooking cabbage, put a small piece of a red pepper into the pot It will not only improve the taste of the vegetable, but prevents any I harmful result in the eating thereof. Velvet wears better, if brushed ; with a bat brush, by pressing down into the nap and then turning the ItusIj as on an axis, to Dirt out the lint. Do not brush backward or ' t or ward. Sew on buttons over u darning needle, and, when done, pull out tbe neeille and the buttons will be found to be much looser than those sewed n in the ordinarv wavand will not pull off as easily. It is now claimed that rubbing the lace downward while washing is the cause of in an v of the wrinkles on women's faces today, ind the bos remedy is to reverse the process and always rub tbe lace upward. The one gift to give to children is the pow er of self control. Give t hem the habit of it and the know ledge to understand when they should take themselves in hand. That is worth a fortune in itself, and is tar better than tbe "machine drill" of enforced obedience. Thei child that is restrained by orders I only will be sore to fly back, like a released spring, as soon as thepres i ure is removed, let it be taught I to appeal to itself, to judge for it sell in little matters of the nnnery, ii in matters ol dispute with otbfr. onscienoe is just ice's best ttlnii' tr. It threatens, promises, To wards, and punishes, and keeps ell under its control; the busy mast at tend to its remonstrances, the most powerful submit to its reproof, and t lie angry endure its upbraidings Whilo irn aninnnn in aii. fr-ianA oil isP acr; bat, if once offended, rare- wen thr tranquil mindl A n Ea4 te Beae a raping;. 1 'A ward Shepherd , of Harrisbursr. 111. . sajs: "Bavins; received so maoh benefit from Klectrte Bitten, I feet it my duty to let suffering humanity know it. Have had a running sore on my leg for eight Tears: my doctors told me I would have to have the bone scraped or lee ampu tated. I used, instead, three bottles of Electric Bitters and seven bottle Bock-i I en's Arnica salve, and my leg is now sound aDd well." Electric Bitters are old at fifty cents a bottle, and Buck len's Arnica Salve at 25c. per box by K. N. Duffy. A rataloge ol red stars exceeding the ninth magnitude has been pre pared by Mr. G. F. Chambers, of tbe royal Astronomical Society, wbo has been engaged sixteen years in the work. There are seven nan dred nnd eleven stars on the list, which includes only such stars as are distinctly reddish or orange. Of really ruby or carmine stars, not more than a dozen are known. Many stars now appear to te orange which were described as red by early observers. Rece e4 ky Cerersier Irelaad. Acstir, Texas, Aa 8, 1689, To Mr. A. K. Hawkis: Dear Sir It give me pleaaore to say that I bare been using roar glssses for some time past with maoh ntiaf aotk. For clear ness, Boftaeas, and for all porpoaea ia tended, they arc not aurpaissed by any that I hare ever won. I would reoocv mend them to all who -want a stipe riot ' 'v- r- .iki',. I am very reepeotfully TOttn. . a Johjt iKKLiint, x , r OoretBorof Texsi. All trss fitted and lbs ft mrred atthedrur atort of F. S.DnSy. I'ew Bene. -.7 cl? v myft 1 m 1 8ARJ& OXLKYB ZC-CA)t PAR- LOBS, oa Bk, erWdTuVtwijt.' Families supplied 4 aWrt notice. - aaaj dim - Notice. The OaaMa Boom BaiW hbof givv is iu old patroea ad tit public (aueauly Uie ad TnUcof Uaaflm ' . iiir cat m4 wlUsfc Jrl s. ieU; hair cut. 10 eeata. iam ;1 IrnlUwlat ittytea: Boo Too. ' Ocirxaao, Victor, Jjont lsr&nch aud Rrnn4. Hsur CtttUnf la ao tou rer UMa, bat KSrV - Oall at U Qttlqm Han isarkar Shop EST'D mit cTcirr straight: 1'udi henello. Guarantee. Nuperb. Punch Junior. 1 EN ( ENT. Reina ictoria, Keina Boqoet, Reina l'erfector, Reina Conchas , General Custer, Club Honse, etc. Aud alio any guide, from General, Lleul.- Ueueial. Major Caneral, nrlvadier f Drrat. Oolouel, l.leul. Oultuie ami Major, anj uiauy un the reil i d 11m . Call and congratulate, and nave iwiki that will pleaae you. Middle Ml reel, New flernt. Everybody knows where allljw W. L. 1'AUMKK.eiuperlnlenileiii Hyde Line Company. NEW I1ERNK, N. C. APRILS. 1K.T atl'MMKK SCHKUU1.E UK THK HTKJMt H MA.HOIH, To a in In ellecl on aud after May 11 lf7. WodnraUt-y Lave New B-rne at Hr. EN A.M. for Hayuoro, aU.pplua at Adauia Crrek, hroltris I'reek, N'audernere and Kloneuall. I'liuntday-lieave Huyboro at HK EN A. M fwr Mew be: u, alopplus at btouewall. auile nitre, Hinltlia Creek and Adama Creek. haiyrilay-Leave New lierue at hEN'EN A M lor liayboro, ato:plnii at Adama Creek, Mm 1 ilia Creek, Vandeuiere aud tttooe vmll. MomUy -lavp Haynoro at HKVEIt A.M for New Berne, atopping at Htonewall. 'au deinere. Mmlltia Creek aud Adama Creek. lit II i U arrangement we are able lo make inm C4unecUon wltb the Northern sleamera. alao having good aeoommodallona both lor Daawnirera aud irelanl at vtrf low raLea. and aak the merchants and producer! along lie line to give II llielr cheerful support. KrelKiil received under cover every day of the week. for runner IDIoruatlon euuulre at 1 1 if ornce, fiKt of Craven street, Or any of Ita agents at the foUowlnx placea: A HE I.KE, Adama Greek. s. L. MoOCMDAU Hmltha ( reek l. It. A B BO'JT, and me re, c. H. FOWI.KK. Htonewall, KUVVLER ,V COWKLL, Mayboro aplUdw W. P. BUKRl'H. O M First-Glass Duggies MAIR AND KKPT CONSTANT LY ON II AND AT T. RANDOLPH'S CARRIAGE FACTORY, Broad St., Nkw Bernk, N. C. Those wiahinr to purchase will find it to their advantage to call and examine before purchasing elsewhere. KKFAIKINu done at short notice. Satisfaction guaranteed in work and prices. apld dwtf DR. J. D. CLARK DENTIST, riwiuu, . o. Ofltoe on CraTsa street, between Pollock d Broad arMaw)y Ov er a. umoa. p H.FJumn GITION & PELLETEKR, Attornersi at X-mxt CRAVEN STREET, TWO DOORS BOCTH OF Jocehax Omen, KW BKUI, V. c rraotloa wbera serrleaa am desired . PracUee In the Baprema Oourt, and In I he redetml Ooart at lew Berne. One or obis Ira will always he at the fol lowing plaoei at times speolfled below : TraatoB, Jonaa ooonty, Batnrdar of each and erer? week. Beaufort, Uartent eoontj.Tliaradaj ofeaeb weeau JaekaooTUle, Onslow oonnty, the am Mon 4av In aawh nirni. fag -..y j JAMES REDMOND, ISM 1 tm M mm m mm. . -., i fAt- 1; aI t -. ica ucrsner ft tcsctrc.-j' Ccpsnj'. Laser n::r. Pcrt:f. r-:: f WJalch irill lw rill lj tin Olajer Ale eqnirto ret I.rrr' IS MAKING A Specialty of Fine Clolhing and G:h!sY Furnishing Goods, And is therefore belter prepared than ever to suit tbe most fastidious a tb LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES. Our Suits are styliah and well made, from Uutu-ful fabrics, and ar toH Bock Bottom Prices. Our line of FUBNI8HING GOODS embraces everythini that Oentleweo us. In NECK WEAR and SILK HANDKERCHIEFS we are exhibiting a line of Roods that are creations of the beautiful and captivating in their elegant sim plicity. STYLISH HATS-Derbies, light, black and tro D; Fur HaU of all shapes and qualUioe, and Cruah Pocket Hau in all colors, only 75c. Big assorUnotil of Straw Hate, latt shapes, bandsotne' and chenp. Full stock of DRY GOODS and NOTIONS. Ladies' and Gente' Shoes at prk to suit tbe times and your pocketbook A Ladies' Foxed Gaiter only 50c. We are mil having a big run on our (3 50 genuine, tine French Caifakin Shoe in and (Dg ri. hich are m i uowledged the nicest and beet Shoe in the market. A full gunrauti e i, n ah erery pair. DAVID M JwNES ,,f Urauh.ri will be pleased to meet his old friends and CUBUH1H rr ht GEORGE ASH'S, Middle tttreet. next to L. II. Cutler's. War, War, War, AGAINST RACKETS! TfoIc Out for tIie Waitx? J IIAVINV, .II .ST KKTI KNKI) I ROM Till- NOJtTll WITH A Large Stock of Dry Goods, Clothing, Boots Shoes, Hats, Caps, Notions, auJ tvcrytljiutf vou can call fir umjuIIv I am J termiiH'd td open war agaiuet rackets and high prices. 'Jo provo the name I tjuotc nohjo of my prices : I lata as low as .rc; a nice lint fur L'.c ; m.d for Mc. I can eiw you a fine dress bat. And Hlioes, 1 can Uftoiiich the Lulivo. Why I can give you a Indies' Iiutton 8b oc for Mlc; a nice Foied (i aiter, only t.r)c. I also have a nioe line o I Ladies' Low Quarter Shoes, !'c. In took of Shoen, and guarantee prices to Mill the times. Three nice Handkerchief for 5c. Also a nice Linen 1 laudkcrehief for 5c. also have a well selected line of Gents' Furnishing Goods. A f,'ood Utilaundried Shirt from .'!5e. A large and well selected line of Look at this! Why, 1 can givo jou A Nice All Wool Blue Flannel Suit, onij $7.00. A Good Diagonal Suit, Black or Brown, for $9.00. Also, a good lino of Carpeta, Matting, Oil Clotha, Trunk Valiaea, Come one ! Come all oonvinccd that I ran Sell You Good Cheaper The Wm. SULTAN, Bishop Buildbg, opp. Baptist Church. JAS. A. THOMAS, Salesman. mar26 dwtf DADL BROTHERS, olesale HAVE REMOVED TO TUEJUB . TWO ST0RE8, SOUTH OfrTHEIR FORMER 8TAMD. And keep of FLOUR. MEATS, COFFEE. bUaAH, jsTRFFS HOUAJSalca SAIiT, TOBACCO, 8N0FF AND CIQAltS, m ererrthtair la the GROCERY IJKE, VVIAi STOCK an4 t LOW rRICES fop OAS II. 4 ' NEWBEEN, N. C., WHOLESALE AND V& O0SKE0lld2r: WITH THB'AQOOY FOB 32am! cr GaSon at VKET I - 1. r-1 r-rcrirr f.i r-r r- TH13 SEASON kcrt in a lir( clufs Drv Guods aSlorft. fact I have a larire and well selected to SOc. J'c ck Wear; Scaif IMc. up to .Mie. and to thr Id ail'u;rlcis of the War I lepartment, and be Than City. Any Other Houae la :.-.-.l CSrocer rt 'i ?. LIQUOR DEALER , MANTTyAOTTTEEE OF Ginger Ale, Sarsaparilla Lemon Boda ' Buffalo llead. . . ' , California I -Vis? Cide BOTTXiya. . -4.' ' ' iiGur.r3 for Ci.,r:. 3fc 1 i i! 5 ';f;.7,