' - !-. mar I if-'' V- -.1. i"' r-C: " '-;!;"53"'.V- r : cr 7r rrw a Uu doabled iUeif. It is square in Ghape, and square iu its dealings withaVlL , , . t Inetqfo havW(lMt cos disced of this font, -ml itHrill take j . oLiy' 5ie call from new ones to poaitivelj assuif them. Bear in mind we fire alvaji able to pot before the customer anything and everything we advertise and at the prices named. .- listen to the wonderful inducements we are offering this ae&eon, aad remember we have not the slightest fear of eom petition ; our prioes can "not be met bj any house in the city. Why t do you a&k Y It is a Bins lle story Mid easily told WE PAY CASH ! SPOT CASH ! Thos saving tbe time prices and the cash discount, which is a very large item. Our customers get tbe advantage of these in our very low prices." Now see for yourselves : Heavy Unbleached llcicespun, yard wide, 5c. Good Unbleached Uouumn, 4c. Good Gingham1, 5c. l'la id HomesiUD, 5c. Tbe very best 'alicues, 5c Lawns, very handsome patterns and good quality, 5c. India Linens, from 8c. per yd. up. Plaid Xaiosooke, all grades and all price. StripedrKaiaaaaka, all grades and all pi icn. Cojorad BtrippaJ Nainsooks, ouly 10c. yard. EmbroideygA. India Linen Suits, only $2.50. Beaatlfll adiiuaiys. Satl aei; 11' c. EmWoltlefed Satfne Suits, tbe latest and prettiest novelty of the season, elegant and very low. 0shveBl4UldW4i JJrees Goods of all kinds. Irifttalgs, Drees O&ighan, aad Gingham Dress Suits. Eige izealPMiaen Towels, only 10c. An elegant knotted fringe bleached Damask Towel, only 35c, and tbe largest and finest Damask Towel in tbe city for 20c. and 25c. Undlcss variety of Napkins and Table Damask. Stamped Linens of all kinds. Louie Scarls, Splashers, Tidies, Table Scarfs, etc., with the best wash woiking Silks in all the new colors, only 4c. skein, and the very best French Working Cotton, tuikry rti, blue and white, at 10c. per dozen, worth 25c. Hick Rack Braid, All linen Torchon Laces, 10c. doz. yards. Full line imported Torcbou of Cbattauooga, which ga him aud Medici Laces, very low. Our Oriental and Kgyptiau Laces are J brilliant reputation .it ihe North, cheaper than ever Been. ; were believed by the ontederates Ladies' Cape Gollars, 5c. and 10o. Child's linen Standing Collars, He. 1 to be due more to the weakness ol Ladles, Cuffs, 10c. Lace Scrim, full width and beautiful goods, only ! the forces opposed to him ami Mu le, per yd., worth liOc. j bad generalship of their commund Cambric embroidered Edges and Insertions, embroidered Cambric ers than to auy great ability on hi Floonoes, Swiss Flounces, Cambric All Overs and Hwiss All Overs. part. That he was bold and ag IjAdles' Oorset, good, 2jc. Ladies' solid colored Hose, 4c. Gents' h liesej &e.- Gents' J Hose, British, no seams, tc. pair, dents' i ilose, imported British, 20c Pants Linens and Cassimeres of all kinds. A good Pants Jeans, '.)c. Gents' Soft, Felt and Stiff Hats, and ask for otir pure Mackinaw Straw Hat at 50c. " Gents' nice linen CiifTs, only 16 2-3c. per pair. Gents' Collars in all the very best and latest styles, and very low. Dents' f aaze Shirts and Drawers of all grades. Ladies' ganze and Balbrigan Vests from 40c. to 50c, very tine goods. Be sure to call for our Ladies Worked Button Hole Shoe, only 90c. per pair. And remember we have a complete line of Ladies, Misses and Children's Shoes of the very best grades. We are at least 25 to 50 per cent, lower on Gents' Shoes than any honse in town. fie sare and look for ns. Our stand is the same old place, one door frojn Pollock on Middle street, and though the store baa been very much enlarged and altered in appearance, it can be easily found. N. li.-Ste 'finest and very best lina can be found with ns, at only 75c. Remember it is made of New York Milla Mnslinf 21 bondred, Linen Boson?, Collar Band and Cuffs, and hand made button holes. We guarantee them to bo aa good if not better than 'sirr shir t ever sold in New Berne for $1.00. If not so we wUrrefnutt lis Cbheyo any customer who is not satisfied. mot m lailtrw . i v.; 1 4 ft.HI htNl lMMa aaY F StM REAtrtSTITE AimfCY or 4 ? mm wMhaevarai jar ft ' tMBUaeteiMS to maln-iaTtttatafUf - naa, at. U Uila Tlclnlty. penou aT farm or wood Und tor tal would do wU to 1v m,4 JtawrlpUo. with prto 0 itl not effected , T Obatget tnoderal whaa satofare nuule, N . Z&r'J'&tfi -.'.tit-' Bont?ontBI ItTMt. Ji Mat of Goii tioaiit 1 I bay on tttha Gaftoa Bow Stable ..- a Uv7 W&lebaacsiablak rtw 1Hm ;- ootuUHtly on hand Botms and. Bitnle to . MiLKebansortott : - hmiii and bunrura will be 6onTTd tn any pi la the orroandlng eonntnr at . iiopnm to abla to aanra all, : - - l,T ''It D.. BBOwN. KM HC1 .aj i.JD-ilS0U mrd hririirs "ills, ' Now Bcrnci Na-C i OnW first claci C--,-r,si, rcrrifcii. ' (li) M1 JJVMJJL full 18 yd. pieces, 5c. NEW" BERNE, N. V. Gents' Shirt ever sold in North Caro 1 -'MUMrt 1 RFD ll nmiii, 4w Ml liniliii wmimfwii f.Mitil fin lidjlll mJimI ailLlM ili..rf fnalirflHIii.iir ikii il. Tw lnllltlllWwllMlyMlMkMMJMia' TaHTUfjrr. 6m IHatk, 13 . Twt i KM.K. Tka MAURIS REMEDY CO., Urt taaum, Trtai ol our ApptMux Aaa ro Tnol GEORGE ALLEN S CO. General uaraware Aerrlcnltural . Inviesi . t It Plows, narrows, Cultivator, ' . llees an4 Axes, Woed's Mawert adld 'Reaper Steam Eojrlnea, Cotton Oins and Presses, Fertilisers. La.ntt Piaster! Kainft Mechanics Tools apd Bardwafl IJmev: Prick, ! .Cement, PlaitTr Hali, Piaat,.7IalaomLne, '-Varnish, On. Glass, putty wt4 i JPrW,"Rexrfgcrator; .t 1 Ctak Stores,' Ettralm ButgUr Prf 8ftSn-liOckr,-warrante4 to give security anC wttlafkctleJu V PBICE3 TT VOW' AmSTIC -.XC2T4 C::-Li.. k JU- C0. U0TICE TovE!.!-::rs ctTrc:!f, rt)S AND ADTKR BOW DAT. MAT- 94. Dd nnill fnrtbe BOtlo. a rifh trara -will ba rnn utti-f teioe tatoroxy d Huaday) tor the onvenlenee of ahtpDara. IjmtHiC IS i i P.M... arrtv m .'1" -lMro a. f twi s if"" ' r ii A... , .tLiiit iet a.v. .. AMkU pOlDUiXxorul. - - - QOCKTirSt. VrvTTL TtCAtsr "T l r foihr Ir t rTt - i ; to :eo: of v . r, a . 3JHE JOUBNaE THE WOSZEKS. Bouse! hrothen, ww! we' far to trsTel, - ' Free aatha wiad we love to roam. Fat throegh Um prairie, fax through th loreet, - .Over the enounuiiu we U find a vj,- WA rM At SrMtha in itrnidwl ririo Were euangere to tha waye of trade, We long to feel the grass beneath ub, And pi the hatchet and the tp&de. Afoftdowt aad hill Mod Aocient wood l&da Offer ua patar, fruit, &&d com Kevding ar proeaaoe, courting our Ubor; Wbj tbould we linger like men foi lorny We love to hear the ringing rifle. The MTiiUiiog axe, the tailing tree And though our lite be rough ami lonely. If it be honest, what oare we? A Cva federate OpUlun of O ran is Hllderaess Campalgu. Froui the Cvntury war papers fur Juue we quote tbe following: 'When General Grant was apjoiut ed to the command ot tbe I uiou armies aud eetablishcJ bis head quarters with tbe Arujy of the Potomac, we of tbe Army of North ern Virginia knew very little about bis character aud capacity as ;t commander. Kvtu 'old arun" officers, who weie suppohed to know all about any oue who b.ul ever been in tbe army before tin war. beetnt'd to know aa httlf a anybody else. Tbi opinion pretty Ireely cxpreii.nd, bowc(i. that bl Western l.iuicls wciuKI wither in tbe climate ot .rini.i. His name wast associated vuih Sbilob, where It was beliex ed t bat lie had been outgeneraled and lad ; ly beaten by Albert .Sidney .John ston, and saved by l'.uell. 1 in I capture of icksbur g and tbe b.uth greasive, we all knew, but we lielieved that it was the boldness aud aggressiveness that arisen from the consciousness ol strength, a.i In had generally managed lo tight Ins battles with the advantage ol l.iri ly superior nunibern. Tint tins policy of force would be u railed when lie took command in Vir ginia, we bad no doubt; lni( m were not prepared for the uujiai alleled stubbornness aud tenacity with which he persisted in ln attaoks under the fearful loesen which tbiu army sustained at the NN'ildcrnesH and at Spotsylvania. General (Jrant'e method of con K.-ma .iinn. ii.-im V- -(in t ducting the campaign was frequent ! '""" t'.r r , u. um i um in ly discussed among the Oonfeder-1 A?tlu. .(.;'"!,..,!;:,.:i"- i'-V aXos, and the uuirersal verdict was ni Mi-r " that he was ao strategist and that l.l,",",:"'; i'.'.'-u i ,Vt' " " " ' M"' ' " lie relied almost entirely upon the I '' "' """'"" ' '' . , r .. . r H. B I Will ilr(if i.n brute force ol numbers lor eucces. miiLnrtci, h Socb a policy is not eharaetei.Mi.- a- KX.'''v n u ''',. . ,. . . of a high order ot geural.s.lii, .tnl seldom wins unless Uio odiLs nu overwhelmingly on tbe side of tin assailaht. li faded in this in stanee, as fhown by the result at Cold Uaxbor, which neoessitated k an entire change in the plan ol campaign. What a part at least ol ' his own men thought about General , , " urani metnous was bikiwii uy mo fact that many of the prisoners Jaken dntlng the campaign com; plained Wtterly ot the 'useless butchery' to which tbey were sub jected, some going so fur as to prophesy the destruction -ot their army. 'He fights!' w&s tbe pithy reply of President Lincoln to a deputation of influential politicians who nrged hia removal from the command of the army. These two words embody perfectly the Con federate idea of General Grant at that- tine. If, as the media val ' chronvcltrBtell us, Charles Mattel (tbfe'ilajafoer) gained that title by safea Hays' continuous battle with the Saracens at Tours, Gen eral Grant oertaisjy entitled hini self to a like distinction-' by his thirtjaayTf,-4nirjaixB, ySrcvn the Hdlrness to Cold Itarbor." Perley PeojBead. WAS Ben 1 1 a 1 k. iii. . f ported at slightly 'Mttet. In an lier:M,d4,athe Ebbett lior j.ttiacitjtvt 12.30 o'clock, sun . : ; a vj wyerjnnrse aaa. $x-i tenui t F-ysiwansa ura. . .Baxter and ,i;ari:r,on..; It -waa- reperted jevctday than be waan shade bet ter, Dtlt last evening be grew rap Id: j worse1, v Els. physician '. were r r "loned and feir ;frved., sent for. Int by the time the -latter at- riTetth was !oad. Major Poore had been aauerer from linght's disease for several years, which was the cause of his death. Q iKajor Toore as born in 1820 on Indian Hill Farm, tear Newbnrv- pert, Ifass."? Khd aftet leWntfti vtite printer's trade moved to Athens, Ga , when twenty-one years of age, and assumed the editorship of a f irt" f . The following 4 ..r Mr, Lj ki, who was Minis ter to Germany, chose him- for his secretary aad Le went abroad for Evayfrs. Oa t!.i rctrra te be tiif?m6&n4AtUis. He extlfcfer io the acint and Honorable Ar tillery Company of Boston hen tbe' war broke out and was romrnis- ,uueu"-" ? duty of drilliti" ecru it-; in tins city. In 1 bo w .if appoiiiti d i l.-ik o the Senate Oomuiittee ou 1'iiuting and held the otttce ever Mnee, and : , . , , .. . . ! aiso acieu af coi i ei-pouueii i 101 . tor a was a IiUUillCI ol ll 1 .11 lid .-. lie Mason ul ti.e thirty tbinl ucgiee. m...... i ... i portion. !.,nd . l .t i:,H.d Moiy and j . 1 1 u r 1 vi l o .11 ( 11 in 1 ai iniirii 1.. He leaves a v. ;le. . r..-Ii-m and a grandrhild. A.iKu,t!oUu..ci,iiiiK. 1 Ll ward hheplit id . f li..i noL ur g , li I , I eayb : "Having r. i wr l f u;'n h L-i-uttit from Klectru- Hui. rs 1 l.tl i my . i u ly to let suffer iii 1. u tii hi. i! y k in . a Havr iiaj u ruutiiUK b-H' on my 1: fat eiht ) turn . my ducli'i c ivl J u. 1 uuUt Lave Wj have the U in- pi, 1 i uuipu tated. I uoed .l.fli a i il.n-e tiolllt- i t Kloctrie Billt-r? ii. 1 m n I-'tiled Kuck len s Arniea i:n 1-v' i n ,w souiid aud w.li 1 . iii' liiUfi aif Bold al tiily !.:. .. i-.ic. ai. l lu k- IIi O AlL.ll . . , l I l-ii a 1 l;. N. Dully Advice to tlio Aged. Aire brltitf ini u n in- - - i n u .ilid UIUU- tier Mini turptU 1 1 v. ti f ii 1 1 i f i i l! 1 111 11 1 M I I Hi; ttl( hovu ul 1 1 ll r 7 1 H It I.V I; 1 1 t up( , aud IMPARTING VIGOR lo I he 11 ne.i . I I l r wnd 1 1 r. 'I lit J U r V lit I U i 1 t li old ul ) oii.i. .soi.u i:i.icwiii i:i . W. P. BURRUS CO., GRAIN & COJTi-:-' CDMMiSSION r. i i : i i : ' ;ri! T.S. Hyds Line Company. M-.W III I1N1. N. i' M l: I I t i ; i u m'ii i iii i.k . .1- nn - ; T MAIltUE, I . 'Ill I '.11 .ill.l H'lel Mil) , ,-'-' -1 A M f."I Hlp01.'.Ml'-i..l.'i:il llurilB !! H. i- ini'mii m. i, i... i. mi.i --i..ina Tliurwlfcy- lBVf I :i l-.i" ul h A V fi.l New Ili-riiH. bUi...i u hi Ii.iii-w All iiicir, HmllliH I ri'k ini'l A.liiiiiH i ri-.-l. . smunlBV - Li'ini- N-w It. ii. ;.i l '. I A.M lor linyhoro. f: ; 'pi .1 A.ln him I 'r K . Sin I ilis c'ret-'k, VihiiIi-hh i' t"l hi .ii :. . : Mouilny -l.c-nvi- Hh Im.i.i hi .-KVI-N A M f. .r w i'.i mp. si. .p'l uu M l .(nu h1 I ..i (li in tire. Mm II n h 'it tta in-l Atlum-ii k i till ftrniiint'in.-iil i' u't- iil-ie L nu I..' c;.n,- c n!i-llm wll n tl.i- Norlli-rii teiiiiii n. lili having irxKvi nrf-iiinmiNlni lonH liolli u.r pawuj(er anil In lulii l vrrf low ru-s. kn.l AAk Llm lueri-nanU ft.nl prixlurt-in alonit lt line lo give It then cliet-rf in ii.t.orl . h rellil received under oovtr every .jH-ofllie wei-k. Kor further In formal ion enquire at the nfrioe. foot of IVaven niieei. Ol mi v of Its agenU I the f 1 1 1 iw 1 1 n ( Inc. h AKK I.KK, Adam" OeeK, K. i. McHtOJMH A I, Mmllhsl reek. ll. H. AHHOTT. untleiueri-, ('. 11 KOWI.KR. Sliiiiewall. KOWLKB . COWKI.I.. hayhon. n.'-.l.lw M". V. m'KRl S, (i M CALL DETRIGK'S SALOON, Oipopite the Car torn House on Middle 6trctt, vfhere you will find BEEE, .TINES, ' And Liquors cf All E2nds CIGABS AND TOBACCO' All Cheap for Cash. Call and Bee me tod I will treat yon right. JOHN DETRICK. April 80, 1887. " dwtf r, a. ories. n,. Hy,- aiaiunr a iamy BA1TEEES Wv . . BouTtt aoifT Street, feliwly TiV KKW BEENE, C, DR. GliARK OISm a CtmTM txraew Mtwaaa foUoak Tut! s Pills . ( ; i;n ( i I : 1 , . i -KST Til ! . I'lll: I.. l;i i!.. I 1 1 H r . 1 1 1 ( . r "ll.t I .. I'lll.: i: .1 ll,. I ttd fiUotea (fee JSyfgni through. Prom oruwu uX Load to sold I of fthue. It CUIV6 Uto PUoi, It OJMia Lust ipetlie ll tuoa n KK1NTV HELTZEKiuotx Uai. L TTTAWTPTl W All X JliJJ uiaiiMfc.Jfc'oi " "' a . AiyM . ' liinuXl&liiSTISi. 0.. uai ..t.t. i., AM, 5 c fc i iefrTT Ilab- -O ' ll - a k t i-, m f f g J!tf IT. ? '.fff WEAK. UNDEVELOPED PARTS Of (k tAMlj utd Jkud IrFLgtbauad n. i iruotr FOR BARGAINS IN Furniture, i'.m.i at Tin: New Berne FurniVjire Stcre. vi;st Mm M 1 1 i I i: - i i.: i i WhlTCItCUI. ! f 'lllid ll. 'H'li'.l t u rn .1 .. 1 1 u : tit h ti!ia 1 1 i-r . i A lil'einl r!. - !. .! ! ill rl. ft h ALEX. JUSTICE, !'i ai ; ;: in 1'llic I ' 1 w u I ol all d i ai!i , Sihttfit Tt-as, I'm- (nlli in and H pn ( s, liutt I .111(1 ( 111 I SI . ll Mill t In lit it i! ail t :. II I 111 IIS AMI Ul.l I 111 i ; i ...ul m n i- w ll. i in . I -TliNTI i Tarlcr Cdtc, Chamtcr S:tc Walnut Bodstciidn. I ! 1 1 1 r.l II .1 1 (1 1 ( . I i s "VI.it t rc -M .s, ( hair-, I miiii-M, Solas, ( Cut ii' Tahli-,, 1 .( ,, I K HO'l TdM l'ltll I S JOHN SITTER, M , 1,11c MUfi l Sin Hrri.n N innn mm:tii i tutu m GARBLE WORKS, ' : K' . . N. I . Monuments Tombs- , ,. if i - , t. f i.il H Ui.c work In ITAL!AriiAff1r.R!CAN MARBLE ' i l. r vv 1 1 1 1 1-. i . ' i.rorni.! HI'.-Titio-ii.f;i.-t i. in ninrantoi'ii . Jod k. WILL1H, rroprictoi -I., r. n.M.r fo tiorre W . OUynoole) . : ; HOA D A D CKA I EX 8t. .MH' BERTiK, A. C (1 K. Lln.LEli is my authorized agon nKinnton. ma.80-lvdw NOTICE. Norlli Carol iiib. I Craven County, t Hui.erl.,r Coiim Mnrv Maud Cli.lwl. k. nn Infuiu. l.y l.er Uuardkan James J. llnriiH.u., hhJ l-'ir ir.. K H-eMer, vs. .V. M. Cha.'.w ick. The ahove entlllf.l arii.m is 1 i -uni t for the sale if a honse ami lot on iheea t ii.le of Craven utrwt In the Cily or Newhern lately the residence of Mrs. Mary Chai1lok deed.. and nowoeeupled ly l-redrlck Boeaser. for partition. The defendant, N. M. Chai wick, being a non-resident, la hereby re quired to appear before the Clerk of the Su perlor Court of Craven County, at his offloe in the City of Newhern. on Monday the l llb day of June, A. P. 1SX7, ami uniwer or demur to the eomplalnl. 1 Ills 21sl day of April, IssT. K W. CAKrKNTKH. np!Gw Clerk Bup. Court. FORECLOSURE SALE. Pursuant to a decree randeteil lni thie u-J perlor Court of Craven ooorTly "t the Fall lrm, lR8li, In an action wherein J. A. Bryan and wife were plaintiff and C. W. MrClean and wife defendanW. I will nil at Public Auction at the Court House door In the City of newborn, at TWKLVKo'cloclt, M., on Keep TA Monday, the Cth day of Jano, 1887 the following described real estate, to wit: A 1 certain tract of land being a ponton! b ; lands formerly belonging to the lielraofHj. r. MpalRht and John It. Oonneil, lying ana being altuaU In UieOoantlee of CraTen. Car trvaaa Jonee on the eoath sWe of Wens Rlverk an both tides of the aart aad waat ptoDgs M Blocnmbs Creek, 6n both (Idea ol the u a N.O. KaUroad, aad mpoa thehvres in said coontlea, for a nor partlealar dtv ortpUon of which reference' Is mads W an afrreemeb entered tnto between the plain, tiffs andO.W.MiSnei, recorded In Craren J?!. and lr , ; . ,Xena.o,.a0. eiBViVW-C:- T1JE ITEUSE I TRHH? Steamboat Company. Wl. Jau. :.. l..i lat. W Stetiaber Trent brrue lot TrentofTery u. returning, will leer 1 . . -Way, touctilUK St all l! t tr a Hi n-luston K bii.u on Toesr i. . M . aetara Mondays aad. Juue 1st, at 11 wade to ir. etc. Due j : ! a l t .Newbera. f m r a w l y . K'.nsuin m i.AKBt. roi.oasvuie. 1 w.l.fv.N at Trsniuu 1' . - juily old K'.eKt i r a i. - xkt-i bridge. J M . r iin'i Majiacer. 11. a'.utuiu. N. O EASTERN CAROLINA DISPATCH I jt 1 t it i i k ir'hi Line t r - i r it ; j t ( h 1 arollika 1 1 tt 1 1 1 m are. i i ii. UufllsKII, 1 . win r uu rt-u -l ,Ni- iMrrue t- t ry a r 1 N Kiha hhJ 'it: ZAbvlii ( lly, a ! "11 Willi UlfJ N il ,t li K-mul '--i in a rbliHl-lo aud , : i laruuiot foi I .bin-ill Cltj.al nt'.f-d nil ctiia Ui i l-.l la Hjijilrii nr !.i,nH' ; f rum i-y r. W. A m . I'lilla. by r-iatitiu New i : . n Rivet, a rk and i'i .aii ly any if i. ut on 1Mb i.t Hli i M ki ItsjHl Uli ii !i wtt-k. 1- (tft t , Agent, t ht-rut', N. ). D'JMINIL'N STLAmSHIP COMPANY UK-OPENED. n. i iii I ii I ii ii MfamBlilp ( um ' 111,1 mi.) Klioilli Vler Kniilr. , la Alliriunrlc anil 4 ti r nn ra k e ( anal. , Ti(I-WEEKLY LINE I. .11.. IL. I I I ..." I t, .! I'l.ll.- 1 . 1 1 1 . 1 ii . II o.l it ii . I'roi IJinc, l. I ii,'.,- N..iili, Kant and Went. .. ' Ml.l'll ! I. HKl' AKYJ.S.'1. :::ers New Eirue and Pamlico ' .- Nollhil K, V , every MON-l-.l 'M '-I'M Ml.l I 111 11A V. at H1X St: M ' i Nl w HI HM , ,i Waalilngtua. . ii h i . , i i . ,i.i . , 1 1 1 1 . .. i .in n ii I lie hi learner : I. ! .n. A I . K h l i o.. I.r Kinetnn TrD- ..ii.i a. i ,.!!,.i mh.i nKw iin Um Neiue . 1 i , ji I Ki vi-. ii Id uii niny, wilt sail from nkw HKKNK ..-iv M ' . n 1 1 A V V I- HM.MIAV a KK1 . in I II K I I I' M li.i N.illMH.K direct. .' "in..- i in,, u :: h 1 1... u. :i b. 8, Oo.'e , k i. i , w i ..rii it r i ... steHtuera ' i" ' : .!' I hi- Mii. for Phlla- , . .. i.M. M A M l.lu h kUll'S lor Bos ..I. l i i..i i.i. M. . .' i ..!.! i iiii .''-.nth i j, !i'bm our patrons, 1 ' i ..-i pi tf.-i si-rvi.-e '-t iht rrsat T ... .-ymm. in tu. i..nt n uai mi tee we sen1" " 1 ..ii . i i'i i i 1 . Mi ni vi i will do for . 'II '. '. .. 1 .. I H. . Ii'i i. ...nil, THrr... ;. s. H. Co., Nor- i. . ' 1 .. ' "' ' ' w ' lor shipment after . . : . '.. l i.' . I A h i i . tl n,t .i t;....il table, comfort- " ' .I- ii" i l i viri romu-fiy HTid atteu- ' ' 1 '1 " i iii t.y ihe odluera. I . II. U illKKTM. Audit 'I i i . . '. 1.1 I I I 1 l; A Tl IINKU, Ac. :,i. .Viiii. Ih. Va. A' i- I N h . K 1 . K A I- A-' . New York City. I'hisge c! Pier ia New York. rhu N. C. Freight Lidc FOR NEW YORK, Ui 1 BOSTON, PROVIDENCE, - tin. I all point -1 ortli antl West Aft"-:;.: .1i:p will reclT irilKht fo NW I. r New Bern at imi:i; 7. NOKTH RIVEIt, 0$cc of I'i' etc York and Baltimot Trantportation Co. U-. hn. - c phould rem ember that thUtaoaser: i"' f ib i-en :e-,io l.ine.nntof New Tort, miklajt. ImIi .i.hp, Him nh finitimars lm Wsw Pies f -. l1i inni.:p, r,.i , nl on. i-hanre. SEMI--W KEKLY ST E A U ERSr;;.' Between He? Bsrnj and Bilii t NortbllO lif.w 1 r UMttmore TTTE8DA Y VT !v 1 rmi.i.M.i .m. unri oaiumore ro ki v tw hrnr WLHNI..SDATS dnil SATCRDAt V, e l m . . ,.. A4-Qta sr as fqllewi ElllHf FORTWI an T . . . t- , r. . . . w 1 : to Ur - m m. ., um .ea-w v W. MoOAEXIOK, At-t. Norfolk, Va;. yV; r. (Hyde Oo.. FhUadslpalay la. flaabv ; w bfcrTne. York k Baho Trajj. Llne.Pler Jfervk v ' E Saopeoa, Bostoa, U Central waart i v J R. H. KoekweU, PtotHUbcs K. I. ' J.Oiliat,niUM Derrick wkarfT "t-it- -.Mp ;", reeadays aad- Setaraej, J rtrw. York daily. v - " roWmore, Wrtaeadays ' . PaU Birer. Moadara da., . ' rreTMsBee, , tsatarcara, v ttardarm. bmiik aim ladle rlTa. am raMt to all aetata, at taa lfMat,eaeei ( 4 paalss. - .fv,rtii.,r:4-ff 'Irtid Brtahgi ai Btl ui Siij rii jl ttarserrS H 3Rlt ar 4i r ' - r ' f r V V '"' Vs.-.-" ; VY. i " c 3 ar, Isrt "i crr: poaicBt of