r AwSea. owe! Look! You will find at the Store of 0. mafks the Largest line of Dress Goods, Plain and Fancy, DryGoods, Notions, Ladies, Gents, Misses, 'Children's Shoes, Boots and Slippers, Cloths, Ilattingg, Oil Cloths, Carpets, Gents' Fur nishing Goods, Straw Goods, and in fact everything you can think of, to be found in a Dry. Goods Emporium. Our Store is packed . toloyerflowing this season with Drives and Eirgains. We can please you all. Money is not plentiful, so look well before spending it. v Our (4-4) 1 yd. wide Homespun Omr (4-4) 1 jd. wide Bleaching 5c. ; Oar good Ginghams fc. 'f Oar Fast Color Prints 5c Our Pants Goods Kc. Oar elegant line of Worsteds for l(c. Oar elegant White Lawn very wide fc Our elegant Hamburg Edgings (5 WKt ydn) 'c. Garter Webb l. Ottoman all silk 1$ in. wide itibb Oil !e. Nice large Towels u. Big line colored and white Cape Collars .rc worth 10c, Crochet Needles :ir. , Colored Hamburg iv. Buttons! Buttons! Buttons! Buttons! OentoU Hose. V e tf Jjaaies' Une. esrHc Misses' How Children's Hose Straw Hats Ladies' Glores .' '.'Beautiful Ilandkerohif fi (Ladiro) r, Lare Handkerchiefs (Mens) .... '4". 'Knitting Cotton (host) "rWke Books t ' Tooth Brushes . Dress Buttons (2 dozen ) White Pearl Buttons r dotcn ). . . Raw Silk" Handkerchiefs 1 AIUtAMir.niL.:.1,. r, .WVVW a wtuii;An iui h Niee Cuffs 5c Men's Linen Collars (latest style) 10c. Men's Linen Cuffs (latest style) lHo. Men's Linen Collars ("Dude'') 10c Nice Jersey for 40c Niea Corset rc. ,2Sie Gold Plated Hreast Pin .V. Large line beautiful shades "Cheese Cloth" 5c. AH linen Crash ,rc Bice Buttons (cards) lie Ladies' Slippers 4 '... Rick Back Braids 5c Toilet Soap (nice) ::. . Nioe Linen Doyleys .V. Octant and Beautiful Line of Dress Buttons, - & One Half New York Cost. Paper (elegant note) . Envelopes (to match) . Fine Turkish Towels. Biggest and Cheapest Seen in - Novelty Braids !.rc. Niee Dress Silk 75c - ;r Nice Satins. 40c Cream Crinkles Sc. y:? Colored Crinkles (lovely) 1 JJc 'v.j- Beautiful line Seersuckers Hc BeaQtiful sine Organdies Xc Ladies' Handkerchiefs (all linen) 5c tY - Bee That Beautiful Line of Etamines. Fens! Fens! Fans! Novelties! Novelties! V'Lead Pencils, rubber tipped , Jerseys, all wool) "big job" 1 Ohambrays (imported) J-Sateens, beautiful line (worth 30c.) r'' Muslins, lovely line ; Hat Pins W Velvets .7 iiaov Bums nice Turkish Bath Soap. .i Bert f 1.25 Shoe in the city. Best $1J00 Shoe in the city. -?? Best 75e. Shoe in the city. t-JBest 13X0 Shoe in the city. Spool (emb.) Parasob, aie '"'X--' Largest line of Parasols ever brought here. ",tAJENKB'S HEALTH CORSETS. Full line of CorneK, . and prices. 'it - A. - - WHOLESALE tier complete thin ever. We eater specially for the wholesale trade, e ruaraoteauiuualto ' DUPLICATE ANY BILL BOUGHT IN A OUTHEESr MARKET IN LESS THAN BALE LOTS. TO'. EVERYBODY ''aid yt that ttny Goods purchased from u that ar NOT ? A3 REPRESENTED, can be returned and the purchaser irtl l.Lx SATISFIED wore leaving, w wast the trade or every t and aman, and it will be to every person's advantage to see "arena side anviniaeii oar Look! .V. fc. .10c. Line of Goods Ever this City. 2 for 5c. 90c. 15c. 12jc 5. lc. ..40c. 40c fe. up. . lc .50c all fit l.-s DEPAETUENT. une. very amv.ii! -' -., ' t- o.-iiAiiiia THE JOURNAL; Arrivl lad Sep arturt Hail KAIL' CLOSES. , ' For North, West a&4 fiouta, via A. N.C.E.R. 07:80 a.m. For Beaufort and the East, at 8:00 p.m. For Washington .Swift Creek, Hyde and Beuiort Counties Moadaja, Wednes days, and Friday! at 60 a. m. For Trenton, Polloksville and Mays- riue, tally at 730 a. m. For Graateboro, Bajboro aa 1 Van demere. dailr at 6 a. m. OFFICE HODES: In Money Order and Registered Let ter Department, from a.m. to 4 pB In Mailing Department from V n, to & D. m. Foe Mouhtaih os Ska shobk. Those who spend the en aimer months at mountain, lake or aes side resorts, often feel the need f a supply of music songs, piano pieces, etc., wherewith to whi'e away the hours of a rainy day, or to enliven an evenine party. There are some new books now ready which seem to supply the want. "Good old Sougs" is a rare book; "Emerson's Tart Songs and Glees" is another; "Song Classics" and "i'mno Classics," are each splendid books. Any of these mentioned cost oiily a dollar each. Then there is that uew book known as j "American Piano Collection," price I onl? 50 cents. These books will be sent t auy address on receipt of ' price, by Oliver Ditsou iS; Co., j Boston, MiiHS. ADVIt KIO MOXllKHS. Mtu; Win81w'b Soothing Byhup b Lou Id hi way b be used for children twthiDK. li aooibe the cliilJ, sofleni : the KUID8. allays all pain, cures wind I colic, unci is the beet remedy for diar bii a Tweuty five cenu a Uittln. mar 17 cJluthoat wl y A Itcul ( oiiillnn iit. 1 In- rtady wit of a true lorn lnhiii.m. however humble, is ex. 1 c.e( di'tl only by his gallantry. A few (das Miioe we obsered' a case in point. A sudden gnstol wind took i a parasol from the liaud of its ; owner, mul before one had a chance I to i ecolleet whether it would be I etiquette to catch the parasol of a ! l.ulv to whom he had never been in i trodced, a lively son of Erin drop lcd his hod of bricks, caught the i parasol in the midst of its gvra nous, and presented it to, the loser, with alow bow. "Faith, madam. ' said he, as he did so, "If you were as strong as von are handsome, it wouldn't have got away from you.' " Which shall 1 thank yon for first the servioo or, the compli menif" asked the lady, smilingly. "Troth, madam," said the gallant laborer, "that look of your beautiful eye thanked me for both." Ull MANNING'S HEALTH KK8T0RED. Iain uqn .May 80 M r . Daniel Mann ing Irft liournemouth for Liverpool today. He in well. Mr. Manning was accom panied to the railway station by the (hair man of the Bournemouth oommis nion and other local officials. Mrs. Manning was presented with a number of bouquets and a portfolio of photo graphs Mr. Manning briefly thanked the gentlemen for their kind news. The Advantage of Insniing In the Connecticut Kutnal Life. The Company is peculiarly strong by reason of the character of its business and its financial condition; with over forty years experience. It offers no speculative inducements. It has no special olase of policy-holders who are to get the dividends earned and forfeited by others. It has no stockholders to absorb profits directly or indirectly. Every policy-holder is, therefore, sure of getting his insurance at its actual oost to the company year by year; the surplus earned being re turned to him at the end of each year. It selects its riaks with great care and in the healthy sections of our own country onlv. It seeks new business only at snob. coet as will enable it to continue to give insurance at as low a cost, at least as heretofore, so far as the fall in the rate of interest will permit. Each policy now Issued provides that, in case of lapse after two or three years' premiums are paid, 4t if fully paid up for an amount stated upon the policy, without any aotion on the part or tne insured; also rtves larg-e eaab value after ten years, which are print ed in figure in tne policy: hence each member will get all he pays for, and notning oi wnatany otner member pays for. No one is made to lose because he cannot continue paying; no one else gains at his expense. For fall particu tare inquire of William II. Oliver, agent. Newborn, N. C. Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha!! r J A? f If on ooald jest seen Bally lan ths other day wbea she Cross that ice or earn la 4J BDJnRs erith that WhiU MottcUls Freexer, ytm would a- seed some body that ontstnlled tne so lar that there weregtt be fea fa it Go to J. C Whltty and est oca antes: 11 iron -AW' i j ' . Jopmax Ornca. Juna 1. 1 fi L Raw Yobs, May l.-tua closed steady. 8eJesoU6,08 bales. :-v- June, 1149 . ' December. 't July, ,1LB' JaamarTt sVugast, rebraary, 101 Beptesnber, lt.OS March, 10JKI October ,-JO f .. . . Atil, , November. 10.11 May, Spots steady ;Uddiia. St t-U; Lew Middinfc-11 -toUtt,.me 10 7-18. - ja ,!fi73ki-oJ-i - New BeTBer Msrtrwiaenies is Good Middling 14 1516; MiddlUgc, On flaisf are stylish and well made, from tasteful fabrics, and are sold ak 10 18 U: Lexr attddiiaig 40 5-lr ifievk itottest Priees. - ' - ' '' J- Ordinary 8 18 -10, "- y" Our line of FUENISHINO GOODS embraces everything that Geatleasen wee. 8jcd oonoMVSirjb. -tv,aii Oottoji8kb-$10.00.. 'vxvi'r TrariJrrnrs Hard, tl.M) tfip,' 11.00. Taa 76callJMk ; vJ a-ol V OoBji8a55c' ,' ... i. Bio 5Oa60.' " ' Baas wax 16o, per In. Bur On foot. So. to So. GOUNTBT OAMfl 10l2lo. per lb. t,ARn lOd. nerrb. Eooe 10 a. per docm Faaaa foax 4iaoo. our pound. Paajrrra 7&o.a?1.00 per buahoi. Poookm 75c.aSl.0O perhundioJ. Onions 12. 00a2.25 per buihel. Frau Pais 60c. OmQKMB GrowD . iStbOc. ; spring OOaSOo. UIAL 70c. par bushel. OATS 60 cts. per bushel. Potatobs, Early Rose 13.60 perbbl PoTAToas Bahamas. 30o. ; yams, 50c.. Harrison. 5o. Woou 1016c. per pound. Bhinqlbs West India, dull and ajm leal; not wanted. Building. 6 inch hearts. $S 00;aaps,sl.&0 per M. WHOLKSALK PBIOBR. Nsw Mass Pokk 915.00. BUODLDKK MlAT 7c. C. R. 's, F. B's, B. 's and L. C. -hc. IXov 3.00a6.O0. Lard 7lo. br the tierce. Nails ha is'lO'a, 83 75. Bdoab Granulated, Cio. Oofkks 1 7 i a20c. Chkkeb 15. Salt- 80a85c. per sack . Molasses andSvbdts 80a4&. Pow deb $6.00. Bhot Drop, 11.75; buck, J2.00. KajioSKNa-8ic. Hides Dry , ioc.; gren 5c. Tallow Be. per lb. Take Notice. raoF. W. H. BHEPA&D is cutting hair for 20 cents, and also dyeing mus taches black or brown for 20 cents. Also sharpens razors and puts them in good order for 20 cents. Children's hair outting, 15 cents. He can be found opposite the Gaston House, where he has a polite and easy shaver, Thomas Monjohn. Shepard is prepared to suit all who call on him or send their children. ms!7 dtf Paov. W. li. SHEPARD. Ice Cream, A pure and delicious article, at SARAH OXLEV8 ICE CREAM PAR LORS, on Broad, near Middle street. Families supplied at short notice, mays dim Notice. The On ton Room Barber Shop give old patrons ana the pabUe senerallj 1 TKUiagei oi vne ami umea. Haircut and whisker trimmed. 9 its; lug mi on- hair cut. 3U cenu, done In the f uc styles: Bon Ton, German, Vloto, Branch and Bound. Hair Cutting la i gar a iraae, ihii an arc. r Oall at theUavlon House barUr c'.iop and be convinced. NOTICE. The undersigned, Thomas Oates, has duly qualified m Administrator, with the will annexed, of the estate of Bnrgwln M. Gatea, and hereby aires noUee thai he requires all persons having elalma against the estate of the said Bargwrn M. Gates to present them to the said Thomas Gatea duly auUMKitloated, for payment, on or before the 16th day or May, issg, or else this notice wlU be pleaded In bar of recovery. reraons indented to tne estate must pay without delay. THOMAS OA.TEB. may 16 dBw Administrator. owe H.Ouioa. r &.rAuiui QTJI0N & PELLEITBB, Bkttora.esT'sa at Zisvtv Cray kit stbsbt, Two Dooms Sotjth of JooasAi. Ornca, KW UjUIK. ST. C. lraeUee where sis Hues are daalnd. Praetlce In the Bupreme Oourt, and In the Federal Court at lew Bern. One of Uila arm wlU always he at the fol lowing place at times specified below : Trenton , Jones oonuty, Balarday of each and every week. Beaatort, Oarteret oonnty, Tbareday ereaata " week. Jacksonville, Onslow eou'Hy, the ant Hon aav in Wlkft' vm rc'U 1 j t' ' JAMS'" WfflH&SBZZ J n i-r.- ( iZi Ginger Ale equal to IS MAKING A . ?nrMft!fir 4 Finn s-a wuaMHiij " e smw : turnismng UC3CS, And is therefore better pre red than LOWEST FOS8IBL PR1C In NECK WEAR and BILK HANDKERCHIEFS we are exhibiting a tine of goods (hat are creations. of the beautiful and captivating in their elegant sim-. V plicity. U'j ' J- , ijTYU30 UA1S DrbU, light, black and brown ; For Hate of all shapes Sad ftuelitfee, and Crush Pockot Hats in all colors, only 75c. Big aasonbMt t Straw Hats, latest shapes, handsome and cheap. . -I'j-' Full stock of DRY GOODS and NOTIONH. Ladies' and Gents' Shoes at pfk-ts to suit the times and-your pocketbook. A Ladies' Foxed Gaiter only COo. ' .i We are still having u big run on our S3 50 genuine, fine French Calfskin Bfaoes , in Bala, and Cougr, w hich are acknowledged the nicest and best Shoe is) the market. A full guarnutre given with every pair. " -' ' DAVID M. JoNKS of Reaufort will he pleased to meet his old fMads and . cuntouier ut GEORGE ASKS, Middle street, next M L. H. Cutler's. War, War, War, AGAINST Hioolt Out fox "tlie Warl HAVING JUST KKTUKNK) FROM THE KOUTH WITH A Large Stock of Dry Goods, Clothing, Boots Shoes, Hats, Caps, Notions, and tvery thing jou can call for usually kept in a drat class Dry Goods Store, I am determined to open war against rackrts and high prices). 'Jo prove the same I quote some of my prices : Tlats as low an 5c; a nice hat for 25c. j acd for 50c. I can give you a fine dress hat. And Shoes, I oan astonish the natives. "Why I can give you a Ladies' Button Shoe fur 97c; a nice Foxed Gaiter, only C5c. I also have a nioeliae of Ladies' Low Quarter Shoes, 98c. In fact I have a large and well selected tock of Shoes, and guarantee prices to suit the times, f hree nice Handkerchiefs for 5c. Also a nice Linen J laud kerchief for 6c. also have s well ee looted line of Gents' Furnishing Gcsds. A good Uulaundried Shirt from 85c. to 50e. A large and well selected line of Meek Wear; Scarfs Use. up to WW. Look at this! Why, I can give you A Nice All Wool Blue Flannel SuitontyOO. . , d A G6od Diagonal Suit, Black or Brown.oriOO. Also, a good line of Carpets, Matting, Oil Cloths, Trunks and Valises, Come one 1 Oome all ! to the lleadqnarters of tho War Department, and be oonvinocd that I can '",. Sell You Goods Cheaper Than Any Other House-In The City. Win. SULTAN, Bishop Building, opp. Baptist Church. JAB. A. THOMAS, SALESMAN. mar26 owif sin Wit oiesnlev UATB HjMOtEI TO Tvri ernnra enimi nr.'rtiriii r(ifrj And keep of FLOTJH ME1AT8, MOLASsfcS. SALT, . TO&ACCo; ewerytblskiE la tka OOOCEItT LOHr rmC8 tor CA&U. HEWBEBN, Ne C., 7I! OLESALE AMD r 1 :ai y . .-J .441.. . 3 rarrtl cr noa'-at:Vl.r.Y r to r-r ' t : 3 f : ; Tflia 8KAS0N CI mm m '- m ' s a z:.:zz ana uzzxv - wivuuuj ever to suit the meat fastidious a the , RACKETS! I i;r'Lk: .pi.kf'Tt?r t i JU: i7 ,tmi tit aw -.f . 0 COPWVQAB .' SlTTIfAXD ?&QAlij?4a' LINE, v , . Mr , LIQU OILDEA Cf (I MANUKA OTTJEKB OP Ginger Ale. Samparillag "T1 XT-' "RnfTnlri T.Tftftfl -l -"'x vt'.;s f-f '''"(': - w - . av .? tJitl - V .. .v:V-h'; ; ' 7.T"3 f-r 0ArT. 4 .3- V -. fir '$1 -".if y '4. ' ii&iC v' Street kewierK'; buytm H already doat so. - -

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