J it's. - v yOIX VL-NO. 60. 2iaija. TEfURSDAY. JUNE 9, 1887. PRICE 5 CENTS.1- e ' a . fi-ii-i -imii i i. i i a -t r v- ri 11. i ii j i 11 . i , w a a -.. wa ii rz - , . . . v.'! , ifc . -f it 4korf . ; - .. - : ' i - : t ', J-"- i' ,'i '!'. w 9? ,: " ' " " -' '1 1 7 ' " - .. ... I i . t.t l. . ! I . J - . ' otw beb: 0 v. A' LOCAL NEWS. 1M1M4,' .TPr Watt. .Bea nW4:K I Leagta ad day. 1ua mm, 7:15 1 14 bout, 86 miiulM, . fa, sats at .0 a. aa. BUILW1SI LOCALS. rFED BKF, on of Um OmmI bu bMii U (hU mirk this ' W1B draw about 650 )ba. at ny 9W7frH. Thomas. 8 U MACARONI, Tomoo. Ou Com Stercb aud Picklea. ntrkb you Try it BURLAPS and Bbl. Corm. at a W. & E. W. BMaLLWuoo B. iff PUrpoa acTOd. per barral ,or a 50a, ar IwmI ia r XI BO. AUKM & (JO. FertiUaera, Line, Haatar , CUameM, UUas, Palata, Varnkh and Oil at low tiriaaaj ' Oto, ALLxn & Co. ,iiA wasUar Tka cloaiax axaroiae of Mia alaul; ' tfjaoul viU ba dairad Irani lOa'olock to 12 Ibia morning. Fourth of July. A(ff call aUauluxt to an artiola on out aaofiat paca oopiad Iroaa la BaJy- naaw lai It tiiwabu waaa tba o-4abra- tioo oLtaajFowrtb ot July and U wortb raadiBt-i ' HymaniaJ. Miaa Aania Black. well, of ibuoitj waa aaarriad jaalerdajr d prf ptrtanltbt of Urda oounu. . Kaf. Mr. Bbialda offl otatlbg. Tba oaraoaoay waa al Uarlat Ohuroh, and tna) brida and groom Uft imaaadiataly for tna North. A KaHUr Var Aarora. Wa baar from pariiat Iron that direo tioa tkat Mr. W. A'FotU, Jr., abt and klllad Paul Lincka, a proaunaat fanner ia tba aaigbborbood of Aarara.t yaatcr day moraine. Tba ahoatrajwaa aatd to bavo'baaa 4oaa wbtla ' Mr. l.incka piabiabad. oxuook ytatarday aaoraaaf lk '' Warn waj' KWBdad and tba i, at waa qwoaiy oat. a mm 4t. (Wkr.W. Oohaa'a Irrary aUbla ol Middla' atraot, waa found to bo oa flra,'ju'Waa axtlnguiabad bafora tba daatrnotloal waa ooaaplata. The loa ligbt,' Tba oatioaa Caaa Onoa Mora. II Ii aroyaf Ira tblnk to atata thai the tadioimaaU aataa, 1m JaaUaaa Of lha paaoa vara f oan4 bf ,ib Grand ury UforlaatiJW.WbiU.naina into oiBoa, tba bill tbat ba praaantad at thii ?arf1nforae4w waa K raa- a4nia4taai 1 Faraonal. ,i"rtK(flbt jand JUdx'oxft tba Mr. K rraakv U(d'aa(rry'laft a inUod TcrrfVHtoUblraVor Ibi tba PmUodrorft'a' auaaaaar. fr. ifioltia took with bin a aaUra American eagle, whicb wfll doubly aay tba trip. aUaaar oTpmeota., fha Paaalioo of" tba 6. D. liae, aaUed for Norfolk yeetarday avaotag with a fulf'oargo' of truck and a aamber of paaaangart. Tba Eagtat of the E. C. Ek. line, ar rirwi yaatarday with cargo of aoer obaadiaa and aailad raatarday aftaraoon widt C cargo at traek. ' tba Vaeper of thlaliaa wUI arrira toJay aad talk llday aftattoAat S o'elaok. olioitar Wkita'a Vork. M aa'opaiat of tba preaent term of th8paTior Coart tbara waraW oaaoaj oaaWcrialUiaaiwiMkai. Tba lollowlag diapoalUoa baa baaa nada of it: Flftaea , caaaa warawtrtara of etoat; i alaran a aol proa waa aaaared; tbara ware twaa-t-two ubatiaaiooa aad ooariotiona; foar aol gmllty, aad thirtyaix wra oontianad.nioatof wbiok , waca anbaa ioatioaaiUyiaWoaraaxaraW of cUaalUTiualaiT foaadaot a traa bUl. Six go to tba padat!iftty dWatAdbft Aalrl Avian a-M not w , WlKrsCCbraiNii Stork . iMtml lota. LADOtna aa4 UrmTSrl manC iar4a , . . v 4doaa good arork aad jrorwa binv TU BcsXeaXvJk' fab' - Oaav cm Ua. Kba . f " ff r a.- Bar ,v. . x aadr an Ere; woaa, - 1 . r-'", raoyaf i, It ia fnaraataal ta a-lTa r'--?ttrm. at aaaamVi fa. . IaBM4. l ika i aaaW tar baav lav aaiabyS.II.Diiffr. ., ; daell vly - . . -aj'.?-4.;1 -al, ' CloaiaT Oradad lobooL Tba ooattaaatlna of tba oloaiaf axar- ciaaa of Maw Barao Oradad Sobooi irara bald at tba tbaatra yaaaarday axrjkag; beginning at 10 o'alook., Tba dATax erateea began milk prayer by Boa. Dr. Tbe. WbUIald. ' ' Prof. Naal aaoounoed iog of compoaitiona waa Shepard Bryan waa tba flrat oaUed for. Ilia subject was "Liberty, " and nndtr tbia bead be treated briefly tba following subjects: civil, indiridaal, paternal . political, religions liberty, and liberty of tbe presa. Ha 1r a good reader, and tbe eabjeot of hia oooapo- sition waa well bandied, .frnaat Xirteu foUowed. 'Mbject W'' 'We, must aorrect aa'error whicn he naturally fell into concerning iba aiout notabl (Danledaraie waf van-' eat. Tba iqa4a4' ajd tM aiaajaed oW'XroiB Mewpyrt Nawf in akd created so oh excitement in Hampton fioada, waa not tbe J"Merrimac," as ia commonly reported, but laa" Virginia.'' We go apt afar abia aa av'artaiad) if the bompoaltload tk)b; T ofad li able, but to correct an artoY Wbiatory. Tbe old wooden war vowed, Merrianao, waa rebuilt by tba Confederate, aaada an iron-clad gunboat, and named tbe Virginia. John M. Thomix was lha neat reader. Hie composition on "Character" waa well written, and certainly well read. Prof. Neal then came forward an 4 announced the annual honor roll. Tbia includes all wbo have bean on tba monthly honor roll for eight mouths out of ILe ten, and is based upon scholarship, attendance And depMt ment. The following is the list : . Baapad grade -Win Safer an Wil UtSohlaaiar. ;? V ! bird grade Charlie Bchissler and Ff trade-Iioajagbuter. Fifth grade- Uoaa LaU. Sixth arade Jeuua Burrus, Nannie Hill and Robert Crawford". Seventh grade Bertha Cutler, Nellie Paarce aod Geo. WbJlOeld., , , Eighth grAde Ada, Burrus. , Ninth, gradaSamJ M. lirintton and John S. Thomas. Tbe president of. tbe board of trusteee being absent on professional business. tbe duty of presenting the oertiAoates of distinction an J diplopia devolved upon John 8. loot. F,AUra appa ariata-add rasa of a fe mibates oon T coming the work of tbVaohdol, tiisf fol lowing ware preeenta . certl -f,U LuAmt Taylor. Nannie .BOI. J Hill, Mattia f olaon, GUrita Clark, ttoaa Dail, Oarrla Sianmon' Jennie Bnrrue, May Haadraa, Joha Mryo, Oswald Kafar, Emma Whitflald, Lanra Sutar, Emma WoUemdeA. Lawn Cox, Gbarlaa ftohiaalar. T nsilaa trntar. Kaliia Penma. Carrie Arandall, Bartba Ootlar, Robert Crawford, Ada Karnia, JBawr WhlW ueia, h.oiana lionaaraon, wuua jnaraoaa. Hhepard Bryan, John Tbontaa, Samuel Brinaon, Willie Bobisalar and Bertha KaUf. The following were awarded dipli in as. 't 'lx . ' She aatd Bryaa. lohd I. iTaoi Saaagal.M. rina i The benediction waa pronounced by Rev.. Mr. Crawford and the audience , - .avwuixfwaaas.y., , , Promptly at t btm. I large and Intel - llgaav audiaajtiai jbaalaa x frttrfeas tbi'praaoviatkai of the aaodafsaad' to baar aba addraas of Otemnt Maaty, Prof. Neal aantfuaoed that tba aohot- arabip atadal had baaa awarded to Mr, John S. Thomas, aad that B. B Bryaa; Baq., woala praaiat tbe same. Mr. Thoaaaa aaoaadad the platform, and Mi. Bryaa, ia a abort aad appropriate ad dress in which ba argad the isulaiaul to climb high and rest aaaurad that tbara to room at the top of tb ladder, pre sented tbe medal. W. W, Clark. Esl., on Vha pari of tbe judges oa declamation, annouaoed tbat it was the oAaataioaii opifltod ot tba a tbat tbe dec tabu Uona vara aboVa tba average, anal tba. tba judges had1 great difficulty la deciding between twti of tba Oaoaaiaaati, tba ooataaafcioaref Ua piawa baiat' teteiry dlaTeranf aad both waV aairfared, Tbeawwara atav John & Thaevaa aad Mr. OBeaard Brran. Bat thar ware eoaaaallad as decUa baraaats twwaid antidr ad th aaedal to Shepard Bryaa. Mr. IJU axajaitlwv WW MUWlUt aajla ayWaw.awa . ft Latig,!; ttt-a-agtnaraATayi proprtodraaMraaantad Aa ynadgrji ThadAttaUAd heaattfttT jkAA 14 carat gow aM( wera, prepatw--i-f Mr. Sam. K. Eatoa The echotar. aaeaai waa oaerea ny tne uiw " eared kd tlauakasttl airiaaJaaee 6r their attention andexpreaaed, the, wiak thaikey 'would lye Waa.thara. many aimilar .eaaaaVataa pBanfaam. aa . i - . -: I, ivud is f.n-uh ii'.i cli.Va aaaaa l',-' '' aaaoad 4:!asw4taaly, Baq., waaU be talroiLjvi4 la the aadianoa. W. W.ttbCAaV aaaaa forward aad Introduced Hr. VV'j, wbo for oaa boar beld :tba aadianoa in braUblasa attaaoa wiiibAaafc)a&em afiiaar loan poaw and poetry. It wa a i Olieh edvon6aaatlfaJ ddroaja. J da-liraia-QBi ot the bea) rrer baard f rom tbAtata 'j Thus oloaed aaoer year of the NaW;BaraCrrdo4 ahoot fyri&l the) year two bandred ' gad ifflr fapila baobaa aarglled. ona 'aaAdrad and twanty of a-hoa ware par .ytadanu. Tbatrwataei finding triaoiaelTaa without funds were compelled to Hmit free tnjtbaa to aha let aad Ugradee. Under these difficulties the eocoee of tba school baa exceeded the expectations ofjmaay. It to hoped to extaad free tuilioa ap to the sixth grade for tbe afxf awtinti aad) thaa largely laoreaa the Dumber of pupik. 9UPEKI0K COCKT. Chaa. f. Jonaa gaataaced to be Bang ed -Hia Couneel Appeals to Supreme Omit for a Maw Taiel. I pun tbe Uaemblleg o the Superior Ooart ou WadAoaday morning Chaa. K. Jones, who bad--been eua visaed of mar der, and Oyrna Wastbrook, and Damp- aay Ball, QcJ - who bad been convicted of larceny; were brought into Court. Uis Honor announced hia readineaa u bear tba mgtiea lor a new trial ia the Jonen oase. Tbe prisoner's counsel, W. W.; Clark, .Uted that they Maked for new trial upon tbe ground that Bto Honor charged the jury that the evideooa showed mardar or aoth ine. thus takwa from the jury the eatiori tf . malice. Hto lionot orer rSilsd'tbe motion for a new trial, stating that be badT delayed the matter foe several dajt.nnd given it ooaaiderabls thought, and" eould find no reason for granting a ' new trial. The prisoner counsel g&Vd aotf$a.of aa' appeal Soli citor White theaaaked thv judgment of the Court. There was a death -like atill- in the oonrt room while Hia Honor proceeded to pass the solemn sentence. He raid ha 'would eiprees no opinion about (he matter ,' but "would simply do what the law required of him to pro noanea .the eentenee of death, which waa that "the Sheriff should take the prisoner and him safely keep until the 8th day of July. 1887 when, between the boafa of 10 a. m. and 4 p.m., be would take bitn to the place of execu tion and bang him by the neck until be was dead Tha arieoaajj,. wto ap peared a little bit agitated" from the time he waa brought m did not appear to be affected by tba sentence. Hie Hooec told him that if be bad aot thought aarioaaly of hia condition it was time t for him to do ro; that he had bettef ceaault' pereooi njore' capable of adviaing him aa ta tba future than he. Tbe eentenee, of oouree ia suspended, until the SupremJ Court paaaos upon the;av4)on far a aa trUL- If it to granted, the prieoaar Will stand for trial at the next term of the Court; if a ae trial to not granted, then It be- oontea the duty of tbe uovernor to name the day for the execution. Qyraa W setbraok , white, and Demp aey Belt, eot., haTtng been cony icted of larceny, the Solicitor asked Joe Judg ment of &Cur& Wattbaveku attor neys made an earnest appeal, for him. Bell's attorney alao appealed (g His Honor for (BerCyl 5 His Honor ."Mated that they' had" been convicted and he aaw no mitigating circumatanoes in their favor. The sentence was that Weetbrook go to the penitentiary for thjttrfeitt aa Bait ; &MiroJ WeWfPPn d Li ; .i i I ments without delay brook s oounsel gave notice of an appeal. The civil docket was taken up and the caae of Ptwe ve. Price, suit for di vorce la which the husband appeared as pUiAtir wee, begun, . , - ' This case waa hotly ooateeted aad ooaaaaaad the aerta ey. abaters. W. E. Clarke aad af, INrW. Stetenaoh rluaaiiaiid aba pUlatiff and ti J. atoore aad Siauaona ft Maary the defend- aat, T1 argaaaeaia of eaoasal ware able aad eameet. Verdict for defend ant. The iiafatiff ' wW ' Wmedlately aarsatsd upea a- aaplap from Nash oounty for abaadoantent aad lodged in m'jisiLiwa ban iac barged for the term. Tkaaka. SMtbtV jWMiC:-f1aae permit no toatataaaWadW-aajaMuth1 Tfrar aapafaiy thaaMeaaRJABaAdtBrbe Twi ujrto-whloa. lawy. aiacuroaD- rtbuted OA uute4 pa iBcedey aigbt (or the eater " ' " - aJfifc-rt JiVmr truly, (fov w Jttaxta . Mat iWtWf M-tTa1o aWWhtT- ..twijIaWalw 'afiad'toWl''4Wri ob Uai Bo rasa witboat farther aottoaVu ' 111; Ceasdi Prucerdiun. Niw Bra!, June ?th. !8?7 A reg alar meeting of the B jar J wiu bald, Mayor Meadows in the- cL&ir The following Councllmeu cir jrocui B. P. Williami, S. H Lce J V. Wil liams, H.P.Kennedy, M i' . Uully, J. Ureer, B. B. Lane nad V A Crawford. A petition fruui partioe occupying stalls in the uiai kcl house ukuig . i duoiion of renin u icovrd, and u motion, referred Uj iLb lu.'i.miuto on whar'e. alJ docks wn:, , jor u act The Marshal s report v h tr , 1 an 1 i. motion adopted as foilowr Arreets H); 18 conricted 1 1 isc (juried LAmoiuil of Dnee colW-. tej If 1 7 00 " COBte, jy tJ " ranip i uu ToiaI. i X' Half of cost dedui'U-d ful m fct-D balance luiupd "Ttrl" trai-urt-r John M. Hah .kt I'ilv Mr!.:,: The COtnniltlf-t .- vu ilin- dei'srluieiil police, ordiuancei- an. I . t.Li pe, Uie district and tinaur luaji- nu I' ku Tlie eanilar coiuuiitlue ui&dr aie port Ll h ho. "Ii uu "tiuu adopted, and ihf ( oiuLuillee euipuMeied to act upon the recommend an m and also I have the poa Lull, uruunil the ciniirr; reux)eii ! Tbe oomiiilllto- on otn-em nnd I utui ? ! reported work on the streets I'rogrrns j ID, and the Hreeta and j.umn lu io.l ' ondftlon l i Tbe committee un Un unl l ko reported the foot of Craven .uet-i ui bad condition, which waa referred t the committee with potr lo act A motion waa made by t iouuoiliuai. II. P. Williams that tbe money received i from aale of lot. be set aside for rente- ' tery purpottee, subject lo the order of the cemetery committee, and a separate aooonnl be kept. A motion lo table waa lost, and Ihe former motion pro veiled. On motion of Councilman Kennedy tbe cemetery committee was empowered to place a pump in (ireen wood Cemetery aad buy spade and noi vssary toolf foi tbe use of the seiton. Mr. John Smith asked pi riuimiiou to erect a frame shed, which waa referred to the oomtuitloe on fire district for re port. Councilman Crawford moved that Matthew Freeman be employed aa janitor for the city ball and (tolice headquarters. Councilman Kennedy nominated Geo. B Hichardson. mo tion to table was lost, and upon a ballot being taken, the original motion was carried. Councilman U. 1'. Williams moved that tbe janitor be paid ten dollars per month. Councilman J. V. Williams moved to amend by making it twenty dollars per month, and the motion a amended was parried. Connoilman Kennedy ttffared the fol lowing preamble and resolutions whic h were on. motion referred t the com mitteaot) fire department lo report ; Whereas. Toe Reliance '"engine eokn pany have for a aoora of yeara labored strenuouily ' lo protect the lives aad property ei the citiaena, and whereas-, they are wunous aeeeesary apparatus and equipment, owing to the taoent condemnation of their old hand engine, and whereas, tbe retiring Board unam mously recommended a steam fire en gine for colored firemen of the beauti fnl city of elms; therefore, we the Board of Councilman, in regular meeting as sembled, do adopt the following resolu tions: Resolved, That we heartily approve the actions of the preceding Hoard, and aa an evidence of the same, we procure a steam fire engine for the Reliance en gine company. Resolved, That the nre department committee purchase a steam fire engine, necessary rrquire- Councilman S. H. Lane moved that the salaxiea f or the enauing yeareas follows ' The Mayor; a200; Treasurer, 810(5, Attorney 60. douneilman J. V.UUainit.inored to amend the mo tied and inhke thaealariet the same as thewerelaat oyear. Tn'a"aiiptfem ta amended prevailed. : CouhbUnian fi Hv Lane moved that tbe Ui fetled be forty-fire centa on one hundred dollare,, valuation of -property and one dollar oh ihe poll. This was amended by Councilman J. V. Wil liams 'to .read, sixty centa on one hua- Lejied dollars valuatkMtl of property and Mae dollar and eighty cents on tbe poll. On tba saatkw, as amended, tbe ayes and nays being called, Councilman J. V. Williams, B. B. Lane, John Greer and V. K, Crawford voted aye, and R. P. Williams, S. H. Lane, H. P. Ken nedy and M. P. Holly nay. Tbe rote being a tie the Mayor voted aye and the notion ar amended was carried. n The lioaneaa ware placed at the same urea as tbMof laet year, . Councilman R. Williams moved hat the doc tax be the name aa last! Maal!slm o, aii UdCooAcileaodayu. $ year, far iadail tM CouAcOaieh Yoted are. The May'Muaaiaw taW Aboard to ftSa abseaae, and B. B. Lane was, upon " a ,;la.iO 4.1 T .Urd F i On ' motion of H I' WlIllau., li-e TressUrer and FinauLtr authorized u, make u.c oaouittee cie miu. c arrange ments for iLc buin .uj ! uLJr t meet current cipcnit t : l u: u it the j ear : 930. T'.e aye. ai.d r . . called a i. I i!.t -'t- . . motion u llMll.:; Couneilmac. S M ' si. txcused fr :.. v : : . :. ' - : iowel , J u, v iir ,. I the hoarj r-!u.r l to , Jt i The regular Ui 'Lit: f it'- . examined an i i we l The Ireaeurer t.snaf I i . 1 .,r note for -f'i."- i4 nic. ' a : ; a. ! ' lUt cuneUrr ) coiuii. . lie. a s , (or ae IB whiefi lib I l-e.-ii t.irt ! tJhiiuLy ll.c c nu. r ie r y t iu u. ; . '. - e caoli. lot aiiLt:liil.' ! '. ju u. '.ion o! h 1' .-ii. i.j iind v, .it t,era ri,- i.-i-ir.'.. : i Treat-u rt r i ( . r . ' - 1 uc "unl The- U. in :. le.- w el , ! j . j : . tui i i L- h -ar i n : j -u i in- i I'll, I 51 i. WiecLor and 1 let k I.OI ill Opt I'M!. IIUNM-Lb' '. ui: HlM'HlN ." I J alie ', Hi 11 li nun hae K i.i v i I t 0 ii J rity 'ole htfht i v.. iti.. i : I ! 1SI.' . Tip' election hero l i j,.i.. dav leMilti-'l of license by nearly tw.. l ' . IP I i . . I ; : ! I l! N C 1 lid i o avt Ik i iihe i. n ( -I .' 1. 1 , N C i pliou Wl.SM N on local lui.. The vote Ulelly today is u:i. pa-i d (,!' ense lae in .join v I r ! M I H . Julie ( i rei'ii h fhin l'rohibitioii arr io,l in township by SI maj over lant veur s vote. ASMlN'i : " w r : W I!!.V!T' '. N. C . .Ilil.e ! License is sustaineil by llMim n'. I he nearly solid negro vote at tl e mstrumrni of the result OXlDlill WKI. I Foia, N. C . June f. The loi tl option election here todBy ' was conducted viry iguietlv liner getic work was done on both sides. I The result was a majority of thirty one in fayor of license. i 11 .1111 ! k ui.r. I'll Alli."l"l h., June ' ', . Prohibition defeated by forty ma jority. A hard-fought contest. PI'HII A M DRV. Dt'ltll M, Juno ' Durham has given prohibition a majority of ht Warrenkon went dry by a majority of 2. I'ittsboro and Concord also went dry. i Ualeigh went .11 majority f .r proliibi ! lion. SKA in Al,i. The town of Seaboard nave it pro I h i bi tion majority of nine voted in e-i terdsy s election. , Sol TI 1 1 ' 'Id . Southport nee Sniithlield wcni . 1 1 f,.r , the first time in its history and thetair of that ancient town, to whom their grog has been as water to most of them. I are abtonished al the result he von. I presaiou. Roidsvillo went dry In :i noii 'iiu . ;' , 50. I'ittsboro went .is . vn H.i! d ry by a vote of two to out. The p .oil al Margaretsvillo as well a" at Suh-in waa a tie. Ai res ami i ''-sfi m . 'n ( llllill i n, ' .lid Hi I'l . II 1 Si Ik .1 MiCni.l "Summer Silk in stripes an I pinois .. worth (!0r per yard . and it takes d -. to make a dress. 1 have, nine dollars in my pocket and my salary is three dollars per week, low much longer must I wait before I have enough tn bu y my dress." Before any one had the tune to wink, a little girl's hand went up. ' ' Why , C race, " said th tear-her. "ynu cannot have the answer so soon h "Oh yes 1 have, teacher! Sou don't; nave to wait at all. because A.M. 1 laker is selling summer silks at 45c. Mamma bought a dress of it yesterday, and ai- i one of that lovely Camels HairClieck Suitings. She says it is the best bar gain she ever saw. (Jrace took her place at the head ol the class. Election Notice. Pursuant to an act of the General As sembly of North Carolina, passed at tbe seaaion of 1887, entitled "An Act to authorize Pamlico county to issue bonds, etc. ' an election will be held in said county, at the various polling places, on tbe Third Thursday in August next, being the 18th day of August, for the ratification or rejection "of the said act by the qualified roterrs of said county. By order of the board of county com missioners. T. D. PERKINS, Register of Deeds and ex -officio Clerk of the Board. ' Bayboro, N. C, June 8, 1887. Iaw6w lira. S. Parsons open a BQARUlaU auusa (or ine St PORTSMOUTH, JN, C on the FIRST Of JULY. Will be kept In the Mst style for the ae eemmodatlcm of visitors to this pleasant resorti InSdim wit a ballot being taken declared Mayor pro tei . Smallwood & Slofcf HEALERS IT - LI m;1 .V.JJt i' .'AlX.Ar, ::-:s, qtzjsT rov'h . ; " ' U .-. i TO : 7 f A is pr t v i CUALITY. , c . ( 4 t)yr to . L. S. C. Williams' FreiprM Line t?vi a ii- I : 11. , U cta. 'Iiail I hi ! NVi, ' "ri'iirps, . Ol .1 "III ' llel. 1 1 1 .lit -1. rnc. V. c. Pnlti- V I ' '.MM1. l'rofrieU' Bill Poster. in? I'll a u ial n 1 ii . to will do i Jwli acN. i ol bo at j JL 1 lui For Sale or Rent, 1 ' ' I I' i "ii J .Lnsoii street, p; r DriFY. Real Estate SAT,!-. Valuable ' (. K . .., , ui i'f,i1 at i oa.i .i ri. in i bin . B A . :d rlll; Ull 1 u.i'iCH. ' Ull hi n I'l-yonJ na oil alays III LI., Hr.m,t Ht. SHAFER S r mm mm imn Manufactured from thfl Ulaokberry J e ai. i 11 ui. mid num Imneri&l . i. h Hini.,i). .wpe. lally for M I T 1' 1VU. I by CALVIN SHAFER, ilandl :i:io i. . . Jjuw York. Tl herr cut I ( :ohi- 'btl n the n nil I I -r.i i .1 .!. in Krnndy I. r o of, an I i' and e I r i 1 1 1 ii r i 'i i j un Black" faml v use. as a pre nie.l v for 1 hnrrlioa, ler.inpenipnts of the d :he n niicrHined to w . .iti f u ' .y meeta .nu i i i oo prescribed ! ) i ' j oi' ian, and 1 i n :: li pi rfect re ' v :,n.i fli'-ncy. I'p il. Hull and rootef i , i . 'iinaiion . with l.. is remedial : ft eilicient ii. I mil in .ii ti. 1 1 1 ::li n p'.II 1 i r in k i; i w i t.i Ian I : " an i 1 1 .- I.e . i' ' t ,-ncd truet ' i'i .n . n; mnny iintiufai mrer of nl serve ax a .11 l.d. llOU uf thifl ' ' . r the land if ,n llnlf Tint, ' lioren In a .;u:i I :i i. ) I. llo. . . I.I i '.lit an I I':i 1-itt "1M' . - ' , j . i1: iS. , T to'ifv with vnur ' M.dicl ' w Inch I waa slaleu ent (ia -t conticienoe) Mv li. )leasuie nal h'r.u induct ,1 win h 1 ' Mr. ' toe In ri- : i , S' i mini' o: I h-a li ' .-. l' Jui : I Utile! h t hat it .. .'; oho v , -' 1 ii'.ia.ly of ooixt i n di ''into ijiiantitv of ' II ,cl brrrv Rot. 'Vou nd on ma excellence of' i uid i t rm en w . .1 tie i li , ai t. i -- t. i.i. f i y. IrM ,i I. -11 li Ii ei.Ler , nto K3 Oonipo- , i ouoc i ts ui obtaining or. ;., c it is kii nvn Hint vou p unequal ed facilities for ODtalnihg .' -be t in ati rials and tho diryfitlon tp";-.' ikc ih" l est use ol them. flj'" urs very truly, iVij' J. W. riSKflAM. M.D.:i';i u-emnnp without .u .... .. too sitrnaturej t of I. ro.iiv Hnirpp ftA rv.,Mi.iii.i, New ork. - l or saU. wholeeaU ami retail, by tLf N. Hi in, .Sole AKen New Berne, ft; 1 1 . my81dlai:,t,. J Atlaotic & North Carolina, RaHrfjidff.' I .CKKTARV 3 OFFICE. U.t . M u iiFiiy, N. c.. Jane IUh1$7.,-.; Ihe 1 i.irly-1 hirj Annual Meeting of the sioi-kiioi.t. rs nf the Atlantic A NortH Ca.ro- ' lin Hsi.ros.I Company will b IIAiI tt MoiiEHtAD crrv, m, &,antHtntatAT. tl.sTIUHTIKTU ilayof JI7NJA18b7. i ir, iwi.l J. . O. ROBERTS, Secretary. A desirable Dwelling Bonaa-aa't' corner of Neuse aad Hetoaif, street, a joining the Academy . Green, ,,.1 jr aad airy rooms. Flower yard .and e ' Oellent garden. , - Far farther partiodlaH in wt fiOLu.Tnr, ar autiu,, my dtf J 'V