TOL.iVL-N.O. 66. J NEW BERNE. N. C., THURSDAY. JUNE 16, 1887. PRICE 5 CENTS,' : LOCAL NEWS. rearaal Uilum aiiim, New Berne, Utitade, 85 8' North. " longitude, T7 8' West. Sua rieee, iSS I Length of day, sun eete, 7:2? 1 14 hours, 54 minutes. Moon rUe at 12:48 a. m. BUSINESS L0CAL8. T7INE old Bye Whiskey, sold exprees-X- ly tor medicinal use, by inl fi. N. Duffy. 7MTJRST RITTTER ON ICE at. 3 N. Whtttohd s. 1 EED Oats end Millet t r 8. W. & E. W. Smallwood's FROZEN Batter at Alex. Justice's- Mbs; Dillingham's ice cream PARLOB will be opened today on Middle afreet, adjoining Mrs. 8. F. Stanly's Book Store. All orders for families end excursions filled at satis factory prioea. 10 lw O to JNO. DUNN'S and try a MILE J SHAKE. 8 tf OB-WORK executed with neatness end dispatch at this office. TJNNT3 LIMADE will refresh D you this hot weather. Try it. IIFTY BARRELS LIME, suiuble for I sanitary purpose, at 75c. per barrel delivered, or at BOo. per barrel in fire barrel lots. Geo. Allen & Co. Fertilisers, Lime, Plaster, Clement, (J lass, Faints, Varnish and Oil at low prices, v Uko. Allen &. Co. The cool ware continues. The horse and buggy sale, adver tised to take place today is postponed until Tuesday the 31st inst. A pony penning on the 80th inst. is one of the dWersions f$for the benefit of the Teachers' Assembly at Morehead. Dust was sererely felt yesterday on Craven below South Front street. Can't the pipes be laid and water furnished in that locality ' We see by a speoial to the News and Cbaerver frum Washington. N. C, that Mrs. Lincke baa been oommitted to jail at that place for oomplloity in the mur der of her late husband, Paul Linoke. Buncombe county has a sensation over a double headed child born of c ilorel parents in that county. It is a great ourioaity, and worst of all, President Cleveland cannot go to see it hie Intitetlon to visit that oounty hav ing been withdrawn. Poor man ! The M. E. Churoh Working Societv, aooompenled by the New Berne Board of Trade, will take an excursion to Morehead on the 23d inst. See adver tisement a pleasant time ma be ex pected. Miss Corinne Harrison wilt address the Teachers' Assembly on that dsy. The Salvation Army Festival. The Salvation Army held a festival at ' Lowthrop Ball last night. The N. B. 8. F. E. Band aided with some of their beet musk). A larre number of persons were preeent, and the receipt were, we hope, Quite satisfactory. The Schoolteacher. We have received the June number of The SchoolUacher, edited end pub lished by Profe. J. U Tomllneon and W. A. Blair, Winston, N. C. Teachers and friends of education generally ere to be congratulated on the existence of eo excellent a publication, commanding as it does so much eminent talent, end dieplaylcg in its columns eo much supe rior ability. We cannot undertake to enumerate he long list of contributors 1087 knt it' includes the names of many of, the very foremost educated "men of the country, North and South. An Old Colored Citixen Gone. Oliver Tripp, colored, died on the 14th and wee buried yesterday. AU the old members of the New Berne Light ' Tfatrv of 1855 to '59 will remember him as the fifer of that gallant and - bravo command. Oliver wee one of the old-ilae oolored people, and went to , Philadelphia etnoe the emancipation of Uvea, but thinking he oonld do better amonc the old folks at home, returned : to thie eity and died among the friends. of his Tenth. He was an industrious man, good worker, and alwaye enjoyed h oonfldenoe and .esteem of hie em ployers. Ms his test be peaceful. .. Steamer Xoremente. , v The Carolina arrived yesterday from Xail Old Held., wnero It eonnectod with 1 fiat from Snow HilL - The Hewberne, Cap. Pritchett, of the . O. D. lino, nfled ' reeterday afteMoa oa ichednle time, with a good oargo of , tmck, and list joT pejeengers tot Kot- The Vesper, of the E. C, D. Un ar rived reeurdar trlth goe4 nargo;bf merchandise and tailed reeterday after- , noon with good load ot tniok, among which were Mrerxl boxes ot tomatoes. n, first of the season from this vicinity The Eiilet, of this Una, will arrive to-irii4n!ltaBwnvtrinnslTl o'clock. . . r s District Conference. The District Oonfereaoe of the M. E. Church will be held at La Orange on the 23d instant. Bishop W. W. Dun can will be preeent. A Great and Good Kan Gone. The death of Bishop Stevens of Penn sylvania, vacates a seat in the Honee of Bishops of the Protestant Episcopal Church which has long been filled by one of the most learned and devout Christians of the age. The name of Wm. Baoon Stevens, D. D. LL. D., is known throughout the civilized world as a man of superior attainments, rich endowments and of enlarged intelli gence. Bis health haa been for a num ber of years precarious and while deatU was noi unexpected it will cast a gloom of sadness around the hearth of thou ands in this and other countries. "They Took Coffee in Them." Among the failures in the ooffee spec ulation ia New York is the firm of B. O. Arnold & Co. Mr. B G. Arnold was the originator of the Coffee Exchange and its president. The failures con nected with this establishment will cause little regret, as it was brought about by entirely speculative move menu, which was designed to increase the cost of a necessary article of con sumption, in order that a few specula tions might amass large fortunes. May failure in all such undertakings attend them should be the devout pe tition of consumers all over the coun try. A reasonable advance in prices from legitimate causes may be borne by the consumers, but these advances rought about by the devices of specu lators to make large profits out of the consumer, should be depreciated by all fair dealers and a failure regarded as a positive good to the world at large Personal. Mrs. J. K. B. Carrsway returned yes terday from a visit to lier parents at Bell's Ferrv. Dr. E. 8. Broadway, of lnoir. was in the city yesterday. Mr. John C. Oreen, who has been down to Morehead for his health, was here yesterday, much improved. lie ill take his family down for the season. Mr. J. F. Bendren, of Winston, a student at Bingham .School, is visiting relatives in the city. John C. Wooten, Esq., and Geo. Deee, Esq., members of the finanoe committee of the A. & N. C. R. It Company were in the city yesterday. The other mem bers of the committee were not preeent. Miss Aurora Mace returned by the steamer Newberne yesterday from New York, where ehe haa been attending the Cooper Union Art League in leeeons in painting and drawing, one ts now prepared to paint life-site portraits for any who may wish them. Caot- Fielding and (Janet Kaiser oi the Salvation Army, arrived 1 ast night from Durham. Mr. O. H. Onion and lady retuftaed from Washington by steamer New borne. The Death of Mr. John C. Washing ton. It is not our purpose to write oven an obituary of this gentleman. Uis name haa been almost analogous to that of Kins too, and his life devoted to its growth and prosperity, and his memory demand a more complete biography then can be made in a daily newspaper or written without proper researob. No man haa ever enjoyed the oonfidonoH and esteem of his fellow citizens to a greater degree than did John C Waahr imrton of Klneton. The very soul of hnnnr of a liberal mind, arenerous heart and kind disposition hi. act. of benevoH lenoe were Innumerable Mr. Washington wts born at Kinston. His father, one of the earliest and most prosperous merchants of that town, left to him an ample fortune, which he el ways need with discreet judgment and a commendable interest In the advance ment of the growth and improvement of bis native town and oounty. The deceased was not only known, as wa have described him, by his imme diate neighbors, but throughout the State, and beyond Its borders the news of hie death will oe neara witn regret. We earnestly trust that some one better Sualined than we are win at an eany st write such a historv of his Ufa and servioes as ia noniy aeserveu. non . w who have ever visited Washington xuu In pursuit of recreation and pleasure bat will remember the cordial welcome and unbounded hospitality of the host who will no mora meet them there . Be was a member of. the Protestant Episcopal Churoh, and died at a ripe ou age .full or good worxs. -w Wenaerfml Cwee. w u Rort Jt Co.. wholesale and re tail . druggists of Rome, ua,, say: ws have been selling Dr. King J wl aMr. Einctrio Bitten and Buckleni Anuoa Salve Jox two year, . Hava 4,muHu1 .mmedlea that . Sell wall, or give lucu universal mmi ac tion.. There have been some wonderful cures effected by these medicines) U this eity Several cases of roitotinoed rvmmmnttAn have been entirely eured bv use of a few bottles of Dr. Kingi fit. Diseoverr. taken in connection k rjantrin THttBra. .Wi raaran4 them always. Sold by B. N. Duffy -H! If JEWS V0TX8. A statue of Nathan Bale, the "Martyr spy" of the revolution, was unveiled at Hartford, Conn., Tuesday. Mrs. G rover Cleveland attended the First Baptist Church at Oswego, N. Y. , both morning and evening, on Sunday. James A. Clark, banker, of Puiaeki, N. Y., a prominent Democrat and presi dential elector in 1884, died last Mon- dsy. Eighteen yachts started in the Corin thian regatta off New York Monday. The Atlantic won, beating the Galatea. President J. F. Coe, of the Southern Female College, at La Grange, Oa., died suddenly Sunday umht of appo plexy. The second annual convention of the Order of Railway Telegraphers will be held in Chicago, commencing June IS and ooptinjng two or three days. Barclay Peak has been convicted of murder in the first degree at Mount Holly, N. J., for the killing of his oousin, Katie Anderson. Francis P. KaufTman and Phillip Schaeffer were fatally anl three others severely injured Monday by an explo sion in a stone juarry ae&r Leesport, Penn. A convention uf river and lake trans portation men assembled at Cincinnati Monday. The object is to protect their interests under the interstate commerce law. At Jack Bon, Miss , Monday. Chancel lor Poyton decided in the case of Ham ilton and others, charged with con spiracy and the murder of Gambrill, that Hamilton and Eubanka were not entitled to bail. A Ibrecht was bailed in $o,000. Hardy and Figures will be discharged. Col. HamllMTT was taken to jail. The Karl of Aberdeen, lord lieutenant Ireland under Gladstone, was called upon In Ban rrancisoo monaay Dy a delegation of 800 of the most prominent citizens, Including tne mayor ana jus tices of the Supreme Court, who pre sented him with a memorial expressing approval of his humane government of Ireland. The Earl will go from San Francisco to Texas to visits brother, and will then visit other parts of the country. Black Friday in the Coffee Exchange- Fortunes Swept Away. Nkw Yobk, June 13. The excitement in the coffee market which has attended the decline in coffee reached its highest point today, and the brokers acting for the bull operators became panio-atricken and rushed to sell without regard to prioe. The bulls blame the Qruner Oroasman syndicate for starting the de cline which culminated in today's panio, but the bear syndicate strained eyery nerve to check the fall, without success. Outsider olalm that the firm of Arnold & Co., which failed today, has been oarrying 500,000 bags of coffee for the Rio Janeiro operators, known as the Brazilian party, and it is estimated that the liabilities will amount to over $1,000,000. The Brazilian party started to buy ooffee after the Qruner-Crooe-man syndicate advanced the prioe from 8 to 18 oente a pound, and aince then the Qruner syndicate have been bears on the market, and are said to have un loaded all their long etuff on the Bra zilians. There was some talk of trouble in banking circles as a result of the panio, but as the banks only loaned 50 per cent, of the market value on ooffee, it is hard to see how any of them could have been Involved, Mackey A Small, one of the suspended firms, are sup posed to have liabilities of $200,000. The liabilities of the other firm are small. The liabilities of W. J. Norton & Co., ooffee brokers, at No. 100 Water - - . rir buTinols chieflv done with Baltimore parties. Norton, Weyl Bevan state that their suspension was due to the existing de pression in prices, augmentea Dy me failure of other firms in the trade. Mackey & 8mall say that their stoppage is in no wise due to the fact or ineir being "long" on the market. Ai com mission men their transactions run both ways, and they may be regarded as being both "long" and "short" at the same time, and losing both ways. The inability of their clients to pot up marginal funds quick enough rendered it impossible for them to meet the demands of the market, and in eoneeqnenca they were com pelled to suspend. The fall In coffee represents a drop of about 80oents on the dollar. Nothing but vast capital was able to withstand the call created by such a difference with large orders oat. It is feared that other houses will go under. The market rallied sharply after the last failure was announoed, and was dosed comparatively strong. The day will always be remembered in M coffee circle, uscrey ana email formed the present firm in August, 1886Valaimlng a capital of W,XXk . It oMietaof John D, Mackey and Cyrus K.Bmeil. They did an sotfY bujinee m 'apda:eotTee and fnhimatThe flrm of Norton. Wevl A Bevan ' was formed mine -ist inst., ana t .nompoeeaoi Frank O, Norton. U. E. weyl tad Q. r. Bevan, succeeding in the ! of WJ J. Norton' tt Co. Mr. Norton cam to this eity about three years are from Baltimore, where the firm of W. J. Norton A Co" had failed in 1883a. -VJ lY tmm Wtsfc a Jee4 Artf sle Of PEW TOaUOOOj Uk yeur Baal? tot win suf.'I . . -t - r-ii' t STATE NEWS. Winston Vatlv: There vva8 shipped tcxiav by Mesars. 1'. : Ji Friea 2405 yards of goods to Messrs. J. L. atifel & Son, Wheeling, W. Va. Seaboard Reflector: Every through freight train that paa)- through this place going uurth is heavily loaded with southern fruits and vegetables, on theii way to the northern markets Oxford Orphan' Fririat 1 he friends of our Asylum in the east ern part of the State Iiar been showing their friendship m a ery substantial way recently by iiumei oas and valuable contributions Greeueloro -Veirs- Sonic lew d the ninety pigeons wbii li left here Thursday morning reai-lied Phila delphia lefore night, tint i he vast majority were behind. They passed through a heavy storm, which al ways retard then flight. Some of the !est birds were among those not heard from So the experi meut was not a satisfactory one. Charlotte L'ltrvnuU: Mi. Xbos. McCord, one of the sturdy farmers of Paw creek, owns a pig that is something ot a wonder in it-- way. At the age oi t wo months the pig weighed 'Mi pounds, at lour mouths 0b pounds and at live months IIs pounds the last weighing i-liowing a gain of 50 pounds in thirt 'lav-. Mr. McCord expects to hae a ooo pound hog this Miutci, and il tin weight ol the pig continues to in cicane at the present rale Mi. Me Cord's expectations will be ie.i! i.ed. Wilmington Slur: 1 lie Salva tion Army, under command of Ad jutaut General Koall, opened the campaign last night. The army, consisting of about adoen females and three or lour males, took posi tion ou Princess street at the n t i section of l'ront, and soon had a crowd around them. Sccral hymns were sung in a lively rat tling style, one of the men playing an accompaniment on a tambou rine. After .singing, the army knelt down in the street and prayer was offered by the leader. During the meeting several con verts male and female -made brief addresses. Goldsboro Aryu : Yc were shown yesterday a very crooked and knotty walking stick by our old friend Mr. Needham Smith, ot this county, a veteran of the Mexi can war. The stick was cut in Craven county in 1800 and given to Mr. Smith in by tho family ol the gentleman who cut it. The stick has been in constant use ever since it was cut and it has two small cavities near the top on op K)site sides, worn there lv tho in dex finger and thumb of Mr. Smith and his predecessor in possession. Mr. Smith told ua that he has a very Ado ebony stick at borne that he brought with him from Mexico when returning from t ho war ; so that lie is In possession of probably the oldest walking sticks in the State. Pleasant Vision. The organ of sight, which ih the source of so much pleasure as well ai benefit to man, is very delicate. A great many persons, not appreciating this, are using cheap spectacles. Throe glasses, by their imperfect construction and blemishes, seriously injure and sometimes almost deetroy the sight. Haw keg' Cryst&lized Lenses are the most perfect glasses in the world, being especially adapted for the preservation and sometimes restoration of the eight. All eyes fitted and the fit' guaranteed at the drug store of F. H. Duffy. New Berne. jun5 lm One American Kills Fonr Mexican. Ciucaoo, June 13. James Taylor, a sheep man, of Scurry county, Texas, bad two Mexican sheep herders work- ins for him. Fridav they had some misunderstanding about the work, and in a fight that followed Taylor worsted them both. Next day, as Taylor came to the camp, he found two more Men cans, and before be was awar of their intention the four made an attack on him. Three had .knives and one had a six-t hooter, while Taylor was unarmed. Taylor is an athletic young man. In the sen me that roilowed ne got posses sion of the six-shooter and immediately turned the tables. He killed three of his would-be murderers, and as the fourth started to run he sprang to his wagon, secured his Winchester, and shot the last of his assailants at a dis tance .of ISO yard, inflicting a fatal wound. Taylor gave himself up. GraUr ExelUd. Not a few of the citixen of New Berne, N. C, have recently become creatly excited over the astounding feota, that several of their friends who haa been pronownoed by their physi cians as Incurable and beyond all hope --eoff sting with that dreadful monster Oonsnmpwon hare been oompletely eured by Dtv sting's New Discovery for Oonxsusasixon the only remedy that doss poaitirely cure all throat and long diseases, Coughs, Cold, Asthma and Bronchitis. - " -- Trial bottle) freestH. N. Duffy. Drag Store, large bottles II. i . y - ' ' . : - . - - - , "Now Children," said tin l'r m School Ma'ni.l "Summer Silk in siripe and plaicU i worth 60c. per yard, and it ukee 20 yds. to make a dreec. 1 havr nine dollars iu my pocket and ruy salary io three dollars per week, hew mu-h longer must 1 wait before I havr em ufc'l, r i buy my drees. Before any one had the uii.r u. .uk. a little girl e han.t .-m up " Why , Grace, eai J ih teai , jt-j cannot have the aiirer ou buol. 'Oh yes 1 have, teacher ' Yuu d. u i have to wait at all because A. M liaker l belling summer mike at 4 . Mamma bought a druto of it yeeierday and alui one of that lu i I'amel Hairi'hek Suitings Mie na. it i il.. Left bar gain uhe ever saw (irace look phi n: tl,i Leal f Ltlie claue. Ho! For Morehead City A N i I ' I Teachers' Assembly. i KA M t I KSK Wednesday, June 22, ' ' njer the au-p.' f t 1 1 .1 M I . I II I H( II 0lth I M. sim I I I i , A ( ( oiii pan n-'l l- tie NKW HI KM; HOAKl' i H TK Hi.' i uit. ill !,m,. N,. ;, n.r liE. 1, p. t ai nan pan ngni u i n th - rar p hi w n at Muiehead I .lv in nine t'i hearil Ed ucalluua I A.Mrin.- . ( Nrn llni r gifted daughter M: ' llu.i.i- n lare (. ill 1 I I : (- 1 1 I 1 1 ; Tn kl-lH f I I t TI . 1 1 1 1 1 ' f . I 1 It.-- S' M WW-' 1 : Mil' II ' A "-IMl'' I II c I II 1 !. At Auction. Hi VI i I A Ns 1 MM II , liar near l( i,n 1 1, , A 1 Hugg K I nice tumiiut Hale al 1 J ... I... k 1 r -utli JI'N r '-' li-t. ! skl7. .. r n i s and Mhlille nlreeth. WA'ISi N , sii;i.i;i. i i.t "A BOOK FOR THE PEOPLE." l AI'ThATIM;' Kt-'l I. f Klooufiic ltM-UMlUIIP. U1 IrlplOlUBIIC lMP-r mi, ll l.rrall'ulillrMuolluUKufllirl'BBl ud I'm mui ''v j twKN i; in. mm: ) 'iitiriv Inn tilti i naM'rly ftruunn 111.' m Ait in i in- .-i i sJ.n "v s7 ' "iil' il"' I I W I HT' M" r M I1" h la- Kk.' I i i .1 ai i - v- it I f ii hit- f i i as i ' ii w ni a Iti - m I I! l III nk, I'll I. n M 1M1I n- . i K i i BENEFIT 0XF0BD ORPHAN ASYLUM Prof. ERNEST RICHARDS. "1 " 1 K 1 ), I M,l AM' CHIAN1J Stereopticon Exhibition NEWBERN THEATRE IMonduj I 1 1 - h 1 1 1 Nil; I'l, lii L'l I M'lit .Inn Kwrrved kiuIh MraduvtH- dm' ht'.ri llrni-rrtl ml m i-i-i- i tt- I hhngi- "f Prcgrmn i a' I; n.J.t )2 (Kit H J. W. STEWART, 1 1 I A I ii M I .! in 'i.i . : I , : ii- hi All! I I . II U- I Irl'Tl'hl I Bllilil Kl.. Nr Notice. in ha mg t - n AihiIh an 1. 1. Imernlat!' t I'lnnicri ( i imi the FiiHDtriBKin nf tin' iVuit! l,.n ,.f the IntorstBd' t "t mi rut'? - Iim - fur ftH it affc''t Kinston hh.I Mon 1, m l ('itv. in th Suite of Norlh I'Mrolina. nnd flitnatrd on the A A N C. K K. winc h in a iit of thu 1 tHti rn Curol i n I iifi patch Line, and nil (K,int lutnern which jKiintn and said ahovc named towns freight li- carried hy fail line, notice ih hereby given that on June l?7th mot. Rani apiilication or ietitw.n w ill he prenented to ai I "innneH'ii f r i. ; i n thereor WAM1IN' .T( N " . l'r t A. N (' U 1. - New Hern. N. (.'.. .hine in. I Just Received : 45 Hhds. New Crop English Island Molasses. Will Sell Cheap. APPLY TO Ferdinand Ulricb, WHOLESALE GROCER " V"trt7 ZjT MIKDI.E STREET. NEW BKKNE, GrkkkV Oij 8tft. N. L. T. A For Rent, A desirable Dwelling Douse on the corner of Neute and Metoalf street, ad joinins the Academy Green. Lariro and airy rooms. Flower yard and ex cellent garden. ; For fnrtbeT narticalars apply to Wm. HOLU8TER, or O. H. GUI ON, myl7dtf Executors. 5a t- SS4LLWO0D. CEO. SLOFM Smallwood & Slover DEALERS IN OK. st: HAL llAhhWAHK, TISW.'.hF H.AS8WARS.I H'lX'i'A.Mt lit: CHOCKEJiy, AJI AIMS, OILS A1 STOV " I ' N I Kl'A-SM.IJ A.S TO PRICE ANDQUALITY. .Middle Sli, . t Ouur to I!' lei .l., it, : EW UKKNK. N. C. W. L. DOUGLAS $3 SHOE. i PATAPSCO FLOURING MILLS I n r i ii i i v n I ; . s I I'lKI l I IU I'M KNT ii i r I I 1. 1 ni r I f I ' I I'M I .1 i.j ne i u ii I r - i.l HI C e I !! Tatap:: LuiLilative l MUST ' I I'M I 1 1 I I i I I I'M I Mill ii i in nun t 1 1 1 1. 1 , n i v I I V 1 1 I C. A. GAMBRILL MANUF'G CP. MM' ;i i r III I'll I s I Nil II Mr. E. K. BISHOP. N K VI III II K, If. . Valuable !" I Real A I Estate n l.i .. H l . .h 1 1-. 1 at n in I Ilia 1 Si-rlnK . i -ni ior.k ' neit to lyoiiU Bill Poster. I .; in to Ki w ui do nil h 1 I I !l Jm INSi IN. 1 1 1 bo at jnr;4 lm SHAFER'S I i I k H . I. N i(aiiMaiiM from the riaemt'iia Mni.nfi, tn r.- Mackberry I mlierit 1 i 'U re I i. i.' h 1'rai It i-Fiwially for '.I I Ml. hy Ml M' I I. CALV . n. in. u '-'i IN 8HAFER, New York. i. i I r i. , ' I ' r a ; urt Hlack- ''ii. : n ii w. ai a pre ii i I v for I Mnrrhcia, " li rarigementH of the -1 I l.e uinh rKigned to i' " l.ich fully meets .u. I - mi he i r escribed I c ri 1 ' nil. t 1 1 1 i e f. HI) 1 l ' ' ' I' . HIl.l M 111 I ' Il I mi Mem. l.a m .1 io prepare mi art. . the n ' ju ; ri Him.ih ill i.i MM tli ken I iiinirr lil 1 tl.''(hHnian, aDd. .1 1 1 1 1 1 i r l. i.l id i'rfect re i i' :i- I" ii' unit an.l i Hi racy . Be I mmif.i (ion, ti.e fruit arid root of HI . kl in. in . om binatton with orie I 1 n i. I, I'r.indy. this remedial i- ) reh. nti l in the most efficient I-1 n a: i il. undersigned trusts i - i-m.h.i-hi-d reputation, of manr 'land int; manufacturer of ar I i epar at i Df. w ill serve as a ar l fi r t he rcommendatiorj of this " )''! m. I in st article of the kind ' ' v,,,r;.,r. Put on in Half Pint,' H- 1 1 I'.r i r.n.l art Itottlen. one doren ia a i i i i ai . . in i . U.iiito .io V T l',.K O 1BTO iF' 1 mJm i l i - : Mint : I. .1. Q My Dear Mr. Shafer I testify wita'''' plnasure to the value of your "MedicK.: nal Black her ry Brandy , ' which X eraP1', induced to try by your statement (iti - ' lbal ,l wa -P e-eeoHally.of aool I Brandy, with a dflrjiterOatUr-of nicn i r . 1 n r tKo nlmnl I Fluid hx tract of Blackberry Root can well depad on the sxceUenoa ot the article which enter' into its oompo . .''' . mi jwi o vj v in uov&muisj ders when once it is known that root hare unequal led facilities for obtaining the best materials and the dispoeitioa to make the beet nse of tbem. n j, , Yours rery truly. - , f J. W. IX None fcennine withont the sisiatare of I. Calvi5 shafkk, 88 Ooartlittdt St., 1 New York. . ; i For sale, wholesale and retsviXtyS' V. DUFFY, Sol Agent, New ene.' N. a ' my3ilm ( lit-; -i -' A " " - ' ,

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