A Sot. NCAA . iAU-T JOC&NAX. ia a Si Mlui : , iuiAinod dally, axaeB Moaday, ft rjmj.tt.mhtr fix momitut. IMlvared y aabsorlbars at jS seats par'aaeata, .S WEJCKXiT JOUnjIAX ft M'eolama ,r, la r-ihaanaa rrsry Tkuadtr at H.0S r an nau. - ; ADVXBTtBINQ &ATKS DAlLY) On , Bona day fl-; We. for each eoboequaot i ...erTtoiv ; . "j AttarUanuii ftsdar head of Br.rlnnas LMUi'MmUpN Us tar nm, and I MW ur very subssqaastt lueertlan. N mwflwniii it Hi oalnaar.ed iImiwb ocj siatter ftt any pnee. Notice tfjtentefa or J)Uia. not toaxeeed t.a uuei rill be Inert ail free. -Ail additional matter win be eoaixed toon (spar Una. iymaatatortraariantadTarUaeuienu moat l., read la advance. UanlaradTarUavmenia ul baaoUaetaaaraanpUjr at tha and f each iutu la. .uauaamfeUoa aontalalaa new or a dia uaa.ua. of aaai a&auara ara aollciuxl. Mo eunuaaaManoo maat be exoaeted to be twib- iiium (oat oooiama obtecUonable nenonai- Uoaj viuinoioa LM nana of tha author- or t tal U1 buuu more than oue column of thla jjaper. Any aaraoa fee Una agsrleed at any anony mouaauouBOiueauon can obtain tiie nam. o lua suae y application at tnla offloa and n inegi uavux wherein t I Knavauoa exiale. THE JOURNAL. ft. wvwn. a. HaJaFER. Kdltaa, 3TKy BKBBE. N. C. JUNE 23 1387. Catered at tat real oatoe at Nr Baraa, M O aeeeaoad nl atattar. TREASON AJfD REBELLION. Bead Itr. Cleveland's last letter, and see the "under-bred ,: phrase he appliea to the Booth "rebellion." That ia not tba language of decency and truth. It ia an offence. It ia worse it ia dema gogical. Oar language may not please the organ, but it pleases us, and ex pressed what we feel. Wo clip the above from the Wil mington Star's leader or last Sun day. In that article the Star shows the necessity of differing with the President when the President switches off the track of his party. Bat, notwithstanding this opposi tioo to his party by the President is some instances, the Star stands ready to give him a warm support if he should be nominated for re election, as he is infinitely better than a Republican of the Ulai.nk or Sbxbman stripe. Bat the Star's comments on the President's use of the term "rebel fk" as applied to the South wc , t'link A little severe unless it had condemned, in language at least equally as severe, the use of that term by representative Southern men. We call to mind now the fact that Attorney General Uie LJlVD, in bis written opinion, given in the early period of President CLEVELAND'S administration, on th eligibility of Gen. Lawton to a foreign mission, nsed the word rebellion a number of timeB, and while this opinion was copied by Southern papers, not one that we remember, not even the Star, made anjpfote8t to the use of the term. Now if ft representative Southern man, holding the position of At tor ney General of the 1'nited States can, without protest from his peo ple, allude to the great struggle between the States as a '-rebel lion," why should we rail against the President, a Northern man, thoroughly imbued with Northern ideas, for doing the same thing T W object and have always ob jeered- to the use of the term "rerjeuion" as appiieu to the war ' etween the States, and to the rm traitors" as applied to the Southern people. But we do not get mad at our Northern friends when tbey-call us rebels," but we do somewhat lose patience when outnern men ten ns we were .Cbelfl and when Southern school cachers will use in their schools istoriee, written by Northern men, '.iat; teach oar children that we -era traitors. previa at to distant day .to fc-Jiet the sympathy and active co-opera tion ana support et all the intelli gent and progressive farmers tl tne ejoutn, , - Recently a convention of repre- seacatire farmers of Texas, Loaitv tana and Arkansas was held at Waco, Texas, to institute and pros ecute such measures as woald aid and advance the movement On the 16th of August a conven tion of the farmers of the ten cotton States is called to meet in Atlanta, Gak, to consider the causes of the depression existing in the great in dustry of agriculture in the South, and if possible to find and apply the remedy. At this convention, steps will be taken, most probably, for the call and organization 01 a National Farmers' Association. Ob the second Wednesday in January next, our State Association will meet in the city of Greensboro, N. C. The gratifying and rapid progess made in our State, in organizing farmers' clubs and the organization of granges, inspires the belief that the farmers of the Old North State are being aroused as never before, and that they will be fully prepared to fall into line with their brother farmers and with their best en deavor and truest loyalty, strive to advance this the greatest of all our industries. We, the Executive Committee of the North Carolina Farmers' Asso ciation, appeal to the farmers of our State to organize. Establish neighborhood or township clubs; gitaaiva iKt 1-. i Latest be pos sibly obtained.; We jrant to see a rel educatioisj boom ia our county. We watt-to see parent, teachers and all school officers take a lirelj interest U schools. When we do our fall duty all will be welL We learn that a gentleman whs reeides.peai Jrenton had, daring tne ;ia&t jwjtspeii, a very -grassy cotton' patch, and his wife con cluded to help him weed it oat, bat what was to become of theirjittle baby while the mother helped the father ; who was to . norse it-' -The father got oat the baby carriage, pat a rope ,to ; the tongaa of the carriage and fastened the other end of it to his waist, wed the cotton, Earned the taby while the mother elped. and by , these means have secured. a neat, clean ootton patch. Two of Cypress creek's worthy and reliable citizens say that this is a real fact, as they saw the father and mother at work while the baby. was in the carriage and polled after them as above described. 1 will say that poverty and want may peep into their doors but cannot enter, because there is too much vim and energy. As the Joubnal ia generally read by nearly all of our public school teachers 61 our county, 1 will state that the next examination ol school teachers will take place at Trenton on the second Thursday in July and will continue three days. Our superintendent says that Thursday and the morning of Fri day will be devoted to the exami -4rst il II ai no E . 1 t il-Li- W.ftAidf.3i !:: : ir u.i.. .' r.rr 11 n t I An rf v V i r- o r r.li .inn t n aVv n.mt ?orm: .?nl5 . c.18' Uticates, while the remainder of Absolutely Pure. Ttau Dtnrder navar vartaa. A marrsl of purity, avransft. and wnolaaonaaaaa. MoT aeonojnloal than taa ordinary kind, and eaa not b aold In oompeUUon with tha multitude of low (at, ahort weight, alum or phoaphata) Kwdera. Botd only In nana. BotaxBaxmw wm Oo.. 1(4 Wail-aw.fi. I. novU-lydw Fr atJe in Ney bern-bj Alex. Miller. and thus he in a position to be properly represented in our State Association and other representa tive bodies of our farmers. We respectfully but earuestlv suggest the time will be devoted exclusive ly to the examination of colored applicants. Mr. Pear-sal 1 says the object of setting apart and dividing .1. r d- i nj u v. t ia vv n i uiu a j uuj u u ii ci t.hnf. mAf lnaM nf furnirM IkM . , und held in every neighborhood as soon us the Imy season in our crops shall have passed. Prepare for it now. Begin to aeitate it. Write to the IWoyremre Farmer. Raleigh, N. C, the oUlcial organ of our State Association, lor the form of Constitution and By-Laws, which will be mailed to applicants free ot charge. It is necessary that the Secretary of our State Association should have and kuep a complete directory of the farmers' clubs throughout the State. We iherefore ask that every club in the State (whether it be county or township club) send at once to our Secretary, Mr. B. . Hester, Oxford, N. ('., the name and pout- office addrem of each, the 1'regident, Vice President, S cretarg and Treas urer toijcther with the number of members in the club, and the date of organization. We trust that each member of u club receiviug this address will be sore to call the attention of his club to this very important matter. 1). It. l'AUKKR, ) A. M. MclvKK, j 1). Mc.N. McK , ' I x. '..in. ! I,. L. Poi.k, ! ( '. McDonald, 1 Jones County Items. vent all from applying in one day. As he desires to have ample time to give each one a thorough exami nation, we consider it a good idea, and hope each applicant will note the time set apart so as to assist him all they can in advancing tho educational interests of our county No competent teacher will object to a thorough examination, while if ineom etent teachers object so much the better for the schools, for the money had better remain un expended than to be thrown away on teachers not Capable of teaching. Baehlaa'a Arulea ftalwa. Turn Bkst Balvi in the world for Cuta, Bruiaea, Bore. Ulcers, Sato Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, GhUblaina, Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and poaUivelj' cure pilea or no pay required! It ia guaranteed to give perfect eatisfaotion, or moaey re funded. Prioe 85 oente per box. Fo sale by R. N. Duffr. declf It T the Farmers of North Carolina. Wlthodt co-operation we can ar' no :, organization, without ranfzatkui we can have no eys m, without system we can do ithingisThls 1b the bed-rock idea on -which rests our farmers' aba and other organizations. It as this that brought into being t splendid convention on the Lh of-January ' last,1 where was ;anizeT,'..iQirr - -North Carolina risers'. Association. It was the '-i an4 parpose of that oonven-1 i to. make this Association a : :anent nstitntion. Not per--aV-traVthat it should grow I trengthfin;nd. develop until oaldejnbrace in its member - nil the farmers of our State, r before 1n all the history of nntry,'hare the fanners felt " gly theimperative necessity nizatlon. . In the Northern rthwestera States1 their . or ?n ia murine staadllr.fln.' tLronghorrt the' South thai -1 is not only hepeftil and -1, , but - tronderfaL 1 and Wo are having real suiumer time now ; the thermometer was at Trenton on Saturday last. Crops are looking well, par ticularly corn. Cotton has turned a little yellow, but a few days and nights like Saturday and Sunday will make it look all right. Edward Stanly of TreDton town ship is to the front with the first cotton blossom of tho season which he says be found in his cotton field Friday morning last, and says he will have several more in a few days. ('apt. K. It. Page lias this season raised a fine crop of grain. We must also add that he has a nice ootton prospect and a magnificent corn crop, better than I have ever seen him hae, all in excellent trim for growing. The little colored boy which I stated in last week's items as shot at the plantation of Capt. Page, died on Sunday evening the 12th inst. Coroner Bryan held an in quest on Monday. Verdict ren dered by the jury : accidental shooting.; On Saturday, 11th Inst., Mr. Daniel Andrews, who resides near Deep Spring Church, buried his little child, and on Saturday, the 18th inst., the mother was placed iu'the same graveyard. Mrs. An. drews bad been sicir for several months, having a complication of dropsy and heart disease. The whole community deeply sympa thize with Mr. Andrews In his double bereavement. Any of the public school teachers of Jones county who may desire to attend any or the normal schools of cor State can get reduced rates on any of onr railroads by apply ing to oar county superintendent and get a certificate that be is pre paring, to become ft teacher of pub lic schools, ' We sincerely hope that as our State Superintendent has secured these rates,, that every teacher in our county who possibly can, will avail themselTM of these advantages and make themselves as efficient, and av the Jethne acquaint themselves of all the pro- MoaTRwmAyT, PUEE&PEEfIiqT,IENSES World. Prepare forjhe Season Blatchley's Freezers, Will f reeae cream aolid ip five minutes) Refrigerators Water Coolers, Wire Dish Covers, Wire Window Cloth, Fly Fans, And a hull Line of House Furnishing Goods, L. II. CUTLER'S, 26 & 28 Middle Street, XEW UEKNK. N, C. f Fd u rtH idf F 4 uly iGe I d b ratio n ! ' .FID BUY YOUR SULlUEfl GOODS AT-- f HOWARD- r-MESfi We hsre in store and eonstaotly arriving, Seasonable Goods for Bummer .Wear consisting of Drabdete Suits, Seersucker. Alpaca, Serge and Flannel Coats and Vests. '" ! faitd iftne City. Lisle Thread, Balbriggan, Gauie and .Net Undershirts and tiiaTT ! ' f tj Urawers to match. Best Bleached Jeans Drawera, 50e. ; In tSnirtl we have a rare variety. All who have used The Fearl bhirt are well pleased both with fit and wear. A nice set of Triple Plate Buttons with each half-dozen Shirts. We will guarantee our Boss OOe, Shirt to-eqaal any 25c. Shirt in New Berne. Plaited Bosom, Pique and Colored Shirts;. Lawn Tennis Skirts and Shoes. New lot of Jas. Means &. CO. 'a $3 Shoes just arrived. Collars 10c , Caffs 15c; Celluloid Collars and Cuffs, full assortment. Handkerchiefs, Silk, Linen and Cotton, all prices. The best Linen llandt kjerchief you ever got for 15c i 'H. Hose, vVhite and Colored Xeckwear, new lot junt received. Initial Scarf Pins, all letters in a few days, ouly 10c. Porpoise Hide Shoe Laces. Gent's Garters, silk and cotton. Sleeve Supporters, Cuff and Scarf It . tainere. Batbing Suits just arrived. Firemen's Bubber Coats, Hats and Boot Trunks, Valises, Straw Matting, Carpet, Bugs, etc. RED LIGHT SALOON, Near Market Dock, Middle St, NEW BERNE, N. C., IS WHUU YOU VA.1S ALWAYS ril PURE LIQUORS 0 every variety, In larfre or email quantities. Also the FINEST GRADES "tobacco and cigars. All of wbioh will be sold CHEAP FOR CASH! John I). Din kins, Salesman. E. WHITMAN, dec22dw - Proprietor. Be sure and call on us before you buy. HOWARD & JONES, Opp. Episcopal Church, Pollock St. OLDEST AND LARGEST MUSIC HOUSE IN VA. Walter D. Moses & Co. 914 MAIN STREET, RICHMOND,. VA. ,-ujnrmftiTTiiaaa .' f TsA lDBtrumenl . ifT ' . " i A gen is ci I Pianos and Organs on eaay monthly plan at factory prices. Old Instruments taken in exobaDge, bought, rented aa4 "repaired. laaUH Stock ofSHIET IdUBIC. Inslructlou Booka of allklnda. Bpeolal Dta eoiiiit to 1'eucliera aud tkihoolB. UalalOKoes luatled free. Asaortmeut of Mmlc aentOD aelecllloD If desired. Htrloin lor all Mnaloal A few allKHtly used Planoa and lundard ruakra. from $'ib to fMO. i Uuiuom froreaalonal Oliver Bell Violttin At'Piir.lliiiiat ttitl fVArvtlilnv In that t.a. Musl(.al Uue Correspondence solicited. Catalogues mailed free on application at the office of our JSortn Carolina A Kent, junl7dw6m MIDDLE STREET, NEW BERNE, N. C. MAX SGHWEKIN HIS CLOTHING EMPORIUM In. tlao They are aa tianaparanl and color light (taelf, and foraortbaaa or endurance to ibe eye. cannot be exoeUad, enabling the wearer to read ror boura w)tool fatigue. In fact, they are l EKKKCrr SIGHT PtlJSTtWKRB, Teallmorjlala frora the leading physicians In the United Btatea, Uavernora, 8natora, IxKlalatora, atockmen, man o note lnall pro feaalona, and In dlffereni branches of trade, banker, mechanlca, etc., can be given who nave nau tneu aigbt improTed by their uaa. ALLi EYES FITTED AND THE KIT GTJARANTEK1) BY F. S. DUFFY, Druggist, mart) NEW BERNK, N. O. Iy ROUIID KIIOB, Tun (rellnhtful reaort la now open to vlall- ors. rne hotel naa oeen thoroughly reno. vated and furnlabed throughout wltn an eye wine aona comion 01 goeata Hatha, jki tnc tteiia, watei in every room, white Uec lh TABLK 1b nnsnrpaased by any on tha road. The Scenery la unexcelled In ptctnreaqne oeamy, wun a rooaiaiik ui rowing a atream 'm fet hlnh. A near way haa been opened from here to tna riaiuuu. a tne Hina Ktriie, MlTCUELL-a PEAK and TOB R1VKR, which ahortena tba dlktanoe one-half; ta over a good road, at leaa expenae, more comforU, and the whole route a ttOEMK OF BEAUTY AWD1NTERK8T. Mole Train, Guide and Ten ta, all to be had at the HOteL The W. N. C. R. R. trains atop here (or din ner. Kxpreaa, Telegraph and Poetofflee In Ike bulldUig. Kvery effort on tba part of the management will be to make roar Btay pieaaaut and agrceahie. Terma reaaonante, W. I. BPRAGUK, The anperb SALOON 1a branch of Jaa. H, Juongbran'a, AabevlUa, li. 0. m2T tl New Central Hotel, rraaaTwmwr Biwui Hawit South Front Straat; Haw Sarae, If. IB. F Amnion, Prartetor, Offara apaoial IneTBoamtmtJ to aotnmarela. anen. ' Oalalna of inparleT axealleoea. Omnlboa and baggage wagon at all tral mrA mia - Batea, gl.OOBafday. dal? Sea Shells. ONE nVTDBXD FANCY SKA-SHELLS for ONE DOIX.AR. Bend twenty-five centa for aanple dor en to P.O. Box 19, 8 wan boro, N. C. D. H. 'WARD. Jnne 10 ,18S?. II dlwartw ; 1 J - - For SaleataVSargain. 1 and aSTS& A Parttmianr aat obtained on nppttu&vk , at ; iotsxit office,; -i8dlWWlBl4, Take Notice ! Our store is filled with Provisions, Groceries, Canned Goods, Ury Good, Crockery, Etc. We keep a full line of the Celebrated Prison Boots and Shoes. ALSO C. S. Parsons & Sons' Boots and Shoes. Kvery pair warranted to give aatiS' faction. Country merchant and tha people generally are requested to oall and ex amine our large stock before poroha. ins;, we will give you low figures. We job Lorillard Snuff . ROBERTS BEO., South Front it.. Keu Bttn. K. O. K. R. JONES, Wholesale and Retail Dealer in CHOICE FAMILY GROCERIES AND General Merchandise AUG IN G AN1 TIES Etc Consignments of Grain, Ccttoa and outer rrodoce solicited. Prompt Attention Guaranteed; W. Cor. South Front and Middle BV NEW BERNE, K, C., ; 1 Williams' Freight Lino Witt Bargee Beed'i iuA? lSqIrest,. will maka ' tegular trtpa,' to Baltimore and return ereryjtw? week. . . .. JFrelrkU Uiwr Tkaa 'fM Lottie ; B,kxi'CbKiiu,gtn-New Bniqi N.'d . Vautu?& JtTXBs - Aeeotai Salti more lid. - t ..i.,fa-.i-t.i y. sLii !i - - J.'V. .WILLIAMS. " r,tnay dwtf : Proprietory X 'pnrs saad -delloicna artiele m.t , jnavtoiin " to the Store lately occupied by Wm. Eollister, where with more Room to din play nis lnoreaaea stooa, ne is, witn tne assistance of MR. SAMUEL JR. BALL, prepared to show and sell at Hard Pan Prices, The FINEST, NOBBIEST, NEATEST, PRETTIEST and BEST READY-MADE CLOTHING, Gents' Furnishing Goods, Straw, Derby and-Fur Hats, Boots and Shoes, Dry Goods, Etc., Etc. I AM BOLE AGENT FOR A. A. BATTLES' MEN'S CALF SEWED $2.50 SHOES The only Rhoea sold In this otty that are WARRANT ED ; by the Manufacturer TO MK and BY ME TO MT CUSTOMERS, viz: Kvery pair la Warranted! ahonld any of them in anyway within any reaaonable time : give oat, 1 will npon return of damaged pair and state, merit aa to length of wear, bithirrbfcnd the MoNar Or GIVS AHOTHKB HBW PAIR IN EXCHANGE. It lS the beat, flneat and cheapest Shoe In tha World for the money. They come la Button. Plain and Bharp Toed , Congress and Laos Up Bhoea. 1 have teatlmonlala from aome of onr best and lead inf cltltena, who have bought the ''BATTLES 8HOK," some of which have worn one pair as long aa 13 mon tha. and proDounoe it the Beat, Cheapest and Jaalost Wear ing Shoe In the world. I respectfully solicit an inspection of our Stock and guarantee entire satisfac tion to all purchasing from us. MAX SCHWESIN, Middle Street, at Wm. Holliater's Old Stand. Sign of Flag. u niSHtlilVlMiliM 1 aianu4 Trial iua a9 pa. imtt a laf us ui'uvuiUOBj of aom took a rtul Uat toaaaiui nranol BaVUoalOaratorKenDaaDabilltr, ftnd Piml al Dm in Ton Omni. mnFMIfl. 4 U AS Urn. TmmI tnr RishtVa m. hoaaa4fawr abaalotoly rartoia pramatanrr atfea ana brokpn Aeywn man toth. roll anlavmAntcir MrtaMaadbai MsnlrBuvncth ud Vimroaa Bealtk. .Itnnan nsranr Iran vii. su.ay uusuuj. u li i . a 1 11 a taaaaot er laanw K Hi. ltroaara,OTaT-Iria or too fraa Indnlaanof, w tvk that roa nad oa mnt of jam tmabla, aad aaeura wltb iuot'd FampalritAs. VIA v a a V-. TUB LW .aTatd t" tim,.jUka8UkaRauiTikatriu , CliUBO llin ml.. aoM Mt hairfcn ,nl7 amaateTaol 'Ma-tanirAe arnlml riBeibaaclMr linitnr. fcrooaatabaat I WiWkTortoorn aoar nama wita atatoon ol fMrpuuonu u mm of diMM. apKiar lliniiaaii ala til ailll i . il 1 . . TTl CS!l!!f Vaitt of Uf. ara kick, tbMS4 TBCATSEITHlas Koetk, tj. Trtkoa K HthU HARRIS REMEDY CO.. Bra CamisrC oemr ;.TaathOUaaa.OT.ivOTOs, ara , RtlPTUREO FaRSOM ean bars raai Trial of our Appltanoe. AM. for Torrasl GEORGE ALLEN CO. Generar Hardware AjcrrciltTiral -il mp l e m e n t b. f fows, "Harrows, CaltJrators, ,V; "WVB 1UV9, Wood's Mowers and , Keaoers. " j -i ui Steara Enjrfnes, r Datton Gins and Presses. reVtniiers. Land Plaster, Kainlt juecqtiuqa a oois ana Hardware, Liinevij Brick, Cement. Plaster Hairi" Paint, a Kalsomlne; v Var- nlsii.Oil,Olass. Pjittgr and JJair. VaT61 BeM?erat6rsi 'V Oil tWfctTV Erixekar Bureiar PnMlSaslilda'Warrahf to rfve security and catlsfkctlon. REAL ESTATE AGENCY &.&E1TDEES02T Only '-''Coioiimu.nti ha rjti'i Lift K&ileeUesI tittow&i:' Total Capital oyer Torty lalllionsb. 'Dnllora ' TnnOl il. vBelng in eonespondenoe with ssTstal pav-; hW';' Ilea North who dealra tA nk ln.aiiiii. 'v - f, ' nnsl ete., In this vicinity, persons hvrS ' farm or wood lnrt for sale would - So,. : ' ;, wan to give me a descr!ptlos, wita prlosf'; , " etc.' ' . So charge made U aala is not effected .-Vf Charges moderaU wbsalessje'iiiada.1 r--4i!.Ti'' ' U room east of Oaaton Home. 3v Take ? UoticealiK; Paoi'. Vt't H. BBEPARD'is cutting- ; ' ' half for SO centa, and - also dyeing btob ' taohes black or brown for 20 cents. AleshainsnBore aadpntethfra in " j good order for 20 oents. ; : " t . Children's hair catting, 18 cent. , Y ; . . Hecanbe. found opposite the Oaeton House, wb ere he has a poU'end eopT shaver, Thomas-Hon jobn. Ufr"i h prepared to f"it all who c! "1 ft t r send t'-rir cbiMren. mal7dtf- " 1'i.cf, 7. 5 i r.