4 Bag donbjjed, itself. It is square in shape, and square' in its dealings wlthjJLwJ. s Oar old frieads hare long been convinced of this fact, and it will take onlj one call from new ones tojositi vely assure them. Bear in mind we ve always able to pat before the customer anything and everything we advertise and at the prices named. Listen to the wonderful inducements we are offering this season, and remember we bare not the slightest fear of competition ; onr prices can not be met by any honae in the city. Why t do you ask! It is a sim ple story and easily told WE PAY CASH ! SPOT CASH ! Thojs. saving the time prices "and the cash discount, which is a very large item. Oar customers get the advantage of these in onr very low prices. Now see for yourselves: Heavy Unbleached -Homespun, yard wide, 5c. Good Unbleached Hoax spun, 4c. Good Gingham, 5c. Pi;i )d Homespun, 5c. The very best ;dn ots, 5o Liawna, very nanasome patterns India Linens, from 8c. per j d. n Plaid Nainsooks, all trades and Striped NalBsooks, all grades and Colored Stripped Nainsooks, only Embroidered India Linen Suits, only $2.50. Beautiful Cbambrays. Batines, 12c. Embroidered Satine Suite, the latest and preitieM novelty of the season, elegant and very low. Cashmeres and Woolen Dress Goods of all kinds. Percalesj Dress Gingham, and Gingham Dress Suits. Large size all linen Towels, only 10c. An elegant knotted (nuge bleached Diimask Towel, only 35c, and the largest and finest Damask Towel in the city for 20c. and 25c. Endless variety of Napkins and Table Damask. Stamped Linens of all kinds, Boufe Scarfs, Splashers, Tidies, Table Scarfs, etc, with the best wash working Silks in all the new colors, only 4c. skein, and the very best French Working Cotton, turkey red, bine aud white, at 10c. per dozen, worth 25c. Rick Rack Braid, full 18 yd. pieces, 5c. All-linen Torchon Laces, 10c. do., yards. Full line imported Torchon aud Medici Laces, very low. Onr Oriental aud Egyptian Laces are cheaper than ever seen. Ladies' Cape Collars, 5c. arid 10c. Child's linen Standing Collars-, Sc. Ladies, Cuffs, 10c. Lace Scrim, full width and beautiful goods, only 11c. per yd., worth 20c. Cambric embroidered Edges aud Insertions, embroidered Cambric Flounces, Swiss Flounces, Cambric All Overs and Swiss All Overs. Ladies' Corset, good, 25c. Ladies' solid colored Hose, 4c. Gents' i Hose, 5o. Gents' J Hose, British, no seams, lc. pair. Gents' J Hose, imported British, 20c. Pants Linens and Cassi meres ol all kinds. A good Fants Jeaus, !)jc. Gents' Soft, Felt and StilTlIats, aud ask for our pure Mackinaw Straw Hat at 50c. Gents' nice linen Cuffs, Gente' Collars in aH- the very best Gents' gauze Shirts and Drawers Ladles' ganze and Balbrigan Vests Be sure to call for our Ladies Worked Button hole Shoe, only 90c. per pair. And remember we have a complete line of Ladies, Misses and Children's Shoes of the very best grades. We are at least 25 to 50 per cent, lower on Gents' Shoes than any house in town. Be sure and look for us. Our stand is the same old place, one door from Pollock on Middle street, and though the store has been very much enlarged and altered in appearance, it can be easily found. T. NEW BERNE, N. 0. N. B. The finest and very best Gents' Shirt ever sold in North Caro lina can be found with us, at only 75c. Remember it is made of New York Mills Muslin, 21 hundred, Linen Bosom, Collar Band and Cuffs, and hand made button holet. We guarantee them to be as good if not better than any shirt ever sold in New Berne for $1.00. If not so we ill refund the money to any customer who is not satisfied. Ak tox Ives' Leader Sbirt. J. F. ives. lINSEY . Full corps of Teachers. Boarders. Write for terms to jahltt dwtf V The Flowen that bloom in the Spring bate nothing to do with Garibaldi's inoTenjants la favor of the Siamese Twins. Bat. Tli&fflillffSfeifC HAS A FUffE LINE OF ...... 1 CcnilenienSol 1 fU-Vf Consisting of Collsi Cs, Shlrts-Uundnsd in(J onlaundried, TTnderwesj, SospeaderaBoXialf T&mft u"!,,f I A Daisy iina of ifrekf ' w&.&t itt atylefc aiprioei that exl competition 1 botrgti fotffcaali, ana am'dotsrmiBed gJtrofcMW f high1 prioet. Notoudk manV wardrobe ompleto withoot an, addition Ironi ihia fcandseme stock..--, pi; , j.aj ';.! t?ri.'3r ,rtyryi ktfi.t i? f!i5."w Kt If jm rait ia.9u.it' dolh'wiy 6wn In price and lwjr JhVqaality; do cot stand ea tvettri'r rf rcn r f tolcg, bxrt come at once.r!.' ;.;v:-X?it''r.'i1. 1'y iKk of I" ' tr ' i s i .otSBrt 't,f Alio. , f ; r and good .juaiity, m. p. all orices. all prices. 10c. yard. only 16 2-3c. per pair. and latest styles, aud very low. of all grades. from 40c. to 50c, very line goods. JT. school, Young Ladies New Building. Ample accommodations for JOSEPH KINSEY, PRINCIPAL. Cfryper fent- lower in prio, allnsw, lercliant. i i : . M.. i w : : -.1- t ssf:'rt V I ' 4 i'urnisninpooas uarpete in iaci a general stocr, r.;;rm Pricef.. my7 dw6a Ifflffi'SQTOAJJi. - AJDBOXEDA. They chained her fair joung body to the oold and creel stone; The beast begot of tea and. slim had marked her for his own The callous world beheld the wrung, and left her there alone. Baae caitiffs who belied her, false kins men who denied her. Ye left her there alone! Mr beautiful they left thee In thy peril and thy pain ; The night hath no morrow was brood ing on the main ; But lo! a light is brc thee again: breaking of hope to Tin Perseus' sword a flaming, thy dawn Across the western main, , u lrbland! o my country! he comes to break thy chain! -Jamtt Jeffrey Hh,. Onslow County ItemB. i The farmers an-laying by their corn. Cotton i of forms. over knee bigli stud full ' A cold suiiji make things look iuiti' blue. farming Schr. Ray cleared lor 1'Lilailel phia with ;0,(OO sliingk-s this week. Mr. it. C&riuy, Mr. McJouew and a few others are about dune plowing their com. Schr. Etta cleared for Baltimore with 27,000 ft. timber from Tern's mill this week. We have tine corn crops all over the county. Cotton, peanuts aud ! potatoes never looked better. We are glad to see and hear ul a move being made to repair Barker's bridge; hope it will be done soon. Messrs. Iv M. Koonce, Ed. E. Wari aud C. Ii. Erazelle are at the 'II.... I . . A I I.. . . . 1 I lenein i n Heuun ai .11 or eneau - City. Schr. E. I'laucis cleared for New ltier to take a load of shingles from that place to Balti more. Sharpie schooner Edwin, Capt. li. Foster, arrived yesterday flour New Berne, where she bad been to carry turpentine for Maj. Dennison. We had a case of man stealing this week. One man came from Morehead and stole one of our citizens about midnight, and car ried him off, Capt. Harden Jones says, the kidnapper is the champion liar and thief of modern times. Will let yoa hear moro ol the par ticulars later. Gur late election for special tax was very small; 000 votes only, out of about 2,000 or over, was polled, 380 ngainst to 200 for special tax. What will they do next? We don't know. Shad fishing and porpoise fishing are .currying the day in money making. Ii some one would put a shad factory on Dudley Island in frontbT. Swansboro it would pay. Millifths of the Menhaden fish pass up "and down White Oak river all the time; right now one could catch all they wanted to run a large factory. These last cold winds almost ruine4 U$ sweet potatoes set out about .thaj, , time. It is said by maoy,;findjve believe it, that a sweet poUtoe plant set out on a north or east wind will not turn out anything. We set out a few and Dr. Sanders set on Saturday, that cold windy day 8,000, and says he don't expect to make a bushel of potatoes from them. We have marked our few set out on that day, and will see if they turn ont aa well as those along side of them. Eadmg ol schools at different places bring home the pupils. Mr. George T. FarneU . arrived in Swansboro last week from Nash ville, Tenn., where he has been to school lor two years. Dr. G. N. Ennett's two boys, George . and Billy, came from Jhe Davis- School at LaQrange last week'', tMiBS Etta Barget, from "ydnr it, , dioTiUer of Mrs. O. StepTieD's, gradaates'this week at Salem. aha will 'return Lhome to nrakeome pflne jouiig meu wwa .. they wen) fiiigw .jheB. Our schbOl Itx Swansboro will close soon and tfie, teacher will be ready I to take another antwheretri or out of the 0000 . for ten months from the first of August next. We were in Carteret county a few days ago and tb4 crops on the Sound looked just Iple.picnd. Dr. Sanders, George Dennia, J. W. Weeks, Alex. Dennis 'Carteret's Clown,'' Dr. G. N. Ennett, S. B. Holland.; nd others are looking forward for a big yield this year. Hie best corn we saw was on Cedar Point, belongingto , Mr. Kareey Bell, and the watermelons "are fine. Mr. J. W. Week and- Mr. iidwin Watson, we. tbifik. had the best looking watermelons, tome of beaM as large as a goose ggA QenHeS Dennis says a man may - larpi all Liid "etter Goods KS Money darn iboi; the very idea be ia j-of Ieavbig twd watermelon planuHiri bill lr iffeposteren'Be BSyn foBji Weeks Will beat Dr. Caaders on, half in making meloai, betau(f thi Doctor left 4wtr plants end - Hr. Weeks only one.1 If any one wants to bet a oonpte jpf, hundred of m on that - tell him to come on fhxd he has some melons too,' the worms didn't eat them all expects to make a many to he acre and as large as the next one. HO HOUSEHOLD SHOULD BE WITHOUT DX3SPEPSBA, ,1 ii S'V.A'trrifW&CO-: PHILADELPHIA The mJurl(y ul (li- 1U ..I llir bun body arl fruin u illAcuf, hhl'pltitwl Lf tl lie Hi' HEJt THAI 1(11 1,1 I I II I. . I. MM I Mlliiiiilutes 1hj torpid liter, l rr iik I li en i ii v u I t en 1 1 . urHBU". reyti ittlt-n I Ii bow In, aud ar uut-Uiale.a as uu ANTI-BILIOUS MEDICINE. In malarial dlatrlrla Ihelr vlrHie ar widely reroiilaed. an lliey piMc.. c-. ullar propwrlles ! f rc-vlug I lit j from ll.ai oImou. tlvKaully ftiijfar cvaled. loa email, frlc. li&rls. Sold Everywhere. ()tn. ., 44 Murray St., N.-w V.irk. ALEX. JUSTICE, DKAI.KK IN Fine Flour of all Grades, Selected Teas, Pure Coffees anil Spices, Dutter and Cheese, from the best dairies. Tho l.ttlK"'' ftliJ Het SelHCLfil Mm k rANKKI) Kit I ITS A I) VK.iK'l AIII, vr bforp lirouKht lo New Heme. Also, a rull variety nf ottier m In umuii kept In a Klrat-CluM Hlnre 0.nk1b itellvered ul any .nrl of II, e free of c linrye. TrCKMH I ASH Broad Ht. - New Berne, N. mar77 dwlf Atlantic k Korth Carolina Railroad Co. HKCliKTAlU H IIK1K K SKCliKTA rty-Thlrd N KVBKB N , N. June Ull, Hi Hits 1 lilrty-TBlrd Annual Mm-tlnu .f inc Hlcx kliuhltrt nf Hie AUaulir A North ram linn ICailroail Company will tie hcl.t hi MoitKiiKAii crrv, n r.,nu'iiii iW'ti tli 1111 It'll KTI1 ilayot .II'.NK. K-7. jif ii id k. r. KonmiTH. s. Commercial College li KY. UNIVENlTr. LEXINGTON, KY. Chmptst tf Best Business Colleae in the World. nVffcest Robiop aol &ol4 Mfidal tt til ntfisr C". ! Wfcrli' RroalUom, for Htbmio of Book -licptnc n 1 Oeyal BwalaeM Etatattm. HOOO OraduaM B T-'11 10 TBcbr ampiyd. of Kali Ilotnf OtlWfii iPBimdlm TuUtoo NuiioDerr ti1 Bortl, tMn,i t. irt-HM, Typ-WHtl TloB-i-mpa f . rrUiUoa. t TfltBBtklOBb Inuv Now. (Jri.3o.,WiU..rntwa Mi.-oi.. Tut irtiar, 4drM Ephrmlm W. Naalth. Prloripi, WUbu R. BBallh. PrMldDt Lexlnfftoa, Ky- "A BOOK FOR THE PEOPLE." CAPTIVATIMJ! Kl'FI L ! Kloqunl guulina. ftnd Diploma itr laprr on ihi rmal I'uhlir (iuelt4inn ol ihf and re-m . JVMF.N ii. BI.INK. Emtimrlniz hi. maoti-rlv aivnnii'tiu ,,n t h, i M.,! - ID tbf - '1 .Slilivry foiyuii Ihi Ml I".r .if. I IMOf fi,i"i, rVitMMfiiin, W ;;.imi ruU . I, WO. tTA FOHTTM. l-",,H lt,.-,K I UwF.K" A I I I.I CATTs F"H TKRRIT"l.y C-Hiv-I IM It H . I THE HKNKV H11J. I Tlil.lMt I S. i ( . N. i,i. U. ' 'T. First-Glass Buggies MAPK AN I' KEPT CONSTANT LY 01 HAND AT T. RANDOLPHS CARRIAGE FACTORY, Bbqad 8t., Nkw Bkrne, N. C. Those wishing to purchase will find it tip their advantage to call and examine before purchasing elsewhere. , REPAIRING done at short notice. Satisfaction guaranteed in work and prices. ap!9 dwtf Attention ! Housekeepers. I WILliJM&lV' YOff MaX) Than Any House in the City. DCre me a trial. If not satisfactory,"! Btoner rernnaea. , , . . , . f'liiiif I it i i 7 T,KlrrVRa itch s- ) - sr. nr ,i i ii r iW kit wiiwawx' jm.gMar Aimimi.auimE t 3 f RESTLEs6iE Wt.Ul B ET'EIIV MKiSIIJIMBItV Wk b. hackbtjMv 'fmoieraM orbus iarrhoe ummer Qorriplaints ysenterv c Cured )- teaspoon ful of PcrrrPa i?om I jl la in, a. little Nt(rr d'u rcif (in ct l : liter I'UO bli.'i.l.l l.'a-n til: ..ul it.. 1,,,- VN'lii ii li. :i a en:!. Or . luiiiiiAUi u, Ihuii nil. tliliv nr.. a t uj h i) In ii. In , Iu T nrrti:,! - u : M.u .1 r.:. 1 WANTED . it ifch. i i . -1 . : , li a K: 1 l . '-. it ; WEAK. UNDEVELOPED PARTS t,r nil lnr ,:i i, i.il M iriisM t.utr-I f n 1 in. it i i, Pirlcr Suits, Chamber Sets Walnut Bedsteads, Mtir.;uiH, V tirtl rolx'M M tit t r.-KN.-M, InilrM, I Oil ll'I'M, Sdlil-, ' II 1 r 'I'ulil i 's, I) I r , , a i i;mk iio'ito.m pun i:s JOHN SUTEE, M l, lie hlreel. w Hiri.e N i KAXTKIU MIHTH t'AROL.'l A MARBLE WORKS, !;u HKK K, ( . Monuments Tombs. A r. , t : ilravp and Hn : Idlnj work 1 D ITALIAN-AMERICAN MARBLE Or ii-i' 'a ill receive prompt ttlt ntior , satifftction guarantooti. ; j JOE V.. WILLIS, Proprietor w jrrtiM'ii lo Oeorge W Caypooie) Cot. BROAD AfiD CRAVED Sit. SFW PERSE, A'. C l). K. MiLi.nn is my authorized agpu nKinaton maRO-lydw Hyde Line Company. NEW. HKKNV, N. (V APKM. . ! BUMKElt 8CHEDULE )K THK S r I.AM It MAROIE, To go Into effect op and after May 1st. Widncly-LeTe New Berne at HKVKN A.M. for Bayhoro, snipping at Adams tTee. gmltba CTree It, Vandemere and Stonewall. Thnraday Leave Bayboro at SEVEN A . M far New Heme, stopptDg at H tone wall, 'ani1e mere, Hmtths Creek and Adams Creek. Saturday Leave New Berne at HKVFN A.M fnr Bavboro, stopping at Adams t'rrek. I Smiths Creek; Vandemere and Stonewsl I j Monday Leave Bayboro at SEVEN A M for New Hme, stopping at Stonewall. Van demera, Smiths Creek and Adams Creek. By tilts arrangement we are able to make eiow oonneoOon with the Northern steamere. also having good aooommodattons Imtb tor passengers and freight at vary low rales, and aak Um merehaota and nrodooers along iu line to give tt thatr cheerfnl support. Freight received nnder oover every day of week. , For' fnrUier InformaUon eDqnh-e at the offloe, toot of Craven street. Ot any of fta agents at toe following praoes: ABB LKE, adasoa Greek, i S. L. KoOniOAU MaalUM Creek. !. H. ABBOTT, 'VaiMlwmere, - C, H. rowUKfVPtowewall. rOWLKB OWLfa, Bayboro. W P. BTJBD9 O. M. lie to' 8TEAMEBS. THE NEUSE L TRENT RIVEB Sleamboat Company. ... ruii iht lull u Willi; rielitstJQitj oq and Jul .nr . ;vC Steamer Trent v:ii .cave cw brine lor lYexitoD very WtjdiKJtuiay i t, h u- rt-turning, will lave 1 ruuiun r r j EuriKlai tuuchiog til all pu!LU fcU'l-g !Lt r.fl Steamer Kluotou. .e J t N r m hi r '. ,r K ;i, tU, 11 OU TusV- ai.d hiuaB mi ..-..... u. M. kelurn- M..; rU K. !.(...:, il.ud ftnd I l .. i feti u a -oni:ijuiiit i.! i j Juii 1st, at v ' . ! . :i.- rt t hr'Ju.e v . . i,c luade Ul n ' . 1 1 ; i . : ' t- 6!.''kTS .(f I '.h'. p. t : r. Due .1 v. f :. of U.e c '.,,t J " J l'iS'iSWAi ft I .Nrwbrra W K M7 AfLY, KlEliUJU I t HahhLfc, Ui.JlBVlLfj j r wi-- !.'.. (hi leid, J l'- i. A h ! k r T I ' I M J M v. 1 l- , ijt!. Mimaihr, elj?dAw ttVuBton. N. t) EASTERN CAROLINA DISPATCH. i I.. Jibt f-i ; fit Line : : t t ''.'i.r I Mluu Nuilh I ai ull l.a I li I - n il I .1 l l.i I 1. , Hi. ! I IlllOl e. 'I. ! In -I . I j I 1. . , v. .. I . Ilo.lun, t ' . i n i ii H I: u 1 1 I i uiul l 1 y my uld Djm:n:.n -ilaksei? company iu:-ori:.Li). I K . . II.. ii r n I, r i i I If ali'i tl Ir n ml TKI-UKt'KLY LINE u i in i ii . it,, 1 1 1 1 ,1. I ), I. In . I! v 111 k . I'l.ll.. II 1,1.114 . , l.vl ami Wet. I. i i i ut m:i 3ft, V.Eixers .Siw b:: and Pamlico MO.N l Ml X ! iikUiii, t i-H nivr. ii J'fiii ,i' .Nf lu 1 t vi i ii r 1 1 : 1 1 . m k. ; r j , , veri M'iM't 1 u l N , 'At hi I 1 1 1 i i i I y f . i ll SI It KKN K , 1 " t unit I- HI I 'hi c ii K illipi l, i-i ; M. I n m I ' i H MlfHtlKTII i-i. fur I'lillu. ini Itua- ..si- i ,Ht nitiH, i ., f for I Hf . H I II I . 1 f f U f , 'tU n i' ii ' I .li for " f t ,i.. Nur h'. . j a, i-i.l afkor Ihi ,r, , , nifnrt ii M . I M A M III. . ,Vi n it ill 'ItKI.Ii. . I It V r li N.'lf k M I- A Th1 N. C. Freight Lino 1 OH N FAV YORK, BOSTON, PROVIDENCE, a:. ' u . w-llil .rlli miti Wont f I H'llirlt TH K 7, NOltTH niVKH. of Afr York and Baltimor Transportation Co. tbf f .ea : -'t-Arn I, in --til n N w York, mstsrlnc Ak) - 'I r - t .r. with ri'iit;moT fr Kw BrtM 1 1 1 I. id p sL 1 CT.'.J OJ) i hnUf SEMI-WEEKLY itwesa Kev Eer. HT K A M ER8 iid Eiltucori i N.irftlkJ LeftTtTif Nv Firr,. f,,T Hft)tlmor TTJESftAT FKIHAVS , r r- l,r BsJUmcw fa sw Bom. WEI'NESPATS dn4 SATFsVDAT e. p. m. Arvt f ii.v. ElTPtN Fi 'TIR. fn'l JfbDLger, .. .r,t. o LlghtSt., Bal't.B ,s AS vr x . iRRirjc Ai t. Norfolk, Ta. v r r:j. io.. Pbiiaieiphia, li Boat Tort a Balm Trin, I irf.Pl.r JforxaiiTy E Saw nrt. Be.trin . i b tral waarf, E H h,K.w.,l, ProTidmc. R I. , . . v m.r.s, t m fii"r, rrriag waan. -i satpi isve Hnttsm Tae.dkys aad Balarian " " Ife Tork duly. - -" Baltimore. WndBodaysaaABataevay ' fall Slvr, Moadays, TTsrtaasSsia ' Fridays. . ' rrovi4Bce, Satrslayib kvestgk Milsladlacglvsa. aa4 r as all poista, a ta llfrat a) paalaa. T ' , ,-- Lwi Sriihgi ii Bil ui Ilip ra v : N. a Mly S a 9 EAT Aa- B rraa F i ,