.ILs Magazine, 7ITH ILLTJSTKATIOyS. ISrtt Number Beads Ikccnber 151k. SoibatriiMaKuiM will be in the widest sense a mguuke of general literature, and eaeh number will be folly illustrated. Sam of the most noUble ,-apers to sr-peer diring the first year are se rves of Unpublished Letter of Tb ink ers j of Terr great autobiographical "- ralut x-Miiuster E. B. Wash burer8 BaminiaeeDoea of the Siege and Commune of Pari; Glimpses at the DUries of Gouverneur Morris, Minuter to France at the close of the last oeatnry. (giving descriptions of social fife and characters at the time); a collection of contemporary letters describing Earl j New York and New Enrland Society. . - Thra if much excellent fiction, in cluding a aerial by Harold Frederic; stories extending through several - numbers by H. 0. Bunner, J. 8. of : Dale, and others ; and shert stories by B. L. Stevenson, Joel Chandler II ar ' ris, T. A. Janvier, Miss Jewett, Oo '.' tore Thanet, n. 11. Bojesen, Miss Oosby, and a host of other?. V, Notable special papers to be pub . ashed very early are General F. A. Walker's on Socialism; Dr. William Hayes Ward's on Babylonian Cylin ders; Mr. John C. Ropes' on the i'or traits Of Caesar; Captain Greene's on Coast Defence, etc., etc .". -' Soribner's Magazine will be pub Hshed at $3.00 a year, or 125 cents a - -lory. Subscriptions may be sent to V ftly newsdealer or bookseller, or to ,.' CHABLES SCKIBNER'S SONS, Publishers, 743 and 745 Broadway, New York MertkantB, Bonier and Manufacturer should rtad BRADSTIIEET'S, A Winir Jui HFii. or - frail, Fiatncj ud Public Economy. Sixteen Pace Every Halurday. !4UBM Twenty hw Humi-iiii.es Twenty-four Peges ; riVBJ DOLLARS A YEAR Tas foresaosi pu IS to as of Braeuoal service to business men It eewaael trad and Industrial report and ' IIS MIM of recent leg! declslonsare ex caialaely valnabla. Aa commercial traoa eUasia. in tne wider sense, are eomtng to be more aad snore conducted on statistical beats, tne Information contained in HKAD- SU feAsTTS Is Of the first Importance te all. : Th fanaral business situation thronshoul the United males ud Canada ta reported by ' Seleaiaua) to Bradalreet'e up to tbe boor of paUloalloo. B1HULE COPIES Tr.N CtM'N THE BBAD8TKEKT CO, 171, 381, !M Bboadwav, Jbr Sample Copy. Mw Vohk Ci GASTON HOUSE, NEW BERNE, M. C, . 8: B. 8TBEET, Be., Proprietor. , ' The Omly first elass House In ths City. O eoueeta with all Trains and aee ara. Largo sample rooms t ot eommori i m krelere. I'M liB taa BILLIARD ROOM has - ssseitly been rafnrntehed and ntted np In . good SI v With Billiard and Pool Teblee Notice. Th Oeeton Booa Barber Hhop giro 11. lew ana uie pnDiie cenraili ' OfUMdnll times. Bt and whiaker trimmed. V . lit . Ilia inn OD- hair eat. S oenta, done In the f Ih . nyiaat mm Ton, uerman. virto. . i aad Bound. Hair I ' Cuttlna la r gmw a trad, hot aa art. eVSOaUattheOaaton Honse KarlHi aad ho eoavlnoed. JAMES REDMOND, t Sr. I . W JEN : L a7 o . M I j I I 1 I "' M " V. ; w - ' ' , !. . A' t""V ::3 D:r2ncrS Enge! Brerrins Company's Lager dcer9Portorv &c., v V-' VHiick Trftt U Isold y thT . Sir '.' Alt gul ttMtoptrtedtsei ldwMrth Oarolhifc;- ?; 'f-i jGja jiii kiiS JmT; m alj A t ' IS MAKING THIS SEASON A Specialty of t Fino CIslhins Gents' Furnishing Gccds. And a therefore better prepared than ever to suit the most fastidious a the LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES. Our Suits are stylish and well made, bock Bottom Prtoes. Our line of FURNISHING GOODS In NECK WEAR and SILK HANDKERCHIEFS we axe exhibiting- a line ef goods that are creations of the beautiful and captivating in their elegant sim plicity. STYLISH EATS Derbies, light, black qualities, and Crush Pocket Ha in Straw Hats, latest shapes, handsome and full stock of DRY UOODS and NOTIONS. Ladies' and Gents' Shoes at price to suit tne times and your pooketbook. We are still having a hie run on our in Bala, and Congress, which are acknowledged the nicest and beet Shoe in the market. & full guarantee given with every pair. DAVID M. JONES of Beaufort will be pleased to meet his old friends and customers at GEORGE ASH'S, Middle street, next to L. H. Cutler's. War, War, War, AGAINST Xoolt Out- fox tlie War HAVING JI'ST KETUKNKD FROM THE NOliTII WITH A Large Stock of Dry Goods, Clothing, Boots Shoes, Hats, Caps, Notions, and everything you can call for usually kept in a first class Dry Goods Store, I am determined to open war against racket and high price. 'Jo prove the same I quote some of my prices: lists as low as 5c; a nice hat for 25c; and for 50c. I can give you a fine dress hat. And Shoes, I can astonish the natives. Why I can give you a Ladies' Button Shoe fur (J7c; a nice Foxed Gaiter, only (6o. I also have a nioeline o i Ladies' Low Quarter Shoes, Wc. In fact I have s large and well selected took of Shoes, and guarantee prices to suit the times. 1'liree nice Handkerchiefs for 5c. Also a nice Linen Handkerchief for 5c. also have a well selected line of Gents' Furnishing Goods. A good Unlaundried Shirt from 35c. A large and well selected line of Look at this! W'hy, 1 can give you A Nice All Wool Blue Flannel Suit, onh $7.00. A Good Diagonal Suit, Black or Brown, for $9.00. AIbo, a good line of Carpets, Matting, Oil Clath, Trunks and Valisea, dome one ! ('ome all convinced that 1 can Sell You Goods Cheaper The Wm. SULTAN, Bishop Building, opp. Baptist Church. JAS. A. THOMAS, Salesman. mar26 dwtf DAIL BROTHERS, Wholesale Grocers HAVE REMOVED TO T1IELK TWO STORES, SOUTH OF Ana neep 01 rLUUlt, BIKAT8, MOLA8SE8. SALT. TOBACCO. everTthlnsr in the GROCERY LOW PRICES for CAS II. NEWBEBN, N. C, WHOLESALE AND IS OONITEOTIOy WtTH THE AQEUOY FOB I KEEP OK HAJTD A FULL LINE IVJHES AIID LlOUOnS AT 17II0LESMF. Gallon at TltBT LOW. from tasteful fabrics, and are sold at embraces everrthlns: that Gentlemen use. and brown; Fur Hats of all shapes and all colors, only 75c. Bis assortment of cheap. A Ladies' foxed Uaiter only otfo. 88.50 genuine, fine French Calfskin Shoes RACKETS! to 50c. Neck Wear; Hcarfs L'Jc. up to f0c. to the Headquarters of (he War Department, an J be Than City. Any Other House In THEIR FORMER STAND, COFFEE. BUOAB, 8YKFP8 SNUFF AND CIQAjttS, A 1JNE, a fUJjL STOCK and at 24b LIQUOR DEALER MANDTaOTUBEB OF Ginger Ale, Sarsaparilla lemon Soda-. Buffalo Head. GaUfornia Fear Cide tc.j Etc, BOTTLING OF FIQUHE3 for OASIL Arrival md Dep wture K&ili MAIL CLOSES, "T' For Nortk. West and Boata, riA. N. C. R. B. at8j00 S.SSV:- r For BuXoit.adi.tka SM, at T.-00 p. m- -.s-., For Washington , Swift Cr, gydaa4 BcanJort Counti JotUays. Wedaesv dara, and FrWj . For Trenton, Pailoks Tills and Kavs- viUe, daily at 7A0jusVvi.u . For Orantsboro, Bayboto aa 1 Tan- demere, dailvaiflavsn. i . L'.v.ii efiJ a- , .-. . j QTJCK HOUESi l In Money Order and Bagistared Let ter Departmsnt. f mni : avm. to t p..m. In Mailing Depai iiasin rwaa 9 a. m. to 5 p. m. . .i j.-i j t i1-. Office openoonatansly ketween these hours except when mails are being dis tributed or sent. Make the Far Heme Pleasant. Yes; make it bo pleasant that tbe growing boys and girls will not be looking forward to the time when they will be old enongh to leave the farm in search of apleasanterplace. We know a well to do farmer, hav ing eight children, who, as soon as they are old enongh to support themselves, leave their home. Of tbe five boys, not one remains on the farm. They have gone to clerk ships and other position's, in per ference to staying on the much des pieed farm. A glance in the home may account somewhat for this. There has never been any effort to make it attractive for the children. The parents' aim has been to work and save, with scarcely a thought that their children had aDy other needs than food and clothing. p'heyare activp,Jbrigbminded boys and girls. It is no wonder that the dullness and montony becomes unendurable. , Tnia farmer docs not besitate to spend money In farm improvements in fine stock, or or in anything tbat will advance his finan cial interest bat any outlay lor the children s pleasure is re garded as unnecessary and extrava gant. Children cannot feel that sense of proprietorship in the farm and its profits that is a stimulant to the beads of the household, and some thing is needed to take its place. Some personal proierty, evea if a chicken or a pig, is a strong in centive, Children are sportive by nature all young animals are and some diversion is essential for leisnre hours; otherwise their minds will wander off and dwell on the attractions supposed to pertain to village and city life. A lew dollars each year invested in reading matter will not only sup ply pleasant employment for leisure hours, bnt the means of mental Im provement as well. There are so many excellent, entertaining pub lications for the yonng, and at such low prices, that no family in which there are children should be with out one or more. lint parents Bhoud discriminate carefully be. tween a good and bad class of read ing matter, for there is a large amount of a 11 ashy, sensational character, wholly unfit for the young to read. There is no reason why a coantrv home should not be a place of pleas ure and contentment to every member. There is freshness and freedom in farm life that connot be eD joyed when a person is surround ed by brick walls. With pleasant mental recreation for leisure hours ' there need beno unhappy memories of the farm to carry through life. Amencan Agriculturist. It Yon Wlah a Ge4 Article Of Plug Tobacco ask your dealer for " Sid KID." nr.llrivCm HolFor Morehead City AND THK Teachers'Assembly. GRAND EXCUB8ION, Wednesday, Juno 22, Under the auspices of the E. CHURCH WORKING SOCIETY, Aooompanied by the NEW BERNE BOARD OF TRADE. Tbe cars will leave New Berne denot at half-past eight o'clock sharp, arriving at sLoreneaa vjity in time to near the Educational Address of New. Berne girted daughter, was C Babmsoit. Fare for round trip, ONE DOLLAR. Children under 12 rears of am. BOo. Tickets for sale by the nnderslgned committee. W. II. WATSON, CnmD. F. ULRICH, T.A.GREEN. J. A. SIMPSON, L, H. CUTLER. : jonietd EDU0ATE! . EDTT0ATE ! WLat Better Call Be Dene For Te Children?, . R. 3. BONNER,' . ?,? PwBtaHU The Sprint tViewloB will etaae lone is, 1887. Woard and tuition moderate. ' . PnpUsare thanaarmra time rT mMum to ens of seaalon. Sa Hmtnntmn nnt m w. n pivinHnu limwwe. tor further Information arplye 1. 1 iV-VFlt. COMIirEEGIAli. 'i ; MUltU lUBMR. Tvarnmn Hard, SLOO; dip, S1.90. Tab t5e.agl.SS. Oat 060e. in bulk. OOB-65a65c . BawwAX 80 u per lb. Bear On foot, 80. to So. OocnrrsT Hams lOaUie. per lb. ". Labd lOcperlb. Earn 10ft. per dosen. F&SSH Poek -ttsfo. per pound. PAn ui- gl.25sfl.50 per bushel. Fosnn-B 7So.ag 1 . 00 per hundred. QinoiiB C0s75e. per bushel. OHTOaawa-Orown. 45a60o.; apring 40o. MAXr 70c per bushel. Potato Bahamas. 80c. ; yams, 50c. . Harrison. 860. WOOL Hl22o. per pound. BanraLlS West India, dull and nam inal;not wanted. Building. 5 inch hearts, .00;saps,fl.76 per M. WHOLCBaLK pbioss. Nbw Mass Poax S15.00. 8HOCLDM Meat 7o. C. R-'s, F. B's, B.'sand I.. G.-ic. FLO0S-a8.OOa6.OO. Lakd 7io. bv the tierce. Nails Basis'l0's,82 75. Buoab Oranulated, 6jc CoFFaa 25a80c. CHKicaa 15. SALT 095c. per sack. atOLASflaS AD STBUPB S0a46 POWDKB 6.00. HBOjr Drop, $1.75; buck. SS.00. K1BO8KSB-81C. HIDES Dry, lOc. ; green 5c. Tallow 5c. per lb. V. L. DOUGLAS $3 SHOE. the fealy M SKA M LESS tUaae te the woria. rtneet Calf, perfect St, ai warranted. Conkraa, ButUtn and Laoa. all eirlei toe. At atrUl aoS durable aa . thoet eoatlnr tin HA W. l IUfULA8 S.SO SHOE exoeu Uk SI Sltuea adrer- Uxtd by ouier anua. ri Bora ell the W. L. DOUGLAS KHOK. li Tour dealer duel not Set p Iheui. twnd y ou r nuie 01 puatal w W. L. DODGI-AS, Broc-ktun. Haaa Notice. Application having been made to the Interstate Commeroe Commission for the suspension of the fonrtb section of the Interstate Commeroe Laws, as far as it affects Kins ton and Morehead City, in the Bute of North Carolina, and situated on the A. & N. C. R. R. which is a part of the Eastern Carolina Dis patch Line, and all points between whioh points and said above named towns freight is carried by sail line, notioe is hereby given that on June 27 ih inst. said application or petition will be presented to said commission for notion thereon. WASHINGTON BKYAN, Pres't A. & N.C. li. li. Co. New Bern, N. C, June 10, 18S7. lOd J. W. STEWART, jew HEADQUARTERS FOB .ePV- . - MULES, HOKSKS and A BUQQIK8. i"pt f I Hones and Carriage to n- bireat reaeonabl ratea. 1 everything goaranteed i 11 iieeSTn lei represented. apUdwy Broad (.. Ifewbera, R. C. SALE & EXCHANGE STABLES I have opened at the Gallon House Btables a Livery and Exchange Stable, where 1 keep constantly on hand Hortoa and Buglea to selLexohange or let. Peraons and baggage will be oonveyed tn any place In the aurrounding oounlry at reaaonable rates. Hoping to be able to serve all, I am, with thanks tor past favora, inaiSldly WALTEH 1. UKOWN. Atlantic &. N. C. Railroad TIME TABLE No. 2 In Effect 4 40 A.M., Wednesday, Jute 22, 1887. EAST. WIST. Ho, II. Paeeenger Lit. il'va. I No. 60 I Paasengei dTHTIONS I Art. L'te r m. T. M.l 4 45 Ooldaboro, 6 40 L.a Oraiif a......... 5 14 Kins ton, 7 48 BewBerae, I Morehead City r. u. Daily eiroept Banday. a. ..ia.m 11 88 S S7 10 66 10 19 10 10 S Oft 7 88, 8 8 8 64 S 60 r. at. K. A. EAST. I WBBT. 1 Ma 9 Vise Jit-ft j i MUsdTgta raa. Train. STATIONS. ! rass. Traia Arr. " L've ; Arr. Iva, A BU A. a. 7 U 8 8 11 144) 10 16 1045 11 IS it a a i? -11 M r. m. 3 (9 1 68 1 31 1164 Oolsboro, Beafa .. La Orrance,.. FalllBgOrtek- 8 81 . 8 6S I S6 10W IS 41 11 06 U 88 18 07 11 108 808 188 13 sS 1310 OaaweU 11 01 1180 10 68 10 1 IS 08 U OS Dower.. II Bl OorwOrsak. 10 88 Tnaoarprm IS 80 IS 07 8 80 "4 00 MaweTa, ,4 48! 4 61! Eiverdale. I 7 18 4 6i o ox: Uroataa C 171 C I3 Hsralee 7 08i 8 881 5 44 8 07 6 46 S 04 i 14! IfrwTwrt. r67 .140! 8 f! 801 Wild vocd lis fjvi Atlantis, rr 681 serf, sot 45 4 66 . t 440 7 001 fj lOi Morehead Oitv 7 12 1 10: Atlantic Hotels. 7 861 I XorahsadDepoU.1 Stl vt Tnesday, Thnrsd sy and Bstorday. TsaoBuayweausesoaF ant amoay, Trkfri 60 eonnaets with VTlmtnaiAai a v.u ton Train bnid onh, laavlns Ooldsbora U.-M a. m Surd with RlohmotiS V n nnila Train West, learlnf Goldaboro 1180 - Traia 61 eoaaseta wits niAbm i rw. Trnin, arrlTlnf at Ocldibero 4:80 u. andwltk WlimlBgton and Waldo Train from the Trln ImiFH close eonneetlon with W A W.lhrorci, imck Tram north bennd. leav Ug ioldMore at . P J. ItJilrsV S. L. Dill. raa 9 otwTuwrwy ForlEent, A desirable Dwejlinj House on the corner of Mens and Metcalf streets, ad joining the Academy Ocean.? largs -and airy rooms. y Flower yard and ex cellent garden. . . :, - -For farther particalars apply to ; V, Wm. HOLUSTER, or O. VL OUION. , ... ! mjl7 dtf . - . r Executors, p FOR BABGAINS IH CALL AT THE New Berne Furniture Store, WEST SIDE MIDDLE STREET,' Where it can be found in great variety. Furniture not in stock will be ordered at a small per cent above cost. 1 A liberal share of public patronage solicited. M. DINES, Manager. marll dwtf r, A.GUKEN. C. K. roT. SIMMONS MANl.r Green, Foy & Co.', BANKERS and Commission Merchants, South Fbokt Stekjct, f4 dwly NEW BERNE. N. C. NOTICE. Tbe undersigned, Thomaa Qatea, haadnly uuallOed as Administrator, wilb tue win annexed or the estate of Burgwln M Gates. aud hereby KlTea notice that be reanlreaall peraona liavfng claims against the estate of the said Borgwyu M Males to present them to the said Thomas Galea duly authenticated, for payment, ou or bnfore the 15th day of May, 1SHM. or else this notioe will be pleaded In bar of recovery. Persons Indebted lu the estate must pay without delay. 'I'll OMAR GATES, msyliilow Administrator. Owes H. Uuiom. P U. P.KLXJrrisa QtTION & PELLETIEE, AttorneTsi st X'sax'O ( HAVKM 3TKEST, TWO DOOBS Sol'TU OF JouknXl OrKics. IEW BKRNB. 1. C. Practice where aervloes are desired. Practice In the supreme Oourt. asd In I be Federal Oonrt at New Berne. One of this firm will always be at the fol lowing places at times specified below : Trenton , Jones county, Haturday of each and every week. Beaufort, Carteret oonnty, Thursday ofsaob week. Jackson vllle, Onslow cou'Hr, lbs first Mulf dsv In each mon 1 Election Notice. Pursuant to an act of the General As sembly of North Carolina, passed at the session of 1887, entitled An Act to authorize Pamlico county to issue bonds, etc. ' an election will be held in said county, at the various polling -plaoes, on the Third Thursday in August next, being tho 18th dsy of August, for the ratification or rejection of the said act by the qualified voters of said oounty. By order of the board of oounty com missioners. T. D. PERKINS, Keg inter of Deeds and ex-ofUcio Clerk of the Board. Rsyboro, N. C, June 8, 1887. Isw6e W. M. 8IMMOH8. Cl.IlltUT MAKLV. SIMMONS & MANLY, ATTOKNEY8 AT LAW. Will practice In tbeOourtaof Craven. Jonas Onslow, Carteret. Pa ml loo, Lenoir and Hyde and In the Federal Court at Haw Perae. rebsnawiY W. P. BURRUS & CO., GRAIN & COTTON COMMISSION MERCHANTS, NEW BERNE, N. msvSdwtfCK c. SALE OF LAND. State of North Carol! na, I Superior Craven County. J Court. Aland Cbadwlck, an Infant.) oy nergnaraian jamea u. H et to sell land Harrison,, and Frederic I for Partition. Boeeser. J Pursuant to the ladment In the above named proceedings, I will sell at Public Aoc- - ... tlon at the Court House in said Craven Oonnty, on TUKBDAY. the FIFTH day of ' JULY. 1887. at TWKLVK o'clock. Mlildir i.. -that certain lot of land situated on tbe east side or craven street, in we city of Mewbern. bounded as follows: beelnnlns at aiolnt7fl feet 8 Inches bom Intersection of Craven and Broad streets, and runs thenee northwardly along craven street 76 feet, thence eastward lyand parallel with Broad street 107 feet 8 ' uoim id ine uaca-iine oi lot no. 147, inenoe southwardly and parallel with Craven street 76 feet, thenoe westwardlyto the beslnnlng -with the Improvements thereon. Terms or . , sale one half cash, balanos In six months with Interest at the rate of six per oentum . per annum. , M. DaW. STEVKNSOA. " Jd2 4w ttommlasloner. DK. J. D. CLAEK, DENTIST, ; KKWBleUU. M. O, ' Offlss on Craven street, sstwaen Polio It ' sad Broad serf UAwiy J. B. BROTVJS, V Ataiuoi auu ntur uresser, witn t went -Ave yars 4rkii4Heeee. and the Keatest end eltv. will eti d Best Fnrmlabed Saloon la the elty, will glTeee (rood a skaye as can be asd anrwhara for TEM rvwru. .v,n anywhere for TI fornltnre.aBd suiihntuiKnirui . Middle streeV n'atdoertoDetrlek's. marisou y . . am ' m mm ia ' r" SS S Will b sold t a Great Hacrifioe. A Valuabls Plantation altnaiaii nn ' th south side of tbe Kens river, three snd a nau miles from tbs City of tfewbern, JJ. o. One hnadred and twenty-Ore acres cleared. Good land, sal table for. trooklne. The anos, two hundred and two acres, bfftvi? timbered with pine, OstfcT, eynrem, ertdnh. r .luuaoi umoer. n is aiao riDin,i nt. Good dwelllns. ontbnhdlnsa. n,l a i ne or chard, .It bss One Bhry fr..t t t f a mile on the beach, where t t i banks of marl tbat can pvi , n . from whioh chd , ,i ik , , ,M s vf"-v rutiftu and r , scrmne a near view t r r andr,,rrd. Tbec' i- iTxand orhftH v , t , ... o, f or tr-i u a t .-1 liioo.i!'

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