Jour VOL. VL-NO. 77. SEW BERNE. N. C., WEDNESDAY. JUNE 29, 1887. PRICE 5 cents; Daily 'Hi NAL. LOCAL NEWS. 'animal litaltn AImuu. Mew Berne, latitude. 85 6' North. " longitude, 77 8' Weet. Sun rises, 4:83 I bength of day, Sun mu, 7:27 114 hours, 54 minutes. Moon riiee at 13:48 a. m. BUSINESS L0CAL8. CHOICE TEAS for making iced tea. C. E. Sloveh. LOST Somew here in the city, a German-silver Mouthpiece to a Bari tone Horn. The finder will please re torn it to this office. 28 2t rpHE best Butler, Cheese and Lard A kept on Ioe at Alex. Jrsnc'K s. at a very low price. jn28 tf CANARIES Some Hoe male singers J for sale. Address or oall on J 2fl eodiJt Mas. S. Dugi id. F OR SALE A valuable wall map at sacrifice. Can be seen at this office. 25d3w8 POOTHPICKS, 5 cts. a box, at L HldlKEtS. '1 O to JNO. DUNN'S and try a MILK J SHAKE. 8 If 0 D LD PAPERS in acy quantity for ale at this office. UNN'8 LTMADE will refresh you this hot weather. Try it. FIFTY BARRELS LIME, suitable for sanitary purposes, at 75c. per barrel delivered, or at 50o. per barrel in fire barrel lots. Geo. Allen & Go. JUST RECEIVED A new lot of Job vl Stock. Will give good work at low rales. V5Jw2 Fertilizers, Lime Plaster, Cement, Glass, Paints, Varnish and Oil at low prices. Geo. Allen & Co. A good number of stockholders and visitors passed down for Morehead City last night. The teachers are returning from More bead City on every train and stock holders of the A. & N. C. Road are go ing down every evening. A stalk of corn grown in this city was at President Bryan's office yesterday evening. It measured thirteen feet in length and had six shoots for ears on it. A huge beet was brought in by mas ter Edward F. Roberts yesterday. It was raised in his father's, Oapt. E. B, Roberts garden, and weighs three and three quarter pounds, more than some of the "dead beats" weigh in the scales of common sense and justice. It in the biggest thing in the beet line we have ever seen. Factory Wanted. A Middle street merchant is anxious for a cotton factory in New Berne. Be is on the tight track and we will help him along if talking and writing will accomplish anything. Store Robbery at Trenton. On Monday night the store of M. F. Smith of Trenton, was broken into and a quantity of merchandise taken out. On, of the supposed thieves were ar rested yesterday evening upon the charge. Personal. J. P. Brogden, Esq., of Trenton, is in the city. Mr. and Mm. Wm. Fife of Fayette ville arrived last night and are at the Gaston House. Election of Officers. At an election of officers of Eureka lodge, No. 7, 1. O. O. F., held at their vhall Monday night, the following of Hoers were elected for the ensuing term: C. K. F. Bates, N. G.; William Cohen, V. G.; Edward Gerock, R. S.; H. L. Gall, F. a; A. Miller, Treasurer. Competitive Examination Young Mr. Koonoe of Jones county, son of ex -Sheriff Koonce, haying failed to pass the physical-examination at West Point, will return home and thus make a vacancy to be filled by Hon. F. M. Bimmons. Mr. Simmons will fill the vaoanoy after a competitive examina tion Is held, and will give due notice of the time and place of said examination. It is to be regretted that Mr. Koonoe ' , (ailed la his physical examination, as " otherwise ha was thoroughly competent and would hava reflected credit upon bis county and Stats, v ' -" ' Steamer Movements. The Eaglet oC the E. a 6. line wUl , today at 8 o'clock Tha Vesper of y-'thts Una will arrive today, :.-, Tha Blanoha of tha N. & T. B. 8. Co. left for Kins ton yesterday with a large cargo of general merchandise. Most of the cargo wm cotton bagging for the enterprWiDfflrnr of Oettingsr Bros Tha Trent of the same Una leaves for Ti enton this taornte g wHh a .cargo of. SenwaTmennaDdiso'Vfr . - The Margie of the Hyde Oounty Line leaves this morning for Bayboro with a cargo of general ttereeandieey i Tbe Defiance of the Clyda lintv ar rived yesterday from Tt&Iilmoro with a CQ of r"-ri merrhandiM..' . , iie of t. O. I). line, ar !' tt'. t f-"m ; " r -t will 1" ir 7 at 12 o ' vk f:r I .-f.:k. The Program for the Fourth. The committee of arrangements have made tbe following program for the Fourth of July : First, test of steam fire engines, first water through fifty feet of hose, fifty feet from notzle, at the foot of Craven street at 10 a. m. Prize 875.00. At 11 a. m. a base ball match between the Kington and New Berne club at Fowler's ferry on the opposite side of Neuse from tbe city. At 3 p. m. reading Declaration of Independence from the utepe of tbe City Hall. At 4 p in. second tret of c, tea in fire engines, hirst water through hve hun dred feeT of hose one hundred feet from nozzle. Prize $75 00. Immediately after a prize of 825 00 will be awarded to tbe lire company that will fill a bucket suspended sixty feet in the air with water in the shortest lime. At 0 p ru. tbe display of fire works will open from a flat boat at the foot of Broad street and the dieplav will be grand and magnificent. The New Berne Steam hire Kngine Band has been engaged for the w hole day to furnish music. The Teachers' Visit to New Berne. The Goldsboro Argut has tbe follow ing kind notioe of the teachers' visit to this city on Friday last: There la an old adage which rends, "words are like sunbeams, the more they are condensed the deeper they burn," our interpretation of which is that sincerity is best expressed in few est words; such was Mr. Long's speech of welcome; brief, chaste and eloquent, and flowing out upon his hearers pure as molten gold in its sincerity. But this speech making was not all -in fact it was only the brief preliminary to a characteristically New Berne mani festation of hospitalities, whioh were lavished upon the visitors with unlag- glng cheerfulness throughout the entire day. Not only were all the delicacies of the season, in the way of tempting and refreshing ioee, oake, etc., provided in exhaustless abundance in the recep tion room of tbe school building and served to tbe visitors by a committee of the charming ladies of the "Elm City," but every residence in the city was an open house and every citizen a courteous and delicately attentive enter tainer. It were useless for us to at tempt to follow the numerous "meand erings" so to speak, of the Assembly during tbe day, for the members be came so soattered in their quest of feat ures of interest, in which the old city abounds even from away back in the earliest "Colonial" days, that we could not keep up witb them. Suffice it to say that the general verdict tonight at tbe gathering of tbe assembly here, is that the people of New Berne have for ever endeared themselves to the teach ers who visited their city today, all of whom will eve retain a most pleasing remembrance of the event. Kinston Items. The usual number of cotton blooms have been brought in. A grand opening of a bar room on the Fourth of July ts talked of. Miss Nettie Hill, daughter of Alex. Hill, died on Thursday last. There seems to be considerable sickness in the country around. One of our prominent young attor neys was in luok last week a baby born and twenty-five chickens hatched out, all tbe same nigbt. Dr. H. O. Hyatt has on his lot a far row of Jersey red pigs. Tbey are as pretty as pictures and are made so with feed from Meadows 's mill of New Berne. Dr. R. H. Lewis and family left for Virginia last Saturday morning. Miss Katie had been quite sick but we are glad to state that she was improving when tbey left. , The general opinion among the level beaded political thinkers about here is that Thos. J. Jarvis is tbe man to run for next Governor and Lenoir will doubtless favor putting him up. W. B. Griffin of Dover was before U. S. Commissioner D. E. Perry last week charged with sailing liquors without license. The evidenoe showed that the prosecution was malicious on the part of the informing witness and Mr.Oriffln was discharged. There is a little whispering around that there is a plot on foot to surprise everybody at the coming stockholders meeting of the A. fc N. C. Road by a proposition to lease the concern to the W. & W. This story, however, has not gained much credence. Jim Cox was in town Saturday with a huge loggerhead turtle. He caught it at Southwest mill pond and it weighed whan cleaned eighteen and three quar ter pounds. He had to quarter it tip like a pig in order to sell it, !as no one wanted to tackle so much turtle at onoe. Several years ago a mill pond up Neusa river, in which tad been placed by tha owner a good stock of German carp, broke and emptied its contents, fish and all, into Kense river. This ac counts for tha fine carp that art bow Occasionally taken from this stream by tha fishermen, a if K j Tha muoh talked of cotton factory seems to have, died out suddenly. Business men, however do not blow mvoh about what they are going to do but tenerally let,' tha work speak for itself. It is to ba- hoped that ths bust nees men of Kinston arc of thifeort and will have the factory under way before tha rowlpers : will have time to dis cuss it.. .. . c. -, : A mantle of sorrow and srief was thrown over our town last&sturdsy morning; by the sudden death of Miss Dora Tilfthman. t he bad been oon fine J with tyrhoil fet-er for sometime, but was thought to be getting better, when unexpectedly to her friends death claimed her. " She was about twennj -five years old, was of an amiable, sweet disposition and beloved and reepeoted by ail who knew her. The crops of this county, taken all in all, are looking well. Edmand Taylor of Woodington township reports beet stand of cotton ever had, corn looking well, in good condition but rather wet. John RNoble of Pink Hill reports more cotton planted than last year, and that corn and cotton are both looking well and in good condition. Lemon Smith of Woodington reports cotton crop good but corn not quite so good. Not so much cotton planted as last year, condi tion good. 8. J. Heath of Neck town ship, crops looking well, about the usual amount of cotton planted, all in good condition. Wheat crop an extra one. J. T. Askew of Lousin swamp. crops nothing extra but the people are getting better, .enas Gooding froji upper Jones oounty. crops all the way from his place to Kinston looking well. Such is the general verdict throughout the county but the critical period of the crop is just approaching and a too wet or too dry spell will materially change the prospects. NEWS NOTES. The total cases of fever at Key to date are 42, total deaths 1 n k rmw 14, discharged cured 10 A tire started on the I'lncao I'd. king and Provision Company's properly in Chicago Buntiay and chuncd a liwe of 81, 250, 000 Messrs. K A. Crump and lien u. Baslington, bankers and brokrrs, I'leve land, Uhio. failed Saturday In conse quence of the recent wheal parm in Chicago. Fire in New York Saturday night, in the Puck building, inflicted about $34. 000 damage on Baldwin, bookbinder; Btadecker & Ernsheuner, hat frame makers, and others. The New York ice drivers yesterday adopted a resolution asking an increase to 815 weekly for drivers, and barge men and helpers to 812. In case of non compliance a strike will follow. The Berks county (1'a.) grand jury has returned indictments against eleven tax collectors, all prominent citizens, for misappropriating and misusing pub lic funds aggregating nearly $30, OIK). The Wabash, Ht. Iouis and I'acilic Railway has given notice that from July 4 their rates from Chicago to Kastern points will be advanced to the name rales as quoted by the oilier Lantern roads out of Chicago The Travelers' Protect it e Association, at its session in Hi. I mm, adopted the constitution and by laws which are an embodiment of what is known as the "Ohio idea." The next mevlinic will be held at Minneapolis The Mono county marble quarry, 50 miles from Carson, Nev., was complete ly destroyed by tbe recent earthquake. Tbe marble was broken into cubes not over a foot square. Tbe ledge was over five miles long and 400 feet wide, con taining a fine grade of marble, ranging in shade from pure white to black. The quarry was valued at 81,000,000. An unknown suicide was found in Jerome Park, New York, Sunday The man had tried to hang bimsolf, with a heavy string, which broke. As he fell bis foot caught in tbe crotch of the tree. His head struck the trunk in the fall, causing hemorrhage at the mouth. He hung suspended by the foot until dis covered. A letter was found addressed to M. M. A., Market Edgefield C, 14, 8. C, with 85 in money. The crop bulletin says that the weath er during the week has been generally favorable for the principal crops. Rains in the South Atlantic States doubtless improved the condition of the staple crops in that region. More rain is needed in tbe cotton region, and the indications are that rain will occur in tbe lower Mississippi and Ohio Valleys by Monday afternoon. The weather has been favorable for harvesting in the wheat region. In the corn region tbe weather has been generally favor able. In tbe New England the con ditions have been especially favoraMa to tbe hay crops. A scouting party of river guards and police, numbering twenty-five men, surprised a band of about twenty smug glers, well armed, with a cavalcade of twenty pack males, fifteen miles below Piedrsa Negras, Mexico. The smug glers showed fight, and at the first vol ley two guards fall dead and four had their horses killed under them. The gnardsfeO back and 'dispatched a courier to Piedraa tregral for reinforce ments. Tba.sinunrlers' fail -back to ward tha Bto Grand, wita- ths evident purpose of crossing- the river to the Ajnencaasue - d-- - . i - ' .. . nil i ! i. . . meklaao ArsUaa sjatv. Tn Bnar 8ix.ts: fa, ths world for Outa, Bruises, 8ores,- Uloera, -8an Rheuoa, Fever Boras, Tacts, Chapped Hands. Chilblain. Coras, and all bkin Eruptiona, and positively cures pilss or no pay required. , It is guaranteed to give perfect sat ixf action, or money re funded. Price 85 cents per box.' Tor sale by E. N.Duffy . .. decld It FOREIGN SEWS. Th BUYlTli.N OUNVEKT1 J.N THKKaTKN Mil ATTlTl'DE o KKANCX. Lonlxjs, June 28 The time for sign ing the Egyptian convention expiree tomorrow. It is asserted that if the Sultan does not sign the document Sir Henry Drummoud Wolff, the special British envoy, will depart from Con stantinople inglHnllv The Morning Post sa The Egypt ian negotiations have reached an acute stage France threatens to break utf diplomatic relations with the Porte ani resume her claims regarding the pro tection of the Oriental holy places if the convention be raulied, w hile Russia de mands recompense in Krzeroum. Ti e Porte, therefore, at-ks Knland wnelntr in the event of the ratilicaliou of the ' convention Turkey can rely upon the , effective fulfillment ct the convention relating to Cyprus A reply to this note has not yri Lt-en rt it-nt-d at ('on stautinople. j saooKHTAViiN mi June .'j. i ne trench government has Bent a note to the Julian in which it distinctly re fuses to accept I he silualiun which will result from the signing ot the Kgyptun convention, an i says that if the con vention he ratified France will lake measures necessary to protect her inter ests, which will be eudangered by the disturbance ot the eiiuilibrmin ol tl e Mediterranean. Wn t e other haul France offers foimal assurance that she will protect and guarantee the !-ultan against whatever consequences may re sult if he will refuse to ratify the con vention, liy so doing, the nole soys, Ihe fSultan will strengthen the lies of friendship between France and Turkey and protect Ins country from the en croachments and ambition of Kngland. I pou receipt of this note the council of uiiuiBters was summoned and a note to the powurs was drafted l ompluining of French interference in the internal af fairs of Turkey The note will be sub milled to the Sultan for approval. It is rumored that itunxian troops are ad vancing from Kars as a mensce to Tur key. AMKKI' IN INTKKKS1 IN 1 1 1 K vtlKN l.i i.ndoN, June 20 Dr. l'arker, of Ihe City Temple, in the course of his nerruon this evening, said he was astonished at tbe interest show n by Americans in the yueen. One American had offered A5(Ki for a ticket of admission to Vt estminster Abbey on the occasion of the jubilee services. Americans, he said, had no state coach, but they had education, liberty. Independence a spirit of progress and energy. Mr. Cleveland, Americas king, hud w rillen him a friendly letter , show ing that he did not feel that there was a wide difference between I resi dent and preacher, THK FHKM'II PATRIOTIC I.BAUl'B. I'AKia, June L'6. The recent meeting of the French l'alnotic League has led to the resignation of many members of that organization!, including M. Meti- ler, one of the founders of the league, and an intimate friend of Uambelta. tellers have been received from va rious branches of the League protesting against "throwing France at lioulan ger s feet.'' The affair threatens to break up the league. The leader of a fashionable Hungarian band has been arrested on suspicion of being a Prus sian spy. A lXlWAMEH'M ADVliWTl KK. LoMkin, June 26. The Sttnuiarit to day publishes the following story: "Dowager Lady Meux while leaving Paris met a man. On their arrival in London they both went to tbe First Avenue Hotel at Holburn. Thenoe they removed to the Midland Hotel, where the man engaged the apartments, taking a separate room for himself. He de camped from this hotel, taking with him jewels worth A' 6. 500 belonging to the lady. No traces of the man can be fou nd. " THK (IKNKKTA 8TI1.I. AHEAD' 1 ind'in, June 26. The yacht Oeneeta which is leading in the jubilae race, paseed Ventner at 10 o'clock this morn ing. The 8eline and Gwendoline passed Lizard Point at 7:30 a. m. Provided the prevailing head winds continue, the tienesta will arrive about forty hours ahead of tha others. The Oenesta passed Beachy Head at 7.30 p. m. Lonnon. June 27. The Oenesta lhas won the Jubilee yacht race. Her time over the course was twelve days, six teen hours and fifty-live minutes. Stonewall Items. i in the 23d inst.. of Bright s disease of the kidDfys, T. F. Woodard, Esq., died at his home, haying been a suffer er for two years. He leaves a wife, ten children and many friends to regret his loss. He was about fifty years old. Truly a good citizen gone. On same day, Amanda, tbe youngett child of J. H. Uaskins, 18 months old, died of malarial feyer. On Saturday last some of the bands at work on tbe boiler of tbe saw-mill at Vanderaere let John Barleycorn get rather the better of them and caused a row. In which one was rather used up by tbe use of a knife, so much so that be went back to New Berne to repair damages. The farmers are laying by corn and at work fighting grass. Oen. Oreen has charged tbe fortifications, and car ried tbera, of some of my neighbors, and changed ootton fields to yellow corn, and in some parts holds the fort y- ' ' Whooping cough is playieg a full hand among tha child ran, and has been tha cause of several deaths. RThe justieee of tha peace, 'with too advios Of ur, r. r. vavas, pronovnoaa Judy Cerraway a lunatic and recorn- mended that sna pa sent to tae ranatM asylum. ... -4. w' .-.-.?'! Tha schooner J00. Booker 1s at. A. B. Whitoombl mill . loading lumber for Philadelphia. Many' are the 'feet of lumber shipped from here. "Xon Children," said the Prettj School JU'n.,1 "Summer Silk in stripes and plaids ii worth 60c. per yard, and it takes 20 yds. to make a dress. 1 have nine dollars in my pocket and my salary is three dollars per week, how much longer must I wait before 1 haveenuugl, tj buy my drees. " Before any one had ihr nine to ink a little girl s hand w enl u "Why.Cirace, said tha teat ner ;iu cannot have the answer so tv-'h "Oh yes 1 have, teacher ' don 1 haye to wail at all , because A M Haker is selling summer silks at 4'j. Mamma bought a dress of it yesu-rdov and also one of that lovely Came! p Halt i he k fSultlngH She hats i. - U-d t ar- gain she ever saw Urace look her pla al tl.r I.e., i vf the c!ar.f Notice. I tit n t f it r not He to a t h ar t , t -anJ drungiole. forbidding them to sell to my wife. Lelucia 1 'ot t-1 1 . any spir 11 uouo or malt liquors of any k it;d. or any opium, morphinv. or like drug, under penally of the law . .Said Lelucia C'ovell is partially insane, of dark complexion, spare huilt. and about ' fl 6 in higb. .1 JAM KS COVKLI. a hii:-miim I . li .IM I I . i I A . : M 1 v ' .1 1 . N I l.U. Jul.r. "ra .1 I'J 'j'V)B. : ' ! H' ."III t- V feel hb v" .1 It MHKH;mi1 i.'W"1 '.oui.dh Iron K"1 i.n : Nulls 1! i. tor m Un- Nrutti Itlvn tit- "W ). n ot on will I 'f lei t-1 rd tt I I li lb ofTlrt n h ! 1 1 ; . M h Mil July lfV. mid oeutnl liiin.rM Hit,. Uit-ra lit-1 . Hjlflfttt '" lul hit!, h l.'fn.r of l'i onomtlo can t.t- ObtAlUe 1 ttl ll.:t -r1. ti Mo w 1 J i In- rerel vwl lur lite whuli- -r " i IhMio "f I he u!o e fimou n I e 'I Jit i i ' I ' f . if i t 1 tu rrj tM-t any J 1 imm hnih vv H m in ('ntalD of n tti o I A r j i. il A" J 0 7 v ; AUntic k North Carolina, Railroad Co. (t I t l r (iKN.KKHlt.H1 A 1A 5 A 1 H N I w Her n. N . ( . J uiif , 1 v- I he following are i'liroiih Rat it of harr "Ki.umI lrij. tick ft fn.iu h)umii Mai."!. i i 1 w i' )"') ii ifl t'u i nr vv . i . iv. it , SEASON OF 1SS7 Tl, kels on f ale JiiUf 1.1. 1K . li.Hl lelurnliiK unlll (HI. ,vl iv I ., ! tali ?T salt- H.t : v ' I 10 ,.M I i 111. b v M.r((Ki,l,,ii i H, I Kfil k Mountain. A.l.fMllf t arm (,rlhK. ,N Hlllf I'll IIKftl lo II, :'i l" I I I I hi, is I'l In I i II TU In 2i In m, In m j. Ml i: v 1 w -i I : . '."i I Hrl . 1.. 1 IT h.. '1 1. 1.. Atlmtic k North Carolina Railnad Co ( 1 1 N I . PaSKKNUKK I )l I I' K. Nkwiiekn, N. ('., Juno ', I 7. To ai.i A-iENTb- A. vV N. C. H. K On Monday, Tueeday and We, lues tlay, the a7lh, 2SHh and UDlh inslants, stockholders and the f amil les of wlin li they are the bona tide heads will be passed free on the mail trains to More head City, to attend the stockholders meeting. No other parties will be passed, and conductors have received rigid orders to collect fares from all persons who do not strictly come under the above de scription. On Thursday, the !IOth inst., no stockholders will be passed on the mail train KOing to Morehead City, but the stockholders' train will be run from your station to Morehead City, return ing same day, tbe schedule of which will be advertised in proper time. Stockholders can return free to their homes on mail trains from Morehead City, tbe place of meeting, up to and including Monday, July 4th prox , erceyit that they will not be passed free, returning on mail trains until the morn ing of July 1st prox. H. L. Dili,, (len'l I'ass. Ag t. The day on which the annual meet ing takes place is Thursday, the HOili inst. For Rent, A V K KY I'KHIFAHI.K IWK1 .LINO HOl'HK on Johnson sire1!, next 1 1 ie corner oft 'raven Htwcl ljargA airy rooms, nice flalli K rr. FJowi-r yard filled willi choice ilowerr. A pp'v to Jn.'i dtr JOE K. WILMS. Old Suits Made New. Uenili'inen and ladles' Clothing Cleaned, lyed and repaired ty JOHN W 1 I.I.I A Ms, tin Hancock street, between South Front mid Pollock streets. Sew Berne, N. f. The pcilronaKe of the cll'zpns of New Hcrne an J surrounding country la earnestly sn- llclted. inHtlllviit THRESHING MACHINES a Specialty. HtmDlest. Most Durable. Eeonomlcal and Perfect In nse. Wastes no Urnln, Cleans It Bead! for Market. Threshing Tngiiies & Horse Powers Saw Mills and Standard Implements timerallr- Bend for tllnstrated catalogue. A. 11. 1 AltyillAlt Pennsylvania Agricultural Works. Vark. Pa. JnMdwlm Sale of Valuable Steamer. The nndenlirrjed will seU bv PTJBLIC AUCTION on SATURDAY, JCI.Y 16lk. atfWKLVE o'clock, M., on the deck of the hereinafter namea steamer, at new Berne. North Carolina, tbe screw steamer Elm jlty, together with all kef boats, tackle and p parel. The Elm Cltv was built In Norfolk In the Vail at 1881, and baa since been operated no- aer oarsiai management, line nas lately on dergone thorough and extensive repairs and Is low In Jtrair-etaaa condition. The eld steamer la: length 1M feet, breadth of beam 21 4-18 leet, depth of bole S-M feet, tonnage 81 tS-MSand draws wken loaded seven feet. She has faasenger aosoaomodatioos, and a baadaoms ssUoon. . Tbe sale la for eaao, and saajeei io a mort ageot aG80, i rnrtiMtr Inrnrmatlon can be obtained front r. B. Boabee, Balelgh, O, or Olera- mmt Meniv. Maw Berne. . v. This Mala at bv vtrtne of a deeree of the ttbiimI Htatea nifalt Ooort for tha Kasterm txstrM at North OaroMoa' asnde jane 1Mb, t H . OLWMKNT MANXT, . JunMWf .. , . . ' Cjonualisloners, E. W. MILL VI ODD. CEO. SLOTIE Smallwood & Slover DEALERS IN TJ.WYAhK. !! AHy-W.MiE, n ooit. u Ai.y '-rockery, SASH h ! uu.D8.Z il.ASS, r ! .7 .s OILS am; srovf r.N-i i.r.sKn as to PRICE ANDQUALITY. MUidlt Mm, , Door to dottl Albert, NKW HKKNK. N. C. 1 :.f Nev, , .,, '. ! ., f '.v.-.'i Hi- : : : JI W 1.1 h ., ! '-tat t lev. '.cd Slot, k : - in i MNE .m-.'fid wtf i . 1:1 ( 1 1 1 n ( A in , -I-1 ; 1 1 u-um e u n , n . , i t ( -1 j t en u -a ted on the l..-a. I. 1m ttt.-en A : I .-marie ,-)iun,l an. I the Allanin. and in nielli t'f U ,nii, kt- I r-1 1 1 1 , I Will ..pen tin- m-.i.- i, JULY 1M. Mnnv in ,n,t i ini'ii'.- hv , I , t ii added vv hit I, will ,! 1 ii,,,, , ! , . , ,,.,(ori 0f tin g u e e t n A H1W i I A-s I Al 1 I will - kept. The Im.m f lie i J it ii-o an- a!l,,i,U-d for hiilhiUK fit-hiiijf and hunt Also a k- -1 hand w ill fuiiush uiusio. r , ,r part i, u U ad d i . - I .1 Ai ( )HS. jnnVV ,l Manager. THE OLD RELIABLE! White Light Saloon! vt !.:i nun. ' .,1 Mmui, ,,, 1 1 u, I, . K. Joiiep. Middle St., New Berne, N. C, UEST OF CIGARS, A n, I ).. t lion -ot Itranils i I I in poi t-(I IM S AMI I.ltl oit.: II. ol In,;, is ! A , , , i 1 , . , , ll,i- i-l'ik'.-.l i i., I ,N , i : h , ..11,1,11 ( I test , it 1 1 1 1 r 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 iii.! lit vt i. .-.. . l-i.l. ' 1 N I ('-'Iii ' ., i f'rKl ' Li..!.-.' V , I 1', u, 1, r.,Hiiiu-i, M l, I I i 1 i . I : i , Ma. Ni.t-olltl-t B.. l.i. I li I,, TIM KEELER & CO. illll. ..lull THE LAST CHANGE. Fine Old Rye Whiskey Sold eipresi-ly for Mrdi, idhI 1'se, by jnlfi dim I;. N. M'KKY. Bill Poster. lVri-..nH having LiIIh (., pool ill do el I in give me n truil . 1-.I.KI1.1. II. JtillNSON. gliders left at I . I Inch ill he at tended to. Uitl4 im SHAFERS medicinal mmrn mm, Manufactnred from the Blackberry Juice and Root, and pure Imperial French Brandy, especially for MKIilCINAL rSE, by I. CALVIN SHAFER, s'l t'ortlandt Street, . . New York. The general demand for a jmre Black berry Brandy for family uso. as a pre ventive of. and remedy for Diarrhoea, Colic, and similar derangements of the eyBtem, has induced the undersigned to prepare an article which fully meets the requirements, and can be prescribed and recommended by the physician, and taken by adult or child with perfect re liance as to its purity and efficacy. Be ing prepared from the fruit and root of the Blackberry, in combination with imported French Brandy, this remedial agent is presented in the moat efficient form known, and the undersigned trusts that his established reputation, of many years' standing, as a manufacturer of similar preparations, will serve as a guaranty for the recommendation of this as the purest and bet arMe of the kind in the market. Put up In Half-Pint, Pint and Quart Bottles, one dozen hi a oase. TESTIMONIALS. ' f Montclair, N. J.,Feb. 9,188," My Dear Mr. Shafer: I testify with' pleasure to the value of your- Med icK nal Blackberry Brandy," which Lwaa induced to try by your statement (iu which I place the utmost confidence), -' that it was composed essentially of good i Brandy, with a definite quantity of , Fluid Extract of Blackberry Boot. You can well depend on tbo excellent- of the articles which enter into its oom po sit ion, for your succees in obtaining or den when once it is known that you ? hare unequalled facilities for Obtaining- ' the best materiala and tha diafioaitkm to -nuke the beat use of them. i Yours very truly, -..,i ..; . , J. W PINKHAH, H, b. None genuine without the igna.ture ot I. Oalvtji Shafer, 88 Oorntlandt at, New York. . f rn. ywtrt'j For aale. wholesale and retaiL by K. N. DUFFY, Sola Agent, New Berne, N-JC. - : , ,vf -, TayZl dim '- -. .v -.'