r 4 ..... ( ' : --II- - - r- ' V . :- ' .... TAT JJU, VOL. VI.-NO. 80. NEW BEENE. N. C.. SATURDAY. JULY L 1887. PRICE 5 CENTS. mis iOrlTT 13Tb f 4 LOCAL NEWS. (nil Mlalatwre Alaute. New Berne, latitude. 89 North. " longitude, T7 8' West. Sun rUe,4:83 I Length of day, Sun Mtu, 7:87 I 14 hours, 54 minutes Moon rits at 12:48 a. m. BUSINESS LOCALS. FBESH ROASTED COFFEE, urouu I to order. C E SLOvith I will have another tine Stall-fed Ox, weight 500 pound, at my place on the oorner of South Front and Middle treeta, Saturday, July 2d. Please send in your orders in time. 2l John li. Thomas T XX)THPICK8, 5 eta. a box. at Bid Ike's. BUFFALO Lythia 8prin Water No 2. for aale by jn80tf W. L. Palmeh rPHE keaT Butter. Cheese and Lard 1 kept on loe at Alii. Justick'8, at a very low price. jnse tf G Oto JNO. DUNN "8 and try a MILK SHAKE. S tf W IIFTY BARRELS LIME, suitable for I sanitary purposes, at 75c. per barrel delivered, or at 50c. per barrel in fiye barrel lota. Uao. Allkn & Co. 0 LD PAPERS in any quantity for sale at this office. TAUNN'S LIMADE will refresh you -a-' this not weather. Try it. Fertilisers, Lime, Plaster, Cement, Olass, Paints, Varnish and Oil at low prices. (Jbx. ALLKM Co. I OB WORK executed with neatness J and dispatch at this office. . JU8T RECEIVED A new lot of Job Stock. Will eive good work at low rates. ii5dw2 Prepare for a big crowd on the Fourth. Capt. John a Richardson has stretched a beautiful awning in froDt of the cus tom house. Mr. John Dunn is tastefully decorat ing the windows of hts store on Pollock street for the Fourth of July. The large warehouse used by the E. C. D. line and the N. & T. R. Company are beiog completely re-ahiDgled. We bare a copy of the report of the President of the A. & N. C. R. Co. which we propose to publish tomorrow. Ths Postmaster would like to have the name of the person who wrote, June 23th, 1887, to J. Lynn & Co.. Broadway, New York. The steamer Bettte which for several months has plied between Pamlico county and lower Neuse, and New Berne, has been taken off the route, and gone to Elizabeth City. The Newbeme of the O. D. line will leave today at 10 o'clock for Washing ton, N. C. The Pamlico of the same line will arrive Tuesday next and sail Wed nesday, July 6th for Norfolk. All wishing a pleasant trip to Wash ington, N. C, may ayail themselves of the splendid opportunity by going down toO. D. wharf and taking the New beme today at 10 o'clock. Thos. H. H. Richardson has bought out Henry Dewey at the Oaston House barber shop and will continue the business at the same stand. Rich ardson is a good barber, sober, steady, and attentive to his business. ' A gloom of sadness was cast over our community yesterday evening by the death of Miss May Waters, daughter of Capt. Sam. B. Waters. The very picture ot neaitn ana Deauty, just blooming into womanhood, death has claimed her. The bereaved family have the sympathies of the community. A dredging maobine has gone down to begin work on the approaches to the New Berne and Beaufort canal. The board of trade of New Berne ought to urge the completion of this work as early as possible. W have plenty of steamboats that could open up a traffio with the White Oak river section if this work was done. Pood Pl&o. To our friends who desire to spend a day or two at Morehead City at a quiet pUoo where there is plenty of some thing to eat, we recommend to them the house of W.L. Arendell. The fare is zovUeit and charges reasonable. Old Officers Re-Elected. -T&.t meeting of the Director of the ' A. & W. a B. held at Morehead City on Thursday evening ell the present officers .were ie-ejeetftd. Z&tJj. P. Bryan and . Oeo leea were elected members of ,the fineaee committee, jr. u The Wllnriatwt jsseenger? Thw:rtt nopy rf the Daily Memnger f WUmiiYrtoafJiled to reach m on -.414: HkBovther "-Wilmington --paper f that eat.' itt arrired it Jest endltiefttlly tt6w4t weex Pctedrran eight page paper Jrka fell of news front all parte of the eovntry, neat ly J rioted and very readable. i' flooh dai. U quit an ad vaoo in North Caro lina joorntlism. We ope it will be sustamea..; ..-a n . Stockholder' Meeting of the A. & N C. R. The 33d annual meeting of the stock holders of the A. & N. C. R. was held at Morehead City on Thursday, June 30th. The meeting was called to order by President Bryan at 12 m. Ot ! Paul F. Faieon was made tempo rary thmrjian, Meosrs. F. C. Roberts blJ F. W. Hancock temporary ecre lanee. A report of tbe cuinnmiee on proxies was called for. Mr. Washington Bryan mated that the committee was not ready to report and moved that a recess be taken until 3 o'clock. Tbe motion was adopted. At 8 p m. the meeting was called to order by Col. Faison. S L J. Moore, Esq., submitted the re port of the committee on proxies wnicn snowed that the Male and a majority of the private stockholders were represented. On motion, tbe temporary organiza tion was made permanent. Tbe report of the President and Di rectors was read by President Bryan. Mr. T. ii. Womack moved that the report be adopted, and that tbe reports of the heads of departments be also re ceived and their reading dispensed with. The motion was adopted . Mr. T. B. Womack announced the following directors appointed by the Governor. Washington Bryan and C. E. Foy of Craven; Paul F. Faieon and W. C.Stronach of Wake; Dempsey Wood and John F. Wooten of Lenoir; W. II. H. Cobb of Wayne; W. 8. Chadwick of Carteret. State proxy, T. B. Wcmack of Chatham. The chair announced that the next thing in order was tbe election of four directors on the part of the stock holders. Mr. Washinxlon Bryan nominated John Galling, Kugene Morehead, Arnold Borden and J. A. Pridgen. A stock vole was called and these gentlemen declared elected. Mr. Jno. C. Wooten, Mr. W. L. Ken nedy and Col. Jno. W. Hinsdale' were elected as finance committee on the part of the stockholders. The chair appointed the following as committee on proxies: L. J. Moore, H. W. Wahab, W. T. Caho, F. M. Sim mons, J. C. Day is and J. ('. Kennedy. Col. John L. Morehead moved to re consider that portion of the President's report which recommended a change in the time of holding the annual meet ing from last Thursday in June to first Thursday in August. Mr. Washington Bryan moved to lay the motion on the table, and proceeded to give his reasons for recommending the change. He said the time between the close of the fiscal year and of the holding of the annual meeting was en tirely too short to give the officers suf ficient time to make up their reports. Col, Morehead could see no reason for the change. The by-laws had fixed the time, and it has been found a con venient one for thirty years. He did not think it desirable to havo to come down here in the very hottest part of the summer to attend a stockholders' meetiDg. Mr. Womack wanted to know if there was a more pleasant place in all the oountry to spend the hot weather than right here in Morehea dCity. uoi. ftioreneaa insisted mat it was b tter to Btick to the old time; that if the officers wanted more time to make their reports the date of ending the fis cal year could be changed. Pending the discussion, Mr. Irvin Oglesby raised the point of order that a motion to table was not debatable. Mr- Bryan withdrew the motion to table. The motion to reconsider was lost Col. John W. Hinsdale offered a reso lution changing the by-laws in regard to the time of holding the annual meet ing, making it the first Thursday in AugUBt instead of last Thursday in June. A stock vote was called for and tbe resolution was adopted . A motion was adopted to pay the finance committee for services last year, Coir John W. Hinsdale offered a resolution endorsing the action of the President and Director in obtaining a loan in compliance with the resolution adopted at the last annual meeting for the purpose of paying. off the bonded and judgment debta and for lmproYing the road. The resolution was adopted Hon. F. M. Simmons Introduced the following resolution: , JSeeolved, That the board of directors be authorized, if they think advisable in the beet interest of this Comnanv. to subscribe la stock ot bonds to ths con struction of the East Carolina I And and Kail war Conmanr from New Rem tn new river in Unalow county. . ' Mr. 8immons supported this resolu tion In a.str ong" speech In whloh he ex plained the-scheme for building this road and showed 1 the. importance it would be to the A. & N. C Ro&d if it was extended to New Berne. Mr. Jas. A Bryan followed Mr. Sim mons in opposition to the (resolution. He agreed with Mr. Simmons that this road ought to be built for the develop ment of the section which it will pene trate but where would the A. & N. C. Road get the money to aid in tbe work t The President in his report com plait e of the tax valuation of the property and the receipts for the last fiscal year were about 813,000 less than under ihe Beet regime. He would not object to the A. N. C. Koad aiding in the con struction of this road provided it could do it out of us surplus earnings, but he was opposed lo creating a new debt fur this purpose Col. John W. Hinsdale offered a sub stitute which merely authorized ihe directors to investigate the project and report at a general or special meeting of the stockholders upon the advisability and propriety of subscribing thereto. Mr. Washington Bryan did not think the road in a condition lo subscribe a dollar to any project, though he thought the building of the road into Onslow a very plausible one. Mr. Simmons in reply to Mr. Jan. A. Bryan, said he did not expect the stock holders to pass the resolution eiactly as he had offered it but he desired to have ihe matter discussed, believing that such discussion would lead to an investigation of the mailer. lie could not see why Mr. Bryan could oppose an additional mortgage on tbe road as he thought this was the plan of the Eastern Syndicate of which Mr. ltryan was a prominent member, when it proposed to lease the A. $ N. C. Road, for raising money to build a road from Goldsboro to Salisbury. He accepted the substi tute as offered by Col. Hinsdale and again presented the case in a very forcible manner. Mr. J. C. Kennedy was well pleased with what he had ht-ard but thought we had heard enough. He hoped Mr Simmons, when he got to Congress would have the internal revenue laws repealed. Mr. Bryan again look the tloor in op position to the substitute. He frankly confessed he was a member of ihe Kasl ern Syndicate and that they did propose to raise money just in the way it bad been raised for the purpose of improv ing the A. & N. C. K. and extending its line to the mountains so that the dreams of Dr. Caldwell, Morehead and others might become a reality. He dwelt upon the value and importance of tbe A. & N. C. R. and declared that if its re sources had been properly cared for in the past it would not now owe a dollar. Mr. J. C. Kennedy wanted lo know of Mr. Brynn what tbe value of the Stock was before the present adminihtra- tion. Mr. Bryan: Intrinsically, SH" 0 T share. Mr. Kennedy: I don't know where you get that word intrinsically. In my oounty, after Wash. Bryan became President and began to infuse new life into it, the stock jumped from 15 00 to $16.00, and I opposed selling our county stock at these figure. Mr. Bryan: The gentleman with all his astuteness in finances must be a nov ice in ascertaining the value of stock if he does not know that when runners are sent out to buy up stock it makes a demand for it and causes it to advance in price. After further discussion Col. John L. Morehead moved to lay the whole mat ter on the table, which motion was car ried. Col. Jno. W. Hinsdale offered a reso lution authorising the 'resident to take such steps in the matter of the exces sive tax valuation of the property as he may deem best for tbe interest of tbe company. On motion the meeting adjourned to meet tbe 1st Thursday in August, 1888. Personal. Maj. John Hughes and family left last night for Beaufort. k Mrs. E. McK. Roberts left last night for Beaufort. Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Kennedy and Mrs. Marhtha Stanly were in the city yester day on a visit to Mr. W. F. Boon tree's family. Miss Mamie D. Tyaok of Danville.Va. is in the city on a visit to Mrs. S. R. Street Jr. -Mrs. J, F.Taylor sod Mri J. a Tay tofleav foiUvt North -thia morning to spend, the sommen . , i s vs; it smwm sjsee vs wuv vi wvims bdto' are in h UftfJ1 : ' Bet.', G.;$r, BenderUa snei family of Beedton, Wayhe'coacty, were at Hotel Albert yesterday. V . -:- f Ber ; Dr. Vase' 'hat t tetmnied' from Morehead OHy and wUTooottpy his pul pit in the Presbyterian Cbmreh. tomor row. . -V.v ' ' If Test XTUkm OeesT Article 6i Plot Tobacco ask your dealer' for selldwda Cotton Giljs Mr J l' Whuiy is reujiLidiLg iLe farmers wtjo ure growing cotton liiat he has gins fur salt- He gives notice of ihe class of gins he is scllmg and par ties lehlliX to b i . Ltrc should t ail aljd eiamine ibctij Steamer Movemci.Ui The steamer Eaglet f U. 1. (' L. like arrived yesterday with a gJod cargo of geLerttl merchandise Ihe rcer of the t,auic hoc sailed yesterday with a o.'j cargn of lumber naval stores merchandise and truck Fun at Moienead City Mr. Gtjo. 1' hcnnellof Goldsboro c tr ried down lo Muiehead lily on Thurs day night a number of good horses and a pack of sixteen head of hounds. Early yesterday morning Mi T F llarglss, Mr. Rudolph 1 Iricl. Mr look and others went tut ai.d Ii v.l.l in a fox before the tram left. This adds a new feature to the many pleasures of Morehead City, and is one that will be highly enjoyed ty the men, Thcie are plenty of foies in ihe vicinity, and sixteen houuds chasing a fox at one lime is about as t.ue spoil as some men desire Fouith of July Tra.Ls Special arrangements (r trail. s on the A. & N. C. It has been made from all slaloms, and the f.. m lug schedule agreed u jkiii , v i z M'K ia: : i. a : I.ea i- I i-'Idsboru s 'o a in I .a Grange ,t io K mslon , ' io Amve .New Items . n. 1 1. Is Irani I., relui n KIol I li. Leuve Morehead I :( Atlantic Wild wo. .d Ni' I ii lUxel. ill ( roatnii Kivri.lule A 1 1 ive New I'n in oil the p.. I Passengers fn Morehead 1'ily li return by spm-lal train after exercises are over lin mi 1 iate: t The Value of the A, AN C. Ii lu the discussion which arose upon the resolution offered by Hon F M. Himnions al the slockholders ' meeting on Thursday the valuu of the A. it N. (' li was incidentally brought in. Ooe of the sH'akers declared unhnsilatingly lhat the road would bring &0o,(KMi JD its present oondition if properly adver tised, put up and sold. And the last sentence of ihe President s report says "ll is of course pleasing to us to be able to slate that Die price of Ihe capi tal stock is still advancing." Hut notwithstanding the extensive betterments of the road and its greatly improved oondition, the resolution of fered by Mr. Simmons aulhoriring the directors to aid, if in their judgment they thought it in the best interest of their road, in the construction of a railroad into Onslow county was, with the substitute olfered by Col. Hiusdale which merely authorized the directors to inquire into Iho advisability of ihe measure and report at another meeting, laid on the table. President Bryan him self who held the proxies of a majority of tin! private stock voting to thus dis pose i f the rnaltir. In the face of the reconmosjdal i' 'ns made by Governor Scales in his messagr to the General Assembly, that tbe N C. K. and th A. A N. Ov K , be author szed to aid in the construction of branch roads, and the passage of an art by the Oneral Assembly in conformity to such recommendation, it is really a matter of surprise that the stockholders of the A. A N. C. R. do not think enough of it to even investigate tbe propriety of aiding in the construction of what wm oonceded to be a very Im portant branch. Certainly no harm could have been done by the inquiry proposed by Col. Hinsdale substitute. But there is no disputing the faot that the stock of the A. & N. C. R. is increasing in value and will some day in the near future be sought in the market. Ho Has Of her Engagement. Nbw York, June 29. Dr. MoGlynn arrived in this city at 11 o'clock this morning from Chicago. He spent most of the day in the office of Henry George. When asked whether he was going to Rome or not he said no one had ever heard him say that he was summoned to Rome. "I have engagements in Mil waukee on July 4 and 0, and these en gagements will naturally prevent my presence in Home July 2. Pleasant Vision. The organ of sight, which is the source of so much pleasure as well as benefit to man, is very delicate. A great many persons not appreciating this, are using cheap spectacles. These glasses, by their imperfect construction and blemishes, seriously 1b Jure and sometimes - almost , destroy the eight. Hawkss' CrystaliMd Lenses are the most perfect glasses in tbe world, being eepeoially adapted for tbe preservation and sometimes restoration of the sight. All eyes fitted and tbe fit guaranteed at the drug store of F. 8. Duffy, New Berne. Jun51m rOKtlt.N MWS lilt .IHO S uhW liBTY. LOM'".v June SI. The vueen o gar den party at Buckingham i'alace this afternoon war a great s..al eent Seven thousand iny nations w ere issued. All the royal visitors hLu c&uie t" at tend the Jut. loe were irrseLl lht.Mli hill, il.? IM : ,.-: PaKIs. June :v The radicals are of fended at tt.c conducted Wgr Kotelli ihe new Papal Nuaciu at Paris, in ap pearing as principal guest al a recent royaltsl soiree, and intent t . uest..n the government in ll.r i l.an.tr .d 1 'eputiee about it a l i IK : V 1C I' ll l.A V ' si .K In bU.v June Prince Albert i, lor, of Waloe today laid Ihe foundation stone of the ing of the Hospital f..r Incurables al Donny brook Hi was fairly well received, and but few hcwn.r cheers greeted him K 'VAl. 1'lbclLhMi 1 -hhlA Vienna, June 'y King Milan of Servia has Instructed Premier Rislics to take measures lo prevent the return of Vueen Natalie of .Servia. A cabinet crisis is expected if the premier refuses to obey the K iug Bckles'a A rulci alv. Tui Bbbt Halvk in Uie world for Cuts, Hruisee, Hores, Ulcers, HaU Kheum, Fever Hores, Teller. Chapped Hands, Chilblains, ( kirns, and all Hkln Eruptions, and pueilivelyr cures piles or uo pay required. It is guaranteed lo give perfect satiaf action, or money re funded. Prtoe 25 cents per box I or sale by R N IluiTv le : Iv I lie AiiierU an linlii-lriul I iu'im . ( Hli aii-, June The hake Shore, mid Mississippi alley lieparlmrnl i f ihe American Hhippiug and Industrial I eague met in convention hero this afternoon with twenty live deleRales present. Secretary t '. S. Hill.ol Wash mgton, I. ('.. called the convention to order. Add resses were made by I 'on t'li-si-uian Law lei an 1 Mr Hill, and a o'HK letter from 11 n W i Wl.iH I I r lie , of 1 e ri nessee . w us r ead 1 1) w Ii n Ii he referred to Ihe necislily of ihe de velopmelll of ihe Alllelliall l olllllleri ml marine, slvl advocated the passnije I v l onress of his hill lo create a niivnl r esc i i- 1 Prophylactic Fpiul j Gives prompt and permanent relief in burns, scalds. chiltilains. venenmus slinks or biles, cuts and wounds of c er y ' description. 1 1 is in val noble in n i it I f v er d iph theria, small pox, cholera. yellow. typhiiH. typhoid and other fevers lor sick rooms, to prevent the spread of contusion, 'I is the best disinfectant known Alrj 11. Slrvtnt '.i. UarbyB Prophylaclio Fluid is an arti cle of little cost, hut ureal value. Its domestic as well as medicinal uses are numerous while its specialties are nnwt wonderful. No head of a family should ever be without it. ALL to know the see Chanoe" will c Who w ish to know the secrot of Th I jjet Chanoe" will call at B. B. DAVENPORTS, fOOT OF IVIIDDLK STHKKT. iyj ii IMPORTANT TO COTTON GINNERS! Remember that I sell the Daniel I'rail Cotton Gin, with Feeders and C'ondens ers, and the I.iddell "Iloss Power l ot ton I 'reus, upon a guarantee that if they are not satisfactory after KinnniK ten bales of cotton they can be returned to me and I will pay nil expenses Tbey are the beet machines on the mar ket. Rt&nd strictly on their merits Don't buy an oulfil until you have seen them, and you will have nothing to regret hend for catalogues and testimonials from some of the largest farmers in Eastern Carolina. J C. WHITTY. Agent Faster n N. C . jy2dwtf Newbern.N (' School Notice. M1HS MANLY will orn hr tus.l f..i Olrls and Tonni I.adipn in tMs city on SKPT. 30. Tuition per annnm. I id 00 lo MS. 00. Parwhls qoartrly In advance 1 y I 1 1 t Atlutk k I arti Cirolina Rtimd Co. Orrrcs or Gi. rwxrc.ST Pars. Ar.xirt, new Bern. N. C. Jane, 1SK7. The foUowlnf are Through Rates of Fare "Bound Trip ' UcBets from coupon utldn below u points on the f.K.at, R.. SBAMH OP 1T TlckeU on ss)e Jaoe 1st. I8K7. Oond retomlng ajitll Oct. SI, IWT To be taken off sale Sept. M, 1T. KBOM TO Hickory, Momntoa Old Fort Black Moon twin Atbevllle Warm Oprtnn. .. 17.26 Same on i need to HOI HpriDga. 8.X. DILL, O. P. A. Fine Old lire Whiskey Sold expressly for Vedioiasi Use, by S P c C S I 5 a a J tt Z. X s s s 11 W !40 1 m 14.50 Uru llll 14.7W IS.48 14.J0 141 )S,jn 17.75 ... UJt 11 4 J 18 l IS &S 116 11J6 1S0 17.86 It K se jnis a om k, id. uvtiY. E. W. SMJLLWOOD. GEO. RLOTII I Smallwood & Slover I'EAI-ERS IN OKSKHAL HAhbWARK, i T1SW Aht ;i..UiijWAHE IVOO'A. ii Ahf CROCKERY, S.-lsh l -K.h.-i. HLIND8.Z OLA v ivv, OILS A."D STOVf I'.N-I I'.PASShU AJ-i T(J PRICE AND QUALITY. Middle Mr. . t, Neit loor to Hot . Al'cert, NKW BF.R.NF.. N. C. For Rent, i - 1 in r: f. a b. I I sliu.Mj HOUSE u i S"i. s'.ii-i : :. , i i,e or iit-i of i 'raven ; l-'fe ., . ,,,, ,.... n.u, Koom. r i i. i j Lo .i r lnurrr h K W I I.1.1M. Old Suits Made New. '" ' i 'loin lug Cleaned. 1. J !. i !., ,,. : . : u 'IJ lAM.-j.OU """ ' 1 !.. i:, 1 i, ,i,t and J'o. ll Bt feels I,, ii,h , 1 :-r "' "" e :, ,,,. i Nrw Urrne :j 1 " r 1 '' ' : ' ' s u .' iit-sliy so- 1 u'H ,111 11 Lt Bell's, The Newest at. 1 Lest Selected Stock of A ll 111. 1 I Mi MiS and FINE Jl S I I h ,,. ti jntnlw tf l a I : i i ' i i . . i . A inosl pi, ,,san', suiioio-r resorl, Bllu Hieil on the t-eln d bilvceen AlbemarU Sound and the Allani ,ui and in f i 1 , t of Roanoke Island i . ! pi n or I he seas' .n JULY 1st. Many mi prov t im-nts have been added hi h vv ill add in u !. to ihe comfort of the IMHts A I I ICS!' ( I. ASS T Alil.l. ill be kept. Ihe best facilities are afforded for bathing lishuiK and huiiliiiK Also i k I band will furnish music. 1 or pari ii u la r k ad d ress I JAl'ORM, jun.'J .1 Manager. THE OLD RELIABLE! White Light Saloon! WVn.. ... i c, i sii,,i, i,,.xt u, k. K. Jones, Middle St., New Berne, N. C, II E 8 T OF CIGARS, An! 1 1.,- IiiiihI HraiuU ot Imported li:s AM' 1.11 l OKI! Ci si i :n .. I l. ,t A Is lid I'i 'Tier. i I ' i, ' i 1 1 ' . . 1 V . , : h r ! HUT I a Ileil . h i. : l i in 1 1, . i i . l . , i w i, ',k . I . N . -c .1,,. 1 r' i. i i.imI Pi ach I ti - Special- TIM KEELER & CO. Bill Poster. I'ers.iiiH having bills to post will do well tiinc me a trial, I I.KI1.I. H. JOHNSON. Orders left at I I Inch e will beat' tended to. JurJ4 im Just Received : 45 Hhds. New Crop English Island Molasses. Will Sell Cheap. APPLY TO Ferdinand Ulrich, WHOLESALE GROCER MIDDLE STREET, y NEW BEENE, N. a T. A. (Jrsen's Old Stand. ' CHEAP FOR CASH t Fine lot of Causal d's LArd " Suar Cured Hans, Breakfa Bacon and Sliodl der. ; ALSO- aV; Fresh Lot of Hetneld & Dncker Crackers and Cakes. , And various other things CHEAP FOB CASH, at J. F. TAYLORS, Foot of Middle btreet ; New Bsrne, Jans 19, 1887.-dt4 ' 5 : -: ' . 'fl - 5 - " VO'"'

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