J OCFKN AL VOL. VT.-NO. 8.7. NEW. BEKNE. N. C, TUESDAY. JULY 12, 1887. PRICE 5 CENTS. bbbbbbbjbbi ; msbbbbi - b a 9 r - ar w m - j - vaaaa-i- 4 V I)Mfi NEWS. fasnTaUlfsUaUsurs Alsa)aae. longitude, 77 r West. 8na rise, fh f Length f day, sen eateM 1 14 hour, 9 minutee. ttooa rU at 11:47 p. am. , Busiores LOCALS. T HUNKS, Curtain, Cloth, oUtptii id Table Oil D.Q lu's. TOR SALE A Fiaa Cow. r w.p. Price 8S pHWESB LAUSDBY at Hotel Albert v i reedy for work. Ail wearing apparel leondrisd in the beat style and at feaeenabU pricey Bttleracuon gunr THOMaB &.EE T)UrFALO Lythla Sprint Water No. 1) 8. for aale bj jnauu . w. Li. rauua. rPHE beat Batter, CUtM and Lard a TNJ HIW S1;JB- ' ' JUU u T?irrrja5tlXQ LfKE, iHW for A aaaftaryVvftoaes, at?5o. perherrel dUiad;t4iMn. haml talrv F.LD PAPEB la kay qvaatity for aale at this of&oa. Fertlllseam Lin4:vPlaaUr. Cement, OlaajTfalniaJ Vfla uj. 43 41 w pnaay -a? Ue. MLaWCtX7" T Orsnd oelebratioa today. Th. fc JaaJfcw ard aTa?apair. . BleapeTt passed dowmtMioaai City fmn Kampala Saturday night. ' ' Two eargoaa of Dew oaU from Hyda county wmru la tha tnsrtet yesterday. They vera very floe. Work on the new piers of the Keuse & Trent river wharf was resumed yes terday and will be pa abed to comple tion. Those who desire to witness the Are works from ibe river oan charter the steamer Trent for that purpose ec very reasonable tar Baa. Hotel Albert is an karma place for Rueet; that to if" thsy want a good square mIti$ alt e4fcer atooenatoda tioni knowa Jb (tie vanta of laan. Fred. Perry's Woard lac house will U open today at 1 p. m. a Jtf iddla atreea. Fred, has fully resolved fc Mttra satisfaction to neat, and ha knows how. The flat from which the firs works will be sent off has been rigged up In proper style and will be ea hand to night off the foot of Bread street. Look out aboat 9 p.m. The county commissioners wars la ration yesterday and will reaaaia in session daring the week for the pur pose of rariatlc the tax list and hearing cempUiaaa of the valuation of property, A inula atoned to eatt loaded with empiy barriU gere a performance on the ttreetr 'Veetarday morning. Ba wanted to ihw bow fast ha could run and oactere barrels and how near ha cooleV oome ronning over a buggy wKhf laamjavitaad not touch it. It was gaUeaeuooeasful runaway. The driver, finding he could not Indooe him to take up and travel through the city at a moderate gait, jumped from the otrt and brnieed himself considerably. Steamer Movements. The Pamlico of the O. D. line, sailed for Norfolk via Nag's Head at 9 a. m. yesteryloAtninj, carrying a good numberW aae-angara and a good cargo of Mvaiatorsa - The Klaatoa.' of Aha N. A T. S. Co. HaewiUaafl tatZluUm thia 10 a.m. She wUl leav"Klastoa on Wadjaaaday and Tharsday at.7 aUav, an an azowaioa un der turttaMgaaaant af llr. Oeorge BomntatwHtof aWvwi Springe. The YanjaTiiaJi th E. XX D. line ar rived Snnday. Ihn iAnia, of thia Una, sailed yaatawaai fMn ergo of lnm her, hlnglea.aadArnck. - . , t . )Hm Paraonal. , -ultajpr ft. McD. Tate, of Horga&ton, ;tmmk azajntnarl arrived on tho steamer NmOmiJk Bend stamtned the feaira of tUKatuaal Daak of this vJty yattarday t-.W, pUotw ehet ha apeaaUthkiglMat Of the eon- if -.tAitiam of the hank aU its d tractors and -: Jonas aaantyyt oaJaid itiitfn mt yaatar ' ay and japevta oroao taM aaatarially ' N datnags hi fnlna ,U kio InamiHati Mrs. K. F. Oo and, chudroa arrived t nlgU o. mua'toMraT J. a v Whlttr. f -1'1 wir j" w Ur. WttdtiTalaaiy Boow HiU arrived last nichloa rriait lo O.T - af.Dail. Esq. - V. -f r-. ,.iiaw;ttixWtrw. from oaat JaUy Old FJeli, nrtlvad - tardsy on the ateanw.Ebiaw- They " report tha eropa about an crengf In ' . their communny, but ; mora ; coUoa hiocaif tiao ptual ,bu early in. Ua 00. , inr.tiHt'ft alA.'iK.l ,. Tiie Program for Today. The oommittee of arrangemenu have mads the following program for to day: First teat of steam fire engine, first water throdgh fifty feet of boss, fifty feet from norile, at the foot of Craven street at 10 a m. Price 975.00. At 11 a. m. a base ball match between the Kinston and New Berne clubs at Fowler's ferry on the opposite side of Neuse from tike city. At 4 p. m. second test of steam fire engines. First water through five hufi drod feet of hose one hundred feet from nocile. Prue 976 00. Immediately after a prize of $23.00 will be awarded to the fire company that will fill a bucket suspended sixty feet in the air with water in the shortest time. At 8 p. m. the display of Are works will open from a fiat boat at Ue foot of Broad street and the display will be grand and magnificent. The New Berne Steam Fire Engine Band has been engaged for the whole dav to furnish mnsio. E. M. Pa via, Chairman. Figuring Out The Result. aorrejpo(ident aA aaonem's aWa fiXttrat out the profit! Vlb andean o&e horse farm in oorn,. His figures show t vary small profit but still they ahould awtM.aJavaongkna Thwpaw est farmer in tha eoqntry oan, perhaps, aocne up to the mlnimam ealonUtiaw made here which weuli anahla kirn so Uve. Andifth foot fanaar with his poor methods and sUp-ehod way of doing things oan make a living what doth hinder tha man of pluck, energy, business methods. UnWRA aASit. aad with a will to work six week from doing well? He ill not only make a living but will improve the value of his farm and stock, year after year, edu cate his ohildren and make farm life worth living. If all farmers would keep acooucts as is suggested by this correspondent there would not be so maay poor farmers. nor so many slaves to merohant. Trip Jor The Mountains. A party is being made up for a trip to Anfcevllle, to leave New Berne on Thursday the list of July. Tickets will be on sals on Us 00th. If the party can be increased to thirty or more the price for round trip tickets will be $11.55. Tha party must leave on the same train, but can return on any train with in fifteen days. Parties wishing to go d bstUr give their names to W. F. Bountree. Schooner Arrivals. The S. E. Rudolph, Capt. Mullen, from Hook port, Maine, with a oarge of ice from Watson & Daniels. The Lena, Capt. Caffse, from Fairfield with a cargo of oats and oorn consigned to W. P. Burrus & Co. The Sarah Midyette, Capt. Spencer, from Fairfield with a cargo of oats and oorn oonslgned to W. P. Burrus & Co. The Potter, Capt. Adams, from MM die ton with oats oonaiirned to W. P. Burrus & Co, The Fleetwood, Capt. W. Roee, from South creek with a cargo of corn con signed to J. A. Meadows, Resolntlons of Kesprct. At a regular meeting of New Berne Lodge No. 448, Knights of Honor the following preamble and resolution! were unanimously adopted : To the officer and member of New Berne Lodge No. 448, Knights of Honor: Whereas, It hath nleaeed tha God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ to re move from our midst, and the toil and oarea of thia Ufa to Himself aad eternal peaoa aad rest, Knight E. O. Outhbsrt. Therefor be it Reeolved. That wo bow with bumble submission to the will and wisdom of the Divine Baler of ths Universe. Reeolved. Than in tha death af brother Cuthbert our Lodge has aua- tained a loan that wo oeeolr doMora- not alone aa o useful member of our broUferbood, but aa o tru friend, good neighbor and useful oitlseu, and herein we express to tha eemben of tha order and to tha rommunitv at karca oar- ex aited opprooiatioa of Us kick character and aaany private virtues j uoaoifM, The w arte to tha family of our deoiaaaa shaatk heartfeU lympathy la Uls.Ua how .of their deep and ' trofooad sorrow and eotacnead them to liim "who loath all thinga wU" and upon whom tko kms band and father laaaad m Ufa, aad who auatoiaea bun through kio long nd painful Ulnent, and t last arrid kOm safely "through tko TaHy of tbeahadow Of v- Tt r'1 !rt i BanolvaoT, Thatooopypf thieeraaolw iioB bo tent to thfl family of our . do OMBcd brother, aad that o copy ba fur nished the frees for fe&lioatioa; also that they he placed, upog tha minataa of our Lodge. t i 'xi K- Jojg T :: L'Uatatw,--; -." . V.-, .fCtesBotttoo, , "'r ' . " ' V 11 1 ' "t ' ir Taw 'wrik m a-M k i.ti -'t'.i Of Pura Tobaooo aak your dealer lor siF.r.,-f v...a ewiawsas Proceedings of Board of Commission ers of Craven County, at Meeting Held Tueeday, July 5th, 1887. Board convened at 10 a.xn. Present: J. A. Bryan, chairman; W. O. Rrinson, W. X. Watson, T. U. Maliiaon and Sam uel W. Latham. The usual monthly allowances to then poor were made. The bill of Clark & Clark for prof, sional services was allowed. Tko' name of B. Laaghinghouse m agaia placed on ike pauper list, the re port of his death having been an error A voucher for 94.00 as aa allowance for the month of Kay was issued to Norman I pock for hi rapport. John Pittmaa was eaouaed from psy- mebt of poll tax on account of poverty aad Infirmity. The clerk was instructed to cancel Toucher issued to L Austin for support of Malar Austin in the months of March i April, May and Jane, aggregat ing 9c. 50, and that said allowance he discontinued. The account of Dr. H. U. Bates, cor oner, $30.70, was allowed. The account of David Tripp, tlA,tt. was disallowed. Com missions W. ML Wateon, saper- intendantof poor, submitted his month ly report relative to the condition of the poor house and the poor, which was1 approved and ordered filed. D. Stimson, sheriff, submitted a re port which was approved and filed. C. JC Brewer. David Tripp aad ether submitted to the board a oomplaint of the unlawful taxes, etc.. levied in the Stock fence territory of No. 1 township, which was on motion referred to the fence committee with the request tha they look into the matter and report ttie result of their Investigation to the board at ile meeting in August, 1887. The tock fence commilUe of No. 7 towDtthip recommended the levying and collection of a stock fence tax id said township, which was lsid over until the meeting of the board in August. The consideration of the petition of the stock fence committee, praying the board to levy a tax, was laid over until the meeting of the board in August. Board took a recess to 2 p.m., and upon reassembling, the chairman being absent, Commissioner W. M. Watson was elected chairman pro tern. It was ordered thai the voucher Is sued te Clark A Clark for professional services be endorsed "receivable in payment f taxes. ' ' Tha following voucher, issued to J. W. Steward, vix.: No. 8S0, issued June 2d, W, for te.W, No. 1117, Auxust 8d, 6rj. fbs W.90, No. 88fj, June 8d, W, for 82.00. No. 484. Jan. 5th. 8o. for $9.00. entWra aW. Duff , July let. 85, fee W W, and No. 1071 to Norma Ipook, July 7th, '84, for 94.00, were or derail lOasettewandl a voucher covering the same, amounting in the aggregate M the sum of 938 00, issued to W. II Boyd, the owner of said vouchers. Aaron Bell, col., was rsleased from payment of poll tax , on account of pov erty and infirmity, until further orders. Account and olalms, and the court cost for the spring term, 1887, were passed upon and the board adjourned to meet Monday, July 11th. Board convened Monday, July 11 Ui according to adjournment, at 10 a.m. for the purpose of revising the tax list and valuation of property, Commission era Latham, Mallison, Brinson and Wateon present. Commissioner Latham was elected chairman pro tern. The clerk of the board was instructed to last for taxation the taxable of any person applying during the titling of the board, upon payment of the fee prescribed by law. It was ordered that the compensation to list taker and assessor be fixed at $2.00 per day for the time actively en gagad. Tha BoAaoke Patreu. The official organ of the Grangers of North Carolina, speaking of the Grange Encampment assd Farmer Fair to bo botd at Mouat uoiiy, uaeton oouc tyAagast 10th to Uth eayt: -; Tha Oraag Fiinaiiipwsaat aad Farm era' Institute at Mk. Hollv. Oaatna coun ty, Nj . C moot Our hearty approval, aad waaopa as many paaroaaaad farmers a east do so, will ataeod. It will afford farmer d fins opportunity of spending few nay vary piaaaatiy, away from the toil aad care Of the farm. Mt. Bol- tyai k few mUaf weeteC Cberlewaeei- ly, roafcaf. ty rallenar vodaoad ratea wiU sWbtlaa bo abjaraoi ob ail tko rwtSa ssadlag tkaoawJ. tWo kapo tko Qrapso will ra -wall iwonaeutel. aad rood many aa ooao la .auaightaaiag too order Math auto. u, . - I - , , mfioia; tdgflet aAd1 Ylfr Yarara, I ' I irhalseaf Obv..-, - DarbyO ProphylaeUa Ftali wiH de stroy too Infection of all fevor and an ooatagiout aad lnrectlout dUeases. Will keep the atmosphere of auy sicavroom pur aad wholesome, abebrblngand do troy lag unhealthy effluvia and coa (agkHk resulting theraf roaa, .-Will aou traliao any bad smell whatever, not by disguising ft, but by destroying lt . - Coo Dmibyt Prophy Uctio Fluid la OTorr aick-rooui.. '' ADVICE TO MOTHER!!). Huw Children Should he Treated lu titles Duriug Summer Months. ILe prteent hot spell of weather not only produce a depraved condition of the atmosphere, but causes relaxation of the system, and in consequence chil dren naturally feeble physically, suffer much mors than adulis. It is a vulgar error mai ueuutiuii, or cuiunjr uwu, is a cause of cholera infantum, though it may add to the irritability of the patient and thus increase the trouble. Children cut their lelh during the autumn and winter month without any apparent constitutional disturbance. Children, whose system are tnus rendered more liable to J incase by the excessive heat and impure air, ure particularly suscep tible to diseaev. Judicious arid well timed measures oan be employed, not only to prevent, but to ameliorate the trouble. Children should be kept aa much as possible in the open air, without shoe and stock ings, and in the lightest possible attire. They ahould be bathed night and morn- ins in tepid water. If a tub of water is allowed to stand in the sun daring the day and the child bathed in it at night at bedtime, it will give a soothing and refreshing reit. The head ahould be frequently bathed during the day with cold water or with spirits and water, and the head should always be balhtd before giyicg the bath. The late Dr. liiiitz waa very success ful In the treatment of the disease of ohildren without the administration of drugs. In additicn to the means just suggested he employed one or two other agenciee, which he deemed of the high eat importance. His little patients were never allowed to deep on hair or feather pillows or mattresses. lie invariably directed for their use pallets made of buvk or straw. These oould be renewed or kept clean without much trouble or expeDse He also prescribed small portions of pounded ice or cold water to be. given internally every hour He argued that babes re'iuire water as much as puppies, calve or other animal. Mother are ignorant of this fact, aDd consequently few nurs ing children gel wBter, though they must Buffer torture from ihirst during the summer months. Drugs must be avoidiilin the treat ment of ihv summer diuease of chil dren. A little lime water, chalk mix ture or bismuth may be given to control the diarrhea. These are harmless, and oan he administered by any one. The diet should consit of milk and light food exclusively, meat and vegetable being totally unnt. Of course sure oountrv air is the best of all remedies. Cholera infantum does not prevail in rural districts; it is a d iseas almost entirely oonflned to cities. Freanent trips down the bay are very serviceable. If the poor of the city can ayail themselves of the Wilson Sani tarium it will tend greatly to the bene fit of their ohildren and hasten their re covery. Children who are dangerously sick can remain for days in the cottage on ths grounds, and thus secure a stock S strength which may bridge Ovsr eir Bummer's sttack. The advantages Of this institution are not yet sufficient ly known to those whom it waa in tended to benefit. Baltimore Sun. DIED. At Bellair, Craven ooanly, N.C.on the 20th of June, 1H87, of congestive chill, William P. Richardson, aged 31 years. Ever since 1869 he had been a faithful student and laborer In the Beach Orove Sunday School, contributing no small part to its interest and success. He served aa scholar, secretary, li brarian and teacher, giving his mind and heart to the work. In the summer of 180 h joined the M. E. Church South, and lived an ac ceptable member till death severed the militant link, and permitted the tri umphal joining in the "summer land of bliss. " Bro. Richardson had a very active mind, and was foremost in anything that tended to improve Intellectually ths interests of the neighborhood. I (On the first of March, 1887, he was happily married to Miss Dora Ascher feld, of Maryland. With enlarged prospects of usefulness and happiness; thus starting anew, as it were, to meet life's varied duties, be and hi young bride were hopeful and happy, but alas I how soon these hopes are dis pelled, and in lea than four months, the hymeneal joys are draped with the mantle of dissolution. 8urly "in the midst of life we are in death. " A we commit to mother earth the remains of our brother, -we would point hi bereaved loved ones to the great source of temporal and eternal life. D. L. LetUr Lorn Superintendent Institute. Blind Austin. Texas. ' Ms. A. at. HAWtM: DeafSit-1 take great pleasure in saying that your spec tacle excel anything I hav yet bean able to procure, enabling me to read the finest print with aaa and oomfort, FsaxK RADrrf, M. D. . All ere fitted and the fit guaranteed attbadrag store I F. B. Duffy Now Berne. juiolm hotograpk8 of the interior of the linn p; ey were exhibited re cently gt a meeting of the Canadian Institute by Dr. Boseboagh, of Toronto. One of them showed upon the retina the Inverted picture of the objects at which the eye was looking - - v. r, ii n 1 in AD TICK TO KOTHKKe. MKS. WWlLOWl BOOTHWO BYRVF abould always be used - for- Children tsathtng It soothe the obildt softens the rums, allays all pain, cure wind colic, and Is the best remedy for diar- aoea. Twenty-ov oenta a bottlr. . marl7dtuthatwly Office of Old Dominion Meaniship Co., Newbkhs, N. C., July 6, 1S7. Unless compelled to alter by etres of weather or unavoidable accident, or by orders from the Home Orhoe, the fol lowing schedule will be run by the Steamer Pamlico for the current month Any change will be promptly noted in the local columns of the Jiikal steamer Pamlico will touch at N Head going and ooming Mouday, July 11th, mH ui Friday, July lflh. at U a ui Wednesday, July 20ib. u U a u Monday, July 25th, at U a m Friday. July 2tfth. at a in Fare to NagB Head Jjl t0 N,. tickets. Fare to Norfolk 1st cUaf, i "U 2d cls, S2 00. Fare to Baltimore vi old bay Line. 1st class, $6.00; 2d class. (H Oo. "Fare to New York via O. L. 1st class, 811 00 'Fare to New York and return D, Bhips, 1st cla, 81 00. Hhipe, vis ) Fare to New York via 1; HLIpe Ship, intermediate, 8a 00. rare to New York via D ll 2d olass, 81.50. rare to Old Point, 1st class. 83 Ml. Tickets received and forwarded promptly E. li. K- BIKT, Agent. 'Fare includes meals and stale room on Old Dominion Ships from Norfolk to New York. No extra charce for berths on the Sound steamer from Newbern to Nor folk. The Wilmington Star. MOTlOl Ifl PRICK. A tleiillun ; culled lo Ui foliow'.ui! r 1 a. riil-f uOacrlpUua. canti lu 0vim r Til K UAII.I STAM 1 Yt-Hr hi Mix MouUib . s i (i Tlire Moiilha ..... One Mimlu yi 1HK WKKKI.Y STAIt. One Vtur jj i Nil MoiilhH fit) Tli ret- Mon lbs w Our Tcl-rii(ili News B-rKie NM ie-iilly lii-m luritely lurrraaed n.l II Ik uui ileU-ruil nalllin In keep Hie HTAK up In Uie li 1C liHl mund&rd of new Him per e x,iellnoi . AOdreM WM H. HKKNAIU' WUminiitoii N i RENOVATE YOUR Old or N.w Fa(brs Tkarlilr Dnaiad. tsad, DU4. aad HBdrrd Parfetily Odrle. apaciAL iotici. It 111 well luu n fact lhl all f, iilliirt. In cudauul um by many oaute tweome uiatted and hard. duty and Rolled, Impure ami un healthy. All feather In uie five or more year ougut to be oleaned or reuovalad, aud no well Informed penou Will n a now feather that ba not been purified and made odorless, which ean only be done by a liberal uae of Uve Bteam, We now call your alien Uon to till fact, and tale that we are no repaired at abort notice to renovate your feather or the Bteam ITooees Patent Keainer Henovaior, wuiob wiu continue lu operation for a few week longer at Mew Berne. N. I'. Tbl maebln ha been used aitenslvely for years peat In all the Kae tern and Wraluru Htatea aud tlanada. with the best rtiaulu and moet general aallBfaoUon, TboaNanda uf testlmonlala oould be obtained If nrceaaary, but a few from Iboe beet known lu our nwn Btate will be more acceptable. TKSTl.nOMlA L. (idl.lwiiORO. N. C, aoth April inb: Mr. Ueorge Hncher Dear Blr li glvea me pleasure to bear toellmony to the excellence of the ateam prooeae for cleanalng aud reno vating feather. It render beds, wblcb are unpleasant and unwholesome, in every rea poci aa good aa new. We are now ualug liwls which were objected to Uil process about even yuars tgo and they still retain liieli softness ami odorless condition. J. M ilil.i VKH, Rector 8t. .Stephen Chun li (im.nsnoso, N. ('., April 23, 1KK7. Wi- ha e had work done by Memr. Mucin r H'mw, and we are satlaOed that leathern renovated by their process 1 all they e.laitu for It. and we wllllnKly recommi'Dd their work to The favorable consideration of every mie. T. W. hwan.n. (iol.UHHOKO, N. ('..April . IMC. MesHrs lluclicr A I'rnw tienta The ui.rk dune by you In rennvatlng feather beds 1 perfectly satlHfarUiry. KeHectfully, I.. II. (jlljIitNH. Uoi.bsiKiBn. N. ('., July I. lslT. Mr. Joe Harvey, New Heme, N. (',: I)ar Blr; The fealber that you cleaned and reno vated forme save entire satisfaction, maklni them as good as new, Yours truly. T. II. UviAD. It la not DeofKsary to continue further Our work Is our reference, and we are tiound to please and give satisfaction. Thia 1 tbe first machine of the kind ever Introduced In tbl tstate, anft lb la will probably be in only opportunity offered in many year. Our firices are so low that every one can avail hemselve of the ohance to have their work done. -Work called for and delivered free of charge. On Feuher that are sent by rail or aUsm er freight only will be added extra. No charge for draylng or handling, BUCUER & HARVEY, Proprietor. At Major Dennison's Mill, Jr8 aTW BKRNC N. 0. CHEAP FOR CASH! Fin 4ot ofCatsatid's Lard, Sugar Cored Maa, Breakfast Bacon and Shout dera, ALSO Froah Uet of HaUWald A aHieker Graakera and Cakaa. Aad Tarioat other thins CHEAP FOB CASE, at J. F. TAYLOR'S, Foot of Middle btreet, - New Berne, Jane 19, lW7.-dtd ' E. W. SULLWOUD. E0. SLOTH Smallwood & Slow dealers in qkmchal hardware, tinwahk, glasswails WOObtxWAHK, CROCKERY, SAH1I, UOOhH, BUMDBZ GLASS, rAl.XTS, OILS A.D 8T0V UNSURPASSED AS TO PRICE AND QUALITY. Middle Wtreet, Next Door to Hot I AlUsrt, hi-vv BERNE. N. O. School Notice. Mrt MAM.v w::. . i. ., H.-hool for ":i hd I'.ui; I ..'..ii i this City on Sr. PI. 30 Tuition Kel ul.l.i.lli. J(IOO Ui 4S.O). l'a al.le quarleily m advance lyl lut HORNER 8CH00L, roitu. !S. t. 1 11 K 1 A 1.1. ithw vtf J win begin the latday of AuiUK. Tbe pm e ot Hoar-J an I 1 ulllim. eioluslve of waahlui! and lights. : Only Alucly lel lara. The rooms fur ( adetn w li lie refitted and refurnished before Ihe Mnum ouelia. Tbe School ufli-ra In a.l ret-pects II. e l.il ad antages Heud for circular aud raUtlugiie J 11 Hult.M-.h. rrliicliml ' fun1 .N c . July, ink: j;Bfsw4W ALL to know the ec , Chance" will c Who wish to know the cret of The Ict Chance" will call at B. B. DAVENPORT'S, I'OO I OF TIIIIULI: sTHkKI'. I - II IMPORTANT TO COTTON GIHHERS! Ueraember that I sell the Daniel Pratt Cotton Oin, with h'eeder aad Condens ers, and the Liddell "lloss" Tower Cot ton Pretm, upon a guarantee that if they are not satisfactory after ginning ten bales of cotton they can be returned to me and I will pay all expenses. They are the best machines on the mar ket: stand strictly on their merits. Don l buy an outfit until you have seen them, and you will have nothing to regret. Send for catalogues and testimonials from Bomc of the largest farmer in Eatern Carolina J C. WHITTY. Agent Eastern N. C., jy' dwtf Newbern, N. C. Fine Old Rye Whiskey Sold eipresely fur Medicinal Ue, by jnlfl .Ifim U. N. DUFFY. THE OLD RELIABLE! White LighrSaioon I W hi I in. in h ' it St ami in' I Ui K . K. Jones, Middle St., New Berne, N. C, ! i 1 1 tai .-an k t lite HEST OF CIGARS, And ' he Choiiot ItraiuN l I in pot I-1 VlNi:sAM l.Itijl OHM ll ht I inp. .n.,1 Ale and l'.'iler. 1 he celebialeil Did Nectar, M hart Ileal . and I'lmll.'.i Chil. Hm- Whisk:. I'urcOM N .(' (V,rM Whiskey First I'liias (Hade.- uf A pi : and Peach flrandles a- Milk Punches and rrkuii:t Hpeclal ties. Call and try one. TIM KEELER & CO. Just Received : 45 Hhds. New Crop English Island Molasses. Will Sell Cheap. APPLY TO Ferdinand Ulricb, WHOLESALE GR0CEB 1CLDDLK STKEKT, NEW BEB2TE, S. V. T. A. Qbecnb Old StsHd. Old Scih Ucd3 Herji Oentlemett and Ladles' Oothlns; CleAnseT. dyed aad repatrsd by JOH WILL.IAMA,M S ' ' Hansock street, betirsen Boath Front and. - . Potloek streets. Saw Berne, . a ' ' - ; The patrssukT ot the amsens ef Bew BsB . ' anl snmrandlnc country la sarnestir so-, llctted. JnMdtf ait V i btel illbert Kiddle Street, Xaw Bara, H. O. ; - Ka 9 ATTSKMBT, Preyrietr .fi Ofltwa special lndneesnenta te eenuerUI ; Ooistae ofavperter exesUeaee, ' - oaantMa aaa sac ar autraina 2 and ateasaere. Hs v .1 Csi t-l J. V',' I i I" A' rilt .t.h i.i V - '

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