, -i S DAlty JOLiKSAJj la a St NlUl . ir, fWibUansa tatty, axaept Moadar, at MPT rear, M.OtorL santitha DeUvarad j city subaortbarsat Ml ean taper moo Lb. run WECJLT JOC&HAlo a M column , . per, la ftbtiabad srery Tboradar per annnrw . it all the morning. J)iil feel like crying then T ..- aa, J felt too angry to cry-wto think that a woman should treat ne' thus. 'And I realized then the mighty power of inMnnnA ,1 1 . . . ,) .L. UM at I2-U0 luucui auu ioouiygu Luai iiviu I that Terr hoar it should be mr ADVKBH81NQ rates (uaily ) oie ; study and daily endeavor to do to iuc wMtaar u. ior snoeeouect others as I should like to have them do to me ; that, in other words, I 1 would always, and under all ctr tnsarttoa. AdvarUaaawnta under bead of -Business Locm" M cents per line (or n ri and 5 oeots or arary aabaaqaap l Insertion. He adTevUaaaaenu JJ beinair.ed between oeal aaetter at any pnce . MeUeeaaf jalarnaa-ea or Death not loe&oeed tea UneawlU be Inserted free. All additional matter Will be enarged 5 ceil u per 11 ue. FaraMBtafortraikuentadTertuemenuniuil be made In advanoe. Hevularadvertineiueuu Wlli be collected promptly at the enl at each UtatSu OWmmnni nou containing uewa ur a dia llw of uoat matters are solicited o aamiBODloatloii must be exuected to he ouh liahed that conlaina oh actionable perauual Use withholds the name of the author: or tat will tnake more Hutu our column ol mis Any person feeling i..ru-o ki au auouy a&oueooiuinimicatioii ran obtain Hie uame o ta aoiaor oy application i una orhce mid aaawtnf Wherein the grievance trusts. THE JOUKNAL. a. a. acaii. K. Ha&PKR. Edit. Muilatia IUuir, SKW BERNE. N. C Jl l.V'.'t lK aatstea si ta foai oatae at H Bsraa. as seouaa-laas matter. The Potter of I nil Deuce . Do we any of us realise the power which we possets, either for good Or bad the influence which every one of as yields T 1 some times think not, because it we did, 1 am are we would act so differently. . Ob, the mighty power of influence. It is so great that it governs the world. I never realized soinuch in regard to it until recently, l or many weeks 1 have been visiting journeying from place to place seeing a great many t. pes of hu man nature; and 1 have found it a curious siuay. i nave ieen great ly interested in the eople whom I have met, for character Was always to me a source of great en joyment. To see the different modes ol life in different localities are very mstruc tive and fascinating to one who can. watch them from an outside: Standpoint, liut 1 see the same, Mow Mood Paper is Made. Vm A nn ...... . m .. I .... !.. ;n uuuiau uabui u ctci.) " 11 v c biiiui n i .u i j in '11 , i iiirir 10 it iuiii hearts, and hearts that are not so where papei is made from wood, .kindly, though 1 am very happy to land in this mill there is a machine say that the good predominates, as I resembling in appearance a large I firmly believe that there is more cheese box, about six lectin diame- cumstances, to a lady. Oh! bow hard it is to receive rebuffs, un kindnesa and insults even from strangers, how to submit to that which we do not deserve, to loose our faith, our confidence in human nature. But we should not judge every one alike, suppose we do meet with occasional rudeness, even .with unkiudntMs, it is a sign that every body is so! No, it is not. Fori know from personal experi- 'euoe that there are manv chival rous and noble men ; many lovely and good women: that there are ladies and gentlemen. Yes, there is moreyood than bad; iu this rough old woild of ours. 1 fully believe that this is so and 1 understood as never before what it means in the beautitudcs, ''Blessed are the merciful for they shall ob tain mercy." For 1 do not believe that it was alms gmog that the ! Lord meant, but kindues, daily, , hourly, heart felt kindness, a smile here, a cheerful, kindly word there, an interest and fellow ship in hu 1 inanity. We need not be fools to do this. ! It is not a sign of "softness" to be kind. We ean be just as smart, ljust as intelligent, just as far see lug, and still be kindly towards all. 1 There is truly "Nothing bo kindly & kind Dene And nothing bo royal as truth. ' And we realize it more the longer we live, and the more we see. Yes,1nliuence is a powerful thing, and we all possess it more or le.-s, lor good or bad. Hi! let us put our influence on the right side, being kind, mercilul and considerate, re memberiug that others have the same humauity as ourselves. It we do this the world will le better: and we shall recieve our reward both here and ticaralter. Household. similar to that of a grain aeparator. The apron runs orer a copper "ano tion box harine numerous boles in the top from which the air water are constantly be exhausted. The effect of the suction box is to re move most of the remaining water from the palp, which by this time resemDies a wet sheet of paper ine aamp aneet is now taken up by a felt blanket and carried over steam fheated drams. By this time the paper is strong and dry enough to support itself, so it leaves the felt aud passes unaided between the highly polished calen der rolls, which smooth it and give it a hard surface. It is now rolled up ready to be removed to the cut ting machine, where revolving knives reduce it to sheets, which are piled, sorted, and counted ready for shipment. 11 a fine iater is desired, the roll in place ot bemg cut up into sheets is ieground iu a "rag engine" iniilai to the washing machines, still further washed and bleached and sent through another "Four drinier machine,'' whence it issues as pure white finished paper. The "size" which gives paper its glossy finish is introduced into the pulp while U48 in the last washing ma chine. At the West Newton paper mills, rollsjof paper four miles long ' are regularly made, and rolls nine miles long have been made from re grouud wood paper Paper aud j Press. I ll mm Absolutely Pure. Hi la powder nerer vanea. A marvel of portly, irenfth, and wholeaomeneea. More tooaomteal thin the ordinary fctndi.and earn not be sold In competition wlLfe Uie a altitude ol lw teat, snort weight, alum or phosphate Every COI'NTRY MERCHANT buy OLD RIP TOBACCO should Be Kind lo Voar Horac Kindness with the family horse is of the utmost importance. Always cultivate an acquaintance, and be on social and fneudJy terms with him. If he is tired and worn out. it is astouishiUL', how these pe wears. Sokd only In eaaa. Uorax Jakj FowDaOo..liWaU-aU.. J. noTU-lTdw For aale in Newborn by Alex. Miner. ROUND KNOB, This uelluhlful resort le now opeo to visit ors l lit hotel has been thoroughly reno vaied aud furnished UirouKbeul with an eye lo tha solid comfort of g-oeeta Batha, Blee trio Bella, watel la every raom.vblla toe TAHLtt ta unsurpassed by any oa the road. Tne goeaeraMs unexoelM- In plctorrsque brauty, snlb a fountain tUrowlog a lcea IW fet hrjra, A near way has beea ofxued rrom kere to the JPINNAuLK qf UaB - itlue kUdu. llT('HBIli-av - PKaK and TUS RrVlfiK, wuloh shca-teaa Uie dUtaaov an e-half U ovee acood road. ak less expense, wore m forts, THE CEOTfll:El IS MAKING THIS SEASON A Specialty' of Fine Clothing and Gents' Furnishing Goods, And is therefore better prepared than ever to auit the moat faatidiocta a the LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES. Oar Suite are-stylish and well made, from tasteful fabrics, and are sold at Rck Bottom Prices. Ourline of FURNISHING GOODS embraces everythingthat Gentlemen uae. In NECK WEAR and SILK HANDKERCHIEFS we are exhibiting a line of Koods that are creatiorjs of the beautiful and cptivating in their elegant sim plicity . STYLISH HATS Derbies, light, black arid brown; Fur Hats of all shapes and qualities, apd Crush Pocket Hats in all colors, only 75c. Big assortment ot Straw Hats, latest shapes, handsome and cheap. Full stock of DRY GOODS and NOTIONS. Ladies' and Gents' Sboea at piicea to suit the times and your pocketbook. A Ladies' Foxed Gaiter only 60c. We are still baying a big run on our $3 50 genuine, fine French Calfskin Shoes in Bale, and CoDgrees, which are acknowledged the nicest and best Shoe in tna market. A full guarantee lven with every pair. DAVID M. JONES of Beaufort will be pleased to meet his old friends and customers at GEORGE ASH'S, Middle 6 tree t, next to L. H. Cutler's. OLDEST AND LARGEST MUSIC HOUSE IN VA. and the wbale rout a UOK.Vk ok Hi; ALT AM U INTJlHKHT. Male Train, Ouldes and Teuta, til i be had at the Hotel The W. N. C. R. K. tralna slop h. ir for diD ner. kxpresa. Telegraph and Poel.rtii in I he tMiitdlng. Kvery ertorl on Iht ) an (if ihe it i ! attentions will eucourarre and I rT":''. ""' T., iieer linn un, tien not in use, ue Ol 1 KM" TOHAl'CO sells .mu lt nud never fniln lo please. Thy a I'm ci. good than bad in this old world of ours. "."--Bat I Btarted to tell about Uio power of in flue Dee. (ineevening a few weeks aco, while sittniK with tne friend with whom I was travel lag in the station at Cincinnati- . waiting for the night train that , Bhonld take us to Toledo, a lady came hurried I j in, looking some what anxious. Her tinsbaiid had j t lieu to meet uer. cine gianceu ; hurriedly around, then seated lier- een near 'on ami m r iriena 'and comiuenccd talking with them. ; I cannot tell on what she said, but I talked with her for over two hours, and I sluill neei forget the impression which 1 received. What was it? Wliv, that I was talking ' tit i i . 1 1 - wiin a loveiy t nrisiian woman, a perfect lady. Her husband, a tine looking elderly man he was ;t minister of the gospel caine just before the train was due. How glad he was to find her, and how delighted she was to see him. See ing them together 1 saw what went ter, standing on its edge. In this cheese lox there revolves, at an enormous speed, a strong iron disk, armed w ith a great number of sharp steel knives, which cuts up the wood into shavings similiar to thosemade by a draw knife. While we were looking at this machine an attend ant picked up a heavy stick of cord wood, w hich he piacedjon anincliu ed trough by the side of the ma chine, and shoved it into the same. In a twinkling the log had disap peared, and a second was sent after it, quickly followed b ,i third. Although it may .seem incredible, that machine reduced those heavy 1 loot .sticks to shavings at the rate of three a minute! These shavings are carried oil by acone.er to the "boiling nom.'7 where they are boiled for seeral hours in caustic soda "soda lye'' winch ci mi bines with all the resi nous matters in the wood, and re duces it to a mere librous pulp. Tins pulp is next run into the ' washing machines," which are to make up a lovely home picture, a , oval tubs about tifteen feet lone and noble man and a beautiful woman six or eight feet wide, having a happy in each other, 'e shall longitudinal partition in the middle. prooaDly never meet again, but their influence will never bo forgot ten, for I went from their presence feeling ennobled and encouraged to do better. This is only a picture, and I have still another. While sitting in the hotel parlor one morn ing, while staying for a few days in a large city, an elderly lady commenced talking with me. She was from a far Western State. I never shall forget her kindness or; the interest which she mani fested in a straDger. "Don't you think yon are a little careless in not having something around you thiii 'cold morning T'' she said. Then added, "Excuse me, please, bat lam so accustomed to taking caref girls." . I -came - pretty near breaking doWBoT ft had been so long any one haa'fpoken to me like that. She went on talking, and when we parted shook hands with me, wish ing me "God speed," and I went away feeling that I bad fonod a friend.. Bat I have still another picture. A few days after this occurred I as tx as ot tier hotel and, seeing me ladies in the parlor, I ven red4to ask them, in a perfectly lite way, a simple question in re trd to a certain locality. Never all I forget the expression with ' ich" one of them turned to me i 'lif "ft. haughty manner said : ILd porter in the hall can give i all necessary information, as it ' 'a basines8." She pot a strong nt on the "necessary." I said, ielytyThank yon, madam," ' left her, bat I did not ask the r in the hall. I felt as ill ; teen struck in the face I felt extending nearly the entire length of the vat. In one of the compart meuts thus formed there is a "beater," composed of a number of steel blades with rounded edges, which revolve at a rate of speed be tween stationary blades in the bed plated below. In the other com partment there is a Mwasher," which consists of an octahedral frame covered with veiy tine wire guaze, and inclosing a sortof water wheel. The w ater runs iu the op positer direction to the beater, but very Blowly, and the result is a constant current of the pulp up one side of the machine and down the other. A stream of water is con stantly scooping it up and empty ineit through its hollow ehalt. The beater forces all the foreign matter oat of the palp, and the washer re moves the dirty water, so thai; the fiber becomes thoroughly cleansed It is now removed to another ma chine similar to the first, where it is bleached by means Of chloride of lime and muriatic acid. The washer is dispensed with daring fhe bleaching. After the bleaching comes another washing, to remove the chemicals from the fibers, and the pulp, thoroughly softened and mixed with water, is drawn off into storage tanks, whence it is pumped into the paper machines. At one end of the hotter is a box into which the pulp is pumped from the tanks. This box has a fine!horizo&tal slit, from which the pulp flows ina. steady stream on to an endless wire gauze apron, about six feet Wide iwhicn is constantly running away from the box. The rolls over. which this apron runs hare an "end shake" should U- given a reasonable aiuouutof daily exercise. No ani mal will do wellwithout exercise. It promotes a good notion of their limbs, and assists digestion. The harness should be made to fit, thus avoiding chafes and bruises. In cold father the lips aud tongue of the horse may be made very sore by contact with the frozen bit. The bit should always be warmed before being placed In the horse's mouth. Flies are very annoying to horses, and the use of the net, or some preparationjthat will keep the flies away, is well repaid. Care in driving is of the greatest importance. How often do we see an animal driveu until wet with perspiation, and dotted with foam, standing without blanket or protec tion of any kind lrom the cold northern winds. When in Buch condition, he evidently suffers in tensely; besides the danger of con trading diseases, from which he will never recover. If any law on one statute book should be more rigidly enforced than another, it is the one against fast driving. When in use, blankets should al ways be provided in cold weather, so tht they will dry without chill iug. Protect them from drafts when warm, and either rnb down, or let them stand in a stable, where cold air can not strike them. American Agriculturist. Tonic, Alterative ajid Cathait.c. Simmons Liver Regulator cures mala ria, biliousness, dyspepsia, headache, constipation and piles. It is most ef fective in starting the secretions of the liver, causiDg the bile to act as a purge. When there is an excess of bile in the stomach, the Regulator is an active purge; after the removal of the bile it will regulate the bowels and impart vigor and health to the whole system. w. 1). HI'itAUt'h I'ropiietur. The stipr rb SA LOON Is a bi;ii. ti ( .Ui 11. ljDUyUrau s, Atiljevlllr. N. C niT If Walter D. Moses & Co. 14 MAIN STREET, KICHMONI. VA. i 0 Pianoa aud Organs on easy monthly plan at factory prices. Old Instruments taken in exchange, bought, rented and repaired. Immense StotU ofSHKET Itll'MC. Instruction Hooka of all kinds. PpeslalDta count to Tehchers aiul Schools, lalaloffues iijalld free. Aaaortiuenl of Afuslo wnton aaleclllon It desired hlrtnga lor all Muatsal . j dhi I iiiiifiiia. a lew sogHuy usea i laDus sou rdrtftins oi axanouru makes, fcpm la lo saw. AffnU of 1 olison's rrofeajlonal bllver Bell Hai'Imh. Vlollna, Arconliuiia,- and evcrylhlijg In the M ua'.ral l.l ue. Correspondence" solicited. Catalogues mailed free on application at the office of on - North Ciirotina Atfenf, Adolph. Cohn, juLl7l6m MIDDLE STREET, NEW BERNE, N. C. .a, ' " . "I fa-Mi,- MOST BRILLIANT, PTTRE&PERFECT LENSES In tlie World. I Thy are as transparent and colorless as ltalil itself, and for softness or enduranoe to Ui eye, can not he excelled, enabling the wearer to read ror lioura without falline. In fact. Iney aie PEHFKCT HI (JUT FIIKSKKMCIUJ, Testimonials from tbe leading physicians In the I'nlled 8 la tea, Uovarnora, Bens tort, Legislator, slock mi, man o' not la all pro fesaiona, and In different brancliea of trade, bankets, mechanics, etc., ean be given who have had Ihstr sight Improved by their uae. ALL, RYES FITTEI AND THK KIT OUARANTEKI) BT F. 8. DUFFY, Druggiit, martl NKW BEHNK. N. C. ly k7r7jo.jes, Win un I Ki tail lii'hler in CHOICE FAMILY GROCERIES AND General Merchandise, AGOING AND TIES KtC. Consignment f Drain. Ctlion and other Produce solicited. I'rompt Attention Una t ntecd. "HE, w Will- IrtJUStUD that speaks no ill. Whose words are al ways true, That keeps the 'law of kindness still,' Whatever others do." Therefore yon cn find at TANHILld FINK C1UAK AdKNCY. superintended by W. I.. Palmer, the chotctal variety made at pnpnlsr prices. Wm. I,. PALMER. f-e,'ODd door from cor. South Front and Middle etreeu, New Barns, N. C 1HC First-Class Buggies MADE AND KEPT CONSTANT LY 09 HAND AT T. RANDOLPH'S CARRIAGE FACTORY, Beoad St., New Berk, XV. C. Those wiaklng to pwchM jrill find ti to their adraatacs to call Anal ataaiM before trjrchasiBg elaawherw. l is . REPAIRING dosve at akort notios). : Satisfaction guaranteed in workauad prioea. epltdwtf For Bent. A desirabla Dwelling' Boom ob the corner of Nense and Metcalf atreets, ad joining; thw Academy Orewn. Large and airy rooms, flower yard and ex cellent garden. For farther particulars apply to Wm. H0LLI8TEE, or O. H. GUIOIT. myl7 dtf Ezaontora. N. W. i,t. South Front and MiddleSt NEW Itl.HNE. N. C. (U.AX SCHWERIN HIS CLOTHING EMPORIUM to the Sure lately oocopied by Wm. Hollister, where with more Room lo display his increased 8 took, he is, with the assistance of MIt, SAMUEL J?. BALU prepared to show and sell at Bard Pan Prices, Tha FINEST, NOBBlt ST, NEATEST, PRETTIEST and BEST READY-MADE CLOTHING, Gents' Furnishing Goods, Straw, Derby and Fur Hats, Boots and Shoes, Dry Goods, Etc., Etc. I AM SOLE AGENT FOR L A. BATTLES' MEN'S G1LF SEWED $2.50 SHOES The only Shoes sold In this city that are WARRANT ED ; by the Manufacturer TO UK and BY MU TO MY CUBrOMKRB. vlt: Kvery pair la Wan-antsdi should any of them In anyway within any reasonable time give out, I will upon return of demagftd pair and state ment as to length of wear, iither kifdnd the Money Or IIIVK ANOTHEII NBW I'AlHIIf BXCHANOB. It IS tbe best, finest, and cheapest Hhoe In the world for the money. Tliey pome In llulton. Ir'laln and Sharp Toed Congrrta (,nd l.ace lp Biioea. 1 have testimonials from some of our best and lead ing olllrens, who have bought the 'HATTL.&H 8HOK," some of which have worn one palraa long as 17 months, and prof.ounce It the Best, Clfea peal and Easiest Wear ing Hboe In the world. respectfully eolicit an inspection of our Stock and guarantee entire aatiafao ion to all purcbaaing from us. MAX SCHWEEIN, Middle Street, at Wm. Ilollister'e Old Stand. Sign of Flag. .lVagrs Head, DARE COUNTY, N. C. A moat pleasant summer resort, situ ated on tbe beach between Albemarle Sound and the Atlantic Ocean, and in sigbt or Roanoke Island. Will open for the season JULY 1st. Many improvemonts have been added which will add much to tbe comfort oC tne gnesta. - A FIRST-CLASS TABLE will be kept, The best facititiea are afforded for bathing fishing and bnaUnK. . Also, a good band will furnish music. ror particulars addresa A. E. JACOBS, junSS dw - Manager merTi iwvt r".uTrd to iv. b bl bae ot Ihffls si asawss) 4sMs tsawln1aii riswtois) pmoMtoni 'mtmA tvsU bns4 dova vm to tit fall mtformint of 1 MrfsM aaV4 roil Ksmlr Stcwkcta. M4 Vlconma liaaJUb I- Tm thorn wtnMthmmhmma9bmear4immmm irmmht swwo hjj nd mcmtian, Exposnrst, OvrBravin rmr wtt sUtir i of roar tnmbl, sum mwr VV. L. DOUGLAS a ;,al IVsai.i raa ly. rtnasa v. at. anafeisa. OLEaiuT atAirLT. 8IUU0H3 & UAHLT, ATTOB3IBTB Will praeUeata ta Owrrts of Oras-sm, Jno Oaalow, OarWraa, PassUeo, VmAT m Rj aad la Us Federal Oaart at Raw ran a. Jnoes feMrlWljr ia ua sarub !. ... ( " Ckl. erter . taa tfZ i if sbs Lass. slLstyVM W. As V J strllaa sag orbt "aTv- 'I thoaa joatmfA or m.Jjft. I sV sn.isw.v:iVnet.aasia asm' If yevr oesler does eot kiwp thesLaea4 yearaameoa xi. p. ounnus&co - K - .'... . j, ."Si r .-: COflmSSIOIf ITCECIIAITTS, : KEW BERNE, K. V. DABL BROTHERS. Wholesale Grocers, UAVIJ REMOVED TO UEIR TWO STORES, SOUTH OF THEIR FORMER STAND, And keep of FJLOUR, MEATS, COFFEE. MTJGAJf, STitUPS UOLrAsES. SALT, TOBACCO, SNUFF AND CIGAnS, svs wTOrrthtDK in the GROCERY LINE, a tJL.L STOCK aud at IXV tlCtCKS for GASH. aXb . , . T MllM.MsTtl Pl. fl k-J . aiabssaioksrtuitMtL i M i t d irai rmTrd toljis bf tueot I f nr mrrom DttiMtr, Oraaala lrtil:lillH!U.Ujll Apia Maa tanaMUM a li mmt a r a aasf S jT!T Sjuj ;rteutrHsiS3 saf a -aahsfatw-X aieai aai4a. n ditmtT GEORGE ALLET & CO. General Hardware Ajrrlciiltnraa Imp l m ants. VPIqwb, Harrow, Culttratora. ? J ' -..j lloea antS- Axes,"- T Wbd 7 Mower "and" Reapers, CottoB dins and Presses, Fertilliiliaiid Plaster, Kainit file(ib'a,yoi TooJaan4 Hardware, UmV Brick, Cement, ; Plaster; Hairs - Paint, Ksvlsomine, Var- nlglt. Oil, Glass; Ptittj and Hair. ' PretMi'iBeiVisreitors, iOil Cook StereaV Eureka -Brirelaf ProoX Sash Xcks, warranted to Ifire security and satisfaction. . PRICES VERTLOTT. f;"- : GEO. ALLEN & CO. TmTsJtKTr--OiKau,a. rwKcg.iiam,a HARRIS REMEDY CO.. Mri toaciT ' TrtsU ol our Ansliassaa;. Aaayfog Tewwst Z r ' 4,. .r " ' Take Noticed ' - t wusa, man -auaw Qjvtng ana woataj oiaoa; or Drowa for B oeata" Alao gharnena raema- mnA mianiam i good order for 20 oenta. , i Children, hair enttinffVlS oenu;" 1 ' ' -. T7 ' m - .. u' n lutHM vppoaive om uaaxon r. - Honae. vhnra ha -ttaa -a ewJIfai uiil - - shaver, Thomas Honjohn, Bhemrd ia" - prepared to suit all who call on him or V tend their children. " "'"' " i ' ' mat7 sltf ,.i Pnns ttiir EnmiiTin 5?: it -- mm ar Aau. T New Berne, 1 ? ' 9d1 j ; ttrrt ncIsh . Companies repreaea. v.. ; - r , edin . ... .. . - 'MTixi. lift ui atediett Imritee, . Total Capital Ter Forty K'"--o :.: .. IOilers. J-- v