a 1 1 x Journal HE VOL. VI.--NO. 106. NEW BERNE. N. C, WEDNESDAY. Al'CU'ST :i 1887. PKICE 5 CENTS; 7 LOCAL NEWS. f araal Mlalaivr llaute. New Berne, latitude, 85 6' North. " longitude, 77 8' West. Sun rises. 4 55 I Length of day, Sun eu, 7:19 I 14 hour. 34 minute?. Moon cU at 11:11 p. m. BUSINESS LOCALS. MOLASSES and Syrups choice arti cle. C. E Slovek. CMFTY BARRELS LIME, suitable for a. v sanitary purposes, at iX' er barrel delivered, or at 50o. per barrel in tire barrel lota. Geo. Allkn x Cu EDAM Cheese. Gurry Powder, Olives. Split Peas, Epps Coooa, French Mustard. Raisin, Grouse & Black well 'a Pickles, Barley. These goods just re celved. C. E. Slovek. LOOK OUT! 1 will deliver you the Baltimore Sun the same day it la published for 15 centa a week or 5 cents a copy. Ni'maNlnn. TRUNKS, Curtaina, and Table Oil Cloth, cheap, at Bio Ikk rPHE New York World will be deliv 1 ered at 20c. a week, HOo. a mouth, or 6c. a copy, caah in advance. NCMA Nl'NK. Fertility ra, Lime, Platter, Cement (Jlaaa, Painu, Varniah and Oil at low price. Ubo. Allen x Co. )OOUE Sound Watermelon kept constantly on ice Bt Emanuel Fisher's, Broad street. Ljumf. ."'OR SALE A Fine Cow. Price $30. lilKKl'S W P OLD PAPERS in sale at this office any iuaDli(y fo Horse apples sell for twenty cents per peck. The Jones county farmers' excursion will pass down tomorrow for Riverdale. The board of city council was in ses sion last night. Proceed ingn tomor row. One bale of middling cotton, brought in by L F. Pelletier of Carteret county, was sold yesterday for nine cents per pound. The county commissioners were in session yesterday, and will be in session again today. Proceedings will appear tomorrow. The steamer Carolina will leave for Street's Ferry on Friday morning at 9 a. m. and will leave on return trip at 4 p. m. Tnis will give an opportunity of attending the farmer's dinner. See ad." 8tamer Movements. The Anuie of the E. C. D. line will sail Ibis afternoon at 4 o'clock. The Vesper of this line will be here to morrow morning;. Cotton Weighers Elected. The county commissioners elected on yesterday, Mr, Win. O. ilryan, Mr. E. S. Street and Mr. Jonathan Havens a cotton weighers. These gentlemen will put their balances in order and be prepared to give fair and just weights, as they are sworn to do, to both buyer and seller. Personal. Dhoa. Daniels, Esq., left for a trip North yesterday. Lieut. Winslow of the schooner Scoresby was in the city yesterday. Cap. J. W. Sibiston, of Stella, Car teret county, called to see us yesterday. He says the cotton crop in his section is being damaged by the continuous rains. Corn ciop is very good, W. F. RouDtree, Esq., returned from his mountain trip last night. Arrivals at Hotel Albert. A. O. Rogers, New York; J. R. Mor ris, W. F. Trower, Baltimore; Prof. Henry F. Nachtrieb and wife, Minne apolis, Minn.; E. J. Wells, Newark, N. J.; Jno. H. Jurnegan, Nr C. ; David Canady, D. W. Taylor, Onslow; W. M. Wheeler, Louisville, Ky. ; Judge Qreen and wife, J. L. Hahn, Ben. Hahn, Basil Manly,, city; M. Frank, Va.; J. A. Hirshbarg, Ga.; F. M. Pickett, N. C ; Mies HatUe Cohen, Max Cohen, N. C ; W. M. Hinaon, L Cohen, Ooldsboro; Sheriff Hahn, eity. A Hew Bank Building'. The workmen have broken ground on Mr. T. A. Green's middle street lot, nest to L. H. Cutler's, (or anew build ing It will be two stories 84.4x50 feet ; brown si on ashler ban with press brick front. The first floor will, be fitted up for a banking ' offlos and consultation room and. will have improved burglar and fir proof TBulta. with time locks. The second floor will ts divided into law offices ' with all modern improvements. -.' ; Mr. O. J. Bcheelkey designed the building and will .superintend its con ': tion. . -' - - ; - -' : ASTIOS TO OTHERS, MM. WrjriLOw'k SOoTHnro Btkcp honld always be used for children - teething. It soothes the child, softens the gams, allays all pain, cures wind olio, and is the best remedy for Idiar- - hcee, - xweory-nve cents a notue. ! , ! arl7dtuth8atwly Schoois-whAt We Need. Our readers well remember that a few years ago the JuLSAaL, though a K new eonr mul.UMlnt.k.Unl ihe schools of New Berne and uue the! estabihment of a free graded school, with a thoroughly competent corps of teachers hi which all while children of ihe city would be educated free of charge. The people readily responded, raised the money, largely by private su been pt ion and established the school. Il was found lhat a building was needed. The Joi BKaL headed the list with a small donation all it was able to give and this want was soon sup plied. Nothing was lacking then to make the school permanent but to se cure the annual levy of a tax for it support. We had some trouble about this feature of it which finally ended against us. but what we desire to draw particular atlenlionto, is the difference in the slate of affairs hers immediately after the school was thought to be on a solid footing, and now. We will leave this to the owners of real estate to say w hether or not they were bene fitted. But the thing that New Berne has needed for many years, even when the graded school was at its best, is a first class high school, and what we mean by this is, a school that will draw stu dents from the surrounding country upon its merits as well as command a goodly share of local patronage. The schools of Kinston and La Orange pick up pupils all around New Berne, and even rroru our very mulsl, while we have our nix or eight schools, all good tsachere, that do not even hold the local patronage. Every child sent from New Berne to be educated cost from two hundred and fifty to three hundred dollars, and the money thus expended goes into chan nels of trade in the town where the school is located. Now why can not New Berne have a school that will draw patronage from the surrounding coun ties instead of sending her children to other schools '( Fifty children brought here to educate means the expenditure of ten or twelve thousand dollars, fifty sent out of the town to other schools mean withdrawing that much money from the trade of the community. Is it not a matter for owners of real estate, and above all tbe parents who have children to educate, to think seriously of the matter V (live us a high school lhat will draw. ThiH is the favorite wilh us, and the thing the people of New Berne need. Monopolies. We give space to a communication in this issue whioh touches upon the dan ger of monopolies. Allusion is made to one of the steamer lines that has for several years been engaged in carrying freights to and from this port. Whether it in the intention of this line, to starve out competition, as is intimated, and monopolize the carrying trade of this section, we are not prepared to say. But the indications are, and it is to this that we desire to call the attention of the peeple of New Berne, there will be a fight, and a stub born one, in the freight business this fall. The only thing that directly con cerns the business of New Berne at this time in this matter, is that the people here shall reap their share of the bene fits of whatever reduction shall be made in shipping cotton or bringing goods. It is neither right nor just that steamboat lines that have always received our patronage shall take cotton from many miles aboye New Berne, transfer it here and take it through to Norfolk and other points North for the same rate that they take it from New Berne. A steady volume of business is given the various steamer lines at New Berne, and the merchants and people here ate entitled to and should demand the advantage of their lo cation. If it is worth a dollar to take a bale of cotton from New Berne to Norfolk, it is worth more to take it from a point twenty-five or fifty miles further up. All we ought to ask, is fair and equitable rates compared with other points, and in adjusting this the volume of business done here should be oo nt Id ered. We simply desire to call attention of the Board of Trade to this matter, as it seems to as it is properly within the scope and design of this organisation to look after things of this sort thaioonoern the trade and prosperi ty of tbe city. Exettenaeat tm Texas. I Great excitement has been cansed in tbe viainity of Paris, Texas, by the re markable recovery of Mr. J. E. Corley , who was so helpless he could not turn in bed, r raise his head; everybody said he was dying of Consumption. . A trial bottle of Dr. King's New Discovery was sent him. ' Finding relief, he. bought a large bottle and a . box of Dr. King's New life Pills; by the time he had taken two boxes of pills and two bottles of the Discovery, he . was well and bad gained in flesh thirty-six pounds. For sale at B N, Duffy. - -VjSji ! Kinston Items. ' Several mad dogs have teen k illcd in Hi 16 CC mm Un lty rtCen tl y . Kbert H, the little eon of George evening, aged about leu months Th bereaved parents have the sympathy of many friends luo crops vurougnoui me county are a fine crop of cotwn near Kinelon. and the report comes from every direction that the prospecls for a good crop are erst rale. The county commissioners were in session on Monday last and among olher things elected Mr. J. S Woolen, of Southwest township, cotton weigher. He is a young man, and regarded as thoroughly honest and competent. Mrs. Oiles Parker, an earnest chris tian and devout member of the Free Will Baptist Church, died al her resi denoe in Woodington township' on Monday morning last. She was taken ill at the Sunday School on the evening before and died early next morning. The body of John E. Hussey was found on the sheeting at Harper s mill in Trent township last Thursday morn ing. He was in tbe mill house on tbe night before and slept there; it is sup posed lhat he got up during the night and stepped off, the fall killing him. The cotton factory is not yet an as sured fact. There are many doubling Thomases who have not as muoh faith in the unity of purpose and public spirit of our business men as the editor of the Journal seems to have. We hope, however, that the gentlemen who have subscribed to the stock mean business and will not let the scheme fall through. They hare investigated the mailer and are thoroughly satiatiel lhat there is money in u Then why not push ahead wilh it ' Brooklyn (irange, P. of 11 , in the Southwest neighborhood, was reorgan ized last spring and we learn it is doing good, practical work as an organization. The best citizens iu the neighborhood belong to il, and they are taking steps to secure that unity of action among farmers, and that study of business methods peculiar lo their occupation that is bound to result in great good. Through their efforts the price of weighing cotton has been reduced from ten to five cents per bale, which will save about five hundred dollars to tbe farmers of the county. he weather is Bne for growing and maturing crops. Mrs. John H. Fields, we are glad to hear, is slowly improving. We saw an open boll of ootton last week. Quite early for this section. The supervisors of public roads in this township will meet next Satur day. A protracted meellne will begin at Hickory Orove Tuesday night of this week and oontinue till Sundav. Work on Col. Davis' residenoe is be ing pushed. When completed it will be the handsomest and most convenient in town. The Hickory drove Sunday School will pic nic at the church in Buckles- berry Tuesday. A good old time in expected. John J. Ivey is dressing lumber for the repair of the Baptist church in thisi place. We suppose work will begin in a short time. We are glad to hear of the improve ment of Julia, daughter of J. T. Daly, who has been dangerously sick for several days. A one car excursion is booked from this place to Morehead City on the 'Jth inst. The number will be limited and those wanting to go had better apply early. No preaching in our town for two Sundays past. It seems that we are almost neglected. It is one of the profitable enjoyments of town life to have an opportunity to attend church every Sunday. Crops are in good condition and promise to give a good yield inmost!" sections about here. Wo bave seen many of them since our last, and can say that the corn crop on good land is better than usual. The ootton crop is good though we think we have seen it better. With good seasons from this, and no disaster, a good turn out in corn and cotton may reasonably be expected. The rice crop is reported as doing well. Correction. Editor Journal: You make a mis take in your account of the play be tween the Uptown Base Ball Club and the Star Club, published in your issue of yesterday. The score should have been Vi tor tbe Uptowns and 38 for the Stars. The term "Wharf Rats" whioh is applied to the Uptowns by you , or your informant, is regarded u an in sult and unworthy to be uttered by any gentleman under such circumstances. Ax Uptowkkr, New Berne, August 8, 1887. It would seem from the above that somebody feels they have been ill- treated. The report was given ui by about half adosen little boys, and we are confident they had no intention of giving .a wrong report or casting- -a slur ; noon - anv one. LThe report was said to be that of the umpire and .that is what must be taken. As to the term "wharf rats." it wan used only as a joke over their jubilant feeling of sucoees. All Ken Are Not Bad, Neither are all prepared remedies nnre- liaoie. 'this is proven bt the results following the use of Dr. Barter's Iron Tonio for dyspepsia, rheumatism, scrof ula, jaundice, torpid liver and general weaaness.' 4. - - f M"Li'p..l. . M.Lty r ii.:.ci munirJ iLirii a? a o- a t a ; .i r r L I J O pi I L ' c'. ; 1 - I "c f Ihe : t; c eijla. Le .. f Ihe c 1 1 .'gress .r.t li : lllucl cttsubl at'ttlHI It ill beccinc a:. J i uiuet danger., tlri!.tiU u '. and devel i 1 :.t f . 1 .LelU 1C- duelries lL..- pLait mel.l ll.i. first lo tt rallicr tiUnntaLI rem aW l-l you Lave OL, lo u ,r k u , oi.rt.elf to see Ihe iruth if the assertion Wei will meuuo n ihe names if a few of Iheee gigantic monopolies as an lllustra- Hon. Take that of the iLJarJ i U Trust Company w h l y a loLntinaluL of their immense capital c Mrol a 1110 ' nopoly of the u.am.facUir) . ! ILe cotton seed oil i f the I i,l!ej Slates They can and Jo. by distinctive competition, crush any one who alteixiple lo come in competition wilh them in ihe manufac lure or sale of cotlon seed oil. an ln lus try looked upon to become iu a lew years the next important u u.e cotton crop of the Njulnern Mates The Armours itb iheir a.-t aaiounl of money control the meat market of this country they can corner ihe meat market any duy ihey see proper, forte the prices up or down as best serves their interest, thereby sijvietiing out and in many instances utterly destroy ing their weak competitors who dare come in competition w ith them. Thee are only two. there are hundreds of others lhat are follow ing their baneful example, new ones are being formed every day we live, until there is danger of the enure manufacturing interest of the Sou th being forced inio a pool or oombiuation of these Northern or West eru monojlies. Hem e you can readily see ihe manufacturing interest would be in the hands of a f a on- 1 f e w , w ho by Iheir combined capital in nn par licular branch f industry woiiM ki Ihern a monopoly of lhat Iuniii enabling them lo ulleily deslrov any one who Inn. oppose lb, in I erecting faclor les arid nianuf actu i i ng p f a like nature. 1 tils p .1 icy is n i . o.'. '. t.e.l alone to the in aim f act u r i ng hi. I nut cantile industries, but eitei. 1.-. oke to nearly every other branch of I urines.-. You can Bee an instance of t h i d ipo sition in our midst in the city of !W Berne. It is openly proclaimed ! y the agent of one of the w eallh n-st -te am-lop companies i the CI yd ih - ing tun-ines in Ihe South, out of whom lliri have ma le much of their immense wealth, that they are now building or having built in Baltimore (not New Kerne a new steamboat lo be placed mi Sense river to run between New Kerne and Km 8 ton. Now fcr what purpose are they doing lhisv Is it because there is more business than the present company, that has built up this trade by hard and honest labor, can do? No, for il is a well known fact that they have idle boats laying in New Kerne the year round, amply sufficient to accommodate all the business offering on the three rivers, in it that Ihey propose lo give shippers better accommodation? The present company has for a number of years spent nearly its entire earnings in impvuvcmenls and betterments of properly; in building light draft boats and Hats, warehouses, etc., for the aj oommodation of their patrons. No, it is for none of these purposes, nor for any other than that they know they have the money power lo crush this weaker company out of sxiBlence, thereby obtaining a monopoly of Ihis business. When once accomplished they can easily make back the money many times over that they would lose in driving Ihis company out. by gra dti ually advancing rates. The like has been done many timoH (for whic h this company is Raid to be noted . and w ill bo continued fio long iih the niaHHiH quietly sit still and give aid nod en couragumenl by iheir silence to these big corporations without regard t worth or merit. We should enc . miage and w Ironic Cipitalists-o-uc li nu n a-i 'mig i mi Sum son, Dennison. Kltides, Terry an 1 many others who nrc d ing n gn at deal towards developing 'ari l not pulling down and destroy ing indu-lrirs uln a I y established ' our vast resources. If the People can bo aroused to see the greav danger that threatens them by these gigantic monopolies, then this communirati n has a , mpli-hed its' purpose. X MclJarigle In Ontario. Sarma, Ont . July HI. Koodler Mc- Qarigle, of Chicago, landed here this morning from the schooner HM. Blake. The Blake and Marsh were in ihe same tow, and while in American watere the tug Oriole, with Chicago detectiyes on board, eteamed up to the Marsh, appar ently with the intention of haying them drop the Blake's tow lines. After a short conversation the Blake's tow lines was let go, but at the same time a yawl left the schooner with McOarigle and quickly rowed for the Canadian side, landing at 1 oint bdward. McOarigle at once drove to Courtright, 12 miles down the river ostensibly to catch a boat. He was, however, driven back and is now here. It is believed that he is nervous over bis safety in Canada, as he keeps away from the river, apparent ly fearing attempts at kidnapping. What True Merit Will Do. The unprecedented sale of Bwchee't German Syrup within a few years, has astonished the world. It ia without doubt the safest and best remedy ever discovered for the speedy and effectual cure of Coughs, Colds, and the severest Lang troubles. It acta on an entirely different principle from the usual pre scriptions given by Physicians, as it does not dry up a Cough and leave the disease still in the system, but on the contrary removes the cause of the trou ble, heals the parts affected and leaves them in a purely healthy condition. A bottle kept in the house for use when the diseases make their appearance, will save doctor's bills and a long spell of serious illness. A trial will convince you of these facts. It is positively sold by all druggist and general dealers in Ijhe land, Price, 75 ots., large bottles. Ih. Pan, Ofti', !,( Old Nonunion SU am-dilp In., NtwbEK-N, N. C , July 31. 1 nlese compelled lo alter Lv eirese of weaiLtr or unavoidable accident or by ' or Jere from the Home I 'rtice the fol- , lo iLg hcLedule w,ii be rub by Ihe i Sleamtr 1'atii! ico duriLg U.e luulil of , -iU:u:.t AL V i LaLkBB i.l be l rolljt-l! V i noted in U.e local c.lljU!lir f Ihe I Jet h aI. Meamer 1'au.lico , at .Nave Ilea 1 fnu aL.J .'olli.Lfc "am yam if a m a m V edlirsl j -g J Monday kUj rriday ; .'th Wed hee ' a . T Lh Mondat .J. hriday. ;f.in Wednesday '.si fare 10 Nags Head 5!: Uckels. rare to Nor folk '. ol 1 class - Ou t are lo lialtimorc . d ha) lei l lass. CO 1 , iasp -1 "rarelo Nw oii .a 1st class, t'll 00 fare to New loikai. ! l .a ' U .Ships, 1st 1 lass. : - .. 1 are to New 1.1k .:, : ,,, intermediate, Jftf 00 hare lo New i rk i.a 11 1' Mops d class. Ht Vl r are lo ( 'Id I'oir t :-: '.asp ,! lukets received and ! rwarS : promptly K K lo in lit- Agent "lare includes uieale and slate rooms on 1 lid Nonunion Ships from Norfolk to New ork ! No e 1 Ira 1 barge f c Sound sleamers from folk r berths on lh' N e w her 11 to Nor If y itisv. :hli t c 1 be !i ,ij 1 v . Kir. ellt'Kh id li.tnte! w . ct k lli.it: low ill),' il (,'o ii (leal, note 1 11 11 11 s (.,,t 1 u j. it 1 Thcle is dour I h .1 ti .iu II. tig- a rciittii . '. '. I ! : 111 R ijcel ,!.t: I I.St ,t .li- le It. 'I , Mil A K HlUKKs .' 't it ,! I tak. great pleasure in say ing that c ur t pi . la. les ic el ail) thing I hate yet bet l. a! Ir to procure, enabling me to read the finest punt w nh uase an .1 . 1 111 f . ci t I'll A N K Hilttt . Mil All eyes fitted and the tit guaranti id al the drug Ktore of Y S l'uflt . New K rne uir, '.ni Farmers' Dinner. The Steamer ( ' A K l .1 N A will Irate hero 1 riday morning al i o 1 lo k for Slreet s Kerry for tbe conveyance of all w ho w ish a pleasant trip there. Harbe cue for dinner, lloalwill return al I o'clock. null t School Notice. MISS I.KAII JONKS will open her echooi; for the reception of pupils, MONDAY, SEKTKMKEU l'.'Lh. l'upils w ill be taken thai have been prepared for the ?th, lh and "Jth grades, a.' ltd NOTICE. 1 The uixlerBlKnexl. Win. ('In-u. Ii I liialint) as Kx ecu tor if i h vm At r I U i i , h I'ohcfii. fttid lieredy (lvei noiiro ttui! :,i r (pilreH mil iroiiB hgvlnu lalniN huh:h- i est.Ht of tlie said lianiifcti Cohen. I ; i. -hm,i them to )m said W in . r he n duly u i i,c n 1 1 i h for im rru'iit , on or ! . f rr- i h .nt, ,h- f July hsh or el so tl.is noi:-- m : : : r.- j .,-h ' 1 I n liar f i p -over y I'.THMlH ltnl-,!t,l " in s! ),, W 1 I li "11 I '1 f .It w 1 1,1 ; m i 1 1 s . I- i i l A 1. A i . it k A I li in h. it I il i: T o w c 1 o x , Watches, Diamonds. Fine Jewelry, Etc. jy.'tl dwjm For Sale, Saw- Mill Machinery, including Kn gine, Koiler, etc., a complete outfit. Also, Circular Saws constantly on hand and for sale by D. CONCiI" N S N. New Kerne, N. C. , July 27th, 1887. jy29 d4w4 EXCURSION TO THE CAMP MEETING AT OCRACOKE. The Steamer "Margie" Will leave NEW BEHNE on Saturday, Aug. 6, '87, at SEVEN A. M. Thereby giving all those who desire to spend Sunday, the last and larrest day at the meeting, a chance to do so. Fare for round trip, $1.50. For fur ther information enquire at the office, foot of Craven street. 27td W. P. BUBBUS, Q. M. TRINITY COLLEGE, Rev. JOHN F. CROW ELL, Pmfidkkt. Fall Tern begins Ana. 24 and ends Dc. 23, 1PT. rroperty of the N. C. Conference of the M. E.Cbnreh, South, managed by Board of Trustees elected by tbe Conference; Facility a President, six roll Professors and two Tutors; a roar vears' uoiiece coarse teadlnc 'I oc of Philosophy; ancient Preparatory and Business department: rood balldlnca, farnl- tare and apparatus; location very healthy; Railroad BUUon. Htcb. Polt, . o.,on the Richmond and Danville Railroad. Far oala logae and Information, address tbe Presi dent, Trinity College, Randolph Cos, N. C, K SI1LLH0UD. CEO. SLOTH Smallwood (TSIover 1'F.AL.EKS IN, J ! t h A 1. 11.,: hi- t a; ' AUt:, CROCKERY, ' HLINDSZ U.75. OILS '..) STOVt As. Ml AS TU PRICE A2JDQUALITY. Middle Mi, -t, Neit Dour to ' Hot r..rt, NKW KKKNE, N. C. Fence or No Fence. I "It s I K M f I suitable for a very lo w "N A Oh , - J d4w4 1 al Notice to Merchants ! Drayage in uwilt-r from Buy::: Yd';!' Ferdinand Ulrich, '. I ' 1 I d: Hazard Powder Go. 'h l I 1 1 ' i : h N K NV s : ni.Ki Itr.'KNK, N. U. Willis, Edwards & Co. Have r,.. ,,, the New Kerne Machine Works, and have added Tools lo their works to do all Liuds of Machine and Koiler Woi k at -horl notice. Theyhav also added a foundry to then woikr. and are prepared to do the best cf Hr ass an. I lion i asl ing . House I'lumbing a pei ialty. If t cu w ant good w , i k i-n e us a mil. Ml to si '"lk guranti It the t inn s. I and lore at prices jy 1 1 wly i ll. M ANI.Y. JOHN H. CRABTREE & CO. kn;inf:er8, P'miD(l(rs and Machinist, M .lo.fa t.il, i - and I lealers in lN ! NL'S AND MACHINISTS' SUPPLIES. lie. 11,1! Mill. r . c I I .livlllt id I II e. .t. ul Hollers, ri ii.ihiifi, I al ktiitta ii nlven i .f ;i inl ul 1 1 mi lei HO. cl 111 Hurtani 1 1 it, es A iner s rele- mi lee ft r alt work -"i d'HW wly BONES WANTED. We will Kin. the UK ill EST MAR KET l'lUCl-; for HoNKs delivered to us at our factory on I'.sFt Front street, in New Kerne. jyl'.ltf V. II A J A MEADOWS. Notice. t-ni.Ml i I il l l.'K. Cka K.N COTNTY, N i: Hkknk, July 23, 1887. N.he.lule' K Tax is now due. Ail peroonn o in the same will please call and seitle. D. STIMSON, Sheriff. JT?4 Turnip, Rutabaga and CABBAGE SEED, Crop of 1867, raised by David Eandreth &, Sons, I'hila , Pa. For sale by R. N. DCFFY. New Berne, N. a Kinsfon College, SESSION 1&S7--I.S. The KIcTenlh Terra specs MONDAY, 'KPT. filh.nrnl clote DKC. 24d. SprlDf Term. 188S. begtni MOIfDAT. Jam. IJ.uj.'i closes FIRST TRI RSDAT In JTJJIK. Five-Instructors. Thorough lustrasttoata Ancient anil Modern Ljiugnaites. MusleDc. partment under the mncement of that erperlsDced profeMcr, Geo. D. Hearst, LMTfe representation In i he Counties at " Eastern R. C. RICH D H. LK WIS, A.lf U.JK, JyS2 dltwtt Prlaavalc r . r ...ri '," l ;:-." Damaged Text