Mere renti,P4tnh$n oad Manmaeturtr kold read BRADSTREET'S, A Wiuu Joukjual or c Tnii, finuci ind Public Economy. '.t Blxlaen face Kvery ttaturday. Ofleatliue Twenty Page. Bometiine. Twenty-tour fagee. FIVE DOI.I.AKa A Y t A K The lornioei pnrpoee W BKAlSTKfc"I s la to be of preetioal eervlce to builumi man. iuepeelaJ trad and industrial rr port aud ' In jnopana of receut legal x eedinglT valuable. A twaiiuetin traoa- Qfllima. Id Ibe wider mum, are cowing to be am and more conducted on a statistical beats, the Information contained In BRA1 b'iittJtX'lj la ol the first Importance to ml. Tha general baslneas situation ttirouglioui the United Blalea and Canada is reported l ; tolagrapD to Bredstreet s up i u e hour u peuiloatiuii. 81K OLE COr-lKM Tfc.N I t.Mii TUB BKADSTltEKT CO,, 8TK, 281, a Bkoadwai. tor Bam pie Copy, Nw Vok in UmJCWTS LIPPI.NC0TT8 LIPPhCOTTS T fta, mil other M agazuics a1 k of Miction A New Departure a pocnu of 1 Die rest plca&iug Sbon Stonea Joteresuiig MicelUny 2 6 Ct. Jfotei of Prugrea ITBABLT 0hoKrj Sclociions Qng nal t (Jtitnbutioni tACn ir T-' " --" TfupKa i-t iftr litres ACompUtt New Novel S"' l V Mcnl ) MM favoriU uUWf i & Ku Giwiiaf a library of la iwv am J orlv wotti. gVOM 1500 IO ,l8.0U iHMlliially, l ittC II. III. 11-1 ef j cents per month Sult nj-iiu, f , V'1 Scones by John HUrton. hum t I "i men, Julian Hawthorn. Lu. 1 - u rU . will appeal in early isuc Cbculan, giviug deUtli , tu , ina.U J uu - ','' .1: .un J. B. L1PP1NCOTT COMPANY 713 and 717 Mai kvrt St . 1' t. iU jc.j.J. Scribner's Magazine, PUBLISHED MnMTHI V, WITH ILLUSTRATIONS Sr$t Number Heady Decevibrr 15fi. Scribner's Magaiine will be in the widest sense a niagaxiDo of general literature, and each number will be fully illustrated. Some of the most notable apers to appear during the first year are a se ries of Unpublished Letters of Thack eray of very great autobiographical Value; ei-Minister 10. H. Wanh burne's Keminiscenres of (lie Siege and Commune of Parif. ( 1 1 nnpst's at the Diaries of (iouverm ;ir Morris, Minister to l'rauoe at the of the last century (giving detcriptions of social life ami character at the tune ); collection of contemporary letters describing Karly New ork ami New England Society. Thjre is much excellent fu tion, in cluding a serial by Harold Frederic; stories extending through several numbers by II. ('. Hunner, ,1. S. of Dale, and others ; and short stories by B. L. Stevenson, Joel Chandler liar- , ris, T. A. Janvier, Miss Jewell, Oc Uve Thanet, II. II. Jloyesen, Miss Crosby, and a host of otheri. Notable special papers to be pub ;lhed very early arc General V. A. Valker's on Socialism; Dr. Villiam Uayes Ward's on Babylonian Cylin ders; Mr. John C. Kopcs' on the For traits of Caesar; Captain Greene's on Coast Defence, etc., etc. Scribner's Magazine will be pub .ished at $3.00 a year, or 2o cents a 30py. Subscriptions may be sent to any newsdealer or bookseller, or to CHARLES SCRIBNER'S SONS, Publishers, 743 and 745 Broadway, Is'ew York JAMES REDMOND, ' IN CONNECTION WITH THE AGENCY FOB BOTTLING I:d Dergner & Engel Brewing Ccnip&ny's Lager Deer, Porier, &c, , lilUleO UliU LIU UU ltd Ul iit.ULCCIlLCl Which iriU be aold by the 1837. THE SUN. 1887. A. rf. Ahjox & Co., Publishers, 15ai.tImokjs. The Faptr For The 1'tople. ! On the 17th of May, 1661, the Bal timore Sun will celebrate it fiftieth anniversary. From the earliest period I of its career the Sun has been a 1 "household word" in the homes of its I subscribers, and a synonym for accu racy of statement, fair deuling, promptness, energy and enterprise in 'the collection of news. It is noted throughout the country tor the inde- ' peudence, conservatism and thoughts ' fulness of its editorial utterances. There is probably no newspaper iu the United States wliue opinion ear riee more weight or whose influence is j more widely extended than the Bull's, a fact upon which it may justly pride I itself as the legitimate result of painstaking care in the preparation of all tnatttr admitted to its columns. The Sun's facilities tur collecting news from all quarters of the globe are . eing constantly extended and im proved, ami new features are added 1 withi ut regard to expense as the demands. The Baltimore Weekly Sun has lung occupied an enviable position as a mojel family newspaper, containing not olilv the news of the world and a variety of literary matter and miscel laneous reading for the family circle, hut special featuris of recognized value, including an agricultural department, which supplies every week a mass "f will digested iufnrma lion lor the people l ull commercial, financial, cotton, cattle, market and slock reports up to tin hour of going to press. Terms of subscription by mail, m variably cash in advance. Postage on all subscriptions Hi the I'nitcd Slates and Canada prepaid. One year U"ii.(M One month T.Oc. Six mouths; .'i.00 Throe weeks oSc. Four months 'J. (HI Two weeks -h Three months 1 ..'0 One wet k l ie. Two months 1 .0" To Europe and other postal union countries, 7tl cents per month. As an advertising medium its value is, of course, in proportion to its immense circulation. Address A. S. A BELL A; CO., Publishers, Sin Iron Buildings, Baltimore, Md. 1U07. 1007. The Baltimore Weekly Sun. Terms invariably cash in alvance. l'ostage free to all subscribers in the I'nitcd States and Canada. ( )nc dollar a copy for twelve months. Premium Copies to getters up of clubs for the Baltimore Weekly Son; Five Copies ST). 00 With an est py of the rckly Sun one year. Ten Copies 1(I.H0 With an extra copy of the Weekly Sun one y ear, and one copy of the Daily Sun three months. Fifteen Copies $15.00 With an extra copy of the Weekly Sun one year, and one copy of the Daily Sun six months. Twenty Copies 20.00 With an extra copy of the Weekly Sun one year, and one copy of the Daily Sun nine months. Thirty Copies 30.00 With an extra copy of the Weekly Sun and one copy of the Daily Sun one year. W hen mailed to Europe and other postal union countries, fl.'io- for twelve months. " No deviation from published terms. NEWBERN, N. C, WHOLESALE AND I KEEP ON. HAND A. TULL LINE iTiftre irm I tntifine' if frririr Barrel or GaHon at V1.IJT LOW PATAPSCO FLOURING HILLS ma BgTABa.lHKD-lTT4. PATAPSCO SUPERLATIVE FAT EST The Premier Flemr mt ajavaiiea. Tni FLOUB bag long been ooneeded to ba parte la Aar Otker lav gala Ceaatry Ail the Beat Bmnda of American Flour are aold on European markets, when the "Patapsco Superlative" Leads and command decidedly mora money beoanaa It ntaxee the WHITEST, SWEETKST AND MOST NUTRITIOUS BREAD. Ak your Grocer for It ; alao lor PATAPSCO FAMILY, PATAPSCO EXTRA. BEOFOBO lAHILY BALDW1A VAMIL1. C. A. GAMBRILL MANUPG CO.. 814 COMMERCE 8T., BALTO., MD. HKPHEETED BY . E. BISHOP, JuulOdOiu K1W BKBNB, R. C. red Tight saloon, Near Market Dock, Middle St, NEW BEENT2, N. C, IS Wfliait TOU CAM ALWAYS K1MD PURE LIQUORS Or every variety, in large or small quantities. Also the FIN EST GRADES ot TOBACCO AND CIGARS. All of which will be sold PTJWAP TfiTJ f?AQTTt V A sa xuwaA . John I). Dinkins, Salesman. E. WHITMAN, .1 oc 2 2 d w Proprietor . DR. J. D. CLARK DENT1MT, Niwitai, . o. (CDc i e'r&r.o etraet. balwaea PollocS Dd Hrc) pr7 ItlAwly I A O H.IN. I. KJI. SIMMONS A MA SLY Green, Foy & Co. BANKERS and Commission Merchants, Boctu Front Stekit, fe4dwly NEW BERNE, N. C. A Great Bargain. 327 ACKK8. Will be sold at a Great Sacrifice A valuable Plantation attuated on the south aide of the Neuee river, three and a half mllee from the Olty of Newbern, N. C. One hundred and twenty-five acre, cleared. . 1 1 1 - . . .4 anllattla f . . r l.nnbln. TttM ).ul h iMe , two hundred and two arrea. heavily limlKTrd wllh pine, k, rypreaa, and other fc 1 litis ol limber. It 1. alao fine erailng land. 1nm1 dwelling, outbuilding., and a fine or rherd. It lias a fine flaliery fronting half a mile on the beerh, where mere are blgn hauka of marl that can never be exliauated. from which vraaela can load with eaae. It la a very teaullfnl and healthy location, pre p n ting a near view to the paaalng veaaela ana nimaa. ine crarru ituu wmi irunu liiK. and orchard will be sold aeparate If de al red . For terms apply to P TKENWITH at2dw On the place, or Newbern, N. C, (iu Kit 11. Ul'loN. P 11. P ILI tlllt QUION & PELLETIER, Attorueya At l'K Eft STRUT, TWO J)K)Kh Sol'lll OK JorKKAL vrrivm. ft KW BERNE, He C. t'nkciice wbere Berrlcea are desired. Priwtloe in the Hupreme Court, and In I he Federal Court at New Berne. One of tbU Arm will alwarg be at the fol lowing places at limes specified below: Trenton . Jones county, Saturday of each and every ek. Hpftuforl, Carteret eouDtj.Tnuradaj ofeaot wefc. Jarkson Title, Onslow county, the first Mon ilsr In each mon JONES PAYSthELCHT 5 Tea Wuii ftralea, lra LTra, MteaJ ria$, Mnm Van lUu aJ Ims ! 4w 1"TT Am mmm tbU mm a4 aMrwa LIQUOR DEALER MANTJFaCTTJBEB OF Ginger Ale, Sarsaparilla Lemon Soda." Buffalo Mead. California I Pear Cide Etc., Etc. OF rnm r nGITn f-r C rPTTT? TATTDWA-I Arrival and DeDarture Mailt MAIL CLOSES. For North. West and Booth, via A. ft N. C. E. B. at 8.00 a.m. For Beaufort and the East, at 7.-00 p. m. For Washington, Swift Creek, Hyde and Beaufort Counties Mondays, Wednes days, and Frdays at 6:00 a. m. For Trenton, Polloksville and Mays ville, daily at 7:30 a. m. For Grants boro, Bayboro an 1 Van demere, daily at 8 a. m. OFFICE HOTJE8; In Money Order and Registered Let ter Department, from 9 a.m. to i p..m. In Mailing Department from 9 a. m. to & d. m. Office open constantly between these hours except when mails are being dis tributed or sent. The Bey and the CI rare tie. "Train np a child in the way yoa eboald have gone," said Mr. Spurgeon, in one of his sermons lately. It is good advice. Fond parents are apt enough to spare their clnKlreu the sufferings they endured themselves, but when it comes to the faults they committed, they oiten say: "1 did just so my self ; how can I blame Tom for doing UT" It is not necessary to blame him. The point is to guide and instruct him in such a way that he will avoid his father's errors. Train him np, not in the way you went yourself, but in the way you should hare gone. Every parent who has boys growing up must meet, sooner or later, the great question of smok ing. Stern and uncompromising repression of the cigar and cigar ette will not usually solve the pro blem, but only postjione it. There are probably half a million bovs smoking today iu the United States who have been forbidden to do so by parents or teachers; but they smoke, and the practice is bad particularly iu boys under eighteeu. The parents who sue ceed in bestowing upon their bous the priceless boon of freedom from lowering habits do so by win ning their confidence, enlightening their minds, and developing in them the principle of obedience. Some eiercise of authority maybe neoes&ary, but that authority needs to be supplemented by knowledge and comscience. Let a boy see clearly why he should not smoke, and the parent has half won the victory. Box Stalls for Horses. The stable for the horse should be of good size. The oarrow dimensions of many of the stalls are a positive cruelty to horses. They are built too narrow to ena ble the horse to extend his limbs when convenient, lie is compelled, when in a recumbent position, to donble his limbs up under him, and his legs are thus kept cramped, when they should be completely at rest. Box stalls permit the animal to choose its position and change it at pleasure. Comfort is essential to health, and it is evident that the animal can not be comfortable when closely tied in a narrow 'stall. The stalls should be kept clean, and the floor daily sprinkled with some good absorbent, as gypsum, to absorb the foul odors continually arising. Absorbents are not gener ally used freely enough about stables. Besides having pure air for the animal to breathe, a stable that is stored full of hay and grain ought to kept well ventilated, and kept clean, that the impurities of the air may not penetrate these All food should be kept as pure as possible. Cleanliness about the stable is just as important to the health of the horse, as cleanliness about the house is important to the health of the family. American Agriculturist. ( A Family Blessing. Simmons Liver Regulator the favor ite home remedy is entirely vegetable. ana is tne purest and best family meat cine that is compounded. No error to be feared in administering, no injury from exposure after taking, no lose of tune, it is tne best preventive medi cine, and safe to take, no matter what tne sickness may prove to be, and in any ordinary disease will effect a speedy cure. The Arifttocraey of the 8oLL The young man who knows how to lay off corn and cotton rows and to regulate the distance of the same so as to -get the largest crops is worth a cow pen fall of nice, kid gloved, fancy -overcoated fellows, who may know how tn lan-rl f ha raerman or caper around at s fash ion a Die waiiz. tsiaing cotton, set ting b plow j as t right and adjusting gears so that shoulders and back of horse will net er hart, are worth a thousand fold more ; to the country than knowing how' to pose in. a parlor, or to adinst the badn of tne cravat to the comolerion of thtil wearer. lixenange. ; 5 ; ; i i i -, .. . - i . ekleatM Armlee. Sal vs. ' ' TOM BEWy 8AI.TE in thm to-arlA fnr Out, Bruiees, - Bores, Ulcer. Ban Rheum, Fever Borea, Tetter, Ch3 Bands. Chilblsins. Orr. r-1 tit 'a COMMERCIAL. atOBKSTIO BAKKIT. Twairrnna Hard, f 1.00; dip, S1.90. TAa-J6o.aSl.S5. Oats 40a5Oo. in bulk. Oo&a 65a65o. Bras wax 20 c. per lb. Bixr On foot, 8c. to So. OotnmtY Hahs 1012,c. per lb. " Lard 10c. per lb. Eaoa ti. per doxen. Faaaa Iobjc itafo. per pound PAAHOTS $1.25&Sl 50 per bushel FODDBB 75c.e$1.00 per hundred OaiOHB 80o. per bushel. Ohiokznb Grown, 4560c.; ipring 40o. MlAX. 70c. per buaheL Apples Prime, 50o per bushel. Ikish PoTATOis-Prime, 81 50 per kbbl.; culls 11.00. Potatoes Bahama. 30c. ; yams, 50c. Harrison. 65c. Wool 1423o. per pound. Shdiolis West India, dull and nom inal; not wanted. Building. 5 inch hearts, tl.00;aaps,tl.75 per M. ' WHQI.ESAI.a PRICKS Niw Kisa Pokk 117.50. Poek New family, SldiOO. Jowls New family, 5c. Shoulder Mkat 7o. C. B.'s. F. B's, B.'sand L. 0.-8 Flour 8.00afl.00. Lard 7Jo. by the tierce. Nails Basis 10's,$2 76. Sugar Granulated , 64 c OorrKR 25a80o. Chkbsb 15. Salt 80a85c. per sack. Molasses ahd Stbups Mtfk. Powder t6. 00. Shot Drop, $1.75; buck, 93 .00. KEROflEHI-8i0. Hide Dry, 10c.; green &c. Tallow 6c. per lb. HORNER SCHOOL, oxroRD. N. c. THK FALL TERM OP 1SS7 will belo lb lat day of Ana-oat. The price of Board ami Tuition, exclualve of washing aud light, la Only Ninety lol lare. The rooms for Cadets will le rt-flt'ed aui refurnl&hed before the Htietttou opens. The Hvhool offers iu all re. pact the U-mI advantages. Send for circular and catalogue J U. HOltNt-K, Principal. Olford. N. C. July. 1887. JyCfaw 4w J. W. STEWART, HEADQUARTERS KOH yFV-- t ML'LBH, HOUSES aud T BUGGIES. j m"l I Horaea and Oarrlagea to H V hire at reasonable rales. II I Every thing guaranteed i ii II Mnati in," represented. aplS dwr Broaa St.. Newbern. II. C. 187. TUB 1S8T. Yilmington Uessenger WILMINGTON N. C. Removed from Ooldsboro to Wilmington DRV DAILY PAPEH. The Wilmington Messenger, A Large Eight Page Paper. Complete Telegrsphio Dispatches. Best Market Reports. A live wide-awake Democratic) journal. "The Pride of in Stale.'' PUBLISHED IN WILMINGTON. THE MESSENGER PUBLISHING fOIP.lli Subscription: Three Months on Trial for 82 00 in advance. THE WEEKLY Transcript-MesseDger Is a large eight-page paper. The bright est and best weekly. Pleases every body. Largest Circulation in North Carolina. Price $1.50 a year. Send postal for specimen copy, free. 1 Address "THE MESSENGER," Wilmington; N. C. 1007. 10 07 $4.50 a Year FOR The Daily Wbig, THE CHEAPEST DAILY PAPER IN THE SOUTH. '' THE WEEKLY Has hpea enlarged and the price reduced to 75 Cents a Year, The Cheapest Weekly Paper Published SUHDiY ISSUE ad WHET OITIOK Both for one year, for Sir 0- The two are cheaper 'ana better than a aeml-woekJy, as yon get one dally laaoe and! a weeauy hm- av oenia tees uinn .any aenU' weeaiy pnpex, Dally sent free two weeks and weekly one month free. Spend one cent for a . nd order one or the other on trie; Or a noatnl aard nd order on or the other on trial. Address TBK WHIG, Rlehmoni, V f. at. smoira. OUatnaTT atAaXT. 8IUU0N8 ft UANLY, f ATTOEETB AX LAW." rwiU BrsUae ia tfeeCoarUorOreren-Ii Onslow, Oarteret, Pamlleo, Lenoir end Hyde 4 la the Federal Court at Bw Cerae. fObSriawly J. J. TOLSOII, Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Choice Groceries and . ProYisions, ; I r.i.-r . ., . . Dry Goods, Boots and Shoes "'. ; DEO AD STRErt," ; . NEWHQME SEWING MACHINE aOPTOI wncaeo - jo union eqUARLNX" CAtAAA 1 L I ta "ri Anura r X. t Louis, mo. 11 r SjMWa VisntAseicctxiuJ The Daily Graphio Is the Favorite Home Journal of Refined American Families Every where, and the only Daily Illustrated Newspaper pu lbhed in the orld. It Circulates in Every Stat? and Ter rirory of the Union. It may be found on newsstands in every large city. The vast body of its subscribers are Wealth and Culture. No oilier Daily published ill York City has so large a Mail Circulation. Ne, The Weekly Graphic There is hardly a Postoffiee in th I' cii ted (States where at least a few copies are not received each., week by subscribers. It embraces the Best Feature lo The Daily Graphic, pictorial and lit erary, for the preceding six days. It is the largest first olass Illustrated Weekly issued, is sold for half the price of its rivals, eon tains the latest news and market reports, and is ac quiring a phenomenal circulation. THERE IS NO BETTER Medium for Advertising Aom time to time we issue Spesial Editions illustrating the industries and business opportunities of oities, towns and localities throughout the country. At present ws are preparing a California Edition of 100,000 copies. Agents wanted to canvass for sub scriptions in every part of the world, to whom a large commission will be paid. Bend for nample copy. For rates and address other information The American Graphic Co.. 39& 41 rark riaoc, N. T. - THE STAR; A newspaper snppertlng the Pilealalai' -of a Ltamocratle Aamlnlstfnllnn, . ublUhed I. th. Qty of New Yerk. , WILLIAM DORSUEIMER, Dailj', Sunday, in4 Wkly Edtti'on. . THE WEEKLY STARp A Slxteensag New pa per, leeueel ' very Wed need ay. aaw A eleeav, pwre, prlgk aat UtetatingJL FAMlLYPAPErVl' neentetMthsartatsw.aowB la Bw heat ef AATTiouiiurai, -Market, . Paehlen. Hauaahali. - Poiiticii,: ! Plnanolal an) CommerotaV l Poetical. Humereu Vn4 - Editorial PapsriBMntB. all eaear the Arm-one ef ewAn4 lenrmallat ef th aiWt abii tr. Itar ar will be foa4 esewaei wUa w4 uS - Boa Bertaarag t eea. Orirlnal Mane V.T IMInnUal lialul anl Iwilsa wilteai ot aettae. - ; -t THP nAII Y STAR k asi ii i . w stiff TW DAtlT STi eeatihw 9 flat saw ef tf ft. an attractlT form. It peeial eatmpanaew - Re Die rrom umi nr rwroa, y wan n Ui It a eonuneart m faatara. -At Waabhwun. AjbenT. aaA Mfcar ft (Meet er ift. aneRktiiy reu .4 . i iw ST4B, fnrna Ut lataat aews by taMa1. - ot FnHtl a&4 Juvket Arrscwt aie iiiP fell mA eoirrirt. , tpril trnean4eaUaeiHnry rna eawnt a-nta nn4 eeaiTnawr. . nA tot elreulnra. - - - . 1 , tt t oe Tut vilv sre -. - rnni-t n i'l- - a - ouunda u ef h rw I , - I . r f rrrr "." ?. v. v. ' C- of f Jlwi tT4 one .tt- to r Tr""l t T" 1 r " LY r

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