It would bs to Bee Napoleon crossing the Alps, with ninety thousand Briurb KimeD, in an open boat. BUT it is & greater eight t .ce the crowd going to the Swre of F. T. PATTERSON, The Middle Street Merchant, WHO HAS A FINK I INK or Gentlemens Furnishing Goods Consisting of LINEN, and .SHI'KM'CKKI; 1 I . li I W1.U.11T bl "IIS at HAI.l PKlCE. Shirtb, Collxrc "n lis. 1 n lerwe&r fur uiiiint-r ace at y "ur ov 11 tlguree . THUNKS ami VAUM.S -i-iti...- thing f"t (ft weather trael at way d-.wn prices. 1 must make rooiu I all Mock hence Mil! not arr Sum uier Uooih iiI).m I m lift n 111 1-1 the lienefUol (lixoiint Do not ttbk us Id'- 1 r r-tnc b . but , m,r rihl aljii wild ths i r -wj and make your selection. hverytbing a youug man n .1-1., re'leni:-h 1,1 waidrube. Neck W ear, neat and stylish, knocks the figure, niil oil the thei in, -meter hmw Hat? below 2'ro. Carpefs. Homespun, hboes, they walk away at the prices we otter them, and all other goods atLuW 1'KK'l.S. ru j 7 J 601 MAX SCHWERIN nBMOVBD HIS CLOTHING EMPORIUM U. 1 1,- 1 1 lately occupied by Win. Hoi I irter . " I 1 if ilh uiuir 1;. ., m 1 1 i-j my hit increased Slook, he is, ith the assistance o( Ml. tSV. ."1 I J lvi I a If. IJALL, prepared toehow and sell at Hani 'an Prices The FINEST, NOBBIEST, NEATEST, PRETTIEST and BEST READY-MADE CLOTHING, Gents' Furnishing Goods, Straw, Derby and Fur Hats, Doots und Shots, Dry Goods, Etc., Etc. 1 AM SOI.K Aiil'.NT FOj; A. A. BATTLES' MEN'S CALr SEWED $2.50 SHOES 'lliroulv Mn-t-K in 11,'si'llv 1 lint lire W A Kit N I II'; I Hie Mtiiiulm liii.i In Ml hiuI ,M -. I i I M V CI N I 1 M H, I - Y w 'it I 1 Wanaikltdi (.I.n. ,-1 H 1 . 1 f 1 1 1 - 1 n '1 n 1 1 ' v w 1 1 ' : 1 11 ; 1 1 'b1-! -null I : 11 1 Ol,', I U 1- lull,.-! .. " ! .., ! .ill', r'r-l- lin 11 I n I 1 i 1: . ', v. , j , k l 1 1 . 1 1 1 1 1 ( a 1 : ;, M ,Nr , ()i.lhAjIMI; ti A . . !N t 1 . I 1 . h !l,f lifhj . lllit'o! hi..! I ,. .1 j-t ' - I t- ! , ' 1 v r 1 f. 1 : . ,-limn- . J l.t ' Ait- , I ,11''., I " u I. 1 : 1. I I 1 ,i i I'Mtri ' I " 1 i' y : 1 liit-' -( 1 111 11 in ! 1 1 :: 1 .,,...!.., r 1 , - ;f : : - hit t-i,K. hi " 1 . u . i- 1 1 1, : ; !.- i. I I 1. 1 I i - -1 b . r 1 it- 1 f m 1 1 1 1 )i ! ,1 m i 1 1 . ; . j ., u. ., . u ,. s ; . s H:.i -l -. :.. t . ' I i,r ! , s- , .. , , , I .1 - , .. . U , ; Hit' - 1 1 ' iii I ; . 1 mi : rBpM tf u 1 1 V H(l icil an iiiMpti I c,f u ion U all purciiahin from iik. Middle Siri-et. at Win. KINSEY Girls land Young Ladies La Grjm( TV", c. hull i-orpM nf Tt'iicliei h. New BuiMin'. Aiiipli- arcuiiuiiiiilat ioiin hir Hoartlorn. Writ i lot terms to unl(! (hvtf OLDEST AND LARGEST Walter tu t M a i n stki:i;t, ta '4' . jimmmd mm Correspondence solicited. Catalogues mailed free on application at the oflioe of our North Carolina A Rent, Adorpli Colin, junl7dwm MIDDLE STREET, NEW BERNE, N. C. A-. lv?- rAViW. A . 1 'MASSlin BMnufaml 04 nl bro dMra n to th fn 11 njonunt of urMMi' a iHsnir-'vwuMaiMi Twmn.iiiiii an)ytrannh IM f toatoas Baaltik .Tstka tmti.petorau imnrMxliOTai , MJWBmm, OirBnia nukUuHMMiiu AOtm brusi ortocfi udalonoj, MSM UCTWMO MRWN8 ca hy FUI mm TOIL BROTHERS, Wholesale Grocers, . " HATE" REMOVED TO THEIR f.- ........,.. TV0 STORES, SOUTH OF THEIR FORMER STAND, And kp of JPOtTR. OTEATS, COFFEE. utTGAB. sritFPS MoiAaKSBiAMfil TOBACCO, ' SNUFF ADjciOAMd n TcrjtKinr in the GROCRT 'jifME' WJJIJU STOCK ' and At LOT ritlCTES for OAsia.' " . " S ' ' m24b ' ( l M if t i 1 ! . L I uai :uilct i i.l i -1m MAX SCHWERIN, 1 l.illister ' Old Stand, Siti nf 1 laj.' SCHOOL, JOSEPH KINSEY, I'KIM ITAI.. MUSIC HOUSE IN v.. itu uMOM), . l'ianoK nn, I (irg'uis on cany monthly ilan at factory prices. Old Instruments taken in exchange, bought, rented and repaired . Inimrime .Stork of SIIEI I !T1 1 M . I lif .rurl ion Itooks of ntlklnilH KiktIhI HI coiinl lo Teachers ftinl Helmols. ( atalosiues niaileil free. AsBortinenl of Music neat on lelertllon If desired Htrlnps lor all MukIchI Jrjsli urn in I B. A few bIIbIiiIv useil 1'lano and . . its ii( ,tun.l..r.l ... n t, vnn. ml t'NUl Agents of Dolison s Professional hllverBell Banjos. Violins, Aecorillons, anil every tlilr u In t lie Musical 11 ne. void tb lll.lMiiti.M tdrtwwi m but wcw iiiiiwiiiw. tula u (UBCU, win WDU7 unujbqpiaea uiiurrio nn. jw a duuiuiidi init fmj IC1IRKD IhMMk AMI InMn Wilh SII1SMIII to " or mm Min orlooonraiienofl in any nr. rounded tatjBtito mtaumL prtadelM. Br dim llcukuitk the aal of dlaaaai ila ncinii liMmwiila fclt witkjwrtV lUt. ..i.n 1 fmrtinm (hft linmin niranlBiir TTIiiml Th jraKcd ultnuliiK elamaott of Ul an gMt bMk,tbeMti4 Iiotimi rlmi fiUsnd rapkUjgtlm bothitmma snd tmiu TKATVEKT. Ou MW.w1NlW. TtoH, () HARRIS REMEDY CO.. Rn Crimst oev .TiithStw.gT;ijgrjM. im Trial of our Appliance. Ask for Torrnal THE JOURNAL. 10.VT I.OOk rOK lHt rSKHH.L MIL il (UHL 10 THE I HL i M. . 1 Jl-.- .'' 1 - A t. .(...-. tr t ..r a iu -1 r . li -r I ir-cl- . I r ' '" I.) Jultirli i:,t r : ' J'.'al a V !.. II.!.. -Ui! : l.rt ILc Uii Ll I. ::. t . j r ual U..!, ! . I ;. l j t :- : l.ll.rrl c.-Urll. Al l -'.1 '. ::. I. I. r-. ) -JU 11 t.Lj - 1 ' j li t 1 . k ! rut u.: lu tbtr t L r t a 111 1 M life Id H j UILi-1 U. ' t .. '. i I -. I IuUgl. Kule. Ov.lilJtrs UL I . . thl. : : pathway uiay cuibbri Vr sbal I nud hi 1 IbeM- i br t ai 1 er . . K . v euouKh. And a map luajrby i . iij v, , , i ;. I lessen iheir nuuilin . The trouble we tight wal. Itf : t- .: a oears. I the tiui t f i le c -u. . i v n. . I. a i iri w ill seein i. 1 the eyes w i r n w r, w a : i, i :, . . quickly w lib lea i l'.u I look for the bii-lgi l.l. - ii.e l'i the stream Willi gratitude de ,. ! I w .' 1 .. enjoy. A nd ned less an irl v r-"-edily bur N ben foreboding f i nipci-e appeiB l, annoy , Hing It off as a burthen eat dru.k and he merry . Attend to your duly be cheerful anJ strong; Where sunshine is brightest, there bask in its beam Keep your courage alue f .r mui battle with prong I lull l look for the br idge t il ; "ii cm in to the stream. You ma v say 'tis your t - I, . .u l.l I 1 darkens the air Thai yuur brain bid i. !" I. ! i n.' 1 1 1 h i.t 1 1 1 ma r r n w Ti ('I u V I'll' tor lull! i,r, '. 1 H lldl'lice all I 1 ..I r Cut wait t;li it.- i . ' ' : '. ; ' . : ' i l '11 I f I I I 1 ' w . I T "in , 1 1 , u m . . ' l. . ' r I lie bi-fl l,o k no W r- 1.11 '. I h 1 I. ' . I . much may 1' n M ' t w hal O"!!!!-,-. w ! i n ' 1 lea i n ll.r I i 1 I ii 1 .U ! i 11.. I i. i.-. '. . . . I ' t hi- fill ..II, Wl... !.! . 1- ...-l If ll t , f : . .'. to re. i I i in) i n I u ram e t " In ,i i i : . i v. I, ilh thr hroi "ding To maun if v danger w ill nuiiiilt f eai . And thiubt is a d a. --lard whercwi m liuding. ('(intent with tin- i .y thai tb - n-n-nl lnspiree, No more on the wo that m i) ine in you dream . Meet Fate, when it sliikrs. with the force il requires -I on 't look for the bridge till you cmne to the stream. Transplanting tvergreeu Mini lis. Many failures occur from hick ol proper treatment at traiiHplant iiil'. There is no more beautiful nlirub I of thin kind, than mii native ! "Laurel" (improperly no called, an I it in not a Laurel I, Kulmia lati Uilia, aluo called '-Calico HumIi." It in very rarely seen in cultivation, ami Ibere is a general belief I lia! it can nut lie transplanted Itiun 1 !;o w but if w would . c 1 1 III oil! grounds. wo must p t Iiiii.h i jjimui trees. c k now nl ,i j,'ri .1 ; .ol in ; t ct Ol t 1 1 IS slllll I I. W I II I 1 III 1. 1 1 I i , I I : I I I Mil all fjlllsli lilll'si'iv, while l! etrn by t linlisailds w 1 1 111 il :i lew intli-s id Ins jilace. et tin- sn u!i cm In ' i ansplaiit cd .is i col 1 1 ;c ,i w il one w ill, at 1 1 .m ', .i n I ; i, r. cut 1 1 1. n k 1 o I liimve e , r y li i! lh is appea i Ilk' -( 1 lie 1 1 ci! til. lint im less dtie will cu' the beaut 1 1 n ! Hh ru b back to a naked stem, lie had belter leave it where it grew, lot il will siiiely tail. Treated thus, Mp. ces.s is as certain an with any other shrub. In due time the naked Mem will "break,'1 producing an abund ance of new shoots, and by autumn will bo supplied with abundant foliage. Having done tins, and seen it done by others, it may be tried with full confidence of success. We have no doubt that other shrubs of this class, if on their removal from the nursery were treated in the same manner, wonld succeed more frequently they now do. Yet few have the the courage, when they pay a dollar, more or less, for a shrub, to mutilate it in this man ner. Still, it is worth trying. American Agriculturist. A Syracuse lawyer, in draw ing up a brief, referred to a "gote," a "carpentir," a "hotell keaper" and a constebul," and yet he won his case. A lawyer who can weep no fore a jury has no need of any orthography at all. Fre Trade. The iuctldribf' Internal revenue and the-taking off-W revenue BUtnp from Proprietary Me4ioiaes no doubt has largely benefited tho consumers, as well as relieving the burden of home manu facturers. Especially i this the case with Green' August Hewer and Bot cheeks German Syrup, as the reduction of thirty -six cents per dosen, has been added to increase the size of the bottles containing these remedies, thereby giv ing one-fifth more medicine in the 75 cent size. The Uf7itf Flowr for Dys pepsia and. Liver Complaint, and the German (fyrup tor uoogtt ana iung troubles, have perhaps the, largest sale of any medicines in the world. , The advantage of increased size of the bot tles witl be greatly appreciated by the siok and. afflicted, in.Tvery town and tillage in civilized countries. Sample bottles for 10 cento remain the same size. w - - 1 CONSTIPATION t I u '. i t i '. ' t t . e ' t - ..- r b ' '..r. T ,, - Hi: . Hfa-.iu.Lv, B:tt; Ur.-:r.!i. el' TCrr.. T K K llM I I IIK l.MI I K . J . II in.n (O Kinston College, I .M o x: . i . . miiMM i I .ii.. - I i j .- i - f loilAl Jim : I . fill I I II I II Ml 1 II I TRINITY COLLEGE, rm I i I i i : i . : i r I . 1 1 1 -' ' i .i i I I . . i . . I ( c '. I '. 1. 1 1- ii i ,.l a j j . : ,i ' . h . " .i V ii i . ltK'.;t"l..l I- ':.' lllUll I ' I I. I . I HI, I, in, I, .I 1,1,1 !-,. . li..' . . ! I i''m.i mil i . '.' ' 1 1 1 . a 1 1 1' i i,'i 1',-ki. ' i Ji-i.l I I . I . ' I ' ' . .- , I ;;, I. I . , .' ilw 1-1, Greenstcro Female Ccllcgc (.1(1 I VMIOlltl V 'lit- ;-: : h r Sre. .. n f u C, 111 P-'(1 HI, I I ..),. T . l.s w . ,, t' , . to. i v.- I s I i m: it I II .f I i ' - I . 1 ' - t W it 1 if Il i . . i . ! li : . 1 ! u ! I ' 1 . tiirliiji I'll 1 li. in , ,. ,i! .n ' . i. ' ' r . 1 (lit ' f' ( 1 - : -t ! H : . 1 in "t t 1 n I If . i t 1 1 . i Ii ! ' Mi,s i I . ' i.l i . b : . ; M-..:-r:. -h. ' i ' ' ' ' ' -. ' I i ' ii ' . , i , A No; : ' i 5.) ivin 3 y s : II, , '. i.t. L i t IMU f .,i , ; . , . . .1. .. ... 1. ami h OV I I ' I' . . '. ... . ' . f I'll J w i i k la K . , n . . i , ;. I .1.. In ,1. s.ttilili ll (., ,11 .. ' -! . I : i ' i ; . '.i u ,ii i , . (Min i , : i M., Goods Found, In l i',(, l, - i. I! ,- lc" , f M mi ,i v I -I m 1 . j. - - i il... n.irth Hide i , f Nil, ' !,'..; : ; , . ( Iw-rne. and iibiMit ii ' ', ,i ! '. i." 1'nrif road . n l"t ' f I, n i , i-'i't. Hi'iuiiiH. the itifide ".ii-: i ' .a ll. it-, etc . The o in r , ,r , ! : - ! i 1 i: ,Ik can ohtain the t-;, ' Iv ;; IwUntial proof of ( i w 1 1 e r -1 . 1 1 1 i' ( ii,,; fur this advertmement und nihi l , Imres. It in tbouKht that tlii'Be .khIs wi re Ii ft there hy the notori"UH horse thief w I. ' ;i m thin t-t ( Hon pntne I ime heo. fll.Vlil.KV ll', "K. jvlTdwlri) New Berne. N.l' Take Notice ! Our Ptnre in filled w ith ro isions, ;rocories, iuiimmI UomN, Pry iools, t'ro kery, Etc. We keen a full line of the Celebrated Prison Boots and Shoes. ALSO C. S. Parsons & Sods' Boots and Shoes, Every pair warranted to give satis faction. Country merchants and the people generally are requested to call and ex amine our large stock before purchas ing. We will give you low figures. We job Lorillard 8nuff. ROBERTS BRO., South Front t.. A'etc Berne. A'. C A BOOK FOR THE PEOPLE." CAPTrTATISG ! TSEFl L ! Eloeoetit niKaraione. nd Diplomatic Faprrt on the jrcat Public QueMlom of thcPaat n Preaeal. T JAMES GBLAIE. ttmhrarins hi manterly mnmt nt on U vital hnoe In the firt Stotrn Srrupfl. the Alt Important lahor Overturn. ProMMKon, Wrli Home Bute, etc etc pr-A FtKTrni foe Book!KI im cttoxs roa Tbkmtoht Comito in with a Rttwi I IBS, HKSKV BILL, PUBUKH1NU CO. Koawica, Ct. holers Morbus rmps o 1 1 e idrrhoc summer Cured lyf i caspoon ful nf irr.Da is nn K (lit in. a. little Milder Sugar and V, dter Al'.aL'.;: k N crti: Carolina h it I h i I H 1 , t ' I II! NIT I li K. Farl:r Suite, Chamber Cctc Walnut Bedsteads, It ii re. ins, Wurilrolx'S 1 at I reni'), Chairs, 1OilngeH, Holas, ( eut re Till I -. l .t e , AT ICOCK BOTTOM ITCH I S JOHN SUTEH, M',,l,lls Htrel. "inw Herns ' FASTKK1 0RTH ( A K 0 L 1 1 A MARBLE WORKS, MH I'.IKM.V.I. 1 Monuments. Tombs- A: ; ft . . b : li (iiavr aiul I ' u '. . il'. ii . work : u ITALIAH&AMERICAN MARBLE Or : cr w ll 1 receive prompt Rltentio oaimfartion guaranteed. JOL K. WILLIS, Proprietor iHu -cesaor to Uenrge W. flaypno. (', r. HROAH AD CKA KS St$. SEW BERXE. A. ( () K. Mtt.LlH ii my authorised ager. nKinston. ma80-lrdw Hyde Line Company. NEW BERNE, N. C ATRI I. ?K, isk:. BCMME.K SCHEDULE OF THE PTKAMRK Tn jo IntoetTex-t on after May lit. lfKT. Wedneaday Leave :New Berne at RKVKN A.M. for Bayboro. stopping at Adams CreeS, Hmlthl Creek, Vandemere and Stonewall. I Thnrsdsy Leave Bayboro at BEVEN A. M ' for New Berne, stopptrjg at 8tonewa,II.Vande ! mere, Smiths Creek and Adams ( eek. I Satnrday Lave New Heme at SEVEN A.M. for Bayboro, stopping at Adam ("reek. smiths Creek, Vandemere and s woe rail. Monday-Leave Bayboro at SEVEN A. M r New Berne, stopping at Stonewall. Van- demere, Smiths Creek and Adan'J Creek. By t his arrangement we are able to make rinee connection wlln U.e Northern teamers. also havlniz good accommodations both lor pnwenger and frfight at very low rate, and ask the merchants and producers along It line to give It their cheerful support. Freight received ander eoverevery day of the week. For fnrtber Information enqnlre at lhe office, foot of Craven street, Or any of Its agents at the following places: ABE LEE, Adams Creek, S. L. McOOMOAli. BmllhsCTeek. 1. H. ABBOTT, Vandemere, C, EL FOWLER, Stonewall, FOWLEB CO WELL, Bayboro. ap2 aw W. P. BURB.UB, G. M. hrfo. " - STEAMEHS. i li K NEUSE L TRENT RIVEB SttttiLboat Company. Stiaaitr '1 l t lit (jteaixiei li . '. .. I !, h 6 .L.l .. c ' ale w r ; n . I K ::.'. i. ; i- a i . k v t e-. b. '. EASTERN CAROLS DSPATCH II,. I iit r I t i," l.t I II) Ntti hriix I nili r ii lei i I. 4 ) ti I I it I", ,!.(,. m I, V.,l..;k, llilllllliiir. IMitliflrli lila ) ii . IIii(d, - I , ' In f llmhilli ( I!) . ( . ::.!) e.m;n:'.n yiLAMiH'.r c!:mfany Hi;-()iT:i;n. Jl, Oi l Ilo.llllllo , McKMi'l.lp .MI n i) I Li n ii 1 h a v ot I U sin 1 ( i ll t r . la Ibr inn f ir i ii 1 1 Ii t- i n 1 1 n 4 r ( innl li i t -i 1 U . HnllliiKiir, n " i i. . I ' ti I n - I r I ii Ii I n , lliinlon, I'mm lilrui r, An 1 Jill i - ii. in. N. Mini t . i : t. " - i i . . .1 i ii ' N'W E-.::e i . i w N A I 11. m w or UM . : . I.,-' - ' h ' . hlrHIl I. - ' 1 I I.. .1- , , i. : , , I I i ,n - Lire fl 1'itr ia .New Ycrk. The N. FiviKiif Line FOi: NEW VOHii, BOSTON, PROVIDENCE, a:.i h i - (..i.t 7S i and Wot 4 ft-: t, : - .1 ! w ' , : f .if i :s . '. lr, N w ' : Sf w HctLf At ru ic 7. nokth kivi:k, of Xeic York and Baltimot Transportation Co. i p r . ur, 1 hon!d rmt'Trib rthnithiplioL'i th Mam i ui of Npw Vr h , id ftkin Ak) j . r. i.e-c in w nb Hul tim o r f ft it Nr-w Ben SEMI-WEEKLY STEAMERS Between Hew Eeme a.nd B&Itimon t orfoUl IftTing Nrw Bprnf fur Baltimore TtTEflDAY FRIIAYS tl pro LetT Baltimor fo New Berne WLhNLSDAYS dnd SATURDAY . r . AxBt ir as fol)vt ElP-- FOSTER. Qvi Jsnff ct. 90 Light St . Bal't M AS W McCARRICR, Aft Norfolk, Va. W P. Cjd A Co., Fhiliv-silihi. U Sont York h Hn'.to TrAn. Lin, Pier .Norm rltr F SfirrpFrvn. Hopton, 6S tVntrsil wharf K. M KiThwell, FroTnlcnc? K I k l. ( Mich, Fall KiTr, Dprru M wharf. thipi )Mte-Boston. TupkIaj and Satnrdaj! N w York daily. Baltimore. WivinedAT" and Hatordaj Fall River, Mondaji, Wedcdaj-t Fridar- ' KroTldencf?, SatnrdftTt hrongh bilU lading fiven. and rateicnar&a to all points, &l the dllferiit nfflcea of iroid Imtyt ct Bulk ud Ship rii N. C. LINE. d Kar Nil S E 3KAY As Haw im H ft

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