' ' f 1 ' r . : - - 1 HE VOL. Vl.-NO. 117 NEW BERNE. N. (, WEDNESDAY. AL(U ST 17, 188 Pit ICE 5 CENTS. D Journal I V 7i . LOCAL NEWS. New Berne, latitude, 35 0 North. " longitude, 77- 8 West Sun ruto. 5:08 i Length o( day , vun l, 7 02 I 13 Lours, M minutesr M inn iiitttl 10 40 p in BUSINESS LOCALS c UlUll.'K TFAS for maiL iced irJ 1 '. fch ASSAKD Bur Brand Hun. Best iu the world kepi ( v J r 1 - . i, kugM 8l J ' Last - 'hanee Mi-J,r l MASON'S bfbl dll.SO Top 1 f U 1 t J B ! f al low pill -e (iti.. Al.l-i.N A. I v I) KAK Kilt 1 will deliver )uu the bulliiuore Sun lor UV. a week ci '.' a copy, cash lu advance.. N I'M a N HRU W N r3 (i EO UU I A COTD ) N ( j 1 N S . with 8elf Feeder aDd Condenser All uf the laleet auJ mum approved pal terns. (iKi). AlJJfN Co () 1. 1) PAFEItW iu any quantity for aale at this oflii e. HOW is it that 1 i an dtlun jnu llie New York World fur 20c. a week r M)o. a month in fx. a copv. cash id advance. Ni ma Ninn i ur mountain correspondent coiiie lu lime akiQ this morning Kiilim urn uiuuicalion frum Aiheville Prayer meelip line W ed nesda y evening at Second Adventisl Hall South FrODl street, tliree doois from Melcalf street, at h 0 c loe k Tbe remains of Dr. J 1' Bryan i re brought down froui Huston la. I night and will be interred in Cedar irue ( 'i ruelery Ibis afternoon Koine Beveuty fi v or a bund red d-Ie galeu passed down U Mji. Ii.-u4 ( 'uj last nigbt to attend tbe Tel. a. . . i Vn vention wblcb uieete today Five caaea were before tbe Mayor yesterday for disorderly conduct, line was dismissed, one fined penny and coal, one fined one dollar and oct nr. d two continued until today Mr. James KodinoLd, tbe proprietor of the beer, ale, aoda and sarsuparilla eslablisbment made a shipment of Koods lo Indian Kiver, Ma., yesterday. The beverage! he puts up are pure and first class in every respect. We are pleased lo note that be is receiving patronage from a distance If people will drink beveragen let them el that which is pure and uuad ulterntt-.l . hu. Ii :is licd uioud Bells. Funeial Notice The funeral of Ir J I'. Bryan will take place 'from Christ Church this afternoon at 5 30 p. in Friends and acquaintances of the family are invited lo attend. First Opan Boll of Cotton Mr. A. 11. llollon brought a line boll I of cotton lo (ieo. Allen V Co , Tuesday ' which he obtained from a farm in upper edge of Craven r.mnty. Here porta tbe crops ou north side of Neuse riveras being very line. Fiahing at Morebead City. The lisbing sport is said to bo line at Morebead now. The New Berne crowd stopping at the Sea Hret p houHetook a trip to tbe light house a few days ago and booked seventeen large llounderg on the route, gome of them weiphing six pounds each. Arrivals at Hotel Albert. C. M. Babbitt, Pamlico; Tno 1". Hargis, R. R. Rboades, A I) l.eppitt, J. W. Reed, Baltimore; J. 1, O'Donnell, G. W.Miller, Lew York; F. P. Gales, W. T. Caho, J. F. Cowell, Bayboro; D. H. Abbott, Vandemere; S. J. Lane, C. H. Fowler, A. II. Wbilcomb, Stonewall ; J. W. BeasP, Boston; Wm. Rum, Detroit; H. Lynch, W. U. Tel. Co. , J. L. Walk ins, Durham; J. M. Siterson, N. C; W. G. Brown, Lexington, Va. ; Leon Journalman, Enozville, Tenn.; J. E. Langley, Philadelphia: M. F.Cook, Philapelphia; E. L. Coble, Va ; Viky P. Johnston, N. C; W. R. Blackford, J. H. Dobaon, Baltimore, J. W. Waters, city. Peraona.1. Rev. F. 8. Bcton of tbe Pamlico otrcuit, was in the city yesterday and took the train for Core, where he goes to assist the pastor at that place in a wries of meetings. lie is just from Pamlico county where he concluded number of meetings in which much interest was developed. . L. J. Moore, Esq , and family re turned from kforehead City yesterday. T. E. Oilman, Esq , of Onslow is in , the city. Mr. W.G.Brown of Lexington, Va., ; and Mr. Leon Jauralmon of Knexville, ; Tenneese, were in the city yesterday TieitlnS points of interest. ' y Mr. J. L. Watkins of Dutham, was in . the oity yesterday. If. DeW. BteTenaon, Esq., and family returned fiOB . Beaufort 'yesterday morning." ' ,. ,-.v'(.-. .. ' -.i . ,-. i Fire Early ) esU-rday UiiLiL Lit was 0 iscu err d in an uno,.vup.ed Luuot- on broad strtrtl i j'M'.r Lrch e store and , belonging u. Mr W 11. w.n.r. The life dt (u! '.Li.trLl turned UUt .'Ulckiy and sllbj Lir ,1 ILc lialhrs leaving lt.c frle.l of i Ibe L. u- bul the inside prelly well burne.l "Ut The damage is partial.)' aH t ie 1 LV ILelirtiL.t J 'l!.e Aulic c! the 1. I I' ..:. w .ii ta.l thlr bllrtliUUU tt 1 l . . k The I'aiulico i-f the 1' l.r.r ar I.Vrd Jtrtrldav aijl Will r-, i 1 1, ni' iiiing at 'J o cio. o '. i N 1 1 . t t . 1. , int at Nae Head The SLout ot llie i 1- line armed latt tiiht friu lialt.ijj re with t cjiru cf iiit-i i l.iiiid e A N :tl. CaJul.I.-a:. Rubbed '1 t.c following parartph 13 Irum the Washington letter 1 f the Baltimore Sun Mr Albritlou war 111 New Berne a few weeks ago on his way North. We had b-.pe.l that he would have better 1 m k The pulicv bold Irank liuncan. charged, by Le-uu A I hi itl.m . of North Carolina, with robbery. It is charged that as bun. an aii 1 AlLri'.ton were making a tour of the citv Imncan robbed Albrilton . f ('.'' while thev were in I x'lise a! . e v Glee!. MntiUl.l.'. We' f i e tod a ar 1 1 I. N - ( n green manuring 1 'ji Jones counly e rres pond eii I sa v s it is a su I jei t n pern w lin h the farrin I in hir cm Ii jii dosiie 11 for niuli -ii It is oiio wioih f.iinuis ought to 1 oh I Ii I V t- 1 pel le-Iii e If tht-)' i bhlli I otitmri it in am otb.r way In the arln It- wholi we' pu'-iish 1. 1 lay s.m.e pra- lo ill .juislu'iis lire pi. p. uiulo.l sjini- . f tb.-m .'light l - be ar.swerrd by iiimiiv . f .-in (aiiia r readers and lluor linsw! M.ulJ be of serv ice to ) oling and Wit xpenenced farmers We wou.d Iiket.. hear from Co! 1. W. loneille. i. I andlin. the Messrs. Irainks, Elevens, I'm, an 1 othe-rs eif i 'nslow county 111 Mes.rs loscue, Mr. 1'earce, Mr. 1 ran k 1 oy . J ' Brj an , F. R. 1 'age, J I'. Barker. Jos. Simmons. A. B. Bar row, Ix.'wis By num., J Ii liarget. Br Wbitaker. W. (i. lordharn. W J. Berry, and many others whom we could mention of Jones. Knoch Wads worth. W B l ane. Maj Gordon, Joel Kiusey, the Messrs I px k . Freeman l.rnul. 1 li Coi l.crci nc. and others of Craen county. These are all good practical farm ers and have some experience in green manuring There urn also many farm er readers of the J.'tKSAl in I'nuir, Ureene. l'itt, Beaufort. Hyde, Bamlico and Carteret w ho are doubtless able to give some good advice on a subject of such imparlance We would like to hear fiomlhi-ui nil. I.Vad the questions propound. I iu hi li, 1. N- 'J and send in .'inswe rs. We bae n nurnberof fanner readers oi l..:.-.ir - uii'.y whom we know i an give o ry intelligent answers to tbi'H ,uesli .us Bel ii- bear from V oil Kinston lteniB. In ,! B. Bryan, who bus been stjlTer ing w ith diabetes for some time, died at twelve o'clock Sunday night. He was conscious up lo the last minute. His two daughters. Mihj-os Helen and I. aura Bryan, who bad been on a visit to friends in Tarhoro. reached hi re just one hour beforo he died. I A desperate character was arrested here on Sunday night, Aug. 1 4th ieo. Besrson, charged with committing rape on a negro woman in Onslow county, was discovered in Kinston on the above named night, and Sheriff Sutton with two others arrested him after consider able difficulty. The negro drew a pistol and tried to shoot the Sheriff, who wrenched the pistol from his hands, and in the sou tile Ibe negro was shot, inflicting only a scalp wound. He was then placed in jail to await further or ders. From Austin (Tex.i Statesman. Tbe effect of Hawkes' Crystalized Lenses upon the organs of vision is sim ply wonderful, as there are several prominent gentlemen in the Land Office whose sight has ben restored by their use, and hundreds of similar cases throughout tbe United States can be re ferred to. All eyes fitted and the fit guaranteed at the drug store of F. 8. DufTy. New Berne. aug 5 1m Northern Capitalists I'nrehaMng Land. Buffalo, N. Y., Aug. 18. A syndi cate of Buffalo capitalists ha just pur chased a tract of timber land of about 400 square miles in North Carolina, comprising the greater part of Dare county and. a portion of Tyrrell county. The price paid was over 8750,000. Tbey have obtained permission to name the principal settlement on tbe tract Buffalo City. The syndicate baa been incorporated under that name. Baeklsa's Arnica . Thc Bust Saxvs in tbe world for Cuts, Bruises, Bores, Ulcers, Sai Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and posiUveJyr cures piles or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money re funded. Prioe 23 cents per box. For ale by B. N. Duffy. declf - It b-KKO MAMKIM. NlMtth TLc la. i i!.ai land e. an be cheaply and pruf. tally in. ruved by (.'rowing a crop of i lov er . peas rye millet or ev en grass and weeds for tLe purpose of iiuwmg under has been proven t rv ud a Juubl ty iLbH' ei iicriuients Tbe .jue-slion wuli the farmer i How can I obtilD the best results with tbe least outlay of tune and money - Is it best to let the lund rest alternate years at. i to permit the growth uf weeds and grass or is it belter to break ' II. e land and to sow c w peas or other crop fur tbe purpose t f pi- w mg under , for manure': 1 Is ii best tu pluw the erjp under J d u r ing the su miner , or fall e.r winter. I ur wail unul ready lu plant in tbe I spring. In order p. . bla.n the lurgisl results': I 1 r shall it be hi,n,t i i if bef ue breaking the land This plan is prac llcel by many larmcr- because 11 is Iroti bit-some lu plow it in I'lbese farm ers should burn up their stable manure ; alse. for the same reason I; is easier lo haul and spread tbe ashes U.a:, t haul j tbe manure Has any farmer tried llie experiment ! e.f breaking a part uf his s id land lu the J fall and u part the rieit spring and I w atcbed the result ' W hat is the value1 of a cr. p of pea vines lo the land - What ; Is the be-t disposition to make ..f Ihtni' Shall hogs be permitted to gather the pids and trample the vines or should , all be returned to the ln, S'i .uld a i pea ciop be turned mi ler .:i tlo- green , slate, or w hen - j 1 1 es the sun. wind and rain dunngj the six months from I iclober to Mar. h j damage sod or plowed land mel ' Is a , covering and shade prote.-ti..n duiiiikr; these months of any vali I land , iu this eo unity , wh' re tl.ele is Ii Mi m w to cover ll'- Wliht is the lnosl pii-hlable . I pi. grow for manuring pu r poses - What is the value of an oat or mulct stubble lo the land , as cm p u .- 1 w n h ' a grow th of weeds ' When should cm ..i 1 1 1 1 land be broken, in order t obtain the b, r.- suits - Can a m- .ney or f ' .1 age . i op '.r laki-n from the land and a maniiring cr. p be made during the same year ' These are questions of veTy great 1111 portance to the' practical farmer for .11 just such matters the (jueslion of prulit or luss in farming depends. Onu farmer makes four hundred pounds of ction per acre, another neve-r obtains ..ver three hundred pounds What is tin' reason v Is il not because the Inller does not work properly ' A I he Armed Find at I iili Ami, Aug. Kl - M on-head, Ki. The Times Bex- inglon. Ky., special savs A h'tler j..st received from Morebead , gives the fob low ing particulars about the seizure of guns yesterday The insecurity and uneasiness which have been felt since the departure of Andy and Willye Tub liver and their friends received a fresh impetus yesterday afternoon, w hen Ad jutant Williams, With a F.uad of men liltil into the depot and seized a case of rifles and iJ.OOO rounds of amunilion that had just been taken off the train, and hurried them into camp These are' the same gunB that were shipped to T. Young, Mt. Sterling, from Lexington, some- weeks ago. Major Mo K ee, fea r ing a col I is 10 11 bet w een the fai lcns. immediately sent out il half do'-:i s.pm i of men. searching --us peeled house for arms, and must have capuiredsevir.il wagon loalo lo .tie lloll-e alone thev seculed ten Win cht-ter nl'.s. three -hot guns, two muskets, and si vera! muzV liriling ritles The raid created .pnlii a stir in the l..wn. and it is the general belief that if Maj T M. Kei ha decisive step- u b;bl w. ul 1 I let t a k . 1 ha v e t a!-.. I III, Aug. 13. I B 1kmkh. Aug. 13. Adjutant (ieneral West has issued an ordsr fur all State military, infantry, cavalry and artillery companies, to get ready to move t a moment's notice. He w ill, in case uf a serious outbreak of ('olerow's rene gade's, order the companies at Montrose and Ouray, to hea.lufT the 1 'tes at ( iranii Junction (ieneral West left for Olen w ood Springs immediately after issuing the order, and it is reported that C. S. Marshal Hall, now nt I a.l v il 1 , will join him at S.tlida. and if necessary ask for I". S. 'roops to assift the State mi litia Conneelicnt'Mutual Life Insurance ( 0. S3031.3J. Received of tbe Connecticut Mutual Life Insurance Company. Three Hun dred and Thirty-one 82 100 Dollars, in full payment of Policy No 10fl 00in the life of the late Franklin Rhodes. Signed. Hki.kn Rhitfs. Wiliiamston. N. C, Aug. 2, 187. Amount of policy, S3, 000 00 Annual dividend . Sl.S'J $3081.22 Tbe C-onnecticut Mutual Life Insu rance Company has for more than forty years been noted for its proniptnegs in paying losses. No discount, no delay, no leesl war fare with widows and orphans, has ever been some of its cardinal principles. William II. Oi.ivkr, Agt. Connecticut Mutual Life Ins. Co. Newbern, N. C. I hereby return tbe thanks of my family and myself to the Newbern Fire Department for their kind efforts to save the building which was burned on Broad street this morning. William H. Oliver. Aug. 16, 1887. ADVICB TO H OTHER. Mrs. WmBLoWs Boothwo Btbup should always be used for children teething. It soothes the child, softens the sums, allays all pain, cures wind colic, and is the best remedy for diar hoes. Twenty-five oqpts a bottle, mar 17 dtuthsat wly Jones County ltemsi. Lai a g .... 1 sb - v er - f rain a m 1 w lib Ihui. Jcr . .n isjiur 2av !a.-t. pal. .t d w The l.e I'.h . f ..11.!:. .L.I V good . - u- - but v cr .' . - ; Mils c ieill. that j! daughter . f tie v a fc w Jay e tifi' a, t.t r b A K tracte J !!.rt! V eslel la the '. i : '. , Brv.-. Wael.i -..(..o i.l. ! n..n.sierc- 'U3e he r e- III t lo w r Hit u 1 ha I ul.ii. the people n.ou i j, pruud t-. pom; to our . say all our county !. ceptlun an- v. . ill y of t bull hes We ha t .1 ur log lur a r. pr esel.ta! 1 V of the hehnell llie 1' B.rlLr died :n b I n In .Hi e 1 '.ape'. .ic ibe : 1 I, ,e vv 1 t it le ed rule we are Weil w, 0- i .unly s with-: 1 - I' ni lot-1 and i hers past w eek I ad - .riher ii . ai.ital - l.-ts who IS p I OS J ' s plant a limbi r 11. , .leased w lib Trel.t lu e re. I a sa w j.1 a n e-r y an 1 w . : 1 unit ling f .r a -He to inae b i rier Was n go. the nib -.1 locality r ma- hin- r . w iit-rs lb. lo lav The l ull.Ili.l.gs I I engaged i n.g II. , S. 1. K !.- e - I.. that s- erai i f . u r i . o -, I u 1 1 1 y t I a-l. Ii the I r learn ar.- w ailing lb. ir hull--lag I. one It a) p. '1 re nt' .ii I when thai s !l.i-w h II, till I . . r . - i.ling I - su : A f. w, , k- ag . .. J ...... W,.-. n. wife ! Mi I t. 's 1 1 U il-. n . '. 1 Ion piapm oied with 1. .i.surii pi i 1. Mis. Wiis. n ha i hi 1 11 sick f. r sev era! in .-Litis and I.. 1 .- b. 1 mi l!er ings w it b g r eat fill Hide -',e has I, ft n di V -.led husbali I sev era! s 1. an I ilinigbt. 1 , and gran-l 1 b 1 1 -1 1 1 ! 1 wilb nun: v 1 el,, 1 1 . - ail f 1 i.-nd s I-. 111. 11 Mi l.i 1 .li 1 1 1 , -. M-s- is I ,11 I . r A -.ii ii, 1 - a: 11. g ahead 1 w mg 1 111, !-. 1 ( ,,,-, n. at,, bail ling and lilhng tb, .1 yard with I .gs ami wailing their tuin to lone tln-m sawed We an- baling a leal I 111I..1 I" .111 up l. lev k en I lung I. ., b blight crops go,,, I in , st , ,-r l.--dv n.',.. linn er for build mg a 11 I 1 epan 1 11 g pu r p on s . With I bese indicat lolls t be hope Is . nt. r tamed l-y all that tin- good tune pi.. perily . is nigh at hand . The , bur. in ciii.i hav.. lie of it We bt en hav mg a g learn that ibe I Wood ington has b .1 t Mr Johnsuii. at holding a series 01 meetings ami nave hail 1 , accessions to the-church. TheKev. Mr. Washbuine of Jones circuit has had an 111 . ession of li'i members, at Shady ir.. e. The Kev. Mr. Davis, Disciple, have bi i 11 holding meetings nt Deep Springs, w ith an ac cis-lon of two member The Kei . Mr. Cashwcll. Baptist, baptized 12 yes terday at I'iney (irove ehurch The J. 1 UN l, has coiiinienci'd the very llnng. green niaiiui ing. that is of inter est to our section. M;m of our f. -timers have commence. I in that d irei-t 1011 and are desirous of all the light they can get. We would be glad for someone w Im understands thoroughly the sub ect of drainage, to give the readers of the Joi itNM. their ideas on this important subjucl as we are confident thai there arc thousands of dollars w asti'd in at tempting to construct drairiH thai are nut put in (heir proper places. We have often thought that it would pay our farmers to employ an engineer to sort w b. their plantat ions and p. 1 n 1 out each ditch should bo .lit. 1 , illy we bud 11 few of o . r fai -i. rs 11 by their eye. aided I y ( ; tuer nee, point out the I I pel place .III'." but they ai" ... lew. We 1 t w In 11 Mi. Nathan Ins, ue. Mi ago. conimei.- e I ch at ing and ig swamps every one the drains w li . . expel fe.r 0 y va is dr; 1 0 ::ipl-t success, while 111 many plantations many of fie ditches b ...si the ou 10 is una h money, al wa a failure and r:mu d many to out mil he e-li more pi ospeions s. Will not sum" of the readers of JuriAAl. vvhii thoroughly under- w I111 u a I sell placi the stand the suhect. give the people a few useful hints iti this very important part of plantation economy and thereby s;ne to farmers thousands of dollars Ilia! are now w ailed on tiseli ss d itchrH. Mr. .! N. I o.. -tie sa-, s my remtdv fori hug ch ,l( i a w a" a f;n hire w ith In- hogs. Shvr he. you recommended salt and lime, I was building and had plenty- of lime. 1 gave il to them. I also had plenty ol peas. I boiled them, added soda, lime and sulphur and gave it lo them, all had it. but one, died. I fear friend 1 oscue used too much lime; 1 fear he entertained the idea of a certain old worthy citizen of our county that w here a little was useful much was better and by these means gave his bops too much lime. As to the addition of sulphur and soda 1 can't say i never tried either. We hope our friend won't entirely ignore the use of the remedy, hut will in the future leave off the soda and sulphur and follow the directions that I now give him. here it is: If your hogs are large give each hog one toasponnful twice per week , if pigs half the quanti ty, ami Fait ct their will (dry salt). We have irifd tho remedy for years never missing a week and havehad healthy hogs while all my neighbors have lost nearly their entire; stock, minemostof thetimewerein the range with theirs Now let me urge upon every farmer to try the remedy but don't make a soap factory out of your hogs etomachs by giving them an un necessary quantity of lime. Follow directions strictly and you will have some healthy hogs. A Clear Complexion. How can you expect a clear complex ion when the blood is full of impurities and the stomach clogged'. The blood becomes impure because the liver does not act properly and work of! the poison from the system, and the certain re sults are blotches, pimples and erup-. tlons. Purify the blood with Simmons Liver Regulator, and regulate the liver, stomach and bowels, and then the ikin will become clear. Ultlce of Uld louilulou Meainbip ( u,' Ntw bgioi. N. C . July ;i , Inless i weather I orders f r lowing Sleame r ! A ugust noled in Jot i..n a : ompelled t . alter by sireso uf r unavollable a. cident ur by tbe 11. - i riic lr 1. i tf.e w . . . t the f I by the nth i f n.pt:., f '.he Bi I at N agi Hr edl. M- .n a 1 r l J a y We-li.. s to y. ndav I nda v t ji.r: a 1 all I - ' - a li. kels I are to N i lass S'.' U' 1 are p. lit 1st . lass, c ' 'rare t . '. e t . ' 1 a s '. i 'I all' lo .V 1). Ships l.-t U W 1 11, V rk a I. I lass s; a- ..rk 1 ..re I. rim I Nt .t.t i to N. ,'d ' lass I are t ! , ki ! li u.;;! 1 B I B I. Is an 1 slat. . 1. ' -1 1 1 :l t . ew 1 . 1 h N . e on I lira . harge fol k i..i ii,. 11 till, lb ly W A 1. 1 ' A .1' ! J iwtf Sale & Livery Stables. 1 M 1 iih i, 1 I I V II A I In 1 M ss ' e 1 1 in 1 l 1 1 N 1 Ml I I - s 1 1 I u- 1 1 1(11 (IK IIOHM s hiiiI 11 I.K.S. A s.. 11 I'lXK. 1,(11 (IK III I.I.IKV iiikI II V II N KS.S. o H A I I Ml- A. pu ,, 1 A K I 1 1 M. HAHN & CO. Iiht I il W -111 Poor House Farm For Rent. 1 Tl I- I B. . 1:0 C. .1 M C M ill - ! N 1 1 1 us . N . ( ' . -.. g '.c The II ndcrslgliel will a' the 1! ,is in Newbern. . 11 M..n..iv pi let ill. ! to thl only. ( ravi --7, 11 r 12 .clink, M , 1 . 1. 1 higlii-sl I . Ider f or the y ear ! the Boor House 1 arm. situated 111 11 county, Neut-e road, about one mile from Newbern. Tl e rental agr ! te and securit v . upon to tie secured by 11 to be approved hv the sinners. Board of ( ' .minis By order f the Board 1 KI. M , dwl I k For Sale, Till; (JASTUN HOI'SB. situal. 1 , 1, South 1 nt street. New Bet n... N I ' a brick building, tliree stories high with (( Mar and attic, front dred and twenty 12.1 feet Hi. hull depth of lot two liunilre.l and live 2U, leetto water's edge thence to channel of Trent river. Contains forty nino 12 sleeping rooms, besides- parlor, front and rear otlices, dining r.xiru. reception room, bar-room, billiard room barber shop, kitchen and out -houses. Terms One-third cash . balance 111 '. . 2 and -i vears. JOHN HClfHKS. JAMBS B. 11 1 111 1 1 hu'i dim Kxecutors Reopened Willis, Edwards & Co. Llave reopened the New Berne Machine Works, and bave added Tools lo their works to do all kinds of Machine and Boiler Work at short notice. They have also added a foundry lo their works, and are prepared to do the best of Brass and Iron Casting, House Plumbing a specialty. If you want good work p;ive us a call. All work guaranteed and done at prices to suit tbe times. jyll wly Administrator's Notice- Having duly qualified as administra tor of A. Hahn, deceased, before the Clerk of the Superior Court of Craven county, all persons indebted to the said estate will make payment of the sime to me, and all persons holding claims against said estate will present their bills, with proof of the same, within twelve months from this date, or this notice will be pleaded in bar thereof. July 23d, 1887. CHARLES EEIZENSTEIN, Administrator A. Uabn. SiMHOKS & Marly, Attys. w5w Fine Art. Mi ll! 1 L will take in CH A YON i.iil small 1 ) N s I J TINi. afur dwtf School Notice. - 1 1. f 1 A 'l l.ik. .1' H J''M- ll.f le- . pi I ''l I Mil ..1 , pe-u her f pupils, '..'Iti Bupilrt en prepareet , 1 es a'd td .1 I. tb Notice to Merchants ! !S,;VbK Dreiyagt iu '.viler from ):iv 1 0 .!' IV Ferdinand Ulrich, Hazard Powder Go. hlkni:. N. v. TRY I j c w o l o r , Watches, Diamonds, Fine .Jewelry, Etc. : dw.lm J Turnip, Rutabaga . 1 1 -. t B M . I 1 I I'l, join: II. CPwABTREE ,V CO. i:.(:ini.' KKoi, I'll 1111(1 am! M.11 lu u in t s. i'y :S:.2 AND KACBi Sl'PPLlES. ..Ilrn. Mn. I.lnr. It .. I I ,! . . , . I I in . W 'III I.. I .1.11, .V. BONES WANTED. V. .- ,;i g.,. ti,,. HldllBsT MAR. Kl.l 1KB I f 1 lioSI s delivered to us al our fact- rv 1.11 l.i-t 1 roi.t street 111 New B. rr.e jvU'lf I 1! A .; . M ! DOYS :ces CcnD'y. State cf N::th Ci-:l;ii 1 1 1 ...-. rl ,,,,, lK''l ,.T1 ISII.IM 'IK HI.l1 1 hat V "II f next terni .f II, e sai'l J,.iip 1 1 n fin lit cr u n 1 v Isl Mi.n.liy In s cr . .. ilmur s a'- e nairie.l -II l ! I, I ', M - -. A ; I 1. Willi UT It 01.01, Janrii Co, I 1 k sinj New Berne High School 1 iN MONDAY. SI BTKMBKH 19th, lss7, the undersigned will op?n a High School in the New Berne Academy building. Thorough instruction given in the English branches. In Latin, (ireek and Mathematics, students prepared for col lege. Special instruction may be had in French. German. Spanish, Book keeping etc. They intend to have in the Literary Department for young ladies tbe assist ance of a thoroughly .jualified lady . teacher. The Department of Drawing and Painting will be efficiently filled by Miss Nannie Robert. The services of a lady teacher of Music wiliibe secured in due time. For terms, tuition, etc.. apply to Geo. W. Nkal, A.M., Principal. 1 . Jakes Thomas, A.B., Associate Prin. . raVdwtd

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