THE jouenal; COMMERCIAL. ' ' thovld read BRADSTKEET'S, A WSBKLT JOUKVAL 01 Tilde, Fkmce and Public Economy. 4 . Sixteen Pace Krery Saturday, i OflCBUmt Twenty Pagea. Bouieluues Twenty our entsea. K1VK 1XJLLAKH A KAK. ' . The foremoal purpose of BKALisTKhtT s la to be ol practical service lo OutluetJ. men. lie apaalal trade and industrial reporta and lie ayuopaa of receul legal dec-usioiiiare ei eeedlnsiT valuable. A coumifclal Iranc eUooia, in Ihe wider mw, are cowing lo be mora and more conducted on a tuitisileal . baalethe Information ooniaitird m BKAU Bt'lKEKT'Sj U OX Uie first Importance luuli. The general boslneas situation iiirougtioui the United Statea and Xanadu ; reported l telegraph to BiadnreH i. lo ur i,-ui o pubUeauou. SINGLE COHtf? U. l r.MS THE HllADSTUKKT CO,, 57'.', 261, J3 11 h A r l a I, end lor Sample Copy, ."wsw .Yukk I 1 1 urnicorrs immm lippincotts Jcads tall other Mjjnca Ja Tevks of I" u liuu A New Departure jocm ol Intercut yieawtn. Shun Stories Interesting M is elUny 25 CtS. Jfottt of tViflrra ' MARLY COKe Ielctun3 Orignul ( onti iSuijOiis fraiT 1M eVAlM lbSI3 X"-'PKS l'f l,,t ,l! ' s Ycr"s" ' ,f " A Complete New Novel ' S -lK -; 1 Mc 1 Calving ahbr.ry of 12 ucw nd r - wnt. tM 15 ou to jUb.ou auimally , 1 1 fc i of 5 ceou per month Subv 1 ii n. f - cly Swncs by John HuUxiio. ri-mr- H ? 1. r'.-t Mat, Jiiluu. H.twitu.M.r I v 1 w - WlU appear Hi 11 1 iiin Clrculavn, giving deUiU, m u.iit ; ui. . ; .1', n J. B. L1PP1NCCHT COMPANY 715 and 717 kei bt , Pt-.ljcii i.ia Scrilmer's Magazine rri:i.isni:i ! miii . WITH ILLUSTRATIONS Firit Avicr lit aii ! tiithi ScribDer'e Maaniie wil widest teuge a inkg&ziiic !x ui tli f (.'cucral literature, and each Dumber will in fullj illustralt'ii. Some of the most nolaiile api rs ! ppe&r during the first yrar arc a n Ties of UnpubliBhed Letlers of Thack eray of very preat auU)bif.'rarbieal value; ei-Miinster I'.. H. Va.-b burne's Iteuiiumceucrx of ilie n and Commune of I'ar. ( i ! iiiim ai the Diaries of (i ou ei m u r Morris, Minister to l'Vancc at the elor- of tl, last century imng ili icrij tmiif of Boeial life aixl eharaetrr at the tnm i: a collection (jf eoiiteiM'orarv b lterh describing Karl' N w rk m, I S, w England Sock t . ThJre 1a much rjn 1 . i , i ti., m eluding a cenal by llarol l 1 ' r 1 r n . stories extendinc tl.rouph m m ra! numbers by II ('. Hunin r, ,1. S. el Dale, and ollicri- . ainllioi! Koro shv R. L. Stevenson, ,)oel ('handier liar lis, T. A. Janvier, M i.h.i J i ett. ( . tave Thanet, II. II. 1 v - n . ,Miv. Crosby, and a hot of othe; . Notable special paer to hi ub nhed very early are (in. era! I . A. talker's on Soeialini.: lr. 'M!lian. Qayes M'ard'H on Kabyloinaii ('hn ders; Mr. John ('. Kopet-' on the I'or traits of Caesar; Captain (ineiie'ti on Coast Defence, etc., etc Scribncr'a Magazine will be pub Wished at $3.00 a year, or L'.i i entf a Xpy. Subscriptions u.ay l ( n i.l to any newsdealer or bookseller, or to C1JAKLKH SriilHNKK'S SONS, 1'ublisher. 743 and 74." Hroadway, N orU JAMES REDMOND, Tho Bergner & Engel Brewing Company's Lager Beer, Porter, &c t I KEEP ON HAND A FULL LINE wnicn win d aoia Dy me Barrel or uauon at vtuix lvw 0!nf er AJe equal to Beet Imported.Jand superior to any procnrableln 1837. ; THE SUN: .1887. A. S. Awsll & Co., PublUhers, BaliImoke. The Fuptr For The I'tople. On the 17th of May, 1S87, the Bal timore Sun will celebrate its fiftieth anniversary From the earliest period of its career the Sun has been a "household word" in the homes of its subscribers, and a synonym for accu racy of statement, fair deuling, promptness, energy and enterprise in the collection of news. It is noted throughout the country tor the inde pendence, conservatism and thought fulness of its editorial utterances. There is probably no newspaper in the I "nited States whne opinion ear rn s more weight or whose influence is more widely extended than the Bull's, a fact upon which it may justh pride i tt 1 f a.- the legitimate result of painstaking care '.n the preparation of all matur admitted to it.- columns. The Sun's facilities lor collecting news from all .jllarters ot the globe arc ting constantly extended and im pr. vrJ, and new featuret- art added without regard to xt use a the o. . aM"L demands. '1 he Baltimore Wckly Sun has . i.g . . upied an em table position as :i e J. I family newspaper, containing i.. '. . i ; ! v the news of the world and a ..!.- I literary matter and miscil .iitoou- leading for the family circle. featun - if reeoi'ti 1 ..I 110' I.t udmg .it which ts'-T: Him .ir tn . f Well 10 people ii.meieiul. hi r k. t and s!. f to j,l I -u!-enpto a-h in ad vane 11 tiol.s III th. ti on (or lull eattle. ii. th. houl , it- i t.. I U.' 1 ( 'an 1 Slh! da id. t hie f II I Six n.oiiths I'our in "i. 1 1 Three 1 H lliont !, I., l.uro, . . tn. It :i -, '. ' A - an ad .Mi. ; mi , 'j (in . II I (Ml and 'I d r . Tw.. ( i il.. i ks ...nth. i i u in its rt:ei. . . . nU. pi r I crtlMi.g mi value 1 1 s of . eur.-e. in prop !!, He i. . e ir e u iat ion ddr.s- A I'.KI. S CO.. I Imi. I'.uil I !a 1 1 1 in i ublish lings, re. Md 1 1 j o v . X OO 7. The Baltimort! Weekly Sun. r ii . a r la I I y . as I. in Ivanee in th' -t: e f 1 1 e t o all Ml I. her 1 to 'inted States and ( 'anada )ne dollar a . . p for t wel llO'Iltl I 'n in : ii in ( 'pie- ! . g i 1 1 . rs up ol 1..I.S I r th. Hal!;:... i. . . kiv Sun . . ('.!- !?.". i'0 W ill. a: . T a i W , k'v vl i .. -W ,th an 1(1. nil eeklv I til' Mil y of oil. '1.1 th. copy , Sun 'io Near. 1 a i ! v Sun thr. It' n C" o - . With a i. i x r a S:.!l l.e ear. I la..v S;i:. six i,d 1 1 ." I the w . :.t I ... .. - . .r'J( .(Mi Weekly y of tin W .tv an i I'.ra Sun . i.e i ar, 1 the l.e "., md in" Ilai Sun t.m Thirtv With Sun :, '' y W to 1 ,....lll id Od tin Weekly ,'y Sun t ra i "p i : .'. ' uni,:, inontl 'l.'J. tw.l N . v NEWBERN. N. C, WHOLESALE AND IN CONNECTION WITH THE AGENCY FOE WIIIES AND LIQUORS AT WHOLESALE, PATAFSCO FLOURING LULLS , 1 TT-g3T ABU8HED ..1 TT. PATAPSCO SUPERLATIVE PATENT Tie Premier Flonr af America. Toll FLODB baa Ions been conceded to ba aparter to Any Otner t Country All the Beat Brands of American Flour are sold ou European market, where the "Patapsco Superlative" Le&db aud commands decidedly more money because it makes the WHITEST. SWEETEST AND MOST M TXITIOUS BREAD. Aaa your Grocer lor it ; also for PATAPSCO FAMILY. PATAPSCO KITHA . BEDFORD FAMILY BALDWIN FAlnil.Y C. A. GAMBRILl MANUF'G CO, 214 COMMERCE ST., BALTO.. MD. IIKPHEiKNTED BY E. K. BISHOP, jnnlOdtwn N Iff BEBNE, N. C. RED LIGHT SALOON, Near Market Dock, Middle St, NEW BEBNE, N. C. 1H WHEHK YOl' CAS ALWAVM KIND PURE LIQUORS Of every cj nun tit its variety, in large or small Aloo the FINEHTURADEK of TOBACCO AND CIGARS. All of which will be sold CHEAP FOR CASH ! J .ii-. !' IiiNKlNs. Salesman. K WHITMAN, !. . .' J J'ronrielor. , 1 ) J. I). CLARK N C WIIHI. a . c. I orllct )n C'ratcD ttreel. between Pollock ! L.I ot..- vrl . A w y K I" 1 A N I Green, Foy & Co., BANKERS and Commission Merchants, s.iTii Front Ptukkt, (eJwlv NEW HEKNE, N. ('. The Wilmington Star. H11M I I MIX IN I'll 1 1 I III .111 It'll I" 'f huntH-rlj.t 1. t hp foi lo w inn ri . 1 1 U, l-aiill In hilVHMec THK DAI I.t MAIL ' 'nr V.Br Mil M oil! I.M I M. e M..II I II,. M- 1. 1 l 1 1 e I M. 1 II 1 U llhll T It M !,c i. M'.mi.i an iiur 'I elt'HiHptl NewH b.tv1c linn lee.-iilly '..-ii 1h i tfel y 1 iiereiie.l ami 1 1 im on i del-1 m I - nilli. ti l.i kft'. 1 lie HTAK lip lo lilt, tlitllo'lil lnii.litl.l f new t)iit I i. .'in-nee. A. Mn W M II 111 KNAIUl W 1 1 III 1 II kttoIL. I' i 11 U 7 . $4.50 IOOV a Year The Daily Whig, nil I'm A1T.ST DAILY THE SI tl'Tll. r,rj:K in THE WEEKLY 75 Cents a Year, 1 lie I'l fl. .i M Vi'eek 1 I'll pel 1' u lin s In .1 SUNDAY ISSDE and WEEKLY EDITION I . : :. f. : ..i.e .i . nr. C.r $ 1 50. ib m r HD'l bflier than h 'ti iie lml )ku and 1'in.H tBs ihHii any n-inl- .-Mil we . hi. r t-fh I I'H'H 1 h n v i l l it 1 wt) weeks n rid week ly one inuiiih 1 ff. -nd one rent fr a pcwlal card nd i.rdrr one ' Ihe illiei on triaj. d.lntiM I ilf WUlvi. Kirhm n 1, Vat . LIQUOR DEALER MANfFxTTURER OF Ginger Ale, Sarsaparilla Lemon Soda.' Buffalo Mead California Pear Cide Etc., Etc. BOTTLING ll OF tlUUEEij for OA81T, Forth Carolina. Arrival and Departure Kails MAIL CLOSES. For North. West and South. 'via A. & N. C. B. B. at8.00 a.m. For Beaufort and the East, at 7:00 p.m. For Washington, Swift Creek, Hydeand Beaufort Counties Mondays. Wednes days, and Fridays at 6:00 a. m. For Trenton, PolloksTille and Mays ville, daily at 7 :30 a. m. For Urantsboro, bayboroani Van demere. daily at 6 a. m. OFFICE HOUBS: In Money Order and Registered Let ter Department, from Sa.m. lo 4 p. .in. In Mailing Department from V a. m. to 5 d. m. Office open constantly between these hours except when mails are being dis tributed or sent. Fairly sU-adv. was the term used to de he character of a youDg not long; ago, concerning This scribe man, wnose couaiict in u certain matter gravt vd. fcuspicous were eutertaiu- " lie is regarded as fairly steady reads tbe rejKirt on Ins standing in the community. How that adverb "fairly '' must have sniilieii upon that voung man'ri heart.' Only fairly steady. What leeway that left for the growth of suspicion mto certainty, w hat loophole (or the entrance of distrust into the hearts of those to whom he had to look lor exonera tion. ('harder, like a chain, needs to he carefully wrought in every pail, lor it is no stronger than its weak est point, and when the test comen, onh its all round perfection enables (lie whole sinnttiie to escape overth.ow. A WAItMNii In (ilKI.S Young lady, w ill you accept the protect ion of my umbrella?" This1 is what a young man said to a girl i eighteen years ol age, whom lie met' in the street one rainy night lately, j She accepted his escort, and when they parted an episode happened which drought them both to the Tombs Police Court the next morn iug. She claimed that in shaking hands in parting he took her gold ring, valued at '(,"(, from her lin ger. He says that t he riug dropped oil her finger and was lost in the darknesus. lie was held in ? 1.000 bail. Evening Telegram. This shows how dangerous it is lor girls to accept the attentions of unknown young men. The only safe rule is for a girl never to have anything to do with a stranger until lie has been properly intro dueed to her. N. Y. Ledger. Parental Aiithoi lh There is one thing 1 wish to speak of, and that is in regard to inter fering between a parent's authority and the chud. How olten have 1 1 seen a child crying lor something L, y, , . . ti.e saw to deny it, Great Book ol the Century ! when Sflllie One present would SilV, I The JIo,t Magnificent yet announced "Oh. do let the child have it," alid I entitled the mother would yield ralherjTho Battles and Leaders of than oll'i'iid the friend. 'The next j the Civil War. time company came the child was ready to try the same experiment, and soon it understood that when copany was present it could do as it pleased, and the same visitors that helped break the mother's anthori ty will s.iy they do not like to go theie. I. r the children behave so '.1(11 V. Thk luiiiidat ion of domestic if faith in the virtue of woman. The foundation of pol tical happinesN is faith in the integrity ol man. The foundation of all happiness, temporal and eternal, is faith in the goodness, the niere.v, and the love of God. A Noting physician asking per mission of a lass to kiss her, she re plied: "No, sir; 1 never like a doc tor's bill stuck in my face." A defaulter, on having his trauos exposed, commited suicide, and tho verdict of the coroner's jury was: "Died from exposure-" A Gift for All. In order to give all a chance to test it, and thus be convinced of its wonderful curative powers. Dr. King's New Dis covery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds will be, for a limited time, given away. This offer is not only liberal, but shows unbounded faith in the mer its of this great remedy. All who suf fer from Coughs. Colds, Consumption, Asthma, Bronchitis, or any affection of Tbroat, Cbesi or Lungg. are especially requested to call at R. N. Duffy's drug store and get a trial bottle free. Large bottles. Si F0R BARGAINS IN Furniture, CALL AT THE New Berne Furniture Store, WEST SIDE MIDDLE STREET,! Wb re it can be found in great variety, furniture not in stock will be ordered at a small per cent abovo cost. A liberal share of public patronage solicited. J. IL BINES, , , Manager. DOnEBflO B1BKCT. TtTRTKirrcn Hard, $1.00; dip, 81.90. Ta 76o.a$1.85. OaT8 40a50c. in bulk., ' Ookn 55a65o. BEXSWAI 20 i . per lb. Bur On foot, 8c to 6c. Oountby HaM3 10al2ic. por ib. ' Lard 10c. per lb I ECW6 121c per dorea Fkish Poiix 4ia6c. wi imuuJ PcASaTS 81 25aSl 50 per Luchei. KoDDEB 75c.a8l.C(.' per hue ired. Onions 80o. per huehl i Ohiokxkb Grown. 45i60c. ; pring 40o. MbaL 70c. per bushel. Apples Prime. &0o per bushel i Irish PoTATOss-l'rime. $ &u per Ibbl.; culls Si CO. I Potato Bahamas. 30c ; ysins. 50c. Harrison. 65c. Wool 14y23c. per oound. SHINGLES West India, dull and n jui inal;not wanted. Building 5 inch hearts. S.00:saos.Sl."S ver hi WHOLES A LB PBICKfc Nw Mkss Pobk JIT 50 Pork New family, JM (K' Jowls New family. 5 Bhocldkk Meat 7c. C. B.'a. F. B'a. B.'s and !. C-U Floub $8.00a6.00. LaBD 7o. by the tierce. Nails Baeu'lO'e,S2 75. 8u0aB OraDulated, Cjc OorrKE 25a30c. Cheksk 15. Salt 80a5c. per rm v . UOLABSE8 ANDMVlirPS a0B(W . POWDEB 88 00 Hhot Drop, 81.75 buck, 82 00 Kerobenr- 8jc. HlDRS Drv 10c. pre.-r, T allow 5c. ler lb First-Glass Buggies M40I! ANIi Kl'lT I'l'N'STANT I V ON II AM) AT T. RANDOLPH S CARRIAGE FACTORY, JiKOAD ST.. NhW IilllM". N (' Thoue lohiL lo pui chase ill tiioi it to their advantage in call ami laniine before ptirehaHing elnewhere. RKI'AIRINU done ut short in tiee. HallsfiU't i hi cuiirai.toeil m work aiul pri 'es. a; 1 y d t f ALEX. JUSTICE. I'l A I i: Fine Flour ol all tirades. Selected Teas, Pure Coffees and Spices, Butter and Cheese, from the beat dairies. The Largest ana Heat helerl-d Mnefe CANNKD FH I ITS AND VEUKTAIIL ever before hroiiKtil lo New Heme, Alai, a full variety of otlier k(hIi. usua' kept In a Klrt-CI Htore (.k1h ilellveie.t at any purl of i:. e f I t-e of i n ii rut- 1 KHMH CASH Broad St New lleroe, N niurV? (1 wl f THK d islingu ished men who took leading parte on either side are writing it iO of the eminent artists in this country are contributing over H'OO of tho linost illustrations in the world. There will be more than 3000 paes printed on the best paper. It will be the first published in parts, bringing it within the means of every man in the country, and afterwards in volumes. It is-now ready for delivery in parts. H is si, Id on subscription, and has al ready reached a phenomenal sale. Agents who want territory should apply at onen to V. F. MORSE. 0J4 KSt.. Washington. D. C . d'-'wlt (ieneral Agent for the Slate. J. J. TOLSON, Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Choice Groceries and Provisions, Dry Goods, Boots aud Shoes nROAD STREET, NEW DERNE, N. C. Sir Goods guaranted as represented OCl9d8t wtf BEAUTIFULLY ILLUSTRATED. This Hacazine portrays Ameri can tfcovckt Bad life from oceaa to oceaa, it filled witk pare hie b-claas literature, mi 4 eaa be aafrly wel. corned ia aay faaaily circle. FUCt age, tl 99 A TiAl IT MAIU tamplt Copt tf tmrmt aawtep nalM vpm r ( a U alar ana mmtert, it ett. Praeataa Uat wits either, ' MeVaatr S. T. E7SS SOK, fftUliWt, 130 133 Pearl 8U,N.T. Jw. I KlilP'illi'll .ii MMMjaa ,a. .4 NEW HOKE SEWING MACHIlJE &DKEMS.I crt,cso - 3o UNION SQUARE, NX- DALLAS, J st Looi 5. mo. . I r JJm m 'A 5AnAnaecox The Daily Graphic Is the Favorite Home Journal of Hi fined American Families Every where, and the only Daily Illustrated Newspaper pu hshed m the World. It Circulates in Every Stat? and Ter rirory of the I'nion. It may be found on news stands in every large city. 'The vast body of its subscribers are Wealth and I 'ulture. I tail y j i.b!i-!n d in New o r k I 1 1 y has so 1 :i i g a Mail ( in ulat i"ii. The Weekly Graphic Tin re i hardly a l'ostoflii'o in m I 'nited States where at least a few copies are hot received each m i ek by subscribers. It embraces the Best Feature fo The Daily Graphic, pictorial and lit erary, for the preceding nil days. It is the largest first class Illustrated Weekly issued, is sold for half the price of its rivals, contains the latest news and market report, and is ao ()uiriu a phenomenal circulation. THERE IS NO BETTER Medium for Advertising rom time to time wc issue Speeial Editions illustrating the industries and business opportunities of cities( towns and localities throughout the country. At present we are preparing a Calilornia Edition of 1 00,4100 copies. Aeonts Miiiit.d to canvass for sub scriptions in i wry part of the world. t" mIiovi :, hup commission will be pall. S nd f. r v inple copy. 1 '.er information The American Graphic Co., il Park I'lacc, N. V. THE COMMON SENSE force runi rv n. -. iw, va. aad a. o, m via b ( , ' y j 1 1 CHARLES G.BLATCHLEY KWUWCTURER WtZZ rVsf 0r mm K. Or Hdi HTn- f 1 11. j no r tn e- f 1 J t7 FFf 1 e5 if? KHOft&S I ,ri" f elf fc vih xh 1 lll SUlrv- WWi 3S1 If V J 1 t Jt t mam awu On. Brad St, tow F. K j