1-; " :V "' ' "-'.'rV. ; ;;-' .'-. ' : - Journal'" mm m - v a r mm .mm . mm wm mmt mmm m mam :YOL. VL-NO. 129. NEW BERNE. N. C., WEDNESDAY. AUGUST 1887. PRICE 5 CENTS; LOCAL NEWS. Fa arm 1 VlilMiM Alamaaaa. Mew Berae.Utltode, ' VP ' North. .- loBgitads, TT 8 Wert. umries.56l Length of day, un sets, 6:4 f 13 hours, 8 minuum. ooa lets at 843 a. m. BUSINESS LOCALS. PUBIS Grape Brandy and Wine from tbl.". Wharton J. GreeB'e Tokav Vineyard, for tale at MsDufucturer's price by James kedmokd. CXOOKKD CORNED BEEK, DEV J Hed Ham, L'jbeters. Sir dines, etc C. E. Blovxb. 4 FULL Line of Cigars at wholesale XX ty James Kkdmond. STATIONERY at cost by the package cash accompanying order a few reams of legal cap by a0 lw.l R N Dwn. 13UBE Liqaon and Wine for Medici nal and other uses, at wholesale. James Redmond. 1) ARTIES wishing their beds reno s- Tated will do well to attend to it at otca, as I expect to remain here only a abort while longer. Mb A. E. Pabsons will call on you and take your orders. 2t. Jos O. Harvey. REDMOND'S Ginger Ale. Lemon Soda, etc., equal to imported. James Redmond. 1) ARIS GREEN and poison distribu tors for the oolton worms at Qbo. Allen & Co. 1 ARBEIT'S Medoc Vineyard Cognao V I and Wines for sale, at Manufactu rer's prices, by James Redmond. OLD PAPERS in aDy quantity for sale at this office. BROWN "8 GEORGIA COTTON GINS, with Self Feeder and Condenser. All of the latest and most approved pat terns. Geo. Allen A Co. We have a railroad coniuiuriicaiion which will appear tomorrow. Ms j. Palmer gives a verse on Tumuli's punch. He is somewhat of a poet Tue usual supply of fresh mullets hate uot yet appeared ii the New Heme market. WtMU A Edrards are progressing finely on the huge boiler for Mr. Killey E. Terry's steamboat. A large boiler for Terry's mill at Bulla, Carteret county, la on the Neuse and Treat Company's whaif ensiling shipment. The oool weather will w arn our citi zen! who are summering it abroad that the lime for packing up for the return trip U drawing nigh. Number 4 on green manuring appears today. These articles are short and to the point and are well worth the con sideration of all farmers. Col. Geo. I. Nowitzky is working up New Berne for his forthcoming book and we are pleased to see that be is meeting with much success. Prayer meeting this Wednesday eve ning at 8 p.m.. Love Feast Friday eve ning at 8 p.m., at Second AdveDtist Hall, South FroDt street 8 doors from Metcalf. The board of city council was in special session last night to consider a proposition from Mr. Harlan P. Christie, Of tits Fabric Fire Hose Co., N. Y., to furnish hose for the fire department. A Contract was closed for fifteen hundred feet of hose. Personal. W'W. M. Watson, Esq., and family re tarded last night from Clereland Springs Sad other points in the Western part of the State. Xarthquak.es. Tonight is the anniversary of the great earthquake of 1886. Apparently as a reminder of this great event slight shocks' have been felt in Charleston, SaaunerrUle, Augusta and Wilmington, joss as they occurred last year before the tie shook. . It is remarkable that these Slight shocks hsrs been felt just the same' on saber of dsys before the Bight of the It Of August that they were last ysari bet we do not deem this ooinclde&os'of sufficient importance to fear's repetition of the treat shake up f AfastSlsti8S - Ths o. r. i,v. s. a. .-, C' F. ft "ft V. trains now ran regnlar ; , ly to Daitoa, which Is within foar miles , ' et Pilot mountain They speak of burn- ;. Ing barrels of tsr and .rosin from the pinnacle jdI o)d Pilot when the road , '' rw r that point..-Might H not be ; ealiei a high o4 UlnminatioA if the natives are not Informed beforehand el , . this new method of light in that eeetfoa they intgbt .eonclade thai they were .'return ahead of. Bald mountain and . hs'trg a volcano Vithoot any premoni tory low Uinv ummgtoai Btar. i ' - ' ' And when the A. ft N. C and the C , T.AY.y, are ander one mtbagsment and the gap filled between Qoldiboro and Ban ford, we will bum a barrel of taf in New Berne, sail down lbs Kens . wili oor fieetof steambeata, go to More- bead City sal gtre the Atlantio Hotel a ftvi litilng up. Then will the moon t-'- sal the w come together, . - Correction. x There was an error in the announce ment of the movements of the steamer Pamlico of the O. D. Line yesterday. She leaves here on Fridsy at 12 m. and not today as stated. The schedule pub lished elsewhere gives the dsys and hours of sailing. Steamer Movement. The Trent of the N. & T. Line leaves this morning at 8 o'clock for Trenton with a cargo of merchandise. The Margie of the Hyde Line leaves this id urn Id g at 7 o'clock for Baj boro with a cargo of merchandise. The Vesper of the E C. D. Line will sail at 4 o'clock this afternoon. The Eaglet will arrive tomorrow morning. The Pamlico of the O.D. Line arrived last night with a cargo of merchandise and will sail at 'i m Friday for Nor folk Jail Recruits. Craven street hotel bas received three new gueet this week. The following have been committed in default of bail for their appearance at the next term of the Superior Court. John Williams, charged with larceny, committed by justice Win. G. Brinson. Furney Hawkins, charged with per jury, committed by Justice J W Elias A niaugea. charged with bas tardy, committed by Justice W. H. Ellison. Total number now accommodated at tha hotel, fourteen. La Orange Items The weallu-r feels fall like Saturday was a rainy day. Rev. Mr. Hires preached lit re Sunday and Sunday nigbl. A T. Kennedy complains of the army worm in bis cotton, lie is using Paris greeu for their destruction. Rev. Mr. Rose left for Kidgeway, the borne of his parents, Monday, lie will be absent for some two weeks. The youngest child of D. M. Stanton died in our place Sunday evening. We sympathize with Mr. and Mrs. Stanton in their bereavement. We discover a livelier appearance in our town. The opening of the schools and the anticipated early arrival of cot ton is waking up things a little L C. I , fall term, opened Monday with over seventy students, the best be ginning for several years. All the teachers were present, and soon work will begin in earnest. R. B. Kinsey was North buying bis fall goods last week. Octavus Taylor. Simeon Wooten, Shade Wooten, K. E. Biszell and R. M . Harper are off on the same business this week. We notice that some of the Davis ca dets are already in town and that Kin sey 's girls are coming in. These schools open this week and it is ei pec ted that the attendance will be large. So mote it be, The first bale of new cotton, this sea son, was sold in our place last Friday the 28th inst., by J. T. & J. W. Alder idge. The purchaser was Taylor & Britt and the price paid was 10 cents. Two trips in the country last week. and a look at several farms was quite a recreation to an old countryman. We saw nothing to change our previous ex pressed opinion in regard to the crops. Anniversary Earthquake Shocks. Charleston, S. 0., Aug. 88. Some alarm was caused here by two shocks of earthquake, one near midnight and an other at five yesterday morning. The shakes were very distinct in Bummer- ville, but only slight in Charleston. The alarm is not caused by the violence of the shake, but from ths singalar coincidence that today is the anniver sary of the preliminary shock which preceded the disastrous earthquake of August 81 last. The fact that the shakes should have occurred on the same day of the yesr, and almost st the same hour, csuses some alarm among ths timid, although it is hardly possible that last year's sieamio program could be duplicated . The shake at Summer- field is described as the severest expe rienced there in' six months. Tbers was no rumbling sound to be hesid, but the tremor was very pronounced. A Qnske is Mexico. City or Mexico via Gaxvtsston, Aug. 29. A brisk earthquake shock was ex perienced here about 7 o'clock this morning, agitating houses and making the people ditxv. In some streets tbe people ran oat of their bouses and fell on their knees praying. Tbe shook was not severe and was most felt in the outlying portions of the city. Mr. 'Thomas B. Conn cry secre tary of the United States legation, noted the shock at 9AS o'clock, and about the same time It wis felt sharply at Castle Chepulfepeo, where President Diss and his fsmily are re siding. Early morning riders on the Paseo de la Beforma noted the shook as lasting' some thirty seconds. The friends of Znntga, who predicted the shock for tbe 10th of this month, now claim that their prophet was not alto tether destitute of knowledge of ths coming earthquake. The weather is warm and tbe atmosphere humid. --r1:'AvicKHOTHsm, Mm. WnreuwB BooTHwa Btktj should always . be used for children teethingl . It soothes the child, softens the rums, allays nil eain. cures wind colic, and is the best remedy for Jdiar- ncsa, Tweoty-flve cents a bottle. .. 1 marl7dtntheatwly . , - Kinston Items. The new steamer Howard, with Nick Jones commander and J. J. Lassitet, engineer, has made her first trip to our town. She is a neat, well built, daisy little craft, and was much admired by all who visited her. She left on Monday for New Berne. Leon Albritton has returned from his trip to Norfolk, Washington, D C. and other points North. He says the Wash ington correspondent of the Baltimore Sun somewhat exaggerated in reporting the amount of money he was robbed of. He was robbed, but not of so much as 1100. He further says that if the news paper correspondents undertake to give all the crimes and casualties of Wash ington they would till all the news papers in Baltimore. He seems quite satisfied with his experiencee in the navy and is content to remain on land. The Superior Court is still in session hammering away at the civil docket The first week was taken up in tbe trial of State oases. Tbe following were disposed of: bute vs. I.lfajeUe Reynolds, carry ing concealed weapons. Submits. judgment suspended on piyuienl o( cost. Slate vs W. J. Murphrey, A. AH. Submit. Fine 30 00 and imprisoned live months in county jail, tbe com missioners authorized to hire out Slate vs. Isaac Taylor, allow ing w.o oner to eei ape. Not guihy. State vs. J. r. Stroud, A. & li. Hub mits; judgment suspended on payment of cost. State vs K W. Moore and Robert Joyner, affray, (iullly. Moore, lined 9-0 00 and cost. Joyner five months lu county jail, commissioners authorized to hire out. State vs. Warren Kiliiatrii k .( 'buries Daly and Elislia Daly. A. X H l-ub- mils; judgment suspended on psviutnt of cost. Slate vs. V. 1) Wigi-. A. & H Sub mils; judgment suspended on payrxieut of cost. Slaters. I-awis Waters, L. & H liuiliy. four years in penitentiary. State vs. Amencus Itecton, A A: H Guilty, fine (20 00 and cost. State vs. Thomas Ivans and Ann Mur phy, F. & A. Guilty; six months in county jail , oomrnie loners aulhori.mi to hire out. State vs. lalvin Miller, A. & H Sub mi In judgment suspended on pnvmeDt of cost. State vs. W. T. OasUi. A. A ll Sub mils; judgment suspended on payment of eosl. State vs. Barbara Ralchlf, lii-nnic RadclirT and Hannah Moye. affray. Barbara RadclifT and Hannah Moye sub mits. Not pros as to Iiennie Radclitf. State vs. Handy Mosley, L. ,1 li. Guilty; five years in penitentiary State vs. W. t. House, A. & H. Sub mits; judgment suspended op payment of cost. State vs. George Jenkins alias George Henderson, larceny. Heads guilty ten years in penitentiary. Stale vs. George Cox and Jane t'n , 1. & R. Not guilty. State vs. John Grimes, forcible tres pass. Submits; fine 81 00 and costs and six months in county jail, commis sioners authorized to hire out. Slate and Bertha Hargett vs Horace Green, ban tardy. Guilty; pays aline and gives bond for maintenance. State vs. Joseph Jones, cruelty to am mals. Submits; fine 81. 00 and cost and twelve months in county jail, commis sioners authorized to hire out. Stats vs. Jacob Davis and Stephen Davis, forcible trespass. Mistrial, par tiee bound over to next term. State vs. Slant Kennedy and Stephen Herring, alfray. Kennedy submits. Herring, guilty; fine 83 00 each and cost. Slate vs. Jane Rich, I.. & H. Guilty Motion to suspend judgment continued to next term. State vs. Wm. Kinsey, larceny. In dictment charjged to injury of stock. Submits; fine five cents and cost and given twelve months in county jail, commissioners authorized to hire out. State and L. L. Rarfield vs. Richard E. Hill, Blander. This case was begun on Thursday morning and was given to the jury on Friday evening. It excited more interest than any on the State docket. The defendant had circulated reports calculated to destroy the char acter of a daughter of tbe prosecutor, and on the trial attempted to justify. lie was ably represented by U. K. Kor negay, Esq., of Kenansville, and the firm of Loftln ft Rountree of Kinston. Solicitor Allen and Jno. F. Wooten, Esq., represented the State with their usual seal and ability. A large number of witnesses were examined as to char acter and ths evidence was somewhat conflicting. Tbe jury returned a ver dict, on Saturday evening, of guilty. Hill wsi fined JfoO snd sentenced to six months in the county jail. The Coming Yacht Races. Nkw Yokx, Aug. 28. On September 5 the yachts Mayflower, Puritan and Volunteer, and possibly ths Thistle, will bs in the Kills, with their respective commanders aboard. Tbe Schuylkill nary, representing thirteen clubs, will be present in full force. Tbe yscht Mayflower will bs the judge s boat. DB't .Expertaaenf . You cannot wests time in ex peri- men ting 'when your lungs are in dan ger. Consumption always seems, st ftrst, only a cold. Do not -permit any dealer bo Impose upon you with sons cheap Imitation of Dr. King's New Dis covery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds, bat bs sure you get the genuine. Because be, can make, more profit he may tell ron he has something jnst as good, or Just the same. Don't be de ceived, but insist apon getting Dr. King's New- Disooverr, which is guar anteed to give relief in all Throat, Lung and!Cheet affections. For tale at S.N. Daffy's drugstore. ... , . u , OKEtN MAM HIMi NUMbKK 4 An examination of the agricultural statistics of the country rtieals the startling fact that tbe yield per acre in almost every portion of the United States is declmiug, instead of increasing as should be the case, li is the excep lion when over fifteen bushels of corn or two hundred pounds of lint coilon per acre is produced and the tjtal av erage of corn is not that much in thu Southern Slates. The farmer bus lu many ctses worn uu: bis farm auJ has removed south or wrc-t Ij repeal ih- op eration The improved implements for ibe iuI ture ani haretiuiK crop: enable oUe man to do w hat formerly required I vs o men. but it ho bt-cLi , f u al vantage to the Southern farmrr No c .rrtrpoiiJ ing improvement h s t t n made in tin inanayemenl of the Un 1 or in thence of the cropd produced. Thousands of a.rta i I land lu the Middle an I Southern Staler are culll valed at a loss or nuve been nban ioncd as worthless, from lmj-ropt-r untnae nieut. and the owners art- not in retir ing their wtalih A better knowledge and placti.e of the conditions under mIirIi nature nl yield larger returns and more protiluhle crops is absolutely necessary, or poverty and distress will be tbe result The question of interest ir It . el i,'l the farmer matinee bis land in or 1 r I make a generous living, sn 1 at ll.e sameliuic in. ira?t the fertility tbe soil ' Govern r Wirdou of o ti;!.i truthfully said in bis ept-eoh at Hit Inter State 1 ormers t 'on v ent ion st A I lanta: "If agriculture u, failed to ! remunerative, therein a f un d anient il mistake, a radical vvron somewhere H'hrrr ,c H .of ,- ,( 'I,, sear. I. ! r it, aud if possible to hud it . snd conquer and u prool it. is the hih duty of . i i v lover of Ins country The d ". ,,,lv will not be foil nl m your Soul In i u i o mates, seasons or toil. The teaulik. the blessings and the l unties of nature are found in no ne in r e loll . The u tii I or in 1 1 v of i ir her profu rear,. i, J the produi liveliest, of lie roil, hti 1 the i.oi.e of lis rlapUs, are perliap. with , ; u rival 1 1 ii. a land of runr i, . i,- v, ill., n l IhesulirUoke.ahd lreieli ; ,r-ol , Let Ur I, ! look f r the . jo , ! de., r bioii l:i a Uck of la i . li K i nd r i . r.r an 1 endo w inentH of na; o re 1! . - f , not lie at l.er d or .1 o, . ., N, , ,1 .; , , , ' r i'i il ii ri l'i i '' fi.C'io i' .' -' ) t- tl,. .oil. ii ,,7 ..;, () i iwiL' ' i 1 ' 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 j ' '. ! ii ' ,'. I. I h . iiIIm r ami 1 1 V A M . I ' 1 ' N A 1 1 X dicate Ihal llo- lain- di I i . I- ' I.., rt- :. ii il r . l.fc- Ihe part li a v e d on I t less and prev can w eet proved favorable lo row ill; cropr in the cor n rejj ions, although in the prin cipal corn-produi ing Slates the yield of this crop will doubtless be materially reduced, owing to the drought Id ports from the cotton regions show lhal the harvesting of that crop is in pro Kress, but lhal the y leld bar been slight ly reduced, owing to iht deficiency of rainfall. Duriiiu Ihe wc-i k the weather has been especially favorable for pasture and law planted potatoes in the Middle Atlantic Slates and in the North west HiportH from luiglnnd indicate that the weather lias been unfavorable to grow ing cropH, especially to tobacco and potatoes, owing to an i xcesr of rainfall. Krosts occurred during the week as far south as Central Mii.i.esoin but as yet have caused no material in ju ry t' i t he crops . Thro iii! Whirlpool Itap I. ill b,ml. d- Hi li a I A ug 'J1- Cha r Ir - A le i un der Perry, of Suspension Uridg", a young man 'J , years old. and by trade u wagon maker, car I iage 1 1 1 n.uie r and painter, ma lea safe trip tl.r tigl, tin whirlpool rapids ot Niagara today in a lifeboat built by himself. Ihe boat is about seventeen feet long. uli air chamber at either end, in one of which Percy made the voysge. Tho keel is weighted with 1MU pounds of iron, and bags of sand carried in the hold so that It will right itself. Though it keeled in athrealening way, the craft rode the' breakers and great waves with -nit once upeettiDg As a raindrop foretells f. rm. so does a pimplo upon the human body in dicate health destroying virus in the blood, which can he neutralise. I and expelled only by Ur. Manor's Iron Tonic. A Krightf ul .hike. M uoriTTTit Mich.. Ami? P" A mis chievous workman, named Polk, in the larffA mill At Ontirtfiirnn. vpritprrijiv placed a small garter snake upon the shoulder of a fellow-workman named MolliDs. Tbe man was busy, and the reptile made the circuit of bn neck be fore he noticed that something was wrong. Then he craned his neck and met the flishing eyes and darting tongue of the snake within two inches of bis nose, and. with a scream of horror, IKfadj nn hia hami anil f nl 1 Ln the ftmr in a dead faint. Bollins is now very low rrom the enect or tne snocx. What True Merit rllil Do. The unprecedented sale of Bturhrf German Syrup within a few years, has astonished tbe world It is without doubt tbe safest and best remedy ever discovered for the speedy and effectual cars of Coughs, Colds, and the severest Long troubles. It sets on sn entirely different principle from the usual pre scriptions given by Physicians, as it does not dry np s Cough and leave tbe disease still in tbe system, bat on the contra ry removes the cause of tbe trou ble, heals the parts affected ana leaves them in a purely healthy condition. A bottle kept in the bouse for nee when the diseases make their appearance, will are doctor Is bills aad a long spell of serions illness. A. trial will convince yon of these facts. It is positively sold by all druggists and geseral dealers to the land. . Price, 75 eta., large bottles. Beutti of Judge Samuel Hall. Atlaita, Aug. 23 Jude Samuel Hall, of the Slate Supreme Court, who has been at the point of death for seve ral weeks died at midnight last night at his summer residence at Mount Airy. He was surrounded by tis family Fioui Aust:n Ttx S:atcjia:. Tne t fleet of HttBkie C'iyolaliir,ed Lenses upon the organs ot v IsloU is sim ply wcnderful. as ihere are several prominent Kfitleuien in the I.snd Uthce whose sight hae been restored ty their use, and hundreds of eimilor casee throughout the I i.iie-.i .Mates can be re fcrred lo All ever Lite.: and the til uaraDWd atlhejru- elore of S lut!y. New Berne aug 5 1m AGENCY FOR 1 lert be the ears thu will not hear I 'etraclion 's envious tale I ir only through the I ist ring ear 1 hat falsehood can prevail. I i , i. too , ii to. t Ian-::: MM I . . A li Ail Nl e.. t i.lei ,leC ' w p.. a. W I i A! MMI 11 . 1 1 , r, 1 1 GROCER, LOOK TO YOUR INTEREST PATAPSCO FLOURING MILLS 173 1 I MA II LI MIH) 177 4 I P A I I'M 0 SI PI Kl.A 1 I I PA I I I '1 li r I rrinler Flour or limrloi I ' 1 i.o : h i. as ."ot i.e.-i, line ,-,!, : Supcilur to uy Oilier in Hils u u n i r I ! . i I. !r i r . il . I , , I "'Fatap:cc Superlative" I i H. . '.i. :i. H 1 . f ..- It-. . . ' ( U i. t Ih h t t I ! i . . ; ii ; h : i, M 111 ' I i K r 1 I : t I' I I V I'M (I H 11 I I 1 II I l Oil II rlMll.l ni.iiviv fAnii m ri.K i i r vi 1 1 t . C. A. GAMBRILL MANUF'G CO, -".t ' ' '.MMI Hi K ST It I T' ' M ! ' ii I rr; im n i in n E. K. BISHOP, N K X II K II Ir , I lri; i i I I p. 1 KI K A i i ' : i A iv i ii A i. m u A i 1 i . . : i a i a . iv, N ' h. mi n : a . A uk .' Io ll,'- M, ri liiintf ' f '-I 1-tiii it i , 1 mi r r 'ii r 1 .n jm , 1 n If Yr 1 1 it linn d) .H ,r,ti.,i M r 1 K . I in i our ri'i im iitnliv i 1 ( r tl,i null- if AkM'tu A I i I'.rli Mintc and l.hr I nl New Hernr i i hi will I'leani' rail , n r nldr-n ytmr urdi-rn t.i I.. K Pich N-v llvrnc N r. iiitiad . f i J Wil liarni', fuiuiir r - r i-m - nlat i v i mil tliry will ! appKM-iali'd at.. I I..U-.J r iiiidly &t falii-fhi tnr v i ' r i i i- I'hkr.k iriK vi ii f r v ;,r act atr n i.f w i a r i ti r n I r u ! v . 1 I r v : i . k A i Aj r v, d A I, 11. A i i I i , at; 0 103. O sTtl. I'n . r a! nl M I'll Mid !. . : v c ' w i : ! r i : : . . . I : !.. 1 ,.,r I ' r , k --1 m- i ! i-r. i. v :, itrd I Mi .' ( n 1 'nr. i: ncit d. r ;i U.r Nal. i.,-,; I'ai i. ai.d 1 for tlie ni 1 1 t h 1 1 w ii k h v, c w 1 1 1 hci I tl halarn-f ,.f . ur Sl' It i-f i I, tl.mg A .', -'. i f n i : a '. L' 1 t f H " w a i . : Poor House Farm Fur Rent. I Irrii'K liiAKll (.VitiM ( ' M VI ItMi v KHh. NkWHERN. N.C.. Aug. V. 17. The undcrniKned will, st the lnurt Iloune in Newbern, on Monday, Sept. .')th. 1HH7, sr 12 o'rlork. M , rent or lei to the highest bidder for tbe year Sh only, tbe Poor lloum Farm, situated id Craven county. Neuse mad. about one mile from Newbern. Tho rental agreed upon to bp bpcu red by note and security . to be approved by the Hoard of t'ommif sionprn Py order of the Board OKI.ANI" i IH HKS. sMdwtii Clerk. .1 II. i P A PThF.R I- I M it M Y. JOHN H. CRABTEEE & CO. ENGINEERS, Founders and Machinists, . i Vsnufarturen and Dealers lo iiSBHES AID MlCBDdSTS' SWPLIES. Bnllsera f EhIsn Sollin, Saw Mill.. BSt-tBC ( il o(T IrblBe, Wears prepared todo (tjt rn r f all kinds with promptness. Particular and imrneiliat- a leDtlon given to repal s of Ml kl n rta W will btlt1 u sdve plant and estlmatea for any dei Iptlon or maefalacry. Ws arc Uie scents for Ui sale of tae Asssr leaa Raw. Also for O a A. Bars-amla's oe brated latfestrorub) Mica Valvca, Ws ttve ssttslastrry riarute Ser aU work dew by as. ftMoJawwiy Special Notice. 1AM determined to sell my Entire Stock, consisting of Dry Goods, : Hats. Shoes and Notions, at TWENTY- ' FIVE PEK CENT BELOW COST. The public will find it to their interest so , ' call at my store aud examine goods. . and prices before buving elsewhere. .'! au24 tf M. PRAQ. ' Sale S Livery Stables. inr e.t..s: t a am iiabn AND ",? X li a un a luMI'A.Nt La been ! i.v :!. .f A. llubu. af.Hsh : .:..-. :.! ..s.ues. of BALE. EX- : i HAM, I an mi uj.- H0K&E8, M ' 1 '- ' .1 tthod un Middle : 61;crl v, o. Lb0 heen sn- i ' : ra: , ,lt , ft3 u n,e city since ., lo. . .. i .r.. i i , r: : old friends 1 i ubi n, :h - : ii a P1HB ' I. OI OK HoKM s lu Til LK.S. A HIK l.lll OK KI(.,EI and IllllNh..., A H A M 1- Mi, M. HAHN & CO. n tl w in School Notice. Ml--- 1 PAI! J' Ni:.s til o(,en her "-'l ii SI' 'N ! A "i . M.I'T. 1'Jlh iull KriKlii-!i i.urrr lttin, French, Kim u t H 'ii an I 1 .1 k ki-t'i'iiiK 1'rr"i- r ' : r:.. i.th No extra !'--' a.'ldtd School Notice. " ' I ' I ! ! ! i . . , r rut?n ' ' 1 .'.- r .'.-.', i , , u IVdlock ' ' i v I'll M! I l: l'Jib. ...... 1 I Accident Insurance. Thr World's Industrial Acci dent Association 1 " ' ' ' M l.l I. I. H.l Mf 111 '11' J ' ' i J u-. 1 M I iimur H I- ., r-. :. . ,,,(, f, ,r rite wt-rktl, t i i ! I . r . it li, HH il UP. . i i : f , ! hr s-r-- ' -N " . k . 1 it ' I i. ' .i : . , m it . w i u-re '"' , ; I ! i r ' I 1 1 ' 'lids lid W. W. LAWRENCE, "'k' iierl itrsti Br rur, r. w ll k it . . Fine Art. m : '. I in - ;. i ii. fni 'l. lu r- Aril w ,., "I '. ! v ,. take I I. M 1 ,i, i l; WON i i, t v k . ii 1 Kiual I . ' ' i . i I 11 .sr, in i iiviin,; afu-r -x-'t-n.: . : ' 1 r t f i : . .- i ; , - 1 i r r , h, i i r,( p on J 1 . 1 1 ! i . f 1 : c i t N'-w ! r n i Au , ; - , dwtf Mil sT o c 1 o x" 9 1 l; Watches, Diamonds, Fine Jewelry, Etc. m .' 1 d w Jm New Berne High School tN McNI 'A , M.l'TKMUKU 19th, lsw7. the tin ti'iMtncJ w ill open a High School in ill' New Ilrrne Academy I'UildiriK Thon.iifc-li ?tru u ,n given in the K.nghsh I rani hee In Latin, Greek sod Mathematics, (.indents prepared fcr ool lege Spfi iai inhtruction may be hsd in French l.erman. Spanish, Book keeping etc. Ttiev intend to have in the Lilerary Iippartment for young ladies the assist ance of a thoroughly qualified lady tpacher. Tbe I'epartment of Prawing and Painting will be efficiently filled by Miiw Nannie Roberts. The services of a lady teacher of Music wil be secured in due time. For terms, tuition, etc.. apply to Gko. V. Nkai.. A.M., Principal. James Thomas, a B., Associate Prin. su9dwtd Reopened 3 Willis, Edwards & Co.Y- Hsve reopened tbe New Berne Machlss - ; Works, aod have added Tools to their works to do all kinds of Machine mm& ' Boiler Work st short notice. ' -r " They bars also sdded foundry to therr works, snd are prepared to do the ' ' best of Brass ssd I roe Cast ing, . -, Hons Plumbing a specialty, . , U Tov want good work sva as sail All work guaranteed tad dors st price, ' to nit tbe times. tjll wly I?