r- V ; . ' I. - . OURNAL Sy.ZJZ Set-..-?" . v- v; -' -ri-- s :VOIVINO. 136i NEW BERNKlNv C THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER 8. 1887. PRICE 5 CENTS. 4 '3 T I , V .- s - M l 1 11 ; " . arataJ ataOatvlama. riM, 5 2t I length of day , u , ute eeU, &M i II boars, 8 minutes sate at 8:83 a, m. Il&SQuppl Fancy Groceries. J :.' C. E. jSlovkh X " offer his (eoood specialty , tbu BEE'S GOODS, the llneet la the world, lions? refunded U not found aa repre sented, 4 twed 1 JUICE liquors and Wine for Medici BI and other uses, at wholesale. Jahes Redmond. OUGQLES. McD. Pates' make, for Xj aUat DL Bbos'. I AIRECT importation of French -L' Brand and Holland Gin arrived 10 bond ana duties Mia at uustom House lnlNew Berne, guaranteeing gen uine goods for sale. Jas Redmond. 1AR18 GREEN and poison distribu tors for the cotton worms at Geo. Allks A Co. ( ARBEIT'S Medoo Vineyard Cognac VJI and Wines for sale, at Manuiactu rer nrioas, bf Jakes Redmond. BROWNBGEORGIA COTTON GINS with 8etf feeder' and Condenser. All of the latest and roost approved pat terns. Geo. Allkn & Co. T EDMOND S Ginger Ale, Lemon XV Soda, eto , equal to imported. Jamks Redmond. Se schedule of steamer Howard in this issue. A change of scheduU will be made io the running of the mail trsia on the A. & N. C. R. next Monday . The steamer Florence uiid Kchoouere ' Bula Benton and Theresa are ou How ard's ways for repairs. The city council was again in aenaion last nlgbt. The proceedings will appear as sooOjas.ttraiahed by the clerk Caps. rVD,' Gray hm moved to the Harvey building', recently ued aa the CenraLHoel, on Bouih From elroeU ' Loadd ls oab grass "bay are to be seen Otbe alrreia every d.iy. It sells at fromihirty to furty five cents per hundred, L. H. Cutler's fall advertisement ap pears In this issue. He is fully pre pared to All atl orders promptly and at satisfactory prices. Miss temlly Ferebee gives notioe that her school will open on Monday, Sept, 26th., Her terns are reasonable and she is fully qualified to teach ohildren. Raohael Best, col., has been arrested upoa a oapiaa from Pamlico county and confined In j ail. The sheriff of Pamlloo has been notfied to corns for her. ! We learn that President Bryan haa coatraoUd for anothsr thousand tons of steal rails for the A. N. C. R. This will carry the track to near Falling creek station. O. Marka's goods boxes came cear blockading Pollock street yesterday. If he don't atop sending forward so many large boxes the city will have to limit him at to space. Que carriage maker, 0. T. RindoiphJ it ioomlrr his tmtlness. He recently : found ' customer at Norfolk, because his ; work' fealkd . better than any that eonld tt onnd Bearer home, ' fill prisoners escaped from .Darhaos .'Jail last Sunday snornUig; by salnlag th ; keeper 'and looking kim in a cell, and afterwards scaled ha walls and wer , well a of to wav before the jatlor's 'illnatkin wu a6wsi:'' "-v,: 1 jf tltt.Jit Allwilg'.'gani' to running night '4nd day aince ha has began work m Ihs. factory' '.hoiUlng. . Two mora rook will ba iaady to ttart next week, .na.HEea'1vSKl o catch up witii)tradeVK'1'1''' ; SheEk sWma'lklng a goad recjrd.;Iri?iWftUn4T' tka-t liquor Ux, 1 wbJc.ioflhajfnppol-a " Hto,rYWt todhBb6aTd Jf education hows, an Increase of eight hundred dollara oW iWyekr.i J If any paa wfches" to knowhow ths :- current f dnds-J Jkf coiinty.Bfand they, can learn &aiaifiet.yVfehlbg-ths court housa any tiri4VRehil Brit, Monday1 in eaoliraontaAyArJning ;treasarsr Patt "K- i 'statemeVr Tkto -atatemadt to posted prom'ptli'.nej tbe 4rst Monday in each -. roa'ritlf air- tbe; faw requires. Tbe r-!f fs :tan4 etpenditurea ' are ItetaieeJ so'tfat Jshows from what aource t err 'dollar to reoeiTed ' and to a x.: '- - Tba'cV sines to : i'in? a I hT ( r s a Aisociation. - rr 1 1 cr "Wilmington " teld , a u. Iiiilo meeting a few days Met ILe q uesUda of organ- "lint and In Association. . 'r rutlUued facta about :'fftnrii an icst'.tntioa in ra v i t hrpe th8t "me of Arrirala at Hotel Albert. 1 C. P. Caffee, Lake Landing, N. C. ; R. A Smith, aid wife, Sulla; George Ifalteraio, Viae- Jlsy Lue M"aahing- ton; H.T. William. tiL Qxattgn; J&. Crowell, Wilson; J. H. Brown, Greeks boro; Chat lea H. Fowler, Stonewall; T. J. Mitchell, U nderson; Chas. L. Nelson. Norfolk; W. Ha4an, Jackson, Mich.; E. L. Crawford, Baltimore; Chas. W. Reif, Philadelphia. Another Eandtome Xonument. Cur marble man, Mr. J. K. Willis, has added another ornament to Cedar drove cemetery. It is a beautiful soon ument erected to the- memory of Col Thoa. W. May be w. It is of Italian marble, cottage style. The corners of ths die are ornamented with inverted torches', the sub base and cap are elab orately moulded, and the whole ia aur mounted by a draped urn with a hand some wreath across the face, and ia twelve feet high. Hyde County Products. Hyde county has the reputation of be ing a great corn country, but corn is only one of the items for which Its soil is rich in productiveness. Tbe finest onions, cabbage sod other vegetables are raised there in abundance. New Berne market ia supplied with oniona from Hyde county and many hundreds of barrels are shipped to other markets. A cargo of these and Irish potatoes ware in tbe market yesterday, The. onions sold for 11.60 to Si. 75 per. barrel, the .olatcM-n S3 25 per barrel. 8teamer Movements. The Defiance of tbe Clyde line, ar rived from Baltimore last night with a large cargo of general merchandise, aud will leave on return trip Friday at noon. The Pamlico of the O. D. line, left yesterday for Norfolk with passengers and freights. Among the latter were forty bales of new cotton and a lot of naval stores. The Newberne of the same line will arrive tonight. The Eaglet of tbe E. C. D. line, sailed yteraay Afternoon witn cargo oi turn uer, fish aud general merchandise and cotton. Tbe Vesper will arrive this morning. Personal. C. E. Foy and family have returned from their summer trip to the moun tains. Mrs. Mary Mayhew and family have returned from Winston. Thoa. W. May hew, Esq., of Aurora, passed through the city yesterday morn ing en route for Raleigh with his sister, Miss Barber, who goes to enter school. Rey. Mr. Call of Washington, arrived on tbe steamer ramlloo yesterday morning and leaves this morning for a visit to his father's in tbe Western part of the State. W. F. Rountree, Eq., and family re turned last night from their summer trip to the mountains Mr. W. Hayden, Mayor of Jackson, Michigan, is at Hotel Albert. An Improved Gas Bnrner. Mr C. H. Sheftall, representative of the Wilson Gas Burner Co. of Balti more, to in the city handling the "Ocu lar Demonstration Bnrner," which to undoubtedly a great Improvement over thexld style.' It gives a fall, ronnd. end steady light, and at the same time Mr. Sheftall claims It to save from 20 to 80 percent, of ike gas conramed with the plain Burner on lugh pressure, and .60 per oent. on low pressure gas, ;The Journal office haa been lighted throughout with them, .and their , bril liancy U very noticeable. Also the city has adopted them. With this-saying anybody 1 n '-an fford to buy lamps and oil ti.r to ' ible to use gas, , It to t donb . ''i'.e; rr mgement and pre vents heat i d s wvli aa giving a better light. fThe Aeadt mjr Green. The 6 grounds of the academy are being put' la order for the opening of tbe ecbooU.' The Id building. U being whitewashed and pot In Thorough order tor tut fiigB sciroor wmcn opens on tne WihTlnaU. tolyrfnejeej and apaitJfreWtVagfetfacnoKrrHinil tbe teachers thereof are determined to make it a ecnooi wormy or tne patron-; age of all. Theyrare going hr forbid lanei iiard iwork tband 4p a school npon their merits, and all who desire to see New Berne take , a stand bnide her sister towns' In educational saaUar should ' h6td p their nanaa. Patroniss tbem and apeak sr good word lor the school, w bene ver an pportonity offers. V-'.fIsrr. Tha new' building will be need for the graded school where tuition will be free up to and Including the sixth grade With a free preparatory achool bm the ground, tbe High School ought eoon to rack second to tore in tbe State In f -r-1 cf r--' -l rri-sry,- - Arrested for Larceny. 1 Joha Cockerharn and Chanis Jeaee were before justloe . G. Hill yesterday upoa a charge of stealing hogs from Uarmon Moore. They ware held to bail for their appears nof t the next teraa of she Superior Oonrl. Jones gave bond. Cocker ham waseommitted to jail in default of bond. "Hogs 'camions folks a heap o' trouble." 1 Important Circular. . , The following cirrntor may be of im portance to some peopla in this section : New Yoee, September 1st, 1887. To kAooi it mag concern : ' Having established the North Caro lina Land and Immigration Bureau by appointment oi John T. Patrick, State Owamusioner of Immigration, in oon- necuon with my business as Heed Mer chant and Importer, I beg to inform you of its general purposes, and to in vite your oooMratiofl. First This Bureau will endeavor io secure settlers fer every part of tbe State from among those industrious, in telligent and thrifty people who wish to escape from the severe winters of the North and Northwest, and to make their future homes in the genial climate of North Carolina. Second We shall be prepared to sub mit to capitalists all opportunities for making large investments that we pan recommend aa safe and profitable, and to negotiate . the sale of farms and un improved lands. Third This Bureau will act as the northern advertising agent for health and' pleasure resorts, for towns desiring increase of population, and for all new enterprises in Nerth Carolina that need to be favorably presented to the public. Fourth This Buresu will act as tbe agent of pereoos or corporations wishing to introduce tbe nstural products and manufactured gooda of the State into tbe northern market. Fifth This Bureau will be a purchas ing agency for the citizens of North Carolina for all artioles that cannot be bought In the State; manufacturer's plants, steam engines, machinery, tools, farm implements, etc. Sixth For all servioes rendered a reasonable com mission will be oharged. Tbe Manager of this department of my business, Mr. Nlok W. Sokenok, Jong a citizen of Wilmington, N. C , WUl beinappy to meet any of bis former fellow citixens who may visit New York. All communications should be ad dressed: North Carolina Land and Im migration Bureau, 23 Dey street, New York. r. K. McAllister. Nick W. Schenok, Manager. THE "WANT TO WET BACK'' SOCIETY Deposed Republican Ofiloe Holders at Washington Forming an Associa tion. Washington, D. C, Sept. 4 The Re publicans who have lost positions in the various departments since tbe present administration came into power, and who continue to reside In this city, have formed an association. The mem bership to inoreased as fast as the politi cal guillotine does its work, and there are Democrats here who think the ma chine is very slow in its reform move ments. Tbe fact is, however, that the deposed Republicans continue to make Washington their home with tbe expec tation of being reappointed when their party comes into power again which they believe ia certain. These removed followers of the G. O. P. held a meeting last evening at the Washington Hotel and adopted resolu tions setting forth that if the people want to save the country, they must re turn tbe Republican party to power. There were about fifty of the ex-office- holdera present, and those who bad for years drawn the largest ealaries from Unole Sam's Treasury were the most patriotio in the speech-making. During the meeting W. N. Cox, a well-known colored gentleman from Virginia, arose and wanted to know if the color line would be drawn. He was told that ths association had not thought of such a thing. Then Mr. Cox sailed in and was constantly offering suggestions and delivering speeches. A. T. Bissell, of Missouri, came nigb breaking in the gathering by asking if one oolored member was to be allowed to ram. tb entire association. Before tbe meeting . adjourned a discussion took place over a name for the organisa tion. A very nana- ex-treasury cterk suggested tbe name of "We-want-to-getvback." The association's title- will not be decided npon until the next meeting. N. Y. World. For Cholera, Diarrhoea, Dysentery, In nammauon or the noweig or LoJJc. Take internally from fv to ten drops of Darbys Prophylactic Fluid ip a table spoonful oi water every hour or two till improvement Ukea jJaoa, . There to no danger In taklnganoreof It end more frequently Ii occasion, requires; In chronio cases, or when the stomach re fuse to retain anything else, use injec tions of the Fluid and water. We have never known a case that did not teallv yield lench treatment.' nhtf ii ikved iUoc&onwaala toadQtool and pronounce It a- mushroom. Tn mushroom spt lagsirp In 'a night, IniactUa a cjeatnreiQf datkneesand disappears aa quickly. - The Oak (Old EeUabls)' springs from the acorn. It needs the sunshine, raliwIJIswsi frot;stc.te;aiuU pet? fttio -r -- - Carter' attained nutrirfttvaftel1 the lapse of many years, its branches wilM give ana uer to nncoia generations. -r,x. M-rvbvABTICB TwMwTMBJU. i-''i ( Mrs. Wnreiown 8ooTBcr Wteot should always be used for children teething.- It soothes ths child, softens ths gums, alleys all pain, cures wind eolio, and to the best remedy for diar hoe a. Twnty-flve cents a bottle.. ruar'ldtutbretwly - --.; HKWB KOTSS. Mr. . W . Gladstone, now wiling Newport U a nephew of tbe British statesman. Senator Allison, according to ItLe Chicago Inter-Ooean. will be lowa'B candidate for the Republican pretdden tial nomination next year. A razor was found Monday in ihe coll occupied by A . Ii. Parsons, the con victed Chicago anarchist. It waeukeu away fiom him Alexander Hauiillon Miller, iLc oldttel aud wealU.ieet lawyer in Patsburg, 1'n , died Sunday Ha left an estate esti mated at H'i 0OU 000 in value Gov, Olesby, of Illinois, k Doc ked down a pickpocket who tried to rob him the other day, but the fellow got away before he could be arreett J. Mary A rider Bun denies the rumor that she ia to become a subject of (ueen Victoria. "1 shall always be a Blue Grass country girl," she says. President Cleveland has written a letter to the Hibernian Society of 1'bila delphia accepting an invitation to be preeent at iheir quarterly dinner ou September 17. Count Mitkienuz, wlio hut. obuuued from the Chinese ovtrnintnl euch ic markable franchises, has rented in Washington the house lately oeiupied by Secretary Miujuiijk The ibree masted schooner N irgiuiB llawley, Capt. Galloway, bound north ward with a oargo of limber, ran agrnund Monday infill m Ctirntui k sound while in low of a tug 1'bihp .Schembs, a baker of Iiuinville, Ky., committed suicide Monday in the county jail by cutting his throat with a tin bucket in which some soup h id ut him. He bad been on a eproe. A hpecial from Greenville, Darke oounty, Ohio, says the safe of County Treasurer John S. Simon was found open yesterday and $40,000 missing. Simon and bis son were arrented. The Wisconsin Leather Company of Milwaukee, one of the oldeet bouses in that city, confeesedjudgment Monday on four notes amouDtlng to over $90,000. The company was declared insolvent by the judge of tbe Circuit Court The coke syndicate met in 1'ittBburg Monday and decided upon a scale of wages, which they will present to the operatives at a conference. The scale will make wBges'uniform throughout the region, but nofadvance will be conceded. The excursion steamer Chief Justice Waite, whioh runs between Toledo, Ohio, and Piit-in-Uay, Sunday night ran aground on Ballast Island. The 1C8 excursionists remained on board until yesterday eyening, when they were taken off by a tug. The Commercial Travelers' League of America was formed in Chicago Mon day. It is designed to establish perma nent headquarters in some twenty of the larger cities, where traveling men may always find a home and friends. Among the directors elected is II. F. Poske, of Baltimore. if. E. Reed, alias James Merwin, agent of the National Express Company at Glenn's Falls, N.Y., was arrested Fri day at Henderson, N. C, charged with the theft of $6,000 from the company. He was before Justice Merrimon of the Supreme Court on Mondsy npon a writ of habeas corpus. He was surrendered to an officer from New York in obedi ence to a requisition from tbe Governor of that State. F0REIUN NEWS. A THEATRE BURNED. London, Sept. 8. A theatre at Exeter took fire this evening during a per formance of Romany Rye. The occu pants of the pit, after an awful strug gle, escaped, but many of them were greatly injured. There was only one exit from the gallery, and the rush there was terrific. Some were trodden hinder foot and suffocated. drees- cape was brought to a' window, and many inside were rescued sixty corpses have been removed. The in jured survivors were sent to a hospital. The mortality is estimated at 100. WILL NOT TOLERATE yORliaH INTERFE RENCE. prims pjjaieteri inaai interview regard ing he proposal of Russia to have a joint Ruseo-Turkish commission visit Bulgaria and arrange nee, affairs, said ir General Ernrotb and Artta' Effendi came as private persona they W6uld be admitted into Bulgaria, and not other wise. Bulgaria was alive to Russia's objects, and would repel any Inter ference in ner internal affairs ny any cower whatever. If Russia liked to eend General Ernroth to Bulgaria as her diplomatic agent,- that would be different. Both be and Artin Eff endi would be courteosslf received -as duly accredited dipkxnats.4 1 - s f OoNWAimNOFtE, Sept' (.'The Porte has learned that the Austrian govern ment is strenuonelr trying to arrange for Prinoe Ferdinands, , withdrawal Bucharest, Sept. 5. The censorship of foreign telegrams oontinaes through out Bulgaria, and the entry of foreign newspapers into the country u for bid den. Matnv arrest arc etv day made. FAY1SO THKLh KJSSJ-ECT Ttj jLAl'JTv'NK Ldhdon. Sept. 6 Many noted Ameri cana went io Haw&rden yesterday lo pay their respects lo Mr Gladstone, and attended cburcb, where he read tbe les sons of the day After the service the path from tbe church dour was lined on both sides by American visitors, who greeted Mr. Gladstone with much warmth as be emerged on hie way home Mr. Gladstouc returned inti greetiLg cordially VI Ah IMFKKOh N'1 IO MtK'I Umili, fcx-pt. 5. Tbe North German Oaz.elle says "Th repealed statements that a meotin of the Liu per or and the Caar ia about to take pl&ee at Stettin emaaaie from Austrian and French sources, and are based uK'U pure con jeoture. Nothing exiais to justify the supposition that tbe C iar is liuiiiik t. 8tetnii RKM IT 'F THK MciBILlni-M t XI H.l MtM I' a lets Sept 5. It is i-lated that the mobilization experiment baa show n that all the reserved could be eiubodit 1 in three days, that all the uriuus regi ments are ready to man h and that cartage lias been r n j u ir it i i,e i fur slorec i-ATh ci a llIalI i in tii. TaMiltHS, hopt. 5. Captain Schiui It. aireoch artillery otlicer oommandinK the French mission to aleuiutz, fell behind tbe main body of his rvmniand and was attacked by ArM !. i-tr ai. gled and then beheaded bun TAK1M 7 1 1 K II.A' .it Tilt NM: '. I. K A nt E F'.Nl'uN. Sept ' The I. l.eia! l.-ngue at a meeting in Aleiandiia I ala e in day resulted tn exlablieh branehes of that association w beret er National Ltfague ludk-es are prohibited in In land . WoDtlfrful Cures. V . U. lldjlt Co.. wholesale and re tail drugKislM of Rome, (ia .say r have been selling Dr. King's New liis oovery, EUftric Hitlers and liuck len s Arniia Halve for two years. Have never handled remedies that sell as well, or give such universal satisfac tion. There have been some wonderful cures effected by those medicines in this city. Several cases of pronounced Consumption have been entirely cured by use of a few bottles of Dr. King s New Discovery, taken in connection with Electric Bittern. We guarantee tbem always. Bold by K. N. Duffy. Steamer Howard. Commencing MONDAY', the l'-'th day of September, 1887, the Hteanier HOW ARD will run tho following schedule For Trontou, every Munday and Friday ; Returning every Tuesday and Satur day. Up Neuse River every Wednesday, and return Thursday. s8 dwtf NOTICE Sealed Proposals for Building Bridge- Statk or North Carolina, Ceav kn Co. Office Kkoistek of Deeds, New Berne, Sept. 8th, 1K87. Sealed proposals for building a bridge across lower Brice's Creek, in Number Seven Township, at the present site, will be received at this office on or be fore the First Mondsy in October, 187. Said bridge to be built according to plans and specifications to be seen at this office. All proposals filed, to be properly sealed and endorsed, "Sealed proposals for building Brice's Creek Bridge." By order of the board. Orlando limns, Register of Deeds, seSdtd Ex officio Clerk. HARDWARE. Sash, Doors and Blindi, Paints, OIid and Olass. Lime, Cement aud Plaster, AND All Grades of COOKING AND HEATING 8TOVE.8, AT BOTTOM PRICES! L. H. CUTLER, 26 & 28 .Middle Street, Ifor Rent, A Comfortable Dwelling House on Broad street. A good water cistern on premises. Apply to GEO. HENDERSON, e7 dtd Southern Express Office. Mrs. A. T. Jerkins Will Mtama) ths duties of fcer School al her restdeaoe on Johnston street, on 1itlfX)iroAT, SEPTJaiBEEJVTH, and respectfully aoliotta share of the Cbllo eatrooaga. ' No peplla reoelred lowthe Fourth urade,, r . " Bcpk 1.- dim 'v, . . ,; V', School Notice. M:t EMILY FEREBEE willopen htr behoul ou M' 'Mi A Y , SEr'T. 26th. Terms Si 50 una f : 00 per month. at-pU did For Sile at Public Auction, SEPTKMBER UTu, 1-17. at corner South Front and Middle sis ONE GuYEKNMEiVr Ml'I.E. l erms Cash. By order cf K U KIKK, Maj r and Guv- lne. I'. K. A. 11' TAL'litNHFECK, " 0 ' f'upt. Nat '1 Cemetery. 1 Music Lessons. I Ml.Vs MATCHIK IIARKISON, for the ' lasl two years a student of the.N.E. . ConservnU'ry of Mueic. Hoetou. will re Isumeher n.ur: ( las? M l lav . k-lober 'A" repdtf. Notice. i Miss MANI.l has thought it expe j dieut lo c-bange her plant f r teaching uuiiutc me i ..iniij)i year aud tias deter mined tn lake i liaise of the Young Ladu e I 'e,ai t:i.( 1. 1 (, t1(r Newberu High fvhc..l BtBdlOd School Notice. I MISS l.KAH Ji'M'.s ,; ,,eu her sch.Kii on M' 'A sri'T. F'u II English eeurse. Latin, French, Klocuticii and It n.k keeping. I Termt. i"; i p, i n,, mi, eitra ' halves. a'4 did I AGENCY FOR i Blest be the ears ihM will not bear ! 1 'ell IK III M f envious tale I l is oi.ly through ihe list lung ear That fnlsr-liood ran iiretail. r ' l i; l a s -- ) i. r I l I II ' 'I ' 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 It lit I ;m .r. N. llfllir. C t : M . i '. a i . I w i r.:u. ! I- I '-..: . GROCER, LOOK TO YOUR INTEREST PATAPSCO FLOURING MILLS 1774 .OIAIILIMII.il 177J. rATAl'H'O M I'KKI.ATl K I'ATf:'T Tlir I'rrmlrr Flour of Auirrlra. Mm h l.i M It lisa lunu l,t-..n nnirrilril In l.f Siiptilor lo n Oilier lii lhlt ui,ir A 11 I In. hi ! Ill mih1 ' ! A mi i n an r our hi R.'l.l mi 1: ill .. ill, mm ki-lh u Iin i- tin- "Patapsco Superlative" I h :i it I in in iiiHittln ill-. tie. I u in. .re initni)' I i ' a tltii' : I Hhkl'b I In H ;77'sT SWrFTKST M Ml 1ST .rriiTi(irs ma:M. A i- k i hi r i .rucHr fm 1 n . fur I'l l ! O KATIII V, ii I nri'ii k rti ii. y UtI.IIWIV pa i i. v. Bl , IM.K I o rAIHILl, C, A. GAMBRILL MANUF'G CO, J It (OMMI'lil'i: ST. , II A I. TO , Ml). KKI'ltKMIM KI) II V E. K. BISHOP, I mi l'i (Vim Removal. Ou i.r at... ut M.l'TKMI'.KU 1st we will rem .vr i tl,,. I.re llmk Store recently var .ti-d t v Mr. J. hn Dunn, next din.r to the N;iti"ii.-il rank, ami for the nut two him ks i will acll tlie balance of our Sim k of Clothing AT COST. kefectfullv. al2 dwtf HOWARD JONi;s. Special Notice. I AM determined to sell tny Kotire Stock, coneiBtirig of Dry Good, Hats. Shoes and Notions, at TWENTY FIVE PER CENT BELOW COST. The public will find it to their interest to call at my store and examine (roods and prices before buving elsewhere. su24 tf M. PRAO. Sale & Livery Stables. THK KIRM8 OF A M. HAHN AND M. HAHN tX(M- PANT baa been (in volved by ihe death of A. Hahn, M. Harm win continue tbe bnalneai or BALK, KXCHNOK AND LI VERY of HORSES. MULK8, eto.. at the old tnd en Middle street, where be baa been vgaaed In tbe saros bnatneastn the oltyslnoe 1866. will b pleased to Bleat liia old friends ansl cm torn era Will have on hand In dne seaaon a F1RB LOT OF HORSES and 1TICIK.8. Also, a FIND LOT OF BCSCIKS aa HARNKS8. aa- BATISFACTION GUABANTEED, M. HAHN & CO. aogllawSm . THE T o -Kr eler, FOB Watches, Diamonds, ;. Fine eweliy Etc. mm

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