i It would b to sm Napoleon erowi! w5 I Tf J 7 -vWWolS GeV Furnishing Goods ConeVttasT v. . iB Af -SKEI13J7CKEE LIGHT WEIGHT SUITS at HALT PK1C U HturttfTCoUWB, Cat Jig, Under wr for Summer om at your ova figure. H i3 anfJ VALISE , just the thing for hot weather travel, at way down prisel I ... , If I fVtu&ke ,TvO' for 1 Fall Stock, hence will not carry Sum iur .'.f';iIUjr, at X," fjiv my customers the benefit of discount. DkcVP tolBBaa'te oar stock, but come right along with the crowd and-tnake TOM aeleetieot EferViMpjr-ei y bangs n wsnts to replenish hia wardrobe. Nook Wear, neat ra styluilhftcktbegttrt right DK f trait right tit aero. ;Cftpefc). HoBkoapaat..- 5boe, they T Girls and Young Ladies Gr-rctxagro, PO". O. Full corps of Teachei S. Board ere. ,'rite for terms to juul6 dwtf 0LDE8T AND LARGEST Walter D. Moses & Co. !l4 MAIN STB EET, KICIIMOM). VA. '!; it Bwiw -'t. r.. . r , (Jorreapoamoe adUeited. rJataI6guat mailed free on applioation at the offloe of our Nertu Carolina Agent, -Aucioixlx Cotm, junndwlm MIDDLE SXQET, NEW BEBNB, 3i. C. - - ' A avbnut b 1 trtotfrM bdnlMnsMh w treabla. a Uu ELK BAIL BRQTCHIERS, i -11 s! ItAVB BEMOTED TO THEl " v "Mil ."., , ' . TWTE8UTH OF THEIR FORMER 8TAND, Aa4r 9f )r!?.It, MEATS, COFFEE. ; UOAB,HBYRPP8 MOlUfeES.,8 ALT, TOBACCO, gKtTF'AlfP ji- W ' v erertthiiiT thOc53ROOERT JJ5K, a FULi TOCK ami at 1S87. ii:z "; " tsenger rEemoTsdfrtmP(j1 ' ' -to toWilmlngton iTielWiifjiEt : targ Klelit T ?a kpsr. 'Vv Comple" Xe'sgV ''-""Best Ms etBep Alirswi "wk It?? Dispatches, t rjio Journal. ftaca."- ,;xbTos, onthsjta Trial i j 8 pT. . Hn bright- i y- l'leaws ' ereryf (or. J f. r aln'-' I - ott ta tforlE Cai-olinar Per J f'i for i A V.- - ' - i - - a , the Alps, with nis7 Uiad British it a greats aigb. to Mth ,: r to n i-c eet FIME LINE OF the thermometer. Straw Bau below just walk away at the prices we offer rioes we off mj7 dwom SCHOOL, New ISuildiug. Amplo aoconiinodations for JOSEPH KINSEY, PlilNCIPAL. MUSIC HOUSE IN VA. t It Pianos and Organs on easy monthly plan at factory prices. Old Instruments ,j taken in exchange, bought, rented and ... repaired. v- Stork fSHEKT in t SIC. t" Ina-.ruol.ion Booki of all kinds. Frjeolal I1 j-.aou.nt to Teacher and Botarot. ' Catalogue umiivu irve. AHDiuHit tjr Mom nn on e. AHoitmMt teleotllon If desired. ' totr totHPm-f lor all MualeaJ gaw Seed Piano and Inurnment. Afewaitgk organ or atandard make, from 1st to am Agents of Dobsoa'a ProreSaloaal 6Uvar Ball Banjoa, VfoUna, Aoeordlona, and evarrtdlui In tha Uwaloal Line. HilrlillHHIisil aj !itM?T TBJlTTr-OM kA. ti. Xta.O. ttea. D ' teTZii: HARRIS REMEDY 0O r t iifttAU!.' .s etiM,ex.LonM, kaierRU Trial f wir ApaenoeTiUa for Tt L.MQ. rTermsl vi .v .V SUti of (li Carolina--Joses Ccuty JE. A. WhlU and K. B. Jdaes ra. 0. B. Hcott and 0. E. Soott, ad- f . jrOTIOK. , mintatretor or J. F. Scott. ToO. B, Scott and a X. Soott, as adBklalstra tor et, aeettuA ixvt Z -.1". , - Take notlMj TnattksaboTsnaaMdeMtoa It Instltated to foraeloae saort(asa on lands aituated In aald Jonas eoaatrvn4 tnatvaai ara reqairedto appear t lbs -next tend of the tatd BnpertorOtrort for ins said J one d JoneS Oonnty, to be hald-at rastolon laid eevpil on the tu MondarsJan tbe l Uvtttxf tat September, A.D. lSCT.tnd. aniwer or deaaor to the oom plaint (lied .In lb, aporsnaaied . .M . TBOMJTiUTUKoVliy , ao7 dWSir .Clerk Bnperor Osnrt.; ona.Js) .1UI The Qaaton Bonaa Barber Bhoo slvaa teita old patron and the tmbllo generaili ' jA nliM atftha doll 6neav UST . Halreat a,nd vhlakter b-lmtaed. Idij rait batr oqU M eenta, done In the ftttt'-tee tyle i Bon Ton, German Vtcta "mt uranen ana iwane, - ua.tr VWHD r ' . OB' Mr K tlA& tnt All ITl i ni tl?Clti -- Kf Call at the GaaLoa, Bouse Jiarbts and be conTtneed. . , " ' UAr:::(r:itr!Fi:?Li. IIWwm, i4 Ielem..: Pre t e In the ,' '. J- -in"- 1 i il bE.NiiV l.-l. I i. ijjbuuj C i- w5KH,Ci W rJlLTEBABTJK EDICT." f '- When Cyras was king there was seldom a thing He didn't have done s he happened sopiease. His orders werlavrs, b&rriog one little clause Which said She king ester could change his leorooa. Now ths king had a wife whom he lored as bis lif I might parenthetically stop to de clare He'd many beside, for he oft took a bride, But that's neither here, nor in Oah kosh, nor there. This wife had a oora, so arising one morn. She into the dressing room stealthily crept, And. bolting the door, sat her down on toe floor To trim the exoreeoenoe the while the king slept Twas an hoar after that when His Maiesty sat. And saffered his chin to be soaped by a stew, For Oyras was reared nut to twear by nta beard, So he took every morning a lather ana share. One swoop of the blade and the angry king made All Iran resound with the woe of his wall; He ripped and he tore, and he swagger ed aa4 1 wore And ordered the Innocent barber to Then the favorite wife, who had dulled the keen knife. Fell off in a swoon ae ehe heard the decree; Whoever had fooled with that razor, 'twas ruled, Nest morning at sunrise beheaded should be. When the king koew the fact 'twas his wile who had hacked That razor, be tried to hav things re arranged, Hut the men of today will be pleased whenl say That the edict wai iaeued and could not be changed. Chicago News. Cared by a Shock. Wonder) repeat themselves. Years ago we read a humorous story, descriptive of the way a gonty rich man, who could hardly move his limbs, was cared. He was placed in a room with an iron floor, and seated on a stool. A furnace beneath, the floor was fired op, and the increasing heat caosed the gonty man to scream, to draw up his feet, to rise np, to stand first on one foot, and then on the other, and Anally to dance,w hen be wag releas ed, cored of his goat by this novel treatment. A freorgta newspaper tells of a care, c&nsed by a shock, of a man wba jiad beefkjia tad; bent by a rtaoiBaUgafrfpM years. Ills wrlfAd& he acrosa rivur me com n.gni, His arms word doubled, and his legs were drawn aa La a sitting posi tion, lie fell Into settled melan cholia, from which nothing seemed to aiouseJum. Near his home was a large live oak tree. It was Hendrick's daily habit to crawl toward tlu tree and lean agipst jt, not, retoogiag to hi bomantU, night, ironten yeers when he baa kept thia up, until the ptace was designated as Hendrick's f"" . , , j . Jj 4 the neighborhood, w sued by two young Rocfors, who, armed eevinamtd Jhotgs, crossed forest find of their prey. . ' " jL,t1aBt, sighting the anlfoftl, Uiey fired two abotav wtnoh wmtumwW' ed by a aginifjom eSnaktt betug. It was Hendricgsfirooav Wf Bad' disturbed, and who jamplfag U hia feet, danced aronnd with an 4 agility Shioh digplayeA bat little of his d-time affliction. " AN OaXTIHABLE EDICT, Wen Hia legs and arms straightenedJairainat the naatry: basso's shins. out, , and, tljWjrSr.stni "stlt eTtoasing that rmfortanate worthy to danced an almost miraculous change, ' , It Beems that the shot had enter -tvljtliaree against whioh the rken matio tag pitting, and that the khock so ' affected him th he for- gthia ailing, and ttunpedto his feet. . Nawa. received from that. pointi ' indioatjea that the improve ment ttoaexnaes, ana tnac there is hot every prospect of his reeover ing hia former health. . IasarTlagtteWsjkplce- Daring -the phenomenally hot JuV to which tk4H Citrmf ficinity Sag treated this year, the perspir g. citizen not onlj4eet patience Hdi the existing etatf) etkinggj hnt also hia non fid Anne in the weathei clerk'i powera of Yoneas ios the fatore. ., . , fyhe eattse of this failure of the d a. h?pe otjpanuui rreaedy aeid tu It teems that jo any of. the tiotmlr on the' eastern coast oome urom the ocean, wnicti - not hRherto been provided with signal Bt6tm'.,,'', r-- ,nABe uepartioeot, uuwever, i now preparing to em rJojK carrier pigeon 1 Tm 3 - a. . . - . A . veasele gailiP-fTvm Ker!fpai tauj timely warning will be given of tbelfttriiaha niilcli atari AUfce West Indies and follow , the course of the GuV Stream; ' ta . for J serrtce to Keep it "larormeq or (be bromrlD Hhit. fHMti fat fea. TtbJo'ns'wiirLeDoktfrrtinf the A.ii.wj ; jx - i ' . '. -' BY A PH1XOSOPHKE. There was great excitement among the members of an amateur musical society, in oar city, on the night ol an entertainment of theirs, not many weeks ago. The fact was that Miss Lofty, the soprano, had not arrived, and the pianist seemed as though sitting on needles in the anticipation of her having to prolong her over ture. When she heard the bound of footsteps on the stage, behind the curiam, ehe looked relieved, and after a few seconds the missing lady came in her Tiew, gasping for breath after her ran, and in a very an fit state to siDg her solo, which was to commence the entertain ment. The cause of her tardiness was soon known, for a glance re vealed the fact that her dress, hat, gloves and all her decorations were new. She had evidently been oc cupied until the last moment "til ing up-" Without paying the slightest attention to the pianist's inquiry if he were ready, she whisiered quite audibly to Miss Mellow, the contralto : "How do 1 look f "Jast exquisite !" was tlt- res ponse. Then a runuing tire of questions commenced. "Where you get youi lovely shoes T" "At the oiily plact- in New Berne where such tine khh1s cau le found," was thr answer; "at IlAkKH's, ol course. And, Miss Mellow, just do gtifb what t lie v costl" "At least four dollars. " "No; gueti again.'' ... chajjrefc jiel' eorhi(ai.lif- an ihaj,-, ,3 hqy cobi tu p dyttara " "Mercy me!" gaaped Miss Mel- low7 'wiier did you get tlie g loses 1" "The glovhsearae lrm the same place. I'm mire 1 pulled at them Mi my hurry hard enough to split the in, but they don't show a sign of doing so. They are the finest kid and cost only one dollar.'' "Did you get that lovely wrap there T" Here the tenor facetiously re marked that the audience were im patient and waiting. "iet them wait until 1 get my breath," returned the soprano, all in a flurry. Then to the contralto : "Yes, my wrap came from laker's. 8ix dollars. Isn't that cheap !'' VVery. 1 do hope Mr. liaker has r.f ,1...... . I 1.1 u. n V VI ill, m , A ouiMdw r.u iinu i w get one 1 . 'Well you must hurry up, lor there are only about half a dozen eft, and they will be gone in a few days." Iy this time the pianist was furicjQsTgftdhaviiiHiax)aeed to got j cer nasuoar bviiw uTeiiMs- beach she tried t6 kick, the soprano's chair; bat she oooid not reaofa it-, and stopping Bbort;rt hronght tp grpan aToud, and a ripple of laughter to go around through the other members, which the audience jnrjat hare heard. A thA or.nra n n ViaI nnn? crnt a j eX-O fUV OVi "V sjswva uvi b " lime wind, notwithstanding her oonversatioiial efforts, ibemotioned t6 the irate pianist, who thereupon tefan the accompaniment. With patting questions to the contralto abut her hair Icoklnr nice, and if bet face .was red, the stage bell jingled,' tie cwai we, and the soprano st09d .be0re. the audience. XIU SWUOl uau MIC fvnvca&aa vPPPd than 'havQloiBt began. rt Wnt Baker's" "pretty gooos ahB cheap prices again. ' jWonld yon believe it," she said, "tkat adsl Qraoefftt has on ft wrap precisely like mina! I.raair:t' with it on in theudretrc. Do hurry np and tomorrow get one be? Tone they sre all gone P' ' In this manner the conversation wajrlfepVnr itlnleWals during the iBtertainment. It seemed that Miss v wonld never tire of expa tiatine tpon the line quAlKjMa extremely low- pricS of her eauUful drss and JLl;tW other beautiful things5 she had pnnliated1 from Baker's store. In fact she kept it op nntil they parted at the theatre door stes, and after a resounding kiss she called out : "Now don't lorget. Will see ou at Baker's, Pollock 6treet, opposite Episcopal Church, at 11 o'clock tomorrow." "Good bye I" "Good by c !' It is supposed that the moral to the above fascinating and thrilling story is readily guessed by the reader ; but if he or she is not satis fied with the luterpretatioa, let (hem come aud see for themselves the fine and cheap sux k of dry goods of A. M. baker. Hoier&Morbus olie mrrlaoe Ummer Complaints sentery t?ll Cured by a teaspoon ful of PerrxpwisPam (filer inaJtitle'Afillcor Sugar andWcrt'en Au-DRuesi6Ts"5cuir. EA8TBE1 NORTH CAKOLIM UARBLE WORKS, Km BERNE. N. C. Monuinents Tombs- And all kind Oravt and Dnlldlni work in ITALIAN&AMERICAN UARBLE Orders will reoeire prompt attentior sstisfaotion guaranteed. JOE it. WILLIS, Proprietor (Bnooeaaor to Oeorts W. Olarpoole) Oor. PRO AD AUD CRAVEN SU. NEW BERNE, XV. C 0. E. Ifnxxa li my authorized agon nKinaton. ma80-lrdw r- Ifyda Lino Company. HIW BKRRK, N. O.. APRILS, 1887. SUMBtKK 80HKDULK OF THE STEAMER To go Into efflast ea and after May lit, If87, Wedneaday Lesre New Berne at BKVEN A.M. for Barbara, toppln at Adama Creek. Smith Creek, Vandemere and StonewaU. Thnradar lain tttifboro at BKVEN A. af. far New Beme, atopf , s S8lonewaU,VaadS mere, WnitiatCreekeiMI Adara Creek. . 8atarda-LaT r iBerne at 8EYXK A.M. farKiy)toro, etupntaa at Adama jTak ouii.ua vwoa - -"--w auu oraii.nu.s.i deiasrsWnas 0 or x.ewvavie. t Btonewall. Varji Adsmt Qnsajbx. By this arranterneatwa are able la tvk eloaoiaaUon wtUateS jNortheni ty aooostv alaOatarvtwroorl aoooanejoda mawnMniMl rnlKhfeVKtc'erT in aim rnichtUtt-etT low ratea, and aak Use) mei$heirU and 4rodooen along IU line to live It tbelr ehaerfnl aupport. Fntaht reeel MlnS andr eorer ewrr deor ol Uie week. Po ' farwor Snfomav, ' -a enqnlre at. aha SflkftS. toot 0( GTB : Oranror ItaeawcUat t fol 5 Aha liEEvdaoi U-k, ir,,V 7li. MoOOA U -WaMtWaasJt. U, B. rJ W liUliBIDua 1 - FOWLEB WW ELU ap29 d JrV, pBsaaca. a u. li.. t a I i I i Hortguffe Bale- rorsnantta k vwf tsTsw(ntahlf fit a yortanure ezeocted V (u ilonear. esawr- tin e&jr ef craV8et and aealiwed ts roe M tbe d Sajr eiVeeraary. 1 will SeU at PaMle A Oct I on. at the Court fioaee door In Bvave at ueuranak wr w uiiBnuaiinD, on ue i the tff Newken. at r-leoafc, twnj ATl'BUAY 8KTT. tk. Ml ttM ftit- i WW sea, eeuae, altneled let tag VUf ol NewMrn. on we earaer ex wee au ee bim 8VS 1T." Irnvwa and S)etrrmeS to tas Tian or to cttjr of Newbarn as ku nwn- Der 85 ana is, on weet atreev, nlwrms.of mt90ntu sugaraM . . t. dtjitt: STEAMEBJ8. TH1 NETJSE I TRENT RIVEB Steamboat Company. W'.A rui. ixe fouowiiiK DoXiediu uc and arte , Steamer Trent Will u lvm berue tor Irvuloo everr Wediieedy ,i d in , reiuruui will leeve Treuuuu every TLuiBday loui-hlii- at ail puluu aloun tlie nver Steamer Klnston. Will leave New Heme fur Kiu,uu on lute day udtrld)i at d ciotn. al. keluru luf. will leave K1iiUjii on Muudiji and Tiiundaj: Touching i ,i mteriuediale 1 1 ua on Ntiuic Klver J 'J MiutSWAY el Swu.ra w r Btawli, Klnavon. D B Bahbv. rolloajvu.a v t. W AHli. Agenl l Tretilon M ' f m n 11 , Jolly U1J m,u J. b bM.uk 'tuaJler bridge. J. al ml'U Iiw iMuiim 674AW Klu, von. N. (J EASTERN CAROLINA DISPATCH The Fast Freight Lin urrwiiK KcMbernc. IjiIciu HuilL ( trull,, Pvlul,, and Norfulh, Ualtlauoie. l'lilUdrl,.ljU lew lok. UoiUa, tlc. laJKlULrlltlly.I.l. I .ln 11, hi. : I A I I. ! I . ; . I. . 1N-7 i i.e ,, m KAdl.l 1 m,i ' K,- t t U 11. r un in, r-s . lr erhnlulv I lUir. lent Mipc l-r lit- ruiy Md.MiaV. II toliAl, V SliNKMiA Y m,1 KK1UAV alKIKl'X l, Ki;ittlrl,. m1 relurii on 1 hr ((..!, m : i.K ,iu , B I'ltrat Btrainrtt ui (oiil.fi llui v!ll. li e Alial.i:. A .S 1 H II Ni.iri. k N.. ml. em II M w 1 or I 1,11a an 1 .rl...K H K.auii ILf frlilll)'Iliik K H I. .in, a irllal.ie al.il teKuiai 1111 ortt-r n la, , (,,, l ulca I rul, 1h 1 1 la : . i. Nolraiialriari.ii' a' 1'iaiill. I "i y i,i ''' 1" e : I ... 1., ,,,a,:, .1 ,-aia 1.. KO ll,r'UKli 1','lrfcl i,B! . 1'lrrcl a.. K""il L. ' l. n-r,! '.aKaalrn Can, Hi. a l'l.li-l. i-a , k i w. f,, .N.,if,,.k 1. 1 .N H H li l a.!.. I y f w it II. K K. I'M a.. It i.l r-t. Mat.i I I'lilla ' bv I'h.ub) Ivanla ll u. i .. . -1 mhii,.i, Nr oik l.y 1'riin I. li I , N..MI, In, r, I IO lilrlii't hli.l II. M . I , , w .Ni w iLIiK au.l K It lUileaaa h.m ai, : 1:11,1- ,.. . ki i u,a oliirr line An a,ltUM.,i,a. I., al w:.. Ih- ii.i rolile aa rar . aa ,l a, I Un 1 .1 r . h li.I ai arranged lol f. -n r 1 1 .tt i a I, w ,-r k . tk an. I . l.y any on 11,. .Cllttilull- I.l " III.M.h H.-uV Aiirnl. frli'JUdw Nrwbnur. N I OLD DOMINION Steamship Company. THI-WKEKLV LINK. Thr Old lonilnlou SleauislilD loin .n,'i Old and Kavorlle Vtilor Itoula, via Allrmarl e anil Cliciipftkc (anal run Koifulk, Ilalllinora, Ipw lorli. I'lill. ilclphla, Bolton. I'ro idt ura. And all points, North, Kast and Weal On Mi.l rter MOW 1A V 1H.S7, until furtner notice, t! a ( i . i i : im ii. Steimers New Berne acd Pamlico will sail from NORHU.K, Va , f,,r NILVV HriKN K. via V, utl, In, Ion. Moulin . W e.lnoa ilaya ami Krlila;a. inakliiii rloar c-oniiri-ilon Willi I lie r-u-anu-n of u,,, fs . A '1. H. H H.io, for Kllialon 1 rem.. n, an. 1 all oilier laniJiuKS oil tlie Neuan and I'rrnl River ItelurillliK, will aall rrom MtW HKKNK for MIKKoT.K direct. Mi inlay. Wi.lnn. ilj-aml Krldaja al 1 a. M.. making ronDec. iioji wiui the ii. : m. c "a alii for New York. II. h. r Co. aieanier for Kallloiore. ( I vile Line Hlilna rorl'hlla. delphla. anil M AMI, i , ai,i,.B for ih. Ion and 1'rovldeDre Oor untiring eflorl 1 pve our patron, and oor a)iut pfrfen ai ivlce lot ilie paat twelve year. 1 iue lx-l auaranlee u e ran offer all iiiiporm a to wi.Biv.eMiH do for mem in tne luiure. Order all kooxI care of ii II. n. H Co. .Nor folk. Va Krelght not receive 1 Tor elilpaienl after 11 a m. on sailing ,!). l'enger will And a grxwl Uble, comfort able room, aod every oourtesy and atlru llou will be paid tliem by tbe utftcer. ;K H. ROHKHTH, Agent alkHHkB. CL'LI'Ll l'KK it Tl'KNKR, Agenu, Norfolk. Va. W. fl- HTANKORII. H. F. A i: Agu. New York City. Cninge of Pier in Raw York. The N. C. Freight Line FOR NEW YORK, BOSTON, PROVIDENCE, and all point IVorrtii and West 4 fur this data will raeelT freight In Nw for Sew Bexae al P1EK 7. NORTH RIVE II, OtfUw of New Tork and Baltimot Transportation 0. llert bic la should rmmbar'tbat tkls ! odi- r th ben Steam L.1dm out of Tork, makin (July oonDectton with Bultimor for B BrD ail lulde, aad eelj od ckan-. - crararr nramrrir am i . .nn IMm Iiw .ia Itme ud Biitiiflri at orfolkl b41a( Hew Bene for Baltimore TUESDAY VaUBATS at 1 m. Lear BsJtlraore ft Raw Beras wTtDNESDATS dad 8ATCBDA V 4 X tallw; "-EHEafl TOSTXE, Oaal jraaafer , i -vWt4'v,. -SSLIgkt St,BJ't.a1 A JaSCAUUCrA-i. Norfolk, Ts," W. t. Oyd' dH PkOaialehla, 11 Sow. York A Balto.Tr. Ldns.Ptsr Wanfetfter E. Sampsoe, Boston, U Central wkarL . an. Eeoa-weU, froTideiioe R. 1, D.O.MiakFaUKJTr,Ierrlek wharf. - (klplT Beaoa,Taeeda7aad Datawdaya , y - . ' " BelttaBOrerWedaeatajwaUaawawaa- ... Fall BiTsr, Koadaf, Wedaeadars " : Irldare. - i ProTldeaea, SstBrdara. hreagk btlla lading (fraat, aad rates gasrasi ' - ' , 1 1 to all Bsferte.aitke aurereat oSleaa eg jtkrttaafXJfe-ifn- 'tUr HUB Ur W STSW- STMef ' "1, 'im,'

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