RNAL, f; V-' r ' ' H ' V -lilt- I T f !--J -yOJ,ZVIit.0.i442J NEW BERNE.N C, THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER 15, 1887. PRICE 5 CENTS, .'H ) I in w ii i : 4 7, t- , i - LOOAL NEWS. -Jttnr Berris,TatfUda ; WT North. , r v'i .loegitade, 77 g Wert. 2 fi'i. I&Ktb of day, "-tlwiiMit tM 118 hour, 8 minute Vo , 8:83 a. m. BUSINESS LOCALS. cat. . QBAYELY TOBACCO. VkA:. C.E.SLOVEB rjHILAOEU'UlA BUTTER. 80c. per X lb. at' John Dunn fpHE QROCEB, E. B. HACK BURN, JL iastillselling 8. C. Hams, Break 'fast Stripe and 8. 0. Shoulders br actual weight. Save money by patronizing Lira. PURE Liquor and Wines for Medici nal and other uea, at wholesale. Jambs Rkpmokd. BUGGIES, McD ale at Pates' make, for Dail Bitos '. DIRECT importation of French . Brandy and Holland Q in arrived In bond and duties paid at Custom 3ouse inNew Berne, guaranteeing gen ds goods for sale. -t -' Jas Rbdmond. PARIS GREEN and poison diatnbu tors for the cotton worms at lit'1 ''-- Ono, ALlkn & Co. , riAKBETTB Medoo Vineyard Cognao ana wines ror saie, ai aianuiaciu rerw prion, by James Redmond. BROWN GEORGIA COTTON GINS, .wta- Self Feeder and Condenser. All of the latest and most approved pat- leW,, UBO. ALLEN E (JO. REDMOND'S Ginger Ale. Lemon Soda, etc , equal to imported. J auks Rcdmond. 0,tb PAPERS in any quantity for '.-sals at tbtacffioe. ;i-Tbe. Y. M. C. A. business meeting which, was to have been held last night was postponed till next Monday night. . Go to the meeting at the Y. M C A. rooms on Friday night and aid in organ ising a Building and Loan Association. K3&fefrioe" v' arrested on capias from Pamlico county yesterday and lodged in jail last night. This makes thrash 'Pamlico's prisoners now In CraTnJ. Mr. BB. Hackburn, one of the live BnaeJ. street merchants, reports trade brisk since h rnorsdlliito hU new store, tlslsosing the advertising columns of thM tCKUMkU wbio'tof course are boond to helpanv It mstohanl. The colors of the eteamer Nswberne were lowered ta balf-mast yesterday while lying at her wharf, as a token of respect to the memory of the late George W. Bailey, who so faithfully served this company while living. None . will missed him more than the agent, and;. Other officers of this line wiib end for whom he labored so heartily aid sheerfally. Reqvictcat in pace. , U . ' Qotton. Thirty -two'balea of cotton were sold at the Exchange yesterday at pricre ranging rrom o w v. Fiiday Xrening. .' It has been decided to call a meeting aa. Friday evening next at 6:80 o'clock to ooxwider plans for organising a Build lag and Loan Association. The meet ing Will Im held at the Y. M. 0. A. foomnv Let every man who feels an inWrsst in the improvement of the city tUnd. i - IT- V" Graded School Ope Ding. We rere mistaken in announcing in . yesterday 's issue that the graded school will epe next Monday. The Secretary and Treasurer of the Academy give notioe a this latoe that it will open the tWtaCooday in October. Other gchools 111 open next Monday. Military Company Organiaed. The yonngmei of New Berne held a meetinr at WeTnatetn Hall last night ":suftwfaiaad ft tntlltarj company with I ofty HMie membera. Dr. Geo. Stover was ' elected CapXa4 fid ward- Oerock First Lientcnanl aoA.BaQh: s Gray Second - LUateaaatV pi eomaany' starta ont . well; It Jefrgfrt;nd wa expact exa toaeilt bf Eft.fe ataadard of th iwst iaaaaBwntai;; - 3 reraoqaJU, . aetf od . ' JfnrDaaJoSe f Hdw-ard & Joacf haa fetdied-trottWKoHii:Bd. tU elegant .atock-iofi p)etKlf.and "tnW goods of the Era is being receltsd oy : J. yayj5r jrJiaJofdi the.laat chance cn Middk atreetlnaa returned from the North and ). packing hk store with gooJs Hevaanonaeea alsewbere what ke I piDg.fh9j.j.lVVi,.: Ful Iiaarphrvy; Eq- i of Goldsbdro total! iiy.TjJ- i .- Yt, IT. 8. jb()2efdabot6aUd to. a x.t 'ye.triif.i He b traveling la the i......; cr the iarn Carolina Fair 63 1 fjock Aisicklioa,' the annual . Fa cf which will be held on the St, I 27 1 ;"i6jtober.2 V:r'4.i:'f----J Dr. C". Fr.!frr.(',: s Du7y returned from the I" Xedieal Cocgrest , D. C, IssttiiihH at Matter of Importance td New Berne, Our readers will pardon us for con' tinually haajmaring at atubjtjtj which wear sare-ig of as much interest to them, and possibly more so, than it is to the Joukkal, but for some time we have been bent upon schemes wbioh, if put in operation, will necessarily aid in re viving the business of this city and de veloping this section of country, and we are not quite wit- ling to give them , up. The schemes to which we allade are, the building of a railroad through Jones and Onslow counties to Wilmington and the extension of the A. & N, C R. to Sanford, where it will. Up the Cape Fear and Yadkin Vally and the Raleigh & Augusta Air Line roads. The advantages of these schemes to New Berne and this entire section bate been often set forth in the ooltfmns tt this paper. They are so palpable, and the schemes so feasible, that no oae dares to controvert then). The queeti&i now is, what steps are necessary to in augurate these measures. In the first place how shall we pro ceed to bring the people of Wilmington, Onslow and Jones county in accord with us. Wilmington baa voted one hundred thousand dollars to the Wil mington, Onslow & East Carolina Rail road Co., and Onslow county is about to vote on a proposition to subscribe sixty thousand dollars to the same road . A number of the citizens of New Berne, Onslow and Jones hold a charter for the building of a road from some point on the A. &. N. C. R. to New river in Onslow with an option on the State lands in that and Jones county, a char ter within itself very valuable. With the prospect of a road being built under tbis charter thu Onslow people will hardly vote a subscripiion to the W. , O. & K. C. H Mont certainly not unless the road h to come through to New Berne. Now we suggest that our people send a committee, composed of the President uf the East Carolina Land and Railway Co , the chairman of the board of county commissioners, the Mayor of the city, Prtsident of the board of trade. President of the Cotton and Grain Exchange, and a representa tive of any other interest that they think will aid in the cause, and other citizens who may fell an interest in the matter, to Wilmington to oonaalt with parties representing the W. O. & E. C. Co., and with the people of Onslow and Jones and endeavor to bring about some concert of action that will insure the construction of this road at once. We believe the people of Onslow will rote a subscription when once assured that the road will be built through from one city to the other. As to the extension of the A. & N. C. R. to Sanford, that can be done with out any county, town, or State subscrib ing a single 'dollar. The road has a debt of only three hundred and twenty five thousand dollars. It. with the ex tension to Sanford, could float without difficulty, six hundred thousand dollars more at par and this would build the road. We would then have one hun dred and sixty miles of road with a debt of nine hundred dollars and a connection that would mora than quadruple its business. Now In order to carry out this scheme let this same committee consult the people of Lenoir, Pamlioo, Carteret, Craven and Wayne and present the matter to the Governor and to the stockholders of the A. & N. C. R. We have shown conclusively in former articles that the A. 6c N. C. R never has and can never pay a dividend on its stock so long as its terminus is at Goldsboro, and It is confined to local bniiness. The State b paying annually between fifteen and twenty thousand dollars iaterest oa the bonds outstand ing for the otmatrnottea of the A. W." O. R. and it Is not and sever will, with out an extension of this road, , get one oent in return. We think It would be bettef for the State to sell her iaterest outright to the C F. & Y. V., but if that road b not willing to buy then let the extension be made. We have given heretofore ample- proof that the State, the DflvaW stockholders and all con cerned will be benefited by this ettez- ionVthen" wh ncVthake an effort to, get it f TOiy slf liersj aR tbe ttay Idle whUe bur netgebortnf towns are gfcr Ing and oatokmjfoti WeVery5 erteryrYse catoalatedtd tfvanplornttMM their people; and bailsT ap'thalr'wasie places. t . "it, ;!- ' The Sale Confirmed. i President Bryan of the X.&. fLtC. R. reoelved a.' telegram . last sight. - an nouncing the confirmation of. the sale of the Atlantic Hotel atllorehoaj Oltj.T ' This b good news for Korehead, ai thai hotel to in hands that will spar no ef forts to nake it the eat tvjamef rsaett in we ocrain. - Arrirals at Hotel Albert. - - J. T. QaalW- il'tr; Iffartlar frfliaia Graham, Baltimore ; D.- T. Carta way, J. F Taylor, city? c M. Bryan, Ysnre- boro. . ..- - - - ' ' '' Escaped Prisoner Captured. Dempsty Hinwnj col., alias Charley McCleeae, who escaped from Pamlico jail sometime since, was captured yesterday near Connors' in this county by deputy David Barrdm and was lodged in jail. Steamer Movements. ,The Newberne of the O. D. line left at noon yesterday for Norfolk with a good cargo of cotton, other miscel laneous freights and passengers. The Vesper of the E. C. D. line, sailed yesterday afternoon with cotton and merchandise. The Eaglet of this line will arrive this morning. Theorizing. Our correspondent "H." seems to be of the opinion that the dignitaries who meet b Philadelphia on the 17th to eel e brats) the one hundredth anniversary of the Oonetltntiou, are on a fool's errand, ai ha claliaa that the century wpl not expire before sometime la 1838 or '9. W learn from history that after the war which resulted in the recognition, by thsS4Taother country ''.of the colon ies as free and. independent Stales, that the Congress of the then united colonies recommended a convention composed ai delegates from each State. This con vention met at Philadelphia in May 1787 and proceeded to frame a new constitu tion. Their work was completed and agreed upon on the 17lh uf September 17B7, and we presume it is the work of that convention, namely, the framing of the constitution, that will be cele brated at Philadelphia, on the 17th. it being the one hundredth auniversnry of that event. Our Shad Fisheries. Mr. H 11. Worth who ban been Bent here by the officials at Washington in the interest of the shad fisheries of this section, has finished his inquiries con cerning the industry on the Neuso and Trent, and left yesterday for the i'amlico river and North counties, lie has found in tne Neuse a large increase in the catch, occurring in the last two seanone. w hich is attributed by the greater num ber of persons who have expressed themselves, to the planting of voudk fish made three and four years ago. Mr. Worth states that the Neuse never re ceived a greater number of young shad in a single season than a million, and! that the actual cost of that number of fry, produced from the most improved stations, amounts all told, to less than $200, one hundred and fifty dollars be ing nearer the exact amount. ua the Neuse tne catch of shad is about squally divided between St stands of set gill nets, (representing seventeen thousand fathoms,) and nine seines be low, and forty drag-nets, twenty four seines and three hundred ekim-cets above New Berne. The shad delivered into the hands of dealers in Nsw Berne this season, a smaller number than last season, amounted to about fifty-three thousand. NEWS N0TS3. The New York Republican conven tion met at Saratoga Wednesday. Dr. Parker's eulogy on Henry Ward Beeober will be delivered on October 4. The first of the races which deter mine the defender of the America's cu p wassailed Tuesday. New York officials of the Cincinnati Hamilton and Dayton Road declare that a receiver is not necessary. Visitors who come to attend the con stitutional centenary celebration are al ready arriving in Philadelphia. The representatives of the Supreme Legion of the Ancient Order of United Wbrkm'eo met in convention in St. Taul Monday. The Great Council, of the Improved Order of Red Men of the United States met in Wilmington, Del., Tuesday for a four days' session. President Cleveland has written to the Mayor of New Orleans expressing hb'tbaals'for the Invitation to visit that city, but regretting that it will be ImrafdeforMmtodoso. Samuel Deamaad, the last but one of the Nsw Brunswick N- J.) hermits, dted yesterday (trom weakness, the re toU4fcMnity, aadkda refusal to take foe4tBwaw T years oid.' Hs had lived in: New Brunswick for 10 years. The decayed Wiles of his wife and brother Rabri, which were foand last Marok la the hat where ha and John lived, caased great .axeitemeat at the tiOJB. '"" Atteatloal, New Berne Steafis Tlrs Engine Company Ka.t. ".'"' y ' YotrarserbT ordered to meet at the engine boa r at 8T a. n; iA fuII uniform to attend the funeral of com-, paalon Q R. Bailey Members of the Atlantlo Oompaay who may wish to at tend are cordially invited. Fatigne caps will bJwora.$ y order af the ForemaBU.i ; , V : -v ' x s 3 'yr'-:.. .-ii'iM Asst. Foreman,' The CengtHatlona! CenteniiiaJ. Editob JorRlfAL: Tt seems to me that tha approaching 17th of September is not the natal day of the constitution of the United States, as it was not estab lished, or endowed with legal life on that day, or any other day in the ?ear 1787. The constitution, as a document, was finished, signed and pionuulgated by the delegates from the several Slates who had assembled for the purpose of framing one, in order to form "a more perfect union,' but it was entirely without life: it w as null and void until the Slates so adopting it breatled iuto it the breath of life uad made it a living soul. Daniel Weboter declared iu his great speech iu Ib'd'S that "The constitution began to speak only after its adoption; until it was ratified by nine Stales it was but a proposal the mere draft of an instrument, it was like a deed drawn but not executed, it was an inoperative paper it had no authority 11 sixjke no language. ' After the p!a!i of the i onolitutioa as made known ami e- u t tin it f i to the several States, Alexander Hamilton in the ratifying State convention in New York, said "the delegates assembled in convention had no power to establish. but only to recommend a government. " He was a federalist of the most ultra type. Madiaou and Jay held the same opinion, this was the general under standing at that tune vtiihlhe loading men throughout the llnrti on Mates. The constitution itself declaiec that 'the ratification of nine Stales should be declared sufficient for the establish ineol of this constitution between the States ratify ing the same. So it nee me that ratification nas to 'esla' lisli. that the States were lo ratify , au i thai the States established the constitution.' But thrtt Slates ratilled in 17m?. I'rla ware, l eunsylvania and rvew i mk The Slate uf Georgia I alilied J aii uury 2d, 17BS, Connecticut Jainur) 'Jth. 17-- Massachuectts I'eLruary lh, Maryland April sh. 17SS. Nuiih Carolina May 2X1, 17-i- and New Hampshire i.'Ut, 17. When the Congress of the old i '.mli .lerai asBembleil July 2J. 17-i. thu l'le.-ciiut reminded it that N'ca' I !aui.nhn e a the ninth Slate ihat had i .it i ti . I , :t n 1 il was ordered thata coinriuttec exainine the ratification and report an a t I r putting the raid ci Iistittiti on int., (,.cra Hon. Uji September loth. Cn gress made ueclarutiuii "thai ihec.i. stitulion had been ratified in the man ner therein declared to be t-ulln'ienl (.ir the eslablishmeut of the sane-. an I then provides for the appointment (.f presidential electors on the hi si Wed m h lay in thu following Januarv, an I for the President and Congress in meet and oranizo "for executing the coiihIi tulion on the lirnt Wednesdav In March, or the 4th of March. I i.-U. Either thelDlh of September, ITati, or the 4lh of March. 17bi, is the eenternial day of the constitution of the I'mied Stales, but not the 17lh of Hsptember, 1787. Now, Mr. Editor, (he funnv ami ridiculous part of the whole centennial businese is, the fuss that is made over it by the Northern people they have gone into eesiacios and glorilications. spent millions of money, rannaekel Europo to get visitors to witnese the performance, and all for no other pur Iose than to celebrate the birthday of a written document, that they or a great portion of them declared to be ' a cov enant with the deyil and a league w ith bell 1 ' Oh temporal oh mores! When the Slates seceded from the old constitution they acceded to the new. old things had passed away and all things became new. The old ("onKreas of the Confederacy and its olllrcrs con tinued to act until the new constitution went into effect. In view of this plain t-talement of facts, how, or in what way or manner, or by what mode of urgiimint or reas oning, can one so construe the proceed ings of the delegates assembled in 17s7, as to pronounce September 17ih. I"1-?, as the proper day on which to celebrate the centennial of the constitution, w hen the proceedings of the delegates aseem bled in 17S7 had no more legality than apiece of waste paper until those pro ceedlngs were ratified by nine States. It is like a son celebrating the 20lb an niversary of his parents' marriage, and selecting the day of their engagement as the ?0ih anniversary. II The Verdlrl t'nanlmoim. W. D. Suit, druggist, Bippus, Ind , testifies: "I can recommend Electric Bitters as the very best remedy. Every bottle sold has given relief in every case. One man took six bottles, and was cured of rheumatism of ten years' standing." Abraham Hare, druggist. Bellville, Ohio, affirms: "The best sell ing medicine 1 have ever handled in my 20 years' experience is Electric Bit ters." Thousands of others have added their testimony, so that the verdict is unanimous that Electric Bitters do cure all diseases of the liver, kidneys or blood. Only a half dollar a bottle at R. N. Duffy s drug store. Mr. U'Brira Tskn to MltcMltown. Dubiin, Sept. 12 Mr. Wm. O'Brien, who was arrested at Kingstown yester day, was conveyed to Mitchelistown this morning in the custody of an offi cer. He was accompanied by Mr. Tim othy Harrington and his counsel. Mr. OUrien emphatically denies that hs boarded the steamer st Kingston to avoid arrest, bis object being limply to see Mr. Laboncbere, who was about to leave f-r London. . Mr. O'Brien was enthosiastioal iy re ceived by a large crowd on his arrival at Limerick. In an address be said he never west on a journey which prom ised better for the cause of Ireland than the one he was aow zrakldev Tha gov enuaant mighststoae bisiipa, but tbeiw was a spirit jeft in Ireland today tbat all the bayonets tt their command could aot silence. , The tnayof , members, of. iha munici pality and many prominent citisens met Mr. O'Brien at tha Torkt dVpot.' Two band red polioemen and a strong force cf military escorted Mr. O'Brien to the eTBrthonse, wher a formal charge was made against him and he was remanded to jail. The streets were crowded with people. The mayor complained to Magistrate Gardiner of the presence of the military and police, which he said were riot needed and were calculated to irritate the populace. The streets through which Mr. O'Brien was taken to the jail were lined wiih troops. Stones crs thrown at the pol ice escort ing Mr O Brien. and several of them were wounded. Tl;e police then charged the crowd umg their batons freely ulJ injuring many of the epecta tors. A t vintu'i fllkcovri). "Andher wonderful discovery has been made and lhal loo hv lady in this county. Disease fastened its dutches Opon her and for seven years she w ith stood its severest tests, but her vital organs were undermined and death seemed imminent. or three months she coughed incessantly and could not sleep. She bought of us a bott. e of lr. King's New Discovery for Consumption aud was so much relieved on taking her first duse that she slept all night and ith on e bottle bis been miraculously cured. Iir najie is Mrs. I.uther Eutz " Thus write W C. Hamrick & Co. of Shsiby, N C For sale at K N Duffy's drug store. In 11,15 ciiy on the ineininn of the Hthdav i 'I M-plrmbr r of consumption, (iefirge U' IWiley in tt.c liln year of his age. The funeral will take place from the Haptitt ( 'iiurch this morning at Si o'clock. J. F. TAYLOR from I .is the Ni.rih w ith , f Good Goods, w I. Kl 1 I" ', CHEAP FOR CASH i No 1 i W f ' i o if-hij ess , ( i ' 1'ICl I S inuol . Heme, N ( M 11) Li Ii ill . I I I I , d ; Wsstnted, Tu 'il. has f i in ' . t.. : and t f. r House and I it on Broad street, pleasantly situated I'licei''.o Very cheap at lhal rice W. 15. lio I. REAL ESTATE AGENT. New bern, N. C d School Notice. The Trustees of New Berne Academy are pleased to announce tbat the Eon rtii Session of Nen- Berne Uraded School will open on Monday, October 3, 1SW7, under the management of a competent corps of Teachers. Six grades will be taught. Tuition free to children of bona fide citizens of the 8th school dis trict. A small tuition charged others. The undersigned will issue certificates at his office after the 19ih of present month. V. M. WATSON, selSdlw See. and Troas Gold Fronts, Call aDd See my New Stock of Confections, Fruits, Toys, &c. Also examine my Fancy and Family Groceries of which I have a ITU. AND COMl'LETl-; STOCK. H'-iT Fine Philadelphia Butter a Spe cialty. sepH dCm JOHN DI NN. Music School. Miss MYRICK will reopen her Music School Monday, SfptomUei l'Jtli. A liberal patronage is respectfully so licited, and every advantage will be given to the pupils. selO dtf Take Notice ! Our store is filled with Provisions, Groceries, Coaned Goods, Dry Goods, Crockery, Eto. We keep a full line of the Pelebratod Prison Boots and Shoes. ALSO 0. S. Parsons" & Sons Boots and Shoes. Every plr war ranted to give satis faction. Country merchants and the people generally are requested to call and ex amine oar large stock before purchas ing. We wOl give yon low figures. We job Lorillard SnnS. . HOBERTS & BRO., Use House's Chill Syrcp K. R. JONES, 1 Wholesale and Retail Dealer ta CHOICE FAMILY GROCERIES General Merchandise, HAUOINO AMI TIKS Etc. Consignments of Drain. Citlonsnd other 1'roduce soliciied. I'rompt AtUntiou ii ua r n nteed. N. W r,,r. sou- ; auJ MiddleSt NEW m. km:. N. (;. For Rent, A comfortable Dwelling House on Broad street. A good water cistern on prem ises A pply to OKU. HENDERSON, st 7 ltd Southern Express Oflice. Clothes to Order. Having the hgemy f.ir one of the largest Tailoring Establishments iu New York, 1 am prepared to take orders. En- I.uai.ami Kl. Crne and look at my In., i f -Hiiipl. s M II WATERS, Ju. H a M,; ,V J 'Id stand. selOd'Jm Cheap For Cash. A I . itv five Saw (I in and thirlv feet "f HeltlliK fo nd- ,y h, '. dtf ( ' TI.EIi. Mrs- A. T. Jerkins N ill lesiini, tl... duties of her School tt i her r. hiJerice on Johnston street, on j M ' 'M'A'i Si ! n .MI'l K iuni, and respectfully m.Iichm a share of the .public patronage. N,, pupils received helow the 1 ourth ( ,i -,de I Sept 1 dim Music Lessons. Miss HA ICHIK HARRISON, for the past two years u student of theN.E. I'linwiialury of Mu-ic. Boston, will re sume her iTiu-ie class Morula v . October :ir'' 'sep-dtf. Hlest be the ears thit will not hear Detraction's envious tale; 'Tis only through the list ning ear That falsehood can prevail. Tl. Clef. HP .li i-bii tlml Hi 1 A .NHl l.l.'ri KIM. I'lUAK A'.hM Y. in-rliili,1, l,T W I. I MOiier . : e hi niiel uilule l IHiputsl pllfes. W . I. r.M.MKK. I'e "ill Im.i f r..:n ..t. Si.ulli h'loiil ami M Uhl :e Ht re-l. New Herne.N (' HARDWARE. Httfli, Doors anil Hlimli, l,ain(, (in. .in,! ' -i 111 Ceinriit and IMu-.Dt, ; S Nil V All .i.id. ot oiomm; AN1 hi: I I.V. HTO KS, AT BOTTOM PRICES! 4 L. H.-CIJTLER, ; 26 & 28 Middle Street, NEW HKKNK. N. V. School Notice. Mis- EMII.Y FEKEBEE will open her School on Mi iNDAV. SEI'T. 26tb. y Trms-S! .O and S 1 oO per month . sepil dtd Steamer Howard. Commencing MONDAY, the 12th dsy of September, 1887, the Steamer HOW ARD will run the following schedule: For Trenton, every Monday end Friday: Returning every Tuesday and Satur day. Up Nsuie River every Wedneedsy, and return Thursday. stS dwtf Special tioiieo. 1AM determined to sell fey Enlfrsj , Stock, consisting of Dry Ooeds, Hata. Shoes and Notion, at TWENTY nVE PER CENT BELOW COST. . Tha ' pnblio will flnrl it tn that 1 ,- call at my store and examine goods " ana prioes Deiore Duying elseWbere.' w24 tf M. PHAOi V School Notice. '. ':. MISS lEAH JONES will opon her school n MONDAY, 8EPT. lth. v h Full-English course, Latin, Praacn, Elocution-and Book-keeping. Terms 12.50 per month. No extra ohargea. 424 dtd