... 1 .v.. Sit IS tu.ulliO . , . . w.a w...r, except iiommy. at , r yer, 13,00 for six montb. - Levered 1 ii It WKLKLT JOUBJfAL. a M eoluasn ; per, u published every Thursday at S2.M ADViKTialNa - &A.TXS (DAXLIWlna lnc one day 1100; aOo. for sack sabeauent UsSttOSv,"..V '-;. ; . . Advertisements tndet- fated of "Business Lor Alt," II real par for Srst end $ eeali for e,vury anhammint laaortloati- - - - No MTWtlaiMiiM U1 bat wear ad between ocal matter at any ima, . SottoeaWMartaatna or Heaths ant to exceed lea UneaielUr Inserted free. AB additional ' matter will ba coarged 6 eeuu par Una. Fayaaente for transient advertleemec a. - see B a4a la advance. Regular adver tise ii will be eoUeoted promptly at itie cad ot eafb month. CoaaBtunieetVoM containing news of a dis , coaelon f eel matters ara solicited. Se aommnnhoatloamoat ba expected to ba ub- . Wbed that eontalns obiectionaDle personal ties withholds tne na ma or the adthor: or 3n VUI snake psora lb an oat column o n b , Any person reeling aleved ai any anony mons porn mnmnation oan obtain toe name o M autnor by applloatloD at tola office aud ' arwtn. wherein the Knevanea exists. "THE JOURNAL. m. s. wvnn. J.HAJIFBK. Kdltar. Bualnees Manager. fKW BERNE. K.C.. BEPT. 16 1887. altered al tka Foat odto at !, bara aaaaaoad-elaas waller. t GEOEGIA bas imposed a t ax of ' ten thousand dollars ou wine . rooms. It is gettiDg about as rabid on prohibition as Maine. Hijjb. license is one of the plans to i close bar rooms' and prohibit in ' temperance, but high license, pro ' hibition laws, and all the sumptu ary laws that a legislative body can conceiTe will not prevent men's drinking wine so long as the grape is permitted to grow. THE Raleigh News and Obser er in noticing the fact that the Geor . gia Legislature has passed a bili to Bubmit an amendment to the State constitution providing for live Sdpreme Court judges instead of three as now, suggests that North Carolina should follow the example of her sister State. We were under the Impression that the General Assembly at its last session did the Tery thing that the Georgia Legis lature has done, and there is no necessity of following the example of our sister State; but it is worth while to make an effort to have Un people ratify the amendment. or drains to as to tap the e-pricrs. The plan we hare found most euo- ces&fal, w to eat tne drams from springs or foot hill, ohliqnely across the bottom so as to strike the main ditch at an angle of aboot forty five degrees of coarse pointing down stream. The number requisite will of course vary. -One for each spring, if these are present. In the absence of well washed springs, at a distance of thirty to fifty feet apart,- according to wetness of sou. Other, things being eqaal, the deepen the drains the farther apart they may be. Bat if the land is at all wet in spring they should never be more than fifty feet apart Bat suppose the main ditch or stream cannot be gotten deeper than a foot and a half to two feet What then t - Do not undertake to drain the, land ; you will be sure to fail. Pat it down in grass. Herds grass or red top will grow on wet bottoms admirably indeed better than anywhere else. Bermuda also will do well ou them, and if the soil is rich, will grow tall enough to be mowed, and make most excel lent hay. Lkm't try to cultivate these wet bottoms iu corn, making a small, sickly stulk, with perhaps a nubbin on it. The grass crop will be worth ten times as much as the corn, without any labor of culti vation, after it has been well es Ltui i-ilv-wi, t.JT ttul fecs. it t other aod lei profitable t laces. Therefor, let tLe fire bum brightly in winter, and let the doors aad windows be cheerfully thrown open in summer, and make the homestead delightful with those Jittle arts that parents so well understand. Do not regret the buoyant spirits of yotr fhUdren Jlalf aa boor jof laerrimeni witnurooors, ana mer riment of a home, Wots out the re memberancof,oany a care and annoyance daiiug.the day; and the beat aaie-gaard t&at jbejr can tain with them into the world is the un seen inflaencb of. a bright little home 8anctnm.Farm and nr- Mde. 44Lrely., The absurd use 'of the word ''lovely'' is illustrated in the lollow lie conversation' overheard on horse-ear in the suburbs of an Eastern city. Of oouree the re porter did not have hi note-book open, an there fore he can only be sure of the general accuracy of his account. But this is the impression the conversation made on him. The speakers were a young man and a young woman, happy in each other's society aud a bag ot chocolate crtams: Isn't it lovely riding on the open cars?" asked the young man. Lovely!" was the reply: What lovely houses there a e all along this street! Yes, lovely! See those magnificent elms forming a piuiectarch of green over that avenue. Aren't they loveljT" l'erfectly lovely!" The view Irom this hill is so tine! Ixivel ! How beautilul that little oottuge hidden in the green vines is! ! Lovely 1 See that lovely l.iwn. Isn't it chariuingf Just lovelj ! Have you enjoyed the 1 idet" tablished. Clear, clean up and grub thoroughly all the wet bot toms on your farm. Do it now, whilst they are comparatively dry, aud may be, at least scratched over with the plow, and then seed down in grass. II weeds come up in the Bprinr mow them down beiore they get large enough to smother the grass . Two or three mow ings during the ,seafoii will get rid of them very effectually. Do not be led away with the idea that ' the grass needs shade, and let the woeds grow. The grass needs all the soil, aud its share of air aud ,-v"'- Ik. I The second elans of bottoms, IUV"UU .. those that are ashed or scoured , of '!e r,,u ' was ched. by ranis; what shall be done about1, f Wil8ttLe K.ng reply, them T The trouble may be avert , 1( hs ,M''" ,ust to loveI ior aD-y-ed in part by establishing barri cades at the narrowest points . ".".T .i i ii . , A Vt (iiui'i Ilncori. Vni'MI lliA III 4 Till! in rIliA VI'. ; . .' , , i "Another wonderful discoverj- hag' loeuj oi mc wau-i eau ue cueiksu been made and that too bv a lady in thu by them, aud instead of scouring a county. Disease fastened iu dutches deposit of rich sediment secured, i u,un her and for seven years the with Theso barricades may be made by 8tood 118 severest tests, but her vital driving willow stakes in double T , UD""lnea ft . ..... , , .. seemed imminent, tor three months ions auu uuiuj; iu oi'inecii njii 5 . i 4ttK :rrM,A Ii '.USta VSt - r , . rw-t - I r". KO 8 M36me OR ROUI8 TO Tf CrHTFRCIt T"'? t 0. Parlor Kults, Chamber Sets.Tf alnut.Cedsteadi. Burearxs, Ward - robes. Sfattresses, Chairs, Xogag-eav Sofas, Centre Tablet, i ,y ' v Etc,, Etc!, at KOCK ; l?OTTOM,PillCES- -, : ,-'7 JOHN SUTEB, Middle Street,N ew Berng, IT. 1 C ThU aowdM MTW parity, siraortb. and VI ooaaitiicslxhaaUia Ordlnarr M b aold takomBUUaa arita Mia aauiutada lw Wat, akart wlsak.lua or pttoapbata ariaa. 4 saavf or waolaaoaa . ilor uncta,and oan vowdar. Bold only Uoasa. Botai. IUxia rwaOolM WaU-aX-W.T. BOvlMrd For mm ! fa wberm by .rez MUlar, Aoelorwiiwilkw Mtar-Mrrtor are not talktng aM of Mil raw. TT Mpij a4.Wt.lcJ farrif aaTS thS JBW MQ S Mtu woriA. 1 nm mono , flat Irtter. . r. in tiw rii Jmf U caJt, mow ynunw aiit nnf wmf inmw fiinn am. um mmt, . "JAMES MEAHO" S4 SHOE r 7 V ; WiO not wear aejf asUt . " "".J ' jAiviES rtiEAnc i- IiprsTtst? it I rr.aAe f mra vhm occaptttcnt r Mrlratt' v ; 1 -attl ijvin U c.Tli fr t Ivhlrrand cmf lre siiuwtli -ttw JAM KS MEANS M lHOKa .Or $)Ht w c-ct aldislh i ft.tr tiki if ruuuifiit; rrfMUuon cuvutti c diirti'iilt-jraurb Tifc iKhrT hit tfflmtnfi tut. " I .--orv fi me inni1. Hit wrrpfi.icn rt !:; aprwSi. ( !. .' .1111 Meant 4 fchne is Ii.- It tUKl n1 v 1 J : 1 i. t -iratlc r $ny time f M wetjfU t kHV , r ; rij V,'t corPiifiulf .awrt t!iit Iff wrtj r5 - , HKi t u,e Jan. : Hiii S4 Shorn Is uml U 4U l.'WKl-aMa !.;3 u Ii hv hitMCrtO be ffriMk4 ( ecr fc. It h:u lMm.UtopatvdMiigri.tf vvmy. K It his a iM-n.n:v ,mK.rii UUom insidf. 4t ii IX I - ftorarng. ar 4 n-flnirf no "hrrttklnif im," ' t?Hkt-tIentj tb urht t':ii H ta T'urn. ' i ' . ;;r r r- Jaim a a-lt-Mtis aTt: r.. a Sho-a v. rcht frt . t. ' tymairv to Iki't-at' tisivt-iy silvtrrisiMl If yea 4VHt" ; lia'P'!m-l in other aiivrned hlitM-a. j-uVwJ,TrKuc ( 'i (.iifrbt tu i h y-u tltrit M ia4uifr bur aw4 ) JrT t i lurttkr. .i a bvktwiii, ntl:or Slitn t'i.tunuuk hy Itw ... I. ll.-w.rs 1 itete rhtxa ere Mtld IV IU tfUJk-r i tiirmit lu.iit ttKj (Jinu-d Mala, inl we m xlwtft : r ,- tacily w tthlik yniir rr4 h . iu kvii J-tuU; 1 viTilufy , f v , WiU au(l u a oa;iJ cra. James Means d6 Co i Al Lincoln St., Boston. Mais,. MOST BJZILLIAI,' PURE & PERFECT LENSES Xxx tlio Worlti. They areas t;F-v)trent r.nd eolorleta aa Ugbl ltaalf, an J fo i.-neu. or euriuraneato Uio eye, cnuin.i toabuiif tba wearer to real rei i.-s unl (s:iue. In fat, they at e PERFECT Hi.. HI 1 it Teatlmonlala from tbe !-.. 'ng pbyalolana In tba United States, Uo. iura, Benatora, Leglalatora, alockmen, men uuia laall pro feaaioua, and lo dlrlereai biuiuliea of trade, bankera, nieclianlca, et., cau be alvan wbo bave had their eight Improved by their use, ALL EYES FITTED AN D THE Hf O U AKANTKED BY F. 8. DUFFY, Druggist, mart) .NEW BERNE. N. C. ly KAKMS AND FAKMKKS Short Talks With the Men Who Guide the Plow. DICTHINO VET LAND 11 1 1. 17 1 Ni BOTTOM LAJiDH. When excessive rainfalls, like those of recent date occur, and crops on bottom lands suffer, we are prone to go to extremes and and greatly undervalue them. These lands may be divided into three classes : those loo wet lor corn or cotton: those subject to overflow, especially from backwater, and those which are overflowed in such a manner as to bo badly scoured or washed or covered with sand. What should be done with the class, wet bottom T We spring this question now, because this is the best time in tbe year to study draining practically in the field. The supply of water in the earth is approaching Its minimum. This is shown by the failure of wells that are' not supplied by bold "veins." Springs also are comparatively weak This is true of those under ' ground springs which do not come out boldly to the surface, but ex , pend themselves in spreading through be soU around them, and keeping them too wet. Now this wetting of the soil being reduced In -area, by the limited flow of water in spring, the exact position ': of the latter can be much more easily located than it can be in winter and spring when the lan u generally rs wet, and water from underground springs diffuses itself much, more widely. Go over wet bottoms , therefore ia the late ' antnjsAa moaths !and mark all the wet points. These will be very . apt tfrryverlie the hidden springs; ' - ThJa la the first step to be takes The , Baft, Is . to devise means tot securing requisite depths of main ditefceprf dreamy if .not already 1 present c JNo less than toar feet : should be aimed at. A deep main ditch, is the essential condition for draining bottom land successfully. A rout-foot - deep main ditch allows a gradual: -elope- to the bottom of stde,'; o aeoondary' ditches,, and these. may..te three, reet ; deep, therefore, at some distance bom theltaaia;.ditch. ; A drain ditch BhouId:.b) ihree feet' at its shal lowest point,- r possible. The watei lerei; tr water ltae, In the soil ' will ' always come nearer the Ftirfaee than, the- bottom of the .'rain ditck.tYou ; cannot lower It fally to bottoX)f dltcli;; V :i V ' Xow, BnrxwiDgimn.rlitck suf. lofjs, brush, etc. The w illows will grow and ultimately make a living barrier. Another precaution we have found valuable for ordinary lreshets is to defer breaking such lands till late m the spring just as late as plauting may be put off, and thus decrease the risk of Injury from heavy spring rains. I'n dowed laud in not scoured near so badly as that which is plowed. An other precaution is to sow in rye at the last plowing of corn (which is usually late on bottom land) and let it cover and bind the soil during winter and spring. But the bar- jicades should bp our chief reliance. For moderate rains a large ditch will serve to carry off the water without its overflowing the land, but rainfalls occur every year or two which no reasonable ditch would guard against, and it js about these we are now speaking. The subject will be resumed next: week. r. L. J., in Atlanta Const i-! tution. I'altrj Dishonesty. A young aspirant for office In Iowa drove up to an hotel, and alighted, and engaged a room, lie desired his trunk taken to his room; and, seeing a man passing whom he supposed to be the porter, he im periously ordered him to take It up. The porter charged him twenty-flve cents, which he paid with a marked quarter, worth only twenty cents, lie then said: "You know Governor GrimesiT'' "Oh, yes, sir!" "Well, take my card to him, and tell him 1 wish au interview with him at his earliest convenience." "1 am Governor Grimes, at your service, sir." "You I that is, my dear sir, 1 beg a a-thousand pardons!" "None needed at all, sir," replied the Governor. "I was rather favor ably impressed with your letter, and bad thought you well suited for tbe office specified; but, sir, any man who would swindle a working man out of a paltry five cents would defraud the public treasury, Jiad ha ab opportunity. . Good eve ning, eu?.77 Selected. . she coughed incesssntly and could not sleep She bought of us a bottle of Dr. KinK b New Discovery for Consumption and was so mucb relieved on taking her lirst dose that she slept all night and w ith one bottle has been ruiraculouelv curea. tier ua.ne is Mrs. Luther Lulz Thus write W. C. Ilamriok t Co. of Shelby, N. C. For sale at R. N. Duffy's amg Btore. ALEX. JUSTICE, DEALER IN Fine Flour of all Grades, Selected Teas. Pure Coffees and Spices, Butter and Cheese, from the beat dairies. Full lines of the above Shoes for sale 'by 1 HOWARD & JONES, sole agents for New, Berne.. ; Use House's Chill Syrup Mrs; A. T. Jerkins Will feBume the duties of her School at her rrelderjce on Johnston street, on MONjDAYj SEPTEMBER Ith, and respectfully solicits a share of the public patronage. No pupils received below the Fourth (Jrade. Sept. 1. dim AGENCY FOR Blest be the ears thf., will not hear Detraction 'a-envious ule ; 'Tis only ttrodgj the-lfstiing ear That falsehood can prevail. Therefor yon can find at TANSILL'8 FINK ClOAH AGENCY, anperintandad by W. L. Palmer, tlx cb.laat variety made at popular prices. Wm. J.. PALaJER. Econd door from cor. soutb Front aod Middle alreeta, New Berne, N. C A Little Fob at Home. ' '. Do not be afraid of a little fan at home, good people.. Do not shut np your house lest the sun should fade your carpets, and your hearts, lest a laugh should shake down a few of the musty old cobwebs that art hanging there, Ifjroa want to r&m your sons, let them think that aa nirth and social joyment most be left at the threshhold with out when they come hdme at nigh V When once a home ia regarded as onh & place ta eat. drink and sleep in, the work is begun that :end ; In ajBBiuung nuuoos auu icwwb ucj- redation. Tonsgpeople must hare fan and relaxation somewhere, if emoval On or about SEPTEMBER 1st we will remove to the Large Brick Store racfptly vacated by Mr. John Dunn, neat door to the National Bank, and for the next two weeks we will sell the balance of our Stock of Clothing AT COST. Reppectfully, The Largest and Beat (Selected block CANNKD FRUTa AMP VEUKTABL ever before brought to Mew Berne. Also, a fall variety or other goods, naual kept Iu a First-Class Btore. Goods delivered at any part of tba free of charge. TEK118 CASH. Middle 8t, next to Humphrey ai uowara, new uerne, ti. V. rnar37dwtf . J. IT. I BABTIiEK BASIL. MANLY. JOHN H. CRABTREE & CO. ENGINEERS, Founders and Machinists, Manufacturers and Dealers In ENGINES AND KiCEIKISTS' SUPPLIES. Uullderi of Kngluea Iloilera, Saw J11IU. KdgtDKdt Cut oft KlarLlaea We are prepared todoCatl i g or u)l kinds wiih proiupuieas, Puitlrular and lruiiifdiate u luulttjii givt-i uj repai a ti Ml muds. We will b.ttlad to give plans and ttUiunlin roraav afacupuorj oi inacrjinery. Wa Sre tlie agents for the sale of the Amer ican Haw. Also lor U. A A. bunramm celo brated Indestructible Mica Valves, We give aatlafaotory guarantee f r all work aou" uy Hi. iy2i d'aw w;y J. W. STEWART, 5a aplS dwv r. M. B1MMOHB. HEAUQ,OAUTIUJ KOK MULES, HUH-'LS and BUUGIEa Bone and Carriages to Hire at reasonable rales, everything goal united a represented. Broad St., Newbera. N. O. FOB BAEOAINS IK Furniture, CALL AT THE New Berne Furniture Store WEST SIDE MIDDLE STREETJ Wb .re it can be found in great variety. rumiture not in stock will be ordered at a small per cent above cost. A liberal share of public natronase solicited. J. M. marM d wtf HINES, Manager. alB dwtf HOWARD & JONES. Notice fo Uerchanfs ! Save Freight and Drayage in Buying Your Powder from Ferdinand yirich, 1 AGENT FOB " v ! Hazard Ponder; Go. Eeew in stock all' )rrade and size packages.'; .-"'".--"'i.jj-. MIDDLE STREET, T. A. GazKirto Old Sriirrx ' Accident Insurance. W. W. LA WHENCE, Esq., has accepted tae agenay of The World's Industrial Accl dent Association OF DTJBUQTJE, TOWA. Take a pollsy at once ! Thon koowest aot whB y a aoetdan wui nappen. ynis tympany paia Mr. isaste H, BraltU aetanty-llra dollars for three weeks. Just fifteen 'ays before tha claim was due. , fpr rariher (nrormatloa wriU to tba Beejt ona national Bans: or Dnbnqne, Iowa, wjey. It has a depodtory of Two Hnndrte Thonaantf W, W. LAWBJffC( ( i Oerc Street, siaiar Bsrna,. auaidm - wiTW, ptsnx, X'. c. VV. P. BUnRUS'G CO., C I . . 0BATJI-&'WIT0Hfevi COMMISSION MEECTIANTS, j m Yf u KJtun jBjl -iv U brocer;lookt0Tourh.terst PATAPSCOnOURlKGIlLS 4TAPSCO TUPERLltlTl TATEit .. x i-ramier Tidanr UTAtarteau This FLOOR baa )wng-ban eUMfd4 fo bs Srlr Any 6theiuisc'oisiiiT All Hie Best Brands of AmrrlcSri florif ail sold on lCqrtaBaarks,'b ra b - - Lassd'ceBariaWdectaWrt rafrf 'oisy . .j.r7 .beeausaItraakMtb WHITEST, QWEETEST-Atfiy JfOSTi t. ; JWTKnivua bread, j - : AskTWOreoeffottt;lsJb;':t . . BBOFORDVaXILT"11 ''A i 'A '. BAUrWU FAF1ILT. - J f..i3 lAPLS.TOa fAHILT. k U COMMEECBJ :3T :baltq? uh ?.' rf'l a iiiU. Mi .v Aj-i RBPRESNTEP BT M -A sis?;- is; I' IttBlOdfim . . i. if CLIHIKT MARLT, SIMMONS & MANLY, ATTOENBT8 AT LAW. VUI riractlpsln tbeOoqruorOraTan.Jones Onslow, Cfertaret, Pamlloo, Lanelr and Uyji and In tba Federal Oourt at New l'aroa. fabS'AwIj Hotel Albert, Kiddle Street, New Berne, If. C. Bt. PATTJCRSOJt, Proprietor, Offers special IndncenienU to oommerelal nen. r . . OutMn ofanparlor excellence, Omnlttns and baggage wagon at 4I trains aad.ataamers. j - r-1 Id Suits Mado New. ibtlemaxi' aad ToiTI Ctothlng Cleaned, &t pi avnd raipatrad by JOH9T WILLIAMS, on Oaqxoek street, between Soutb Front and FOIlook atreeu. New Berne, N. C. Tbe patronage of tbe eltlaens of New Berne aaJ aurconndlng conbtry la earnestly so- flaUad. jnlldtfwit red light sclc::i, Near Market Dock, Middl St NEW BEENE, h7c.7 ' 1M UK.KK YOU CAM AXWATl ttD PURE LIQUOnS Of every variety, in large or email quantities. Also the FINEST GRADES of i TOBACCO AND CIGARSJ? All of which will be sold CHEAP FOR CASH! John D. Din kins, Salesman. dec22 dw .jiii t HI If .4J E. wmwtAir., - Proprietor,' lOJfll frTrf ff ? e W IT ff & N. C. BtflTjWd. Atlantic TIME TABLX iVa.'ii; vTl In Effect 4:50 P.M., Hohday, Seit. 18. 1887. ' EAST Ma. ! Passenger Arr. L'vs. wast. r m. 6 If, n -it H lit r. STATIONS Art. 4 66 Ooldsboro . 6 4 La Orang .. lllKlnstoa- H 3t,m Baraa,.... IMorebaad City.. r . m. at- If 471-. iodia 6h ie os - a it aio- Aj'-sL,ai'j"f.i Dally eaeaptBnnday,,., fltA tut'' EAST. I No. 1 I Mixed Fgt. k j raaa. Traia. . ; .I.'.WM"-! STATlOrfS. west. - Psia.-Tralaf., Arr. . Administrator's Ifotiee JobnR. rnsrott baying duly oaallfled asad- mlnlatrator 'oun talament annexo" of ObarloUe F 7 ones, deo'd, this ia to notify all persona having elalics against tba estate of ww oeoaaaea a bore named, to present them for payment. twMva anon tha from this date or tbU notlfS will we pU4 In baf X u persona- maanira ia Tea sal a estate are 41red40 stake IsotnedUte payment. K, F1C " 933 . ?r i - JOHN K, FlOOtT, 1 -. Adjm'r, wltb the will annexed, L" - ofpbariottrtJona.4lo' Kswbsrn. Aag.ttiL. 18J. - - GEQRGEALLEI1 SCO. - General 'Hardware Afrrlcnltural Impiemeati, riot, ItarroB, CaltiTatora, llaea aod Axes, Wj91 .V4 WoorTapMowers; aod Jteaptira, steam CsrirfDi, til j Ootton 'Hua andPresBea. m.H .-.4. ' - y -' ' 4 . jreriuiaarauutna r taster itauut Slochanlcs Tool and Hardware, IAme, rick, Ctement. Plaster Hair, rlnt, tealsoBilne, Va- Biaii, OU. Olasa, Putt and Hair; Freeaera, Kef rtfferatoTa, , Oil took fiUTeSa turekat , Borjrlar Proof Baah Locks, warranted to riy security and satis'fuctlon, r -t e we ale rii o ' CJ 1 n,llf aad Asciisat lanrates.-- - Jctal Capital w Forty Mllliotn o uoaanu,; . jurmdlr A M. 1 12 8 10 10 w 10 45 11 18 11 47 18 04 L'ti : I . 8 16 10 C4 10 26 10 60 11 33 11 63 1X08 ia 4i r.J. F.M.t 7 Ml OoUsbpre,. a ii I Best's , Sea "ill is u 180 iv. raedy, Tbnr day an I Ratnrdaft t Monday, edbesday and rrlday, La Oraare.... FalliagOrMk. suns ton, Uaawelj DoTer.... Oor Oraak . Tnsearora r- Clarke's .4. r. at. - v it - a. ',- rr - I 4Sl 1 II : Mil v 1111 11 ftt-w r f Train brvnd JMorth, toayln Mldabore " w s wm wiu wiui xvicDmnna sk.i mviii " IJWeBt, leaving Qoldabore:80p,Trt, ... ' j train eoaawrts wltb Slehincinat jJUinnf h It i.?nnn ""Kht, lavD .Goldaboro at tk 10 p.m. . i...; f. .ft . s.: Lv.Din," rrS! - , enperiBteadeat v hair for 20 oent. sod sum d-rain m.. , taehee black r brown for so Also aharpens razortf sad psta tbH ia J' Sood order fo8nt.W j Oifldren's hair cutting, JS eeau. t - , , He can be fotind opposite the O v: a ' BqtrM, avhere be 4isa a wlita ahaer Thomas .Moajoktt. , Eberard U i Prtpared to suit aUhs, esll on aim or send their children. - , . - 1 malTdtf r Pao. W H.ErrEPAnn' " ' A GreDirrc!::. ITJll bo soldat a G re at Z AcrLS? s. A Taloable Plantation altn.fi n : oath side of tbe Iieuae river, tnrfts a- half miles from tha CJHy of Kew. , i, , One hundred and twenty-five anreo Sood tand.saita.ble ftr trookli. S -. 1 anea, two hundred and twa earea, 1 ttrolmred with pine, oe.lt, eynr. r SlndsOftimbar. ltlaa.ao aoe t , Good dweUIng, outbnlldlnra, . i a ebard.- It baa a flae Sabery fr., mile on the beeeh, where ti.. . beats or marl that oan never I -from which Teasels caa load wi 1 a very beauUful andbeatihv 1 sentlng a near view to i 9 ' and railroad. Tbe elrl 1. , v ine and orchard will he p i sired. For term apr'v t al2dw , . Oatkep'.ai. or Km,, F

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