i Ji ta to s?4 Napj'coa foseinst , .., f n ia fl ; bUT c w(l going i? -. : - r mmm . . p L'1 .ill ! t I a a w a a a 1 .ffltSOTtf HAS A ' : aa mil. B Ol Ul l " I. mmm ii - jiu ni r" Jtl eStreet i 1 1 1 i i iiiimiii r kiirninninn innnn UullLiUlllUllO I UIMIOIIIIIK uuuuo J? EN. And SEERSUCKER LIGHT WEIGHT SUITS at HALF yRTfnTrjYtnHara; riiiffa, lTnHwr f0r Summer use at jour own figure. .TBUIiKjjftjgJiISBJ,a8t the thing for hot weather trarel, at way down rloea, for Fall Stock, liiioe will not carry Sum mer oU only, bo I gi my customers' the benefit of discount. ' iofr wk W to enumerate our stock, but oome right along with the crowd mAA fnftta vnnr alninn. 'Ertrrthiny young man want to replenith his wardrobe. Nock Wear, neat Uin ty rwn, anocu tne figures right on ra." Carpets. Homespun. Shoes, they mem, ana u otner goods at i.uw I'KiLta. my 7 dw6m IEENSEY B0.!r?v A for iris and Young Ladies f MM mrJL7&m.G9 J-l m mmJm Full Corps of Teachers. New Hnildnif. Amjilc accommodations lor lioarderl?r;' Write for terms to juMtt dwtf ODDEST AND LARGEST Walter D. Moses & Co. I JUT , uasr:..-:-tti4 aiA,n street, kiciiaionu. va. C- $ ' ' i -. - KWi ' 1 Itf ttfih fj ii 4 , - kif.rlJaVl.". f.iKffWWMwiw"""" " 1 - , Lac .; Colin, un;7dto MIDDLE STREET, NEW BERNE, N. C. m , i at r IriW rT ,rv-Vtluiualar proportion, 1 u. .Laof wbontupkafiultnai T M'tmumNINIWDTII i. i:, . .urhKI-roollCbiiU.j tnthMA kMio full kHnnent of mnA tnii V aval i gtnmdh nd Tlaarou Health. Siaiaia i iiiifint fiwiii ill Iim fffiinom fiTiirFriiln fJwtMvhaamiiar from thaminf abaonradiMuet WitIl or too trmm IndalcvHaoB, wk thavt yoa end o mr MB witki 0ttTDent of yoor traobl, and tMicara 8 Af, 1 1 K iiriia nln'4fMhl.to, t fBVH H ritKB ' m-- . : ... . . . rrT DAiL BROTHERS, olesale .j IIAVB REMOVED TO TIJE1R TWO STORES. SOUTH OF Ani keep ;f flouk, meats, MOIASslsa 8AXT. TOBACCO. TerythW" tnthe dEOCERY IVOW FRxCES Tor CAJsH. iTi a Wilm iTi0,tYrmftrfi5R ati trAr. ; : Best MarkeJUtetoBV,;iki ' i-:: -7 A live wid-awak Demooratf o journal. aTTir vrfi'Vnrp'nr.Hrri!POrrfli)iiv ' Subei'VJj'KAJKiSaIiLrftP Trial 1-: ;Tf :.z:cnp53er a lftrf-e eight-pace paper. The bright ,vt and beet weeklTW Please .avery 1 Circulation in North Carolina. 1 , e ; It J a year; - Bend postal for f c 7 , free. , . ' 1 1 rt j ."THE MESSENGER,'; ; i WilmingtonJ NCt j th Alp, with nlety thoas&ad British it ia greater Bight to see to te - the Store of PINE LISE OF mm - n I tbe thermometer. Straw HaU below jim walk away at the prioee we offer SCHOOL, JOSEPH KINSEY, PKINCJI'AL MUSIC HOUSE IN VA. l'iauos anil Organs on caey monthly plan at factory prices. Old Instruments taken in exchauge, bought, retted and repaired. Iinmimr Slink otMIKHT in I SIC. In .ruction Hooks of nil hi mis Hpenlal Ilia rount to Tvaclii'm and KctioolH. Calalogueft lunHril lioc. AnBrluient of Aluitc seolon jelectilon If drslrrd HtrliiKS lor all Musloal I nut riimmi t M A fi.w aliulillv nuiil IMan.ia anH onjan" of standard niBsea. from fiS to HJ0. A(fnl of Dobitori I'rofi aslonal bllver Bell Bauj'w. - .v,,1,""..A',,0,,0, '" veijlhlig In tbe Hill I. nA Merchant aioguet mailed free on application at the office of IIMMIflTlIH.mil din u tlMM hvuikm. la. Umte BMonly aln Is to hind tbMma - ill BSD Uonnki4f a Kmr wilhtuaniioata prinoDDWlwca is llemtlon to tk mt HauAM luiaMfiW nemiaa meaieu wlnffrtft Bt mall tMlboul Tmm. ittautsrtj fHi nJ i i f I a 1 i.in 7T7 . . - . . m IV on H ARRIS REM EOY OO.i MmCxrwT I BOSH W,ttliBtrtxi,BT.LOTjra. KSl Trial of our Apllanoo. Ask for Tanr.il Grocers, THEIR FORMER STAND, coffee, sugar, syhfps SNCTF" AND CIGAiiS, n JjJNE, a FULL STOCK and at a24b SUtt of Korth Carolina Jones County SUPERIOR COURT. E. A. White and K. R Jonea vs. U E. Se ott and 0. E. Be ii t, ad- f NOTICE. mlnlatnttor.or J. F. at ott. ToO. B.'8eott and 0. . Scott, as admlnlitra . tor. of J.r. Boott: ' Taka notice t That tbe above named action la tnatltatea to foreoloaa lOortKMea on landa Situated lnaald Jodm county; and that yon araraqnlrcd to appear at the next term of lit) a vava nnpanor unn -wr ana aaia jonea Ooonty, to be held at Trenton laaald county onthe.Bth Monday after tbe lat Monday la aeptember. A.D. 18S7. and answer or demnr to the onmplalnt flled pit he above named action. . auTdweV -THUS, J. HITA KE K Oark anpeiirjI-Ooart, JonjsCa 'The Oaeton HonaKSafbe! 6hop (I vei to Its on pairona ana vns pnoue generau aa' vantatreao' the doll timaav - Hair ont and Vhlaker trimmed, f its hair eat. 20 eent done tn the ftth In atyleai Bon Ton. German.? Victor. mi Branch and RonDdV Ealr Cutting ia i . on- aer a traae. bt anart i ? - Call at the Gaaton Eonae BarbtrJop ana tm ooutuwbu.; . . t ; w w 4,;.-- A BOOK FOB THE PEOPLE.'' ' CAlTIVATTVa I TPFFTL EMaoewt IMaruulona. and Ihlofnnc Paprn a- urcairuuucvunuoiuoi inej'mi ana rrimai, bt 1. - 't wdei Bra ' ' , EmhriKJlroMmnetnrlT'vom'jitt onth Vjhil bwwa I . I. 1 O. 1. ( n Alt 1 -i f Lqbor Qutttien. JYIMflnn, if Jfow-ff, i. etc' I A urti . K roa LAHTiffiw;; w rpjjt- .X I bt foe. in itaT.7 Juit as the twilight ahimmered into rose, ; And weary Titan laid him down to rest Within the drifting mansion of the west, Endymion in a rer'rie, I suppose, Flew e'er the purple walls of Fairy land , And, sweeping thro' the Hybla of the air. As terra naked, and as Heaen fair. Alighted on the sunsets leafy strand. I watched her from the window of my dream; Sashed with the rainbow 'a dapple ele ment, And back to utmost of her jrraces bent Her rosy feet upon the rich pines gleam, And silver dripping from her amber hair, As o'er the azure waste her bright eyee flashed, And cloudy breakers on the gilt beach dashed , fec,f' tneetrry biUowa, as they etare Of waking seraphs lit the swelling main. And sea-nymphs hailed their bdjUi&k (juaen again. Twas beautiful: upon the fretted tide. She paced aloft, in yellow majesty ; Lite ne 01 old on stormy UaJliee. W hen Heaven e blue eyes wept and and Jesus sighed. far uclike, the empress of the night Had faith to cheek old Neptune in his flight, i And melt the rugged waves to mellow dreams. Again she leaped upon the rosied Hood, The bidden flower of a bursting bud And 'cealh a sudden (Usb of meteor gleams. Her pearly arms, like cupid 's fchiuinx oars, Bent steadily to bright, inviting shores, Where beauty, only, and the angels trod. And ihusj within a rev lie, 1 suppose. Just as the twilight shimmers, into rose, She swimmetb thro' my fancy to her (iod. lloill('!.i( I. Foulibh books tend to make fools of their readfi, ii trutli well lllus trated by the lollowuig iiitare, which we eouiuietid to boys who ;ire liegiunint: to hauler ailci hes of adventure. ICxperieuce is a hiird sch)ol master, and it i.s advi.s able to get such lessons, a lar ;im IOh,sihle, at second hand. ' l!v nth ere faults wise men correct then own." A little fellow, not over twche years old, was silting behind a o :tt the Omaha depot the other morning, crying sollly and looking very duty and forlorn. "What's the mattei!-' we ahked. "Haint nothing' the matter," he said, defiantly, sitting up straight, hastily brushing away his (ears, and pushing back his jacket a little bo as to display the handle of an old revolver iu, bia pookpt. Then he looked oil' across the river at ftlie strange buildings, and lost his bravery, atid buried his head nfain and sobbed throogh his tears: "O mister, I've been a runnin' aw ay, an'I want to go home!" 'What made yon run awayt" l,I thought it worrld be nice, but it haint, no, it hafnt,"and he rested his face in bis hands, and looked the picture of woe. "Dirk lagger had a heap o'fun but I haiut had a bit." "VYTio was Dick Daggorf" "Didn't you' ever hear o'hinit He was the boy-soont of Rockies, an' I wanted to be' Iik him. There haint Indians what'll hurt a feller round here, is thertf " ".No." '1 wouldn't Shoot 'em if there was. Dick shot 'em, but I don't want to. 1 want to et back home, bat mebbe 1 never will,'' and once more his tears flowed. i"JVhjare did you live!" Oh, I Uve'down' flt Marfon, in Illinois, and it just about killed me me riding in that old lreight-can an. I hurt my knee, an' I'm cold, and haint had no breakfast nor supper, neither. I wish l'djnevtr beard ot dick t don't see bow he got along so well and if I ever get home again, and see my my my ma" but the tbonght of his mother was too much for him. "I don't want to bunt Indians, or beari;'i'rr-Jnothin'; nor, .rescue no maidens, an' l m tired or tbat , old thing!" and he palled & rusty re volver tmt of his pocket 'tihfif hadn't been fired for ten years .and threw it across the track. r.fyn,eajseJnister.j get me, somethinjj u; eat, to: m work all da for'TottJ' find ha look ed toppnrqfiy, aud Btraighteaed laj little cap on his cnrlyiead. We took him,: apng, aad he- ie three or four jpeals W tQ even after that heidn7t, (flaj word about eiterminatkne-tke'iIndiftD. The-next day a gVayilookiBg atber arTivei,iiooiiy tor:: ery -DQiDO-siok : "boy and . they went , baek to gether. So the Government lost another scout, but an anxious mother got: beok boy who ; will never run s away again.-Yotith's Companion. .iy,9.1-o.4i j t...;L r Chilli and evr.' TUhirift. 7" Many oeeetof ferer and iiu, domb ague and ooDKeetire ohilla wet ."ompt ly frreeted. and eotlrely btviehed by the 'ue4of -8tmmon larer. Bejrolslor. Yov doaft uy half mioagb, in rerd M theeflftoecy of the ralaable medioine in ease of mgna, intermittent even, etc Every-caMihae be arreeted immt-j diateiy. :i wm4 eofferec for years with thej liret'diBeasPi, acd culy found relief -v'- A 6T0EI rTITfl A XOSiL. ', There wafi great excitement amoBg tbe m embers of an amateur masieal sooietj, in our cltj, on the nJtW oi aa entertainment eftfceirs. njfjt ffisnj weks ago, 'Thofsot was tbat Miss Ljfty, the sopraao, had sot arrived, and the; pianist seemed as tbongh sitting I i . -on needles in the anticipation ofltht-alp her having to prolong her uvcr-'etviy r tare. , rcuiit t : When ehe heard the sound of, tied footsteps on the stage, behind the' them c coruiiiL, she looked relieved, audi after a, few seconds the missing I lady eanie in hfr view, gasping "or. breath after her run, and in a vtry uafit state to 6Ug her colo, which was to commence the etitertajn meat. The caue of her tardiness was soon known, for a glance re vealed the fact that Ler drehS, hut, gloves and all her decorations wet c new. She had evidently been oc cupied until the last womeut "us ing np." Without paving Ihe blightefet attention to the pianUl's inquiry it (she were ready, fhe whispered juitc audibly t" Mi. Mellow, the contralto : "How do 1 look t" "Ju.st eXUIMtel" 11. IV :!.e Ie pousc. Then a lunuing lire l 1 ' m -! : . : 1 eommenceii. " V hei e (ki n!i get v 0:1 1 1 1 1 1 ! shot V "At I In till 1 I I. tei 111 New Kellie whele hlicli line guiul-- c.in be found." w.i-- tin- aiiei. ".it 1 . , DAM Ii ,S, Ol ( I1HM-. .Mill. M 1M Mellow, just (" gue.'-- vvb.i! Ihey coalT" ''At least loin doil.ir.s " "No ; guc,s again." "Six ?- "No, indeed ! li.ikei ( , -1 ch.iTgcs Micb exnibit.in; pin.-, .im that.. Tlicv ()( I u o (ln)lai s '" ".Me;c yic :'" gasped M i.s.s Mel low, 'win It! il.d viu gel Ih. glnves'" " 1 he gloves c, tine limn Ihe satin d. ne. I'm Mile 1 pulled at (hem in inv huiry hard enough n split them, but they don't hhow a Mgll of doing so. They are the linesl kid and cost only one dollar. "Did von get that lovely wrap there T" lieu; the teiioi facetiously ie marked that the audience were 1111 patient and waiting. "Let t lie 111 wait until 1 get my breath," returned the soprano, all in it Hurry. Then to t be contralto : "Yes. my wiap came from Bakei's. H:x dollars, hn'i that cheap '.'' "Very. I do hope Mr. liakei has more of them: I should so like to, gftoue-" 1 "Well jou must hurry up, lor , , , ,'. , there are onlv itbtiut hall a doen , left, and. hey will begone ,.1 a lew j days." ' lly this time the pianist was furioas, aud having managed to get ber number five shoe over her , bench she tried to kick the soprano's chair; bat she could not reach it, and stopping short it brought up against the heavy basso's shins, causing that unfortunate worthy to groan aloud, and a ripple of laughter to go around through the other members, which the audience must have heard. As the soprano had now got a little wind, notwithstanding her Conversational efforts, she motioned to the irata pianist, who thereupon began the aocompaniment. With parting questions to the contralto about her hair lookiDg nice, and if her face was red, the stage bell jiigled, the curtain rose, and the BOprano stood before the audience. ;No sooner had the curtain dropped than tbe soloist began to xaive about Baker's pretty goods arid cheap prices again. i 'Wonld yon believe it," she said, "that Miss Graceful has on a wrap precisely like mine! I saw her with it on in the audience. Do hurry np and tomorrow get one be fore they are all gone I" In this manner tbe conversation was kept np at intervals daring the entertainment. It seemed that Miss Lofty wonld never tire of expa tiating upon tbe fine quality and eremely loir: prfoe of her beautiful disss and all the other beaatuu fniga she" had - purchased ; from faker's etore. In act she kept U apontil they parted at the theatre door steps, and after a resounding kiss the called put : 'Now dou't ioriJet. Will 6ec yon a, . t a j ullock t!lett, 0)K)site .uiib. ar 11 o'clock i. . -1 . etJ that the moral tu l.ii-iuatiug and thf illiug - lcadJy guessed hy the ; ut il lie or she is not bat is '.. the interpretation, let :i.c .iinl st-e tor themselves the iim- ..i.d cheap b goods ot a. M.l.akn. , k dry hoiefofvlorbus rd,mps olie iarrtioe UTnmer Complaints YSentery 7 If Cured 6y a teaspoon ful of Pcrrr.DaxlsPom in. a little Afilt(or Sugar a net Water All Z)Rj oo on it ir. - MARBLE WORKS, Monuments Tombs At.. Iinvf ami Mulullntt work In TALIAN& AMERICAN MARBLE Or lcr, ,11 receive prompt ft.tentio, JOL K. WILI.IB, Troprieloi (Hnreeaaor to (leorge W. ClaypooJe) Oor. UROAK A.P CRAVEN St.. .SKW BERNE. t. C (. E. Mn.LEH if my authorized agei, nKirjGton raa80-lTdw Hyde Line Company. NKW HKRNE, N. C, ATRIL2S, 1SH7. BUMMHK SCHEDULE OF THE BTKAMKK TVT ARQIE, To go into effect on and after May lat. 1 i-ht, Wednesday Leave New Berne at 8KVEN A.M. for Hayboro, (topping at Adimi Creek, Bmltba Creek, Vandemere and Stonewall. Thnrsday-Iieave Bayboro at SEVEN A. M. far New Berne, atopptnK at Bumewall. Vande mere, Rmltha Creek, ana Adama Creek. Matnrdar LaT New Berne at 8EVEK A.M. tot Saj-boro, atoppllig at Adama Craak. Bmllha Ctaak, Vaorteaiere and Stone vaJL Monday leave Bayfcpro at 8KVJCN A. 11 r New Brrne. atotipka al StonawalL Vaa- or New Brrne, atofipinit al Htonewali, denjerOj jra,iU'J--'f au Adaua vmav- Br tbW krraiiMtutiBirt U are ablfe ia'naka eloaa connantton m Hit th Northern ataaawra, also havlirg Koodanaoaaalodatlona boiU lot piaanger ana frelgblatvery low ratal, mpa aak tlKi march acta and prodnoera atoncTt line to gire tt their ehjaaifnl aupport. rrelgtat reoetjrei under aOTer every day of tha waek. For farther information enqolra at tba offlca, ftxftsf Oraren street, . Or any of lta acanU at tba folio wtog plaoes: ABB LEET Adama ajreek, 8. L. MoOOMGAU Bmltha Creek. IX H. ABBOTT, Vandemere, C, H. FOWLER, dtOMwall. FOWLEB A OOWELit, bayboro. ap29dw W. P. B0BRU8. O At. Mortgage Sale- Pumnant to a power of aala oontalned la a mortgage execatad to Panl Jonea, of tbe 8 late of Georgia, by William Oolllgaji, on the 6th day of Angnat. 1884, and aaalgned to me on the 28d day of fahrnaryt 185. 1 will aell at Pnblle Anctlon.t tba Oonrt Honae door in tba City of Newborn, at Twelve o'clock, M on BATVRDAY, BKPT. 4tk lf. the fol lowing reai aetatei aitojuea in toe utf of Newbora.-ea the-worner Beott'a alley, known and dteUngnlabed In it or wear ewei ana tba plan af tbe City f NvwtWT&aaiAU hqjb- bet 85 and 88, OH Weet street. :W&m5?Ub' : : r. totTr. THE f NETJSE & TRENT RIVES j? '"1 V b team d oat uompany. wllj run ii.; loiiowLbg Bcntloia on ana J miliary Ibi, tmr?. Steamer 1 rent W;ii leave ew Berne for Trenton avary Monday nL i Kridoy al 6 a. m., returning. - 11 1 iicuiuii Cttl J 1 UCHlt; UQ DM urju, wucL-.utf ai all poiuu alous ina rtvar Steamer Klnaton. W:.l lea v f .N r w bcri.c for KlQIUiu OD Totl dj atidKridaja ai 12 o clock . M. Ketorn 'u& . h:U leae K.ueiuu ili Mondaa aad lLurajaB Toul-.-il a: uil lnleruiadlaAe LaLU.ug Neuat kivt-l 1 J J. insijsw AY ai Nvbra. w f biai.i, Kinivou- 1- e Ha aKl. ru. iolm vii. a v 1 W A 1.1 . Ageiil al J reolon ' I" - ii. Juliy old Klald J D hAh uaaer bridge. J M VA 11' IK lien'l Manar, Klnalon. N. O EASTERN C DLINA DISPATCH The Fast f reight Lin 1 bKTHIIfl v lv i t c Keiltrn not ll. Car oils t'olitta. ml Nuifolk, Ulllinor. I'll 1 la ,1 1-1 1 K 1 . Tfv Uik. BoiltB, tic. 1 KlUabeth llj. tS.t'. i :.. .. t- A I II. I '.' :.. . CMC. u.e bt9alu- " l.A'.l.l i ni. i v tfl-tn win run on rtu. ui b.lit-Llu.r I. u.f, .eaili)(4 ewt.eru every M".MAV. II l.MAi, V. fcl'N hJliA V aud IHIOAV m 1U 1 I'M tor Klltjiuein lily un.l 1 1 I ui n ..I. 1 1 ,r I. .. ... v '. iik day a. T!ic.o fol.alijfih ,ii .olil.rrtlon W11L liie Ai.aiii:.- .t N ' Il i. Suit, .n n.,uti,eru K K Vtn li.il I I. la ai..l Norfolk H. K.. and 1 t i.uii l hi. '.a H it I. .iin a i t-lial.le and oir.i.i, : .. i lai .nine fur , .: 1. ' i i. V 'i lal . 'i. N . '.lhl.l.rls il.i : hi I , tal., I li lily, a I : ' 1" ' ' ' " ! . r.. oa.Wdob oavi l I .lft'. ;. 1 ii . 1 a. t -.! '. . ,:, i la hitaler ii ' i'!l 1 a 1 i-l'Hl. ih r.a f. .I.HWi Irolii N' il ' I I N H Ii K IlK.I.. i.y I'. W. A ' H II . I 1 --l Mull. I, l l.lia. (V ft i.i.ay .mi. it K I.. I .. K M rUllill New V "ik l v i ' r. I. I' i i .-. N..,u, kiver i i... ;.!, in- i i i h.:. i. i , :.. 1 ..ik and N. !..! I, I . !uW- i .. v bi. '. ii . h. : .:.aii I.y any V I' I. : 1 : :.i. 1. 1 a : . I... out on II, , i.'i.li' u(..i . i in '. 1 . o I m- anl aathtxlule u I I ui. k ' .1 1. .1 l.i.i 1 i i i .n t ar 1 1 week. . I ' II l-.M R( Aiir in, f I rw t.ei ur. Is I ' tOLD DOMINION Steamship Company. Tltl-WKF.KI.Y 1.1 NK. Tit- OKI I 1 li Ion M(4aiitBhl out l.any'ti Old and Kaiorlte Wain j Holllr, ,1a All.rmarlc antl i lir..r.hr i a na I . r. 'ii toifulu. Ilitlllmuir, r toil, I'lilla. il v I i Ii la , Kuilun. l'l o Itl c ur An.l hi I cumin, Nurlli, Kant anj nt. an I aflfi M i n I V Al jii i: i lm u. i i ii. '.i i-, ihe . i i :im ii. Steamers New Eerne and PimlicD will aall from .Niilil iil.K, a , for NKW liKKM . ia w ii.: i.t ion. Mnmiio . Wednna .:hb a i . . I r i ' . ! h . 1 1 . a k ' ; n . loat- rotint-i-tlou will. II. MiBiiiiii .1 iim. n. a T. H. 1 It. 1. 1. lm Kinaiiui I i ii. Ion , and all oUir liiiiil'iinn on II. .Ni iiM- and I'ri-nl Rivera. luii.ii.liia. win aal: fioni NKW HKKJSK fol Si 'UKliT.K .liir.l, Mincaja. Wr.luea .layaaml Kiiiluih al I .' M , innklng c-oliner-t Hi ti unii iin- i. ,i f. I'o.'a abtpa for Ni V.nk II. . ! o' a ateamera for total 1 1 in iri-. i i il.- I n c si,i. for I'blla .lvl.iiia, and M AM I. i ... alupa lor Boa ion ami l'rov hli'lici- l lur ii nil i Inn i (lm l in ,ii i,mi our patron, nn. 1 our aliiiohl piifn-t M ivirr for tbe paat i ui-ii y fan. la u.i- i.i.i,i (.-iiaiiintre we can ollrl all Hi', lil. era afl lo II i. a w u 1 II Hrt r.ir .Ill-Ill 111 1 1,1- fill II IP. ' uler ul 1 kl'iuilu run i I foil'.. II ' ' 1 s. H Co., N'or- I- rp 1 ii I a not ri-r : i- l 11 a in. on aauiiik- la a. ii n.Ii aipul afUir I I 'aaai-ni(i-n wi,. flml a K''d talile, rolufort al.iu rnoina. hdiI i-eli rimili-sv an.l alli-li-ll-.u w .i, l i j.iii,i i i,.m i,y ii iitfira. .1. H. KullKKTH, Audit yf lf.h-. I I 1,1 1 1 1 1; n 11 UN P H. A n. -i.is, Nurfiila, a. ; A n ?nMnii;., i. I- .V I . Am.. Sew Vora I'liy. ; Change of Pier in New York. I The N. C. freight Lioe FOR NEW YORK, BOSTON, PROVIDENCE, aud fail X'Oihi North and Wont Afl: this d&l w il! TfClTfreiiht In Nw f. r Nw Bmbp at IMF-It 7. NOKTIf RIVEH. Utflo of Aftr York and Baltxtnot Transportation Oo, Hn huntu Ph on Id rmnnbr tltftt this la one th Steam Lines out of Nw York, m it. kin d.l)j connection with Haltimor for Maw Btb ail Inftide. nd onl j one ch&n(. SEMI-WEEKLY STEAMERS fiitwsen Ksw Bern ud BaJtiauri at orlblk) tjeartcii Nrw Bant for R&ltlmore TTJE8DAT FRIDAYS ill pm 1my Baltlmora fo Paw Bam WEDNESDAYS dud SATURDAY i p.. Areata are at follewa CtJBKN FOSTBR, Om'l jranaBr, MLibtSt.. BaJ't. M AS W. McOaRRIOK, At't. Norfolk, Ta. W. P. Olrde A Oo.. PhUadainhta It Ik.i aaroa TorkaBalto.Trana L.lne.Plar .Norta rlTar E. Sanneoa, Boa ton, as Central wharL S. H. Rockwall, Prorkleiice B. 1. P. a Hick, Fall Rl-rer, Derrick wharf. Sblpilaare Boatoa, Tneadara aad Salardare ' JW .,1. " Baltimore, Wadneadara and Sataraa Fall Hirer, Kondaye, Tadaaadafa r 1 may a. Prerldanea. Rtanfaa hreara bill ladlnf girea, aad ratM f aaraa ' tn all aolnta al Ih. H I Ir.-.. . m u n paalei. ' inni VasiVtaia n KnTV anrl tVia wia anw aiva&ai ai iiaaa ajttu OAlf 1 aa - . -" - . a - 1 UarMlrB H 9 EAT Af e ina

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