.' anufaeiuret . - tkotill read - - . iiRADSTREET'S,' ' " ;. -' " - - " : A. VlBlT JOUUAI. 0 - TriFuiuiu f iMic Econcaj.. ' Blaleea fag Every Saturday. OfU&UmM Twenty fagee. Sometime - . - . iVt Twenty -or Pagea. f ITS DOLLARS A TEAK .St. .- SjTfce fjrtmost Burpeee of BJtAl)STRKJT'3 I l be of practical service to bus) am men. lie special trade aad Industrial reporU and . its aynoptea of reeeut legal decisions are ex ceedingly valuable. As commercial trans actions, la the wider tense, are coming lo be mora aad more conducted on a itatieUoal - 1mm It, the Information contained luB&AD BiKiirfl la of I he diet Importance lo 1L The general basinets situation throughout tke Galled Statee and Canada it reported by leleaitph to Bradslreet's up lo the hour o pubUoaUon. SINGLE COPIES TEN Ifc.N IV THE BttADSTItEET CO,, S79, 1. as Bkoalwav, Sea tot Sample dopy, W IllKt LIT urraooTTS lippwcotts umscorrs Tjmd all other Magazines mm J Taks el Fiction A New Departure I ox interest yiwiing Short Slants XntWtauiflf Miscellany Motet of Progrcts 25 cts. MIAKLT Choice Selections Oninn MOBS in KeUJIISSVS w XPlcoft"c X6 Gem A Coaipt New Novel ' guperiat.vc Merit Hj mm hnrm utter ii (slviM e library of 11 new and raluable woiks, worth from J 1 5.00 to f 1&.00 annually, at the bututiia) wun of tr, cents per month, bubscripuoo, I3 00 yearly Siona by John Habbenon, France Hodg&ori bur Ben, Julias Hawthorne. Lucy C. Lillic, etc , etc.. Will appear im early ituu -CsfOslars, giving details, etc , mailed 00 application J, B. UIPPINCOTT COMPANY 713 B& 717 Market St., Philadelphia Scribner's Magazine, Published Monthly, WITH ILLUSTRATIONS fHrit Number Heady leec.nn- tth. Scribner's Magazine will be in the widest sense a magazine of general literature, and each number will be fully illustrated. Some of the most notable , aprrs to appear during the first year are a se ries of Unpublished Letters of Thack eray of very great autobiographical value: ex-Minister K. 15. Wash- bnrne's Keminisoences of the Miege j and Commune of Paris; Glimpses at j the Diaries of Gouverneur Morris, I Minister to France at the close of the , last century (giving deicriptions of social life and characters at the time): a collection of contemporary letters j describing Early New York and New j Englsnd Society. ! Thlrfl is much excellent fiction, in- eluding a serial by Harold Frederic; tones extending through t.cvrI ! nmmbers by II. C, Ijunner, J. S. of Dale, snd others ; and short stones by j ria, l. a. Janvier, miss Jewell, vc tare Thane t, H. II. Boyescn, Miss Crosby, and a host of other?. I r..VU , i.., ! .iihed very early are Genera, r . A. J I J I TYSlker's On Socialism; Dr. llliam ! 1 11 ayes Ward's on Babylonian Cylin ders; Mr. John C. Hopes' on the Por traits' of Caesar; Captain Greene's on Coast Defence, etc., etc. Scribner's Magazine will be pub-1 ished at $3.00 a year, or -3 cents a jopy. Subscriptions may be sent to any newsdealer or bookseller, or to CHARLES SCRIBNER'S SONS, ! Publishers. 743 and 745 Broadway, New York JAMES REDMOND, i-9. Tfco Bergner & Engel Brewing Company's Lager Beer, Porter, &c, .: . .WIHES AND LIQUORS :AT'ViiOLESALE, , M j wtehiU be sold ij ta Barrel itf GaSftitFltW PIQUREQ Sot OaSD . i Q tner Ale equal to Beet Imported, sad isperior to anj procuTaWelnSortli Carolina. " --:-": V 1837,':. THE SUtff1887 A.. A. Abkh & Co., Publishers BaliImobi. The Paper For The People. On the 17 th of May, 1887, the Bal timore Him will celebrate iU fiftieth anniversary. From the earliest period or Its career the Bun has been "household word" in the homes of its subscribers, and a synonym for accu racy of statement, fair denting, promptness, energy and enterprise in the collection of news. It is noted throughout the country tor the inde pendence, conservatism and thought- fulness of its editorial utterances. There is probably no newspaper in the United States whose opinion car ries more weight or whose influence is more, widely extended t&aa the Sun's, a fact upon whiob it may justly pride ; itself as the legitimate result of ! paiuttaking care in the preparation of all uintur admitted to its colonics. TLe Sun's facihfks forcollecting news fioui all 'iaiirteri, uf ibe globe are eing constantly extended and iui pruveJ, aud new features are added without regwd to expeLte as the occasion deirwikls. The Baltimore Weekly Suu has long occupieAan enviable position as a model family newspaper, containing not only the news of the world and a variety of literary matter and uiiscel laueous reading for the family circle, but special features of recognized value, including an agricultural department, which supplies every week a mass of well digested infirma tiou for the people Full commercial. huainKil, cotton, cattle, market and btock rr; orte up tc the hour of going to pr . Terms of hubscriptioi; 1 v in.ii1. m j variably cash in advance. IV -' t i i i! jail subscriptions iu the I i lt' l State? an J ( 'anada prepaid. One year $(i.(M) I One luuiilh 5(lc. Six inuuthh 'XW 'I'hre-' weik .'!.S ' Four Ui'Mith - Od Tail Meek." -"( .Three luontlif 1 J0 (Vi-'mik 1 i Tw mouths 1 .(Ml 1 o l.urope auu t ti I jlotal ui.mn countries, T'i cents j'tr montL. As an aclverllMiii; nnxlmm 1 1 r- alue i", of course, in proportion ;o it iniiiienhc circulation. Address A .v A nf.ljli iV I II, ruulisuerH, H in I roii Bu ildings, I laltiinore, M l 10U7. iUUV. The Baltimore Weekly Sun. Terms invariably ( ash in advance. Postage free to all subscribers in the 1'nited States and Canada, ( )nc dollar a copy for twelve months, l'ri inium Copies to getters up of clubs for the lialtiniorc Weekly Sun: Five Copies ;.0O With an extra copy of the Weekly un one year. ,1Vn mw, wuh M extr of lh(, Weekl Snn ono and' f ,,.r ,, . 1 f':CI? toPles ; ; V1J1V! . ' 'lu uu 1 " "ll r' l - 'un ono year, and odc copy of the Daily Sun six month. " ( nlJ v Opien tfU.OO With an extra corv of the Wreklv J .J I Dun one year, ana one copy ol the Daily Bun nine months Thirty Copies 130.00 With an extra copy of the Weekly Bun and one copy of the Daily 8nn one year. When mailed to Europe and other postal union countries 1.2.r for twelve months. No deviation from published terms. NEWBEEN, N. C, WHOLESALE AND ur ooirarEonoN with the agencx foe 6 N inSFIEPSIA; .. a rrMcrvr nantai 4 MDtTvtt f AMIU Mf BtCIML V4 aw a w 4 PHILADELPHIA. rriceONEDollar The majority of the 111a of the human body arUe from a dUeaeed Utct. Blm iuoui Liver Hegulalor Lui been the means of restoring more people 16 health and happiness by giving tneui a healthy Liver tUan any oliiur agenvy on earth. SEE THAT VOD tiET THE GEXLl-NK. Attention ! Housekeepers. 1 "A !!,!. SFLL YOl' Better Goods tS" Money i uii A siy lli'tito i a the City. e ui ;t i r i f, 1 . If it.it satisfactory , oi e reluLulod t ry ref clf ully , E. B. HACKBURN. Tutt's Pills will aaie (he dyspeptir from many da)! ! inleery, aud enable him to eal blcir he nlahoa. They prevent . Sick Headache, rnw Ibe food lo auKJmllte and noar tle body, give keen appvllle, aud Develop Flesh and solid tnunrle. K.Ieg-anlly an gar coaled, frtce, S5rta. er boa.. P" HOlA KYtHVWlllilti:. DR. J. D. CLAKK UENTIHT, KIWIKHI. . OOci 3D Urarsn ilreel, belwetD Polios an. I I': , .: i. r; ui i y EDUCATE! hi UD GATE ! What Better Can Bo Dor.o For Tho Children? AURORA ACADEMY' I'KOKA, N. V. k. i. ini..-r.n, Miss E" ' I-ANQs1" Pill NCI PAL. Akkistant. Ji hall HesKlon 1 1 1 o:.in sept :, lHtc, ana eiosr reo. h. jk HpiliiK m1on will open Kile h, IKH and cIohc J one u, IHHh. Purlin are charged from time if entrance HoHrtl and tuition moderate u em' f ,BSl0" No deduction ciot-p' to Ctth - n (r protruded lllpehs. Kor fnrtiicr inforniBtion appiyto Prtaelpal- fl MOORE COUNTY GRIT" Ti.r boil MMlitoa in th. World for Tahlr HeaL S;n;ii let i.( meal seat on sjipl i ration Kernd f,tr pnotis 1 .natilr Corn Milis. l'npr t.nd Coder itgDBera and Hill- striBs w art afnts for Knalne, Bailera, Haw J 'l 1 1 1 . i 4lt on l.ina, nsnera. snsTT-infi. ruusvs, ao, siso for Italtrr-Sltll OaiHtawhih an M t 1 h rnti f r trwj miliar m fer barrel of Hoar hs msaaa VN nt tsvtin wlisA jon waat sad Urass too wish lo bar on. t. ve retrDc Address, North 4 arollna MilU aloac I'Om Paxkewovd, More Co., St. C LIQUOR DEALER MANTFaCTUEKE OF Ginger Ale, Sarsaparilla Lemon Soda.' Buffalo Head California PearCide" Etc., Etc. bottljq 4 J,l. ff IB JL I 1 I i OVUi iiUUi Arriyal and UeBartnr Sails - 1 MAIE: CLOSES,'.. , For KotUl We and Bouth,,' tU ' A, A . o. b. E.t 7o s.b. rft-; .v For i Baaufoit sad"; tirf '.Eaat, st 8.00 p.m,v v ." . ForWasbingtonilJwiftCreek.Bydeajad Beaufort Counties Uondays, Wednea dsys, snd Fridayi st 5M) s. m. For Trenton, PollokrriUa snd Stsjs- ruia, saujai tav a.m. . . , , For GrantBDoro, Bayboro an 1 Tu demere. daily Si 6 a. m. OFFICE HOURS. ' . ' In Money Order aad Befistored Let ter Department, from 9 a.m. to 4 p. m. In Mailing- Department from 9 s- m. to 3 d. m. 1 , Office.open constantly between these hours except when mails are being dis tributed or sent. 'Skp efl" s HtsadchrV ;n . A eoientific wrltei! says:,. ''Sleyp. if taken at the rlght..jDoment,. will prevent and attack: of nerroos headache. If the subjects ofsach headache will watch the symptoms of its coming, tbey caa notice that to begins with a feeling of weariness and heaviness. In id is the tune that a sleep of un hoar or even two, as nature guides, will effectaalt pre vent the headache. . If not taken just then it will be too late, for alter tho attack is fairly under way it is i oi possible to get sleep until far into the night, perhaps. It is no common in these days for doctors to forbid having the patients waked to take medicine if they are asleep when the hour conies rouod, that the people have learned the lesson pretty well, aDd they generally know that sleep is better for the sick than medicine. But it is not well known tli;; sleep is a wonder ful preventive ! i1; "use better than tonic re;; I : .ud .!imn hints.'' EndrariDK H.iilors become Strang, '.y attached thecralt in which (he sail. Tbis to appears from the fact that they jjivc to their boats feminine names. The same tenderness of affection marks their handling of the craft or uuy mention of it. An English man who made a jaclitiiig trip along Ibe shores of Lincolnshire, savs: Tuere was a nasi y lump of a sea, ! auu ttio boom oucuieu somson tuai we lay to and took in two reel's, so as to jog along more easily. Under easy sail the boat rode over the steep waves in a way that elioted warm expressions of admiration from the pilot, whose eiclmalions were rather amusing. "Yep, ye little toad. There, the darling! See bow she too that how! I'd go anywhere in her!" He called her many curious and endearing names; but his favorite was "litte toad." lie meant it to be polite, bat it did not sound po. One More Victim. The statements which have been made in the Argosy with reference to the poisonous nature of cigarettes were Vividly illustrated by the re cent death of a Brooklyn medical student, the son of the late Presid ent Arthur's law -partner. lie was found lying lifeless in bed, and the doctor who conducted the autopsy declared that bis death was mainly dne to cigarette poison ing. He was affected with the dis ease known to physicians as "tobacco heart." Some of our readers may wonder how tobacco heart could be caused by cigarette smoking; bnt ol the serious charac ter of the disease there is no doubt. The nicotine contained in the weed causes the action of the heart to be come weak and irregular, and ' pro daces a general depression of the circulatory svstem. If the nse of the narcotic is continaed. this re salts sooner or later in severe and even fatal prostration. Forgst Hlmselt . There was, ouos sjadge, noted for the "Tnlldness of his manners and the gentleness ol his reproofs to the lawyers, who sometimes addressed each other . in language which could not be passed by with out notice from the court. One day two lawyers -. who. were pleading a case passed beyond the stage of bantering, snd began to call each other tames. One ,,ot . "The attorney 'on the Other side is, may it please yoor hpnor, ' not only the ugliest bat the stupidest lawyer in the oointry," t 'Tori forget ywndt Mfimilht jvru turves yuuroein- aaia me indgrt, rapping gently lwUB his garel.: ' ' '-: Daes ske stall, that playing I inquired Jones, as Mrs. Jsnkyns assailed the piano - keys. -4,Yes of coarse she-doesv" --, ,i -"Well, .it's what.-I'd cail real hard ' work . Do n the? people-like it I " triff vswr'f.i.T's,-fjrvi.t r M WelL' ' they - try. U.! my 'boy: that1! where, the hard - work comes B.V t c..J',.WjiLt;5t!.-.-:-!fc- A A correspondent wishes td ltnow what became bf t;be World balloon. It reached New ,Xork in a freight car, ; which is regarded as quite a tnampa in modern journalism. COmiEHCIAL. MnUIIO B1BSKT - " Seid Cotto2C$3.75 per hundred. :t ' TpaflNTiwa Hard, $1 25. dip, ii 09 , Ta 75o.a$LS5, V- 'Oais 060o. In bulkJ ; Ooks 48a per bush, v I : Bnswx-S0t, pr ib.f jfBsw-Oa (ooti 8o.se oe. ? - i OoCJJTbt Haks lOallie. pr lb. . - LaaD 10c per lb. " Eaes 10a. per doien. Fassa Pokk iiaftc. oei puaan FsAHUTS f 1.85f t.53 per bushel, - FoMKB-r75o.af 1.00 par hundre i 'jwioKa $LCUaL70 per butnej. -OBiorrJTS--Orowa, 4560c; pring Jo.. MxaL 70c per -bushel. Apples Prime, 50 j per bushel. Ibish POTATOIS-S3.00s8.2S. lOT.TOKS Bahamas. 80c ; yams, 50c . Harrison, 65c Wool Hi225. per Dound. Shinolts Weet India, dull and njm inal; not- wanted. Building. 5 inch hearts,. Si.OQ; sapa.S 1.75 per If . WHQLESALK PRIONS. Nxw Ukss Poaz 9H.50 Pork New family, $16.00 Jowls New family, 5c. sjhouldkb Meat 7c. O. R. 'a, F. B's. B. and L. C.-O Flqcs 8. 006.00. Lasd 7o. by the tierce. Nails Basis I0's.2 75. Spqab -Granulated, 6,c Uoffek 2580o. Chkesb 15. Salt 80a85c. per uaei . HOLASIUEe AND UCM 0aftc. PoWBBh-T6.00 kot Drop. 1.7. u.-k.. $B.00. Serosrnb - 8Jc Sides Dry , lOc. . ri. 4 . Tallow Oc. pr lb. tui: FOR Watches, Diamonds, Fine Jewelry, Etc. jy y 1 dwJtn Fine rt. MISS AUUOKA MACK will take LIFE HIZE POUTUAirS in CRAYON QIL (om h(e or any kind small picturte. And will also (11VE LESSONS IN DRAWING AND TAINTING after September 5lh, 1S87. For terms apply at her rftidence on Johnson street. Newborn, N. C, Auk-5, 1887. dwtf Sale & Livery Stables. THE KI RMS OF A t l. H A UN AND M. 1IA11N A COM PANY has been dis solved by 'he death of A. Halm, M. Hahn 111 continue the business or BALK. KXOHVNQE AND HVKRYof H0R8K8. JaULKS. eta., at the old stand on Middle alreet, where be .baa been engaged In the aame Dusincasin ine elialnoe 18SA.W1U b pleased to msel lita eld friends ana customers. WlUhaTeoo band In due season a FIRE LOT OF HORSES sa SIVLstS. Alee, a PINK tOT OF BEGCilBS and BAKKBH. n - SATISFACTION ODARANTEED. M. HAHN & GO. auall dHm . . ' l, A.6aBBir. o. a. roy. simiions a manly Green, Foy & Co., BANKERS and Commission Mercnants South Fboht Stbeet, edwly NEW BERNE, N. O. Willis, Edwards & Co. Have reopened the New Berne Machine Works, and have added Tools to tbeir works to av all kinds of Machine and poilex Work at short notice. ' They have also added a foundry to their works, and are prepared to do to MM of Bran and Iron Casting, ; House Plumbing a specialty. If tou want rood work rive na a call All work guaranteed and done at price to suit the times..' frU Wly Use Hcuso's Chill Syrup $4.50 a Year - i-: f . .-i '.is' " . - - - ,.- V r 1 ( Tha Daily. Vfci a THE CIIEAPESTi DAILY, PAPER IN " THE SOUTH iTHE WEEKLY -T- ims Does enlarged and tne pries reduced to Cents ArTear,: fv5.' ; The Cbespest Weekly Faper FubllabcSV- iwm issue isiwimrEcmii Both for one year, tot lUO.-"--' " The two are efaeerwr Snd bettor than emt-wrkly, at yon get one durty tanDe and a weekly lor M eenis leas than any eeml- - tiailT nv free two weflrt snd WMkly one month free. Prnd one eent for a potialeard d order m or 1 otbr mi trial. -Address lat W 1U.Q, faicinnond, V. ice t It ti t. : f rilst Sod Ljmy t tovw, tAoa "u 2A6atit to u,o aa&i3. J 8o mme af3d guli duwa DOOR PL ATI ' I w Jl furnish you with a handsome d r plate, full Michel or Branae, van ycur Lue lnacried. slae SHxflnohea. wlin ecreos rc. . t t .attach lo (rout door. t7 express (or to. Taer need to be aeeu to be appre... d, Agenla wanted to whom liberal on A ... i.t will be qaoud with aiiJiie j' k i -.Uf name, ilcaae non.Ors made ei in , i.e metal poll ed f gurea,6te. per ho. i.y h,u. Money e?nt by f. V, inouer order at my ug. panee. Addreka -. 4. SC. Hist, JrM . , lOS dwlm . O. Bjix 4. I4iUela, M, C. City Ordlnaiico. ; : Beitordianed on snd after tps Hth dar of Sept. lS87v.Tbat bq person or. persons shall use other, than a aprar ; nozzle in sprinkling the streets and the ' -sidewalks of Ibe thy, and,. then only from 7 a tu. to7i S m 12 m. to 121 p to. and 4 p m. to 4) p W. ' Any person eou ' v'cted of violating said ordinance shall . par a penalty cf $5 00 for each snd ev A' ery offence. " v . . E. H. Meadows, Mayor.. , " Silas Fulcheb, Clerk. et9 lw .... , - ., , t-i 3 II kZ .TRSWvJ ,a? NEW HOME SEWING MACHINE ttlUara - jo UNIUH SQUARE, NX-.. DALLAS. ILL. BsU-r-A na1 Ttl. . et louis. mo. ggy,;;iyisAsrAaatcoxAj THE . ; Great Book of the QenturVl - The Most Magnificent vet anuouocw, entitled The Battles and' Leaders of thfl Civil War.. 5' 75 diatinguiahed men who took leading, parta on either aide ara writing it. 10 of ths eminent artiata la this country ar contributing over .;. .. .. i 1200 of the finest illustrations In tha world. There, will be mors than ' -8000 pages printed on tha best paper. It will be the first published in parts bringing it within the means of every man in the country, ,and afterwards in, volumes. It is now ready for delivery . in parts. It is sold on subscription, and has al ready reached a phenomenal ' sale. Agents who want territory should apply at once to W. F. MORSE- 024 F St., Washington. D. C., d2wlt Oeneral Agent for the State. J The Daily Graphic : Is the Favorite Home Journal :bf ' Refined American Families Every-; where, and the" onlj , Daily-V Illustrated Newspaper jj ji.yf;' ; lished in .the ;vorla.t . It Circulates in Every Stat) and Jer ri rory of the Union. . It may btv. found on nows stands in every r large city. The vast body - . of its subscribers j. are M Wealth and Culture. ' i-i "' Jflt No other Daily published i is New York City bus so large a , . Mail Circulation. r , The V7eeklyl0rc?!:!3 There is hardly, s PostolEfiV in' th"':' United States where at least a few copies are not reoeived eaah 1. v l :t i . wcca ujr, puvavrtvvrst. It embraces the Best Features fo The Daily Graphiflpictorial snd lit-; erary, for the prSoeding six days. - It is the' largest , first-olass "Illustrated Weekly issued.' is sold 1 for lalf th e prico of its rivals, contains the la toe t news snd market' reports, and is ao quiring 4 phenomenal circulation. i;t,THEBE IS Kd BETTETi Medium ! for f IdTertirin rr rem time to time ws issue Special Editions illuatratinr ; the . induFtrics and business .opportunities of cit' "t towns ; snd .' localities throughout V e country, .... At present we are prrrr. ftVaiitornia JidiUon ot jpotim cr; . . .Agents wanted to canvass fort ,- scriptions in every part of. lie I. to whom" a large commission v! . ! 3 paid. - .j , ,". Bend for iample copy", ' J, " T6t rate and otter - I;." address ' ' ' - '" The Americin G :::!: 1 . ' S9& 41 Tark Tlnrr. . ' . .v