. ' AND DEALE2 :rcl:il r.-rJi:::::, GT GUIN2TS PIONEER JJLOOD EENEWER invalaable for the careoiKaeamatUm. Largest, best selected and cheapest line of FINE CIGARS in the eity 40,000 Just received, i The wholesale trade especially looked after. ? -i. : ", C" Makes a speclaltj' Qf SUPEEIOI1 LIQUOKS for medicinal purposes. CP, Prescriptions compounded with care and dispatch, Obsses Solicited, y R,. 1ST. DUFVF'Y, selSdw North west oor. Middle and Pollock sts.,New Berne, N. C. 1837. THE SUN. 1887 A. i, Abku. & Co., Publishers, 4 Baltimore. v The Paper For The i'eople. On the 17th of May, 1887, the Bal ' timore Sun will celebrate ite fiftieth anniversary. From the earliest period of ita career the Bun has been a household word" in the homes f its ' subscribers, and a synonym for aoou- racy of statement, fair dealing, - promptness, energy and enterprise in ' the collection of news. It is noted : throughout the country tor the inde . pendenoe, conservatism and thoughts fulness of its editorial utterances. There is probably no newspaper iu . the United States whose opinion ear : ties more weight or whose influenoe is " more widely extended than the Sun's, fact upon which it may justly pride itself as the legitimate result oi painstaking care in the preparation of all matUr admitted to its columns. TJie Sun's facilities for colleotiDg news from all quarters of the globe are -:eing constantly extended and im proved, and new features are added , without regard to expense as the occasion demands. The Baltimore Weekly Sun has long occupied an enviable position as a model family newspaper, containing not only the news of the world and a ,' Variety of literary matter and misceh laneous reading for the family circle, but speoial features of recognised value, including an agricultural department, which supplies every ' week a mass of well digested informa tion for the. people; Full commercial, financial, coUod, cattle, market and stock reports-np to the hour of going to press. Terms of subscription by mail, in variably cash in advance. Postage on all subscriptions in the United States and Canada prepaid. One year $6.00 Six months 3.00 Four months 2.00 Three months 1.50 Two months 1.00 One month 50c. Three weeks ii8c. Two weeks 26c. One week 13c. To Europe and other postal uuion ooun tries, 76 cents per month. As an advertising medium its value it, Of course, in proportion to i tu immense circulation. Address A. S. ABELL & CO., Publishers, Sin Iron Buildings, Baltimore, Md. 1007. 1007. The Baltimore Weekly Sue. Terms invariably cash in advance. Postage free to all subscribers in tbc United States and Canada. One dollar a copy for twelve months. Premium Copies to getters up of clubs for the Baltimore Weekly Sun : Fire Copies - With an extra copy of the Weekly Sun one year. Ten Copies 10.00 With an extra oopy of the Weekly Sun one year, and one copy of the ' Daily Sun three months. Fifteen Copies $15.00 With an extra copy of the Weekly Sun one year, and one copy of the Daily Sun six months. Twenty Copies 120.00 j With an extra copy of the Weekly Sun one year, and one copy of the Daily Sun nine months. Thirty Copies $30.00 With an extra copy of the Weekly j Sun and one copy of the Daily Sun one year. When mailed to Europe and other postal union countries, $1.25 for twelve months. No deflation from published terms, EDUCATE ! EDUCATE ! What Better Can Be Done For f : The Children? AURORA ACADEMY' ' .fci 4UBOBA. vKs Ct'V". jtfrss E. O, XtajroiToir, V AssiSTUrr. 1 be Fall Csssrloe Will open Sept. 3, 1887, d eloae Ft. 8 1M -' timing tuaslofi arlllpea Fb. S. 1888, aa4 na Joo U, 1. . . , nar4 and tnlttna moflent. Fuptlsara rhared rrom tine ofMitrmiiee to od at aMstoa. h ddaeUo exswpt In vmt of rtnM-td Ulpeas, -,"v " furu Lufor-.tloB.ry ' ...!,-, : . . Frlaeipftt'. IN ALL KOTOS OF C Drcsgisls' Sundress, fie, Hyde Line Company. NEW BKRSE, H. O.. APRIL 28, 1887. To go la to effect on and after May 1st, 187, Wedneedi-y Leave New Berne at SEVEN A..M. (or Bayboro, stopping at A da in Green, Tnursday Leave HayboroatSKVKN A. M. tor New Bene, stopplug at Btoaewall.Vande mere, Smiths Creek anil Adam Creek. Saturday Leave New Berne at BKVEN A.M. lor Bnyjoro, stopping at Adanu Creek. Bui tun Creek, Vandeiuere and 8toue vail. Monday Leave Bayboro at bKVKN A. M or New lleiue. stopping 81 Stonewall, Van demsre. Smiths Ortele nod Adams Creek. By this arrangement we are able to make clone connection wltu las aorlliera. aleaiaaE, alao having good aeeoasmodalloue both ki paeeeugere and fr Igtjt at vtry low rates, and ask the merctiaute and producers along It line to give It their cheerful support. Freight received under oover every day of the week. Kor further Information enquire at the office, fool of Craven street. Or any of IU agents at the following planus; ABE l.KE, Adams Cieek, S. L McdOMdAU brnllhB t reek. 1). a. ABBOTT, Vandetnere, ('. H. KOWl.KK, htouewHll, KOA'LEB A L'JWHLL, Hytoro ap2-Jdw -x:. l BUKRUB. U M Tutt's will isit the dyspeptic from msvny days of mlaery, and enable him to eal nliateter he a Is lies. 1 hey preveut Sick Headache, use the food to assimilate and nou n the body, give keen appetite, mi Develop Flesh sad aolld mnsele., Elea-antly ngf coated, rrlee, start. bo . P BOLjD EVjSltYWPKltE. 1FC eopened Willis, Edwards & Co. Have reopened the New Heme Machino Works, and have added Tools to their works to do all kinds of Machine and Boiler Work at nhort notice. They have also added a foundry to their works, and are prepared to do the best of Brass aDd Iron Casting, House Plumbing a specialty. If you want good work pive us a cal I. All work guaranteed and dore at prirjB to suit the times. ivll wly KA8TERH NORTH CAR'ILH' uAifoiE wonks, SEW BEK.M'. N. ( Monuments Tombs- And all kinds Grava and Bonding work IB ITALIANS AMERICAN MARBLE Orders will receive prompt attentior satisfaction guaranteed. JOE E. WILLIS, Proprletoi iRoooeMor to Ueorgc W.JlrPol) , Oor. BROAD A D OZjfo Elfkt,! fiEW SERTfK, f. C Q. E. Millkii it d Kiueton 1007. my authorized aget raa80-lTdw 1897 $4.50 a Year THE CHEAPEST DAItY PAPER IN THE SOUTH. THE WEEKLY H&i bcea enlarged and tne price rednoed to 75 Cents a Tear; The Cbeaperl Weekly FaperPabllahed SMB1T ISSUE isi WEEKiT EBITTCI .-. Bath for oea jai, tat UOt ; , - ? The two are ebeaper an bettor than WnMreeUr. aa yon get eoe daily tarae and a weekly for 0 eenta lew than any aeoUr weekly petwr. ':- - . Dally Mat free twe weeks astd weekly owe BionU) free. Spend ene eest for a postal eatd Dd order one or the other on trial. Address IflE.WHXQ. Klcomond, Ta. . .-: j Us TOE JOURNAL.. Arrival and DeD artura Hails - V- MAIL 'CLOSES.-. ,"v For North. West and South, via A. N. C.R. B. at 7. SO a.m. . - For Beaufort and the Bast, at 8.-00 n.m. v - For Washington, Swift Creek, Hvdeand Beaufort Counties Mondays, Wednes days, ana rriaars at OXH) a. m. For Trenton. PolloksvUle and Mays- vuie, aaiiy at 7 a. m. For Granteboro, Bavboro an 1 Van- aemere, daily at o a. m. ... - OFFICE HOTJB& In Honey Order and Registered Let ter Department, from 8 a.m. to 4 p..m. in stalling Department trom a.m. to 3 d. m. Belief in Charms. Superstition is not dead, nor is Kconnnea to tne earaire cubes Several of of f fioted ball-players tea rry charm abos t thpnt Jor good jltfck in hifs' and catches, and some professional gamblers attach all their hopes of winning to the poss session of a certain rug or gem. Beliefs of this kind are, iq troth, wellnigh universal. There is an Indian iu the Western country who carries about with him at all times a round, smooth stone taken from the inside ofaboffalo. It weighs lour pounds : aud is, of coarose, ettretnely Inconvenient ; bat noth ing will induce him to leave it at home It is. his "big medicine," and if In; should lose it or lav it aside, he believes that evil spirits would have power to spoil his aim and frustrate all his enterprises. White men do not usuallv confess to a belief in such charms. They only go iso larjas to say, '"There maj ueoroctJuug in them, and it is j itsrt Well to Be on the safe side.'' Mn is an odd compound of setie and folly. Brace I' p. l ou are reeling depressed, your appe tite is poor, you Hre bothered i!h head ache, you are fidgety, uervous, acd geuerally out of sorts, and waul to brace up Hi ,iee u, but nut v itli etiaju lanln. siuiii med irinen. ii bitters, which lure fur their banih very choap, bad whiskey, :ind which sii:i,ula(e you tor an hour, aud iben leare rou in 'worse condition than before. What yoa want is an ultopatie that will purify yWf blood, Blait healthy action of liver and kidneys, restore your vital ity, Arid give renewed health and strength. Such a medicine you will find in Electric Bitters, and only 50 cents A bottle at R. N. Duffy's drug store. 60 1 near, Airs, uiucastle, you went, after all, to hear ' Merlin' t " "My girl, Sallie, persuaded me; but bless you, my dear, when they had been tuning up for three mortal honrs, 1 got up, and says 1: 'Sallie, my love, I've stood a good deal, for your sake, but its too late now to wait lor opera,' and we left." BuckUn'i Arnica Sal. The Bkbt Salvb in the world for Outs, Brnis,v(6orwikMnf, San Itheunj, FdverjbBares Tfettot, JQhapped Handa.CfeiUda4na.CorBa.and all Skin Eruptions, and positively cures piles or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money re funded, frioe 25 cents per box. For sale by R N. Duffy. deol It New York girl "The feet of the Htatue of Liberty are six feet long !" Ublcago lady "Six feet lODg! W by, she must be nearly 20 leet high then. Diphtheria. "1 am living in a neighborhood sur rounded with Diphtheria and waa at tacked with Ulcerated Sore Throat. I at once commenced to use Darbys Pro phylactic! Fluid, diluted about one half, as a gargle, hen great felota of hard membrane. aid muoous came from my throat, and the attack passed off. I am satisned of its efficacy as a preventive and p.nrA fnr TlinlitkAt'ia for Diphtheria' W. WOODaRD , Frankfort, Pa. Sale & Livery Stables. THK FIRMS OK A A M. HA UN AND M. HAHN OOM PAN Y has baen dl wired by h death of A. Hhn, M. Halin will continue the boslDees of BALK. 1XOHA.SQK AND LIVERY of H0RBK8. 1 -MT I ml II I Ml iii.tjn. nuL. ai Ulft old (tend 'on Jtlddle aueet, where lie baa Jfteea engaged la the aarne bailneailn the leltyWrjce liee.-wlll b pleased to meet tits old rrlenaa and customers. Will bare oa hand la doe season a F1HE LOT OF HOBIra end Aleo, FINH LOT OF BI CiCilES and BARNEKi. - SATISFACTION GUABAVTEED. M. HAHN & GO. anell dwtm , Take Iiotiee l r ProrUions, Orocerlos, Caaned Goods, Dry Goods, Crockery, Etc. We keep full line of tbe Celebrated Prison Boots and Shoes. 1 4 ALSO ' ," , G. S. Parsons '& Sods Boots and Shoes. :'r& Erery pitr warraated te (ire satis faction, w " ..- -.'. 1 - Country mere has ta and the people generally are requested to eaU and ex amine our large stock before purchas ing. We will girs you low figures. - W Job LoriUar4 8ouff. .-- , ' E0BEHTS,& BH0,-r- .-: 8ovXk Front if.. Veu Btrne, St,. 1 ' (a COIUliUlCIAL. J i COTTON HAJMaET, , , NBW-.yoHit, Sept. fiO. 10:20 A,M. Futures ppene4 steady., Saler pf 4,400 bales. .- 'r September,- 0.49 March', 9 63 - October, ' S9 " April, . , 9.61 KoTember 9 .4 1 ".Maj, .9 Oeoember, - 9J8T ' June, 9.77 January, 9.85 Jnly; 9.88 v February. 9.44 . ', ;AogaV. New Berne market steady. Sales of 46 bales at 9 to 9-10 cent's. DOMKBTIO JBAKKKT. . Skid Corron ?2.75 per hundred. Tpxrmimini Hard, S125. dtp, f 8 00. Tab 76o.ai.26, .; 4 OAT87ia4. to bulk. ; A Oobjt C6o. per bush. Bkxswaz 18o. per lb. . BKXFOn foot, So. to 6c. Boos 121 o. per dozen. iFaasH Pouc41a6o. ter pound. raAJTUTa l.iioavi.ov per ousnai. Fqbdk New, 60 e. per hundred. Ohiomb $1.60al.75 per bushel. OmoXKHS Grown, 46a60o.; apring 40o. U xAt 65o. per bushel. Apples Prime, 40a- per bushel. Irish Potatoes $2.00a2.25. Potatoes Bahamas. 80c, : yams, 60c. Harrison. 45c. Shingles West India, dull and naai inal; 6 inch S3 00a 2 60, Building. 6 inch hearts. Sa.00;sapa,tl.75 per it. WHOUtSAU PKlOltS. Haw Mjesb Poiut 817.50 Pori Hew family, 17.00. Jowls New family, 5c. Bhocldeb Meat 7c. C. B.'a, P. B'e. B.'s and L. C lOo. Flock $8.00a6.00. Lard 7ta. br the tieroe. Nails Basia'lO'e.a 75. Suqab Granulated, 7o Ooffke 26a80o. Ohebsb 15. Salt 80a85c. peraaok. M0LAS8EB and STrjr J0a45o- Powdeb 86. C Bhot Drop, f 0 - $2 00. KEBOflEN - Si'- Hide Dry, n-. i, v. Tallow- 8j. t. j it hoier&Morbus ramps olie ummer Complaints fYSentery Cured br cl tg&spoorifvu of Su&ar andLWttto Use House's Chill Syrup NOTIUE- Sealed Proposals for Building Bridge- State or Nohth Caroliha, Craven Oo. Ofttcs Rbqisteb of Duds, New Berne, Sept. 8th. 1887. Sealed proposals for building a bridge across lower Brioe s Creek, in Number Seven Township af the present site, will fce reoetred at this of&oe on or be fore the First Monday la October, 1887, Said bridge to be built according to plans and specifications to be seen at wis omce. AH croDosals 'filed, to be Drooetfr ealed and endorsed, "Sealed proposals for building Brlees Creek Bridge."; -By order of the board. Orlando Hcbbs, ,- , Register of Deeds, seSdtd ' " .Ex officio Clerk. . : -1 i. i 1 ,ap' f it. . femract to the (udsment -rendered at tb B print Term. liayi 1S87. of the npnnr Coert of Craven coanty. ptate ' of bonk CaMHtne.a th eottow wberela A Hah and K. Bahn are ptalnUSa end B. B. Slrckledce la defendant, I win sell at Public A act ion at tbeOoart Boom In Jiewbern, on the ' , tSlk'Day'o esnfcer, A.D. leg?,' i tae following land, Vli AH that wertala adjoining tbelanda' Of VlrjrmJa HarrUon. Q T. watena anheni,bTmnrtd end deaorlbes ae fbilewa, sileated ea the Trent Blvee atont three jnllee from Keabera, and on Jiar. roeds Creek, being the tract ef laud that e attendee1 toeahl R..B. JtlecHMee from bis Brother, atad la kaowu as tae "ilatrn laso,' Terms o stlecaih. e , ; :. .;. . .KyjapAa S. MOORE. i t Commlfsloner; ; , TalalMa dayef ftepU A.D. 18(7. , , dlw A.caa.' 6 a. tot., buluohi blsvly BA1TEEES aai'V.-1 "W ; - 1 r ' - 1 '.' f. - . South Fbokt Etkebt, - - IS that misery experienced when we sad deniy bevuiue torn Ujat we poMk a diabolical arrangeiuent ceiled a kiou.Kurj. Tiie eiomacii la tue reservoir trom wtiten evety fibre aod tissue iuut be tiou'istied, and any irouoie na It la aoon felt through. oat the whole system,- Among a doaea d -peptlca bo two will hare the came predomi nant lymutoma. bygpeptiot of actfre mental power ana a billow temperament are iubjeot to Slek UeaSaebc; thoae fleaby and pbteg matie have Coutlpatlea. while the thin and nervous are abandoned ' to loemy Xerebedlaa-e. Eome dyanepUca are woo. derfully forgetful ; e there have great itilta blllty of temper. f " Whatever form fir Kerala ma take, one Tke aaderljlng caase la la ; the VlmB.' and or e tblna- more is eonalir ertaln. no one will rem In a dyspeptic wno will 1 ', ft , will ee met Aeldlty e tbe ttouaaekt, Si pel feal Rases. Allay IrrltaUoa. Aaaiet JDlceet'oa. and at the same time STAR THE LIVER TO WORKING, WHKH ALL, OTHER TBOt u A.ES SOON PISArPEAB. "Mr wife was a confirmed drspeptle. Some tbi'ee years ago by theadvlce of lr. f telner, or Augnata. (be waelndooed to try Hlmmous UvcrBetaator. 1 feel cratefnl tor the relief it has given her. andunay all who reid ihie and aie affected In any way, whether chronic or olherwiae, nee Simmons' Liver Ueaulaior nd I fed aonfldent health IH be reaiortd to all who will beadvlaod." W, Ksbbh, Fort Valley, Oa. See that yon get tbc GEN II I Ii, with red SZ5 on front of wrapper. FAJEfA Ktl) OM V BY I. II. ZEILIN A CO., Philadelphia, P Scribiier's Magazine, I"t:BLisiiED Monthly, WITH ILLUSTRATIONS First Number Ready Dccaubt i th. Scribuer'h 3Ia;aziiie w;ll br the wideet neuse a magaiine of general literature, aud each number will be fully illustrated. Some of the must nuublu t ppers to appear during trie tirbt year are a se ries of Unpublished Letters of Thack eray of very great autobiograpbieal Value; ex-Minister K. B. Wash burne's Heminiscenoos of the Siege and Commune of Paris; Glimpses at tbe Diaries of Qouvcrneur Morris, Minister to France at the close of the last century (.giving deieriptions of sooial life and characters at the time): a oolleotion of contemporary letters describing Early New York and New England bocietv. Thire is much excellent fiction, in cluding a serial by Harold Frederic; stories extending Through several numbers by II. G. Bunner, J. S. of Dale, and others ; and short stories by R. L. Steveneon, Joel Chandler Har ris, T. A. Janvier, Miss Jewett, Oo tare Thanet, H. II. Boyesen, Miss (Jrospy. and a host of others. Notable special papers to be pub- .ihed very early are (leneral . A talker's on Socialism; Dr. William Qaycs ard's on Babylonian Oylin. ders; Mr. John 0. Hopes' on the Por traits of OaoSar; Captain Greene's on Coast Defence, etc., etc. Scribner's Magazine will be pub ished at $3.00 a year, or 25 cents I lopy. .Subscriptions may be sent to any newsdealer or bookseller, or to CHAKLE3 SOEIBJJER'S SON9, Publishers, 748 and 745 Broad ay, Nw York IK! GQflOM SENSE Baereette hmnrm mm b wffl re tt proper M. are wasted to handle SMs pomp si mrr torn la t ia DH , V and R.O. ud rin ba ae- t eaaM of autsba territory not tbmOrvaaa&A CHARLES G. BUTCHLEY EHKUHCTURER r,w : lf EOttrni! Squire pi"-J.I.U, (U frpp. Bread St, t- itlca fiK, & ni. ,r..atfS.- DRa, J. d: glark fc..'-""... . . .', KSVWalSB.. . O. OSes Crarsn strsat, aetwaes rrnoc and Iraa4, ' Sr7'laj', 7 i iMTim iiFTEDPiinni FORCE HMl ls I 1 ti p is f All h' r VJ 3 7 '; t"' 1. Tbe t It .. r h. I-:.. , ThHt Beuuea 'ut pleaswt w a BoBoueedeaJillduia , : ; ... ta liaia. DOOR PLATLj ! I will furnish yon with a ban d 0t. r plate, fait Nickel or Broaae, ' ineeried. Siae 'A Inoiiee, w i -ill! J . t attach tomtotaoor. by eiun xeer need to oe ceen o be 1 Agents wtated to whom liberal o. til. I will be qnotea wiin earn pie piaie ti name. llcdM nembers maoeel K-iocn 1. 1. metal aoliu ed fauitea. S&e. xer r.o. Lv inml lioney sent by f. U. moner order at tun ea- cease. Aoarese -- d. si. ni t, ?r., KIM iflm ,r i. O. oz i.Liiu,i ,i, tt. c. ICULAK. NEVER - 00TOF ORDER. NEW HOME SEW MACHINE WtVSm, CHICASO 30 UNION SQUARE, rtu CALL AS, ILL. 8Tt LOUI8, MO. r.1 i,ra.in,iit...M;,.; B oniifivim i.k-Miu The Daily Graphic ; . Is the Favorite Home Journal of Refined American Families Etcry . where, and the only . Daily ' '. Illustrated Newspaper pu lished in the vVorla.'. ; It Circulates in Every Stat'apd Ter i irory of the Union. Imsy be 1 found on news stands in erery 1 large oity. The, yasl body of its subscribers are , Wealth and Culture, No other Daily. pnblisaslfla New York Oity has so large i Mail Circulation. v ..... .. The Weekly, GrcrLS There is hardly .a Postbfllce in th ' United Btates.where at least a few copies are' pot reoeired each -1 " week by subscribers fr' It embraces tne Best Features fo The Daily Graphic, pictorial and, lit'" erary, for the preceding bix days..' It is the largest first class Illustrated' Weekly issued, is sold for half the, prioo of its rivals, contains1 th'o ' latest news and market repo'rts,"an;ris"ao quiring a phenomenal oirculs tion. f ,. . THESE IS NO BETTElt ! I Medium Ijj&i&ffiag . r rww vtuiv wi, uute we issue opeoiat Editions iLustrating '4he .industries and business opportunities of,, cities, towns and localities throughout the country. At prosent we are preparing a Oalitornia Edition of 100,000 copies. Agents wanted to oanvasS for sub scriptions in every part of the world, to whom a large eommiBslorl will be paid. Send for sample copy.- f - ' a 1 ,4 -f For rates and other information address -,; . ; The American .QrapMo-: Co., . 89& 41 Parklae, if. I." . The Vilialnstca Z:i:. REDTJCTIOX 1ST PRICK, Attention Is called to na fnllowltalf rfrtncod rabies afaubaorlUoa, caab In advance. OnaiTear.....-,-.fS4i.j..' , ( n Hlx Mrtntha . .... . . . , 510 Three Months.. ...: , ' " 1 -1 One Month. ,.tj,.,, .h-u... U - " HE WEElaXT STAR. Ona Yerj. six Months lores Months.. Onr Teiearanh Wawa ani-rlna n rr been largely Increased, and Ills our ts t nation to keepthe bta np lo tne k. standard of newspaper excel Wnv . AUHICH ; . ... W JO.. XI. n K t'. I Xjewb alt other Masanocs m Tales of Fictiea A New am pormt of Interest i ', aa pinuMf Short Sterin ' ntpresnnr M'' fMny a J ... r,f I r greaa i i STSAPIT C'"" &'i'ot aoo o-i-'niC'-Han i sac a nscs T,rr r' ACornnleteNewMoVel aL 1 tjmm bTsriantogriiaut lfc. " ' Cirin a library of it sew and ' ftwa $15 oa to $ 18.00 anpimi v rf aa eenw per nonth. i- Stone fcy John V- I a", JmSiih Msw.r, Juu y v., i ill appear in early i uucs Circlarl,fiviDg stana, aw., .' r ."j.B.i.irrsccTT cr- pt fl' , rkCTrtr

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