r 1. "... - OURNAL t f- ' : VOL.VL-NO. 154. NEW BERNE. N. C, THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER .), 1887. PRICE: 5 CENTS. c - t. LOCAL NEWS. tarI MtaLstv jJataaae. - rTw Berne, latitude, 88 6' North. - , lonritBde.TT'r Wet. " Sub rises, 5:48 1 Length of day, ua mu, 0:01 1 19 hour, 18 minutes M Kn stts at 9:50 p. m. business LOCALS. ? "CODFISH, 3Erlh Potatoes and Onions, .V ' U IS. BLOVER. EE AD JNO, DUNN'S AD. CARE FULLY.. - THE OEOCEB, E. B. HACKBURN, has juat received another lot of that - On Fulton Market boneless picea Corned Beef, which he is selling si lOo. "per lb. : - 28 4t wT IME Commercial" Lime; what is left, H 00 per ton. ' ' . sep87tir W. P. Bi KKUh. ' f.) USE liquors and Wines for Medici - I. ual and other usee, at wholesale. - 1 Jambs Redmond. "f OBTQAGE and Warrantee Deeds . i-TX. on band all the time. .TMRECT importation of French xJ Brandy and Holland Qiu arrived vln bond and duties paid at Custom loose in!Nw Berne, guaranteeing gen uine zoods for sale. C- J as Redmond. ARIS GREEN and poison dutribu - L tors for the cotton worms at fv : Geo. Allen & Co. GARRETTS Medoo Vineyard Cognao and Wines for sale, at Manufactu- , rer1 prices, by James Redmond. ' riKOWNBOEORQIA COTTON GINS, ' JlJ with Dell f eeder ana ixmaenser. 1 All ol the latest and most approve pat ' terns. Geo. Allen & Co. REDMOND'S Ginger Ale, Lemon Soda, etc, equal to imported. r '- . James Redmond. C.LD. PAPERS in any quantity for I sale at this office. BUGGIES, McD. Pates' make, for sale at DailBiiob'. A. at. Baker tells how to save a dol- , lar. He has buried Hi Price and is now - ready for business. See "ad." in to ' dy'siatue.' " ' Ihs machinery for the ice factory ar- ' tired on the steamer Newberne yester- day morning and wilt be put in position Immediately." Members of the Y. M. C. A. will re - Member that tomorrow night is the 4 time for the election of offloers for the 5-, ensuing year. All are earnestly re quested to be present. - Mr, James Doyle was In the city yes- terdsy posting bills for the State Fair. .He went down to Morehead City and 1, Beaufort on Tuesday night, posted the towns daring, the night and returned ' . her yesterday morning. The State Fair. We are, indebted to Secretary John Niohols fo tickets of admission to the ." - Fair grounds and refreshment hall dur ? ing Fair week. ,.The Fair opens on the ' 18th Of October" end olosea on the 21st. Ths railroads are .offering lower rates ' this year than ever before; one cent per '.mile each way is cheap enough for any ' one to go to the Fair. , log Broken. Yesterday morning while Weaver ' Blade, Ool,.: a stevedore on the Old Do ; minion wharf, was assUting in unload ing the eteamer Newberne, a large iron wheel of the Ice factory machinery that was being rolled On the wharf was al lowed to fall and strike his left leg : which broke it just above tih ankle and r bruised him badly in several other places, : He. waa taken W Dr7 Duffy's ' oCce for treatment and afterward sent to his home, a . ' " '"" ( ,'-PerioniJ. 'c f0Vt"- i' . 'u , Dr. W. J. Mumford, chairman of the , board ' of oommisaioners of Onslow county arrived yesterday evening. He says action OS ordering the election for subscription, to; the": Wilmington and . Od1ow railroad was postponed In order to 1 1 ve th e Ne w Brne and, Wilmington , ti "9 to consolidate their scheme. C! meet Manly, Eeq., has . returned from a trip to Hot Springs and Virginia ' sr, 1 is much improved by the tripr- He is ready to meet the fa!) Marts' with bis , hi visor and skengtaVUw 0. n. Guion, Esq., with' Mrs, vQoion, en ca a visit to WashiDgt6B,T?C.-- a .in x mer Kovejientfc;!fIU'' , .9 Chance of the . Clyde' line left day for Baltimore with cargo of . a a. i c aval stdres. iWJj-i ! t Newberne of the O, D. line left rJav at noon for' Norfolk with a - of rclton. . -. ' j Elaaktn of tne 'Alli'ine f ,r : !y Old Field with general : i. -' n V r of the E CD. Line sailed ' rnoon direct for Wilmlng : ., " ' cargo of lumber, The i; oe sailed yesterday after, r 'I car3 of cotton and lum- r. Tfce Eaglet will arrive : frcta E. City, Farewell Elm City. The steamer Defiance went out y ester day with a cargo of cotton and the steamer Elm City in tow. The steamers in the docks all gate the Elm City a parting salute as she glided out, per haps for the last time from this port. She arrived here on the 11th of January, 1888, and has proyed a very poor investment for her stockholder May she and her original stockholders have better luck in the future. The Lenoir. Tbe following is from the Baltimore Bun of Monday. the new light-draught ompotMle steamer Lenoir, (knows as No. 40 built by Wm E. Woodall & Co. for tbe Clyde Steamship Company, made a satisfactory trial trip on Saturday. She is now at Ligbt-etreet wharf receiving the furniture and outfit. Tbe vessel is named after Lenoir county, N. C , and is intended for freight and passenger service between New barn and Kinstou, on tbe Neuae river. The Lenoir is 112 feet long, 26 feet beam and 5 feet depth of hold, and will have a mean draught of 18 inohes. Messrs, Charles Reeder & Sons built the engine, which is 14 by 14 inches, high pressure type, and also the boiler, which is of steel and iron. On the Rig-ht Line. The communication from "Concord'' is '.timely and on the right track. We can point to an enterprise that has Lt't-n lost to New Berne fur lack of harmony and business push, but it is no use to look buck and tell what might have been. Let us look forward aud seize other opportunities to advance the material interest of our city. The development of a large section of coun try depends a good deal upon the growth and thrift of New Berne, Oar business men who are now upon the stage of no twn will be held responsible if this fine old town w uh her many natural auvan tages should go backward. Let us unite upon a busineps scheme that is most likely to advance our immediate intercut urid slick to it until u is accom plished. Th.9 Onslow Railroad. At a meeting of the Coltou and drain Exobange, held last evening, a resolu tion was adopted to appoint a commit tie of five to meet, with gther citizens of our town, representatives of the v il mington and Onslow Railroad at Jack sonville, on tbe first Monday in October, to consult about the propriety of con solidaticg the schemes to build a rail road, or come to some understanding whereby concert of action can be bad in asking Onslow to vole a Bub scriplion to the two enterprises The resolution was passed unanimous ly and the President was granted time to select the committee. The meeting was harmonious and there seemed to be a general feeling of interest in an on ward movement. A sjrong represents tion, representing every interest of the city and oounty should go to Jackson ville next Monday. Other matters of importance were discussed by the meet ing, which we hope will receive more attention in tbe near future. The Oyster Fair. We have a letter from tha commie sioher of immigration, J. T. Patriok, (in which he endorses the idea of holdiDg an oyster fair at New Bern this winter He offers to aid us in the enterprise and will do jo by securing low excursion rates from New York and Baltimore. The Slate is now making an effort to develop its oyster industry, and an oys ter exhibit at New Berne this winter would be the thing to giye it a boom. If properly advertised, scores of oyster growerfrom New York and Baltimore and other points North would be here, and we oould show them oysters grown on the bottoms of Far creek, Broad creek, Core sound, Of Carteret county and New river that would compare favorably with tbe beet grown any where. We have now hotel accommodations that will suit all classes. To the oyster exhibit might be added other industrial exhibits and thus make up a first class Fair. Th) interest now being manifest ed in the culture of the oyster demands a Fair of this sort and if New Berne don't inaugurate It some other to wn will. We have tha advantage in location, and must have the fair this winter., ::'".-A Fifty Killloa Mortgage. ; Wilkesbaeei, Pa., Sept. 28 j-Amort-gage for fifty million dollars against the Central Railroad Company of New Jersey and in favor of the Central Trust Company of New York was filed here today in tha offioe of the reoorder of deeds for Luzerne county. It was dated July 1, 1887, and is to run one hundred years, bearing interest at the rate of S per cent. This is tha largest mortgage erer recorded in this county. - ' J v - , V ' v ",i ; v f esJ.a's Arnica Salve W v ; Ths Best 8 alt a in the. world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcere, Balk Rheum, Fever 60 re- Tetter, Chr?ed Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all fckfn Eruptions, and positively cures piles or do pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money re- luniea.- rnc 25 cent per box. tor ale by S. N. Daffy. s. f . declB ly l ., t -a Tli m 1 - I tuc mrensui ui Luuj J lie n rukness of Dissensions. rjiToa jouesal: WMle it is im possible for an editor to please every one, and I am candid enough to say you have sometimes done things and omitted others that would justly subject you to unfavorable criticism, 1 will send you a word of en aouragemeiit for the spirit of recon ciliation you evince and for the efforts you are making to bring about among the citizens of this region pleasant and profitable political relations and practi cal and beneficial business associations. Not a meddler in politics I have ob served its current and felt deeply interested in what has come before me in this county during the past eight or ten years, and with pain and regret the conviction is firm in my mind that fac tion and not party principles has given color to canvasseis and influenced, for no good, political results. A Democrat from a firm belief in the great doctrines which that party has always advocated and sustained, let no one suppose that mere temporary expediency, or what might be so regarded could for a mo ment cause any deviation from the strictest construction and vigorous ap plication of its fundamental principles when national issues are involved or basic law is established or executed. But local interests, the desire to win converts to the Democratic party, be cause of its principles, the hearty wioh for intelligent and honest administra tion in home affairs may will justify a latitude of action which works for general good, and the great improve ment of present and past conditions. And in this connection the tirim-sl po litical associates may for a time tind themselves momentarily separated upon ndividual honast convictions us to the wisest course, but animosities bred of such diversity of opinion should not disrupt either political affiliations or friendly associations. The candid must regretfully acknowledge that both species of relations between some of our citizens have been strained and are still unadjusted to that even balance which should maik the patriotic and useful citizen. Let us hope that all feeling inconsistent with manly firm ness and which cannot work for har mony among us may disappear as the vapors of malaria before the bracing breezes that so soon shall put physical energy into our frames. Observant of men and things I have watched the material concerns in our midst and compared and contrasted them with those of other localities lens blessed by nature and opportuity than this fair region of the Neuse and Trent and especially of this lovely old city New Berne. How do tho more west ern places in our State sg far out stripped us in material growth and prosperity? Il needs no divine inspira tion to point out the chief cause Among the ciliztms of such places as Durham, Winston and Asheville there has been a combination of strength. Every individual uniting with every other when any enterprise has been suggested or started which had for its object the building up of the particular place or its neighboring interests. Every one among them has acted upon tbe simple fact that combined will and effort in any direction muBt produce marked results. What has interested one has beou felt as the interest of all, and all have united to prosper the inter est of each. There is the plain lessou, learned and applied, aud see what it has produced. Life, prosperity, growth, vigor aud health. How is it here? With pain and suffering have. 1 soon a different spirit among us. If perchance some business nas been proposed, some enterprise suggested, some actual com bination formed, descord, dissension, controversy, jealousy and malice have seemed to paralyze and destroy effort, and to decry and defame when not able to crush. Could I exorcise these demons of selfishness and drive them from the minds and hearts of our people, and re place tbem by the noble spirits of hope, faith and charity, of mutual assistance, encouragement and oombined energy, a life of former activity, hope and peril would be gladly laid upon an altar which would bring the blessings of plenty and peace to so many of my fellow-citizens. Be brave. Mr. Editor, to attack wrong, and have lbe courage to stay the torrent of passion by tbe calm front of dispassionate right, softened by the conservative goodness that marks the peaoe-maker. Concord. Sept 27, t!7. Continental Fire Insurance Co. of Sew Tork. The proof of loss On the building and machinery of Mr. J. A. Meadows was received by this company on the 24th of September; on the 20th draft for ply- men t of same was received. This old Company seeds no words of commendation. Its reputation for promptness, fairness, and just dealings has long since been established. Tbe capital is 11,000,000; its assets near 15,000,000. Tbe pa value of its stock is 8100; it li selling at 8230. Policies issued in this Company on most favorable term. . William H. Out is, Ag't, . Continental Insurance Co. Newborn, NjC : Wrtk Kaswlag. Mr. W. H. Morgan, merchant. Lake City, Fie., . was Uken with a severe cold, attended with a distressing oough, and tanning Into Consumption in its first stages. 113 tried j&any o called popular cough remedies and steadily grew worse. . was . reduced m . flesh, , had difficult in breathing and wae on able to sleep.' Pinally tried Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption and foaaa immediate rellsr.and after tiring about a half dozen bottles found him self well and has had bo return ef the disease. - No other remedy can ebo w so trend a record of cures as Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, guar anteed to do 3 jt vest is claimed for it. For sale at R. N. Duffy's drug store.--. EOKt UN NE Wis. KAI KMANN'S VNLLX'KY Sll'JT Pahis, Sept. 26 The follow mg de tails have been received concerning the shooting incident on the Franco-German frontier, near Uaun-Sur-i'iaine On Saturday morning a parly of five sporUmen and four beasters were fol lowing a path on trench territory, seven yards from the frontier. wlen a person standing behind a clump of trees on the German side. SU yards from .LID IIUUVIC1 , L.J CU I LI ICt DUULO O, LUCUJ . The first bullet did not hit aiiy one. but the second killed one of the heaters named Brignon and the third i-everely ' wounded a gentleman named Wuuger. a pupil at tbe Saumur Cavalry tv-hoo!. The German cliicials declare lhat a Uer man soldier named Kaufmami. who was detailed to assist the forest guards in preventing poaching, lircd the phots Kaufmann attirms that he shouted three I times for the party u hull bt-fore liriLtf at them He behoved llitl ttity werej on German teriitjry . lie p.'Usim-n declare that thi y ht-..i I nothing. 'Mm officials on both si tes - f the f n .'.! i r ar waking inquiries int" the shooting The Paris papeis uie the people I i regard the shooting ulluii on the fr. u tier with i ttlmi,es in oi,.t i noi to t-i.i bairass the go i uiim 1,1 o, thin h.ii. dllllg of the i !.,. At ll., s:i!l..- t:!i.- 1 the g-,erii ment 1? uii 1 I ; I 'r. - I -dt mand full rt-p:i!!ili n ; Premier U.iuvu-r cuuf -in I w.th li Ulllileter of fole'li hlf.ol- .,. 1 ll.r l...:, loter of j'lr-lice iii n !..'. :. t the L. i,t.. t locidt i.: a f 1 1 r the re- i-io: of tl,e i.fli- no report of the allaii. mid i! an Irri led to send a note to IWhn I eipirr-t 1 1, the (ierman govt-rumeiit . m the ml' lest 1 the continuation of fiienlly illation-, to institute an n ii; ' y i :! n : T : r w ithout delaj P.KHI IS, St -t . An . !!. !.! rdr has beenstnt toMi.v-l urgf r a detailed report of the f i mil ler alFai r . Cmnriiis s lone is have (.o Iu- t us eitain the e i a t spot where kt rper Biign !i und :h m Wangei w ere standing "hen Kaufman filed. 'I he tioiiliei line where II. e shooting occurred is vtiv ine',,lai and upl to mi-lead any i ne. i in.; Ilml.i it Hismauk, secretary of the (oirigu oflice, has sent a frnn'U n te t the French eiiilnis.-y iukk!iiik eaily communication id the results: of the ollii'ial inquiry, an 1 ihe I ir m h i is authorized to pioin.se ainle and indemnity it a (o iniai. t! foil nd I esp iisi L ie. li.niste J'l.t"-' . i..l C hat i l in Mi l it unprei r dented s; i i Syrtiii w ilhin a ill Ph. e of s -f e v ear s. blL'1 It is w uh out st I - Hied v evei !'l:e 11 t ; riJoi i astomsl d the world doubt the safi st ud I discover d for the spi cu re of 'oiighs , Cold s Lung troubles It m i d v an I i iTeclual . and the t-e errst Ls on all entirely different prim iple fioin the usual pre scriptions given by 1'hysiriai.s as it does not dry up a Cough and leave the disease still in the system, but on the coutrarv rruioves the eiinM of the Iron ble, heals the parte affected and leaves litem in a purely healthy c ind itimi. A bottle kept III the house for use w hen tho d iseases make their a p pour a lire, will save doctor s bills und a long spi ll of serious illness. A trial will convince you of these fact-. Il ij posit ively sold by all druggists and cem rnl dealers in The land. Price, 7"i els., lare b ittle. 1 lie ,irunil V r in y Meeting. Sr. l.i a Is.Sepl. 2'".- A national salute from Camp Washington heralded the tirsl day of tho (irand Army meeting, and aroused the army of visitors and the committers whose duties called tbem to the early trains. A tine mist dampened the atmosphere early this morning and gradually increased into a steady disagreeable rain. The lirst trains of the ea.ly morning brought more warriors, more isitors and many children. The West and South in their great crowds us steadily as tho rain dropped, and Kansas, with its grasshopper badges, came on in force, joining Nebraska's corn-badged fellows at tho camp at Washington Park. The gray haired warriors and sturdy farmers tiled from the depots, w ith grips in hand and blankets thrown over their shoulders asking only for a tent, while the women and ohildren toddled behind prepared for anything. The Pacitio slope had scarcely set tled down before thenaarer West poured in with Colorado. Arkansas. New Mexico and Texas. Iowa and Missouri contingents reported many men, and announced the coming of thousands more. Several hundred have reported from Pennsylvania. Early in the morning Kentucky posts esoorted by their department commander to his headquarters, and then moved out to the tented fields. Ohio, Indiana and Illinois quickly passed through the streets, seeking shelter and greeting friends and comrades. In the tents groups of men assembled, reviewing tbe past and drifting into war remi niscences. By noon tbe railroads had brought in'ten thousand citizen soldiers. Stanly Hall, Thursday Night. Sept. 29. St. Peter's Presidential Amusement. A grand affair. The community is res pectfully invited. The proceeds go to liouidatean Indebtedness of tbe church. Seats' (or the whites will be reserved. We snail be pleased to bare you come and fill these seats. Respectfully, 8t. Fitkr s chorch. Ad mission &3o. Ticket is good for two Digit). i Keresuamta, Head This. .To those subject to Ihe vexations of business life, dyspepsia, and a feeling ol debility, irritability and despond ency, we say, take Simmons Lfyer Reg- snator. The Keguiator is tree rrom any Injurious jnineral substance; not disa greeable; can be taken at . any time without interfering wits business, or pleasure. v It is gentle, safe, and a good digeetor fit as unequalled in the wire of piles, eonet (pat ion, bad breath, sick headache and .bilious complaints. , , x : ax-TV -an .-'.''Ijll '-iXi' --. ' ' --'--.'J-.- T" i' J "V. " I iihersitv Address. The Kileigh Nv-s and Observer Bute that lion. Aiferd M. Waddell. a grad uate of the class of by invitation of tbe faculty will deliver an address at the I niversily on the evening of October tun on America before Co lumbus, lij invitation of the Shak- epeareClub he w ill speak on the even ing of the 10th on Khakspeare's Legal Knowledge.'' The 6tudents and fac- ulty of the University and the people of Chapel Hill have a rich treat in store, . as Col. Waddell is one of our coniphsbed eiraturs The tiicil iiauijelist Penu Write-. Mh A K. llAWKr- Ileal Si r I uke yreal pleasure in ooying that afler hav ing worn jour new Crystal lzed Lenses for the par-t war 1 1 ; sight has greatly improve-i W I. Pknn. All eyi-o htteJ ai 1 i!,e tit guaranteed at the dri. st re .f 1. S DufTy. New Berne N , 5 lui Wanted. 1 .'. .'.' 1 o 'AlM'l.lil 1 ws: lass (j ranter i m, I tern.- moderate - f .itniohrd to parties n Bpplh ntioii fair Mrai to II, tl tl'ierslg Ml-.- ied J JM:I'11 NKI.m i.N Broad street C aven iili, I M I 1,1 ir ste NEW GOODS! a r Xiio Jitiiiih .1 I SI A1C1UV III: i'l.ila 1 -dp h.a Hull. I assail i Pure Lard I I (est 1 Ii 'il r in l he inai 1. 1 t Watei I 'rai kru t raliam Pilot Bread and 1 ine I a k d he best of Teas and C II, 1 ulton Mar ket t m n.-d Be Thurber s best t ran-ls of f I an I io In !a (.Me Sep ' i t every thing lin e in ratable." ne a 1 1 ia I and be con i need dl.iu Jmll.N III NN. Wanted Immediately ! 5,000 to 10,000 ACRES LAND, Well tnnbi-rel p it'iti ii th I'm mar 1 1 ans W. 15. Boyd. REAL ESTATE AGENT. i hern, N C dw Miss Mace's Class In Iirawingand Painting w ill begin on the L'Tlh inst. Lesson llay s Tuesday h an 1 Thurs days at three p m Terrns-lor 1'rawing. iJ i( Paint ng. f'.i 11(1 Advanced, r ( per month N. ud, lllW S. B. WATERS, Jr., FOR TDK Eest and Cheapest Lino of Gents' Furnish'g Goods HATS, SHOES, Clothing, Umbrellas, Sue. All the LateBt Novelties always in stock. Host S3 00 Shoe in the city. Kvery Paib Wahkantep. Ask to see his 60c. Shirt. Also, the celebrated Arrow Iliand Collar, two for 25c. Clothes to order a kpecialty. Kits (itARAffTEKD. Next Door to A. M. llakrr, ip,. Fplsoopal CliurcL. seplu dw:iin Take Notice ! Our store is filled with Provisions, Groceries, Canned Goods, Dry Goods, Crockery, Etc. We keep a full line of tbe Celebrated Prison Boots and Shoes. AIJO C. S. Parsons & Sons' Boots and Shoes. Every pair warranted to give satis faction. Country merchants and the people generally are requested to oall and ex amine our large stock before purchas ing. We will give yon low figures. We job Lorillard Snuff. ROBERTS & BRO., South Front ft.. New Berne, N, O . K, BISHOP, Broker & Commisfn Merch't, Otlrt and Tutkwii acxt ta Clrd Wharf. acat for Axnaon 4k Oe. PrarUloai. Fire Pswef Iterag Batldtas;. S3 OOTTON. GRAIN and MERCHAN DISE takeaon 8IOHA0B at reasonable rates.;"-. sepUalia A - INJotico. Having purchased tbe entire Stock of Boow. Shoes, and Kubbers in store un der lintel Albert, lwill sell the same AT i'i.iST, !P' T CASH. No (foods will be bent out on probation. Thankful for past patronage, the busi ness will te continued at the old stand- ur. k r Hotel Altert. I T PATTEttSoN. Ne Lrri.t c st'rdlf Use House's Chill Syrup MILL MEN! Look To Your Saws ! If out of shape anJ making had lum ber or u.-iuk loo iuu' Ii puw ei correspond mill I' J lielamai. New lterne. N . O. , care kadelitf . i ... As the saws w ear di. w i. tl.t v r I.. I -I be speeded up. This in v I. .1 i., l y i hanging ihe tern-l -11 -epL'Od&w. TO ARRIVE: Hetiu en () tolicr ."illi iinil lOlli, A I M.W MKltM", 1 Carload cf Delta Ccttcn Ties A limiu-d . a ui. 1 1 1 y of whieh may be I'll r. lilir" I hi .1 le.is Ijuble pri, ! by ap ply 1 1 1 K ' ' e 1. 1 I .Mil Ui i:n i.mjI.u pi.' is . K .1.1-:- r j N. i:. K. R. JONES, W I. m. .. hi. ! 1. ta, i I i.-uler in CHOICE FAMILY GROCERIES GeniT.i! Mcrdiamiisc, 1 5 i ( J I N 1 M I I ..s K(o. ( "iinsifMri. ents .f tin,. i' ( -, en and other Prii' 1 w e sol h lied . I'roinpt Attention ; uat :i ntaod. N. W. i n ,,n!, l-r,,iu an ! M,.ldleHf m:w hi. km:, n . W H I KII I A III K.I l..r I lr' .Ul.bS 1 TH.ln tn lake 'i,l l-Hll Hllil I ' U I. I , llSUHHIl I wit 1- hi l hsl r .1 wn hiMiiew M I u $ 1 pr duy "l,ll le ,i,!cl,j 11IH.1. W.ill, Ben' li UlM.il itn il s!itei-e lull i-ii,!iis fr.e VinjtDTM li.tt VJlii-M u! ..ii-,-. i HI -i I.M AUI 1 ' 11 M . I, M 11. ..'... M-.s I i IT.'. IMIIMIIM. Alll II I IVI.HS i. :i : : r .!. K) r. HOW A CO., Ill Spin.! M 1 1 CI. Mr , or k ( II ) . I'., i He l I 1.1. i .,r 1 ,111111 li WSV I'KHS V :,; l.e s j. Kit K.I. en api ... it ton. Music Lessons. MI. HATi IIIK HAKKIM )N. f, r tho pitst two years it student of the N. K. C'onserviitory of Music. Boston, will re sume her music class Monday. October Unl. isepdlf. Steamer Howard." Coiiiim ii -1 n k MoM i A Y . the U'th day of Septenil.i i , lt-'-7, the Steamer HOW ARD will run the f ll.iwiin; schedule: lor Trent' n. i tiiv Monday and Friday . Keturnin' i ci v 1 uesday and Satur day. I'p Neuse luver very Wednesday, and return Thursday. scfdwtf Cheap For Cash. A Forty-five Saw (Jin and thirty foet of Belting for sulo by stO dw tf L U. CUTLFP. HARDWARE. SiMi, Dt or iiikI Hliuds, Pnlnfs, Oils ;nul (Jlass i-inio, ( t iiiciit ami IMastOr, AND All (Jrailfn ol t'OIIKLNO AM HEATING STOVES, AT BOTTOM PRICES I L. H. CUTLER, 26 & 28 Middle Street, NEW BERNE. N. C. THE T eweler, FOR Watches, Diamonds, Fine Jewelry, Etc. Jy31 dwJm