PILLISIIERV AatNCIt.TIK5T. - las DAILY JOCBJtAL to - oolnmB - paper, pabllahed daily, except jVlouday, at .DO peryear. s,OJforilx months. . UYered - to city saoaorlbera at tteeats per month. ' TUB WKKKLT JOCSHAI a eotaka ; , - piptr. la pnbHahod Tory Thursday at RN . peraanaB..:. ' t DVC&TIBIKO--It.TES (PAILt-OM . - taM4ir 11 to; J." for eaeh safasqneBt -j laeerttott, sitiLft- v - f' ' AdTertlBaB-enteander heed of 'Baalnees LMjl01teBtpr(orftn.Md i eente for , eery eabeeq.aent Inearthaw - He Mrertleeale Ulbeln4vedaetweea - " veal anattarat aay anas,' -v Hocleeaar.darrBai arDeatta.notUex0aed -;:' - I HMaikfH k luuki - - - - A 11 ulMMal , faj'WlitU for tranaaat adYertUetnenti - - mi ti. k. ana.i-i !n aAvane. Raarauu. adver. ' Uaa tf will be eolleeted promptly at tbe i . Bad at aaefc month. .- . C comnn lcatlona containing news of aals Jooario of sal matters ee solicited. Jto eemmuBtaation roust be exneeted to be Mb : Isaedatiat eoatains abtactlonaola t-reonai-A tie withltaUa U name --of the anther: or . aat will bui more mu ae eoluma o ft a t paper. . ' ' ' - . Any paraoa feeling aggrieved at any anony f maaeeoaunnuiaauoB obb ooteia we name . , in araanvr W7 apuLMauvi wi. utuov un J AAWtMflr wl.-la thaa.awa-.-.-4at. THE JOURNAL. , a. k imx. K.HaJEFBJI. atdnaar. ITKW BERHE. N.C.. SEPT. SO 1887. aUrd at the foe afflo at K Berae, a.nadla. utter. - it a They say Senator Vance has learned to play the fiddle. He -i. -1 i. : ,. H:AiiH l:m . k HIUOV Vaa.U . wu wau ... 1 hn earn dhl to atir dd the voters next summer. THE State Supreme Court has turned oat thirty four Dew lawyers Four of tbse are from the connty of Guilford Julian 8. Mann of Hyde county was one ot the nam ber. . C&arlMtoa, S. C, geU applee and aiba(M by tha ear-load from Aaherille, N. C. ' Wilmington U supplied from the Northern markets. Wil. Star. Another evidence of a strip of land between two States. The C. C. ought to be extended to Ashe ville and the A & N. 0. R. ought to be extended to Sanford and pnt under a management that will make New Berne and Morehead City the termini. Then we will begin to have a State system of railways that will build up the towna of the State. PARAS ASD FARMERS. Short Talks With the Men Who Guide tha Plow. HANDLING COTTON ON THE FARM. Manufacturers, parties remote from the cotton fields, and persons not familiar with farming regard the average farmer as very sloven ly in the handling of his cotton. They appreciate two things which have much to do with the matter. One, that the eotton boll is en veloped by leaves which hug it very closely and adhere to the list when the boll is fall open ; that these boll leaves toon dry up and become so brittle that they break at a touch and are gathered with the lint, nnleas the picker constantly stops to separate the two before he de posits the eotton in his sack. Only the first picked cotton, that which is gathered whilst the leaves are still jrrteji, pliable and tough, escapee this drawback. The other thing is that the negro is the chief . cotton picker at the South, and the farmer mast adopt his methods natore. fit) ' cannot change his ' - child-like, careless disposition, and "'rcaniflt impress upon him, either by rewards or otherwise, nice distinc tions or -delicate manipulations. Very few" negroes can be taught or indaced to rtfa properly a gin, an engine, a mower or reaper ; and he who undertakes to get similar work oat of a negro to that which be gets' oat of a white man will, nine times out of ten, fail as com pletely as the one who tries to get j the movements of a thoroughbred race horse out ot an ox. . ' Again, la favorable weather, the farmer is unable to keep up dose . with his eotton it wili open much more rapidly than he can pick it oat, even - when allowing his bands to posh ahead without regard to trasn. n..S J ! uvuiki'lttvAf fisia anil "'wind blowing cot tbe eotton on tne dound 'nd .sUinia," it,-v Which f will bring htm greater pioSt5eary - and trashy jt4t, Khitcotton, or storm, dirty, trashy and stained coixvux ' urouaefiuonftuij vuo first. " v A Waif kd iMlAaV wflA VnlPt A ffal eotton . picking ; as ; rapidly as poa- , aibie. woo shuts nis eyes a gooa . AiM laKnnt ti-saai .nil baa In nn. ..."'V at AMamAB 1'tt. .n. v 1.. mHa ' ', ment. Let any 'one inspect a rin - throrgli ; whiclL storm'- eotton. is . uiauu woj t-erM mua bo jbbuu ; dirt and '- grit i a' cotton and ap- f rtciate tbe tnjnstice, w-hen thq farmer is accused of fraodaently ' sd.ling these to i, f ,:'" -i Fnt there is cue t -tag in tbe ' " -7 cf cotton alo-;t wbicb i S 1 . L 1 - . . a .--.k criticUed. They neglect the dry- ing of the cotton picked early in the season when it is green, and that picked "early in the nfornlng, when it is, wet dew. ' Damp cotton cannot' be ginned so as to make a flue sample. Much of the cutting of the staple and the knapping of it, is attributable to its dampness. Now this js a matter whkh afar mer can manage- .WUh compara tively; little outlay or trouble be can dry bis eotton.- The substitu tion of eheets of clath in place of oaBxecs win neip to ap pnis. votcon spread oat Von sheets will dry more rapidly than . when packed in bas kets. Cheap plank scaffolds can be provided on which the forenoon picking may be sunned in the after noon. If cotton is bulked so as to get slightly heated and then opened and fed to a gin through a feeder, much of its moisture will : be di lapidated. Feeders also contribute to the beauty of sample, as they cause tbe saws to do their work better, by the nniformity andregu larity of the feeding. Feeders and condensers' ire most valuable and Important additions to a gin, the first for reasons already assigned, tn second .for decreasing the risk of fire. A lint room is the tinder box of a gin house. The protracted dry weather of late haa prevented the perfeot de velopment of the last formed bolls, and caused more or less premature opening of the same. It is more important than usual, therefore, to save seed from the earlier pickings for planting purposes. Separate them from those of the later crops and see that they are not bulked enough to heat and spoil. Imma ture and imperfect seed often come up very promptly when planted, but fail to produce ntroog and vigorous plants. W. L. J., in At lanta Constitution. 8TATE NEWS Asheville Citizen : Wo regret to hear that the frost did 6orue dam age in Madison. The farmers are very busy cutting their tobacco now. That which was not hurt by the frost in very good. Durham Recorder: It is hard to get lumber in Durham. There be iDg but one road this is easily ac counted for. The railroad officials treat us just as they please, but they have only a few days of grace, and their power will be brokeu. Wilmington Keview : The babies cry for it now. we mean building association stocks. A friend oi ours dropped in this morning at the Secretary's office and took out 10 shares in the Citizen's Association for his little baby boy, just two weeks old. Wilmington Star: In many cases this may be accomplished throogh the Building and Loan Associations on easier terms than through aay other channel. At all events, every poor man' should, if possible, be come a stockholder, and thus lay tbe lounaauon ot a lature home. The cotton platform, a box car and fifty-six bales of cotton were destroyed by fire Monday night at Tatum's, on tneape Fear & Yad kin Valley Bailroad. Tbe loss is about $3,000. Elisabeth City Economist: The arrangement for the grand tourna ment ball at the Albemarle House with which the Elizabeth City Fair will close on tbe night of the 20th of Ootober, is in charge of Frank Grice, Eugene 0. Potter and Lonls oeng v. a. nsn commissioner Worth is now in this part of the State collecting statistics ad to the catch of fish daring the last season, and other information about fish in this section. He was in Washing ton, N. O. last week and will be here in a day or two. , Tobacco Plant: The line of the Lynchburg & Durham railroad has been established between Eoxborp and Bragtown, about three miles from Durham. It is now ready to be let to the contractor. By refer ence to our first page it will be seen that the building of the road is poshing with vigor. Durham county, on last Saturday, turned oyer ber bonds to the L. & D. K. R. company, and took oak ber cer tificate of stock. Hurry jip the road. All sorts pf rumors relative to the D. & H. and D. & 0. rail roads that Durham voted for on the 10th and 17th si this month, can be hear-L'XL. D St O. is eo ing to Ealeigtn "the DY&H. will, never, be built," and. all such re marks are freely "made, t Wait awhile gentlemen. Jt will be. time enough jtoS atmse. when. we bare; cause. Wait. Those gentlemen who seem to be on 'the inside say that both-roadi wflLte.bnilfc, nd thai speedily, vfc :: Reporter (to Teutontc citizen - "Are ton in favor of Sherman for ne.x( President 1 TeatoniOxitlten f ehdst Vas' aoiDla country needs von Sherman ibr president. If s had too many American - alrot- Uty, don't It .f; tp.fml4 &iY. r a n " j i " ' "vWhere Is the island of Java situated T" asked a school teacher of a small boy. i'l dunno, sir.' "Don't yon know where coffee core cs from V "Yes, sir j we borrow it f---J ftt (J-V) J-!VV.y l v The Secret si LByTlty. f - A little way beyond the ancient church at , JJoUeraeaa is brick teeidenee, whose front is halt bid den" by one oi those monster elms that are the pride 'of oar Northern States, and beneath its shade I saw yesterday an old man who is j pass ing bis ninety-flifth year,- .sitting oomraruDiy in a - greai arm-cnair. My wife told me that bis aunt bad recently died. aged, one -hundred and five; and, cuxioua to know, if mere was any especial reason: lor such longevity, I made iaqueries. Vrt."lil mv tnfnrmanf' Hnnfv . J V - V . , ..J they . were almost ."always outot doors and Uvea a quiet life." I Yet in that single sentence lay greaterphilosophy than he dreamed of, a sounder precept than he knew. To keep.,ont-o-doors. and avoid worry is a max lux that, if followed, would dose a , majority of i oar hospitals, which, I regret to say, have a greater number of occupants with each succeeding yar.w-H American Magazine. Excited Wife "OhlJobo! John! Quick 1 Stop fumbling behind that bureau -and mn for a doctor." Half-dressed Husband "What's the matter with you, anyhqwf- Baby has swallowed your collar button." "How on earth do jot) expect me to get ready to go for ' a doctor without that collar buttonTY Wrtkt Kw. Mr. W. H. Morean. merohant. Lake City, Fla., was taken with a severe oold, attended with a distrersinKOoafh, and runniDg into Consumption: In Its first stages. He tried many so called popular oough remedies and steadily grew worse. Was redooed in neab, had dimealty in breathinc and was on abletoaleep. Finally tried Dr. King's New Disoovery for Ooaronption . sod foand immediate relief, and after using about a half dosaa bottles ionad aulaa elf well and has had no return of tbe disease. No other remedy can show to grand a record of octree as Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, guar anteed to do just what is olaimed for It. For sale at R. N. Duffy's drug store. IIARDVARE. Sagli, loora and Blinds, Paints, Oils and Glass i-inio. Cement aud Plaster, AND All Urndcs of COOKING AND HEATING STOVES, AT BOTTOM PRICES ! L. H. CUTLER, 26 & 28 Middle Street, NEW BKItNE. N. C. Use House's Ghill Syrup Holice! Tax-Payers S SHEtnr's Omci, NKW. Buki, Sept. 17, 1887. Tbe Tax List for tbe year 1887 is now in my bands for collection. I will at tend at my offloe in the City of New Berne from and after this date, from 9 a. m. to 4 p. m, to reoeive the same. The tax-payers will please come for ward and settle without further notice. One of my deputies will attend at the following places: Fowler Ferry, OoL 1st; Cobbtoa, Oot. 8th: Gonnor's, Oct. 18th; VatMeboro, OctlBth: MorUWa Store, Oct. 20th; Havelook. Oot. 23d; Dawson ' Store, Oot. 29th, 1887. Respectfully. DANIEL STIMSON, eSO dl5d Sheriff Craven County, Mrs. A. T Jerkins Will resume the duties of ber School at her reeidenoe on Johnston street, on 1 MONDAY, BEPTEMBEB I9TH, aad respectfully solicits a Share of the public patronage. No pupils received below the Fourth Orade. ' -- . . Sept 1. dim '"i; Attcnlidn T " (Icssckccnsrs. Better Goods Honey ' ' Than' Aay Bouse la the City? r? Oirs ao a triat IT not saHaf actory, ttooey Tt)f unded. rVreeieotfoily- 11 D. EACKBTJRH. tori Tin r r - ' Sleet be t.e twi t uv.J not hear. , : -iii-- DettraciioaV en ri oral tale; ; , v.Tis only throrjRh the list feint arr;i That falsehood can prenil. ; ' Therefore yea fln at TAHITI'S riiK CiOAK AOfcNCY, tirMttn. . i 1 W. U Palmr, the aholotat yariety But. a4 popeiar arteea. , t - Ww. Iw FAt.tnts;- -s'i ,.. BeeoDd S kw f-m r. P'mi.b I '-nt end j " , -atutci.. ureeia,Iew heuf,h.Ot .re to eell .t.ttmaa bor.i .ua'-'i' 3 (6.innt from f" )l i e famliy a df i--i y-r i rns. ( . . .. t ff" .i i i ? . j rv u n y- oo o i . , - tO ! Li. at -t, ima wrrr .1) T..- tl I - ri . i f-r , t raH. a ' . f.f ,' T i. ). eo i. i e, 'I'M H'u -:r-VN " . - '.f u; If t r - .. ---J. -v.'- -- 1 - j nil Abisolutcllirrd; litis itowSaf BSTar -vaiMa. A; aaartat of parttT.MracKUi, aad tMImobumk ,More a40aomlMliLtaBU.aordlDar7k1naa.aai aat Bot Ix cold la aompatiuon wlta Uti nt uiuuuia oi torn Maw uori weic aaart weLfBt. alast or ptioajihaHai owdara. Sewoelyln Pewsaa Oo-hit WaU-ak. M. i.r. - aki-ira BWPPIT1BB1I1I . BHaJi aAKiaa For sale in Ne wbew. byjAJf ju JaiUec. MOST BiaiXUNT. PtJRE&PEEFEOTXENSKS Zii tbe Wbrlct. TtaBTBraas transoarant and aoloilea. aa jlStkiiMatr, and for aofuieaa or andnraaM to laa eya. obbboi o exoeiica, onaatiDg tna wearer to read ror bouxa wlliioat faUaoe. In fact, they are ' P ERF EOT SIGHT PKESE&NJERS, Tettlmonlals from tbe leading B-hyalelane to tha United States, Governors, Mttatora, Let ls)aton,toekmea, men o' note Is aH pro feeeioae, aad In different eraachea of trade, ben ken, mechanics, elo., ean be aiTenwho have had tbelr eight lmprorea by their use. ALL EYES FITTED AND THE PIT GUARANTEED ST F. B. DUFFY, Druggist, mart NEW BEltNK, K, O. Iy ALEX, JUSTICE. DEALEB IN . t 1 Fine Flour of all Grades, Selected Teas, Pure Coffee end Spices, Butter and Cheese, from the best dairies. Tha lrset and Bee Seleeted atoek 0AMSO Ml) ITS AST) VECITAIL orer before brought to Naw Berne. Alao, a roil TBrteiy of other gooda. usna) kept In a FireVClaa. Store, woods delivered at any part of tha Crea of charge. TERMS CA8B. Middle St.. next to Ilnmphrey x Htnrnra, New Bene, M, V, marST dwtf FOR BARGAINS IT? CALL AT THE - It. r t it i - NewJeme Fiinuttiri.Stcre' west bids iraDLS mvxxif Wb.te ft can be found la great vmn&f. r urWltor'e not In stock win if ordered at a small per cent aDOTe cost,, . . . A liberal share of pubiio patronage solicited. -it v . ' ; T- ejfrrtl ; ' ' fflocEBiUDratooa interest lintJLffiawnED,P y P1TAFSC0 StrERLlTlTE TATEIT The Presaler Wlamr ef a.ert . "' i' TUi FLOOR baa hmg twea eoneadsal te tie atparter te Aay Otkver la Ukls Caatry AU the Bt BraaSs bf Amrlon Flow are aualiw avuiuyvaiu uiara.1 mri. aaiv ,- Jadsantf eonmariAe fleoidadty more knoney r beeaoee tt aiaaes tha WB1TEST, SWEETEST AND itOSf y,i i? KlTMJTJO U3 BREAD, - r: Aak your Grocer for tt; also ftwr i V ' FATA nrn r ntT.' ' ' r , 3 ! .) JKBFOSI) F MftTi '-'-, t 8 r tssnii'""iyL tu'iptx:. 2 , sr., balto.,; p tit w. t.'Sr.. sr. ; RKPflKsKirr&n trr JaBl9dm ' -y tiff bebkbC, sT.'i; iit -J HI - , WU. . Uks .filZEETOArra in CBATCN or.OIi; Trooa life, or any l'-i .small pic torn. : And will also GIVE D-ATT5C- ASD Slumber fih, 1SST. r.r lrr-s ( . r'r t PAlTINO after r.r i'-';r'r. mm 'jj yjXKis Parlor Salts, Chamber Sets, Walnut Bedsteads, isureaus.. i. -robes. Mat tresseR Cjnalra, i", Etc..Etc.. at BOCKBOTTOM PttlCFS, mmr atnii:nidfiie:ljeet.!rew Ecrne, it. e. (V1 lia aot Ulklnf aa af aa1.al Hma. "V " MM JaOMM Haa $3 hteo. 1. IU. heu 1. lb. MttaliMw, ,1, aaa mmjm in.. - f 'llli1'ri"g If'- d iBCii, Full lines of the above Shoes ;I6i sale by HOWAED & JOKES, sole agents for ZreyBcnio. t. b. eumu. BASIL MANlV. JOHK H. CRABTREE & CO. ENGINEERS, Founders and Machinists, Manufacturers and Dealers In X6UESiIB XiGfllllSTS' SUPPUES. Bandars ef Eaglne. Belters, i Saw Mule, Edging eV Cnt-ofT lQacb.lBea, Wears prepared todo Castings of all alndi wiu prompuieaa, ParUoular and lmmedlato attention given torepaliaof aUkLnd. . , , We will basted to give plans aad estUB)tei tor any deaouptlogtor maohlnery. ; U7 IL..H.I. t .1 l L. .. - w w aw v wis aavuta ui ui. hi. ui i, a. PI loan Haw, A a forO. A A. Bargemln'g ffny uratea toaeaajaecuuie auoa vaivee, We glv satlaiaotory guarantee for all 4orlt done by ns. JyJd2awWly J, W. STEWAKT: -: BXAIX4D A RTKRS TOR MULES, BORSKS knt BPQQIES. . .r,Jr. Hants aad Carriages to lret reaeoaabte re tec Everything goaraateed raprsaeBtett. . , apU dwy SiwaUl Sl Wewbara. . C. Old Suite Ui ricr. Oenthemen aad Tadlaa' Clothing Cleaned, dyed aad repaired by JOH WILLIAMS, on HaLAft4Mejr Bplvdkft. ( MtWAMI HtfMlLIt Ffffntl a.nrl PoltoekstreeU.lewBerne.N.a - W' a-Ji--.e T" " -- e - w The patroasgeof the si W sens of Vew Serha-j ana arronnaing covawj xe . nruaiia w m tr inrirflVL (n,axaaT, DIMIinUD 9. .11 MT1 Ot MUU II M Mftn vn will araatiaala tbeOomrtaof OraTaa. DtM Low, Oanerat,Pamlleo. Lenoir and Hyde and InAfce PedereJ-Ooart at Mew rarae aeoe"aw.i-t t 7 .. HoteKAlbert, ! Kiddle Btrwet. 'Wew Berne, M. . v BV PATTBUOH, rrHeaaV Offers apeelat MdeamaaW aoajakrclM men. . ctasina ef aapartar ezeallaaee. ftmnltma and laia a mrnm at all trains aad si ee mere. . . J A 'J CEOnCE ALLEN 6 Off. General EanlwaTO A ArrioultarmI .Implemoyitv. . Plows, narrows. OoItiTnoray. V;-v-j'AIIeei"nnd Axes, ; '-. Wood's Mowers and- IleaperS, i" 5 Steam Enirlnes,'- Cotton Gins and Presss, Fertilise rs.Xnd Plaster. Kainlt Mechanics Tools and Hardware, lime,. Brlclty Cement,' PUstif tlalr. 'Paint,'. Kalsomlne, i Var- 1 nlsh, OH. Gass, Putty aad llalr. 1 ' a : . X . ' . -f1 - a; recHirp, Awuigcraiivr : vu Cook EtOTas, Eureka ' Burglar Proof Sash Ivocks, warranted to frire aecnrlty and satisfaction.. , ..'.,5 PRICES ,VEBY LOTi - "S, ,.,' ;,IEQ. ALLEN & CO.1, R0BIRT3'w'EnTDZRS01I Only nrtt flars "Compaiues repreaen ' td in - - ; r" ;: ' i sr Hr; lift tiH AKlIstt Jinrates.'-!: ! TiUl C.p'.taf rorty MilEcmio - - ' " . Dollars. ., Jm24dly . , a. os r. ' c. a. rot. SlalBtOvd mmr aW W W VWl aJlt; . 1 . r ionM iomijrea. oiaa, Sx JAM Kst WKAHS B-4 bMOE uf ti -i MKAJii36UOIi.rlHiktouurni. ) , I ...... Hum QMmM all all our Han-f a1nprf ti i ' i f . 'ffii. TBt-- ' WiBaslwwraoksrattka O -roll ... ;9aH oriUbi; r,nsdufi"'hf'"'!!''',, " tai(;q to uiU fnt lighWT mi "n v ihoe 11. .a MlOli. Our if .Tui.H.if Au- itM4ra ncrouiuriit rpc id dunbility wrb I ham. f fie iraiie. .Nocompuxof. are M 10 .pim, n )!. itn .urn Mnaiia 9a MM ai.i n riji. i. lliOo af ti mclUi .vi r buu ;id it nxliirabla W confldfiiily rt fl:x hi vry yni rs- .UV i. factum! r'nori th Jamr Mmns M SImx 'b' ."' Kanl--w(d f !:' vrhirfi hav knbeno sm n-uik-d i t ft or wl. It dm irc-scorni-p "(" r It I. It Hit hkl' m .M.. .,lnviiHrM nff-ljreakki i 1.1. end r ttl,. ven tt rt l I' ll rmnitrr to Uelten.lri-I)r wt1iwA--K TO is. kwu duappolirlpd In otlir mlrcrlid Wior. Tinr -rhi-x iHrt't tn ti-arh yirti lt tt M Mf 1 ly ab. iur.l,r liiBle.drn ( a vn.mj ratlair tH.n VJ amJe by Ui follown.. 1l-! '.hwi "t t brt, raUUirt throli1iout IW L'lllli-d Klt, r-1 ire will I'"" eully anttiln ynur rack, hi mf biU w Terr! v. U w wtUMad u pwui cud. , ;( i-r- - i . j James Means & Co. , 4 Unooln Stu Boston. Mass. , .i . ( ... A . .t t .-i. It liaria-U. red light sric:::, Near Market Book, Hiddla Et-, NEW BimNE,:C C.. ' 18 WHERE TOu'cAsVAx.wATavrrND PURE LiqUOnS Of erery .Tarietyln " lare 0 gmsll quauUties. Also thsFINii.T(lRADL3 "tobacco" and?cigars.; - a - Alliof'whbhwIllWiold' 1- - CHEAP FOR C A Gil! - lVOHif D. DUKIffB, Dalesntan- . "wnirMAN. .4c29 ow..r s i;r .!,.' Proprietor. . A4UnUc- !N; C. Jtallroad rjfdt tasxjv Ac : v In Effect 4:50 l.M., t Monday, Sept. . EAST. Wst. ' We. Il.e raassnger Ke.Kie Paseeugei .saeaiesgM TATlOWe.; Ibjt. Lre. Arr. L't A. a I tMOoldsaoio, A. v II - . i ml a h li oninga ,...'- 10 10 4. t 10 tut Hew Beaae.w- Morehead cuy- ,. 'e -vi a an 4r1. ' M a.w, r. a. r. 'Daily eaeept Bnnday. EAST. I I-...If lrimati.t.A 1 a-.. 1.ul Arr. Lta. SUiedTrt.ai Fm, Trmia. I STATIONS. irtar L'Te A a. A. a, 1 r. a. ' 4 i 8 4N n 1. s 4 , S fv 1 41 1 1 12 l.it. 11 tu A a. r. at. fl S i S 4i .10 14 6 1 SI n 4 6 in il 67 11 M A. H. 118 8 10 SS 10 JO 10 45 U 18 nti ISM 141 uoiesnoro,. I 17 lit 19 1C4 10 SS is to 11 11 S3 Awe a eaeeMeee aa La OnkBgt,.. railing treek-, bii . (JaawalC Dover Core Oreek .. n Teaearora ---. OUrke'e-- ---Bevbera, 43 r,a.ir.iL (. , Tneeaay.ThnT ay aa I Petor 'ny. I IUmiH. T , A l - Train SOooaneeta with W!minp don Train bonnd Not' , iavis , . 11 AO a. m and with l -n.ona Traia'Wesi, learlng v.u . ro . Train.! eoaaeete eri o h., rmm n Trala, arrtring at Ooi-rtt 4 1 p n Wilmington and V. U.ra.u , Worth at :U p.m. .. . . Train t connects with Rlcb mo, ,1 Tlile 111 rough. FrelgbttloaTlDg 1 at 8:10 p.m. 4flr.A .a 43 A. Dili lSupHr 'Takeirclicc. Paor,rw. H. SHEPAED U hair for 20 cents, aad a!od Uches black or brown for Also sharpens raxors and ri' good order for SO oen tm ( Children's hair cnttinpr, 15 He can be found oj r . ! Bouse, where he has a j I sharer, Thomas .' -r : ' -i. prepared to suit ail i.o c-:: send their children. mal7dtf 1. n. f : Vflllbe n!3atac A'Talnah! " sooth oe of ti e f bl mita from tha . C'n f"nrH mil t. G'i . , . . i n. f - . i t -v i..,.1 a s 1 . i S '. 1 - (Kvi ... . g, (i c ard. Jt l,j. a - n on the t. , l.r f rnkri u,Kt t ; ,

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