- ..v .. . A W W i i i asasa - . . - 1 - - U would be to 8M Napoleon crossing the Alp, with ninety thousand British ittmtDi in n open boat.- BUT it is a greater sight to see the , "" i,--. . ?- v erow going to the Store ojt, ' - v ' , ' v ;;iiiLiiffileliStreet erchah t TTHO IAS A F1KB X.1SE OF ont omens Furnishing Goods Consisting of LINEN, and SEERSUCKER LIGHT WEIGHT SUITS at HALF FRICE. Shirts, Collars, Cuffs, Underwear (or Sumner nee at your own figure. ' TRUNKS and VALISES, just the thing for hot weather travel, at way down prioea.'-'V - ' 1 mult make room for Fall Stock, beuce will not .carry Sum mer Uoods only, so I frivo my customers the benefit of discount. Do not ask us to enumerate our stock, but come right along with the crowd and make you selection. - Everything s young man wants to replenish his wardrobe. Neck Wear, neat and stjliah, knocks the figures right off the thermometer. Straw Hats below aero. , Carpets, Homespun. Shoes, they just walk away at the prioes we offer them, and all other goods at LOW PRICES. mj7 d w6m DEN SET SCHOOL, TEE JXHJBNAli. THE TglSTLB 'AJTD ;TKB T0LU5- The Thistle oometaoross the foam Tq take oar precious ottp away The trophy wiUt-faer must go home That 'i what the British yaohtmen say. She is a heat of wondrous speed, And like a swallow akima the seas Io Lightest airs, and has bo need .To waif till blows a "cutter breeze." Well, people hare a right to boast About their own, for speech is free; But 'tis not those who brag the most At Scotchmen know, who "bear the gree." . The Thistle is a bannle boat But shortly 'twill appear That we have put a yaoht afloat To match her in the Volunteer. Hall Volunteer ! Auspicious name In enterprise on land and sea 1 Though thou hast yet to win thy fame Of tay success no doubts have we. The Onp shall never cross the sea, The hearts M EagUshmea to cheer , While to defend the trophy we Hare left a Yankee "Volunteer. " Boston Courier. C3 iris and Young Ladies Full corps of Teachers. New Huilding. Ample accommodations for Boarders. "j' ' Write for terms to jaul6 dw tf JOSEPH KINSEY, PRINCIPAL. : OLDEST AND LARGEST MUSIC HOUSE IN VA. Walter D. Moses & Co. Ml 014 MAIN STREET, KICUMOXD. VA. I it Pianos and Organs on easy monthly plan at factory prices. Old Instruments taken in exohange, bought rented and repaired. Immense Slock of SHBKT HI I SIC. Interaction Book! of all ktndi. Bpeolal Ul count to Teacher and School. Cataloguei mallea free. Assortment or muiio sen von teleotlton If desired. Strings lor all MustesJ instruments. A few allghvly used Clanos and Organ of standard makes, from tit to t'UO. agents of Dobson's Professional Silver Bell Bapjna. Violins, Accordions, and everything In the Musical Line. Correspondence solicited. Catalogues mailed free on application at the offioe of our Jiierth Carolina A Rent, uy'-, At Mrs. 8. F.Stanly's Book Store, corner Broad and Middle 6U., junl7dw6m r NEW BEENE, N. C. , ft . 1 " 11. I J MO vr nipt M tm i r r sbeolnUlf &f BrsnstDie) ! si. a bmrn son nm toths iaifsmiorawi nl hiiVuliHtKMUlM (WTOin jothcMiiwsnflwhvmtJMmutfebMwwSUHMe frnnsbkiMu bylndlwttioa,sUM)m,Ovsr-afla V , r too rme Mil,n, w s tht.ya W a " r U.K. V U Kmawfm ua wwmv -11.1 . t(,lirKlt.thlUaf4 jr A- is afaai ;.X ".ris; ifoBsrt-a aaw sssw fisai ii i SI t'iMil:liHH!lM!l uU ail onljeiiB lftohlMd t 1U SMI' ICS HSVBVf Pan ill, Urn mat kwiTURao raaaojia Mirer wan nsal priimiiis ByeuM ItailwISimrt sWw. TWnsiil ffiMBnNiiMMHMitfjninimtHtt.Mialii sca os ciulsad rptij si boAsnsa saxll ' TaXATsffXTr Om W. n JU.K. fknt, 0 j naiisiaHsvi vuHsni iw.Tsuiheuat.w.iotrraim. Trtal vt our AppiiKM Aaa for Terms! . Jh o Le s a I G r o c e rs, 4 W ' V. SW HAVE JtiSMOVSTD TO THEIR .TWO STORES. SOUTH OF THEIR FORMER 8TAND. And keep of FiXJtTR, MEATS, .COFFEE. 8TJGAB, 8TBTTPB rrOlJUSsKS., JIATTOBACCO, 8NUFF AKD CIQAitS, a eTenrtMnft In the GKOCEBT l JIK, a rUIX STOCK and at LOW PIXICES for OASII. ' : - . S4b 18T. "' . . TUB ' T1 r 0yw - -WILMIKOTOK N. d V C t- moved from Qoldsboro to Wilmington , SEW DAIltT PAfEa, f-3 Wilmington Messenger, A Kat-sre ETglit Pag Paper, i ", . - ' --- ' ""-'. Telographio Dispatches. : .! rket Reports . ...f. . n v 3 awake Democratlo jonraal. "Tbe Pride mt tka tate?J; ; ixelished nf wiiJOHOtcnMi : 1 ree Konthi on Trial , . tii c vrr.KL.Y-" w i . ... r ' - T? , ' ' r - . rrrl 4 ' .ii: . .kuvQVi '. . t " ", ' i . I , "r. Tl e britt t recklf. I'le&eeB erery- ' r''.--,;'; '!nn b '"rtH Cro"". SUti of Korti Einlini-JKU Cotstf ; ' - BtTFX&IOB OOTTatf. K. White ana K. B. Jones -1 HOTICX. (X BL Beott and 0. K. feeott, ad' nunwtraior m j. r. Bomb To O. K. Scott snd C K. Beott, as admlnlstre tor of J. F.Scatt: -"Take notice t That the aborts named action H Inatltnted to foreeloae saortgaeea on lands Situated In said Jones eonntr; and toat roe are reqnlred to appear at tbe next term of tne said mipenor uonrx idt ue aaia Jones Ooonty, to be held at Trenton In said count? on the iih ItODdar after tbe 1st Monday in September, A.D. lm.and answer or demur t the complaint filed In the aoore naaed arUon.-j -n.- TH08. S. W&TTAaTni, ' i an7 dwflw ' " Clerk 6n parlor Conrt, Jones 0 J U UUi Pi C wa.a "GIIAE? & COTTOIT v " coinnion irriiciiAifrs, 51TW BEIWfB,y.'0,'--1 ITctf co. ".' Th e Oaston Hine I her Phop fives to Its old rt.ifrp and I' x '-ic (eneraitj - ad- j rem s:-1 - r fTnnd, J . .. its; ' t til. f " , e In f e t L.- n n, , ; v s A NEW JOKE ON VANCE. Gen. J. M. Leach spends cou eiderable of his time in Washington with his bod, J. M. Leach, Jr., who is a chief of division in the Sixtlj Auditor's office. The General is as full of "reminiscences" and good stories as even and, one which I heard him relate to a party of North Carolinians the other evening will bear repeating. Said he, in effect: 'You know that Zeb Vance used to be a member of tbe National lloase before tbe war, and Sion Rogers represented the Ualeigh dis trict in Congress. Well, some friends sent Frank Shober, of Salis bury, and ne a case of very nut wine one day. Zeb and Sion found it ont, somehow, and they used to come around to see us mighty often . In fact, they became great friends of ours, sticking closer than broth ers while the wine lasted. "One night, after they had re lieved us of a half dozen bottles, more or less, they got to feeling pretty good, and after a while, Zeb remarked that he believed be was just about the best dancer that North Oarolma ever sent to Con gress. "'ow. nobody ever heard of Zeb Vaooe'l Tfrtata ah a dancer before. Every one knows that he dosen't in the least resemble a ballet girl, lie ain't built right to dance and I didn't believe he bad ever had any experience In that direotiou before that night; but he stuck to Lisas sertion. "Well, Zeb kept repeating the statement until 11 n ally Sion says: 'Zeb, I don't count my sell any great shakes as a practical eiponent of tbe terpsiohoreau art, but I allow that I can just dance the hind legs off of you. , ow, Sion Kogers was luilt like a bean poie; ne was over six ieei high ana aa thin as a wafer, and no living man ever saw hlnj without a bier pair of eye glasses adjusted to his long nose.. , If it was funny to think of Zeb Vance's dancing, it was simply ridiculous to consider Sion llogers ia that . connection. Bat Shober said he believed sion coald down Zeb; I asserted, to tbe contrary, and Shober bet me $100. The room was cleared, zeb and Sion peeled off their wearing Bp panel., until nothing was left bat nOCtarn&l habflimttttasv antiiha two contestants took their positions on the floor. It waa tn ill assorted pairnever were two men more unlike. Shober and I were to do the pattlng and Zeb and Sion were told that , the man who stayed on the loot longest ws to have a half dozen bottles of our wine. Shober started the old plantation pat; the dancers caught step and went at it. a 'Go it, Sion!' shouted Shober, Bockl. flown to it Zebl' I ex maimed, and both men began to rattle off a double shuffle' back step that would -bar) turned any nigger in North Carolina green witb envy. "Time passed. ' "Midnfght'xame and went;' the clock on the mantel atrnck one. Tbe dancir still went on. , " ' ! DstyUgU appeared. Vanca was becianing" to doable like . hunch back amvbe iu . eweatln g like a drait torse. v, won seemea io grow taller, every , minute; hU bead was thrown back, his arms stood akim bo, only bis toes j&ppeaxed to touch the Boor, &3d not-a dropof perspira tton'Ti? Tiaible abobt bim, , ...5 , -''The LoteK bre&kJas-bell rang. Shober and X were nearly exhausted although we took turn in patting; bat the ' dancing ' stUl went on. Zebs shirt was b ticking to himTlike a brige coort-plasr. bulfiion look ed as cool- Miff Christmas nof stom.; - Zebwaa . bat over nn tii he had nearly assumea a sitting pos ture, bis bow-legs losing sfe rnnd as a barrel hoop. Sion cc: -ed to grow taT.er and bis eye glasses 6tlU perserred their equilibrium on the end of his nose. - ' - - : ; ,?Wfcea 12 o'c'ack came," and Cca gre3 tm .Ue1, we csted are cess." Hut no; Lion wouldn't hear to it. riaaJly I faw that Zebwbo now t" j abort 2 feet, 2 ir,-?"5; lf'.XT, ws atoat to galed themselves with' oar wine, and Zeb went to bed. Bot Sion didnt. After dancing 16 hours without a stop, be went to the Boose of Representatives and made a big speech. I remember Congressman Rogers, although I was a6mall boy when he died. He again represented the Raleigh district in Congress for one or two terms just after the war, and a Terr able man and a most fluent and eloquent speaker he was. But he is dead now and buried near Raleigh. And there be lies as you and I, dear reader, will some day somewhere lie "A thing, O'er which tie rave rtaps Lis funereal wings" Southern Home. ADVICE TO BOTHERS. Mas. Win blow's Sowthlno Sykcp should always be used or children teething. It soothes tbe child, softens the gums, aliajs all pain, ouree wind oolio, and is the beet remedy for 'diar hoea. Twenty-five cents a bottle. mar7 1 d tu thaat w 1 y - it I II o That Dollar of Yours I T W AVA AHA U a4erVafl.7 s W Ul A AAD OnaffsMsfl T4 xucic aic rLiiiiui cud ui jriaiuca lu a uciiu iim TIICDC IC DIIT nilC Dl IOC TH CAUC IT iiia.ua. m uw i wit a. i kHVL iu uh n a. s s s BAKER TORPID LIVER I. hnvwn by Ihtir luaiktd Itlcs t Ullul- ul iu ne :n tin of as .ii 1 A fet .li.g t.r , ui .at-lllnl.i fum-d Udignc S. (VHiUllpKtl'i!,. :i. c . s( , dlurrlioes . Hi-ad.c he. I,, ii.,- ii..:,t IlKUIMMi. nilllLCKl Mini )f:.MH,t a nt-BI Iburu Ikm, (.1 a, 1 nr. 0. Distention of ll.f kU.jnui I, t mini. 7. l'ruUiii i.r tnnu ai,,l (um n,. ;u l-lioly. will, lashltudu and illspom I u.n I., luayeeverj thluj! for tumurrow. A natural (low of Bile from the 1.1 rr Is essential (u good heaUh. i, n i "Intruded It rosulu lu BILIOUSNESS, Willi Ii, If iienlectud, booh Irads t,o n-uous dlsranes Munni.nn l.iver hgulatoi eierw a mosl fellrlioua liiflucii. hm t every kind 01 biliousness. 11 msiuies i lit- l.iver to projier worSlDK oid.-r, rrjtulalei, tl,.- kecrrl l)u of l)ll aud puu Ulr dlK-(.tl. oikhiis In KUi li condlliou Uial Ihrvojin .1., ihrlr tetl work Aflr Ikklnx Hits lurdwii.r m oiu- wUlui ' 1 sin lillloua 1 have liren ul icci l. . m i i . ijm . I of ( on ligation of Hit) l.i er. ami Ijuvx hern in Uiv hal'lt of lakliiK rrom 1 io2u Kiains of calomel wlilcli KHUurallv laid meUifor ll.roeor four days IjiU-ly 1 tiavr been unitiK simnMim relief wltti I Hi ..), Gives you all the Quality and Styles that others do, and 'tis AT AH1K i lYou Save the Dollarf I Wary, chary people that must see to believe, I 11 A 1 A . . A A J. ? . a R RSTlRlM H. I I V inVll.HIl III I'.HHX, , IH T flllMf-.H I1VK BAKER'S Liver HextllsUir hl. Ii uue out any Interru .l ion to Lvibitusi, MlddleiHjrl. tililo. OS1.1 li F. SI IMC liaa our 5PJ Hlump in re 1 on I rout of V i ,iHr J. II. Xellln A Co., I'lillaadalphla. P. Sale & Livery Stables. 1 UK Kl KM H OF A .V M. HAHN AND M. I1AH.N t IJtIM l'AIS' liaa tien dis solved by Mie death of A. Halm, M. liabn rill continue tbe business of BAI.K. KXCHANOE AND I.1VKRV of HOKWK8. MlH.l-iJ, eto.. at the old stand en (Middle street, where he has been ana-agod In the same business in the eltysrSnc 1866. will pleased to meet his old friends and customers Will have on hand lu due Baon a FINK IOT OF HORSES and TOVLKM. Also. FINK LOT OF BIGGIES and HARNESS. SWT HAT1BKACT10N Ql'ARANTEKD. M. HAHN & CO. auall dwsm Wsii FOR TORPID LIVER. J A tmrpU Nvsw el sr the w boles j lam, and prsaSavaai Sick Headaclio, Dyspepsia, Costiveness, Rheu matism, Sallow Skin and Piles. TlMr) Is Setter reanedy rrtbs ws.ssissi sHaoaae. tha. Tntt'a lilvar mils, as a trial will prove. Fries), &. Sold Everywhere. Willis, Edwards & Co. Hsts reopened tbe New Berne Machine Works, sad have added Tools to tbeir works to do all kinds of Mac hie and Boiler Work at short notice. The hare also added a foundry to their .works, and are prepared to do tbe best of Brass and Iron Castinf , House Plumbing a specialty. If you want good work giro us a call. All work.guaranteed and done at prices to suit the times. iyll wly Bargains for Fall and IVintei i TLpv iMjual anything on ever 6;iB lor quality and variety ol sty and are selling rapidly at MO.NKY SaVIMJ THICKS. Save $1! Save $5! Save $10! You have it all your way, lor the more you buy the more you eava provided you spend your money at A. M. I!AKKKS. N KLL, Hi I'rioe 18 dead and buried at Maker's expense, liaker ia not wealthy, he sells bin oods too eheap to be troubled that way, bu he found the means to bury Hi Trice. It waa a big undertaking to la; him out, but Baker did it, and now that he is buried deep, Haker calls on you to look at his Kino Slock of Tall and Winter Good, which he is selling Very, Very Otiesip, to meet the short crops and hard times. Smart buyers ate quick to take a hint, so we expect to see you soon A. T BAKER'S. 1TOTIIX Sealed Proposals for Building Bridge 8TATI OFNOtTH CiKOLXHa, CfiaVO Co. Omci Bkgtstzb or Dkkds, 1 Hew Berne, 8epfc 8th, 1887. - Sealed proposals for building a bridge across lower Brioe's Creek, in Number Bsreu Township, at the present site, will be reoeired at this offioe oa or be fore tbe First Monday ta October, 1887. Bald bridge to be built according to plans and speciSoaUons to be seen at this offioe. .r . : r.. .. 1 All proposals filed1. to be' properly esJed sd endorsed, 8esJed pttnosal for building Brice'tCrek Bridga."v : By order of tbe board. - v ' L. - ;.'."- .' ORLAJTDO HCBBS, ""i ,S Register of Deeds, seSdtd ' '.' "- Ex officio Clerk. DR. J. B: CLARK ' . x jut, n, o c-s an CtTfn r -"t, iva roiiocl Just read a list of the Good Goods at Cheap Trices at Baker's : Yard wide Domestic at Tic. per yard. Three-quarter wide Domestic at le. per yard. Good Calico at 5c; fast colors. An elegant stock of While and Ked Flannel, iu plain aud twill. If yoa are at all unwell, call for our Medicated Kod Flannel. Ladies' Hose, good quality, at 10c. per pair. Ladies' Hose, not as good as the above, at re. per pair. A full stock of full regular made Hose for Ladles. Our stock of LADIES' DRESS GOODS is complete in every depart nient, including the popular Trece in plain and fancy. We have a nice line of CLOAKLNGS in different stvles at vei low prices. We are carrying those popular Glemant, Weil & Ball Shoes. If yon want a shoe for comfort and style, try them. One pair wif , I spoil yon bo you will never want to wear any other make. t Then we have a store full of very desirable things, such as U kept 1 anv drv roods store. These roods we must sell, so we have mark them down at bottom prioes. Don't forget to drop in and see our late: Bargains. "Wonder what Baker will be up to ner' remarked a respected citizen the other' d Well) liis harga are so cheap and rach ModsYox 'tisliard 1 in the meantime just call jnnd see his . gains. y ; 5 Dont forget " .... . - a; r' '. .ssa V Damaged Text

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