.a.- - uU Jx4.tlj i '- i 1 ' J - . a::d ezalt vj tGCIN3'3 PIONEER BOOD EEXE WEE invaluable for ., tbe rr.r fif Rhpnrr.i.tism. L J- Largest, bast selected and cheapest line of FINE CIQABS in tie cit 40,000 just recire4-Tb Jtolesald trade especially looked alter. - ...!; J -.v - - ' - IZT Makes S- Specialtjr, of 8UPEBIOB LIQUORS for medicinal purposes ' : ..'.. ; C; Prescriptions compounded with care and dispatch. Obdkbs Boucitxd, Xt, IV, DU ITJF Y, se!3 d w - North-west oor. Middle and Pollock st&. New Berne, ST. 0. 1837. THE SUN. 1887 ' A. ; Assu. & Co , Publishers, i BALTIMORS. T Pajpw For The People. On the 7 th of May, 1887, the Bal ? - timore Son will celebrate ita fiftieth ' anniversary. From the earliest period ,: of Ita career the Son hae been a "household word" in the homes of ita f subscribers, and a synonym for accu racy of statement, fair deuling, : v promptness, energy and enterprise in . '-the collection l news. It is noted throughoit'the country tor the inde- . pendenoe, conservatism and thought ' ; fulness of its editorial utterances. ' There is probably no newspaper ia f the United States whose opinion car- riea more weight or whose influence is more widely extended than the Sun's, . a fact upon which it may justly pride y VI itself as the legitimate result of ' painstaking are in the preparation of all matUr admitted to its columns. : . The Bun's facilities for collecting news from all quarters of the globe are ' Deing constantly extended and im 2 proved, and new features are added without regard to expense as tne occasion demands The Baltimore Weekly Sun has long occupied an enviable position as a model family newspaper, containing - not only the news of the world and a ? variety of literary matter and miscel V laneoua reading for the family circle, but special features of recognized ralue, Including an agricultural ' department, which "supplies every , week a mass of well digested informa J ion for the people, JPnli commercial,' financial, cotton, , oatue, market ana atoca reports up io f ' the hour of going te- press. : Terms of subscription by mail, in- ; variably cash in advanoe. 1'ostage on . all subscriptions in the United States I ' and Canada prepaid. 1 ; ' One year 16.00 One month 50c. ' Six months 3.00 Three weeks 88c. - i Pour months 2.00 Two weeks 25c. ijj; Three months 1.60 One week 13c. Two months 1.00 ,' - To Europe and other postal union ; , countries, 76 cents per month. Aa an advertising medium its value -, ia, of course, in proportion to its '.-.' immense circulation. '.'.'A. S. ABELL & CO., Publishers, ! . Sin Iron Buildings, ! Baltimore, Md. 1S87. 1007. The Baltimore Weekly Sun. I -. Terms invarishly cash in advance. ! Postage free to all subscribers in the IV United States and Canada. One dollar a oopy for twelve months. A Premium Copies to getters up of oluba for the Baltimore Weekly Sun : vFivo Copies .....- S5.00 ! With ail extra cody of the Weekly I , Son one year. Ten Copies 110.00 V; With an extra copy of the Weekly J Sun one year, and one copy of the -'Dfly Bon three months. ' JBlftwen Copies $15.00 , .With an extra copy of the Weekly Sun one year, and one copy of the T Dailj Sun six months. Twenty Copies 120.00 ) With attdlxtra copy of the Weekly j 7 'Sun one year, and one copy of the j " Dailj Sun nine months. Thirty Copies..! $30.00 TJiYith an extra copy of the Weekly f Sup and one copy-of the Daily Sod J one year. s 7v When mailed to Europe and other j postal union countries, fl.zn for .twtelre'months. r I ; ITo deviation from published terms. EDUCATE! iyttJCATEI I TiTiat Better Can Be Done For --y- The" Children? IU10BA ACADEMY- J 4VBOKA, H. ' ' -' t ' 7t: BONKKB,. v . Pmhchfal. 3 E.: 0. LaJtorroit, . '. Asssiakt. tie rail fteeslotf will open Rept ft, 1887, - loee Fo.S.18HS - ti i. ng wstr ulUTrpen nf. S, 1S88, Cad J one U, 1888. ; w -1 aad tnttlofl ftiodsrite. .tare charged rrom Mtok of eolnnee 1 of session. Vo dedootMk except la f protracted lllneee. t . ortasr tetonnaUoa arpiyto rrlnelpal- V w . w e J - all iizxi o'it:c . .7-. SEW.BKE5S, V. OL. APRIL B, 1887. 8UMMEB SOBKDCIJS OF THK STEAM KB TVTA,Tl.C3mi, To w into eflaet on and after May 1st, 187, Wednesday LaT Kw Berne at BKYIN A.M. for Beyboro, atopplns at Adams Creek, Smiths Creek, Vandemere and Sionewau. TbandeyLeave Say boro at &KVBN A. If. far Mew Berne, etopplpg at 8tonewaU,Vaade mere, Smiths Creek ana Adams Ureek. Batarday Leave Kew Berne at BKVEH A..H tot Baybora, etopplnf t Adamt Creek. Bmllha Greek, Vandemere and Btooe walL Ueoday-LeaTe Bev boro at 8KVEN A. M. or New Berne, topping al Stonewall. Van demere. BmlUts Ureek and Adam Creek. By this arrangement we are able to make otoae oonnectlon with tne Northern steamers, also having good aooommodattona both lor passengers and freight at very low rates, aod ask the merchants and prodoeers along Its Uue to give It their elieerfal support. Freight received under cover every day of the week. For farther Information enquire at the office, foot sf Craven street, Or an v of Its agents at the following places: ABB LEE, Adams Creek, 8. L. MOOOMQAU HmtUi Creek. D. H. ABBOTT, Vandemere. O. H FOWLER. Stonewall. FUWLEB A CO WELL. Hay boro. ap2vdw W. P. BURRCH, O. M. : BRADSTREET'S, A WlIKLY JODHBAL OF Trade, FiniDce and Public Economy. hlilwu 1'oien Kvrj Katurdxy. (firu:)uiea Twenty i'agea. Sonu iinr Twenty-four Puk'm K VE 1XII.1.AKS A KAIi fcl lie foriiu.oi purpose of HI' ADTKh.Ki "d is io lie of pracLloal service to Dasiures men. lie special trade and Ibdiwtrlsl reports and ita eynopees or repent legal decislous are ex oeedinaiv valuable. As coutinerclak trans- actions. In the wider sense, are coining Io be more and more oonducted on a statistical beats, the Information contained In HKAD bTKEET H la of the first Importance to all. The genera! business situation throughout uie united males and Canada is reported oy teiegrapn to uiaaaireers up to the hour o puoiication. BlNtiLE fOl'IKB TEN L'KN I'H. THE HUADSTItKET C 37, 281, 9 Khoadwav, Send for Sample t'opy. Kiwl'om (it EASTERN ROKTB CAR0L1KI MARBLE WORKS, JjEW BERNE. N. C. Monuments Tombs. and all kinds arare and Building work la ITALIAN&AMERICAN MARBLE Orders will receire prompt attentior satisfaction guaranteed. JOE E. WILIilfi, rroprictoi (Bnooeseor 10 Qeorge W. dlay pool) Oor. BROAP A?D GRAVEX SU. NEW BERNK, Pi. I O. E. Mills b it Einston. my authorized aget raa80-lrdv 1007. 1887 $4.50 a Year FOU The Daily 7blg, THE CHEAPEST DAILY PAPER IN THE SOUTH. - THE WEEKLY Has beea snlatfed aad toe price reduced to 75 Cents a Tear, Tne Cheapest Weekly Fapcr PnblUbed ud WEILT EIITICI ; toth forflne year, 4L,eV Tbe two are ehesper and better than a easroek)y.ew roe get ne .dally Mae and a weekly for ts-eeata leas than any Be sal wee kly paper. Dally sent free two weeks and Weekly M fnovlfc free. Bpead one cent for a poatei ear nd order one or the otberon trl al. . Address THX M.U19, Bichaio n C, TSw. , " vr ArriTsJ and Eeuaxturo Kails '-v:.t. . MAIL CLCSS.ft For Nortk, West and bouUs, via A M.O.B.B.et7:80a.n. - - V For Beaufort and th East, at For Waahiiirton.Swift Oraek. Hydeand Bcauiort Countiee Uondtn. Wednee- oays, ana maaja at s.-uo a. aa. I For Treuton, PoUoksrille nd Mays- fiue, aauj at T aa.m. - - ' For Orantaboro, fiaynoroanl Van aemert, aaur at a. na.- . OFFine HOTTRH- In If oner Order and KMrutsr d Lt- tar Department, rrom las. to 4 m.m in vaumg Jjepartmant from a.m. talB.m. Offioe open constantly between theaa hoars except when mails are beinc Jia- tntmtMor sent. . A Mother. Oh, prize your mother while yon bare ner, girls l Yoa will nerer hare any friend like ber, though yon make thousands. She may not natter yon ana tiofcie jonr rauity, she may tell yon soiled troths, and warn yon of dangers, and keep to herself all ah! thinks of yon, bat there is no one this side of heaven who has your well-being so much at heart. It seems as natural to have a mother to love yon. as it does to breathe the air or enjoy the son rise ; so natural that it never oc oars to yoa that some day yon have none. A girl, as a rale, is familiar with mother half saucv to her sometimes. She thinks her mother notions are a little- old fashioned Girls believe they know best. In the impertinence and conceit youth, they feel themselve ready to rale the world, their parents In eluded. Of coarse they love their mother; bat they never guess all she does fur them and is them. to Ji they keep her until they are mothers themselves, then thev un derstand it ; and still, though they grow stronger and more sensible. they need her oh! how much They miss her in a way that words caonot ex pre s when she passes- There is at old superstition that when a woman dies the spirit of her mother comes to earth to take her away. I do not know if spirits ever come to us: bat if they do surely one might believe this. At all events,, dying women's hearts tarn motherward, and whether. truly, or in imagination only, many women have fancied that they saw their dead mother's angel face as the world grew dark before their gaze. It is a beautiful idea, at all events, that she who brought as into this world should be premit ted to watch oar departure into another. Alas ! all these hopes and dreams are so vagae ; the reality of death so sad. 1 is only while she lives that yoa can show yonr mother bow yoa love her and make her happy, and yourself enjoy all that comes with mutual trust and con fidence between mother and dangh ter. After yoa realize the empti ness of 'home, the emptiness of life without a mother, it will be too late Wkat Trie Xerlt Will Do. The unprecedented sale of B uchet ' German Syrup within a few Tears, has astonished the world. It is without doubt the safest and best remedy- ever duooeered for the speedy and effectual core of Coughs, Colds, and the sere rest Lang troubles. It aots on an entirely different principle from the usual pre scriptions given by Phyaiolans, as U does not dry up a Cough nd leave the disease still in the system, but on the oontrary removea the cause of the trou ble, heals the parts affeoted and leaves tbem ia a purely healthy condition. A bottle kept in the house for use when the diseases make their appearance, will save doctor's bills and a long spell of serious illness. A trial will convince yon of these facte. It is posit) rely sold by all druggists and general dealers In the land. Prioe. 75 cts., large bottles. - Usellouse'sChill Syrup "MYIERDESKCO ST. LOUIS. KO. rti STIRS. K. R, JOKES, Wholesale and Retail Dealer tnt CHOICE FAUILY GROCERIES aJro (General Merchandise, BAQQ1NO AND TIES Etc. Consignments of Orals, other Produce solicited. , , Cit:o krorapt Attentlea Gaartintoed. N. W, Cor. South Front and laid die St B i BAA KOOC I K I, Of) 1 saso Lx,t yrrrmea L - ,XB 1-1 r "'" " OnaiaaUnA u0f. HlM . ;:;,-spstew i Co. COTIOS MiilEaT, Niw Yoex, Sept 2a, 10:3 A..M. Futures opened steady. Sato of 2i0 bales,- ffit S - : September,. AV - March, ; October, 9 81 April, November; 9.18 ixf Ur, - December, . 9.14 . Jana : January. - 9-80 July. , ' 08 9.44 ,9.61 9.60 9.65 February, . Aaguat, --, New Berne market quieto Salea.of 19 bales at 1M to 9 4 eenta. " jsarMKSrrie ma: Bus Oottoh ?3.75 per hundred? Tuscan mi aHard, f 188. dip, 18-00. .-Tan 76o.atl.8ft.- 0T9 87ia40o. In balk. Coax 66a. per bush. BasrwAX 18o per lb. But On foot, 8o.to Co. soa 1 ha. per doaes. Fmxaa Pojut 4ia6o. per pound. Paurora L25af 1.60 per bushel. Foddkb New, 60c. per hundred. Oino 41.60al.7S per bushel. OiTKierBTra Orwwai. 45a60e.; spring 40c afjuir 65c per bnahel. Apples Prime, 40a per bushel. Irish PoraTOX8-t8.00a8.89. PoTAToaa Bahamas. 80c , yams, 60a , Harrison. 45o. - Bhiholb West India, dull aad svxa. inal; iach $ OOaS.pO. BuUdin;. inoh hearts. SJ.00; saps,tl-75 per 14. WBouaaLsT rainaa. Haw Unas Poax 117.50. Pork New family, $17.00. Jowls New family, 6c. Bhodldkb Meat 7c O. B.'e, F. B's, R.'s and L. O.-lOo. Flour $3.00a6.00. Lard 7Ja. by the tierce. Sailb Basis 10 's, 88 75. Boa ab Granulated, 7o CofTM-25a80e. Chkesb 16. Salt 80a85c. peraaek. "HO LASERS AMD 8TBUTS 80a46c Powdrr 86.00. Bhot Drop, S1.60; buck, $8.00. KxaofKNi-84a Hmo-Dry, 10c ; green 6c. Tallow 8 j. per lb. hoier&Morbus olie r ummer Complaints Cured dr a teaspoofifut of Sugar and jfatfa prt.Mosytus, r . . . . " ieJ'iiAd1 aa . l . " T.- - w . Til oVITvU -AH 4HVIIOS WU Ntl OT - VBHtn wmm mm wwmi 'ctaaiiojoiAO H3A3N DOMX vr, b&.ait..; -.,1 Parsnant to the Indrmeat rendered at the Boring Term May) 17, of the Baperior Oort of Craven eownty. Btate tt North Carolina, (a the action wherein A, Eaha and M. Habn art alalntlffi and R. B. Slaraledfe 1s dofendant, I will U at Pablle AoeiUm U theCoorl iioose laNwtm.oa Uie. t.vi ' tstfc Day or VeVeaaVer. A.K, tstT,.! IbHowlet IftDds,' Vlsi AU lb at eerbala traet of land sltoeted la eald Orarea eoanty, adjoining tha lands of Virginia Harrison. C. T. Watson and olher,boonied and desert bed aa follows, altaated on tbe Trant River shoot three mllea rem Newborn, and on Har woods Creek, bey1! the tract of la id that ce nendrd to said R. B. Bhtekledve from his E"" ", Sod Is known as tbeatoh Land." " aei ii S Of ttteOeab. ; ' ' ; V 5 -r LSUNIDAS J. MOOBaV . - " CoTTnnHwDr. ndsltfhdayA'Bpt.,Aixut7. - dw - - eje k aa. ejsa a asea ,. i fJ.aalfa,..AsVr,"' ' - Pin i i." . ' r'i'.'! ; 7 J i v i U I. I . 4 W. THE L Tlllirr . RIVZ3 ' . Steamboat Company, Will ran the followlagSatiadala oa aad arte aaaaarj ai Steamer Irent r "T W1U leave Sew Berve tor - Tnatoa erery Monday and rriday at a. aa, tetnrntns, win laeTe Iiep uje- every Tuesday aud aU arday, toaeiMxa4 all poinU along the flyer - " C ; ". - '.- --. :"-; ?':m - Steamer KLnaton. Will leare New Berne for Klnston Tnea days and Fridays at IS o'clock, M, Return lug, will, leave Klnstoa on Mondara and Thursdays:- 1'oneblng at all Intaraaadlate i A ease tuver. " ' J. 3, DIBOSWaV at Mewnera W. r. BTARLr, an new D. B. BARBOS. ruUokavUle. W..K. WABX), Agent at Trenton M. e. Smith, Jolly old Field J. B. BAirxa. Quaker Urldge. J. M. wn j aen'latanaer, abTaaw Klnstoa. H.Q EASTERN CAROLINA DISPATCH The Faat Freight Lin nBlwsan Nswhcrme, Riastsra Rertb Carolina Peiaits, end flerfolR, Baltimore. PhlUdelphia. Hew York. Beaten, RSte. via KUsabetb Cttj. H. C. Commencing APRIL th,1887, the Steam ers KAtiLKT and YavSPKB will run on regu lar schedule time, leaving New be roe every MONDAY, TUltBDAY. WAONK8UAY and r HI DAY at K1V P.M., for Rliaatelh City sad return on the following daja. These steamers, in Connection with the AUantte A N. C. B. B,. AorfolR Honthern B. &, New York, hlla. and Norfolk R. B and the Pennsylvania B. K , form a reliable aud regular line oliering superior facilities for q ulok tran lportatlon No tranaiera eaotpt at Kllsabrth Clty.al which point freight 111 be loaded on eats to go through to destination. lMreet all goods to be shipped via asteru Carolina llspeteh daily as follows : from Norfolk by N. 8. B. B Baito. by P. W. A B. B. B-, freeldenS tL Ktallon; Phils, bv Pennsylvsnla B. R., l)ock Ht. Btatlon; New York by Penn. B. B Pier 27, North River; Providence and Boston by New York and New Rngland B. B. Ha tea aa low and time quicker than by any other line. An additional boat will be put on this route as esrly as practicable, and a aohedule arranged for four trips each week. QUO. HKNDERBON, Agent, febdw Newberne.N.O. old Douinion Steamship Company. Till-WEEKLY LINE. The Old Denalalon Steamship fom pawy's Old! and VavartU Water J Beats, via Albeaaarle awef CReeapeake Oanel. orfolk, BaJUasere, Raw fork, Phlla dslnhia. Beete. Pro rldaner. And all pointa, North, East and West On and after MONDAY, AUGUST IBtii 18N7, until furtner notice, the Sieajiiers Few Me ud fimlico will sail from NORFOLK. Va . Mr NEW BRBNK, via Washington, Mondays, Wediiee- umym ran rriuaja, masing etoae oonneotlon with the B learner of the N. dt T. B. B.B. LtK. for Klaston Trenton, and all other Leadings on the Nense and Trent Rivers. Returning, wUl sail from RKW BEBNK lor NOBrXJLK direst, Mondays, Wednes days and rndaya at 1. M.. making oonneo tlon with - the o. 1. 8. B, uo.'a Ships J0 Tortt'?-J8'. p- 0-, steamelrs for Baltimore Clyde Line Ships for Phila delphia, and M. M. T, (Jo. 'a ships for Bos- wiw rniTjiwon. Our antlrlng eUorU to please our patrons, and oor almost Perfect servlne for th nui twelve years, la the beat guarantee waean oner au (hem la i Onr ail goods cars of O.D. R.S. OoH Nor- FrslghU not received ;or shipment after 11 am. on sallies days. . M.U. UB HI Paaeengers will end a good table, comfort able rooms, aod every oonrtesy and atten Won will be paid then by the offloers. B B. BOBEBTS, Agent CTJLPKPPKB A TURNER. Agents, orfolk, Va. STANFORD, Q. A P. Agt., Hew York City. W. B.- Cliugi of Pier in lew Tort The N. C. Freight Line FOR NEW YORK, BOSTON, PROyiliENOE,, and ab polnlt ' L v . S N pt-tl rt nil yes t attsrtats fate wiU reset ve rseigk(la Hew . lor swBersea , . ,:.-PIE"B 7. KOBTU 1J1VKB.' r OHO" oiTst It n4 Baltimot t r . . lrautportatum w. Usrchants shoald rem a ber that thl la ni tks best Steasi Uses oat of Jlew York, makta aallr eonaeeUoa with Baltimore for Xew Betas aUlaslde,eadealyeaseaaBge ; . t 8EMI-EEKLT ST E A M E B 8 EtiTia hi Itm ud ; l&Itisiort st OrtOttJ r. ' -:- -f tisavlej FRII C Bew Berne fer Baltimore TTJEfTDaY DATS at 1 p m. Leave Baltimore fe ma WBHS0AT9 dad SATliRDAT Raw Bern , S.p. at AaeaU ars as f ollsni i KVBBir rOSTBB.OeB'l JTsnager." ' .! ' ' ' v-;;J'';- HZ.ightSk.Batf.il'; AA. W. MeCARRIOX, Aft. Norfolk. Ta. -W. T. OydS Ci ralUdslphU, U Beat arves. ' . . y.r -V-'.!.- York Balto.Traa.f!Be,rner .WonkrlTW E. Sampson, Bosun, U Central wharf. - .s a- H. h rxtwl. ProTideaee B. I. - -, . O. lu ink. Fall Rlrar. Derrick wharf. . - ahipsleaTa Botoa,Tosdaysaad Eatardays " ITew Tork daily. , , - 4 Baltiirore,WMlnadaysSBdgats)rdaT r -rail River, Moadaysf Wednesdsrs r. Frtdays. . i :. .... , . Htt ,, -.. . , ' ProvlSsaee, SatsrdaTS. . . 1 i areaga blLU lading given, aad rsUig-uana toaUaelat.aUs diffarant offleas of naalea. ... ..-n e. ...' ii' iTcil Irssligi et lai lad jiif jrii r n. c. LINE.' M . Barm tr s H 3 EAT As, Tew rn feu,. w. - - Is tie raTor'jLTve J. JLened Ameriuan 1 au,;' where,, and tie ol!j 1 ' J- Illustrated iTewEr-t; er r j - :'. liaLed in the Worl J. It CurcoTateg' in Erery 6uti s. rirory of the Union. It r : found on news stands in e - large oity. The TSEt too , ; ;$t ita ; subscribers sre" . Wealth and Culture.' No other Daily published ia . Tork.City n'aa so large a Mail Circulation. The Weekly ,Crc; : There is hardly ' a Postoffice L United States where at least a i eopiea are not reoeived each jreek by subscribers. It embraces the "Best Featur The Daily Graphio, pictorial an 1 erary, for the 'preceding six dajs. is the largest first class; Illc;' Weekly issued, is sold "for hi., pricoofits mala, contains the 1 news and market reports, and i quiring a phenomenal circulation. THERE IS NO BETXn Medium for AdvertiEi: rom time to time we issua Ej . Editions ill ustrating - tbe indu.- and businftss onnArtnnifiAa e.f ,ir towns - and localitfci throughout couou-y. At present we are prepai a Calitornia Edition of 100,000 eoj Agents wanted to canTass for s ' scriptions in every part of the wc to whom a large commission wi!. paid- Bend for sample copy. - Fer rates and address other .Aim.,!1 The American Graphio C 39& 41 Park PlaoolT. The Wilmingion V RBDCtTIO IB rBICB. . - Attention Is called to thafoUOwtngredn rates oi suueonpuoa, oasn in advance THE DA1LVSTAB, : " I One Tear . 81x MonUis.... Three Months.. One Month... ... One Year Six Months Three Months. Our Telegraph News service had reeer been largely Increased, and It Is our det nation to keep the 8tar up la the hla standard of newspaper excellence. Address WM. H. BERNARD wilmlnaton. N. t Scribner's Magazine Published Montdxy, WITH ILHTSTBATIOITS First Number Bead December mber 15m. Scribner's Msxasine will be in the widest sense a magasine of general literature, and each number will be fully illustrated. ?, vVv.iw -. , Some of the most notable papers to appear during the first year are a se ries of Unpublished Letters of Thack eray of Tory great autobiographical value ex-Minister E B. . Wash bnrne's fieminisoenoes' of the r3ie and Commune of Paris; Glirnrr i at the Diarios ef Gouyerncur lie n it), Minister to Franoe at the close of the last century (giring doicriptions of soeiai life and characters at the time); a collection of contemporary letters deacriblng Early-NewYork and 2Tew EngUnd Bwiely.-. ; i- v - Th e is much excellent Gotion, in cluding a aerial by Harold Frederic ; stories extending ' through - several numbers by II. 0 Bunner,' J. 8. of Dale, and others fRnd shot stories by K. L. SteVensonoel Chandler Ur ris, T. Av Janvier Misa Jewett, Oe tave Thanet, II. II. Bovesen. IV.sa Crosby, and host of others.' ' Rotable special , papers 4o be pub- uthedveT early are General F. A. Waller's on Socialism; l)r. vvilnani Hayes Ward's on Babylonian Crlla- ders; Mr John p. Hopes' on the Pcr trsitsof Caesar Captain Greene's on Coast Defenoe,to., ete. ' ; ' ' Bcribnera ' Jftagaiine will be peb jied at $3.00 a year, or 23 cents a joty. - Jaubscripuonj may be scat to any newsdealero? bookseller, cr to CHABLE3: BCEIBXER'S.EOIw. !..f.r rPublishera. 1 ,743 and 745Broadway, New Terk ; IVImtMHtwtoMtstM WrHd for Tr !w w. K rHnrle) of nta.1 Mat tm fcrtpbea; 8"nrt i- r p-.. tmtMkit Cr Hllll. I tW sn) I nAffgf , - nrB m,.v toM, VtartkrniiM naipna, , (1 MHIp, Cnttow ( r if.r,e, t , i Jh for Ii nni-r 1 i ( 1 m . w r, t ai , a for tb ITr, ,ar in r r j. .. r I l i . Vrrt ftsuiny wtitA yn - f - -ti u 0"t Ftf-rwucm . Arss. t.L, 4firt,iA.a . ...W...H i ,i,,i,. n.,,.ii i ,,, i j I.) rJtwWOV4, AWa, VvS . U tMtf ) r.. -V- - 1

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