Jon MiE lif ! i J ejsSBSBhj pjpsajjssjSB RNAL VOIhVI,rNO.U62 NEW BERNE, N. C., SATURDAY. OCTOBER 8, 1887. PRICE 5 CENTS, LOCAL NEWS,' raral MltUtW a leasees. New Berne. Utituds. 85 6' North. - -. - longitude, TPV West. , . Sua rises. 5:48 i Length of dsy. . - dun sets, 0:01 1 IS hoars, 18 minute. M. -on tots at 5W) p. m. BUSINESS LOCALS. 100 BBLS. more of that Fine Floor ' lust noMTed which I tm Ren in ir In 10 lb. loU at So. per lb. - 1 TUB GBOCEB. E. B. HACK BURN. T7INK StsJl-Fed Beef and No. 1 Bans- 'JC' Barer at Swerte market stall this morning. , p ROF. iU BF.T.I.KZ7.A will be in New X Berne on the 80th to open a deno- iase eoadsmr. Aar one wiehluir to at- tend will please aend in their names to Ur, yhe..Beu xy ine iota, ocivu Kf OCHA and Java Coffee, beet in - ljX town at John Dunn 'a -.. 13TJRE Liquors and Wines for Medici - A. nej and other naea, at wholesale. ; Jambs Redmond. 1 s. T' IME Commercial Lime; what is : 'XJ left, S4.00 per ton. sep27tf.) W. P. Buebdb. . T.IRECT importation of French : XJ Brandy and Holland Gin arrived , In bond and duties paid at Custom ; louse taCNew Berne, guaranteeing gen jine goods ror saie. c J as. Redmond . T)ARIS QREEN and poison distribu A lore for the cotton worms at j . Obo. Allkn & Co P AR RETT'S Medoe Vineyard Cognao V-A an Wines for sale, at Manuiactu .1 rer's prices, by Jaxu Rbdmond. OBQWN tJGEOBQIA COTTON QIN8, "s-aj -with Self Feeder and Condenser, i A 11 of the latest and most approved pat' ferns. .- uxo. allkn s. uo. o TEDMOND'8 Ginger Ale. Lemon i j AV Soda, etc., equal to imported. ; , . , Jambs Rkdmond. ,. fLX PAPERS in any qoantity for - VS aaleatthisofflos. BUGGIES, MoD. sale at Pates' make, for DaiL Bros1. Cotton fM looking up a little. ' -E. H.'AJ. A. Meadows want cotton ' seed. - Be "ad." ; Oettinger Bros, of Kinston give notioe - of cargo of delta ties. ; The etreet hands are improving the sidewalks on Hancock street. Two bellowing colored boys were in the lock-op at the police station yester day for, as they paid, "running the market. The Wilmington Messenger occasion ally f alia td pat in it appearance at this offloe. ; (t did not reach here on Thurs- day night. The ice machinery is being plaoed in the Old plate factory near the railroad and will be ready for work in about two weeks.,,' Wilmington had a rousing meeting on Thursday night to consider the pro- pristy of "Offering inducements to the C.F.&Y.V.R. to extend its line to The bnoy: tender Violet, Capt. Mo Glnnie, reea engaged for the past two Jays replacing the booys, recently carried away la the channel of Neuse ; river below the city. TheaogSMvepeenmnning raws on Mr. WillettV turkeys near the city, re- ceotly. bnt some of them batre returned from the raid wttn tooa loea or eaaiBilj.r.ioil Instead of turkey. Personal. Benjamin Bock, Esq. of Jones was in to see us yesterday. He says the people bare hot begnat to select guber natorial timber bat bis way-bnt now and then there Is word for Gilmer H Jarvls. : - I Mrs. Mary U4Kr. Nash has returned fry,- - . . -l The OyStet TSir. - 'H. e Beenrort ueoora announces ts i readinees to Co-operate In an oystet fair 1 In the following words: I The Record is In favor of an oyster' ta ha hId at NawBerne this winter. f Artrst wiil send nn hmr faivalvea with w rkl.Jto? . Nunn of the JooMAfc wLi 1 tic.f folk t'. t r-o, rate ti e day and date settled upon so t .a we can notify our people. - " "s ars of ths opinion that eometline J 1 1 ,! ruary will be ths best time.-We 1 i:ke to bear from somr of the I r cro wen on the subject - " ! ( C- tron CouBty-Gun Clob at its i . g on Thursday night re r csw meir.brs, one front ' 2 to wn of Kinston. - The - - i . .lrs twenty-e!ght mem - to ttvee game ; H -i's-ltf evening in ; v ' " . a e o rr.bpr ef the i c "Er will be in : s.f tl.s Cub will -'-ion WeJnee " -c"-y. c- tv r-b Sudden Death. Parties from the neighborhood of. Core creek yesterday report that Mr. Adrian P. Davis, a respectable and well-to-do farmer dropped dead in his gin house on Thursday evening. He was about forty years old and had been apparent' ly enjoying good health. He waione of the Justices of the county, Fair Bate. We publish today the rates from dif ferent stations on the A. & N. O. R. to the State Fair and to the Ooldsboro Fair. The rates are low and every farmer who can ought to attend, carry something to exhibit, and by all means 0irry the boys who have workedjto make a crop. MAnufActuriog Crackers. A well informed gentleman upon business matters, of Kins ton, remarked a day or two ago that the suggestion to start a cracker f&otorv in New Berne was a very sensible one. He invest! gated the business a few years ago and was certain a handsome profit could be mrde in the business. Ue knows a man in Atlanta who began the business ten or twelve years ago and is now worth two hundred thousand dollars. It csd be started on an extensive ecale with ten thousand dollars capital. Steamer Movements. The Newberoeof the O. D. line sailed for Norfolk at noon yesterday with a full cargo of cotton. The AcDie of the E. C. D. line sailed yesterday afternoon with cotton and general merchandise. The Eaiilet will arrive this morning. The Trent of the N. & T. 8. line left yesterday morning for Trenton with a cargo of goods. I he Kinston and Blanohe of the same line went up Neuse with goods. The Carolina arrived last night with 100 bales of ootton, and will sail Mon day noon for Bell's Ferry. A Move all Along the Line. The Beaufort Record calls on the people of Carteret to Respond with a vim to the invitation of New Berne to join In a delegation to the Governor to lay the matter of extending the A. & N. C. R. to the O. F. & Y. V. before him. This is right. If there is any place on the Una of the road to be per manently benefited by this extension it is Morehead City and Beaufort. The Atlantio Hotel has already gone into hands that will greatly improve it and make it a more popular resort than eter before, and the Teacher's Assembly, we understand, has been petmanently lo cated there and a building will be (erected. Now why not supplement these little booms by securing this im portant railway connection which may lead to the establishment of a ooaling station for ocean steamships, and a line of steamers direct to Liverpool and other foreign ports. We are surprised that the Record has not urged this mat ter long before. The Kinston Free frees also calls at tention to the matter and urges the people to call a meeting and appoint a delegation. The Qoldeboro Aro-ua is warmly bud- tha .ntr0ria. and if we ore- nt a united front the Governor will arely xlre th, toUUr (eri0us con CoL Jno. D. Waitfcrd. A correspondent f the HUlsboro Re corder writing from Hookerton gives ths following complimentary notice of OoL'Jno. D. Wbitford: Recently we bad a long talk with Col. Jonn D. Whitford of New Berne, and of refugee notoriety in Hillsboro, about HUlabor mma Its seoa ow people, ana in iiiUBOoro ioaay cum pony was nnnM.nt vUftnr tn rW. rJttm.r1. an1 fmA m oau in aha sham orne of the Colonel's triangular backyard. Be was common property with Col. Whit- f$&Z& and though rlpeniag to years has lost therefore rery entertalntnr with bis lOTge - o. The Colonel is now tn the employ of Uncle 8am. Hs Is chief en- ff the works, that aredredglnt Contentnea creek. i At a eall meeting of the board of offi cers of the New Berne Fire Department, the following resolution was pawned: -. Beeolved, That the Mechanic 1L tfeLv' Oo. (if said Co. be in existence) be ex palled from the Dept. for non-performance of duty. , . - . . t - ' 8. B. WATtBS, . '. " '. ' .i SsctYDept. ..Oct. 7. 1887. : : - :. . ii ? The beet reeommendstlon: Every body u Larsdor when In need of a pood catbafiic Bold everywhere. Price only 5 cnta, - -: Tar r t rr not always esrry tie baby tn i t-'j f :'r ll rcc"ry cf jt r'i.h. r -t -f-r ri I r, T"'l't I y F4BMEE8 an. effobt to bb made to overthrow the offici- extension act of last TXAB. . Minneapolis, Minn., Oct. 4. The most serious turn of affairs that has yet developed in connection with the Knights of Labor General Assembly oame to light tonight. It is learned and the information has been verified by the admissions of dozen leading Knights that the opponents of the ad ministration will make an effort In the convention to overthrow the action of last year's assembly extending the terms of the general officers to October, 1888. That action, it is 'claimed, was clearly unconstitutional, and it is also alleged that the action was taken after nearly all the delegates had left for home and the convention had been re duoed to a mere rump. The scheme is to declare this action invalid and force a new election at once. There are those among the dele gates who, while they are with Powder ly and his cabinet on everything else stick at this action and are ready to side with the maloontente in bringing on a new election, some of kickers have been frozen out of the convention by the report of the Committee on Cre dentials, but it is claimed tonight that there are enough with what other back ing oan be bad to carry this scheme through. Ralph Beaumont, of New York; (J. F. iiall. of New Jersey, and other prominent Eastern Knights, when interviewed by the World correspon dent tonight, admitted that such action might be taken, but doubted whether the necessary two-thirde vote could be secured. The report of the oommittee on cre dentials shows a few more than '4'iO delegates entitled to seals. Perhaps the most important proposi tion, in view of its ultimate etieots, that is likely to oorue before the aBgembly is a scheme to unite the Knights of Labor and the National Farmers' Alliance, now in session in Minneapolis, into one organisation. The plan now proposed to make the farmers Alliance national trade body, with the title of National District Assembly. Oeneral Master Workman Fowderly welcomed the K. of L. delegates in brief speech when the convention opened this morning, and a secret set sion was held. It had been widely reported that the General Assembly was likely to pass a resolution protesting against the death sentence be inn carried out in the oase of the condemned Chicago Anarchists. That suoh a resolution will be intro duced there is little doubt, but that it will be passed is not so certain. In faot, it is much more likely to be Ubled. In an interview today Mr. Powderly said: "On the question of politics I hold that the great mass of working people are all wrong. They look too high. In the first place, they wish to reach the top of the ladder at a bound. when expenenoe teaches that this is folly. This is the most serious question with which we have to deal. I advo cate now. and always have, that it is the small local offices that should be looked after with an eternal vigilanoe. Let me elect the assessor, and I care not who elects the President. It is the principle that I wish to inculcate in the minds of all worklngmen, that they should attend to their local politios, and the. affairs of state will take care of themselves. If this oan be accomplished, and I have no doubt it oan, then the labor movement will have reaohed a point where its foundation is secure." A Jo I nan Should cot hesitate to wait upon those ill with such disease as bmall pox, Cholera oc Scarlet Fever. There is little to be feared by persona waiting on the aick if they will nse Darby s Proy by lac tic Fluid freely. In sick rooms it should be exposed on a plate or aauoer, and the patient sponged off with the Fluid di luted. For safety, cleanliness and com fort in tbeelck-room the Fluid is indis pensable. Advice e Those Who Travel In Sleepers For men a light cap, one that will cover over the ears, so as to serve as a nightcap, will be desirable. In oold weather a woolen cap is nest. This cap should be put on as soon as the oar is entered. A loose blouse should take the place of the coat usually worn. Slippers mast not be worn. It there is a draft in the ear face it; do not let it strike the back. Have the bed made with its bead towards the engine; the dust will then be driven to ths foot. where it will do the least harm.. But be sure to bsvs a sufficient quantity of bedclothes to keep wenn. A soft, looeo knit wooionbood Is the beet bead -gear for women. ' this should be worn at alghl else. It should be warmer in winter than in eumaoer moeths. The oorseta should be removed at night and a loose woolen wrapper worn for e night-dress. The stocking supporters, -well af revery ooostrictrog nana around, the wtint, should be loosened. Every: noon snouia taxe irom nve to ten grains ef o, online on going to bed. It will be wen to ran the hands, rest. fsoe and neck with little t asset ine at the earns time. Medical and BurgJpaJ , , i i i j I T ; V - ' " 1 Ths advantages of a reliable, safe and afBeeoious Family Medicine ta incalcu lable, and when sack is found, the bless ing is thus happily expressed: . t exelaiaae Bareka.w -' I have been using Simmons Lirer Regulator myeelt some five years or more, and my family also, and oan tes tify from experience to Its virtues. 1 never recommended medicine nnjees I knew it to be rood. In a ministry ef twetty-Gvs years I bsvs often felt ths cf suth a m-iir!ne and whn I f.-"J it I excV"T:-l Eureka. ,Rt. J. I . ' ? r- e,-r cr toe v - - 5 , K. C. d w WILL KNIGHTS AND UNITE I A Start ling Prediction. Two hundred years ago in China there was just suoh a craze about natu ral gas as we have in this country today Gas wells were sunk with as muoh vim and vigor as the Celestials were capabl of, but owing to a gas explosion that killed several millions of people, and tore up and destroyed a large district of oountry, leaving a large inland sea known on the maps as Lake Foo Chang the boring of any more gas wells was then and there prohibited by law. It seems, according to Chinese history that many large and heavy pressure gas wells were struck, and in some districts wells were sunk quite near to each other. Gas was lighted as soon as struck, as is done in this country. It U staled that one woll. with its unusual pressure, by induction or back draught pulled down into the earth the burning gas of a smaller well, resulting in i dreadful explosion of a large dialriot destroying the inhabitants thereof Lake Foo Chang rests on this district ine same catastrophe is imminent in this country unless the laws restrict further development in boring bo many wells. Should a similar explosion oc cur theie will be bucli an upheuval as will dwarf the most terrible earth quakes ever known. The oountry along the gas belt, from Toledo through Ohio, Indiana and Kentucky, will be ripped up from the depth of l.L'OO to l.WX) feet, and Hupped over like a pancake, leav ing a chasm through which thu waters of Lake Erie will come howling down, filling the Ohio and Mississippi valleyb and blotting ihi-ui out forever.-Fireman's Herald. tll((il Ulllcia. Tt,is remedy is becoming su well known and to popular as to need no special mention All who have used Electric Kilters ting the same song of praise. A purer medicine does not ex ist and it is guaranteed to do all that is claimed. Electric Hitters will cure all diseases of the liver and kidneys, will remove pimples, boils, salt rheum and other affections caused by Impure blood . Will drive malaria from the system and prevunt as well as cure all malarial fevers. For cure of headache, consti pation and indirection try Electrio Kil ters. Entire satisfaction guaranteed or money refunded. Price 50o. and 81 00 per buttle at It. N. Dully 's drug elore. A Keinarkahle Occurrence. Maggie Sims, a negro girl of this place, was born deaf and dumb about seventeen years ago. At an early age she ws sent to an Institution for the deaf and dumb where she learned to read and write, wheVe she also learned a faith in the efficacy of prayer. She prayed day and night that her tongue might be recalled from its long banish ment and that her ears might be opened to the music of human voice and song. On Friday the channels of her ears were opened and the fetters of silence fell from the OBplive tongue. Yes, it is a fact that Maggie Hims was given the power to speak and hear for the diet time in her life, and she declares that it is but the long deferred answer of (lod to her ceaseless stream of wordless prayer. Wilson Mirror. There are two forms of chronic rheumatism; one in which the joints are swollen and red without fever; in the other the joints are only stiff and painful. In either form Salvation oil may be relied on to eflxct a cure. It kills pain. 25 oenls. Popular discrimination in favor of Dr. Hull's Cough Syrup has given it a larger sale than any other remedy of its class. Price 83 cents. A Onvlc'.ed rtlsoner hills Hlmsfif. Cuattanooga, Oct. 5. A thrilling tragedy was enaoced in the Circuit Court room this morning. Sam Branch, a oolored man. was on trial for larqeny. As the jury filed into the court room he is noticed to tremble and turn deadly pale. "What is your verdict r1" asked the judge. "Guilty of grand larceny," replied the foreman. "What is the sentence f ."Five years in the peni tentiary. " As these words were ut tered by tbe foreman Branch ex- olaimed, "God knows I am innocent," and pulling a large knife from his pocket thrust it into his throat. Tbe blood spurted over tbe jury box and judge's desk, and the negro was dead in thirty minutes. Lemon Elixir. A PLBASANT LEMON DRINK. Lemon Elixir is prepared from the fresh, juioe of Lemons, combin ed with other vegetable liver tonics, cathartics, aromatio stimulants and blood purifiers. Fifty cents and one dollar per bottle. Sold by druggists generally and by all'wholeaale druggists. Prepared by H. Motley. II. D., Atlanta, Oa. For billioaavjees and constipation take Lemon Elixir. ! For tadegesUon and foul stomach take Lemon Elixir, For siok and nervous headache take Lemon Elixir. For slsspuase and nervousness take Leuaoav Elixir. For lose of appetite and -debility take Lemon Elixir. For fevers, malaria and chills, take Lemon Elixir. Lemon Elixir will not fail in any Of she above named diseases, all of whioh arise from a torpid or diseas ed liver. - ' . - - . , Lemon Hot Drops - Cure all oought , Colds, Hoarseness, Sore Throat, Bronchitis, Pneumonia and all Throat and Lung diseases. , Price tS cents. Lerop Hot Drops Sold' ' by druretttsi . rraparM by ut. a. nosier Atlanta, Oa tn both liquid and losengs form. . -, - For sals In Hew Bene, wholesale and retail, at R. N, Duffy drug store.; Cash iva accompany toe oraer. s ' ttt&raa su r?p .. - , Wanted, 500 TONS of COTTON KKK1), Highest Cash Price paid, le- llered in New Berne I".. H & J. A. MEAlOYVfS. oc9 dwtf TO ARRIVE : ltl ecu October 5lli aut loth. AT NEW BEltME, 1 Carload of Delta Cotton Ties A limited quantity of which may be purchased at a reasonable price by ap plying before arrival to OETTINUEK BHUS., Kinston. N. t' Atkntic & North Carolina Hnilwiy Co, Ni'.w Ukk.n, N. (' , Oct. 7 lswl7. FAIR RATE8. The following rates will be in tfTect oyer the A. & N. C. K. It. to Kaleigb and Ooldsboro Agricultural Fairs for Season of 1387. These tickets are K )und Trip and include admission to the fairs T" T1IK Ai hirt 1.TIKA 1. Kl'.ll. Faiic- at UaI. r.iu ',, hate. Heet's Kileigh 81.75 La Orange l yo Falling Cieek D 1U Kinston M Caswell 'J 3u Iover 3," Core Creek J 45 Tuscarora ftu Newbern. J 7H Hiverdale J yj Croatan . j so Havelock ; 10 Newport ;i Wild wood :i ;to Morehead City. ;i 4a To THE A' Itlc't I.Tt UAI 1 H i. Fa lie ""' T Iit,-. Beet's Ooldsboro 7'i I. a Orange " yo Falling Creek lid K inston i ;to Caswell Mi Dover 1 ll'i txjre Creek 145 Tusoarora. 1 50 Newbern i ?o Hiverdale. l yo Croatan yo Havelock " '10 Newport .. . JO Wild wood 30 Morehead City ' J 40 H. 1,. Un.i., (). 1'. A. SPECIAL. New Buckwheat, Oatmeal, Grits, AND Fresh Packed Canned Goods At TJLRICH'S. oc7 1 w Money To Loan. NEWIIERN BCILDINU AND I. OAN ASSOCIATION. This Associatioa is now prepared to loan money on approved real estate se curity at 8 per cent per annum. Applications for loans should be handed to the Secretary, who will sub mit them to the Board of Directors. L. II. CUTLER, Prest. J. R. B. Carhaway. Sec. AiTreas. 0 3t AGENCY FOR "Blest be the heart that knows no guile, That feels no wish unkind. Forgetting provocation, while Oood deeds are kept in mind. Therefore you can And at TAN8I1.L8 FINE C1QAR AGENCY, snpsrlntsndod tj W. K Palmer, the eboloest variety made at popular prices. WM. I.. I-AJ.MIK. Beoond door from cor. Soatb Kroni and Middle streets. New Berne. N C S. B. WATERS, Jr., FOR THS Best and Cheapest Line of Gents' Furnish'g Goods HATS, SHOES, Clothing, Umbrellas, &c. AU the Latest Novelties always in stock. Best $3.00 Shoe in the city. Evkby Pair Wakrahted. Ask to see his 60c. Shirt. Also, the celebrated Arrow Brand Collar, two for 25e. Clothes to order a specialty. Fits QUASAjmCB). Next Door to A. M. Baker, opp. episcopal Cfcurct. sspUiewSm vjrjnVTSaVAtents la every town as4 vtl 1 1 . lag to sell oar RtwCkriitMH mmim (IK eeiuns from M so. to S3.M. ooe witfc entail? writes that ahaaverased cos a day last year from September nattl Ohrm mas. One new emit made I1SS la sis weeks. One ikMH tee firs wwek laartUsgeefoely W9. lTjaisynriPDOCHa'iHrmiiassNn Yoa can make from to , k , i : , D. K. LUTHER. V ' . ; e$SvrB.itballtret,AtiBtaGe, . , sepXldiw tour sun vv ism sjaiasjaneenasnsi TT ItTotio., 5 Having purchased the entire Stock of boots, Shoes, and Rubbers in store un der Hotel Albert, I will sell the same AT COST, 8POT CASH. No goods will be sent out on probation. " Thankful for past patronage, the buai neas will be continued at the old - stand - undur Hotel Albert. F. T. l'ATTEUSON. . New Heme, N. C. st2r dtf Notice. Five Shares ('. H have bee cation will be said certificates oc dJUd f Stock in the A. & N. -t or mislaid. Appli .... !e for a renewal of of stock O F. M. Dail. E. K. BISHOP, Broker & Commis'n Merch't, and Warehouse next lo CI yd V bai r. Agent fur Ariuour 4 Co Provision; Fire I'rool MoiaKt B u 11 ding. 9r Corn-V OKA IN ana MatKOHAN- Iih. '.Hlii . -l"H.Mih mI rMit assise I t t r B v2i dim Use House's Chill Syrup Take Notice I Our store is filled with I'rot iHioiiH, (irm rrH'f, Canned ioolN, Drj tioixl.t, (.'rockery. Ku Wp keep a full hue of the Celebrated Prison Boots and Shoes. 0, S. Parsons t Sons' Boots and Shoes. Kvery put wmrai.ted 10 k" satis- facliuD. Country luerchaute and the people generally are reijueotod to call and ei amine our lure. Block before purchas ing. We will (jive you low figures. We job Lonllard Hnuff. ROBERTS 1 BRO., South Front it., A'etBerns, N. O. WAHTKU-H ! EJt tor our Kali and rini.laiH line i.i ifi Until, pleaaaot work tt their own ijouira Jl lo H per day can le iineiii made Work seat by mail any tliainnoe. I'artrulun fre No oanvaa mn AMra at niio. t'KKS('lT AKT 1 ' i 1 1" .Mi'k Ml . Id m, in, Maaa. Doi 5170. ilv, liu VI KMilXl A Ul Hil l lKHS abould ;k. 1. HOW HI-1. A CO., Ill irui Slr.fl, Hr York Clly. Kor Hrlrrt LIU of l.OOO KKUIFjl PKJI S. Will iKHrul KIIKK on application. Cheap For Cash. n roriy nve nw (Jm of HeltiDg for sale by se'Jilwtf I. and thirty feet H. CL'TLEK. Wanted Immediately ! 5,000 fo 10,000 ACRES LAND, Well timbered w iih portation ine. near trans- REAL ESTATE AGENT. Newbern, N. C. d w SEE ULRICH, Wholesale Grocer, FOR THE Lowest Prices! Eice Sacks on hands n NEWG00DS! JUST ARBIVEDt .-., PhiUdetpeia Batter. ". ' . Cesser 4. 8agerred Heete 'end Pure Lard. ri. Best Flow tn the market. 7 Wafer Crackers, Graham Wafers. ' Pilot Breed end Fine Cekee. , : tTbe beet ot Teas sad Ooffae. Fulton Market Corned Beef. Thurber'B beet brands ef Can Goo J-. In fact a very-thing Eire ii -"-. ' Give roe a trial sod b(wr, . epl4d5ai - JOHN L .