. DAILT J0UB54.L la " colawa -rr, published daily. exespt aloikday. at u per rear, tor at saantht. Delivered e.iy suoaoribartat S0onts per sooath. - 1HS WBAEXT JOtTKNAL. ft M column ;rr. la pabUahsd every Tbureday at ttjtt i annum. ..-- ADVERTISING BATES ( DAILY -Ona laoheaedajr tl.M; 60c. for each tabequent : usertlon. . AdTsrtiMncaU ander asad of "Bualnees LocaU-'Ueaatarjerfbr Brat end 5 oents for e very subset oaet leaartlon. hfi Hw rhmapta ill belnasr.sd betweea ocal matter at ur price, otlottaf ftnrlacaf orDeatha notiuexoeed to lines mi ba Inserted free, ah additional tuatter will be enarfed Scents per line. Payments for transient advertisements Bias hinted la advance. Keg-mar adver tise ,e $ will be collected promptly at Uie and of each month. Comainnlcations containing newt of a dis ocasaloa of cal matter are solicited. No communication must be eztiecd to be nou lahed that contains obtectlonaDle Deiaonai Uaa withholds tne n me of the euinor: or iat aUl mate mora man one column o it h paper. Any peraon feeling ata.'ieved at any anony moo oommnnicauoc can obtain the name o to aataor by applleatlon at tbii office and ohewluaaernln tbe grievance exists. THE JOURNAL. v. a. mvnn. as. HAHPKK. KaUtr. Baalneee Manager. W BEENE. N.C.. OCT. 15 lf7. liatered at th PimI r il , Bursa as aeooudelaaa natter. MFKEKEXl OF OPINIO. The Morgantou Adveitittr, a montnij paper receDii-y hurieu ai - Morgan ton, in its October number gives its opinion ol North ("aroliua journalism, which is very favorable k, la lt8 general reference, but gives ; a back banned lick Lt one ot i lie newsiest aud best edited t'i'n in the State. It say 8: . Strange as it may seem. Htleigli, our capital, is unable to produce a daily of . either political or literary merit. The , loading daily there would be considered : ordinary middling in a market glutted with mediocrity. We are glad to note. , metal' department and we hope for still ' farther improvements. .'' fi rf)ia onnnjlij a liltli. kill i r ll 1 i r Aula ii ij vjo a niiiui.ti when one of the verv naiierc men- i. tioned in the .same article as a -'.Credit to the State uses "Mot metal" quite extensively. The News and 'VlUoCXVcr. luc icuuiiii: uaiiv ui uir ' State, is published at Raleigh aud eiyea wuai wie iieo lie tmcipuiiv a.nt in a nnii unijiuir flu. nou'u nMUH 1U ia UIID 'UirLI HIV i. -j:. i d. 1 : : i tions are generally sound and con ..serrative Hut people will difl'er ID, opinion and we think a very larva nnmhor in North ';iinliiiit will differ with the Advertiser in it-. Aftf i m at a tf Mia tait; urwl flit. server. CI ' ; 5" We can grow snccessfully within the borders of our highlv favored State, corn, wheat, oats, barley, wwa l.nllrnrhArit r'tna Anttrtn llATDIl J "1 ' 1 1 ' .flax, Jate, eilk, tobaoco, peanuts, - i :tl BJl ft H U Ui UttUV, uiuuui tuiu, ujiiivi lacorne, clover, orchard, timothy ana neras grass, eweei potatoes, I Irish potatoes, hops, peas, melons, strawberries, cranberries, apjiles, peaches, grapes, plums, cherries, &C, &c, and yet we rind people connning ineir laoor auu care to the production of single crops to the exclusion of all others. And these crops frequently cost more to produce them than the price for which they are sold. And the worst feature of this suicidal and ruinous policy is, that the producer has DO more control over the price than ft child. How helpless ! How Sooor ! How dependent and servile : we, must be so long as this mad . v : raraer. , - Railroad Subscription. - ASHItvnLK, N. C, Oct. 11. The sabscription of fifty thousand dol lars to the (J. K. & w. 11. ll. was carried in Transylvania county by r" o r r j m i a large majoruy ioo io m. me Brxaoombe county commissioners yesterday submitted a proposition for A railroad bond subscription to the vote of the people. The elec tionwillbe held November 19th. The proposition gives one hundred thousand dollars to the Carolina Central, two hundred thousand to the'iVK. & W. and one hundred thousand to t he Asheville & Bjrns Tills B. B. ; the bonds to be issued only On the completion of the roads and1 to bear 4 per cent, interest, payable in thirty years. News and Ob8errer. Fisti has often been recommended r 3 a food for brain workers because it contained so large a proportion ; f phosphorus; bntanEnlish analyst r amed At water finds that the per r.tage oTphogphorua in fish is no -rater than it is in ordinary : Cher's meat. . There is no doubt, rever, that fish possesses certain rantages in the. diet of persons ied insedenta pnrwits, on zzt Of Jits .superior disgestibil- 8TATB HEW8 Roanoke News : Four prisoners, all colored, and all awaitiaf trial at the ensuing term of the Superior Court broke jail at Halifax on Sun day afternoon last, and escaped, though efforts were made to re capture them. V) ilmington Star .JGrant township voted a subscription of ten thous and dollars to the Wilmington, Onslow & East Carolina Railroad, at the election held last Tuesday. It is Baid that only one vote was east "against subscription." Durham Tobacco Plant: Mr. John M. Qreen was shot in the face by a companion while out bunting birds. Mr. Qreen was on one side of the branch, Mr. Liuthicum on the other, a bird flew up, Mr. liu thicum fired, not seeing Mr. Green, and emptied nearly the whole charge in his face. The wound Is painful, but not dangerous. News and Observer : During the last twelve months, thirty three cotton factories were established in the South, twelve of them in North Carolina. The average divi dend on iuvestmeut for all the mills has been about 1.0 per cent, and yet there are good business men in Raleigh who se.ui to tbink that a cotton factory would not pay here at least tnev don't build one. Isn't it funny T Think about it, bus! ness men Greene ( 'ounty Kuterprise: iSome of the larmers in the neighborhood of Hull Road Church met last week aud organized a "Farmer's Club.'' This is a move iu the right direc tion, lor it is only through organ ized efl'oi ts that an v class or body of men can attain success, aud it seems to us that if there is any class of people that ought to be or ganized it is t lie farming class -the back bone and the miicw ol the land. Greenville Reilector : A destrue tive Are occurred upon the planta tion of Col. Harry Skinner, upon which Mr. A. ,1 Moore lives, one afternoon last week. The stables and barn were burned, destroying the carts, wagons and farm imple ments of the plantation, besides ten tons of hay, a quantity of corn and fodder and several head of team. The tire is supposed to have originated from combustion caused by the curing hay. Loss about ',000 with no insurance. Sniithfield Herald: AndiewGild rest, colored, of Richmond county, this State, was arrested here Tues day night charged with stealing ten dollars in greenbacks from another colored man named 1). W. bachey, who lives at Dudley, Wayne county. The accused was tried Wednesday morning by W. R. Surles, J. P., who after hearing the evidenco, in default of bail committed him to jail. He was searched by the jailor and the ten dollar bill found on his person, after which he confessed to have taken the money. I'p to that time he protested his inno cence. Wilson Advance : The barn of Mr. W. II. Pope, who lives be tween Dunn and Godwin's, was destroyed by fire last Tuesday morning about light. No clue as to the origin of the lire. For tunately Mr. Pope had not gathered his corn, the loss therefore is very light, outside ol the building, which was not very costly. No in surance. A little ten year old son of Mr. James Spencer, near Dunn, was bitten by a moccasin last week on his foot. Shortly afterwards a live chicken was cut open and applied to the foot that was bitten, and five little snakes were thereby drawn from the wound inflicted by the snake. Mr. A. J. Turlington, ol Averasboro, has the little snakes. Goldsboro Argus : The notorious "moonshiner" Mai Jioberson, who has defied the officers of the law and eluded arrest for lo these many years, has at length been captured by Mr. II. T. Dortch and is now in jail in this city awaiting a hearing before U. 8. Commissioner Cog dell. -Two more "moonshiners" were yanked in-by Deputy Collec tor H. P. Dortch in the swamps of Lenoir county Monday night to gether with a large still and fix tures. The names of the captured two are Ergbert and Harvey Wal ler, brothers. They gave bond in Kinston for tbeir appearance at next term ol the U. S. District Court. Yesterday a negro named Dock Whitley was sent to jail for committing an outrage upon Emma Hamilton, a little eight year old colored girl. The outrage oc. curred in the Patetown section of this county, and has greatly aroused the indignation of the peo ple of that section . The case will be tried next week in the Superior Court. jPraaerr. Te Bye. ,.-r . It U simply wonderful, the re potation Hawkee' Speotaelea and Jyq-glaiiew hare atUlaed tbroagbeut the United State.; they are knows from tbe Atlan ta to tbe Facino, and tbeir repntation Is built upon real merit. Tettimoniak from tbe moat eminent men of the country are gtren, wbo have had their eight tmprored by tbeir ne. . - All eyee fitted sad tbe fit guaranteed at tha drag Btore of F. S.Dnffy, New Berne. y.' -v -- , eepBtm Tsn aim makes tha. merchant, the spirit And energy, the . neat ness or bitterness of the character and life. When a merchant's aim is light i be t will have something tnat snail sumve defeat, glorify even poverty; and when accumu lating prosperity is bis, it shall not undermine his principles or make him insensible to the uses of wealth. Newsman. !( VxertaCBt. You cannot wast time in extort menting when your Ivnga are In dan ger. Corusnmption always, seems, at nret, only cold. Do not permit any dealer to impoae upon you with some cheap imitation of Dr. King's New pis corery (or Consumption, Coughs and Colds, bat be rare yoq get the genuine. Because he can' make more profit he mar tell you he has something just a good, or just the same. Don't be de ceived, but insist upon getting Dr. King's New Diaooverr, which Is guar anteed tegira relief in all Throat, Lnnif and Chert afleotioas. For eale at S. N. Duffy 'a drag store. ' Sale & Livery Stables. THK Kl EMS OF A A hi. HA. UN AND M. HA UN A COM PANY kaa been dla- olyed by 'be deatb if A. Habn, M. Habn jrlll continue the Duslneaa o( 1DALKJ 11.XOH ANU K ABU LIVERY of HORSES. MULES, ete., at the old ate-ui vi iod.ie atreet, where be baa been engaged In lb. aame builneaaln ttie clty1u.ee isee. will b. pleaaed to meet bia old frlenda and ooatomere. Will have on bead Indue aeaaon a FINE LOT OF HORSK9 and MV LK8. Alao. a FINK LOT OS" BliUGIKS and HARNBM. -8AT14FA0ri0N GUARANTEED. M. HAHN & CO. augil duDin Wanted Immediately ! 5,000 to 10,000 ACRES LAND, Well limbered with Pine, near trans portation. W.B.Boyd. REAL ESTATE AGENT. Newborn, N. C. d K. R. JOKES, Wholesale and Retail Dealer la CHOICE FAMILY GROCERIES AND General Merchandise, llAOOINO AJiD TIES Etc. Consignments of Grain, C i on and other Produce solicited. Prompt Attention Qua rn teed. W. Cor. South Front and Middle SI NEW BERNE, N. C. Use House's Chill Syrup RED LIGHT SALOON, Near Market Dock, Middle St , NEW BEENE, N. C., IS WHB.RK YOU CAN ALWAYS FIND PURE LIQUORS Of every variety, In large or small quautities. Also li Also tbe FINEST GRADES of TOBACCO AND CIGARS. All of which will be aold CHEAP FOR CASH ! John D. Dtnkikb, Salesman. E. WHITMAN, deo22dw Proprietor. mi's Fills SAVES JIONEY. On. tax of the, arflta will aa-ra mmmmp dellar la eerter'a etilla. The aura apaelaUr fr.yarel he ', Faxtiily Xlodioinoe a4 sjajhatilca wasa Ia4r fat. Taty sot aahealtay aeeaalattaws fraeai tha kdy, wlthoataaaaeo rrlgHaa'. aaasaea ae yasj mmm atsav. yssaa, ' sold ETurwriLEJiE. Willis, fdwardsi&Co, Bare reopened1 the New Sens Xaehiae Works, and bare added Tools -90 th sir works to do all A lad. of- Machine and Boiler Work at short notioe. U Tbey haye alao -added foundry-to their worke, and are prepared to do the beat of Braae and Iron Casting, ,Hoqm Plwmbing a rpeclalty. 1 tv If yon want rpod work rdv i s call. All work guaranteed and dore atprreev to ra't the timet. . Jjli wly ' . f -s. . .-f:;irj---Tt f. j PM71E1 Absolutely Pure. Tl1 powder nerer ranea. A aaarral of DoritT. auanrth. and wboleaomeneaa. Mot aeonomieal tuan the ontlnary kinda, and eecj aot be aold In eompetlUon with the maltltade or tow waal, abort weln.. atnm or pnoepaai powdera. Sold only In aana. Rotax Baki-I Powsaa Co.. lut Wall-t. N . Y botU4tw For tale in Newborn by Alex. Miller. HARDWARE. Hash, Doom and It limit, Paluts, Oils aud (iuss jMiiio, t'einent null I'luvhtcr, AND All Orud.s ol COOKING AND Ill-ATI NO MTOVtH, AT BOTTOM PRICES! UL. II. OUTLKR, 26 k 28 Middle Street, NEW IIKKjN E. N. C. ALEX. JUSTICE, DEALER IN Fifte Flour of all Grades, Selected Teas. Pure Coffees and Spices, Batter and Cheese, from the best dairies. Tbe Largest and Beat Selected Stork CANNED FRUITS AND VKGKTABL ever before brought to New Berne. Alao, a full variety of other goods, usual Sept lu a Klral-OUas Store. Goods delivered at any part of the free of charge. TKRMB CASH. Middle 8t, next to lliuiijilirey A Howard, New Heme, N. C. raarii7 dwlf GROCER, LOOK TO YOUR INTEREST PATAPSCO FLOURING MILLS 1 TT EITiBLIIHED ITT 4 rATAPSCO SUPERLATIVE PATEST Tbe Premier Vlor of America. This FLOCB baa lone been eonoeded to be perler te A ay Other In this Con airy All the Best Brands of American Flour are old on European marketa, wners in. "Patafesco Superlative" Lead and commands decidedly more money because It raaaea tbe WHITEST. SWEETEST AND MOST NUTRITIOUS BREAD. Ask your Grocer for lt ; also for PATAPftDO PAFIILT, VKurOHD tAHILY BALDWIN rAITIILV. MAPLJCTOM FAHlLYi C. A. GAMBRILLMANUF'G CO.. 214 COMMERCE ST., BALTO., MD, HEPRESBNTEt) BT E. K. BISHOP, Juul0d6m II BKJtHI N. C. KA8TBKN SORTS ClEOLIHi UARBLE WORKS, XEW BERNE. K. C. Monuments Tombs. ' " 1 41, .1 all klDds Oravs and BolMlni War A la ITALIAN4UJERICAN UARBLE Orders will raceiva prompt attention satiafactioB fnarantoed. . JOE K. WILLIS, Proprietor r ...... j .easesssnr M Oaorc. W.OlayTeoi.) -. Uor BROAD AS D C&AXJf 8U. IfXW BX&XX, If. t O. E- Miluis it my hthotise age s Kinston , saaBO-lrdw. , . at. anafoira, - dukot "MAaat. ' 81UH0H8 fiAMLt, ., alTT0II2rET8 JLT LAW;: . fill prmrtsm In fvarvmrtnf Vnttm.Jfmm 1 ', t. '(.. - t lw rmd Hyas ao4 la tba - - un at h I area. fE-fc - 4 . f Han made it his aim ibis season to select a stock of goods," wieh has and recommends itself to the better trade. In the higher grades of Hens, Youths, Bojs and Children's Clothing we have a complete line of neat and nobby designs at . -- '- POPULAR Would draw the special attention of fine ' trade to our PJBINCE ALBERT SUITS, which in material, trimmingg, make and fit are equal to the finest cos torn made work. J Our 8ILK-LINED OVERCOATS in light, mediam and iUrj: weights are Beauties, and will be sold at astonishing low prices. - '" Our SATIN-LINED CHINCHILLA OVERCOAT is an eleganV garment and will be sold as a - BARCAILM LEADER! In MEN'S FINE FURNISHINGS we show a larger and handsomer line than ever, especially so in fine ' " XJ 3J ID E5 1EI. "X7W IE -A. white, scarlet, colored and striped. . Ill HATS we carry the LEADING STYLES, including the NW Fedora in soft goods. , - Our Stock of Goods this season is TOO LARGE TO ENUMERATE ALL THE ATTRACTIONS, but would like for our friends to bear in mind that we also earry a handsome and most complete stock of BOOTS AND SHOES, AND DRY GOODS,' and are prepared to offer special drives in Ladie8' Corsets, UnderVeSts, Walking Jackets, Cloaks and Shawls, and fine all wool Blankets, Lap Robes and Horse Blankets. All our Ooods will be sold low, therefore for good goods ohcap call at ' ' NEXT TO Li. II. CUTLER, MIDDLE STREET. - Messrs. I). M. Jones of Carteret and DAVID CANADY of Onslow w:ll be pleased to show their friends through the stock. ooldv TW. eoetar tlM ltU.-r.rr1T ti not ulklnff bi I CM a Mrtou. IIIm. Tb.T Kv. .Imply JHi..nd. l mr, to Ih. wfUl ttwlr ifaoM. Tt. l.tt.r- TlH iMltf iIM 1. U, tti.l Ibe Jafnft 1 .4 SbM I. bUfc CimliiU riliJ UM ui Full lines of the above Shoes for said hy HOWARD & JONES, sole agents for New Berne. RBI,il;li.Hili:hY it a ?f 2Ta SEMI HAL PASTILLES 1 EllZJ Oara f or liamM Dahill t. Omnia thooaanjoaaaa tlratiaoiaU raawa snnUDiw ptTfeot Ba37aUMaiilr fjumata ajilvTiroroolllaj2, To t aoss waasagar mm turn mxtar acoar i 1 bToooEt snoot by Jadlaoratloa. &xnonr,0rniala Work, ortoo fra ht n I ms. aat that fom fmA aa rooy nam wl ta atatoinvn x of roor troobla, aaa boosts UUAtrAnaAOairhKa,vith Illaat'd PamphlMn. KUPTUREO PERSONS oan have FRAS 4 A' jreT , r 1 -ai DAIL BROTHERS, Wholesale HAVE REMOVED TO TUE1B TWO STORES, SOUTH OF A.nd keep of FLOUR, MEATS, MOLASSES. SALT, TOBACCO, SNUFF . AUD CIGAitS, V eTerythtnc In the GROCERY LIME, a FULL STOCK anel at W iaCE8 tor CASH. i i24b :- .BataaaaMW MOST BRILLIANT, PURE &PEEFE0T LENSUS Xaa the World. Cey era as traraTparant aaa eolorkwa as nf ht I taalf, and tor softness or .Ddnraocc to tbs y-e, eaBoot ba sxoclled, anablioa tb wahrar ta read ror hoar, wltbont fattfoe, la fcewttoeyar. , . . ... PKBr BCT SIGHT rBJSKBSXBS, : . TMtlBODlaU from tba laadnic pbyalolaas In tba CnllM atataa. Governors, enstora, Lcalator. atonk men, aaea O' note In all pro. faaaiona, and la diSerem braoehaa of trade, baakara. maehantea, ete, aaa b. (Ivan wbo have bed their slht Improved by their use. ALL EYES FITTED : AJ?D THE nr GUARANTEED BT 1 F. S. DUFPY' Err ft. IrH rr"TE, C. PRICES I rttttmn, 1.ac sndt'onrm, nnorf. aik your retailer mr the JAM KH M KAN 8 a4 KHOK or th JAMES MKAN8h3SHUK,ooanllniiloyournMd rMiunji none eoauM uuku our aianip appears plainly oc tbe snas, ' JAMES MEANS S4 SHOE Win not wear so long as the JAMES MEANS S3 SHOE, Tvcmt it H rtwdc fir mfn whnte oconpfttions flrn ttichu tuttlihtiri ll tall for a liphlf r nr more dressy ittoe tiitn t: c .IAMKS JtllCANS tiii SIIOK. Our J SbM h4 i-ptnhliali'Hl for iisxir a ptrmanrnt rrpuUtion for cifDii 1 1 dt.rnhilliy sut h as no oihrr alioe liuJ evr knows in tit ),.Mirv nf t:iirmlc No rtirrMM-iiiori n? tt le to ppmtiri li 1 tic .lames M.-ttiit Wl Shoe Is In i t end uyiMi, inul It Is us durublc us iiny khito ol" its weight fVif ft.UtU fattnrrd Vc conlttVittly csrrl fiat In cvrry vital r! ftrfnttc Jamrs M'nn A fhoo is riiio to thd liitul-sfiTt d thin vtMcli have M!l.no bn rrtsikd tit ftfi t $7 It has a H.' c 1 ("P Bii'l iwnWilfFS rntf vnrnp. ll n H-rffclly sinnolli fi;it:oo innrtp. It f.n l.L a siorklnp. and roqnlrrs no hrrakias lu,'" Uitiif jxTit t Mye"T the nrsi tn: ll Is vorn. Jitmps Means and n ' 8)urs were the f1rt la f'tsj rmintry to iK-fatnisivrly ndvrnlsT! If ) ou have bw.. disMTtpntnird in other advi rti-d Shoes. yiur rxjirr-fUca , fiiiglit to tin eh you trrni it Is safer tit lnty thnta DUhlt br r,r )ndTa of a gTstrtn, ml In? r than m&tl by tm followrrs. 1 sIkm s ar auM by Hi beat retail! thnmHMit tlte I'nit'd Mates, and its will place then aily within your rvach. lu u fcrtuls w Territory if pm will Mod ua t postal card. James Means & Co- 41 Lincoln St.. Boston. Mass. : ( ' Hi I . I. L-l . . m -1 . 1 tail Avoid Mm am in L a as itta sarmsat annsbssa. wsKsafjsnij'au: una, jiua til 1 1 imii 1 1 o paainaat, or aw paia Mat of diaau, IU wcmH ocinaosiTSSiisuus iMatloa to Ui, Hat ofdiMaa, k. ipwu faaottoaaof tba konaa omain Moid. IvT HARRIS REMEDY CO-emcrr- Trial of our Appliance. Aak tor Terms! . paswaiji'ijs) nusi abd tvil OoanCk. BLWlOblaMa UaairtiO. I wastatisi ;:r,1 " Grocer ft '"1 THEIR FORMER STAXD, COFFEE. BtJQAB, tyura ROBERTS & 5ENDERS01T Only flrtt class Companiea , '; sd hi ti-.-; r, ;. . -: - rirt, llfs ttlAMtttti tararaat., c Total .Capital VoVef-iTortj 'Millicnso S DollaT..' : r JnnS lalf v. p. ounnus c c?., ; GRAD & COTTON COJIIMISSiON; MEECnAIs'TS, : SEW B ERSE. NV O " ' tBtvSdwtf - t.Awm. c.a.roT, simmoxs a m Gfecn,;F67:fi;teo;, C; WSak EOCTH F' '

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