: q ivr A" r f:tr c m a n? Neithei ;CuBtcon un Bhakeape. but THE PUBLIC may" and m their pat ronage jtot, will mt heir money by bnrin VDry Goods. Boots, Shoes and Notions Atlf. I Pattersons Stores, Oa KIDDLE STREEr. Jier' Hotel Albert, when LOW PBICES and Sellable ' VTOOafl AM f &KaaiI rf All tL. Tr.i . . , Mi . ) vwwi, bo iu rwiMKCr was VI UJO !(.. ; ., Prepara for' Cold Waves by aeonring a pair of Wool Blankets, handsome Com- " "rai ueu iuu nomen, neai ana nooDy tim for , i young men, fine line of Bordered Handkerchiefs for Ladies and Gentlemen, complete line of Hosiery, Collars, Cuffs, 8hirto, Merino Underwear, Shawls. ' " itl . a ostcftels, Uate, Caps, Piece Goods -in fact everything in nnt-claM goods too numerous to mention. . J ' READY-MADE CLOTHING ;! Bpjolalty, for Boys.'Toothe and Men, aPrrioes so low that would cauie the ,-. batrftogrow on "Bill Nye's" head in astonishment. jJTW dangerous, so come while you have the opportunity and secure The only solution of this puzzle may be obtained at F. T. Patterson's Store: ': - potstuohtiwskoolngisaynnufwohees THE "JOURNAL. ar! War! AGAINST HIGH PRICES. Look Out for the War. HaviDg ju8t returned from the North with a Large Stock of MCEllVS, BOYS -AN J) Children's Clothing. I can give yon Men's nice suits as low as 3.7.", ltoy'a Suits for 3. Children's knee suits $2.25. I also haw a large and well selected stock of 8HOE8. I can give you Ladies' nice liutton Shoes for 65c. Boy's nice Shoes, f 1.00. 300 Dozen Mens, Boys and Children's Hats ! A nice Hat lor Boys either Soft or Stiff as low us 15c. I guarantee to salt you in stock of either Wool, Straw, Soft or Stiff. Also a well selected to 50c. I 'ndershirts 20c. Ladies, A good Dress Shirt from Xk ,Childrens aDd Men's Hose, 5c. A Special Drive in Boys and Men's Shoes. Men from 75c. up. ( I ood Shoes for A LARGE AND WKLL SKLECTEI) STOCK OF Dry Goods, Carpets, Mattings, Oil Cloths TBTJNKS, VALISES, and a flue lot ol GENTS' SCARFS from 2Jc, to 600," And other bargains too numerous to mention. Come one, come .all, and be convinced that I can sell jou more goods for a little money than any other house in the city. Win. STJJLTuVJX, Bishop Building, opp. Baptist Church, New Berne, N. C. JlB. A. Thomas and Jab. E. Smith, Salesmen. vTowels, 5c, Linen Handkerchiefs, 5c. Men's Hats 25c, Boys 15c, INSET SCHOOL, Girls and Young Ladies , 1ST. -v.- Villi AAPna rtf Ttianhara "Boarders. -a: r. .Write for tersis to jnnl0 dwtf New Building. Ample accommodation's for JOSEPH KIN8EY, PRINCIPAL. BOLDEST AND LABGESr MUSIC HOUSE IN VA. WalterD. 0 14 MA1N.STR EET. RICHMOND. VA. pianos and Orgsns oa easy monthly plan at factory prices. Old Instramants taken, in szohangs, bought, rented and repaired. : ' r Ihwim Stack f IHKEf SUT SIC " )nvrootion Books of all kind. Special Dla toast to TMtotiof and School. OfcUJofaos mailed fre. - AMortmcnt of JCoato seat on - :i0cuionlf fleatred. strings tor Ml afmla lint merit. - a few antaWT aaod Pianoa and J oorn of ataadard mk from tX to tSUO. I ipnu of DobsoB'a Professional Mirer Ball t Bantna. - . . - i - . . . - J Vkina,Aoord!IOBa, and TcrrUilns In tb VnslealUn. nflenoo :: 'td.' Catalosnes mailed free) ?rtli Caroling Agtnt . r.s applioatioa at the flffioe of :cre, comer r-ro1 en 3 VMVflt r" t . r. c, BEFOBE THE BADT. AVJCLU RTVES. The blackoaps pipe among the reeds, And there 11 be rain to follow : There is a murmur as of wind In eery ooisjn and hollow ; The wsens do chatter of their feare While swinging on the barley ears Come, hurry, while there yet is time, full up the scarlet bonnet, Now, sweetheart, as my love is ihitie. There is a drop upon it. So trip it ere the storm-hag wtird. Doth pluck the barley by the beard. Lo ! not a whit tooeoon we're housed The storm with yells aoo?e ue. The branches rapping on the panes Seem not in truth to lore us. And look where through the clover Lu.-b The nimble footed raiu doth rush A Peasant's Adventure. When Peter the Great was reign ing iu Moscow, and St. Petersbuig was uot yet built, a Kussian peasant iu a tattered sheepskin irock wiis cutting spot ou one of the central Kussia. It was a burulDg summer day and hia work had made him very hot aDd tiled, but one could see by his downcast face and hanging head that some great trouble was pressing harder upon him than even this fatiguing labor. Looking up in one of the pauses of this work, turf cutter saw a tall young man coming slowly over the plain to meet him. The new comer wore the greet), gold laced unilorm of the palace guards; lut the lace was so faded and tbe coat itelt to threadbare tliat one would have judged tbe uflicer tube either a very careless man or a er poor OIK. "lie lotiks as ll he bad Ins! Ins way," muttered the peasant as the stranger halted and glanced dubi ously around him. '! must tee il I can't put him right; it's always a comfort when one's iu trouble one's sell, to help homebody cite out of it." The young officer did not look like a man who would need much help from any one. He was tallei by, ftir than any whom the peasant had yet seeD, and his broad chest and sinewy limbs showed signs ol enormous strength. His smooth handsome face wore a rather sad look, as he walked slowly, as ll either tired or in deep thought, but there was an air of conscious power in his upright beaming and the tlrm set of his head, as if he felt himself tojbe a match, and more than a match, for anything he might meet. Alllioug he seemed to be the sort of a man whom one would much rather have lor a friend than lor an enemy. Hello, brother," said the stranger, in a deep strong voice. 'Am 1 far from the village of V oik hoflT 1 think I must have gone wrong somehow." "Your honor has gone wrong in deed," answered the peasant, shak ing his head; "it's a long way from Volkhoff. You go eastward to a big tree standing by itself, and then you must turn southward to a small lake. Then after that you'll make a big bend to the right, and "Oh, I shall never be nble to re member all that," said the officer laughing. "Suppose you come along with me and show me the way yourself." "1 would do it gladly, your honor," Raid tbe peasant hesitatingly. "But if I lose the day's work then '' "rou shall loose nothing by help ing me, be assured of that," said the young man, gravely. "How much do you earn iu a dayt" 'Twenty kopecks," (15 cents.) "Twenty kopecks," echoed the stranger, looking down pityingly at the poor, tired man, who worked so hard for such a scanty pay. "Here is half a rouble (37 cents) for joo, and now come along, uy ine by, if we pass near your house you might carry your turf home at the sane time." "It would need twojourncys to do that, your honor." "Two!" Why those four basksts would surely hold it all." "There's not a man in Russia, yonr honor, vrbo can carry all four at onoe when they are full. The two smallest are enough for me." "Not a man in Russia, eh!" said the young officer. "We'll try that. Sling Uiose four baskets over my shoulders, and then fill them." The laborer hesitated, but the young man spoke like one accus tomed to be obeyed. As he stooped to receive tbe basket?, tbe peasant slang them over his shoulders, two before and two behind, and then piled the turf till all four were piled to the top. Then it was a sight to see the great towering figure rise slowly to its Tall height tinder the load and strode away bo briskly that the amazed peasant had hard work to keep a p. A short walk brought them to a wretched hovel that was the poor turf cutter's only borne, and while tbe latter was emptying thelbaskets the stranger's bold eyes were penar 'ears before he had bought at a igh price from a rich neighbor a small tract of ground that had proved to be hardly worth having at all. Moreover, not being able to pay for it at the time, he had got in debt, and the debt kept growing larger from the high rate of interest charged upon it, till he was almost driven to despair. "It don't seem fair, does it?'' he concluded; "but what can I do! He is rich and J, am poor and li .end less." "(Jan such things be doue in KossiaT-' muttuied the officer. "It is time lor a change!" His great black cms lighted as bespoke, Willi a llash of au. h tel-j nble anger as he spuke that the peasant thrank in dismay, lint th young tuau aked as ijuu tly as , ever; Yb ib i,': ,.u . .. the ; C.aif ' 1 "Itje('.U' W htt dues i.e .ile lor a poor peasant . "It is woith tfMli'. !l;'UJ!i." ca.d turf in a lonely j tie the oung man earnestly, "lor gieat plains of V0Urs is truly a .! hard e.i.-e. SAVE T That Dollar of Yours! There are Hundreds of Places to Spend It. THERE IS BUT ONE PLACE TO SAVE IT. bats ol).' ' 1 he oup up. tall ! Come, I'll tell mil w hat I'll d- 1 m gomt' to Volkhi'll to i:a et the t .ar it u il his ofliier , who Mill be there toda3', and I can gvt iti hanee of speaking to him, I ' i 1 In I "V to his body guard.'' "Me se:ik to the t'ai !'' 'Why not? lie's oiilj, . man like ou .iijiI me. l' e sp.iki u to hi in m vm-I ! , and I'm none ! lie WOI sc. " "lint how shall 1 know h i :n 1 1 oin the I est ol t he ollicci v "Ali the le-t will li.te 1 I oil. but the .II ill kerp I 1 1 all an hou i later, r.is! came m .-lht ol olkholl, a 'i ol rie!il dressed horsemen lode ho, 1 he moment ! hey saw 1 1 e ollicer I a spi all n 1 1 om 1 1 1 -i i b ip es and took oil their hat.-. The peasant's sin, bur i.ed local turned while as a sheet, and he glanced with a bewildered an lioin the otlieers to the queer smile. "Well brother,'' he added, ' h.ne ou found out the Car elT" " ell,'' said the peasant, star .11' as il his ees would st.iri liom hi head, "it must he either y mi or I. for all the rest have their hat- oil!" "So It seems," laughed I'etel I he Great "W ell rn lad, Prince Ment shlkoll' here will see you righted and the rascal who cheated tin punished as he deser es; and I hope you will never a'ari think the Czar unmindful of the troubles ol his people.'' A Sound l.eal Opinion K. ll.iinliriilxe Mundiiy. Knj , I'ountv Any . . (lay Co. Tex. , snyi-. "lluve usisl Klerlric llitterH with inoMt liajipy re Bulls. My brother ulso wbh very low with iniilariul fever ami jaunilioc, but waH cured by timely line of this medi cine. Am wit lulled KUrtrii' Iiillern naved his life. Mr. I). 1. WilcoxBon of Horse Cave, Ky., adds a like testimony, saying : He Ksitively believus, he would have died, had 1 1 not been for Electric liittern. This (jreat remedy will ward oir. an well as cure all malarial diseases, and fur all kidney, liver and stomach disor ders standB unequaled. Trice T0o. and $1 at K. N. UulTy's druK store. Gives you all the Quality and Styles that others do, and 'tis AT BAKER'S i You Save the Dollar! Wary, chary people that must see to believe, are especially invited to cast their optics over BAKER'S Bargains for Fall and Winter. The equal an; thin and are m Hiii' rapidh oil evei saw MONI loi ij.ialil;. I Mi I'l arol at.et ol style, Save $1! Save $5! Save $10! on ha e ll all V111 way, o the lii'le ou b,i tl. iru uled Miu spend 3 our m"he at A. M. IIAKKIC'.S. more on save, W hi.!,, Hi l'i ice is dead and bin led not wciilth , he sells his ood- too he luund the means to bury Hi True. 1 1 1 in out, but Kakcr did il, and now tl, on noii to look at his l ine Slock d he in selling l'.akei s i xpi usc . liaker ia if i i lo be I r ou bled t hat way, but It was a bi undertaking to lay I 1 is Inn led deep, Maker calls ill and W inter (loods, which Very, Very Olaotvp, to meet the short crops and hard time-. Smait buyers are quick to take a hint, so we expect to see you soon NO HOUSEHOLD SHOULD DE WITHOUT tratlng the mis era hie and poverty stricken place. A few kind words potea Mthey ttarted off igaiii went straight to the poor peasant's over l -ri' - - r 1 1 ? art, and tbe whole c-r;- f v r '-f ( ;g c". r?me iuti DX3SPEPSIA, eftfiSTLESSNBSS-i y ITKICTLT fOTl QtTk.tS MILT MIOICIHC 1MII Sll PHILADELPHIA. Jnrr flNE Dollir e. til at Tb majority of the IIU of the human body arle from dlceaMd Liver. Sim mons Liver Regulator baa been tbe means of restoring more people to health and happlneas by giving them a healthy Liver than any other agency on earth. BXS THAT TOU GET THE GEXTTNE. GEORGE ALLEN & GO. DEALERS IN General Hardware Agricultural Implements. Plows, Barrows, Cultivator, . Hoes and Axes, Wood's Mowers and Reapers, Steam Engines, Cotton Gins and Presses, Fertilizers. Land Plaster, Kamit mechanics Tools and Bard ware, Lime, Brick, Cement, Plaster Hairs Paint, Kalsomine, Var nish, Oil, Glass, Putty and Hair. "Freezers, Refrigerators,. OU Cook . tOTes, Eureka Burglar Proof Sash Loeks, warranted to rlre security and satisfaction; f PRICES VERY LOW. . , ;' CrO. ALLEN & CO. .lust rend a list of the Good Goods at Chi .ip I'ric s at l'..ikei's : Vnril wide Domestic at oc. per j;ml. Three-quarter wide Domestic at 1c. per .irl. Good Ciiliro at -"ic ; fast colors. An elegant sto k ol White and Ked 1 l.u.iiel. in pl.i.n and tw ill. Il jouareal all unwell, call lor uui Medicated Ked I'luniiel. Ladies' Hose, good qtialily, ai 10c. ier pair. 1. auies' Hose, not as good as the aboe, at per p.m. A full stock of full regular nuide Hose for Ladles. Our Mock of I.AD1KS' DLIiSS GOODS is complete in every depart ment, including the popular Trece m plain and fancy. We have a nice line of ( LOA KINGS m dillercnt Kles at very low prices. 'e are carrying those popular Clemant, Weil & Ball Shoes. If you want a shoe lor comfort and sty lo, try them. One pair will spoil you to you tfill never want to wear any other make. Then we have a store full of very desirable things, Mich as is kept iu any dry goods store. These goods we muM sell, so we have marked them down at bottom prices. Don'ti forget to drop inland see our latest Bargains. "Wonder what Baker will be", up to next," remarked a .respected citizen the other day. Well, his bargains are so cheap and such good goods for so little money, 'tis hard to tell, but in the meantime just call and see his Bar gains. U Don't forget -. ...'