l:3D0E;! feat Bxecutbr'rSalei I T7ILL SELL FOR THE NEXT TdlTY DAYS Th entire REAL AND PERSONAL PROPERTY owned by the lat HANNAH COHEN, decesed ; 8i niee Dwelling Houses, loeted on Pollock and Hancock streets, in f ood condition, 11 well rented ; one large three ttory sub cellar iron front building, corner Pollock and Hancock utreets, known as the Weinstein Building. Also, Beveral Farms in Graven county, near the city of New Berne. , : AU of the Above Property will be sold at Llw l'ricvs and Easy Terms. Fof farther information emiuire of yJ Vfm. COHEN, at Weinstein Building. '$2$000 Worth of Goods to be Closed Out. ' I will also sell the Entire Stock of Clothing, Foreign and American, CaSSUnere, and Broadcloths and luls Goods of all descriptions'; ai: immense took of Dry Goods, Boot and Shoes, Hats and Cap-", and Ladies and Qentl' Furnishing Good.-, ai d a large Mock of (:yet, wl.icl will be sold at a great oacrlfioe, and a good many more poi.Jn too iiuuirrouf to mention. " The above goods will be sold FIFTY i'EU (TINT les-s than their value. IfAUo, a large stock of Saddlery and Buggies of dirkrtut manufactures will : be told regardless of cot. J&W Remember, lam selling llu above proju-rty -ini r'o i- i- Miilo up the estate and they mu.-t he sold within 'Thirty ". J All I ak is for you to come and con iLi i- vouraeh e.. : W REMEMBER THE 1'l .U K, ATirxxx. COHEK, Ocl2 dwtjanl THE CHEAPEST, THE. FLCILEST', A.xxcl tin Laiosi Styles .V ' " IN '. 1. . ' Men's, Youth's and Children's '- In 4-buttou Cutau.ns. Frincc AlU'ilc. Square ;ml Count) ( ul S.icLs. j jnade from the best of Corkscrews ;nul Cassnoeie . V You will now find at i M. H. SULTAN'S, "At Rock Bottom Prices, Lower thau the Lowest Without Exception : Aline line of Silk Lined and Silk Faced, in ln-a and liJi! wight, " Overcoats, in the most t;isliion.il! colois. ,i' t he lowest prices t imaginable, i' A larger aud finer Fine in GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS, -than ever. Also a very attractive assortment d the latest Sty ies and patterns Gent's Neckwear. . In Soft and Stiff Hats we carry l lie latest and leading sty Ies. Oar Stock oi BOOTS AND SHOES is coinpl. ie in even paitien -' laJ, and at prices that cannot lie duplicated. - We also have not forgotten the Ladies, and desire i.. ,, then alien tien to our J Most Elegant Line of Dress Goods, which we will sell at Reduced Kates, and wliiih will ( liable any une to bay B large lot ol goods lor a little money. ft We call their special attention to the best assorted slock ol New markets, Wraps, Dolmans, Walking Jackets and Jerscxs in the city. Also, a full liDe of Carpets, Ruga and Blankets. iy Give him a trial before purchasing your goods, as you will find it to your own interest to do so. OC12 dvrtf R. H. Duffy, AND DEALER IN urgical Appliances, Druggists' Sundries, &c, GUINN'S riONKKR 1U.OOI) cnreoiKhenmatigm. 13 Jiargest, bes eclected ;ind cheapest Ime ol FINK CIGARS in Ibaclty 40,000 just received. The wholesale trade especially looked after. - Makes a specialty of H1TKRIOK LIQUORS lor medicinal purposes. IT prescriptions compounded vrith care and dispatch. OEDias Solicited. 11. IV. DUFFY, selSdv -Korth-west cor. Middle and Pollock 6ts., Kew r.erne, C. STEAM EBB. Stsamer Howard. Commencing MONDAY, the 12th day of Bp pt ember, 1887, the Steamer HOW- AK.D will ran the followinfj schedule: j Tot 'Trenton, every Monday aDd ' i . .-:3ay; retamlpK erery Toesday aod Satrir- lp New Eirer eTery Wednesday, 1 retarobBraday. . ' ' : l9 & wtf L; ... .1 i j a t jlj NOTICE-! Fx. for Hannah Cohen, deceased, Weinstein HuilJm;-. cor. Pollo.'k and MMdle t-., NEW BERNE, N. C. Ana .Tones' ld Stand. ALL KIND3 OF KENKWHR-jnvaloable for the J. W. STEWART, 3a HEA1QUABTEB8 FOB Mt l.KH, HORSES and BUGGIES. Eonea and Oanifagttt to nlre at reaaonable rata. Cverr-tblng gaarastMd aa reprewnted,, apli d lTy Broad St., NeWbera. V, C. WARTBD LADIES for oor rail ad Cbrutmaa Trade, to tae 1 1 sjh t , plraaanl worV st their owl home $1 te U per day raa be qntotij made. Work aetU by mail any dUtoDC. Particnlan free, fro paBTaa Sln(. AOd-rrm at out, CRBICEVT AJIT CO., U MPk ft.. Boeton. Maaa. Boal7. -a 29 dwim ' rTRlf DIKO ADTKBTIfiKBa aboakl GEO. P. feamaOl. St ."; IB ttpra eu eet, irew Yrk caty. 9mt telecf TUtri,POlalV!PaPKBS. - WBl tx ara( ril EE, on arrllfatloo. Druggist, THE f JOTJENAJJ. , A8lj ao4 Crafty Toast t ee. j r , The yuDg Qaueen of Spain, who spent a.' fart; of the'fcariimmer at the set' side,' employed an ingen ious device to avoid the gaze of the crowd while she took her daily b&th. She sent one of the ladiea'of her court, wearing; a bathing dress exactly like her own, into the water first, and ordered the attendants to pay her all the resptct and homage usually offered to herself! Thous ands of spectators gazed upon the scene while this lady sported in the waves, aud dispensed an soon as bhe vanished, dripping, into the bathiughouse. Then the queen herself entered the water, aud enjoyed her bath in peace. Thus all parties were pleased, even to the lady who acted as queen for twenty minutes. BucklM'i Arnica Salvs. Tufe Best Salvk in the world for CuU, Bruisee, Sores, Ulcers, S&n Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapjed Hands, Chilblains, (Virus, and all Skin Eruptions, and positively' cures piles or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money re funded l'rice 25 cents per boi. For sale bv K N DufJv deelfi lv The Ueuuty of American women often puzzles loreiguers, who can not account for it. One ingenious lady of foreign birth has produced the theory that the reason that Americans have such goods forms is that tlit ir restlessness and ner vousness prevent their being long in one position, no that any defect h not likely to become fixed. ! Disirtss After Eat'ng. The result of indigestion will no lon fcer be experienced if Simmons Liver I Regulator U taken after each meal, ll in such a good difteetor, and to mild and lrlt-axu.nl io its ttfecl that it is UBed by many, after a hearty meal, to insure ! good digestion. The Regulator does not 1 nnuseate or irritate the stomach, but corrects acidity, dispels foul gases, al lays irritation, and ascirts the stomach m lis digestion. J. 11 I'KAUTKEU. liABIL MANLY. JOHN H. CRABTREE & CO. ENGINEER8, Fouudeia and Machinists, Manufacturers and Dealers in idNBISES AUD MACHINISTS' SUPPLIES. Ikulldrra of Knluea ISollrra, Sam Mills. lidf;liiK V ul off !1 h I n e . e hi e r- ih I t-ii t " t I ' ' III I kl 11 (lb w 1 1 h )! oii.lme I'm 1li iiiHt tainl 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ( 1 , ti l' H'lciillon u:rii . i i -pa ; i I n.11 kl mis V v Mill L Ih(1 to il plaiih mid ffcllUlM trB foi hii' til-'') lptlon uf Mim liim-ry. W r ft it- l lit unntH for the ea le of I he A nr lii.n saw AIiki for ti A A Kar.;aiuln a celt LruUil 1 mlfisl i urn ilt Mlt a Yulvtti, We ilv-f mit isfactory gunrantet' f i all work DR. J I) CLARK NKW1IHI, . O. UOn n Craien itiHl, bat wo a Pollock ai.l Uroael spr7idAy OLD DOMINION Steamship Company. Tit '-WEEKLY LINE. Thf Old Dominion Steamship Com p.nf'i Old and Pavorlt M'ater Ronfe. xlm Albemarle and Chesapeake Canel. FOB Norfolk, Baltimore, New Vork, Phlla delphla, Boston. Prorldencc. And all points, North, East and West On D,1 afu-r MONDAY, ACGl'BT :iTB until lui-tlier notice, tte Steaoners New Berne ui Fmlico will sail from NORFOLK, Va.. for NEW I1KHNK. via Wellington, Mofftlays, Wednes days and Fridays, making close Connection with llic Hleamer of the N. A 1'. K. HI). IO., for Kins ton Trenton, and all other landings on tbe Nense and Trent Rivera. Returning, will aall from MEW BEKNE for NORFOLK direct. Mondays, Wednes days and Fridays at . M.. making connec tion with tbe O. 1) S. . Uu.'s ships for New Tork, B. 8. P. Oo.'s steamers for Baltimore. Clyde I.lns Hblps for Phila delphia, and M A M.T, Oo.'s sblps for Bos ton and 1'rovldenoe Oar untiring efforts to please our patrons, and onr almost perfect service for the put t wel ve y ears, is the best guarantee we oan offer all shippers as to wna we will do for ibetn In the future. Order all goods cars of O D. S. B. Co., Nor folk. Va. Freights not receive! .'or finlpnent after 11 a ro. on sailing days. raaaengers will and s good tabic, comfort able rooms, and every oon rtesy and atten tion will be paid them by the officers, B, ROBERTS, Agent MESSK8. CTLPEPPER A TPBNEB, Agent. Norfolk. Va. W. H- STANFORD. U. F. A P. AgU, New Tork City. Hyde Line Company. NEW BERKS. It. 0., APRIL It, 1887. BCUafEB SCHEDULE (yr THE STEAMER 3VX.ZIO-XZ3v To go Into effect on and after May 1st, 187, Wednesday Leave New Berne at SEVEN A.M. for Bayboro, stopping at Adams Oreek, Smiths Creek, Vandemer and Stonewall. Thursday Leave Bayboro at SEVEN A. af . lev New Berne, stopping at Stonewall, Vaode mere. Smiths Creek sad Adams Creek. Saturday Leave New Bern at SEVEN A. at for Bayboro, stopping at Adams Creek. Smiths Creek, Vandemera and Stone wall. Monday Leave Bayboro at SEVEN A. at. or New Berne, stopping at Stonewall, Van demera, Smiths Creak and. Adams Crack. By this arrangement We are able to make etaes connection with tne North ere steamers, saw having good ettcomtnodeAtona both For passengers and fr IgUt at very low rates, and ask tbe nserebaats and prodocera along Its Une to give It tbetr eheetraleapport. freight received ander cover every day of the week. For further Inforxftattoa Boaire at the emoa, foot of Craven street, Ot any of Its agents a the following ptaoeK ! - abb. lii, aaams vreeK, f - - - B. L. MrwMOAU fmitt Creek, r , i D. H, A f POTT, VandemRfw, - -C, R r'OWim.P'TwX '. FOWLED A VOVTLuu -Tboro. ' ' ap2flw - M-. T ' "TT "" " ', 'MTca.-r::ifcVi. Our store Jr ffllod tth Provisions,; Grp;crie, Ctauned GedXry.tjods. Crockery, - Etft. 17s keep aUlios rftb ; . Oelebrated Prison Boots and ' Shoes. . 0. S. Parsons & Sons Boots and Shoes. Every pair warranted o gits aatia t action. rinnnfcrv mArnKknla mnA lhA nAAnU generally are requested to call aud ex amine our laijre stock before purehae- ing. we wm Ktveyouiow nguree. We job Lorillard Snuff. ROBERTS & BR0.f 8outh Front ai.. Aew Bern. N. O THE Jeweler FOR Watches, Diamonds, Fine Jewelry, Etc. jySl dwjm J 8TK AM 12KS. EASTERN CAROLINA DISPATCH The l ast Freight L;n N.wbeiB., Kaalcru fHoilki l.tulln Point, aud Norfolk, Ualtlmoir. Philadelphia. lte or k. Ilo.le.-,, Kte. via Kllubelh ( llj . ,N. . Uomuit-ni-liiK Al'lil I. '.' II, . 1KS7, ilie aieHlu ers KAUI.K1' aud Vtwl't-U will run on regu lar schedule lime, leaviufj ewberoe every MONDAY, Tl'KHDAv, WHDNKHDAT and FRIDAY at K1VK 1M.. lor Klliaoeilj Oltj. aud reUirn ou tbe following dae. TUeae si imm In connection with the Atlantic A N. C. K. K.. Norfolk HouUieru K. H , New York, Hilla and Norfolk H. K-. aud Uie 1'tumy Ivanla K. h . form a reliable and regular lluo offering tuperlor facllllle for nlck trim ipor La lion No Irausera exot pt at KDaabeth City, at which point freight a III be loaded on oara to go through to dcatlnetlon, lilrect all goods to oe hlpied via Eaateru Carolina Illspatch dally aa follow!: from Norfolk by N. B. K 11., Balto. by P. W. 4 H. K 11, freldent Mt. Sialic n; 1'hila. by Pen nay Ivan la K. It.. loa Ht. Htatlon: New York by 1'enu. R. H., 1'H-r Z7, North klver Provldenoe und Hoalou by .Vew York aud New Knglaud R H. ltala aa low and time quk kar than by any other line An additional boat will lie put on UiH route aa early aa practicable, au d a aohedule arranged for four trips eaoh week. OtO. HENDERSON. Agent, feb'JOdw Newberne. N. (J. run. NEUSE & TRENT RIVEE toamboat Company. Will run tbe following Schedule on and afle January 1st, 1887. Steamer 1 rent Will leave New Heme for Trenton every Monday and Friday at V a. m., returning, will leave Trenton every Tueaday and Sat urday, touching at al, points along the river Steamer Klnaton. W ill li-nve New Berne for Klnaton on Tues days and Fridays at 12 o'clock, M. Return ing, will leave Kins ton on Mondays and Thursdays: Touching at all Intermediate Landings on Neuae River. J. J. DI80SWAY at Newbern W. P. Stari-t. Klnston. U. 8. Bask us, folloks villa W. E. WARD, Agent at Trenton M. C. 8mitb, Jolly Old Field J. B. BAirxa, Uuaker Bridge. J.U. WHTTE.Gen'l Manager, ab7dAw Klnston. N. C: Cu&igi of Pier in lev Tor.. The N. C. Freight LiDe FOR NEW YORE, BOSTON, PROVIDENCE, -and all point iVorthan4 West afwr this date will rasei vs freight la Nsw for lew Bene at PIEK 7, NOBTU R1VKK, Otfai jtf New Tori And Baitimot Trantforiation Co. Uercbaats shoald remember taat thU Is oaai hs beet Btsass (Uaes oat of BrsMVork, makia ally eoaaectJon with Balttiaor for Mew Bens ' U taalds, sad only ens change. SEMI-WEEKLY STEAMEBS Bitvin Iiy Strut ud EiIlizDJi at orMk " . ' i-: Leaving Vsw Bsras for BalHmers TTJEBDAT ' FBiDATS at 1 p m. Laave Baltimore fo Rrw Bene WEBNE8DATS daA BAT CROAT . s.n.sa. Egeats an as follsws: 1': EUBKN FOSTER, Oenl Jfanagar, . . . NLlghtSk.Bal't.a1 AS. W. HeOABRIOK. Ag't, WorfdavTA. . W. P. Olyaa Oo, FhUaaslpkla, H Sottt harves. - r;-, .- .:. i Tork A Baito-Traaa tiae,Pter JTorth rfvw E.gsMr. alortw, sSOeetralwaajt" - , , .HRortw.ll, Provldeae R.I. r ' . O. aftak, Fall Blver, Derrick wharf -ships leavs hos ton, Tneed ays aatA Satardara Nsw York dally. - . " Balttaera, WadaaadaysaaaiatarAay Frtda Slvar. JEonaaya, Weaaasaays A j. Frotlaeaetr, Satwxdays. i ;. ; IrsagTl bills lading erven, aal ratesgnaraa teaUpetaUat the dlffarsst oess o - inaAtsav ..-, ' ..-J -i i?' y -'.. .a Has returned from the Northern Markets, and now his Large and Commodious Store; if packed with poods, direct from Importers, Jobbers and Uanufacfiirer I am now prepared to oner better 'jSdlxceS ments for. the future than ever in the past. K My Stock. is much larger and could ot'be better selected, I buy CASH, which enables me to sell cheaperB Give me a trial and be convinced that;h SSft O, M is really the LEADER J It would be folly for nie to attempt I TLe most elegant line of that has ever been brongbt to this market, including all tbe Latest (Styles, Beautiful Suitings and Cloakings. All the Latest Novelties in Fancy Goods! Silks! Satins! Velvets and Velveteens!' t OVk Such a line of Shoes never was exhibited in this place before. Mens Ladies, Misses and Children's ol all descriptions in endless variety. Aud iny line of Ladies, Misses and Children's Cloaks' well you will have to come anil" sec them, they are beyond descrip tion, the largest, handsomest and BEST line in the city. Also a hand some lot ot ' . Wraps and Shawls, Flannels, Etc., Etc. ' Iff It" XV DON'T FAIL J 4J to nee my line of CARPETS, 4 before purchasing, which is very large, embracing all grades from the cheapest to the best : All wool Three ply. Brussels, all wool Iograina, etc., etc. Napier Matting, Pine Matting, Oil Cloths, all widths, Table Oil Cloths, Mats, Rugs, etc., etc. By calling at my store you will find yery , many things that cannot be mentioned here ; ; space would not permit, and besides they are too numerous to mention. ? ' Two thousand five hundred yards 3-4 Cashmere at 10c. per yard Doable width Cashmere, 15c. per yard. ---All wool Sacking, 15c. per yd. Infants' Shoes, 15c. and upward. The prettiest and best Ladies' Button Shoe in the city for 11.25 Pants Cloth, 10c np. Fine imported English Half Dose, 12c. per pair. Towels, 5c. np. Turkish Bath Soap, 5c. Good Note Paper, 5c. quire. Envelopes, 5c. pekg. All silk Ottoman Ribbon, 5c. yard. Bose and Half Hose, 5c'. pr. Heavy Ribbed Hose, 10c. pr. Linen Cape Collars, 5c. , t5 Ladies' Kid Gloves, i button, 50c, new goods. ' Ladies' Boncle Jerseys, 60c, worth $2.00. Ladies' Collars and Cuffs, 5c. Red and white Flannel, 15c. np. , " i -' Corsets, 25c. np. - ., A Big Drive In Note Papera 5-quire Package, goo. quaUty, for 18. Hamburg Edgings, 3c. 5c. and 8c, ' ? Men's Scarlet Wool Undershirts, 50o. each. ' - r T ' "' A Big Job in Ladies, Misses and Children's Undervests and Parits. ' ' Misses' Vests and Pants, 25e. each. t i Many other Drives that cannot be mentioned now. '-" J Wholesale I am now prepared to offer better inducements to Wholesale Buyers ' than ever before. My stock is much Wger, more varied and complete " I buy in large quantities from ITBST HANDS lor! SPOT CASH, which enables tne to sell CHEAPEB in. small quantities' than ort L era Houses. d;MdseCme W $3T Agency for ClarVs ,To,;t!ie ? ? Allow ine to thank yoti kindly, one and all, for yonr liberal pair the past," and to ask: or a continuance of the same, assririiig rri L O W P RI CE 3 S II ALL ALWAYS LEAD ' , " " ' " ' I am, Tcry trL'y yc:rs, ..Vs.!-" in large quantitieslfor ARKS ?n OF LOW PRICES, w.. a full description of all my stock- j," a-Na f (OT.Wa-ff --,i'V- ft ,- you 'mosey. 0. 27, T. Spool Cotton. - Pt!bSic. -at '

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