i I flUSHEaV ABJIOOHCKBKJr. 7 -IS DAILY JOUBSAl. eolumm et. publlaoad dallr, uttpt Monday, t I .r jeaur. $3.00 tor six Biontbt. Delivered cut siusaribanM ReeaU pax mouth. XUBWJUKLT JOURNAL. a S eolomn itM pubUtoed every Thuraday at 12.09 e r annnin. ADVERTISING KATES (DAILY) One .uhooaday II Oft 60c foreacb tutuMjuent AdvertUMMat under htA of "Btialneaa LkU,4,M rente per (or Drat end 6 cents for e very aabaeqaeat UmrUon. Mc ftdTerUeeraenta w Jlbeluajr-ed between oeeJ natter at ur pnoe. NoUoeeaf jlamae or DeaUi noiioexoeed en line 'U1 be Inserted free. All additional tie Will be enarged & eeot per line . i ay DaeoU tOf transient adverllaeuieul , ua b Jnade lo advauce Ktguiar ad?e i s t will be collected jnomptiy at ihe cud of eech nioaiii. CommaiiloaUona containing news of a mt ..ruHiM a eel matujra are solicited. -No r u man WmOoD must be expected to be iud- uod Wbfci contains oblecilouabie uersutial withholds tne name or Hie auttior. or ial Will make more man one column o rt u paper. Any pereon reeling aa.ivee at any auouy notteoommonioaiioii can obtain the name o ue autnor oy appucatlon at tuia office and bovine vlaarelu the Krievauoe eimts. THE JOURNAL. The 'Bescae f Captala lob Smith. Tbe Indians especially admired bravery and eanoiBg. ' This device of tbe white chieftain and blsralor when attacked appealed to their admiration, and there was great desire to see him. The renowned prisoner was re ceived with the customary chorus of Indian yells; and then, acting opou the leading Indian c us Com, the law of unbounded hospitality, a bountiful feast was set before him. The captive, like valiant man be was, ate heartily, thongh ignorant what his fate might be. The Indians wantonly killed their captives.' When a sufficient number had beeu sacrificed to avenege the memory of such braves as had fallen in fight, the remaining captives were either adopted as tribesman or disposed of as slaves. So valiant a warrior as this pale and. ; efeM,r-Thej nhe sheep get PQotambledownoaeafte another, their ajnbitaaa lessens as their fieh goes," and tbe.1 nnfortanate;.)ir6er, or imprudent manager, votej sheep a perfects ouisaace Amerjc&n Agriculturist N SoauKew Mnslc. Some very pretty epngs bave just been issued from the presses of our leading music publishers this month. Among others we notice a song in the modern classic style, by Moquist, entitled "Thoa Seemest Like a Flower," a rare song for a singer of some experience, (30 cts.): also"Zama,',a song by Lefflngwell very artistic, (25 ct.); and a pretty song called "Will Your Lore Eemaiu the Same!' by Leavitt, (3c0ts.) Then there is a contralto or baritone song by Loveland, entitled "The Old Homestead," ft. S. STTJBK. K, HUPEH. H'tHCI. Dmliitii JAauAger KW BERNE. N.c. i'T :.J l"- Snteradat tba Pun i.au ' -aaacoad-ctaa u,aiiar Absolutely Pure. rtiis powder never ranee. A marvel of Hi .-1 1 v m Lrut.tft li m.tA --' - -- Un. difficult, (30 Cts); and last, tut not snooilcalUiau the ordinal kinds, and Mai I least. aiie SUIIL' b.V LefllUgwell, olow teal, enorl welirht.aluin or DhoanhaU ! entitled -She and He." which will ! ,8ol.dj2,,1,D n- Hotal Biiii. . rUWUnl litlu AUJ wsi ftil-l. rm . I I1UW IfclTOW .ff faced tau coruute was too important I "1SU0 n 8li,e. afla reaiiy a a personage to In? used as a slave, eeuj, ov m uiiotucr euuK and Wa bun sona cook, the chief, I N heeler entitled "Good Night, received him as an honored guest i Baby lioy. "ugbt to touch the rather than us a prisoner, kept him i K0iUid ueun' 11 1S rP"J auu in his own house for two d.is, arxl adopting liirn as hi own' oU, tirintiapil ldrri :t lri'r !'if (it l.ilid. Then, with iuau . xi.iessious oi , admired by those who like For sale In .Newbern by Alex. Miller. triL.'ui.in 1. ,..'t, I i, mi sentimental songs ot an artistic escortetl bv linhaii jjuiiit -, to t he i Call that lecl d:i(i-L back to I lie Kneh.-h coInii at Jamestown. I Itii.s leiatioli tes!iu the long Z:-$BX last number ol the Tbaceo 1 tmi'ar loaium of the doughtj Plant contains a tweiit two! cipiailiV lite being save. I bv "the kind, ; 35 i ts.; Auy of these choice songs Miit l, mail on receipt ol puce, by Oliver DitFon & Co., lUs!vu, Mass. -Colamn article on Church ami State in their re hit ion to t huat .uii ii North Carolina, lioin tb- pen "I ' Dr. A.' W. Mangum of the s:.i'e University. We have rot v ! ic.d ft, bot feel pie pared to sav in a. I i Tance that it is an abb- paper on a . most important sublet . i . ifOT FBEK MIkKi 1IIIM AI1. V. TAX&TIOV 1 1 i . Do the people of North Cai nlma w nt ; sue whUkey to he f rce ' U'cilniini l.t i h v j i , i I thST do. On a poll e teliee that a ,,,, le,rge majority wouhi ot'iione unv Ktig Jfeton'of free hiBkey Hct t ti (n-c Cloth U and free liquor there wi iil l In few to heailate 'larboio S u(!n itu r ,Who evei though! ol wan tint' Whiskey free m Noith Camlina! K ingV ow n daughter, bin it seems lo be : he only tiue vcision ol the s: oi v , I i.ist 1 1 ujioii Ins ow n oi filial rrpoit. '.. llmauli thjWaiL tit'.---iibetl "it scut-" tliJ norttSSi Jlaee, tin v aliant Knglishniattillbt'oii vv as speedily dripvn to tbgile lilth Indian &ul. M ' a - ok'a;wt:i in In l lal her called I i lomboy'' oi ; . id hui: tan. She was as i imj io i ! : v'e ah iiiuiL' gul, s.tv age or oiv ilivii: and sin- was so lull ol kindiv attentions; tptam. arid bestow i-iU'ii hnu AuUt'K TO MOT11KR. MKS WlNbLOW"s SooTllIKO SVKI'P should always be used for children tt-ethi:.. It Boothee the child, softene tin-gatuti. allays all puin, euros wind -oik , roI h ihe host reuittdy fur iiiar Ii i-j Tv, i nty llve ceutti a bottle, mar? 1 d tuthsM w 1 v i i is net very encouraging in our section, ana for tb&t retsoo we wm oiler : SDecial Inducements To The Cash Trade. ' Larger Store, Larger. Slock and Lower Pfi::s! In Clothing, tee our line of $10.00 duibj. Black Corkscr rw jCuta w r 1 Suits for J9.O0. Full line of Samples from Eog'ers, Poet & Co. ' ; ; Men's Orercoats from $2.50 up. " Our line of Children's Eongh and Tumble Suit will not tip. Children' ' Jereej Suite. - HaU 26c. up. New Goods conBtantiy arriving. . 'z"? Our stock of Underwear is larger than ever before. An all-wool Shirt for $1.00. Kew lot Hoys' I'ndershirts jutt received. Men's Canto Flannel Drawers, all siies. . . : We are hole Afents for Jas. Means & Co. 'a and Stacy Adams & Co.'b hhoes. Btstin the market. Job lot Linen anj Celluloid Collars at 5c. each Sample lot of Suspenders at ' wholesale prices Men's Hand kerchiefs 5e. up. Lot ot light and medium colored Scarf, two for a qnarter. Sixteen rib Umbrellas, only 91.00. Valises and Bags just received. Carpets, Kugs, Oil Cloth and Carpet LiniDg. ttemeuiDer we have moved froai our old stand to Store next to .National Bank, lie sure and Bee us before vou buT. f: Howard eft? J"oxxei3-c Full line ef Trunks, , "T I the lrga JJfiok j "Juhny," haid the iniuister, rat her severely, "do 3011 chew tobacco?" "Ves, hir,"' ws the reply, but I'm cbaiiuat. Soiry. J i muiy li 'own 't I some. I houtth. CUBE CONSTIPATION. T eajey beallb one shonld Iiave re Blar evacuations trj twen y four I bears. '1'he etila. bti iueute.1 and j pnyelcal, resultlu( from 1 HABITUAL CONSTIPATION re muiy and serin. for the cure '. f tit In common trttuble, Tutt'a Liver i FUIjr httl vtaluvtl Eojulrll v unpar alleled. t leybuil auur c oaled. I SOLD EVERVWHEEE. 1 HARBWituE. GEORGE ASH, 1 e r BJLHfjCZEi 0 Ca liec Mid lolitia ale w hisWey, llijpant The people of North DOt fools. The crj ot ,free Chaws," and all nonsense when it is pioposi'd t'l.owu abolish an odious ami iinneet aiy t&X does not pieveni the peo A toiliau' S1' o TJ . ' Anntiit-r wuiiderful discovtry has bri-n nitt.li- nnJ that loo bv u lady in this cotiutv. ll'jibe fafiLt-nd it i.lntnhHS mi many Milllefi ftud l ioL.s ul ujkiu lier and for seven years he with h ii.il.-i ; t, j' curiosity, lht Smith eiuod its Hevereet teste, but her vital made m in l. 1 t 1 11 1 c! urn, v c her ! organs wer uadaratiacd and death some tilling presents und asked 8?emed L nUWt'"' -t thIee ,"ouUl 1 he coughad inoewsnfly and could nut "' ' "i,ni Ulerp. SbbouKbtoftts bottle of Dr. Now ii, u.i.s one ot lie many j King's Hew Discxwtry for Consumption hirfgulW euetomgol the American , and ws somnobrsMeved on taking her iudiaUB never to fell their own n" doM. " a" , D''jt . 11 .1 . 1 1U1 one bottle has been miraculously names, not even to allow them to be cured. uer naa is Mr. Luther Lute' upoken to .straliKi r.s hy auy of their Thus write W. C. Hamrick &. Co. of Hast). 1); ,f null Ii i... Pa'.n t, ( 11 ; .nul ; m 11 ! ami I ii -1 1 , i i tin hfttcr trade. In the Ligher grades of Mens, Irrii'.s Cloihiiig v e have a complete line of ncat -fid M immediate Lindrcd. The Nhelby, N. C. For sals at E. . I ii-atim lor this lav in I heir necnliar drug store Mipervtitioii, which held that tho Mte.ikiiiL' o( one's u-al name L'ave fromknowiUK that the State can 1 , ,,,, striwi,,.r , ,, )0 lt WilN 8M,ktM, tax these articles and culler! the a magical and harmful influence money With her own ullir,!- ainlovei micii peihon plC It in her ow 11 tiea-tn v vv hei All (iimlo. ol K I Ni II It ATI .V ( i s'lOVI.S, AT BOTTOM PRICES! n aa4rMskyaUls fS luemesathomeiriili outpato. uooaorptiv- ilara sent rKAC. JA 1 ouoe M Wlutoltall 0k, tt is needed for the education ol Oaf. child en and other necessary expeBMS Of State governineiit. The United States government does not need. tlM) money collected from this 80Urcf and every dullar drawn ft"0ro iNorth Carolina is lochetl uji ia ths) treasury at Washington 01 paid, (Ant to peiisiouets. it is a dfalri upon the people of the State lorwblch they get nortnng 111 re turoi .The government should raise itrf1 faTOnue by duties on imports Indian und Any man of ordinary intelli t;enfcp)aows that the rcjeal ol the internal revenue Uws will not abolish tbe duties on imported whiskey .and tobacco. , K. R. JONES, Win ic.le and Retail Dealer la' CHOICE FAMILY GROCERIES AT ITEM FOB OOYEUNOK SCALES A merchant of New Heme re ceired from Salem, N.C.a lew days ago two barrels of common day pipes, the freight on which was 11.35 per barrel. The freight on the same rom Haltimore, nearly three times the distance, would hare been licenty cents per barrel. ,W call the Governor's at tent ion to this little matter to lurthersat isfy bim if possible that the gieat raflroad corporations doing ImsmeHH la this State have "divided the em plre, and in the term" of division it bas been decreed that there h!i,iM bdy OO traffic letwecn the petiph-: cast Of G-oldaboro and those vvest of that point. All eommunity of iaterest ia destroyed and we are forced go North for even clay pipe When (bey are made in our OTB State. JTew Berne with her cheap water routes ought to supply a large per lion bf eastern and middle K. C. with their heavy groceries, and raid do H bat for tbe railroad porattons wbo are interested in 'log op other Knots. "Te BOUfbt to iron ourselves from 'i influences by a connection a the U F. & Y. V. K . bat the crnor .prefers to foster tbe in t of those who oppress ae. t us appeal to the next General mbly to accept the proposition 'eCF. & Y: V. to buy tbe A. .an;'' , . I 'or this very reason, 'a -bun .so na-eook was known to ths colonists liythenameof bis tribe, Pow -ha--tau. lathtr than by his own.naine So, when he was asked his little daughter's name, he hesitated, and and then gave in replyjtbe nickna'iie by which he often called her, I'o-ca-hun-tas, the "little tomboy." This agile voung maiden, by r. iison of her le ionship to the head chief, was allowed much more freedom and Inn than was usually tin: lot ol Indian girls, who were, as a rule, the patient and tincom- ilaillltig little drudges ol every 1 unl"Knnionis or wra humo and village St j 1 r"uut"e 8O"clle0- ISb & 2b Middle Street, ' ' m:vv h::hnk. n. c. 'ALEX. JUSTICE, " , DEALER IN rifte Flour of ell Grades, Selected Teas. Pure Coffees rand Bplcce, Butter and Chte&c, from the best defties. General Merchandise, IJAUGINO AM T I KM i:tc. Conn!(;nniontB of drain, C , i d and Nlcht IVoinpt Attention tJua uteed. T3AGB and VftrtusUn Vwdt i band all Che time, ir -1 t r . How Mjfc) I'av. 1 f a (aimer has plenty ol pattern e, and is willliug to give close attention to details 111 Lhe care ol stock, he can make more moSey for footl consumed 1 rom sheep tha riany other stock, l'.nt not one farmer in ton will care to give them the attention they require at certain seasons of the year: so the few who do take good care of a Hock will find a good maiket for mutton, and a demand for wool at some price, usually enough to pay for wintering the Hock. A farm which is rolling in its surface seems perfectly adapted to sheep raising. Such laud needs grass on the hill toj s 10 keep it from washing, and sheep need lull tops arid sweet, short rr' 1 1 1 . 1 1 giass. 1 uey iite 10 lie down on a j 'lull side in the spring, where tho Min makes the gronnd dry and warm, and where they are protect etl ' : from the cold sweep of the wind. ! i The greatest profit from sheen is! 1 not in mutton or wool, but in enhanced fertility of the farm on "Inch they aw kept. Xo other stock can compare with sbeep in i thisdirection. This increased value I comes from two causes: the large j quantity of solid and liquid manure deposited on all the land, and particularly on the bigbest and poorest points in the pasture. The manure, being fine and well scattered, is pressed about tbe roots of tbe grass, where it gives the greatest possible benefit. Another source whereby the grasses are encouraged is tbe destruction of bushes and many iinda of wees w hich grow where cattle and horses only are pastered. Hazel brush fares very badly in the sheen pasture, and wild roses, rag weed, burdocks, and other weeds are selected first, and then the sbeep look for grass. In this way a sbeep pasture becomes like a beaatifal lawn, and erery year crows better; but if the farmer sees milliona in sheep,'? and over stocks bis fields, then the grass goes with tbeioshei N. W. O.r. South Froiit and MiddleRf ni:y m:uNE, n. c. Wanted Immediately ! 5,000 to 10,000 ACRES LAND, Well timbered with Pine, near trans portation. W. 15. Boyd, REAL ESTATE AGENT. Nowbern, N. C. Jw F. H . SUCJIOKS, CLUIEWT VAULT SIMMONS k HANLY, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. "Will praotloeln theOocrtinfrwrn, i.. Dm n,low. Carteret, Pamlico, Lenoir and HrJ- . 1 vrno. foblHAwli Tlie Largest and llbt Suii-ru-d Hun k CANNED FU,V4UU VEtiBTAHL f bolrrtSro.Uh UiN llfrno. Alao.KfaK Varieiy of other k"h'. ubo kmit In a l-'lrt-CliiSfi store. Goods delivered nt anj . 1 1 of tlie free of churfre. TERMS t'AHII. Middle St.. next to Humphrey & Howard, New IJornc, N. V. mar27 dwtf Notice. Five Share of Stock in the A. & N. C. It. have been lost or mislaid. Appli cation will be made for a renewal of aaia certiDcates of stock, oca d30J O. F. M. DaIL, GROCER, LOOK TO YOUR INTEREST PATAPSGO FLOURING MILLS 1774 ICSTABLIsnKD.-.lTT4. , PAtAI'SCO SUPERLATIVE PATENT Tba Premier Flour of Amerlea. TkU FI-DH K haa long been conceded to ! Bprlr to Any Otkerla IhlaCnantry All the Heat Itraodi of Ameiioan Flour are old on European markets, where the Patapsco Superlative' tiuls anj eommanda decldedlr more money bmi lt maAea the WHITEST. 8WBKTKST AND MOST NUTHITI0D8 BRXAJJ. Aalt your Grocer for It; alao for PATAPRCO FAJIILV, UEOFOBD FAMILY BALDWIN FA1UILY. MA PLRTOM rAMILY. j la fciidc it tj 1 aim ll is tcaton to Pt-lt-ut a stock of goods, which has Merit and Quality, and rri'i'Uil;i'Ilu.a Cft-tlf uli; .t-, 11 .1 al. J ( '1; ll lobby ilt'Mtrus al POPULAR PRICES! WoulJ draw the upccial attention of fioe trade to our PBINCJE j ALBERT SUITS, whic:: iii ruaturial, trimmiDgs, male and fit axe equal ! to the finest I'UKtoin made w jrk. Our SILK-LINED OVERCOATS in light, medium and hearr weights urc Hcuuties, and will be eold at aatonishiBf 1iw prices. Our SATIN-LINED CHINCHILLA OVERCOAT a elegaat aruient anil will bo cold a? a 5v -' " BARQABS LEADER! In MEN'S FINE FURNISHLllGS we show a larger and handsomer lino tLan cvt r,-pooially so in fine white, Bcarlct, colored and htriped. In HATS we carrj the LEADING STYLES, including the N6W Fedora m soft &wis. .ix1-0' -" thiBeeaflonis TOO LARGE TO ENUMERATE ALL THE ATTRACTIONS, but would like for our friend, to bear mind mac wl carry a haudfiome and most complete stock of it. BOOTS AND SHOES, AND DRY GOODS, and are prepared to offer rpecial drives in Ladios' Orseta, UllderVest, Stlfel Jackets, Cloaand Shawls, and fine all woof Blanket!, Lap Robes and Horse Blankets. Ail omr-Goods will be sold low, therefore for good goodg cheap call At " ;;' Greorge Ajsti'is, NKXjTO L II. CUTI,i:ir, MIDDLE STJJKEl WMmrs. D. M. Joilits of Carteret and DAVID CANADY of On&low , fill l.Ma.laa..J 1a .h a 1 t. m 1 .1 . 1 n.u uupcucu tu buow whit ir 1 enas tnrouga.tne stocK. ocldi in. ijni 1 w 1 iiiiiwui.ii - - tafc ataiwa 314 COMMERCE 8T., BALT07ia KEPRE8ENTED BY E. K. BISHOP, JnnlOdSm HEW BEBXE, H. C AND DEALT. R IN' ATT. -rTTWTia Mfi Surgical Appliances, Druggists' Sundries, gc, iyOUINN'8 PIONEER BLOOD RENEWf?fnirnlriaW ft,;7" C. A. GAMBRILL MANUPB Cfl.Slcnf JLw i.A L ' iV r v,vuui nun uucninnb hub oi xiJBi ItrAxta lu city 40,000 just received. Tbe wholesale trade especially looted ' after. EASTERN mn CAS6LTX1 MARBLE WORKS, SEW BsBNE, K. C. Sale & Livery Stables. THB FIRM 8 OF A L.A41N AND m. HitU A COM - rani oh been dir. otrea ov ii death ft A. Bahn, M. Bahn rill continue ihn uoinea or BALK KXCHA.NGE AND UVSHI or UORSKH. afTJLEa. eta- at U old tntMM4t4tret, irbti be baa been nsaced In tin aame milne la the olt 1nc H68, wlU bplaasad tjm4 hii 01a rnenoi ana enatomars.' .. r ,;. . - - Will haveon hand lathie iaason a WtSK Ltrr O0 H9R8E9 n nVLBI. A lao, riHK IAT OF BCdeiBI H.HAfiir.&CO;i aogildwUm 1 1 H1" law WL1...I 2.1 B-i AadaJlU0rTaBdSolidiBtotAuj 1 Ordera will reoerra prompt Untior t WvASA IUH &UAUlrWtwa - 4, JOE Kajwiiaas; Frppjietor H$B8ao'r to Gaorga W.ClayjxOUf 7 f , f. hROAD AXD CbXvXX '3. wa, auui&in 1:11 uwuiitru i.or,.T , w oce epcciaitj 01 Qur iiitiuii J.iyuoiiS for medicinal f purposetf.. , a -i. iy PresfJrrptions compoattvl with cax jQd dispatch.:. 5- - ' Qbdees Solicited. n,. TJFRTVJi t - eel8 d w yorth-wert eor. Middle and Pollock Bt. Kew Berne, Jf: C.' 9ssaaasBSBESSBdassaa ' .TjiatWiTrtiBwiwi. - wMt TMrrwinTinr $E2 ?EAN8 4 SHOE or tha JAM KM j. ;. hkA MEANS MSHOB.accordliwtoiooriMWto. foumli? a"' om f "Hr- wnlrn imr mmuppairt jlitnlr w tin JAr.lES MEAHG S4 SHOE Wa not wear to Ion u tba JAMES falEAHS 2 S3 SHOE Vid i Vm , tn caH foe a HgMcr ma mart dmtr thm thaa . 1H JAMKS MEANS S3 SHOE. Our t Stat hal ' V tfNllKHl w Ktcifa pmiiaiKiitcpaaUtvtarnErftrt. , '. tin! durability nicti ai no olhw thoe tmi ercrkiKCTni n llt . -'-n I itcrr of Ihe lnulf. )io ccc-p:tnr art aWt tt Kto-a ' V.. The .Tamoa Meant S4 Shoe It rr aud vjiik.-f-.'1 V- f?c!nrd. Yi t mtMntiif tmrrt CM la mi ntal rav" v'l . HTt Hi JTamea M-ana 61 fihoo n aautl 4o H i, ' I ind-tr-int tlmn Trtileh hart 1iu,tna awatvtalltt? 'iltM ifc. 6 or $ 7. ?t hm a noni." tofi :nl V c.mwti tr rtcpTr- t I I Ijii iieritrilr miaatb botloia inaid-. At CH bl: a '- f -toeini. tr.il reqtilrea no brccLia la," It -. fcrfMlr-hratBnllr--rn.-t ii lirs ' Jamra Wrant ami vn hw rtr lb f rrt to l'j-. 'tmurtiry t learfmrrrlr AVenitrd;. If yM fctn.hrtai ".. tflwappr'lnfed in other adwrtiwd fihoea, your trvrrfcarv 4. . audit (A ttadi yoa lint It M tatv hay abnaa vmxdt& 4S ladort nf a artam. rather tha tSuu rium, h th-- . V . ' rilowrra. That chnaa apt anal Mr t h aa muHu. .? z. m . a,'., T, ari..l.it.. ' ' . ,' , mirrmgnntn "iw -n." u aiaiea, ana we wm I. lace UMm TaT kava aliiinl aB-amaj .arark t 4iena awrlta af ttr aanea, I Irtaw- Mrlrat ta Jnic- Mam 9 aiMa ta TM toff In th. avfprla. Tha tar rlauaa K. antl atra tfct HI Jmm ' Mait4aoa tkatut, uaUirUtfiiaKrfauJ t- .-if f if ' f -fj-.?- : ariljr -rltMn ynoT reach, ta ao? eaultaclurtEorr, If sou Will atn4 u a postal car. JAIVSE3 IVlEAflS '&T(Dr. l Lincoln St.. Boston, w?.?, Full lmbvof - the ctlovo oVocslfcr-'r 1 - t r . .ii r - " I . I J 1 - , . - r-t