,.as. Mi JW 3k p V V TltS IJSAr 2'JHj L01jUCED,m3 THIS FApL . In Mens, Youths, Boys and Children's CLOTHING ! Tha largest Stock of fine and cheap, - - CloUking. b the: City, In all about 250 Different Styles " t" of Corkscrew, Diagonal, Worsted, Beaver and Cassimere Suits, raDgingfrom to 3f20 bl Sxxit. Men's and Boys' Overcoats, Reversible Coats aud Ultiterettes. ' A long felt wast supplied : vi., the largeBt line of Children's Knee Pants Suits . nd BOYS' SUITS ever brought here, just the very tbiug for city trade. ' i-1 - Latest Styles in soft and stiff brim U&U, at reasouable prices. Boots and Shoes Ladies' Button Shoesab low as 05c. a pair. 13 Button Skating Boole at $1.00. I AM SOLE AGENT l'OU THE A A. BATTLES' MEH'S CALF SEWED $2.50 SHOES KVEItV PAIR WUIIIAMhII. Dry God., Dress Good.', Worsted 1'opln..-, Cassinierei, Kentucky .leans, bleached, brown and checked DumcFtic?, v r I'liiHp. Good Calicoes at 4c. a Yard. Don't fail to examine our Stock of Newmarkets, Ladies' iuid ('LilJrcn's Walking Jackets, Hhawls and JerseyB, sold at astonishing low (iuree. Men's Furnishing Goods, 'Wool (Kercbirts, White Hhirt Ked srnl While Underwear, Cardigan Jackets, lower than ever As usual a Dandy Line of Neckwear, iilti s! shapi an i i attcriiv liiindsoiio line of Uoslery and Silk Handkerchiefs. Beautiful assortment of fSuspci tiers a paii for only 75 cent. MAX SCHWERIN, Middle Street, Sipn of Flag. ME. SAM. U. BALI. Will be glad t , meet liis old friends and :i('iii!iiijt,iin es. ME. SiM. ENOLANDKU will show 3011 the Elephant. SHAKESPEARE Neither can Bacon save Shakespeare, but TllK I'l'lH.K' may. and as tbeir .al ronage proves, wilt save llieir money by buyinx Dry Goods, Boots, Shoes and Notions At F. T. Pattersons Stores, On MIDDLE STREKT. nar Hotel Albert, where I,) V l'.UCES and P.eliibl.) Goods are as far ahead tf ail rompttitors as the VaUmteer was nhead of the ThUtle. Prepare for Cold Waves by securing a pair of Wool Blankets, handsome Com fortables, Woolen Underwear for Men and Women, Neat and Nobby Ties for .young men, fine line of Bordered Handkerchiefs for Ladies and Gentlemen, complete line of Hosiery, Collars, CuITb, Nhirts, Merino 1'nderwear. Shawls, Tiunks, Valises, Hand Satchels, Hats, Caps, I'iece Goods in fact everything in Urtt-class goods too numerous to mention. READY-MADE CLOTHING .Specialty, for Boys. Youths and Men, hirto grow on "Bill Nye s bead In astonishment. , Delays are dan gerons, eo come while you havo tho opportunity and secure bargains. The only solution of this puzzle may he obtained at F. T. Patterson's Htore: potstuohtiwskoolngisaynnufwohees ! War AGAINST HIGH PRICES. Look Out for the War. Having just returned from the North with a Large Stock of MJES, Children's " ,s -''Ji'l can give yon Men'a nice suits as low as 93.73, Boy's Suits for $3.00, ''" Xlhildren'si-knee suits $2.25., I also havo a large and well selected ' sv jetock 6f SHOES. I can give you Ladies' nice Button Shoes for 63c. .Boy's nice Shoes, f 1.00. S00 DozeiidyMeiiSf ( Boys and Children's. Hats ! A nice tiki fof Boys eittfe'r Soft or Stiff as low as 15c. I guarantee to suit yoa la either Wool, Straw, Soft or Stiff. Also a well selected stock or- :v ; ' - : - A pxxDre3 Shirt from 35c. to 50c. Undershirts 20c. Ladies, " Childrens and Men's Hose, 5c. A Special Drive in Boys and Meu's Shoes. Good Shoes for 'Men fn)B75e. tp.' -'iiAEGB AND WELL SELECTED STOCK OF Cry GccdsiCarpiefs, .Uatlirs, (fil Cloths TKUXKS, VALISES, bad ft fine lot o! GEKTS SCABF3 from 2c to - And othef bargain s too numerous to mention.?'. Come one, come j ', end be convinced that I can bell joirinore goods for a little money - tLan any other house in th? city. 'dj4J f- 'i i , ;'iis ggqaoTE; , '". : 'B'iElicp Baildingj opp. Baptist Church j' Kew BcYne; If. OA 4 -. A. Tr,rA? r- ! J.n. T.. KiiTir, Salesmen". . -. ' " - I ' , j ' " - ' 5c' 'iTea'a Cats 2oc, Leys 15c,' r HiW U jlH flltl VK well fitting and. wearing and lest made in Endlsss Variety. I In., nobl s,i it u-pi inlets at prices so low that would ause the War! BOYS -AND . Clothing. 1 "ieM I THE JOURNAL. ALPHABETICAL ALLITERATION. Tbe below poem was uUd from an old scrap book owned by a Georgia family. It is one of the most remark -auleand perfectepecimeni tf alliieraiiou. for in it is fathomed tbe whole alphabet, ' and each word in each lice claims i'.s proper initial. Ad Austrian army, a wully urra) cJ . Boldly, by battery, beaeiged Belgrade. Cossack commanders commanding came. Dealing destruction's devastating douru Every endeavor engineers essay For lame, for fortune, ti tiling - furious fray : Generals gainst Cei.i is:? gracious God! How honors Heaven, t.roi.' bar j it...n.j Infuriate indiscrimiaLu in ill Kinsmen kill kinsmen -kinsmen k.i.i red kill; Labor low levels lof ue j loi.rst 1 .i.-? Men march mid mounds, nii.l ui.s. 'mid murderous mines: jNuw noisy numbers notice nought If outward obstutlee. imputing oujjl.l I 1'oor patriots, partly u rebated, naitiv 1 prossed. ' Vuite iiuakiui; . c jl.'k I 1'ji.rl.r .(uart.i j quest ! Reason reti.ri: 1 1 . I,gb dounds Suwarrow st, - r sounds, Trucu to the 'luik 11 ,1.1:4 ! train. l uw ise. unjust, ui.no. i .11 Vanish . Viti. i ; .! -11. v a : n ' Why v ish v, i a i ! .. 1 1 w t leoine n ar XfTieS. Xlllifl.er- .nltlhli Yield ! ye Vou'.hc-' 1 t II.- :i yells." )llo 's t .al to-. . ' ; . a r-ln Ami all a 1 1 e j ; d 1 1 ) e : j : , 1 1 . p.-.al. . .d To llllle I'lCH 1 Tc l'al is I I LT.it o ', s i Hi. ,i nl will I c h i lill eti In h .: e .i . ' I ;, t eel li must ! ej; . n t ue seen till cU III 1 1 i i ii In 1 1. UK . t h the li n oor rv e; rum ;i i ii tin' It ', I: ,,,. , ,,IV,.:1 trliill'liry lo pieiu'! lot wa n! ;i ml I i I ill 1 1 1 1 1 1 .ml t bust tend li.u bu..;.l, A- .t w.'.sh. bo ! in ,t t II tn bet I 111 . 1 1 ,1 ' t :i I'llnli it i jilsM.l woimI witli a pinch o! I '111 el leil rai'n.i. It s ! I ell L' t lit :i s tbe L'illlis iitnl whltrlis ti e tei'h ' uith.illt ilijiiiil) the .'li.tmcl uhuh covers !bo hour. Y.;!i tie iiinu4li .diet' e.'.ch men: with liil.rw.il ill boiled liter. New ui k Sun. Ihr ridl. 1 I umu 1 111 ' - VY. I. Suit, druggist, luppus. h.d , testilicH. "I can recommend l-.leciriL-Hitters as the very best remedy. Leery bottle sold has given relief in every ease. One man took eix bottlen, an 1 was cured of rheumatism of ten years' Ktan.i i rK-' Abraham Hare, drugRisi, HelU ille Ohio, affirms' "The best fell ing medicine I have ever handled i my 20 years' experience is F.lertrio BM ters." Thousands of otliers have addexH .n .,.. Iho vrHint Lil ...v.. unanimous mat r.iecii n- nuiern uo cure all diseases of the liver, kidneys Or blood.VOnly a half dollar a Is ttle a' li. N. Pfllv's dru store. A Itvlv 1 1 ,is imIiiij; a ieriiteii( i;ii,v sanl kv in p:it liel Kiftlly, , r - . i i ... i i l. : .. : aH R"(, K1121'11 "I'Oiiii nani lima mj; felon: "lie looks as it anient spirits li.ol a good lcal to do with bruiKiii!4 him lit'Ki." "Vou liet lliey did!" exclaimed tbo convict; lith jtldL'c iitnl jury tnftt tnr ine wt-ro all liank!'' A.loulkliliiK Imntii, lt n tho duty of every person wbohAb used llusc'iec's (Ivrmnu i?yrup to let Its wonderful qualitieB be known lo their friends in curmg Consumption, severe j MOUKiis, cruui, ,m,.i, .uim.i.,.. and in fact all throat ami lung discuses No person can uao it without immediate relief. Three donee will rolievo any ca6e, and we consider it the duly of all druRgistB to recommend it to th poor, dying consumptive, at leant to try one bottle, as o(J,0lH) dozen bottles wore sold last year, and no one cape where it failed was reported, ouch a medicine as IBo German Symi cannot bo too widely known. Ask your drugei't about it. Sample bottles to try, sold at 10 centp. Regular Bize, 75 cents. Is 'Id tiy all druRgists and dealers in the 1 cited States and Canada. MOrtgage Sale Pursosotto a power of sale r.onli.lne.1 In a mortgage ezecutd lo Paul Jonea, of tlie State of OcorRla. by William Colllnan, on the 5th day of August 1S8J, an.t ns.lgned to me on the 33d day of February. IHKa. 1 will sell t Publlo Auction, at lb Court Hounedoor In tainCltvof Newbern. l Twelv o'rloak. M.'. on WTDKSDAY. NOV. 93d. Hffl7. the fal lowing real estate, sttaelaAl m me nry or Newberti, on tbe corner ox West street and Scolt'a alley, known ld dmtlnFUl.lied In the plan of the city of Sewbern as lutu num ber 85 and 8S, on West itajtk Terms of sale Cash. T oe2dtd F. I t KKV. if Crepi MIGHTY SHORT, bat t bare ura Btnrrao tnr BARD WARE, MA CHINERY aad AGRICULTURAL IM PLEMENTS ) from J, tX WHITTY. therefore am all RIGHT. I tell yoa hU prices blp ont a shor crop tmszinttly. WeU! aV' - r Jf TORPID LIVER I. kiitiua by Uuie luurktd ctulwn. liita : A t-ti.L.g Li vl...: a:.,: t.tt.:.i i. ':.. 1 : m t .s had t it:!:: t,..J !;..t . : t :.. roufctljjtti'. 1. ::. , . . ai'.aifc'- dutrrnixa ijuust-u du:i..-ts !.,! ..v v. :.K-c-t ta Jl( HI tbUl Ij f 'bb '. , t.J" . It I'.fctf uiH-L :'.c : u.a. :. ! ' : ' '" v :. i.bj-.luc. 1 a :.' ' iru t Hen C.liij; lur : i , w A IIBIUIal Hu or Hllr lium 1 li r l.llrl ''. """.' , ' BOod "' BILIOUSNESS, in -f. ft-!;. i I - ' ' 'He : i t- ee l h ' t . i . t.h! t ..' It, w :.: fe't-i ' la: l.ts 1., ,., , -s 1 "i l . t M 1 K J II , ilin 1' 1. 1 I a 1. titf 1 11 l . I'm. GEORGE ALLEN 00. I M.i :.-- IN General Hardware A ricitl 1 1: r.i I I ia , ! c i:i ruts -, Hi.'-- u ! t i i " i , ww..a .u .! i-e .p, ,m, t e il l i k.li 1 i! r - , !..:i (in,-, iin.l i. , . I i 1 1 . , i $it., , A , I :ii;d i'iii-tn , Iv.iii.ll ! ...i.l 1 1 it r.l arc, I.iiur IJri.lv, ;n. ot, l'last'r Man, I'i.iiit, K lso:ii i i:r, ftr iii-.li , i I, ; 1. .... Tut (., .m.i 1 1 ,ii r. l-'rrrz .-, ( i 1 1 t L.'. r.i : o t , Oil oolt ,"st.i.i, I'm. 1 :i 1 '. ii 14,' lii r I s.'.!i i n. kfi, n : . r ;i ii il to K ' sr. n ri l ..o.l m-. t i -! ... 1 1 . 1 1 i hu ::s i i:v low J 1 ( . 1 . 1 1 n .v Hyde Line Company. . 1 1 r 'is 1 . n 1 ' IVI . i : i it at:.- r M h i rll,ii. a ' I ', I N A i I., I 'I'I'l litf III A '.a I i I i i' K li air., anil 1 ,ii . i a -In, LI ( (iSSTnlrnl'' , if ,hDiui. i. nv .I'll HM.l I M I Hl.tllsv. a.! '. ,''ii llil ' : . , l, oatni. :a 1 s, .v two fid al --isis LT l.a '. ' 1 A.lHli... I.-, k. Bmliiii io k, i i I I Mil I SO in M li. v I ,c ... , It, . i I , ., nl S.KV I.N A M ' I Sew 11 I lo'. si-ipia l.v: al SlOlU'WHi hi, 1. iii i-1 s, Mul. i,8 . r k ; 1 Adam b 1 r. k I II.!- IvI I a lL.'flln li ' . m (ire ulli lo n.h I, , s, . . ii in-, l Ion vvlln II. r NvVrthern 0ti-ntin n. a, i, I, a 1 ii i! ii.vl Hr.Mimmodallotia li.'lti l'r pivhbi'iii'i h iinii frt ikIiI hi vt low rtllit, &a.l ai-l, r.r iMen'lianM Rial i islnncM alon tt ilia- o i;. v ,. ii l he 1 1 bt)i I nl. purport. Frlsbt rcei i il ii mler mivi-r avery Oay of I liS wSb Kv.r fiiiiii.-r li, foriUHilnii inquire at It) Offlf H, f ' '. Of I 'I H I'll Si I M 1 Or anv r lis ivkwiii. hi Uo- lollovliig pin. th Alii l.l'.K, Ailalns ritwii, IS. I. Mi III I' i A 1.. Hiallhs l lei k li. Jl. A Hll.iri . V an.:, in. ru, ('. l-.iWIT II. s-'.i..v il, HiA'I.h.K A i irtVI I I . Ha l..ir.. aicMOw W. 1'. lU KRI si ,, m OLD DOMINION Steamship .Company. TUl-WElGtrY LI N E. h( Ol.r Doutl0t St.AW.Ull. o. Mtln st li.ii) ' OltiMFtvoill. Vlrr ltonto.3ri. Albr ninrlr nml lWvMLtrih (.unl. FOU Sorfotk. Balllmtirr, 1 loik. I 111. lUlpbla, Boiian. I'niOiliiMi, And all points. North, I.-m and West (in jnl m'ler M i is n. V, i 18H7, until furl n rr not I rr. I lii- rnBI.Il : Stsamers New Berne &nd Funlico WHJ .nil from MUtKlU.K, Va., for NKW 1 HKK K. via vVHfelangion, Monda'.. W e.li,... tlay. aial Krlilays, making cloae oonn. riltm 1 with the toeainer" of the N. A 1. K. 8. B. Co., for KlcaUHi TrentoD, and all other lauding, on the Neuse and'I'rent Rivera. Hetnrnlng, will aull rroin NKW HKKNK for NoRKOIjK dUeM.. M. ndaya. Wfdnea dayeand Fridays st 10 a m.. making roimer tloi Willi tbe O. IS. M, Co. a ahlpa for Kew York, B. H. P. Oo." stearoera ' for Baltlraoro, Clyde Line HblpS for 1'hlla- delpnia. do afl A AI. I, Co. ampa l.ir la, i ton mud Providenoe imr untiring effort, to pleeee ocr patron.. and our alm.jet perfrrt n rvlre for the patl 1 twelve year, is tl... best ii.An.ntee we can ' offer all rairppera as to i.a ueu lil do for1 oSeVTgf"o'l.rec.r...fc. .' s.H.o,..Nr.! folk. Va Kretgiit. not receive i :.r fDipxient after 11 a m. on a .'.IlnK dayl. i Pataetigers wi il Bud a enoil table, comfort- ajile room, sod every oonrtety and atten- I aion win u o paiu uicm uy tneomrera. ;E. B. ROBERTS, Agent Mtssr-s. CULPtPPEK TPRNKIt, Agent, Norfolk, Va. W. n- HTANKOUI1, U. F. A P. AgU. New York City. Steamer Howard. Commencing MONDAY, the 12th 4y of September, 1867, the Steamer HOW ARD will ran tbe following schedule: For Trenton, every Monday and Friday; Return iDR every Tuesday aod Satur day. " TJfJ Nenso River every Wednesday, and return Thursday. s.8 dwtf DH. J. D. CLAEK 3'C SAVE That Dollar of Yours ! There are Hundreds of Places to Spend It. si THERE IS BUT ONE PLACE TO SAVE IT. Gives you all the Quality and Styles that others do, and 'tis AT BAKERS You Save the Dollar! Wary, chary people that must see to believe, are especially invited io Bargains for Fall and Winter. They riUal air. tiling . i ! in.- m Hint; 1 .ip.'l!', a' M( Save $1! Save i on h;i 6iJ:iil oi . w ,t , 'i . .. .t., l.l.-.l uii fi,. in! ,,;n ii, i ,,! '. 1.1. 1.. Ill l'l is .io. nl ,,I,.l Ii il: lint e.i It h , bo sells In, -.aids ton r be buiinl tbe inc. ills bu: 1 1 : 1'. , 1 1 llil mi1 , lint lbihr: .i .1 ;:. 1 hi''. ! nil Mill to luiilv a', b.s ,i, ,-:,.r, In- is selling Very, Very Olaonp, to t he .shut t ei o.s unl bud tako a hint, hi we e -VT BAKLER'S .lust lead a list nl he Cki...! (,..ius ,,( (.r.;. p,., v ;,; ll.ibi i's : 'ar. hie 1 tniiii- - I ic at per .ii i!. 'rhrO(' iU.irti r hie Ibiinesti. a' 1,-. ju i .ir.l. t !nnil Calico at -V : fast culm s. An elegant t-t.u k nl W li,:.- ai..l Ke.l l laiiiiel. in pbuii and (will. II nu are at ail unwell, tail Ini nui Mrdicatcd Ked 1 l.ihtic 1. Ladies' Hone, good (jiialii, a, loc. per pur. I. allies' lloso, not as good as the above, a' Tic. per pair. A lull stock of full regular uiado Hose Im Liiilies. Our Mock of I.AIHFS' DKllSS COOIbS is complete in every depart ment, including the popular Ticcc in plain am! fancy. We have a ime line of (1.0AKIM..S in ibtlerciit stles at very low prices, 1 We are carrying those popular Clemant, Weil f ou want a shoe lor comfort mid stle, tiv them. One nair will ' ., ,, , , , , P0ll JOU fO Jtltl Will never Wail, to wear atlV other make, Then we have a store full of v.ry desirable things, Mlc, & is kevtia an v dry goods store. These C"0 h we lnust sell, so we h;c marked " " , .... inCul UOWH 81 DOUOni priCt" Don't forget to drop in and see our latest Bargains. "Wonder what Baker will beup to next,'Vv' remarked a respected citizen the other day. Well, his bargains are so cheap and such good goods for so little money, 'tis hard to tell, but in the meantime just call and see his Bar gains. -7; - Don't forget -: ; T cast their optics over d slyle, - I m , I'!: I' i 5! Save $10! ;io n. ,.,i ',. , j ,. ,,., A , K 1 ; .. oil s:ive. i i ' s i 'i ii m . li.ilvrl 18 'e ' imibli il that way, but a I.;,- ui;. I. it. living to lay biii ' I !. . '. Maker calls I W litel ( iii.mIs, which t mi. I a Nni.it t bu ei - ai c 'i iiieL to i M r . .ii sn. 'Il & Ball Shoes. .7) if.f'. fr,yr - 11 ',L....lt.t. I OSst a CYarrt ftrV fcevwsen rellpel an Bro-1. ' .; . . arrT-lawy

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