THE LEADER IV LOW PEICES, OFFERS THIS FALL mVvvVF! Sri .V ' Miraormnary Bargains T WST.." TT A . J.LL ULCiiai .a. Uil.liU.Oa Tn largest Stock of fln tod cheap, ' 'filntliiniT in ihn flit v. ill all ahout 250 of Corkscrew Diagonal, Wonted, Beaver aud Caseimere Sutu, raDgiDg from $2 to $20 ct SvLit. Men's and Bojb' Overcoats, Reversible Coats and Tlsterettes A long felt want supplied : vii., the largest line of Children's Knee Pants Suits nd BOY8' SUITS ever brought here, just the very thing for eitv trad Latest Styles in soft and stiff brini Uats, at reasonable prices. Boots and Shoes in Endless Variety. Ladies' Button Bhoes aa low as (j5c. a pair. 15 Button Skating Boots at 11.00. I AM SOLE AGENT El) It THE i A. BATTLES' MEN'S CALF SEWED $2.50 SHOES KVKHV PAIK WAHHANTKD. Dry Gwads, Dress Good., Worsted l'opIini, Cassinjeref", Kentucky Jeans, hkachrd, brown and checked Domestics, very cheap. Good Calicoes at 4c. a Yard. Don't fail to examine our Stock of Newmarkets, Ladies' mid Children's Walking Jackets, Shawls and Jerseys, suld at astonishing low figures. Men's Furnishing Goods, Wool Overshirts, White Shirts, Kcd and White Underwear, Cardigan Jackets, lower than ever. As usual a Pandy Line of Neckwear, lnti st sh:ij s and patterns, handsomt line of Hosiery and Silk Handkerchiefs. Beautiful assortment of Suspenders . a pair uf tiue nobby Silk Suspenders for Only 75 oents. MAX 8CHWERIN, Middle Street, Sign of Flag. ME. 8AM. R. BALI, will be glad to mnt his old friends and acquaintances. MB. 8AM. KNGLANDKR will show you the Elephant. SHAKESPEARE Caixxxot ,5ave Bacon, Neither can Baoon save Shakespeare, but THE I'L IU.IC may, and as their pat ronage proves, will save )heir money by buying Dry Goods, Boots, Shoes and Notions At F. T. Pattersons Stores, On MIDDLE SlTtEKT. near Hotel Albert, where LOW I'lUCEH and Reliable Goods are as far ahead of all competitors Thistle. Prepare for Cold Waves by securing; a pair of Wool Hlankets, handsome Com fortables, Woolen Underwear for Men and Women, Neat and Nobby Ties for young men, fine line of Bordered Handkerchiefs for Ladies and Gentlemeu, oompleU line of Hosiery, Collars, Cuffs, Shirts, Merino Underwear, Hhawls, Trunks, Valises, Hand Satchels, -Hats, Caps, I'iece (loods in fact everything in firtt-claaa goods too numerous to mention. READY-MADE CLOTHING Specialty, for Boys. Youths and Men, at prices so low that would cause the ha.irt0.grow on "Bill Nye's" head in astonishment. Delays are dangerous, so come w hile you have tbe opportunity and seouro bargain. The only solution of this puzzle may be obtained at F. T. Patterson's Store: potstuohtiwskoolngisaynnufwohees War! "War! AGAINST HIGH PRICES. Look Out for the War. y . , . Having just returned from the North with a Large Stock of MEX8, BOYS -AND - Children's Clothing. I can give yon Men's nice snits as low as 13.75, Boy's Suits for $ 3.00, Children's knee Baits 12.25. I also bave a large and well selected stock of SHOES. I can give you Ladies' nice Button Shoes for G5c. Boy's nice Shoes, 11.00. Oflft Dahavi WTams Vavtk Jl nice Hat for Boys either Soft -suit you in either Wool, Straw, stock of . - - .'i"c60fl Dress Shirf from 35c. ' CbUdrem and Men's Hose, 5C. "-' A Special J)riTO In Boya and ; Men from 75c. np. rVC:;,-;.j4,JLAIlQB AND- WELL TEUKXS, VALISES, and a fine lot ol GENTS' 8GABFS from 2c. to , 50c- And other bargains too numerous to mention. Come one, come " alL and be convineed that I can sell you more goods lor a little money than any other jhoMtun the city. ' -- " 'Bishop Eriflding,' 6pp. feaptUt Church, New Berne, N. 0. j as. A. Thomas and Jig. B. BicttHV Salesmen. , , I ' Towcl,6cnen nandkerchiefti6c.f MeWflata ZBoyslfic, : Tt J m . I J ' UUVO UUU U&1A1U1VU. U well fitting una wearing anu test made Styles as the Vuhmtu r was ahead of tbe nvirl ViillvAm'a TTn4s t or Stiff as low as 15c. I guarantee to Soft or Stiff." Also a wfcll Beleeted to 50c. Undershirts 20c. Ladies, Men's Shoes. Good Shoes for SELECTED STOCK OF THE JOURNAL. - - - THE CAPTAIS. Beside the wheel the captain blood . The wibd was loudlj roaring . And by the oak si doe etauoch and good The mighty waves were pouring, The phosphor stars, amid their gloom. like lamps by no giimp holdeu. Showed, here a changing, opal Liu -ll And there a radiance golden. But never does the captain 's gbiv The phosphor glory follow. Though now it on the wuve eret-t e Then sinks within the hollow For in the sombre mist that lite The heavy cloud rack under, lie hears the breakers' tumult rise; In wild, ditcoidant tbuuder. He saw the canvas strum, and turt W hen heavy gusts made batik lle felt U)m1i biung Bpurgi But where the deeper shadows cIul His eyes w ere ever lurum, For there the ocean rollers snrant; At rocks their fierce rush snurnin No beacon marked the uarro w I Where ships could hud a crossing i Amid ILe seething foaiu and sirav Thai on the bar one tossing 1 Vet while the gale, lu stormy rut!. 1 Swept on like bale embittered His sturdy vessel's only path Was whore tbe low reeds glittered Willi ready baud be waiting elands Tbeu coiue tbe 8u lieu beating. Of waves that leaped arroes ibe saiidr To give the stern clitfo greeting He grasped thu helm loo late too lati The seas were on Lim dashing And through tbe planks tbe sbar ro. Us grate. While spars in w ruk weie . raslnng The morning ligbt w as soft an t ami . The sky was blue and tender. And where lasl night was gleem ;iinl storm , There shone a radiant splend i A nil ou tbe reef a si lent w ree k Was lonely vigil keeping. And cold, upon her riven dei I, . Tbe i aptiiin lay a sleeping in - ; : ; , II un to be a ".V dirnd l . It ! eay to be nolxnl y, and the W at rh man tells bow to ilo it. (io totbfi tlriiikiiij; Haloon to hjiend your leihtire time. Voir tieed not diuiL in iit-h now, uM a little beer or Home other dnuk. In the mean time, play dominoi's. i hi -Uei.-, or something elNe to kill tune, ou w ill be Mire, not to n ai that an useful bitok-.. If you read any tiling, let it be the dime novel ol the day. Thus go on keeping umr stomach full and your head empty, and yoursell day ing tune killing games, and in a lew ears 3011 will be a lirst -clans" 110 Ix.tlv. unless vou should turn out a drunkard or a profeNsioniil gambler, cither ol which is worse I ban nobody. Then are any number ol young men hang ing about saloons tist read to graduate and be nobodies. A Sabbath keeiuiig man is of 'a better kind than a Sabbath-break- ing man, other things being ciual. A Sabbath -keeping community has imineanse advantages over a Sabbath -breaking community, whether their Hurrouudings are equal or unequal. The criminal classes do not belong to those who honor the Lords' day, nor are our jails and work house Idled with men and women who remember the Sabbath to keep iiholy. Morality intelligence, thrift, and all tbe elements of lasting prosperity and good government are found when oue day out of seven is taken for needed rest,and for thoughts of God and eternity. The spirit, soul, and body are benefited by it, and the very animals are blessed tinder its benign influence. The spirit of God will dw ell in a divided heart. We cannot, feel the pleasure of devotion while the world is our delight. Not that all pleas ures are crunimnal, but the closer union we havo with the world the less is our union with God. Ad Opportunitj Unimproved. She stood In the pressroom of the country daily, where the agile ''fly'' of the press was slapping down the papers with admirable precision. She was a motherly looking crea ture, with a blue cotton umbrella and a double chin. "Hiat 'fly' delivers the papers at the rate of 1,500 an hour,' ' modest ly remarked the proud proprietor. "1 lfteen hundred an hour !" she exclaimed. Mercy on us! yon don't mean it!" And then, moved by motherly instincts, she added : "What a place to spank a baby 1" Somerville Journal. Prtnerve Tour Erex. It is Bimply wonderful, the reputation Hawkes' Spectacles and Eye-glasses have attained throughout the United States: they are known from the Atlan tic to the Paoiflo, and their reputation is built upon real merit. Testimonials from tbe most eminent men of the country are given, who have had their sight improved by their use. All eyea luted and the nt truaranteed at the drug store of F. 8. Duffy, New Berne. ...... eep 5 lm r Mortgage Sale- Pursnant to a power of sale contained la a mortge executed to Pant JortM, ol the State of Georgia, by William OoUtean, oath 6th day of August lt&f, and assigned t ma on the SSd day ol February, 1885. 1 will Mil at Pnbllo Anetlonrat tb Court House Ados in the City of Tiewberu. at Twelv o'eleck, on WEDNESDAY, NOV. S34. Mt87,tlie ft lowing real estate, aitnaiea m tne ity or Newborn, on tbe ooraee of Wert street and Scott's alley r known and dlttlngntahed tn Uie plan ol tbe Cttyof Newbernaaleteaom- ber t ana us. an west street,-:. - vi , Terms of sale-fc-Oash. , -jA ' DEAfi axa I Well I do declair if it don't beat the world what a LvgLty sigbt of things Alilc iia k ff Lu g"t m his etoic. 1 tht'A lu my Utt Vttd to (-Hi that 1 W as Well 1 httVc In-tli ali gut bat.!.. Vou know 1 fcdW u ll daief Mri.n da i,tifl ILiiit A!!lci l.tkrl bad bad u tu!fl with a ma:, and cut b.m lhU'O. So tin- tiet I as '.o ax lid s el ai'' '. ,;b- 1 did :'. 'e!l W as l. . liak- I !.a . w l,al i! i on t h I. b ' s- oil . ai cat ! te . Hi vl i ill J.I : 1 I..- s'ole !s allil 1 v I. ,ll s. b;, , l.ak, I W l :1 tin h , e , i 1 11 l,i .1'. b, them . 1 me tal a!. I''- !!,. k ! : -I,, ib,,!a; iicaii; ,i -ii. i in li.e III .-. I. 'it 1 ! I . ' !i.l Ii eli-. t, I, or olie 1 i,I i (I. i! in. i:i ais it dm- 1 n, , e . le 1 n 1, II I I 1 1, 11 1" ad aiul : lie .1 1' bet id ! vi i Ii a L ai li.h. ..:i ah 1 I I.. .11 I...I 1 bad nil irkrr.-, bin II r rl 1 1 a i en d Ile nlie re .1 Hi iill'lit to hit i- row del :t i ii ( I. I,. I nut It the II. tlllf l, I 1 1 1 1 v kind ol - a! tell cell!- 1 1) t; 1 1 .i :n lm ill es per yaid 1 come nigh lousing nr. p. II umiI hit I 1 mug hi I it-1 1 H e 1 he wai tlitie was sn li a ciowd a push ing and a scrougeing up to a cum u'r " l,'u 'heywt i. selling a line lot ! be.ltllilnl worsted bu diesM-s lit It II and twelve eellls per ald. I bad a line I line at t bat counter, kept Sam Hill, a liitlc lellow at ilaki i's, one bom showing in i the whole lot. had most made up my mind to buy a halt yaid ( tix up my blown dress with and to put some on my bonnet, but I knowed my old man would say 1 was gitlm' giddy, so I axed the dear little Summit' lor a sample. He gave me one nnd then he sighed 1 dont know what for, pt ihaps he did not know I w.i mariifd and he had lallen m love with me; cint tell. 1 am going to buy one ol those Treco dresses sure just as soon as 1 sell my dried berries. 1 dont think t here can be much warmth in those new stuped cotton shawls they call lluuiinneks I eee in other htores. Suppo-c they ate Stylish but that is all sonic w nne:i care lor, but 1 don't, s.i 1 bought one of those all wool shawls very cheap at liakerV Well 1 guess 1 niu.t close this' letter so good buy. My gal Marinda and her new baby is comeing to sec j me next week, and I ju?t want to. surprise them both at the array of bargains 1 bought at linker's. 1 amjustgoiug to tell her when she wants to buy not to forget that Baker's goods war bo cheap, if she dont mind she will be so surprised at the low prices she will almost swallow her teeth. Thar now 1 must go ami milk the cow, so tra la, dont forget I trade at Baker's. Your loving aunt, Polly Akn. Willis, Edwards & Co. Have reopened the New Berne Machine Works, and have added Tools to their works to do all kinds of Machine and Boiler "Work at short notice. They have also added a foundry to their works, and are prepared to do th best of Brass and Iron Casting, " House, Plumbing a specialty.' If Tou want Kood work (dve a call. AIL work guaranteed aniiore at prices to watt tns tunes. j - uuwij CONSTIPATION Ui iiltd the 'Fatber of l)iaeaeB," bevue i lilt re ic do medium through which ditcuc fco ofuij aunt k the b bU-iii a uy the fcUrp- ; tlOil Of pulSOQOUe kjttbt 8 .La ILt Itttlilloll of deft t I taLil etirle lua.i'l :l Il.f bl Ill&ci. aid b'Mr.n li ie ittibcd 'v J r j. :j I J v e r , Liul trti t.iit- (i rsf,- ; !i. m the b.oOd I !"dliit BiL.U '? I lactic, Bud IB gtL- .'tt. ttu .'lil'ti'- . w .:. r t - Loss of Appetite, Sick Headache, Bad Breath, etc. ll.c lii bilut :,; ,.' t ' 'Us ' pal . A : e : i C ...: ..tit .j LLii'ti . L ' ' . r ' i Wc.b Jir U.rd'n .lit liiue! a. I i ! t n c n J i . 1 1; ' c ! ' U I ! ' c b U'l. . b.s W t B..L ! J..!' ..,&'.(-! I Ihl IIM 1 IIIS l.r M IM w ., ..,, Va .1 II I 1 1 I I 1 1 1 II r WEUSE L TRENT P.IVEE Steamboat l'or:i;a-)'. H 1 1 a r:i e i 1 i tit Steamer Klnaton. i ' : ; 6 I . J J I.-'""- 1 ..! W r s i a l r . h l .a. I . H IUuhi I'.... .lav . I II.: , ;:ti : In v . i i- i i .i...., . : i : J h lMhM, i.t.k o i i ::k J M . Willi eliMA. . Ti . V nt. Kg . i h IMluii S t GEORGE ALLEN & GO. DKALKKM IN General Hardware Agricultural I in p I in n ( h IMous, llarrous, ( ii 1 1 i ato r, llocs untl Axes, Woods Mowers and Ifcaprrs, Hti'iim K li K i IK'S, Cotton (.ins and I'rcsr-es, Fertilizers, laliid 1'laster, Kami! Mt'i limih's TimiN and Hardware, Hrick, ( cnieiit, IMa-t'-r Hair, Paint, K a Isom i nc, ar nisli, Oil, Jlass, i'utty ami Hair. l'rec.ern, Kcl rigern t ors, Oil (iiok Stoves, laireku Murgliir I'rool Sash Loc ks, warranted to gi ve Ki'Ciii i t y and satisla lion. rui i:s v k it y i.ow. Jt:0. Abl.lA v ( o. Over 9,000,000 worn duritiK the po- years. This marvelous success io due 1st. To the jtuperioritT ot f.-imline nr aS other materials, as a stiffeuer fur Corsets. 2nd. To the SBperior quality, tha and workmanBhip ot our Corwt?. oonil lijed with their low prices. Avoid cheap Imitations made of vark uf kinds of cord. Kono are fenuinl, urJest "DR. WARNER'S CORALINE " Is prlutej on Inside of tteel cover. FOR 8LE BY ALL LEADING MERCHANTS. WARNER BROTHERS, ,369 Broadway, Mew York City. WANTFDL.A1HKS for onr rail and ObrikUnai Trade, to take light, plea ant work, at their own home. II to ti per day ean be quietly made. Work sent by mall any distance. Partimlara fte. Io ean Tea ling. Address at one. CRESCENT ART CO., If Ml'k Bt.. BotD, Mat Boi 6170. ,o20 dwlm TNTKSDIKG ADVERTISERS ho a Id X addr GIO, P. HOWELL & CO., 19 Ipraee Street, lew York City. For Select Llt of 1,000 NKWIP APBB S. will be sent appUcatloa. CELEB RATLDf If STEAMERS, EASTERN CAROLINA DISPATCH The Fast Freight Line ilJLl lflM cteiuc ILasIc n ui li CtrollM PbiuU, tud Aoriolk, B&lUtnore, Fhiuaelpkiu. New Voik,Botta Kit tu KliaLeih CI17. Ti.t. u. o.r :..' : k' il'H! 1. . 1 iv" , the BLti&Ul- c-e t- a - 1 : i t b.a th wiii ruuoB reu .hi bii.cdL.t i.u.c .enviLg Picwbtfrn every M " M ' a 1 . I' K-l'Ai W H I N KMi A Y aad 1-KJhAl bi i-. . h J M fur KJittLtrth Oily, ft 1 . 3 I t '. u I 1 , 1 J L. il.r I ' . . '. Li Litt J b il.rftt- ('.'hU fie .1, I'LiLit-il.UI. Willi Lha A'.-tti.t' a t J; Nurd. vuiiierD K, K New W'rfc 1 . ni. 1 1 f . k K K.. fciid ;:.r lt..L(t.Bi. ah h ! r :i. a 1 r . a ti.e aud :fc- ' - :.-3 rf . fc e - t-t : 1 i:.l;c-6 (or . .k 1 r a:. it ! tn N . 1 q ; & . t. 6 1 1 , f. it'.cUi ( uy , a 1 11 I " .-.'.' f- : c .Jadtiiul. C-tafS lO . : '. ..: t fr . '" " ".-6 l- e . j 1 1 1 '.j tfajjUjrU tt'v :.t : t" b t. s :....i w & iroiii N . ' ! N f K K it..:.- Iv I' W. A i1 K h i 're. !ri.! r I -:: , ' 1';.:. by in . . a:, .b 1; j . i h -: f iu : : . , jj New ' h ' y i t : f i. 1 - N 1 1 it, hwtrr, ' 1 t f - -t i. .s ' w .ik and I . ( e tie . v tt . .4 r Li I '.J fcL IL - o ' t w l'r 1 H Oil Ui IB '.ft.'.- I. ' r (tl, 1 K L.tduij h to : . - M,,k r . r 1. n Ageiil, ' ' : 1 't-ll.r, I' Hyde Liin Company. N ' 1 . iivi s in; 1. a, jhs: fl I I . - 1 I I 1 1 i r. s I I- A VI t H is.1 . M (. I 1;, ' ' '' : - ' 1. ' : - r .V t 1 e '. . ' :.. !.. I.. !:..! Mt h. ' ; ' ' " , 1 t.f n- A.laa.s 1 ret . ' ... t .lMa A kl. ' ' N e : , . , , ,r M n ... - ..,.', ...... , I,., k. 1 . . ,.1 sfts 1 ' . ui A 111 !. I IPfl, 1 r ... ' n 1 l.l K.I ' -K I N A M . ' uu- r '. , , 1 1 , h k s '. . h uierii, 1 1 11, l.,r li.'.f. aj il u . ,i,t; lm ' 1- frig 1,1 e ttirk. ' . t.: II. e ; nci-i ChLe I.e.' :d Kcw y.rk. The S. . I-VfiKht Linn f OH NL'W YORK, BOSTON, PROVIDENCE, ii'i l a:; y ' t !N ft li II It 1 'r-it 4 ! ; e ' i. : r , , , ; . f . t 1 1 r c 1. 1 1 1. .N . t . w Hun ft 1 rii.u 7, NoitTM kivi:k, 0(fi t o f Anr 1 or k and Hallimoi li .iniijnM (stan Co. 1 . . : . '. ' r t. i : . t '.!..,: '. t . . - I, i Le I f ' ' i: 1 ... . f N r i, n. a kin I. ' i v : I i, tirv, Hem. : ' 1 ' M.V.I - I I K! "t .Ml. A M K It S Between NuW hrzt md Lkltiniore if' k f :.... r i. 1IIJ.IUV 1.. . f lift . II II. ..I F fo : a 1 ... j a 1 1 k 1 1 A Y 1 K ll Aft. - . n i.e.-. i ll i. f 1. . : i hb, i H A W -1 t !,,.! K l ti W r .: A t. . II. ..ft!.; I, 12 Si'UI 1 .in-. : l: - I ,-!. t K ... I I . k . I .. , I, ' i -: i - ' I a I . r r , r N itlj rli.t ..1:4 v. I.n t f : .. (i 1 . K " l.r. if . . . 111. ri i, . 1 ,N 1 1. 1 d j . He. . v :i i-c.'m' tlurdij 1 1. . - f i : t U I 4 v c i d ErPAhf tt h'.i &sd Ship m N. Z. LINE. d Vk - 111 It N H ' U A Y A v t -rii OLD DOMINION Steamship Company. nti-vi:i:iu.v i, ink. TI.' til'1 Dninllll'i'i St r ill It 1 1 (out I'.ii)". O l ,1 mill l-'ioiltc Wtitei Houtr. i Ih A 1 1. in. r Ic sn.1 i ll r .n J.r n k r ( lin I . r h Moililtl. It n 1 1 1 mill t , ttx toil riilla ilrlj.liln. Hii.ioii. I'rt.i An! nil jioir.tH. North, Ks-t and West ! is I V . i I , bUL 'NT, Stealers New p.rce ind Pamlico w . i f: -:t st.ui . K. . for NEW 1.1 it s i , . .a , 1.4; :. i. ; .u 4. Wetlnei il.t . h 1 ' ,1 I- 1 l.i h 1 11 fc ' 1. 1; . ..41 tec Lion wlih ll, s'I.:imt 'f o.f N. A T. K. s H . t ... t ii K i.n. :. I 1 piiIi.m. antl a! 1 other lantlltik'S en u p NtMiif ftiul J'rent Klverm. Ktturiilng, noil rnim NKt HKHNK Inr MillCnI.K ,::r.(t. Miiiida.M, Wednm lti ami Ft 1 On ,0 11 m . malt 1 ng connec iinii :iii tM' '. : ' s. H. t'o.'a ahlp for Niw :rk t: h r ct. g iMmrn f..r Kh i .n, t , 1 . i.p snljMt ftir Phi la-clt-ipl.lH. nn.l MAM I . t u e U s for Boa. tin ami l"r,, l.lpnti- (mr 1, 1. 1', r t. u ff .1 1 s t" p:ftttM onr patroDt, a n.l on r alnuisl ptif.-tl 4prlre for Lb paal iwcii.Vfar. 11 vi. p 1 -'-Ft snaraDt we can nfTpr ail f lilpi-prs as t, na" will do for ilipin In ttip fni i,rp. 1 .n1.T a. I g.xxle rara ot ll II. H. 8. Oo Sor f o , k , r rt--.Ki.ti r.t i rwin. nr shlpaient alter ll a ti. . on s a l . p ,ii 4 . rtutgpnKP'ff w 'I tin, I h k'tod tahlc. eormfort" nt, p r, o nut. anil .very ooortpsv and atten tion will t.p paul tlierrt by the officera. ;E B. ROBERTS, Agent. .vliis.'.Ra. CI LrMTFR TTRNKR, A genta, Norfolk. Va. ' n STAXFORH. U. F. A P. Agl... Sew Tor City. Steamer Howard. Commencing MONDAY, the 12th day of September, 1897. the Steamer HOW ARD will run the following schedule. For Trenton, every Monday asd rriday: Returning every Tuesday and Satur Up Neuse River every Wedneadsy, and return Thursday. st8 dwtf ?