A ' j?" v. - V,'' A jn.. NOTICE! .. ' Great Executor's Sale. I WILL SELL FOR THE NEXT THIRTY DAYS The entire REAL AND PERSONAL PROPERTY owDed by the UU HANNAH COHEN, deceased ; Six -ice Dwelling Houses, located on Pollock and Hancock streets, in ' good condition, all well renu J ; one large three story sub cellar iron front boilding, corner Pollwk and Middle strt-ets, known as the Weinstein - Building. ' Also, several Farms in Craven county, near the city of New Btrne. All of the sbove Property will be sold at Low Priets and Easy Terms. For further information enquire of Wm. COHEN, at Weinstein Building. $25,000 Worth of Goods to be Closed Out. I will also sell the Eutire Stock of Clothing, Foreign and American, Cassim ere, and Broadcloths and Pants Goods of all descriptions; an immense Stock of Dry Goods, Boots aud Shoes, Hate and Caps, and Ladies and Gents' Furnihhiug Goodp, aLd a large ttock of Cat pels, which will be sold St great sacrifice, and a good man more good too luuktou.- to mention. The above goods will be sold FIFTY PKK CEN T lens, than their value. Also, a large stock of Saddler) and Buggies of different manufactures will be sold regardlet-f of cot-t. Remember, I am M-lhng the al.r prop. rt g ! m t tie the estate and they iuum be- m M within Thirty l'ay.- All I ai-k is for you to come an i coiivn.n- nur.-i ! .. jtT REMEMBER THE PLA( E, TTVrxi. COHEN, Y.i. fur Hannah Cohen, dieca.-i'l. Ocl '2 dwtjan THE CHEAPEST, Axicl Hie J5itesi Stylcw i Men's, Youth's Clothing, Id 4 button ( 'utau a s. I'linre A lln-i t.-. Siiiari' and liound 'nl Sackn, made from the bo.-l Vi ksereu and CacMincie--. You will now find at M. H. SULTAN'S, At Rock Bottom Prices. Without A fine lint' of Silk Lined and Silk OvercoatH, Hi the most l.if-liiona Imaginable. A larger aud liner Line in GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS. than ever. Also a very attractive ;ikm!I mi nl ol the lateM S: leu and pattern h Gent's Neckwear. In Soft and Stiff Hats we carry tin- latent and leading My les. Our Stock ol DOOTS AND SHOt'S i- cmplcte in eM iy particu lar, and at prices that cannot be duplicated. We also have not forgotten the Ladies, and .IcMre ! call then atti ti tion to our Most Elegant Line of Dress Goods, hiMi tb will sell at Reduced Kate, bnv a laree lot ol goods fur a little We call their special attention to mart At s Vrans . 1 ol in a iih. Walking . Also, a full line of Carpets, Rugs and Blankets. rf Diva him a trial betore purchasing our goods, as on will it to your own interest to do so. 3V. H ocl2 dwtf DAIL BROTHERS, Wholesale Grocers, HAVK lMOVKI) TO THEIR , TWO STORES, SOUTH OF THEIR FORMER STAND, And keep of FIAH'K, It r. ATS, COFFEE. bUOAR, STKUPfi MOL.ABSES HALT, TOBACCO, SNIFF AM) CIGAltS, an "erythlnK In the UKOCEKV ;0- rilKJKW for CASH. 3 &Tt.S1 piini:,ni.rjMH.i:MiH!iJjm i ivn x3ka- trtM Ud vi rw x ita t aaaol k. nt ir. 4 wa i ra orad to Mali SEMIKALPAST1LLS. buwi-MU CWffor harrorn Dvbilitr, Orrsnic omf or rig or mil i la i an a vaa totba fall anionpeatof Mrfaat a I toll Maalf B a a4 Ttaon 1 1 Haalth. a 7 tfcuaa aaaar tmm tba many ahaegj-jtwa as aaaan at iMuaaHa, i.i. . r.r: a .arafraala4alaa , Torn aand urn mt taan allaatatgDaotof ar a M aaa axarra h nji. f ACX0 1 W ait IUaat'd IbpUms. AarTWRU PmSOaJ n ha FRE.S P.OBEETS & EE1TDERS01I ISeTT Berne, Onlj firtt clait Companier rfpresco - ed in Hrt. lift u XtcUnt im3e.. Total Capital orer Forty Mlion o . Dollar.. JOB24dlf T - a 3 l ft T nl ii ami ivrii nl I nrTn i ia Aa Ma. Taatad lor F.ism aan li f i thar ahanlntalT laaum X Wrkaa 4av Chill Sjrup m rf up . :n lluildinc'. .-or. Pollock and Middle ct.-.. NEW DERNE, N. C. and Children's Lower than the Lowest Exception : l-.iccil. Mr col he. i y ;i! ,i' the d lifcl. ovc weight, I price and which will enable ill) v one to money. the best assorted stock Jackets and ,Jerscs in tli 1 New city. fin i - STXltctxi. Asa dones' Old Stand LINE, riTLI, STOCK and at -24 b B ciuy aix. If to hlaad thair rlfr T RlTRa kBit K B.a fCTt RED thoaaaa. do sat lanfai f with aoaabon to itim, or mam pala 'arlnaafOinHfulinTv, PoumIm T3 I pnailaaa. Br dinri laHeanaatoUiv Mat of Ilia W a)i i ic mmbcii ft't witaoal Of lay Taa aaairal I ahaatlna eh am of 1 rf a ft a aa, pM timiM taifJaaaiaatdlTitataimatm aataaaai TKAT-OTT. Cm KobU. W. T ttL tt. tton (1 HARRIS REMEDY CO Rrt C-T 80H .TaBtaSuaa,arT.PPLTjL Trial of our AptrUano. Ask tor Trml AGENCY FOR Vc1 .M - - . - -a 1 T " Blest b t heart tht-toa Do sulle. That feels no wish unkind. Forgetting prorocation, -while Good deeds are kept ia mind. That afM a roe ran flna at TANSILL'B Vtl AOEFCT. an nntDdd by FINE cio a: W. PaJroar. tka ebteeal variety ad at po-arpnM. " TTb. PALM IB, Beeond door fro eor. Botrta Proat and lllSdla a, If rw fira,I.C THE JOUKNAL. Geiiaa When biological science ia ad vanced enough for as to be able to pat into definite form present ideas we Bhall probably be able to clear ap tbe obscare and mnch-con tested distinction between talent and gen i as. All will agree, one sap poses, that wide versatility consorts mach more naturally with what we commonly mark off as talent than with original genius. And tbe reason of this may, perhaps, be dimly descried in the considera tions here brought forward. For talent, when distinguished from genins, seems - to mean superior ability to master ideas and to develop new applications of them. And it is evident that this kind of capability is not necessarily limited in its scope. Indeed, it would ap pear rather to exclude the idea of any unique excellence of aptitude in a particular region of activity. Aud it ct-rtainly does excluded an all-absorbing interest in some one circle of ideas. Hence tbe superior grades of talent appear as remark able instances of versatility. Diderot, Lessiug, better still, Maca ulay may be said to represent talent lamed to its highest power. Anil, if so, one may say that talent ban for its physical substratum a splendid average brain average, tbat in, m the general equality or indifference of its manifold func tionw, though greatly raised above average in point of strengtb. Aud do we not seem here to approach a pbysical explau iitiou of tbe fact that w hile talent, as exalted com mon sense, is something normal and healthy, genius is apt to go off into abnormal tine snlednesst lent leuian's Magazine. 1 ) KHIN 1TKN E.SS IK K.MiV I.ELHiK. The memory w ill only le content when t her e in that accuracy which gives absolute eoutiuence. .suspi cion ol inaccuracy is the most vicious clcinent in memory. It is more satisfactory not to recall a thing than to lecall it in such a way as not to know what we have recalled whether the recollection is reliable, wheic the memory of fact shades into fancy. It requires the best mental activity, the closest observation, the clearest thought, the shaipest dcsci iminal loll, the cleanest classification, to give knowledge that iletiuiteuess which is indispensable to reliability in memory and accuracy in recollec tion. Journal of Education. I'aik maiden, if your lover's name is William, renu mber in ask ing a favor of him to say "please William'' and not "do Hill. ' For he knows that if William pleases tbe result will be a due Hill. He who is a stranger to Industry may have possessions, but is Irarely nappy, im i.ioor gics pleasure. relish to It moD Klinr. A ll.BASANT l.KMON DK1NK Lemon Klixir is prepared from the frh juice of Iemona, combin ed with other vegetable liver tonics, cathartic aromatic stimulants and blood puritiers. Kifty cents and one dollar per bottle, hold by druggists generally and by all wholesale druggists. Prepared by H. Mozley, M. I , Atlanta, (ia. 1 or billiousness and constipation lake Lemon Kluir. For indegesiion aod foul etomach lake IemoD Elixir, For sick and nervous headache lake Iemon Elixir. For steepness and nervousness take Lemon Elixir. For loss of appetite and debility take Lemon Elixir. For fevers, malaria and chills, take Lemon Elixir. Lemon Elixir will not fail in any of the above named diseases, all of which arise from a torpid or diseas ed liver. Lemon Hot Drops Cure all coughs, Colds, Hoarseness, 8ore Throat, Uronchitis, Pneumonia and all Throat and Lung diseases. Price 25 cents. Iemon Hot Drops. Sold by druggists. Prepared by Dr. H . Mozley Atlanta, Oa., in both liquid and lozenge form. For sals in New Berne, wholesale and retail, at R N. Duffy s drug store. Cash must accompany the order. satotsnn au sap For Kent, The Irge Dwelling House on PollocH street, recently occupied by Mr. K. R Jones. Apply to oc26dlw F. C. R0 9ERTS. For Sale Cheap, ONE HUNDRED AND TEN BBLS FLOl'R slightly damaged by water. HUMPHREY & HOWARD. olSdwtf DR. J. D. CLARK DENTIST, nvwwu.m. u. c. Ofllea n Urarao atraat. Minn Pollock and Broad. aarMay SALE OF LAND. Oa M'HDiT, Ida 981 slay mt If O. TBMBKH, 1R8T. I will, by vtrtna of aa order of sale obtained from tba tsnpertor Ooon of Craven Canst?, sail at tba Court House door In tba mtyM lit Bona, at IS If , Twenty-two a&4 on naif arras of lana in Townahln Ha. S, In Poplar Sw amp. tba property of tb late . I. Donalaon, adjmning the tan i of Mrs. Mary B. Bryaa a4 otbrri. Terms of sale: ona half eash, the re satndsr p" a c adit of atz saocU, aood aod $m. prw sd aacarltr. - - . WK. B, O-ITrTJ. ASmt ' ,"'"' of Aodrsw I. IXHialaoa. .tl.BTtt,AU- . oauuwiw. MOST BRILLIANT, PURE &PEEFE0T LENSES Xzx tlxe w orld. They are as tianaparant and eolorlesi aj light ilaelf, and for aoflneaa or enduranoe to toe aye, cannot be exoallfcd, enabling tne wearer to read ror hours with oat latlgae. In (act, they are PERFECT EIGHT PRifiSERNKKS, Testimonial (i.m the leading physicians in the United SLntea, Governors, Senators, Legislators, stockmen, men o note In all pro fessions, and In different branches of trade, bankets, mechanics, etc., can be given who have had their tight Improved by their use. ALL EYES FITTED AND THE KIT GUARANTEED BY F. 8. DUFFY, Droggiat, mam NEW BERNE. N. O. Iy RED LIGHT SALOON, Near Market Dock, Middle St, NEW BERNE, N. C, 18 WHERE VOL' CAN ALWAYS K1MJ PURE LIQUORS Of every variety, in large or email quantities Also the FINEST(iKALE8 of TOBACCO AND CIGARS. All of which will be sold CHEAP FOR CASH! JOHN I) Dinkins, Salesman. K SVHI TM N. decli2 dw rail" ' lor Take Notice Our store is filled with Provlsior, CJ rooerh's, (aimed Oootls, I ry CiotHlM, Crockcrj', Etc. We keep a full line of the Celebrated Prison Boots and Shoes. ALAO C. S. Parsons & Sons' Boots and Shoes. Every pt r tvaiisi.U'd in jif satis faction. Country luerchanl rim the people generally are requesti-il to call and ex amine our large slock tcfore purchas ing. We w ill give you low figures. We job Ixrillard Hnulf. ROBERTS L BRO., Sottfh onf sf.. New llerne.H. V S. B. WATERS, Jr.. KoH Tllli Best and Cheapest Line of Gents' Furnish'g Goods HATS, SHOES, Clothing, Umbrellas. &c. All the Latest Novelties a I ways in slock. Best ?3.00 Shoe in the city. Every I'aib Warranted. Ask to eee his 60c. Shirt. Also, the celi-brattd Arrow Iirand Collar, two for l.V. Clothes to order n pecialty. Fits G l AHANTKKL). Next Door to A. 31. linker, op, . r plaropnl Clitirch. h.'plll (t wHm r, A . IIHIllt. ( S. FOV. SIMMONS A MAM I Green, Foy & Co., BANKERS and Commission Merchants' South Front Street, 4edwly NEW BERNE, N. C. W. P. BURRUS & CO., GRAIN & COTTON COMMISSION MERCHANTS, SEW BERNE, N. ma v& dwtf WeU I c Crop ts MIGHTY SHORT, but I hare Bsc ima my HARDWARE, MA CHINERY aad AGRICULTURAL IM PLEMENTS from . J. C. WHITTY. thereore? am all RIGHT. I tU yov hii prioaa help oat ibort erop amaainsly, $6 a DayA Gold Mine For Afenu. Grandaai .tawr Staking Baaistaaa eer offered. A itoldsn tiarveat far tbe next Two Months, T aer Mantli ansl axpaasea to aettT to sell aarfooda. papltal rcqalrea. Ho peddllos;. Ham Ueaaaor cooda and ralnsble iDformattoa aad roll tartkralara MEK Ww bvasb-a-I iraaaaaojost what we car. Addreasetonca eTAKDA&U S1LVBWABB CX oeaidwSai Boston, sat. 1 j3h&r3i - . . : rfX. Jit Ldw Pncc STILL .MA Has returned from the Northern Markets, and now his Large and Commodious Store if packed with Foods, direct from Importers, Jobbers and Manufacturers. I am now prepared to offer better induce ments for the future than ever in the past. My Stock is much larger and could not he better selected. I buy in large quantities for GASH, which enables me to sell cheaper. Give me a trial and be convinced that O. MARKS is really the LEADER OF LOW PRICES. It would be folly for me to attempt a lull description of all my stock Tlio mobt elegant line of that haw ever been brought to this market, including all tho Latest Stales, lieautiftil Suitings aud Cloaking. All the Latest Novelties in Fancy Goods! Silks! Satins! Velvets and Velveteens! Slioes! Shoes ! Shoes ! Such a lino of Shoes never was exhibited iu this place before. Mens Ladies, Misses and Children's ol all descriptions in endless variety. An (1 iuy line of Ladies, Misses and Children's Cloaks well you will have to come and see them, they are beyond descrip tion, the largest, handsomest and irtOST line in the city. Aho a band some lot ol Wraps and Shawls, Flannels, Etc., Etc. i rT" DON'T FAIL .9.1 j to see my lino of before purchasing, w hich is very huge, embracing all grades from the cheapest to the best : All wool Three ply. Brussels, all wool Ingrains, etc., etc. Napier Matting, Pine Matting, Oil Cloths, all widths, Table Oil Cloths, Mata, Rugs, etc., etc. By calling at my store you will find very many things that cannot be mentioned here ; space would not permit, and besides they are too numerous to mention. Two thousand five hundred yards : 4 Cashmere at 10c per yard. Doable width Cashmere, 15o. per yard. All wool Sacking, 15c. per yd. Infants' Shoes, lfc. and upward. The prettiest and best Ladies' Button Shoe in the rtty for tl.25. Pants Cloth, 10c. np. Fine imported Knghsh Half Hose, 12jc. per pair. Towels, 5c. np. Turkish Hath Soap, 5c. Good Note Paper, 5c. quire. Envelopes, 5c. pekg. All silk Ottoman Ribbon, 5c. yard. Hose and Half Uose, 5c. pr. Heavy Kilfbed Hose, 10c. pr. Linen Cape Collars, 5c. Ladies' Kid Gloves, 4 button, 50c., new goods. Ladies' Boncle Jerseys, G0c, worth l'.(k. Ladies' Collars and Cuffs, 5c. Red and white Flannel, 15c. np. Oorsets, 25c. up. A Big Drive in Note Papera 5-quire Package goT quality, for 15c. Hamburg Edgings, 3c. 5c. and 8c. Men's Scarlet Wool Undershirts, 50c. each. A Big Job in Ladies, Misses and Children's I'ndervests and Pants. Misses' Vests aDd Pants, 25c. each. Many other Drives that cannot be mentioned now. Wholesale Trade. I am now prepared to offer better inducements to Wholesal Bojeri than ever before. My Btock is much larger, more-varied and. complete.' I bay in large quantities from FIRST HANDS for SPOT CASH, which enables me to sell CHEAPER in small quantities than Northern ' Houses. Come and see me. I can save you monev. , EF Agency t Clark's O. 5. T. Spool Cotton. t To the Allow me to thank yoa kindly, one and all, for joif liberal patronage Inthe past, and to ask for a continuance of the same, assuring yotf that LOW PRICES SHALL ALWAYS IB At. . i '. iv ; : v- v vl w, very truly yours, -V;; , r.:i v..;7-'v- LEAD! RKS Public. W k. 1.4 a. ... , SI ar