' 1 D JOURN HE AI LY VL VOL. VI.--NO. 184. NEW BERNE. N. C., THURSDAY. NOVEMBER 1887. PRICE 5 CENTS. i v"" c; jjr . V- LOCAL NEWS. New Berne, latitude, 85 0' North , " longitude, 77 8' West. Sun rieee, 6:17 I Length of day. Sub sets, 5:18 f 10 hours, 56 minute Moon ste at 9 M p. m. BUSINESS LOCALS. ALL things being equal, fine, stall fed Beef at Snelling's at ten cents per pound. Best bausage in market tf FERRIS 13 Hams and Strips. Another shipment of Philadelphia Butter, the best yet, at John dunn s A LOT of Elegant Pickles just re ceived. C. E.Blovkh. "flXED PICKLES, very fine, 80cts. lTi. per qt., Cranberries 12j, Celery 50 eta. per dez .at Uinm b. rpHE FINEST BUTTEH id the city, - elegantly moulded, 30c. per lb THE GROCER. E. B. UACKHl'RN JOHN H. CRABTREE & CO., Fou ders and Machinists, New Berne are Riving; special attention to ibnuju ufacture and repairs of Boilers of all kinds, aod would be pleased to luriihb plans aod estimates upon application. nov2 2awtf OTOLEN From my boat lyine at O market dock, a 40 calibre Reining Iod Rifle. Liberal reward will be paid for return of the same to Wm. Hmiib at the store of S.uull ood Slovor oiBOtf 1 H. W. Wahah 70R RENT A convenient dwelling J K 1 Kh New Hei iir, N I ' Apply to ocSttif.J A NEW Stock of Oil Sloves and . House keeping Ouods at Geo. Ali.kn & C iher 1)URE Liquors and Wines for Medici nal and other usee, at wholesale. jAMKh Rkdmum DIRECT importation of French Brandy and Holland Uiu arrived in bond and duties paid at Custom louse in'.New Berne, guaranteeing gen jine goods for sale. Jab Redmond. GARRETT'S Medoc Vineyard Cognac and Wines for sale, at Manufactu rer's prices, by Jambs Redmond. BROWNT3GEORGIACOTTON OINH, with Self Feeder and Condenser. All of the latest and most approved pat terns. Qbo. Allkn &. Co. REDMOND'S tlipger Ale. Lemon Soda, etc , equal to imported. James Redmond. B UQGIES, McU. rates' make, for Dail Hhus'. aale at Saelling is offering stall-fed beef und fine sausage. A fine lot of New river trout in mar ket yesterday. Among the steamer Vrsper'e catgo yesterday was one hundred bales of cotton billed through to Hamburg, Ger many. The Cotton and Grain ExchaDge gives notice to ginners that the side strips on cotton should be left off as deduct ions in weight ara made for them in Norfolk. Steamer MoTejaents. The Vesper of the E. C. D. line sailed yesterday afternoon iih cargo of cot ton, lumber and oil. Admitted to Bail Our information from Trenton is that W. J. Perry, indicted for the killinK of Willis Venteii, aT charged by the coro ner's jury, gave bond in the sum of live thousand dollars for bis appearance at the next term of the court. Personal. Mr. C. C. Hamilton and daughter of Brooklyn, N. Y., are in the city visiting the family of Mr. C. E. For. W. T. Caho, Esq., of Stonewall, is in the City. O. H. Guioa. Esq., returned from Jones Superior Court last night. Goes to Jail Vountarily. The following item is clipped from the Washington Progress. Mrs. Lincke wm cent to jail last summer as an ao boanplice in the murder of her husband, and we released on bail by Judge Bhepaxd upon a writ of habeas corpus: If it, JJnoke came np last week and request, her- bondsman to surrender bee. tot. the sheriff, stating that she wished to spend the intervening time until court in JaiL We have not learned the motive prompting this action. Bittsn by a Haras. Mr. Eesektab Diris, from near Tuacarora. ealled to see as yesterday ' with, his right arm in a sling, and in answer to an inquiry as to the trouble . informed as that while throwing in feed to the horse of the minister who was ' Stopping ' with him, ' the animal. In - a fit . of anger grabbed hie tight wrist with his teeth and oruahed -down upon " sending them to the boos. ; While no -bones war broken it is a rery painful aad - severe wound.'""; : - v If wa would hare powerful minds, we must think; if powerful muscles wa must labor; if sound lungs we mast Uke Dr. BaU's Cough Syrup. Prioe 25c For cuts, bruises, sprains, - burns, scalds, frostbites M chHUBins nothing ec-t r'TSiAa c.l. It annihilates p j. 1 , 9 cpbu at: 0. . . Not Satisfied With the Court. Flora Bryan, col , and mother ap peared at the Joi'KMAi. office yesterday to give an account of a light between her and one Meicbel Thompson which occurred on Monday and was tried by justice E. G. Hill on Tuesday. She says "Merchel," though one of the shouting members of the church, cursed her scandalously, and in turn she, Flora, shook her fist in " Merchel 's" face and darek her on to mortal combat. There was nut much blood letting, but the case got before justice liill and Flora's part of the fun coot just $4 25. But she u of the opinion that the justice has made a mistake, that "Merchel" was the proper one to psy the fiddler, not her. JuBlice Hill heard both tides of it, while Flora could see only one side We think H safe under the circum stances to take the justL-e b decision hs the correct one. Storj RjLbeiy On TinrvJav nifcht M ine Itiitf cr thieves end red Mr J . K Taj lor 's sli.ie on Middle meet by br ak my u md pane, and twuk out llie cash in tl.e dra t er , t w o bu 1 1 tie of tlou r . wo rue in eat. dry goiiln and ill.rr ari.i lee of mer- hnndic,e 'I lie em am e w us iiu.le n,in lht J(n i,( I tie alia! llliel.t 111 chill je of Mr. 1 iveri i...r I . mid llie eie taken out al Hie bd' k dour of llie hpul inent mpei intended bv Mi Tailor . ' Two money drawers m in hr i k n p n aud live or n j dol lure in pennies ruck-' els and oilier small i Ini.ti- t&ln n eul with ihe olbf r goods j Watchman Mill says he went down to the stole a lull" after tn o'clock and found the glass broken and a barrel standing it the place, but he came to the singular conclusion that the thief had gone in and got what he wauted and left. Later he put a colored man to watch the store and went to inform Mr. Taylor's clerk, who says he arrived about 2 a in Mr. Bray, the clerk, and Mr. Davenport went down aud found the back door of the store open and the goods mentioned above gone The Railroad Project. We announce this morning the com mittee required by the resolutions adopted at the public meeting held iu the court house last Friday night to present the mailer of call in j an elec tion on a subscription of sixty thousand dollars to a railroad to Onslow county and forty thousand to a railroad to Washington, to the county commission ers at their next regular meeting. The unanimity with which these resolutions were ndopted. and the number present. many of them among our largest tax payers, is sufficient to justify the coun ty commissioners in ordering the elec tion, even though tbey themselves should individually oppose a subscrip tion. When they order an election the matter can be thoroughly discussed, and if it can be shown that it is not to the interest of the people to aid in the construction of these lines, then the people will vote it down. On the other band if it can be shown that such lines of railway will secure to tbe city of New Berne an advantageous position on the new ooaat line of railway and make it a central point for the distribution of tbe grain of our Eastern counties, put us on a great through line from North to South, and infuse new life into this entire section tbey will vote for it We are not afraid to trust tbe people on this question; we hope the oom mlsioners will give tbe committee a bearing and submit it to tbe people. Committee Appointed. Tbe publio meeting held at tbe court bouse on Friday night last adopted tbe following resolutions unanimously: Resolved 8. That it is the sense of this meeting that the county of Craven ahould subscribe sixty thousand dollars to the construction of a railroad from New Berne to New River in Onslow county, there to connect with a rail road about to be bnilt from there to Wilmington; and that said county should also subscribe forty thousand dollars to a railroad to be built from New Berne to Washington, N. C, there connecting with a line of rail and water transportation (now nearly completed ) to Norfolk, Va. , thus creating a through line of ooeat railway from the gieat citiee of the North via New Berne. Resolved 4. That a committee of fif teen be appointed to wait upon the Board of Commissioners of this county at their next monthly meeting, and re quest that body to submit to the people, upon suoh terms ss may be agreed upon between them and the authorities of tbe Eastern Carolina Land and Railway Company, a proposition for the said county to subscribe the said sums of sixty and fqrty thousand dollars to said railroads, respectively. la aooordaao with tha a box resolu tion the chairman ef the meeting has appointed tha following gentlemen to wait opon tha county commissioners at their meeting next .Monday: T. A. Green, S. R. Street, D. Robert, E, R. Dudley. Wniis PetUpher. Jokn Chap man, Robert Hancock, jr., R. B Cox, John A. Richardson, Ret 4 John Johnson,- I. Rbem, T. 8. Eroul, trv D. W. Sffitlh, W. B.L&cs sci E. K. Bryan'. ! CITY tOrSCIL PROCEED! Nt.S. November 1, 1557. regular meeting of the board city counciltneo was held this evening at 8 o'clock, Mayor Meadows iu the chair. Present: Counoilmen J. V. Wil liams, B. B. Lane. V. A. Crawford, S H. Lane, M. P. Holly and H I'. Ken nedy. Marshal's report was read and on mo tion adopted. Committee on lire department made a report. Finance committee reported that the tax list had been examined and a voucher ordered to be delivered to Mr. Follel. Committee on streets and pumps re ported the work on streets and pumps progressing. Also that the committee had investigated the matter of a house said to be in 'l ull street, and lind that it does stand in the street and recommend its removal. K 1. Williams moved to authorize tbe committee lo inveMigale and ascer tain if Tull street is a public street A motion to ill1 !e Ihe res !llll"ll w . i- hi.-t hud li e origin:,! nc In. n ad"pli I The Major elated tlii.t he had bell: Uli&hle 1-. i,h irlton v, hello l II. i il cou hi i bin in ij i :i M i re in I hr i 1 1 h ut e or I. "I he MUM' ll,t It- hud hi i ll I, . 11, i: ibg f II. fi.ifl .if ,-..ni,lv n in n A i the inoiii regar d t. a v, ( , .i ,i I., , . i ll pas-ed al the ellling It,.- ' I rt 1- t 1111 el , Iil' 111 pel I r 1 1 t r ; I i 1 purchased to the Atlai. lie S I C '1 he M'le stood Ayes. .1 V. Williams, H. If. l.sue. S 11. Lane, II 1' Kennedy nays. K 1' Williams. . A Crawford. J. (ireer, M. 1'. Holly Which being a lie the Mayor voted nay and the motion to reconsider was lost Mr. John (ireer moved that the com mittee on tire department be emiKiw- erd to acl on the renl of the oddfel lows Hall for the New BeriiH 1. L. Co., which was carried . II. 1'. Kennedy moved thai Merritt Whitley he allowed to pay his license tax with vouchers for service. Carried. Mr. J. F. Taylor wan on motion of V A. Crawford, allowed to make ad lition to his iron brilding on Middle street The Marshal was authorized to m r chase shells necessary for the hi reels On motion of H. P. Williams, the Mayor and finance committee were cm powered to perfect the purchase of the property from Ml? Geo. Henderson, as to title and mortgage. A communication from the Button Fire Engine Co. in reference to note due on purchase of engine was read, and the treasurer instructed to telegraph the Button C ). for an extension of WO days' time on the note. J. V. Williams moved that Ihe tax collector be authorized to take city vouchers in payment for taxes now due, which was carried. The bills rejected by the board while under injunction were taken up and allowed by a flvs to three vote. Coun cilman K. V. Williams, H. II. Lane and 11. P. KrnDedy voliDg nay. Clark & Clark's bills were allowed by the same vote. A bill from the Atlantic engine com pany was referred to the company. On motion of K. P. Williams the clerk was instructed to issue vouchers in advance for tbe pay of the drivers for the two fire engine companies from month to month until the treasury is in a condition to pay the cash. The regular bills were allowed. Mayor Meadows was excused and Councilman R. P. Williams called to tbe chair. Councilman Kennedy was excused. Minatee were read and adopted . Ad journed. Silas Fulchbr, City Clerk. To Glnnrri. New Eerne Cotton and Grain Ex change requests Ginners of Cotton to leave off Side Stripe when packing, as iu Norfolk and other markets bales with Bide Strips on are subject to a de duction In weight. New Berne, Nov. SJ, 1887. A Card ta the Fsblic I have received a letter from Adju tant General Johnstone Jones in which he states that the Governor declined to receive the. Hamilton Guards, a military oompany organised, with myself as Captain. I wish to state to the Governor that the men of this oompany are law abiding eitisens, have always shown them selves as suoh, and are entitled to consideration by any Governor, of this or any other State or of the United States. Hcnby Jamis. Erysipelas aid Obstinate Ulcers. Boils, Carbuncles aad Running sores of every kind are cleansed, tbe poison germs destroyed and a speedy cure affected by Using Darbys Phony lactic Fluid.- ; - . - MI have been affloted with the Ery sipelas. Nothing would heal tha sore or stop tha runniirg. I used Darbys Prophylactic Fluid and found a speedy cure. Have also tried it in several other eases and i proved effectual." 3. p, Greer; . - . ' NEWS NOTES. lire in Cincinnati Monday destroyed the works of the American Cottonseed . Oil Co. Loss H"' At Raleigh. N. C . ihe tirtl tu.n vf the t bason fell Monday, but mtlted as it reached the grou n i and was f il.'Wed L j rain and hail 1 ire at Kjeler, N H . M. n Uv Lurr.ed the two upper stories i f ihe old mill c f iLc Kxeler Manufa'-l L.r iLg Cihiulv IyOBS SlW UW. Posltftice its.ei li r AJut has sti.l a circular to publichtre throughout the country warning ihtm against an ad vertising ageiu i ailed the Kuipire NewsCoinpany.iijaaiig.il C K U b erts of Kulfalo. N. V Ihotrut Attorney Mai l ne has tinished his consideration of the papers submit led in the couipla.nl made a&'aiuM Messrs. Jay iiouhl hi. 1 liussell age, and ill submit the rn..tli r to the t;rarid I'Ji y 1 u. flay lie 1, 1 I i li mutter f r i i i . u : i. i i t .! I ll .id I ' I' I: lib . t IV. 1 . te l. n fr . hi n. lie y 1 1 thro an I w t in ini ihe ire I I 111 tram ban Is i t re m A ter r ih le e 1. isi. i nut d in :. of thi cartridge bu ildings nf the A iner i can I un ite Louder Company at Mr Cainev nle. N .1 . Mon lay rimming. John Fanchoi, Henry Ii.idd, I'lnllij Meyers und rred Mcl'ede, Hid from li to ; years, were killed and the building blow n I i atoms Rev. Janice J . McTigbe, ill" H unan Catholic pries, whose eh i (ion to the prim ipal.Hhip of llie thirty third ward public school in 1 'ittahu r g caused such a stir recent I vn in religious circles, has tendered Inn resignation , and has or dered the Catholic i hi Id r en to relui u to the parochial school It is intimated that hi was advised to do bo by the members of his congregal ion lioan Hrown, a young white man. living near Doyle, i la. . has appeared before the county judge and made a statement that a few nights since a party of men attempted to lynch him. Hrown having been charged by rumor with killing one Hall some timn since. He killed one of ihem and ihe others lied. He sils up during the entire night with a r,tl" between his knees. A lit 1(1'. TO MOTH lilt. MliM. W lNbLOW S hOHiTIUNU N III P should always be used for children teething, ll soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all pain, cures wind colic, and is the best remedy for iiar bna. Twenty five cents a bottle. mar71 dtuthsat wlv The- AnarrhNN' Petition Denied. WaMIINUTON, D. C. Nov. The Su preme Court has denied the petition for the writ of error in ihe anarchists cai-ei. Thw applies to M the prisoner?. lo have good health medicmo is necessary occasionally. As a family medicine we can racommend Laxador tbe great regulator, and advise all to have a package constantly on hand for cases of necessity. We requ- Rt all mothers to stop using laudenum for their babies, and use. Dr. Bull's Haby Syrup, a safe medicine. It contains nothing injurious. L". S. Troops Moving Agalnsttlie II os- Ules at t.row Agency. St. Paul, Minn., "Nov. 1. The Pioneer Press rort Custer special says: Orders have been issued for troops to move today. A courier from the Crow Anency re ports a large and very noisy gathering of Indians near tbe Agency, and In dian war drums could be heard last niabt all along tbe Big Horn river. Tbe Indians are all ordered to be in camp by Friday night, and ull out after that will be treated as hostiles. The troops are in high spirits. Enjoy Llff Wbat a truly beautiful world we live in! Nature gives us grandeur of moun tains, glens and oceans, and thousands of means of enjoyment. We can desire no better when in perfect health; but how often do tbe majority of people feel like giving it up disheartened, dis couraged and worn out with disease. when there is no occasion for this feel ing, as every sufferer can easily obtain satisfactory proof that Qrven't August Flueer will make them free from dis ease, as when- born. - Dyspepsia and Liver Complaint are the direct causes of seventy-five' per cent, of such maladies as Biliousness, Indigestion, Sick Head ache, Costivenees, Nervous Prostration, Dteainass of tha-Head, Palpitation of tha Heart, and other distressing symptoms.- Three doses of August llotcxr will Drove its wonderful effect. Sam ple bodies 10 oente. Try it. """C LD PAPERS In any quantity tor v sate at to is omco,. -ii. - v- COMMERCIAL o r n l tk No i pent d .lc MUk bl , 1 , a J a.t N t i 1 utures bales. Nov em L el Leceua ber January . lebruarv March April. New I'.er:, T J hale- at '.' i( 1.4 y i May June July, A u g u f I Beplember 1 ictoht r riuar k d - t.j 'j ; Mortgage Sai I :, . . ' a 1" e I i r . l'ai.l Joi i a n, i i. . ,fci a ab g ! Himi ' iv e e .e, i. le-1 I . Male ..f ' le-ula h) : .1.'. ila o( Au(l.M IVi ..ll I l.e v...! ilt, , , ,f j- r t ,r u 1' i. A I. 1 loll al I l.e II. e I '11 V i f N e v, I I ij "li W Kl i.VhMli A 1 . IN ' Ji i w - tig tea: ee'.J, i . a I Sewl.ern. i-Ti tl.e i.,tl.t Null, n.iei . a : , i . I, I i i.e plan f :.f c:n ..r N-r . alul Vi (,u v es I e 'I el Hi a i , '. aa . t ' irt, ... .'I .11 I ....it l: 1 r , i 1,1. uli ,1 .11 f U ei .,1 1 s' W. L. DOUGLAS $3 SHOE.' Till only S3 KEAMI K88I hl.o In I l,n wurlil wlUk. J out lAeks or imlla. Kllie.I (jjvlf, ik He, I St.. &I..1 n &J railte.1 I uUHTeM,, lli, I. .11 jjujJ I. are. mo I,.', Aft M : lulj an 1 uural.lc &o lli.'.e 1 1 .sun Ki ii( Sti Kor all ear llie W 1. lH jLA i an k 1 W. I. 1)111 I.I.AS S'i.&O NIIOK Is o,o. ..!. I f, i lna.y near. If u.. iw.l.l ! ,,.i.r .l,a.r nit . L. LlUl OLAS. Uruckluu. Ma. Salo of Mortgaged Propirty 1 'n 'lues, lay . No eiuhc r . f. h . al the t 1 1 u r t H. use door in 1 r e lit on J .m s county, N. C , 1 will sell at public sale for cash, the land of W I . Hr j an . about ss acres, in said I'liuiiH. h nig on the south side of the A A N . C K I; . an i I more fully described in Ihe mortgage I deed executed by said Itr;in audio conled in Kegisl.-r s t!i e in .1. ne couniy , N . I ' . book No ;m j ago i to salisf i lai ms I or w h c h r i : 1 in i I .ice v as made, .1 V I . h.i i .1 i, A gi r.t. ! i ' t j:,:h, 'i -"7, I id NOTICE TO Merchants and Others. fiOO hlilH. Flour. 100 sks. Salt, 100 casta Cauuctl (Jooilu, 2T boxes I). Pallctl Mi nt, 100 kes Nails, 2r bbls. Sugar, FOR SALE CHEAP AT F. ULRICH'S, Mid lie Street, New Heme. N. New Millinery Goods! I have returned from Nev. Y, ik ai'.d received a Complete St:ck cf Fall and Winter Millinery Goods, alno Velvets and Plushes, which 1 am ofTerind; at extremely low pricen. I have also a large stock of Novelties and Fancy Articles. My Pattern Hals and other goods are open, and I invite my friends and customeiH to examine be fore purchasing. Am too busy for a regular opening day. C. M. V. F0LLETT. New Rerne, N. C. ool3d2m J. H. CRABTREE. BASIL MANLY. JOHN H. CRABTREE & CO. ENGINEERS, Founders and Machinists, Manufacturers and Dealers in UNGUES AUD MACHINISTS' SUPPLIES. Bullderi of Engines Boiler. Saw Mill.. Edging & Cnt-ofT nrblnr, We are prepared todo CaiUrw of oil kinds with promptness, Particular and Immediate ailcnllon given to repal of Ml ktods We will clad to give plans and estlmatx s Tor any desci iptlon of machinery. We are the agents for tbe sale of the Amer ican Saw. Also for G 4 A. Hargaroin s cele brated Indestructible Mica Valves, We give sntls factory guarantee fcr all work don by us. J.V12J d8aw wiy For Sale Cheap, ONE HUNDRED AND TEN BBLS FL jL'R slightly damaged by water. HUMPHREY & HOWARD. o;8dwtf SALE OF LAND. On H"1VB1T, th 28in ay of NO VEMBER. 18ST. I will, bv virtue of an order of sale obtained from the Mnpeiior Ooart of Craven County, sell at tbe Court House aoor m we uny or new Berne, at 1 M . Twenty-two and one half acres of land In Township No. S, In Poplar Swamp, the property of the late A. I. Donels&n, adjoining the lands or Mrs. Mary 8. Bryan and othe ra. Terais of sale: on half cash, the remainder epos eeredll ef six mo tha, bond end. ap- pniTwwjtw - .- na.o. umrijui. AomT - flBtlnvtriiMaWril w crwt . i MFN .fir m s H. K BTiw, Attr. .-' . , ; eels lwv !. B. DUFFY c- n:v I - It K- Fall and Winter 3XXlliiiex-y I MISS HARRIETTL LANE Innlioher friends and the public gen erally to call and Bee her line Millinery (iiKiili- It ih sulliciinii lo say they were selected by herself. hu h is a guaran tee that they are handsome and of nice quality. The Latest Styles, the Kmest Ooods and the best bargains are always to be found al her store. Styles Unequalled I Quality Unsurpassed Prices that defy competition! She hopes all will call, whether they wish to purchase or not. New Heme. N.l' .Ocl 1. dwlm NEW DERNE FURNITURE STORE. The Bess Installment House, Dealers in all graJee of Furnitures. Clocks. Pictures, Mirrors, etc., sold nn weekly anil monthly payments. lcture" of all sizes framed to order. J. M. HINES. Manager. Middle St., opp. L. II. Cutler V. Wanted, T.OO TONS of COTTON HEED. HiKlicjt C'asli Price paid, de Ihcrcd in w Berne i: H. & J. A. MEADOWS. oc9 dwtf 3J"o"tice. Having purchased tbe entire Stock of : Boots, Shoes, and Rubbers in store UB" der Hotel Albert, I will sell tbe eats AT C03T, SPOT CASH. No jroode wUl be sent out on probation. . fc Thankful for past patronage, the boar ness will be continued at the, old stand ondor Hotel Albert X F. T. PATTEBSOS. ' New Berne. N. C. esSr dtf Cheap For Cash 2 -l A Forty-fire Baw Qia aad thlrtv fat of Belting for tale by - ev awu - i. H. cutler. 41 Vl J I I

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