' :, .riTW T.T? A TMPTT TUT TATV VQTHTO ' nvttDa iriTTe mrr Mraordinary Bargains In Hens, Youths, Boys and Children's rvr nmiTTATri t. The largest 8tok of fine and cheap, well fitting and wearing and best made Clothing in the Git, in all about '250 Different Styles of Oorkacrew, Piagonal, Worsted, Beaver and Cassimere Suits, ranging from SQ to S20 t JSxxit. Men's and Bojs' Overcoats, Reversible Coats and Ulsterettes. A long felt want supplied : vis., the largest line of Children's Knee Pants Suits nd BOYS' SUITS ever brought here, just the very thing for city trade. Latest Styles in soft and stiff brim Hats, at reasonable prices. Boots and Shoes in Endless Variety. Ladies' Button Shoes' as low as 65c. a pair. 15 Button Skating hoots at 1.00. I AM SOLE AGENT FOB THE A. A. BATTLES' MEN'S CALF SEWED $2.50 SHOES KVKKV PAIS WAHHAHTEU. Dry Oods, Dress Goods, Worsted Popliue, Cassinieres, Kentucky Jeans, bleached, brovn and checked Domestioc, very cheap. Good Calicoes at 4c. a Yard. Don't fail to examine our Stock of 'ewuiarkeU, Ladies and Children's Walking Jackets, Shawls and Jerseys, sold at astonishing low figures. Men's Furnishing Goods, Wool Overshirts, White Shirts, Red and White Underwear, Cardigan Jackets, lower than ever. As usual a Dandy Line of Neckwear, latest shapes and patterns, handsome line of Hosiery and Silk Handkerchiefs. Beautiful assortment of Sutpendcrs ; a puir of fine nobby Bilk Suspenders for only 75 oents. MAX SCHWERIN, Middle Street, Sign of Flag. ME. SAM. R. BALL will be glad to meet LiH old friends and acquaintances. JJIK. OAM. lNQLANDHB will show you the Elephant. SHAKESPEARE Cannot avc Bacon, Neither can Baoon save 8hakespeare, but ronage proves, win save iheir money by buying Dry Goods. Boots, Shoes and Notions At F. T. Pattersons Stores, On MIDDLE STREET, near Hotel Albert, where LOW IMUCE8 and Reliable Goods are as far ahead of all competitors as the Vutuntwr was ahead of the Thistle. Prepare for Cold Waves by securing a pair of Wool Blanket, handsome Com fortables, Woolen Underwear for Men and Women, Neat and Nobby Ties for young men, fine line of Bordered Handkerchiefs for Ladies and Uentlemen, complete line of Hosiery, Collars, Cuffs, Hhiru. Merino I'nderwear. Shawls, Tiunks, Valises, Hand Satchels, Hats, Caps, Piece (ioods in fact everything in first-class goods too numerous to mention. READY-MADE CLOTHING a Specialty, for Boys. Youths and Men, at prices so low that would cause the hairto grow on "Bill Nye's" head in astonishment. Delays are dangerous, so come while you have the opportunity and seoure bargains. The only solution of this puzzle may be obtained at F. T. Patterson's Store: potstuohtiwskoolngisaynnufwohees War! War! AGAINST HIGH PRICES. Look Out for the War. IlavlDg just returned from the North with a Large Stock of MEXS,' BOYS -AND - Children's Clothing. I can give yoa Men's nice suits as low as $3.75, Boy's Salts for 13.00, Children's knee suits 12.25. I also have a large and well selected stock of SHOES. I can give yoa Ladies' nice Button Shoes for 65c. Boy's nice Shoes, $1.00. 300 Dozen Mens, Boys and Children's Hats! . A nice Hat for Boys either Soft or Stiff as low as 15c. I guarantee to soit yoa in either Wool, Straw, Soft or Stiff. Also a well selected ttockof - Geirts iFTxraxisIr's' Goods ' ,TA good l3ress Shirt from 35c. to 50c. TJndershirls 20c. Ladies, Childrens and Men's Hose, 5c. 1 A. Special Drlre in Boy and Men's Shoes. Good Shoes for Men from ?5o. np. . ' .. y : ; . A LAB&B AND WELL SELECTED STOCK OF DryJOocds, Carpels, Udtiogs. Oil Cloths JutU-NKS, VAlilSEaj and a nn lot ol uisavs ' buabib irom zjc. w ' 50c. And other bargains too numerous to . mention. Come one, come -' ail, and be convinced that I can sell yoa more goods for a little m6ney tnan any other house la the city. . - ' - . ? , - . . ; - Bishop"Buhding opp,"Baptirt Charchj Neir Berne, V. C. S Jii. A. Teomis trj Jig, e. ISxntt, Saiesifienr: w; . TtU,5c, L:::i r ' - " rrbfe, Sc'HenU Hats 25c, Boys 15c TUB ITHL1C may, and as their pat TWO PICTCBES. CHAS. F. 600TT. With dimpled hands folded on heaving breast She is Ijing asleep. Dreaming of pleasures and love and gold. Careless of sorrows that life may hold; With sweet lips smiling in perfect rett, Sbe is lying asleep. . , ,, ... With faded hands folded on uuiet breast She is lying asleep, Pleasures and love and joy all past, Sorrows of life over at last- With pale lip closed in eternal rest, Some Simple Remedies. boneless bacon, pepper thickly aud tie around the throat with a dauuel cloth. AVhen stung by a bee or a wasp, make a paste of common earth and O-nroP vmf .ntkr,!, nf nn.l Fui j ti tuc -naic at auu cover with ft cloth. For a cold on the chest, flannel rag rung out in boiling water aud sprinkled with turpentine, laid on the chest, gives the greatest i.lief. Wheuafelon first Ix-gins to .ii mane its uppeaiauee, isnf a lemou, cut off one end, put the flQger iu, and the longer it is kept there the better. For a cough, boil one ounce of flaxseed iu a pint of water, strain and add a little hone, one ounce of rock candy, aud the juice of three lemons; mix and boil well. Drink as hot as possible. Olten alter cooking a meal a person will leel tired and have no appetite; lor nils leat a raw egg until light, stir in a little milk aud sugar, and season wan nutmeg. Drink half an hour before eat ing. For a burn or seald, make u paste ol common baking soil. i ami water, apply at once and cover with a linen cloth. When the skin is broken, apply the white of' , . ... r ,i' .i . an egg with a feather; this gives i instant relief, as it keeps tht an from the flesh. At the lirst signs of a ring round, take a cupful of wood ashes, put in a pan with a quart of cold water, put th pan on Ihe stove, put our linger in the pan, keep it there un til the water begins to boil, or us long as it can 1x3 borne. Uepeat one or twice if nocesary. I.. L." in Good Housekeeping. Need of H iridic Besides being well vent dated, our houses should be full of light and sunshine. Floors should be kept clean, and walls and ceilings frequently freshened. Sleeping rooms should be furnished with rugs Instead of carpwts, that they may be thoroughly cleaned each week. Chamber utensils and crockery should be kept scrupul ously clean, and when possible the windows of sleeping rooms should be left 0eu during the day and nearly or quite closed at Dight. In cold weather an opening of an inch at the top and bottom oi a window is sufficient. Persons should never sit or sleep in a draugtbt of a"r. Every sleeping room should have outside windows, opening at top and bottom, and sunshine at some part of the day ; also means of ventilation. It would be better for people to live in tents the whole year round than in some of the damp, dark places in which they are huddled in our cities, where are no possibilities ofcleanliness or pure air. Iemorest8. B.ctlu'i Arnica ItalT. Ts Best Salts In the world for Cut, Brniaea, Boree, Ulcere, San tthpum, Fever sores, Tetter, Uhapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and poaitiTelr' cures piles or no pay required. It is guaranteed to gire perfect satisfaction, or money re funded. Price 85 cents per box. For sale br B. N. Duffr. deolS 1? Mortgage Salo on MOMDAY, DEOKMBEE 5th. 1887, at the Court Bouse door in New Berne, Craven county, North Carolina, I will sell at Public Bale, for Cash, the land of P. Tr an with, oonsistinc of about three hundred and twenty-fire acres, with all the Improvements thereon, situated in Crara county, a few miles below New Berne, and more fully described in a mortgage deed executed by P. Tren- wita and Barab F., hts wire, and re corded in Begister's Offloe in Craven county, N. C Book No. 90. folios ZH and 895, to satisfy claims for which said mortgage was made. MABUAKJET 8. BM4LLWOUU. By Saul. W. Small wood. bovI taw4w Statb or Nobth CaaouNA, ) Craven County. ) Amanda Oglesby vs. George T. Oglecby : To Georf T. Oglesby: Ton are here bv BOtifled that the plaintiff is the above entitled actio ha Ngu a suit against you for divoroe ba Uwa i-ouud of adul terv la the Suoerior Court f Graven coaatyN. 0Mto be keld attheeourt boos la Nsw Bern oa the 4ta Monday iu November 1887. And it appeariag to the satisfaction of the court that you arc i a nott-fes4ent of the ..State of'tJTorth; Carolina, you . art hereby - notified to appear . at said court and answer or deesar to said oom platwt as you may fceadviaed. ':r- n injpws TO r nsea ana sew wis iota day of .October. 187- " ; . . E. W. CARPEKTES, ocl6r Clerk of Sop. Ct i Craven Co. DEAB SUSANA Well I do declair if it don't beat the world what a mighty eight of j things Allie Baker has got in his store. I said iu my last letter to yoa that I was goiug down there. Well 1 have been and got back. You know I saw in mv dater Merin- J da's paper mat Allie Baiter had had a tassel with a inau and cut ihimintoo. 80 the first thing 1 did 1 wae to ax Baker about it. Well i , . , . . . . . .... what do you th:nk it was? Why,1 bless you bless you, 'twas that Baker ha: cut Lis juices all to pieces. V cut Lis juices all to pieces. No more hi prices iu his store. He febow,d Koods 1 Utl tell you he is row nuf! ot-iliu y theoi at hall jince. WhV eerv i , . , . , , . lou' I met fcaul to Isakt-i ; hiti . . j,rlCeS ar loW. I gut pair Ol j 1 tLimi' k"' u,l' b"ttui'1 tur one dollar and a half, 1 . .. . , I hey are uiole of" ! WttUl'"- "r '" u"" them. '1 he uvs 1 got aie nuiijl.er .,..,.,...., II.. l . . l ... . ........ ..i- three n, l.ut my old man as thev , " "e b'l'' 11 ays HiMde the shoe one thiee, 1 . e.uit 1 lead loiit that lueau one pa;i ol three.1, "' couis it does. wljlk. tllt.,.,. luok,., all (M,.r ,lliS , str-and saw lols of new fangUd . thing. I see a big sign that said seeasueker lor lif. 1 gi -lor Holland the head elelk leu eelits and told him 1 guessed Id look at the ( h.ili I had olten heenl tvll OI1 M1L.hl.rh but neer en a leal 1 1 hv" one ccpim' it was a lisl ought to hae seen Joe aim I hn:n j , . . , . rowilei Kim ( oine to lml out it was the name of a new kiml of gingham lor diesses at ten cents per yard I come nigh loosing my parasol w hat 1 bought before the wai there was sich a crowd a push nig and a aciougeing up to a conn ter whar they weie selling a line lot of lieautilul worsted for dresses at ten and twelve cents per anl. ! 1 h',(1 ;l U "( time at that counter. kept Sam Hill, a little fellow at ltakei s, one hom showing me the whole lot. I had most made up my mind to buy a hallyaid to kinder fix up my brown diess with and to put some on my bonnet, but I kuowed my old man would say 1 was gittm' giddy, so I axed the dear little Hainmie lor a sample. He gave ineone und then he sighed I dont know what for. peihaps he did not know 1 was married and he had fallen in love with me; cant tell, I tun going to buy one of those Trtco dresses sure just as soon as I sell mv dried berries. 1 dont think there can be. much warmth in those new sti iped cotton shawls they call Ilummncks I see in other stores. Suppose they are Htvl,) hnt tl,..,t ,m ull aon-io mmn ! care for, but I don't, so 1 bought one of those all wool shawls very clieaji at Baker's. j Well I guess 1 must close this' loffr da rrr.r.1 linv At rral l'irin.lu nv6vu ...j and her new baby is comoing to see, , , , . . 1 me next week, and I jnst w ant to I surprise them both at the array of bargains 1 bought at Kaker's. I amjustgoiog to tell her when she t wanta tn l.nv nnt In fnrn-et , h B f Baker's goods war so cheap, if she; dont mind she will be so surprised at the low prices she will almost swallow her teeth. Thar now 1 must go and milk the cow, so tra la, 1 dont forget I trade at Baker's. Yonr loving aunt, Folly Ann. Willis, Edwards & Co. Cava reopened th Naw Bern ktachioe Works, and hare added Tools to their works to da all kiada of Machine and Boiler Work at short aoticev They hare atoo added a foundry to their works, and are prepared to So tb beat of Braaa aad Iron Casting, . Ilooao Ptambiog a appcialtr. ;" r ' " If roa want rood work rive oi a'ealt. AU work guaranteed aad done at prica&J toiutt tnettmea. -, -. tyl wif CONSTIPATION Iu called (be "Faiber of Die&6?t " betnube ititrre is no medium thro ugh winch ducat j of un attacks ihe stem a by iut abfrorp liuu of poiaouou ttt,ta 111 the ifcleuiiou of j dee&trd and etleie iualtr in the m mcii atid bowel ll u c&uaed by Torpid Liver, not euutujb tU briLg cxcit-uJ fr m tLe blood to produce Nat u re '6 own ea Lartlc, nJ ib gfiitr rally accoiij jL)cd il eii l it au.Ha at Lose of Appetite, Sick Headache, Sad Breath, etc. TLe UrblUieijl of Contlpllu i dit-B iA ooasisi inertly in oiiioadlms the uowrlb The uiediciue iiiubt uol only act as a purgttlie i but be a ionic aa well, aud not produce afu-r ll oe prettier coeii vernje 1 o &t--urr iirru lar hat.il of bod y w Hbuut hang! i . i :.r orVJib 'iaijiitibii the s BtfUi, M , tt:pal,ou l-r ii !!.irt r tt 1 1 . at a.. ' l" -.iii.ii"! b 1.1 v ( r Kt; t -i an! l.u : : a. j int-a -rtu.i. .r. rm.u.H-i - I lr 11 mihU . It II 1 ! Ur .kMf 111 ttl.d fcllO ; t .t rmu, ll, c u, h trrtiiful i ?ri i tfima -i .luiif Hie b y .iitc Ii Ihttl l -"iii.i, lied H UliU! 1 I r k v m 1 il i , h r- - l ' e 'i 1 liH V V Jul r !L 1 I !('. a hhV il lt.i u.ii 1 het U In my honkr h j , ,1 1 i.. i W. i.i ' ... ....... . 1 1( V " " ... ' ' ;' ' :' " : T A K K (IM. I II K l.rll lK. , ....... . ., I ,, ,i, ,. i , i i f ii m i.i ,i ( . GEORGE ALLEN & CO. liEALKRS IN General Hardware Agricultural I in p I e in e n t s. IMown, Harrows, 'ulti ators, llr.es n ml Axes, Wood ."Mowers anil lU-niicrn, Steam lOiiKines. Cotton (Jiris and lr1she, Fertilizers. I.iyid Plaster, Kaiuil Alcelittiilcs Tools and llardw ar-, I. line, Itriek, Cement, Plaster Hair, Paint, KhIsoiiiIih1, Var nlsli, Oil, Ulass, Putty and Hair Krfer.em, ltelrierators, Oil ( iiok Slows, lOureka Itiir'lar Prool Sash Locks, wurranU'il to i Kie security ami sat isluclion. PltlCKH VKItV LOW. (IKO. ALI.PN Av ( O. Over 9,000,000 worn during the past six years. This marvelous success is due 1st. To th BUfXrlorltv of Corallne over aM other matorlais, u a sUffener ti.r Corsett. 2n.l.-To tlio superior (ua!ity. t-hai "i anil workmanship of our Corsets, coiiibim-J with their low prices, Avoid chnap ImlLati'.iii lun.li'uf varloui kinds ol cord. N'uue W fonuine unios ''DR. WARNER'S CORALINE" Is printed on inside o! sto( 1 cover. FOR SALE BY ALL LEADING MERCHANTS. WARNER BROTHERS, 306 Broadway, New York City. WANTED L. A DIRS for our Fall und CbrulmuTrtdc. lo lki ligbt, pleas ant work- .tthlr own hom.. Ill in inrri,.v dranrrVu.ar.rDh' "lnK A(1dr at onoe. CRKCKNT A h i cu . ir MPk t . ion, h.ks. hoi .mto. o2ii iluim J. nddreaa l.rn I I i TK' S.- T T a. . 1 k 10 Sprn,c 81r,p, r Tork c;t Fr Slec Ll.l of 1 ,000 !V K W HP A PKn S. Willi asm FREK.on appllciloa. irit t rk m i is KIWIIHI, I. O. Offle in CraTtn ttrast. bstwMB Polloak and Broad, apr7-lda7 VTYLERDESKCO st. rxjtns, MO. I BATX, 00 CXI BOTOX, rx I vm FTEirTwor.x m i a4 oFnca nmsoB. JmmmM BaxtWark A ImraatPrisH ataljtThtjtjTJJrlBtj a una lop, iiroaid aratftT. row septtttaw rm J. W. STEWART, HEADQUARTERS FOB MULES, HORSES and BTJQGIE8. Hones and Carrlafs to hVra ai rtvaoaabl rates. - Sverrtklnc gnarantsed s reprcasnted. - ii .pl aWT IrM WU ITewwet. V. C. Urn k Vmnm mJ f f fa r sTEAMEBS, THE NEUSE L TRENT RTVEE Steamboat Company. I, W.t. run iL.e funuwiu Schedule on ul aft. Juiiunj :t istC Steamer 1 rent Win ich e .New heme for Trenton avary Monday and 1 1 lilny al t a. in., returning, will leave Irenlun every 1 utbday and Bal urilui luut'ii.ij hi m pu.niia.ong tiis rlvac. Steamer Kluston. V . . irnlr .t btlur lor K llifcloli oil TutS" o m.J h:Jj b i i.'ucink.M. KetOTB li.urtlaje I'.uil.'ig hi h,I luleruiedlst 1 c . 1 i a i. Nruat Kn cr j j W t ttI4M.T, Kluavou. 1' H hr. roliotr:i;. ' w a 1. 1 1 A gem hi frocion Mi I- : H J,ly ,,,J KUld. i X W H ' I h i,cu 1 UutU, .Li Jl. Hyde Line Company. M-.W HtllM., c APK1L 28, 1W7. : VMl.li ( Hhl'l l.r. . Tilt STKAMtR TV1 AH CJ I 111, 1- K" i.t - t-rfn. t ,.u ui.J afir May lat, 1J7, N r.li.. b.ti. l.r Nt-wHiueal SKVEW A M (oi ,., km, ,ii.i,ii,8 at Ailama Creek. Mi. ill., i : i tl anileiiuM t aud MLonewaU. J iil.is.loi - l.t-H e Hal l)ro al H&V'KN A.'lf. Ibi N lit-: ur. alip.i.u 1 Hlourwall Vaad- mrrc.Ml.Ill.B l irrH A.laiim I'reek. Nail, may - I Nrw hnuo at BEVKN A M !.,r lm i ..,!... at. ,. K at Adauia ( raak. inl 1 1. I i r, h . a i.. 1,-u.t-i and sloDe wall. M... lo l..-a. llatl.ot., at SEVEN A.M. T NrW lii i,r . au..(.lil( al hl.olif wal I Vaj l-:i. !. sinui.a Ci.aa ai..l Adawa Creek. Ily II, Is arraiicriiirnt w are ah le to make !. . ..i.iip. tiiMi i:,,. .nriiiern auiaiuera, a.ao l.a ; l.ai a - a, . . jui in, ,,la I u.lia tK)ttl lor 1'naat-t.ijria ami ir. ikm at ry low raiea. aad k 11, li.t-l, l.al.la ai.,1 I i . l uiera along Its .i.f l.'.iu- :i ii, e i . iit-fifti! m. r. iriuw. Ir. elw .l ui.,1. t i ,,M t tit ry da) of liie week. I ..r Hull i-i li,l..iii.allon en.Ulre at lh i III. r , f , ,. . I i.f I i a 1 1-ti mrtTl i an , . '.la a. !,!(, at 11, a following plaoea- A 111. I.f r , A, lau, I! I'ib.-K. I M.o'iMi.AI.. Miiiilmi ,efj v I ' II A It II' i I I . an, I. Mir,,. ' II -'i I r It. --I,.r,ewa.l I ' ' W l.l-.ll A . , .S h 1.1. JHa i l,ru. i--'51 ' i' nritRrs. (J M. Change of Fier m New York. The N. C. Freight LiDe FOR NEW YORK, BOSTON, PROVIDENCE, and all yoiut rs'oi-tl. unl WcHt 4 f li tLlad&ie w :11 tecl frHbl In IN'aw fr New Her He &i imi:k 7. south icivi:k. Uffiot of Attic York and Balttmot Transportation (Jo. lie r i dftii t b . houlil rriu nu bM tl.n I 1 h If le uur) lii.fPtsi,itiu I,irn(iin.f hew ki k , tun kin r.:l y l. !.- : I n w 1 1 h H? llinn i f ,pf ht W hro 1 1 1 LMil f ai. il ''lilt -M.r t ltd -t f ) SKMI -WK1.K1.V ST K A M KHS EetweeL Sew BerDS aad Biltimon if, ,H I.eav :.. a . I.. 1 i M; .lii'i - i r TI'kPDAY 1 K 1 1 ."- tv . . in !.-:. JUltiQiur) fo K-w HfiM- Wt.!':MV .!id SAT I' 111 A? 6 I' iu Afrl!f MI- Ji- f kl' H K.N h'M kK.Orii Jfai.ngfi il' K t 1.1 M , Hal i M AS W Mi-rAKKU'K, A t t .N.uf.-H, V& W r llljd A f )y .. I'LUddfcji Jjia, IS aSoui liai V.': n k Hallo 1 mi.r .Ii, p. l'icr Nik it rlr r. .-.(...n, H,.m.ii, f,' ( ei.tral wiltvr( K V ,..Kfcw.:i 'r., uin., e U I I' i.k. V ta l K)-r. I. i t i, ft w l-ftrf 1 i '''" II-,..!!, '1 i.i'Mlaj, HLd .Saiurdaj Nt Yi-ik ilitiit . H: 1 1 mi ii t-, (vh, . tin ya and Ha turd a 1'ftll l(;. r, M.'ii.lai i, Wniu unlay. Krl.Uy f Tr. ndau a. Sdtnr.lnia ti: tu(ti li. : I - ia.il, i g g , t-it , n d f dtel ( narm iu nil p"ti. ' At ; L difffrtM. i Hlct. of Avoid Brea.ka.fe cl Bali aad Ship m N. Z. LINE. d "irBltH H IHV Ar N 'r OLD DOMINION Steamship Company. UTUI-WEEKI,V LINE. The Old Dominion gteamihlp ( o m any'a Old and Farorlta Water Kolltr, via Albrinarlc an.l Itmapralie Canal. run uifolk. Baltimore, ticvr 1 ork, Plilla ilelphla. Holloa. Proililtnce, And all points, North, East and West (in and after MONDAY. OCTOBER 818T, ls", uuill furUier ntillce, Iho Steamers New Berce and Pimlico will aall from NOKKoI.K, Va , for NEW HMIN K, x la vv Hkl.inKU'n. MoDdaya. Wednes days ami r ruluj s. nilli,t rliiae connection with tne Nieamer of the N. A T. K. H B.to . for Kli.stou Trenton, and al olber landlnics on Hie Nense and Trent Rl vara. Relurnlng, will aall from NH.W BERNE for NOKKOI.K dlrert., Mondavi. Wednes days and Fridasat lo m.. making oonnae ' - - v -v.. .! . irm . f,,r Kaot U LJ I, r - .... ... ... iiaiinari for Baltimore, Clyde l.lne Hbl) for Phila delphia, and M A M.T, Co. a ablpa for Bos on r nniiring enorta to please onrpatrosa, and our almoal perfect service fnrthanaat' twelve yeara. la the heat fn a ran tee w Oan oner an nippers aa lo nut' We Will dO lor Lhem In the future. Older all goods ear of O U. 8. 8. OO- HT- rolk. Va. -, Kretahta not Mivlr.l . .hi.... -m 11 a m. on aalllng daya. Paaaengerawlll Ond 1 good table, comfort--able rooma, aod every oourteay and attea- ; Lion will he nai,l Ihom i. r. ,E. B. ROBERTS, ABi." ME88H8. CD LP EPF ER A TCRNER, , " A genu, Norfolk. Va. W. H- STANKORD, ' Q. f. A P. Agt., New Tort City. ' ' - Steamer Howard. Commencing MONDAY, taa 12th di of September, 1887, the Steamer 110 v; ARD will ma the following ached.' For Trenton, every lfondar a Friday; Eetarnlnn every Tueaday ind F - ' v f "... iT . -v V- " - ; - Vp Keusa Hiver erery VTcl and retvrn Tbtir? ! v, ,