)rmt Executor's Sale. I 7ILL SELL FOR THE NEXT THIRTY DAYS The entire REAL AND PERSONAL PROPERTY owned by the late HANNAH COHEN, deceaeed ; Si ale Dwelling Houses, located on Pollock and Hancock street, in good condition, all well rented ; one large three story sub cellar iron front building, corner Pollock and Middle streets, known as the Weinstein Buildiaf. Also, several Farms in Craven eouutv, near the city of .New Berne. All of the above Property will be sold at Low Prices and Easy Terim. For farther information enquire of Wm. COHEN, at Weinstein Building. $25,000 Worth of Goods to be Closed Out. I will also sell the Entire Stock of Clothing, Foreign and American, Cassimere, and Broadcloths and Pants Goods of all descriptions; an immense Stock of Dry Goods, Boots and Shoes, Hats and Caps, and Ladies and Gents' Furnishing Ooode, anl a larpe ttock of Caipets, which will be sold at great saorifioe, and a good many more goi js too numerous to mention, v The above goods will be sold FIFTY PEU CENT less thau their value. : 'Also, a large stock of Saddlery and Kuggics of d;t!erttit manufactures will .' be Bold regard) eta of cost. .vjy Remember, Iani6c)liDg the above propertj a' d p dt to settle up theeatate and they must be sold witLin Thirty laj8. , , fy All I ask is for you to come and convince yourselves. ' tW REMEMBER TBE PL AC K, -ISICL. COHEN, oel2 dwtjanl THE CHEAPEST, Lien's, Youth's othin ' ; In 4-bottoo Cutaways. Prince Alberts, Square and Bound Cut Sacks, made from the best of Corkscrews and Cassimere.'. Yoo will now flDd at M. H. SULTAN'S, At Rock Bottom Prices, Lower than the Lowest , Without A floe line of IS I k Lined and Silk urercoats, in tue most lasiiionaiiic colors, at the Ion Imaginable. V 'A larger and liner Liue in GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS. ' '. . i . than ever. Also a very attractive , -patterns uenl'i Neckwear. Mn Soft and Stiff Hata we carry the latest and leading styles. Onr Stotk ol BOOTS AND SHOPS is complete in every partial lar, and at prices that cannot be duplicated. .v. We also have not forgotten (lie Ladies, and desire to call their attt n tin to our Most Elegant Line which w'e will sell at Reduced Kates, ' boy a large lot ol goods for a little money. . We call their special attention to the best assorted stock qf New Vs.' markets, Wraps, Dolmans, Walking Jackets and Jerseys in tbe city. ; Also, a fnll line of Carpets, Rugs and Blankets. ?,4i Br" Give him a trial before purchasing your goods, as you will find 1 1 JO jour own interest to dm. J! 1SJL. H- Sxxltetxx. " ; ocl2 dwtf Asa Jones' Old Stand. DAIL BROTHERS, Wholesale Grocers, sj V UAVE REMOVED TO THEIB Htwo stores, south of their former stand, And keep of FLOCB. BEATS, COFFEE. aUOAB, SritFi EIQIjASsES. SALT, TOBACCO. SNUFF ANI CIQAkS, an TerTtMne in the GROCERY J, INK, a rUM. STOCK arid at L.Or fRICEH for CASH. n24h I i .wumm BUM wi-w F i 'e -vsa full a: , 7 t nr at are rwstwd tniMaatk by DM of : If SEMI HAL PASTILLES. A i .nirlrrnrAfnv NemooaDebilit?y.Crvnni N new andhjiloaI Decay in Totmit or Mid r k4 M mm. Tnawmil fnr FlfhtTMra in mam I -ian4 oai fir abaolaivly rector rrematary f 4 and brvtcM dovm toth fall niorment of I '"-t mn& foil Mevalr Btrracth ih Vlfforont Haalth. ") r i ho wtupnB?w from th inna7 obacursaiMaM r ot.tahtirl tW iseeliaMiM. KrrWMra.OsrBraiEl , of too tr flalgiMJeX w ask tbat 70a aand na t najnA with afAtjanMmt Af toot trattbla.aad ttiiTURftO can have PRfcB .0 BERTS & HENDERSON ibenJ InsLtnct ifents, Ay' first class "Companies repreaen " '.. V.-4i ; Hr. ZTUs aai AedlsallanrsM. Capital ' Orer Fortj IGUkms 0 Dollars. SwMdlf s . J v ytkijLUaJ l'i. for Hannah Cohen, deceased, Weinstein Building, cor. Pollock and Middle Me., NEW DERNE, N. C. -IN- and Children's Exception : Faced, in heavy and X'QS tQ' , . , tk iW!jf"rally out of sorts, and w as.Mrt merit of the lateM btj e P- Urace up, but not with of Dress Goods, and which will enable amy one to Mm Avjrnd Um iHipotkon of pretenUpui itow sraxar lurMM-vs uviin ai, eUaQ Oil yuaftS, turu. 1 & a SUR1 Re kdi tUa das iCLEED tAouotuida, due no loterfrn rub attention to bianraa. or Mia OT illCOnVBIlMOce in inr teT FwndM OB arieetiao medical nrfnrlTtiM. Bt dirH tn4Minria flilt wifkntat TlMaatora) mafint rtnorr-t mliti aref rm baHt, the pattrri ciicr6aD4 ranidlr gmjM bor ttzvaad imiU toBetioosof the kntru TEEATMEMT. Oao MtX Two Xetll Tkst $ HARRIS REMEDY CO Vro CHEVor V.TanttaBtraMuBT.IxrUTm vti Trial of our Applianoo Aak for Tarfnal "Blest bs the heart that kno a do rail. That feels no wish ousted, Forgettiotr prorooatlonwhile Good deeds ars kept ia mind. Therefors f on-ran-ln(l at t'AITSILL'S FINK C1GAK AGENCY. Superintended by W. U Palmer, Uta eholaeat Tarlety made at popular antes. . r - .. ., ' W.iTAVMK&. . SeeoM Boor rrom eor. Sooth Frent aoa - . r Middle aire is. New Berne, M.fJ I warn THE JOURNAL.. Bxta;tt Etn. Dr. Sam eel Sexton says, oh the subject of boxing the ears, he has apon his records fifty-one eases in which the ear has been injured by blows of the band or fist. Of these thirty one were males and twenty females. Of the males thirteen had Seen boxed upon the right ear, thirteen upon the left and three upon both ears. One was kicked by a companion npon the left ear while bathing, and the right ear of another was injured by having the head violently squeezed between the hands of another person. Of the females fourteen were struck upon the left ear and six upon the right. Five of the woman were assu&lted by their husbands. Of the entire number eight wear boxed in play, four by school teachers, two by parents, and onn, a fervent lover, by his sweetheart. Several cases occur red amarjg pugilists, and others were due to assaults and brawls. The nature of the injuries varied to a considerable degree One had inflammation iu the ear, with sua pieiou of intraciiial trouble. He Lnd had a running of the ear for twelve years, following a blow upon that organ. The patient subsequently died of brain disease. In another case the ear become in fumed and the heariDg w as very much impaired. Iu still another, the patient was slapped by his lutber upon tbe left ear. liumedi ate p,uu and deafness followed, with a bloody discharge from the e,ir. It was three mooths before this case recovered. Tbe dangers to w hich Dr. Sexton calls attention are so grave tbat parents, teachers, and o' In rs sho ild m-ver punish those commuted to their charge hy boxing the ear. Medical Re cord. Lady of the house (urging com pany to cat) Please help your selves. lo just as you would in your own house. I am always so glad when my friends are at home. Secrrtarj Whitney Improving. Washington, D. C, November 1. It ia stated at tbe Navy Department that Secretary Whitney ' health is improv ing. anJ that rumors of his retirement are untrue. A pretty picture is a rjealiby lookiug and well cared for baby. By the use of Dr. Boll's Baby Syrup you can keep tbe health of your baby in splendid condi tion. Price 26 cents a bottle. The "woman's friend" ia what Laxa dor may well be termed, for every wo man that has onoe used it will not be without it. Frioe only 25 cents. FOKtlUN NEWS. IMl'EROR WILLIAM'S tX)NIlTION. IiKHLlN, Nov. 1. Kmperor William passed a tolerably good night lat night. Ilrse l' p. Y.'U are feoliug deprueaed, your appe- y n poor, you are bothered wilh head- f A U .J am 10 stimu- aLs, priD(( medicines, or bitters. which have for their basis very cheap, bad whiskey, acid which stimulate you for an hour, and then leave you in worse condition than before. What you want is an alterative that will purify your blood, start healthy action of liver and kidneys, restore your, vital ity, and give renewed health and strength. Such a medicine you will bod in Electric Bitters, and only 60 cents a bottle at R. N. Duffy's drug store. For Sale Cheap, ONE HUNDRED AND TEN BBLS FL'JUR sliRhtly damaged by water. HUMPHREY & HOWARD. o!8Jwtf J. n. CRABTBKB. BASIL MANLY. JOHN H. CRABTREE & CO. ENGINEERS, Founders and Machinists, Manufacturer and Dealer in ENGINES AUD KiCHIIISTS' SUPPLIES. Builders ef BnglDee. Boilers, Sew Hills. Bdglas; 4t Cat-ofT mcblnr, We are prepared to do Castings of all kinds wltb promplDesa, Particular and Immediate attention given to repal of U klDds We will b j slad to give plant and estimates for anv desci Iptlon of machinery. We are the agents for the sale of the Amer ican Haw. Also for O A A. Bargamln's cele brated Indeetrnctlble Mica Valves, We give satisfactory guarantee frrall work done by os. Jy21d2awwiy SALE OF LAND. On M"HDy. tae 98t lay ef RO- VENREB, 1887. I will, br vlrtne or an order of sale obtained from the superior Oonrt or craven county, sell at u conn House door In Me City or Hew Berne, at 1 S M , Twenty-two and one half acres of land In Township Ho. 8, In Poplar swamp, the property of tbe late A. I. Doneleon, adjoining the lands of Mrs. Mary 8. Bryan and o therm. Terms of sale): one half cash, the re varoder npon a credit of alx months, bond and p proved seoaritv. WX4e.uaiirii,Aainr of Andrew I. Doneleon. H. K BRTAK, AUv. evlglswlw Mortgage Sale. Pursuant to a toww of sate contained In S merunn e-xecaVed to Past Jones, of the Htate of Oeoraia. br William Colli, on the 6th day of An runt 18M, and eeeigned io me oa tbe d day of Kebmary, I8gi. I wUl sell at FQMie A net toa. at we wart eioase aoor is the Clrv of N e where Twelve e'etoek. M.: on WxONEaDAT. fOV. S3d. 1RS.7. the fol lowing ml estate, aitoatea in ui uny or Nawbera. oa the sonar of Wert street and Seou' alley,- known and d'stlogalshed ia the plan et the City of Newbern aa love nura- Def eo and ee, on westsireew -. i,- i , Terms or saie vaan. - a. oc2)dtd . . T. Ttm. (PWWMW Pills MOST BRILLIANT, PURE & PERFECT LENSES Xxa tlx W Crlci. They areas Unprct and solorlou as Ufbt itself, and for softness or endareuos to tbe eye, cannot be exoeited. enabling the wearer to read ror home without fatigue. In fact, thejrmie PE&FOOT IQHT PRE9EBNEBS, Teatlmonlala f; on the leading physicians la the United Stiles, Governors, Senator, Legislators, etock men, men o note In all pro feeaiona, and to different branches of trade, banksta, wieehauioa, eta., ean be given who have had men sight improved by their use. ALL. FYE8 FITTED AND THE PIT GUARANTEED BY F. 8. DUFFY, Druggist, mart NEW BERNE. N. O. Ij RED LIGHT SALOON, Near Market Dock, Middle St , NEW BERNE, N. C. IS WHERE TOO CAH ALWAYS FIND PURE LIQUORS ' Of every variety, in large or email l .......... 1 ,t, nuiNTriU & riroa of TOBACCO AND CIGARS. All of which will b old CHEAP FOR CASH ! John D Dinkinb. Salesman. t Will TH AN. J dec22dw l'n;,iH'tor Take Notice ! Our store ia tilled wild Provisions, tirocerWe, (iiniird ! Goods, Dry Uoods, Croi li erj, 'Etc. We keep a full line of the I Celebrated Prison Boots and Shoes. ! ALSO C. S. Parsons & Sons' Boots i and Shoes. Every pur warranted io ie satis faction. Country merchants and the people generally are requested to call and ex amine our large etock before purchasing- We will give you low figures. We job Lorillard Snuff. ROBERTS & BRO., South Front t.. Neui Bertu.N. V S. B. WATERS, Jr.. TOE TDK Feet and Cheapest Line of Gents' Fui nish'g Goods HATS, SHOES, Clothing, Umbrellas &c. All the Latest Novelties always in stock. Best $3.00 Shoe in the city. Every I'aib Warranted. Ask to ee bis 60c. Hhitt. Also, the celebrated Arrow Brand Collar, two for 25c. Clothes to order a specialty. FTre Guaranteed. 'eit Door to A. M linker, op,i. Fplscopal Cburrl:. op 10 itwtm t.A.OKMB. C t TOy. H1MUO.V8 a MANLY Green, Foy & Co., BANKERS and Commission Merchants1 South Front Street, 4e4wly NEW BERNE, N. C. 7. P. BURRUS & CO., GRAIN & COTTON COMMISSION MERCHANTS, SEW BERNE, N. C mav6 d wtf Crop ia M10STT SHORT, bat X bare tm Btrma nr HA ED WARE, MA CBINEBY and AGRICULTURAL IM PLEMENTS from J. a WHITTY. therefore j sm all RIGHT. I tU yon hla rioea he) post a thort crop amaatogljt $6 a Day-A Gold lline For Agents. Grandest " jrtearr ' Hakla( litteeH er nfTered. - A eoMUa oarrest tor tbe next Two Montbs. ST er Xth aodexpeaees to active en to sell oorfoeda. Mo eattal rrqmlrt, Nopeodllna Rem pie ease of rtxxl and valneble Information sad roll ariicnlars FsEE, We haaaawrl we mean fnt l we w. A st ouc r'A DA hU tlLVR "AM ( ., ? a . . i ; TrVOll! STILL n n rv IWI U V U if M Has returned from the Northern Markets, and now his Large and Commodious Store ir packed with groods, direct from Importers, Jobbers and Manufacturers. ; I am now prepared to offer better inducer ments for the future than ever in the past. My Stock is much larger and could not be better selected. I buy in large quantities for CASH, which enables me to sell cheaper! Give me a trial and be convinced that O, MARKS i is really the LEADER I It would be folly for uie to attejupt I 'l'lio uiobt elegant liue of tbat Las ever been brought to this market, including all tbe Latest j Stales, Beautiful Suiting-and Cloakiugs. All the Latest Novelties in Fancy Goods ! Silks! Satins! Velvets and Velveteens! Stioes! Shoes ! StLoes I Such a line of Shoes never was exhibited n this place before. Mens Ladios, Misses and Children's of all descriptions in endless variety. And my line of Ladies, Misses and Children's Cloaks well you will have to come and see them, they are beyond descrip tion, the largest, handsomest and LEST line in the city. Also a hand some lot ol Wraps and Shawls, Flannels, Etc., Etc. r 11T DON'T FAIL gj to see my line of CARP before purchasing, which is very large, embracing all grades from th cheapest to the best : All wool Three plj. Brussels, all wool Ingrains, etc., etc. Napier Matting:, Pine Matting, Oil Cloths, all widths, Table Oil Cloths, Mats, Rugs, etc., etc. By calling at my store you will" find very many things that cannot be mentioned here; space would not permit, and besides they are too numerous to mention. Two thousand five hundred yards o-4 Cashmere at 10c. per yard. Double width Cashmere, 15c. per yard. v All wool Sacking, 15c. per yd. 0 Infants' Shoes, 15c. and upward. Tbe prettiest and best Ladies' Button Shoe in the city for 11.25. Tants Cloth, 10c. up. Fine imported English Half Ilose, 12$c. per pair. " ' Towels, 5c. np. Turkish Bath Soap, 5c. Qood Note Paper, 5c. quire. Envelopes, 5c. pekg. All silk Ottoman Ribbon, 5c. yard. ' Ilose and Half Hose, 5c. pr. Heavy Ribbed Hose, 10c. pr. ,V ' Linen Gape Collars, Sc. . ' Ladies' Kid Gloves, 4 button, 50c, new goods. Ladies' Boncle Jerseys, 60c, worth $2.00. ""L Ladies' Collars and Cuffs, 5c. . " Red and white Flannel, 15c. npN w Corsets, 25c. np. A Big Drive in Note Papcr--a 5-quire Package, good - quality, for 1 5c. V" Hamburg Edgings, 3c. 5c. and 8c. " . .1- ' Men's Scarlet Wool Undershirts, 60o. each. " A Big Job in Ladies, Misses and Children's Undervests and Pants. " i " Misses' Vests and Pants, 25c. each. Many other Drives that cannot be mentioned now. '--lh Wholesale Trade. I am now prepared to offer better, indacements to Wholesale JBajers than ever before. My stock is much larger, more varied and complete, . I buy in large quantities from FIRST HANDS for SMCASH, which enables me to sell CHEAPER in small quantities thai Northern Houses. ' . ""'w'.:' ' Come and see me. I can save you inonev. iy XT Agency for Clark's O. N. T. Spool Cotton; '3 ToiHMiuBliia Allow-tltA A thank ess' V lathe past, anlto ask for a WntinaMce o th lamej ?ainriig 30a ti.at v . f- very irniy yours, LEAD ! n jt OF LOW PEICES. a full description of all my Btoct. - -y sit... V.-W''-iV. itaf-i' , J""""m : j

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