aily Journal Iff IT VOIu VI.-NO. 196. NEW BERNE. N. C, THURSDAY. NOVEMBER 17, 1887. PRICE 5 CENTS D E U LOCAL NEWS. M rntl Btiitu Alaaaaas. Nsw Berne, Utituds, 88 6' North. loacHnde, TT f Weet. Sun rises, 6 i Length of day. Boa mu, 4:M 1 10 hour., 28 minutes, tfsjoa rlMrt at 8:41 p. m. BUSINESS L0CAL8. QEASON your Thanksgiviof? Turkey W wl rich Bell's Spioed Seasoning, given a war br Watson x Co., on Broad street. nl72t LOST pocket book containing a sum or securing the bides is now systematio of money somewhere between the J ally carried on by the most approved depot and the Academy ureeo ins MmiIa. will ha BiiltAlSiv fAIDIMAll hv )..ln th. .m at the Joprnal office. a ttti .D1TT w a kV iiwitt- rv.K-rri fnr ma ivvi v. wu iwwf va sale by the q. at Wateon & Co. 's Bar- gain Store on Broad St. n!72t CJ SELLINGS will have a fine lot of kJ Turkeys on hand for Thanksgiving; he Keep tM new saoaage in tne marsei mates tnem rresn every uay. T3 EMEMBER I sell First -Class Uoods I 1, anH varrant thatm KAfiinfl mnno if not satisfactory, and'guarantee to sell the same claas of goods CHEAPER than any bouse la trie city. THE GROCER. E. B. HACKBURN. CA88ABD '8 celebrated "Star" Brand Hams-beet in the world-can be bought at J. F. TaYL-oh's at 14 eta. per " j nl8 4t JOHN DUNN is still ahead in Fine Goods at low prices and his store is the pride of the town. Call and get his price. I J LEA1. remember that I need money l as wen as me rest oi mansinu anu if you owe me please pav me. nov8 lm.l J. C. Whitty. 1 T'OR RENT A convenient dwelling. Apply to J. F. Ives, New Berne, N. C. ocifcHf. URE Liquors and Wines for Medici nal and other usee, at wnoiesaie. Jamrb Rkdxond. 4 NEW 8tock of Oil Steves and other 1 House-keeping Goods at Quo. Allen & Co. rIRECT importation of French lv Brandy and Holland Oin arrived la bond and duties paid at Custom louse in New Berne, guaranteeing gen jine goods for sale. Jab Redmond. ARBEIT'S Medoc Vineyard Cognao VJI and Wines for sale, at Manufactu rer prioes. by James Redmond. OROWNTJQEORGIA COTTON GINS, U with Self Feeder and Condenser. All of the latest and moet approved pat terns. Uko. Allkn Sc. Co. REDMOND'S Ginger Ale. Lemon IV Soda, etc., equal to imported. James Redmond BUQ3IE8, McD. sale at Pates' make, for Dail Bros , Our truok farmers are putting out their cabbage plants. at Morehead City hat been completed and it a very substantial and convenient Structure. Urging the construction and showing tha Importance of a bridge aoroas Neuse river fa ditoasaed by a correspondent in this issue. Bearing torchlights and stepping to the beat of drum and rattle of tam- borines, the Salvation Army paraded the street last night with considerable following. Balelgh baa another Dew industry. It is tha manufacture of stoves. These mall Industries mast be brought about toinsuraa steady and increased basi- neas. Thara will he.. hr tha New Rem. Onn Oltih thi. aT.n- in.halr.nt thr -til, .t th. usual piaoa on the oppoaita tide of Trent rlveT4 Even the building of the Onslow rail- , toad and a bridge acroaa Neuse river la being agitated in tha write up of ad-1 Tertiaement. F- T. Patterson is this! originator. Today week is Thanksgiving which bo doubt will be observed by oar citi- Bens. We suggest that tbe Orphan Aaylnm be not forgotten, for it is a worthy institution and la needy. Tha large m3 handsome residsnoe of Mr. F. IrM Oathaoornsr of Middle and Johnston tta. it a toal beauty aince it baa baea rt pain ted. It would show ciradltabl In oity of fifty thousand or mora inhabitant. . Tha fcUamer Xaglat reports passing in J the rirer tha three masted schooner , Jno. 1L Conner, apb '. Jno. . Hill, . light from Philadelphia and bound for Haw , Berne, Thta tin new- Teasel bnlll for CapW Vfa. WSl ttXLlt oity and on ber first trip. She will be at her wharf tbia swornlnf, S " v.. Messra. Eallock k Drew a firm of -.. northern pntlenaem- hat established themselves t Eirerdale (of the. pwose of shipping poplar lofra aorth where - they' are need ln the manufaotare of baskets The Bm shrpmenl goee for ' ward toBBorrow Ij (he E. C D. tine. It . Is tb!i and similar manufacturing that oasbt to be carried on right here at borae.: ; '. -'r,A , :si The Porpoise Catch. . Tha porpoise industry m practised oo our immediate coast has grown and is increasing to proportions of consider able extent. The annual product may now be counted by the thousands of barrels of oil and boxes of hides, possessing money value thai would be no inoon siderable factor when tsiimating the money crops of Ibis section. This buci neas at first entered into in a desultory manner, with "caught up" or "on hand" appliances for extracting the oil appliances and methods and quite I 8um ot money is invested in all sorts of Ube best machinery The advent in considerable number the clumsey looking yet gracefully I disporting porpoise along the coast of North Carolina is of comparatively re cent occurrences and their coming and utilisation for th. uses of commerce has not been an unmixed benefit; the food nan caU;h ha, materially de I J "eased, the porpoise either frightening I it away or destroying it for their own I sustenance, and it is as much a matter L, ge,f preserTBtion lhat lhoee hethert0 engaged in the latter industry have , to business of destroying the t ' " , common enemy ; to what an extent the laUer oin on mT be estimated by the faot that a single seine at one haul on Saturday of last week, brought to shore when tney were (juickly dis patched, two hundred porpoise. The porpoise business is not particularly odorous, the smell from the oil and hides being decidedly off insive, but as the darkey says, "itinsk.s tuity clean money. Personal. Hon. C. R. Thomas arid Clement Manly, Kq altendtd Lenoir Superior Court where the injunction suit sgainst the commissioners and SherLtT of Car teret for the collection of excessive levy of taxes, was argued for the plaiulifTH bv Judge Thomas and for the commissioners by Mr. Manly. The restraining order heretofore granted was dissolved. This is an important case involving the oon sititutionslity of an act of the last General Assembly for the col loot ion of taxes. A further notice of the same will be given tomorrow. Commutation Aaked For. A petition has been signed bv a large number of the best citizens of Lenoir county living in Kinston and the LouBin swamp section, praying the Governor I tn nnmmiltA tlta Hath unlBni sm tinnn , , . , . ... T ... . ... . I vvuuo jm iu aUD VVIUUI U Aia 1VI several years and all who kno w him My that he an imbeciie th he is ulterI irresponsible for his act. Important Move The Craven County Gun Club made a move last night in regard t the Oyster Fair. A committee wii ap pointed to correspond with Conunia sioner Patrick, confer with the oster and fish dealers, add report to a so bse- quent meeting. This is an impor tant movement and betokens success. Oin Houss Burned. The gin bouse of Mr. E. B. Isler ot Beaver creek, Jones county, was burned, with about ten bales of cottion, I0n Monday morning last at four o deck Mr - Ultt of the Pioion UJO wur m " '"oenaiary. loaps wm run by horse power and no ginni u"u UOTU UUDO ,ur """"" UBB- 1,0 iNeuae Paper SEanufaotory The death of Mr. W. F. Akew, so long the proprietor of the Neuse paper mills near Raleigh, will cause no inter ruption in the work of the mills as it will be continued under the tame by his eon, W. F. Askew. steamer Hcreaients. The Vesper of the E. 0. D. tine sailed yesterday with a full cargo of cotton, lumber, rice. etc. Tbe Eaglet, of this line arrived yesterday afternoon. Ber. Mr. Pearson, the evangelist, baa reached Baleigh. An aooount ! eayt: Mr. Pearson preached hie flrstv sermon here last evening at tbe First Baptist Chizreh. Not half the crowd ooald get In tbe building. , All tbe other pastors of the churches were present. Mi. Pearson is a young man. a powerful rker, and has made a fine impret . We should be glad to hare him iait New Berne. r ,. - , AJ thev erossine; of the railroad at Griffith street therefhai boen erected a large sign reading "Look out, for the Locomotive tv much needed nrecstt- tion'. We learn H Is the btention of the A. ft N. O. B. people to place these sign at all orossinn atone the line of the road, as when tbe new eteet .rails will have been laid to Qoldsboro. (an aooompllshmentof the hear future) u la intended that the mnnlnr time will be shortened between Gtoldaboro and Moire head fally twobtmrt, ' - , Why the Cooaty Commissi osert Should Sell the Coutj Stock In the Atlantic & H C U R , ' . EpifOH JOrjBHAL- Wby the county commissioners should hesitate for a moment to adopt Commissioner brio- son s resolution, or a similar one with the same object, to sell the county stock in the A. at M. C. R. R. and apply the prooeeda of said sale to the erection of a free bridge across the Neuse river, oannot be conceived. Has the stock in said road paid the county any divi dends? No! Is there any prospect in the near or remote future of Its doing so? We think not. Then what reason able objection can the commissioners or the taxpayers of the county have for refusing to sell, especially when tbe present proepects bid fair to get a gxxi price considering tbe condition of the road. Tbe Jocrnal has given many good reasons why a bridge over the Neuse should be built and has shown conclusively the many benefits that would be derived by the increase of facilities for reaching New Berne from tbe north aide of the Neuee. Beside all of these, Mr. Editor, 1 think justioe and fairness towards a large portion of our citizens should prompt our authorities to move in this matter. The laxpsying residents of the north side of Neuse river are entitled to some consideration from the county. They have been taxed to build bridge after bridge for the con venience of the citizens living on the south side of Trent river, not a single objection have they ever raised against this tax. Besides having to pay their proportion of this tax they are com pelled to pay an additional tax in fer riage when compelled to attend court or visit JNew berne. Is this right or just? At one time a much larger pro portion of our citizens lived on the north side of Neuse river than lived on the south side of Trent. Since the ?n tablishment of Pamlico county tbe pop ulation is about equal, but the valuation of property and the amount of taxes paid the county is still largely in favor of the north side of the Neuse. The total valuation of property listed for taxes in Nos. 1 and 'J townships is $280,507, while Nos. 5 6 and 7 town ships south of Trent river is only $253, 023, including 534 town lots in James City. You will see from this that those iving north of the Neuse hsve always and do now pay the most taxes. We think lhat no portion of our laxpaying citizens will object to this movement. It will not necessitate any increase in laxeY Justioe and fairness towards that portion of our county lhat has al ways done its part in paying and assist ing and providing conveniences for tbe rest of the county demands Ibis from us. We should do all in our power to secure this for them. The comparisons made of taxes and valuation with other portions of our county is not done to disparage tbem. We beli- ve they have only what they are entitled to, and other portions of the county should have the same. Cravif. 8tonewall Items. Schooner Lizzie 1). Hall arrived at VVhitoomb's wharf for a load of lumber. A son was born unto N. B. Caroon on the 1 1th inst. It is a treat to see Nelse, his phix beats Joe Whittle 's man's all hollow. A daughter was born unto Jas. T. Lincoln a day or so since in Bayboro, and Mrs. Lincoln had a narrow escape from death through a mistake of an over-dose of morphine for quinine, her nurse. Mrs. Mary Dean, wife of Mr. J. Dean, of Pamlioo, who had been suffering for a long time, passed to tbe unknown regions on yesterday, 14th iDt., at about 11 o'clock a.m. Truly a good woman gone. Mrs. H. Kennedy, Mr. Fowler's sister, is far ahead of moet poultry raisers in our sections l counted 44 aucas, ii turkeys, and I haven't enumerated tbe chickens yet, got up to three hundred and quit. So no wonder that Charles carries a good sized corporoeity. .In yesterday's Jochnal I see lhat your Lenoir ltemizer in giving an ac count of some turnips raised by a Lenoir farmer, one of which weighed 8 lbs. IS ounces. tLe dia not state wnemer me top was cut off or not, and wound up with the assertion that Lenoir is always ahead. So I have concluded to let him hear from Pamlico. I hare just weighed a turnip raised by C. H. Fowler that weighed 5 8 4 lbs. with the top out on, t'.nd with the top on 7 lbs. 8 ounces, and I weighed 8 with tops cutoff that w eighed 18 1-8 lbs., and I weighed one rutabaga without top that weighed 8 1416. and four that weighed 11. They were fertilised with Arp pre mium cuano ana from ttooert euist, jr., premium globe turnip seed , and tbe ruti bags from the same nouse. oo your itemizer will have to droop his feathers or try again. There are other places besides Lenoir. Senator Tanee Hurt. Asm villi, Nov, 14. Saturday af ternoon Senator Vance, while riding in a road wagon on a narrow road leading to his residence near Black Mountain, was thrown out, and, falling on his bead, received a cat about three inches long, reachinjr to the bone. Dr. John A. Watson, or. Aanevuie, was sum moned br telegraph and reached the Senator early Sunday morning. - Be dressed the wound ana ten urn in a satisfactory condition. Tbe injury, though seyere, is not dangerous. lt Ianprerea. Niw Toil City, April 7, 1884. i Mb. A.X. HAWxn: Dear, Sir Your ibateht ere-staaeea receirea eome time bsinoe, and am yery mnoh gratified at the wonaerrni Change tnat nar oome over tar eye-eight ilnoe I have discard ed my old glasses, and am Uff wearing yours. -' Alxzavdkb AOaB, . . Blank Boo Manufacturer and SeoY "' f. v v. stationen' Board af Trade. -v f All eyes fitted and the fit guaranteed at th drug store of F. 8. Duffy, New Berne. : :., -, .-,- v"" ' Flom Norfolk Landmark. ' w 8 Midyett. indicted for forgery found guilty, and his punUhxuent fixed ', at two years iu the penitentiary. Tho storm hich prevailed Ulevn jn n, a.t ir,, , fronj KatbenDK ln lhe Dic-iple Church I tn r,r,i,r, , ,h to participate in the public reception tendered by the clergy of the oity to the liev. Dr Foy, who has just assumed the pastorale of that church. The address of welcome was delivered by the RbV. Dr. W. V. Tudor, of the (irarjby street M E Church, aud iu iu tbe usual able slyle of that gifted dince Dr Foy replied to Dr Tudor s address in a happv Mrain lhat served to heighten the place he liu already w uu in the hearts of ttiaoy of our people Several other of our ministers iuined in welcoming Dr. toy to the city and the ocraoion waa one of lntereoliug pleaourf fi the many participants The Ledger sayf Rev J H Foy. D 1 1 1.1. 1' . thi recently chosen pastor of the Disciples Church lu this cily. delivered his open ing seruiuu yeelerday morning to i large congregation. He i described as a speaker of great power oratorlcally . and with great elegance of sty ie and bis sermons as models of besuty and plicity Company B Third Cavalry Dr. K W Ward calls a it-uni Company l! Third ( 'avail v to he hi II at Jackson v 1 1 !e on 1 he 'J '. c t da of I it cm ber. All th suriviut inemhti? f lhe compit.t an n .(.tested t atlei. 1 Kinston Items 1 u spi'H k i iitf of the test ini" i, v ' I a ry respeclat'le , iloted man in leard tn the character of another on trial on Tuesday Ills Honor. J'.ote I'hllllps said. there was more in the shake of than what he sa id A spirilel discussion took place in front of John Hiuw n s place of business in Tuckaboe on Tuesdsy on lbs ordi nance of baptism. The question in din pule was whether the water in which the subject is plunged should be a run ninif stream or a pool n urcd w uh much zeal and earnestness lhat it should be a running slream It (order to wash bis sins away, and on down tbe stream w here they would fall on nobody else The men haul Brown insisted that it should be a naviiiable stream as that was the nature of the Jordan river where John baptized A prominent meal d aler from New Iterne pushed duung the d iscussi' n and being pointed out as a minister of tbe gospel was called to deci le the point , but hp de clineil to interfere as he saiv un chance of the discussion drifting into one of supplies The Superior ( ourt convened on Mon day morning w ith Judge I'hillips pre siding and Solicitor Allen representing the Male, ine criminal docket was nearly cleared the first two days of the term The rule heretofore adopted by Judge Clark requiring defendants and witnesses in Stale cases from lhe south side of Neuse river to attend on Wed nesday was, by request of lhe members of the bar, abolished and the clerk in structed to notify the justices of lhe county of the same. A rule was adopt ed that all suitors and witnesses in civil oases be not required to attend before Wednesday of the first week. Two recruits go up for the penitentiary ; John Vause, col. for larceny, two years and Blount Harrison, ool. for forgery four years. Simon Sutton, col. pays a fine of 820 00 and goes to jail six months, for an affray; Hcott McArthur, fine 825 00 and six months in Jail for A. A B. ; James Boone alias James W. Henry Boyd, fine 825 00 and six months in jail, for A. & B ; Maliesa Mutton a col ored girl about twelve years of age was charged with laroeny, jndgment was suspended and the clerk ordered to bind her out A Word to Colored raroDts. Krom the Winston Republican we copy the following words of Hon. John A. uilmer and commend to the careful perusal of all our colored readers: "Judge John A. (Jilmer. in sentenc ing two colored lads during Superior Oourtlast week, made a very practical ddress to tbe race, and especially the parents. 'Ills honor stated that during bis term of office be was forcibly impressed with the number of individuals ar rested for larceny and other transgres sions of the law that two-thirds of those arraigned were young colored men be tween tbe ages of fifteen and twenty five. 'He further stated bis observations evinced a deplorable picture for the race unless some steps were taken to remedy the growing evil, and attributed the fault to a great extent, to careless parental trainicg, and admonished kit colored hearers that the foundation of all true citizenship, aod respect for the law, was tbe family fireside, and urged the parents to be more careful in home diecipline, keep their children from off the streets, snd out of bad company, and educate tbem as their opportunities afforded and this would be an important step towards elevating tha social and moral condition of the. race." Is Costa aaspUen litartslt I Bead the following: Mr. C. H. Morris, Newark, Ark,, says: ' Was down with Abscess of Longs, and irtends and phr- sioiana pronounced me an incurable oonramptlve. Began taking Dr. King 's Mew Discovery for Consumption, am now- on mr third bottle, ana able to oversee the work on my farm. It is the finest medicine erer made." iJeeee Middleware Decatur, Ohio, says: "Had it not been rot ur. King New" LHseorery rot umeuippaow. i would hare died of Long Troubles. Wee given up by doctors. Am now u best ef health. n Try iw For sale at B. N., Duffy drag stores fv c 5 A Boinb In a Kn-ili! (ar. Pthi , Ind . Nov. 14 The sutioii ageut uf the Chicago Atlantic Kail road, at Rochester yeoterdsy. discov crc-a a dynamite bomb in a freight car 1 pipe with a fu.e in one eod and a carl i 7i h . ,... .i . . m . bile was handed to the police and vt fuae removed placed on exhibition th All Anarchist C'hep Hali. J urr lu . Nov. H - Michael tchab an J bauiuel Fielden. anarch ists, were taken out of solitary oonbne ment this morning looking hearty and bright and were put to work Schwab was put in the convict kluheu where bis work will be to help peel potatoes, chop hash and prepare convicts' food Fielden was assigned lu the stone de partment 9IAHBIEU. At lhe residence of the bride - fb'.her in (.'raven county, on Wednesday nmrn ing. .Nov, '.6ih, Mr. K. O. Mcl'aniel of Trenton and Miss Julia I Harvey, daunbler of Mr. Matthew Llarvey Uev '. W . Howard officiating The atu-ndanls were Mr 11.11 Hum phrey and Miss Harvey sister of lhe bride Mr Herbert Arcbbcll and Miss Bettie Harvey of hmslou The happv couple left fur'Iientou, accoujpaniod by a large number of friends. The J-niMl. mends con gratulations COMMERCIAL. TTO V Oik Nov SI A H H HI . Ki 10 a 1 y I eo Ma J 11 lie . July, i August Ku '. u r i" 1-L bales N. emher 1 lecemher January . r ebruary , March, April, 4 r- 10 1(1 4 'J v 4U Heplember Vlobcr New Heme market stea I N.lle l'J4 hales at 'J 1 to ' X Sale & Livery; Stables. I M i i-; I . m i v M 11, mis : 1 II.MIV A I l.M I, an lei Ie.l I'V I. it f A Hl n. M 111 ronlliiile K A AM) mil i .lis ilnalh tlulni the Omlnriui ,1 HAl.h S Xi H A Mi V AM' 1.1 Mil ..f IK lies KH Ml l.l-.H, I'IC. H I Uii' hi isnd on Mludle llnl where he haa engaged lu the same hunlhess lu lhe iliK's ln6. will h 1'leasi.J tn ii, el lils rll y old friends and ctwUjiners w 111 have on hand Indue ea.-ii h Fllvti LOT UK II OH ft K and Til I N A iso. FIMC LOT OK HI . I.IK aod M A H !M atk. - HAT1BFACTION lll'ABAM I M' M. HAHN & CO. THANKSGIVING PROCLAMATION ! The ' Hard Times'" have induced me to proclaim low prices on the fullowmg choice and well-selected Ooodt Royal Crown Flour Buckwheat Hour 4c Choice N.C. llams A'W. .Sugar-cured liaius. IV. B. Bacon Strips 'AW Best Butter Mile. Mince Meat 10c. Leghorn Citron . 2fo. Layer Kaisinn l&c. tyer Figs. . 20c. Fard Dates l.'ic. Currants, 8 lbs. for 25c. Prunes, 3 lbs. for L'.'c Dried Apples . 10c. Sweet Mixed Tickles, qt 2.V. Cranberries 10c. Oall and examine our slock, and save money. ALEX. MILLtK, nil dim 61 63 Broad street. New Groocls i.ti:st styi.ks: My friends and customers are invited to call and examine my Block of Milli nery (loods, which is larger and more complete id all departments than erer before. I am receiving New Goods two and three times a week by si press and steamers, consequently bays lbs Latest Styles aDd all qualities of goods. My prices are very low to suit these hard times, aod my aim is to make the quality snd price of my goods satisfac tory to my customers. C. M. V. F0LLETT. New Berne, N. C. ocl3dw2m Wanted to Purchase, 50,000 Bush. Eice. 200,000 Tons Pure Agricultural Lime. v. p. Dunnus & go., GRAIN ft COTTON COMMISSION MERCHANTS, ' ILaXXIf DOCt, '-1 :XW B ERSE X CL x , sasTwtt . .j. 2,400 3 lb. Cans Tomatoes, 1,250 Cans Corn, best quality At IKS Cents a Cau. VtUlricIi's. 1 seroL J -Berne. . rlandard oods.) SHORT CROPS Need' Net Cause Leng Faces, 1 ( H H. B. Duffy Hie '.:. in !,,-d to make y ou emile by t I f r r i r j u his Mammoth Stock cf Dry Goods i Greatly Reduced Prices I '( llht.Ilg Thomiit. w ill do well to scan the lict t,r , , '' WIJ ) d- standard i iiMb at 1 1- I'm, ii. ;s (,,,, per yd. up I in. d and I I I Kani I (xnleif l.tdi. e Me.. - Boys Boots lih, uen r. UL-. K 'cut All linen Mundkei v ar ii-ty hief- Sha If, lnik.e ie I, -. And in addition to thtse and many other bargains . would llkp for you to see our elegant lm of fine Iiress Goods; the old and reliable Kant New York and '. K 1 'arsons ' rthiNs large assortment of Snir a Dil Soft Ham all wool Blan kets, Shawls, tt,,d other Staple and Fancy A r tides -all of which are marked down at liar 1 Time I'ncee. TO THE COUNTRY MERCHANT we will say lhat we have kept an eye to your iieedd, and have packed our Wholesale Ueparlment with many at tractions both in goods and prices. Call and sec fof yourself and save many hard earned .h ilar. I)on i fail to drop in, as we will be delighted to bin. iv you goodn and giye you prices. Carpels sold by naiuple. Call and nee our Carpet hxhibition. A Hyho.n C a Kin., , W. 11. Wiuas, , 'esmen. K. R. JONES, Wholesale and Retail Dealer ln CHOICE FAMILY GROCERIES AND General Merchandise, HAOOINO AM) TIKS Et Consignments of Grain, C other Produoe solicited. on and Prompt Attention Una run toed. N. W. Oor. South Front and MiddleSt" NEW UfllNE. N. C. $6 a Day--A Gold Mine ror Apnu. urandest ,Hoitr Jloiir Hsklai Hnsineat erer oiTered. A foldsn hannaas fr the Dext Two Month. T swHtalk aoa txptuM u active men to sell oarsmda. o capital rrqnlrr4. no peddling. 8am pie rase of tooa and valosble Id format ton : n fnll particulars FMEE, H kaaWcl we meDjnsi what we my. Addrevs at one STANDARD SILVERWARE OO., orW dw2m Boston, Mass. S. B. WATERS, Jr.. FOB THS Best and Cheapest Line of - Gents' Fur nish'g Goods HATS, SHOES. ' Clothing, Umbrellas, &6t ' r All 0 Lssst MoTelties always ia stock. ' Best $3.00 Shoe ia the city. riBT Paib Waerustkd. , . , . . Ask to sm his Wo. Shirt. ' S Also, the celebrated Arrow Brand Ootlar, two lor SSo. Clothes to order speoieitr. Frrs QUAJUVTEB&. t f .. . Kext Door to A. M. Baker, op,'. ' Fptseopat canrch. , . ssptOdwSm .

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