.:jliTDO!-NQ70OI5!! aircafExecutor's Sale. I TOLL SELL FOB THE NEXT THIETY DAYS Tho ntirtREAL AND PERSONAL PROPERTY owned by the late HANNAH COHEN, deceased; Six nice Dwelling Houses, located on Pollook and Hanoock street, in wui AAndition. all wall rented : one large three Btory tab cellar iron front cmUding, corner Pollock and Middle street, known a the Weinaiein ; 4nUUlSg. ' '. Ali MTeral Farms in Craven count j, near the city of New Berne. ' All of the above Property will be Bold at Low Pricts and Easy Terini. null uvuKii , ai it uiuobviii AruxuAugi AMAAABBB - . B ft B I I M 9.0,UUU wonn or uouus 10 db uiosbu uui. p-'t will also sell the Entire Stock of Clothing, Foreign and American, ; Cftuimere, and Broadcloths and Pants Goods of all descriptions; an immense . . . I - I T 1 1 Ol I T J i . . . 1 T . .1 . .. , .1 .-mi nr l ire itniuia hoolh ana nuue. uais auu v auu uouico uu .Qento' Furnishing Goods, and a large stock of Carptts, which will be sold ? evi a rreat sacrifice, and a trood man v more goods too numerous to mention. .. O 7 - - . .' . , . , i . Th ikmi . h uiM H I r V put I KM less than their value. A AleA Urw atwV nf Ha..HIrV II d BuIinf'B (if i 1 fl T ( I, t 111 an uf ItC t U Tf S will m sold regardless of cost. Remember, I am selling the above property and ouds to settle up f h A .nil h n.nul .... ki. L HI hill I ft T t V llftVN MIV VftMini UJU UACJ UIUDI pui'i 'i'M " .- - . - J " i iii . i . . .. l... a,-W .A 11 A UB 10 IUI J V U A vi. v - ........... ....... . T117kfl.ilf lll.iT) ri 1 1 1 111 L . , a-ar iV.iui,jDor.n 1U i i.iv i., W .1 I. 1 VVJLJ.JJJXH ej J-.i. for liannati Lonen, aeeeaseu, . . - - , , n ii I. j i : s j l . . . einsteiu ISuilJiug, cor. i oil oca ana .Miuaie tit., otl2dwtjanl NEW BERNE. N. C. THE CHEAPEST, .ikxicl tlie JLsxtcnt Styles -IN- en's, Youth's and Children's BOTE JOURNAL. The largest retail store in the United States has jut been opened in Brooklyn. Jt is stocked in- cartons way. A Fulton street can dy man sells the candy, a Broad way New York) Japanese concern sells the brae a-brie, a New York shoe house Bells the shoes, and so it goes. The owners of the store sell nothing but the dry goods, and the rest ot the concern is made np of two score separate establish ments, which pay a commission or rental to the owners. KaJoy Lift. What a truly eeutiful world we live is! Nature give us grandeur of moun tains, glens and oceans, and thousands of mean of enjoyment. We can deeire no belter when in perfect health ; but bow often do the majority of people feel like giving it up disheartened, dis couraged and worn out with disease, when there is no occasion for this feel ing, as every sufferer can easily obtain Belief actor; proof that Qveen't August tliwer will make them free from dis ease, as when born. Dyspepsia and Liver Complaint are the direct causes of seventy-five percent, of such maladies as Biliousness, Indigestion, Sick Head ache, Cosliveness. Nervous Prostration, Diuineas of the Head, Palpitation of the Heart, and other distressing symp toms. Three doses of August tiourtr will prove its wonderful effect. Sim ple bottles 10 cents. Try it. Mr. William Crooks was walking dowa street the other day. He had a boil ob bis leg as big a a walnut Mr. T. H. Muns who is very fond of practical joking thought he'd play Joke on Mr. Crooks so be slid noiselj np behind trim grabbed trim by the boil and imi tated the bark of a dog Bow bow bow!! Hr. William Crooke has a long loot he pointed it at Mr. Muns most a dozen times and then he gave him one for good measure Mr. Muns went home looking as it be had been scalped wrong and Mr. Crooke went down to his office with his leg over his sbonlder with his face as wry as a loaf of that kind of bread little mistakes like these are liable to occur at any time but one thing a man cr.u do that will not be bo mistake is to call at A. M. Baker and buy oneoi those elegant Cloaks that he has bo cheap; take one home to your Wife it will be economy. Low r STILL LEAD! O.MARKS Clothing, In 4-button Cutaway. Prince Albtrtu, 8i)uarc and Round Cut S.ick. made from the best, o I Corkscrews and CasM nit re. You will now And at M. H. SULTAN'S, At Rock Bottom Prices, Lower than the Lowest Without Exception: and Hilk Faced, in heavy an fashionable colors, at the I light v eight, lowest prices ' A fine line of Silk Lined Urerooats, in me motu Imaginable. A larger and finer Line in GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS. tli m trar A Ian a vdrr a f t rtii't i rp nukiirt mi'llt ttf f )i A I:lf Nf St Hlld VMCU V ... - ' ' m J ........ .. . . - . .. . - - - , ...... . a rf-i a, mi I Duurniuent i nccaweir, In Boft and Stiff Hats we carry the latent and leading styles. Onr Stock ol BOOTS AND SHOES is complete in every particn lar. nd At nnces that cannot Ix' dunheated. ' "We also have not forgotten the Ladies, and desire to call their atteu Vivu lu uui Wmi TTlAnrriYif Tina nf Trooa flnnAa J ... ,i .i, i in . 1 i- i :ll .li wnicn we will sen at Jteoaceu ivaies, anu wuicu win cuaoie any one to buy a large lot ol goods for a little money. We call their special attention to the best assorted stock of New markets, Wraps, Dolmans, Walking Jackets and Jerseys in the city. . I -.- II 1 . f -. 4 T-l .. . . 1 1. - . AloO, a lull line 01 vai pen, rvua auu uisuitis, y Give bim a trinl belore purchasing our g(xds, as you will find . It to yonr own interest to do so. ocl2 dwtf Asa Jones' Old Stand. J. W. STEWART, HKAMg! A 11 I Y IO r H Mi l KS. H fit,.' HI i.i.IM !' Bffc H M ! i H ' f l ! 1 ' J, 1 r f ii I 1 Hn m ' ir r a 1 -a r w-r : ' . t.H at -i . t ! Broad S fwlrf. pllawv W. L. DOUGLAS $3 SHOE. Th only ! flEAHXKMl bum in wona, wild-l out ta-k or nans. rllHl tUt, VTTtrcl I mrwl warranted. CoojTBal, liuitoo aoa Ice, a Aj triuti MnrtirnM Salp o D Brsnantto a ih wr nf wtifonu 1.1.1 - fAoncav m l'aii I JnnM. i.f ! i - fitala Of Oorla. bj William ( oil limn "i i r. ttbtayof Aniroat ls. anil aaatftm-d in mi m the Bd day of Kcbraair. IKdi. 1 will actl at PnbMe AOCtloo. at tbc erl Honar dKir In bOltTor Nawbern. a' Twalva o rlwk, M OB WEDNESDAY. KOV 34. Iki." il,. fol hrwinc nal etat. aitaat4d in ihr niy nt Vmw warn, on tba oorupr nf ftl at.rpt and i Sewt allay, known and dinilnKUjahed In Xbe piaa Of tna vtlj Jwnirn aa toiM nooi IwrH I i 3 m m m m 'iV I stl m -aaw .auv aw a trl toe. and durable aa coatlnx Sfr or $4 aU wtmz tb W. 1.. 1HH uun m sn and M, on Wmi alrn. of sale oaah did r i i rn Notice. W. I.. DOUULAS ase SB OK la no- mMikI tor hear? waar. If not aold by roar Aaalar wnu W. L. DOUGLAS. aVrwCKtoSa, Mill ROBERTS L HENDERSON fienertl hivmt igwli, ew Heme, . J". Only firrt class Compaxues represen ed in firs, Lift and iseidest Inroraacs. Total Capital over Forty Millions o Dollar. Jnc24dlv Hi that has energy enough in bis constitution lo root out a vice, should go a little further, and try to plant a virtue in its place, othei- ise be will have his labor to renew; a strong soil that bas produced weeds, may be made to produce wheat, with far less difficulty than it would cost to produce uotb nig. Odb (iU mother's) for the well baby in daytime. About 700 laps of the bedroom floor at night for the bappv (?) father unices be has a bottle of L)r. bull's baby Svrup to vane the little suf ferer. A constipated habit of the body and all of us pernicious effects are quickly removed by Lixador, the great regu lator Price ooly 25 cents. Mrs, William Wright, of New Castle, lnd recently gave birth to four children, making in all a fami ly of fourteen children, including live pairs of twins. Let's see. Who was it said he'd rather be Wright than be l'resident 1 We wouldn't. I.lcrtrlc Ulltrra. This remedy is becoming so well kuimn and so popular as to need no rpecia! mention. All who have used Electric bitters sing the same song of praise. A purer medicine does not ex ist and it is guaranteed to do all that is claimed. Electrio Bitters will cure all diseases of the liver and kidneys, will remove pimples, boils, salt rheum and other affections caused by impure blood. Will drive malaria from the system and prevent as well as cure all malarial fevers. Kor cure of headache, consti pation and indigestion try Electrio Hit lers. Entire satisfaction guaranteed or money refunded. Price 50o. and 81 00 per bottle at It N. Duffy's drug store. New way to Cube a balky Hoese. If your Horse is disposed to lay down on the street or to balk don't get mad and hammer the sullen brute; don't hold his nose or put a handful of gravel in his ear; no no not that; simply lean over and whisper in bis ear; the old nag if be notices it at all. ongbt to get op in au instant and never stop nntill be pulls up in front of one ot our dry goods stores.' ll you must say to the Horse is this, tell him they are selliug ladies Cloaks at way down prices at Baker'sstore, if the Horse Uou't notice the whisper then rest assured that this remedy is no good but it is a fact that A. SI. Laker has a lovely lot of fall and winter goods that he is selling cheap and that ill the stock is some handsome Cloaks OLD PA1 sale at for this office. Votice. Having purchased the entire Stock of Boots, Shoes, and Rubbers in store un der Hotel Albert, I will sell the same AT C03T, SPOT CASH. No good will be sent out on probation. Thankful for past patronage, the busi ness will be continued at the old stand undor Hotel Albert. F. T. PATTERSON. New Bdrne. N. C. 8f2r dtf Wanted to Purchase, 50,000 Bush. Rice. A. M. Lakeu. Dear sir 1 thank you sincerely for titling and suiting me so nicely completely and cheaply in the Cloak that uiy husband bought of you when be was in New Bern; he s.-ived'so much money in the purchase that he got me a LoDiiet; he says the clonk fits me as a coal that ho fairly I'auts to see me parade the streets of New Bern with linn in this new attire which suits him entirely and fits that he is sure there is no one any where that can sell better goods for bo little monev as you do; 1 iuteud to Collar and Cuff him if he don't buy from, ou regulaily. lor I am determined he shall invest here after at the cheapest and best place in the City. Gracefully Yours M. K. Blank. Has returned from the Northern Markets, and now his Large and Commodious Store ir packed with goods, direct from Importers, Jobbers and Manufacturers. I am now prepared to offer better induce ments for the future than ever in the past. My Stock is much larger and could not be better selected. I buy in large quantities for CASH, which enables me to sell cheaper. Give me a trial and be convinced that O. MARKS is really the LEADER OF LOW PRICES. It would be folly for me to attempt a full description of all my stock The most elegant line of 200,000 Tons Pure Agricultural Lime. W. P. BURRUS & GO., GRAIN & COTTON COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Market Dock, KW BKKNK, N. C mav( dwtf "MarierT MarierT'' "yelled an excited farmer, the other day, as be rushed out of Baker's store where goods are sold so cheap. "Dump out those Taters and make room!'' "What for," said she. "Why," said he, " 1 am going to buy a whole lot ot Cloaks and put them away as an investment. I tlud the prettieBt, handsomest and the most Stylish lot of Cloaks here that 1 have ever seen in this town and they are at only half price,, lieally 1 have never seen any thing1 to reach them." "Well, bnt they may go down, John," said she. "Down! let them go down, the goods in them cloak's are worth the money .'' . a xi. "Susan, my daughter, 1 fear you are getting reckless. You have had two cloaks this fall already and you only had one last winter. What is the cause!" Well, father, you see Baker has Just received a bran new lot of the loveliest wraps of all kinds, and be is selling them at half price, so I bought both of these lovely things for what one would-have cost, last year." Have you heard the latest. Well the latest piece of really good newt is that A. M. Baker has one of the loveliest stock of really nice new Stylish and handsome Cloaks ever brought to this city go and look at them whether you want to buy or not take your friends aDd every body go and look at those Cloaks. This catches your Kye does it well if you will call at A. M. Baker's and see that elegant stock of Cloaks he bas there yon will be surprised and pleased to. YM wadaralamed, J. W lo. haa riuiv tiaallMM Admlnl-traUiT of th tat of 1 an fee aV Bis nil and borah? flvna none mat be reqetiwi all ptrnona having elalma i avevtaot taw aetata of tba aaid Lake R. Rnaeeli i. I i nl tham to tba aald J. W, lne duly ibawMaetad, for payment, mi or hfor . . frit way of November. 18RX. or ala tMa rJM wtU be pleaded In bar of recovery. f weanes haatebted to tbe eat a I mast par w l iKnot delay. lOMaJ J. W. LAIfK, Admlnlalrator 0aDay-A Gold Mine rT A rota. Grand at mr Xaklatg we Baas ewer offered, A (olden barveei r iix next Two Monlba. wr Heath a en teaeii on 1 ri paea te eeUva asea to ael 1 oorg owda. raslalrtapi4. aiMddl!nc Hara- ' of ffood aad Taloaale Information 1 iail artaeatkara FaL&K. Wo baaiaul K.n " vkatvt ear. Aodrewsetoace ; AMAD WLViBWARB (XX, : aao . Ioate, Maaa Mortgage Sale- On MOMDAY. DECEMBER 5th. 1887, at tbe Court Honse door in New Berne Craven county, North Carolina, I will ell at Public Sale for Cash, the land of P. Trenwith, consisting of about three hundred and twenty-five scree, with all tbe improvements thereon, Hasted in Craven countv, a few miles below New Berne, and more fully described in a mortgage deed executed by P. Tren with and Sarah F.. hie wife, and re corded in Register' Office In Craven county. N. C, Book No. 90 folios 8M and 895, to satisfy claims for which aid morteatre was made. MARGARET 8 SMALL WOOD, By BlMX W. SatALLWOOO, novl Uw4w After Being Robbed. I still have a FULL STOCK of the FINEST GROCERIES, DRY GOODS Sec., which I am selling at prices to snlt the times, J. F TAYLOR, Foot of Middle at., New Berne, novidwlm Reopened Willis, Edwards & Co. Have reopened the New Berne Machine Works, and have added Tools to their works to do all kinds of Machine and Boiler Work at short notice, ' They have also added a foundry to their works, and ore prepared to do the beet of Brant od Iron Casting. . turn riumblnff a a-Decialtv. v If ro. want rood work rive aa a eaH. ah wort gnaraiMw ana cor Tbe Lady who attracted the most attention on tbe streeta today and was the best dressed and tbe pret tiest in every way got ber dressgoods and wrap from A. M. Baker. that has ever been brought to this market, including all the Latest Styles, Beautiful Suitings and Cloak ings. All the Latest Novelties in Fancy Goods! Silks! Satins! Velvets and Velveteens! Shoes! Shoes! Shoes ! Such a line of Shoes never was exhibited in this place before. Mens Ladies, Misses and Children's ol all descriptions in endless variaty. And my line ol Ladies, Misses and Children's Cloaks well you will have to come and see them, they are beyond descrip tion, the largest, huudsomest and B EST hue in the city. Also a hand some lot ol Wraps and Shawls, Flannels, Etc., Etc. mmir DON'T FAIL .J to see my line of CARPETS, before purchasing, which is very large, embracing all grades from the cheapest to the best: All wool Three ply. Brussels, all wool Ingrains, etc., etc. Napier Matting, Pine Matting, Oil Clotha, all wldtha, Table Oil Cloths, Mata, Ruga, etc., etc. By calling at my store you will find very many things that cannot be mentioned here ; space would not permit, and besides they are too numerous to mention. Two thousand five hundred yards 3 4 Cashmere at 10c per yard. Double width Cashmere, lfo. per yard. All wool Sacking, I5c. per jd. Infants' Shoes, I.V.. and upward. The prettiest and lest Ladles' Button Shoe in the eitv for tl.25. Pants Cloth, 10c. up. Fine imported English Half Hose, lL'c. per pair. Towels, 6c. np. Turkish Bath Soap, 5c. Good Note Paper, Tic. quire. Envelopes, be. pekg. All silk Ottoman Ribbon, oc. yard. Hose and Half Hose, 5c. pr. Heavy Hibbed Hose, 10c. pr. Linen Cape Collars, 5c. Ladies' Kid Gloves, 4 button, 50c., new goods. Ladies' Boucle Jerseys, 60c, worth tl.W). Ladies' Collars and Cuffs, 5c. Red and white Flannel, 15c. up. Corsets, 25c. up. A Big Drive in Note Paper-a 5-quire Package, quality, for 15c. Hamburg Edgings, 3c. 5c. and 8c. Men's Scarlet Wool Undershirts, 50c. each. A Big Job in Ladies, Misses and Children's I'ndervr sts and Pants Misses' Vests and Punts, 25c each. Many other Dri ves that cannot be mentioned now. good What Boots it if I Shoes td buy bargains," said a delighted Cus tomer tbe Baker's. other day at A. M. We blush to think bow low we have become in our prices A. M. Baker. SALE OF LAND. Ob RaH01T, tha ? VO- TMBIB. 1SST. I will, by virtae Mas order of aeia obtained from the Be parlor Court of Graven Oouaty, aU at tbe Court Boose door In tbe City at Bew Berne, at IS Twenty -two and one half aerae of land In Tow aah lp Wo. . in Poplar Swamp, tbe Mupeity of tba laXa A. I. Donalaon, adjoining (be lands of Mrs. Mary S. Brraa and otbeia. Term of ealw: owe half eaato. tbe re etndwr upon a credit of etx aaoeUas, boa uid ap. ed-o.rlaos of Andrew I. bnnetem. H. &. SbtAW, Attv. . ol law4w at prices F'"-' '' f!,,?f 1 Wholesale Trade. I am now prepared to offer better inducements to Wholesale Bojera than ever before. My stock is much larger, more varied and complete. I buy in large quantities from FIRST HANDS for SPOT CASE, which enables me to sell CHEAPER in small quantities than Korthera Houses. Come and see me. I can save you monev, t3T Agency for Clark's O. N. T. Spool Cotton. To the Puhlirt. Allow me to thank yoi kindly, one tnd all, for J-ocf liberal patronlgi ' " few, tutu u mb. iue wnuiiuaravi inn aunr, uauxing roa tbsi LOW PRICES BIIAT.T. AI.WAVt t.esn I am, very truly j-ours, W tut live tine. : ' . -! - v ; ii, i h-? aw tt& .--' V v V' .B f- Br. -' -.M-r