he Daily Journal s VOL. VI.--NO. 201. NEW BERNE. N. C, WEDNESDAY. NOVEMBER L3, 1887. PRICE 5 CENTS. 7 LOCAL NEWS. feaxskaJ HlaUiu. Alaiac. Ww Bern, latitude, 85 0 North. " longitude, 77 8' Weet. Sun rises, 6:88 length of da; . Sua hu, 4:t6 I 10 hours. 23 minutes Moon ri.ee at 8.41 p. m BUSINESS LOCALS WJ E co furnish a Pure Hb'od lie i istered Jersey Bull f at uud erate prioe if applied fur immediately Tola ia en opportunity to obtain a calf of the best Block in America. Gnu. allk.n A C rpHE "JARMAN ' ICE FACTuk V it. M now ID lull operation, auu is re pared to furnish ice to no patrons at o.mi HALF cent per pound Open hi all hour (or the deliver; of Ice J A Bt'huK n0v29 m Business Mauagt r IT FiPFTVF.n this ninrninir Twi l.lv I five Fine Turkeys They urn ae fine aa ever put upon the market rpHANK8GIVINU GOODS, all fneh JL and of first quality: Mince Meat, Raisins, Currants. Citron, Kvaporated Apples, Prunes, Nuts, Candle. Buck wheat, Small Hauls, Beef Tongues Corned Beef, Ch ppexl Beef. Creamery Batter, Edam Cheese, Macaroni Tapi Oca, Mackerel, Finest Teas, and beet grades of Coffee. C. E M'M'k GARRETT"8 Medoc Vineyard Cognac and Wine, for sale, at Manufactu rer's prices, by Jamks Kki'Mm. REM EMBER-I cell h'lmt laes (!:...,) and warrant them It, fun, 1 money if not satisfactory , and guarantee to e ll the lame class of goods OH K A I'Kit than any house in the city. THE GKOCEK. K. B HA 'Kbl K.N TOHN DUNN is Blill ahead in line J Goods at low prices and hi el re le tbe pride of the town. Call an,) n t I. it prices. FOR RENT A convenient dwelling Apply to .1 I lvis Ocilllf. New Heine. N I' 1TJRE Liquors and Wines for Mad in nal and pther uses, at wholesale. J AMU liK.DMi '.N I' A NEW SUK-k of Oil Stoves and ( House keeping (I khIk al (JEd. A 1.1. en A ( ll.. r DIRECT importation f French Brandy and Holland Cm- arrived in bond and duties paid al ('utnni 3ouss in New Berne, guaranteeing Ken jine foods for sale JAS liKliMd.Mi BROWN'HGEOKCIA ('UTTT)N lilNS, with Self Feeder and Condenen r All of the latest and most approveil pat tern. (iitu. Ai.i.kn (t: Co. REDMOND H (Jini-er Ale. I.- in..n Soda, etc , equal to imported Jamkh KkiM".M'. JOHN 11. CRABTREE A Co.. F. n dsrs and Macbinitits. New Berne, re ulTing special attention to ihi man nfaoture and repairs of Boilers of nil kinds, and would be pleased to furniih plana and estimates upon application. noT22awlf BUQJIE8. aale at McD. 1'attn' make, fc Iaii. Bin is'. Mirs Minnie Bryan has returned f r im op the country The Thaoksnivlng turkey i in the market and going aj Si so n oo per pair, wholesale. a A concrete walk is being madv in front of Hotel Albert Quite an im prOTement and one that should bo fol lowed up by others. Mr. Benj. Onion has placed hie new bloole on exhibition at John Dunn's tor to be raffled off and will in future look eom other way for loco mo -.'' .C tio& The way theee machines do some time suddenly kick up and double turn over dUreepectful of their riders has a . tendency to make one even prefer try tag a young Kentucky mule. :, The next engagement at or opera hone if December 8th. It will be the tar. Mis Hellen Blythe, In "Only a - Woman Heart" Tbe manager; here "' - inform n that a number of engsge - tne&t bat been made for later in tbe ' . teeiim. and among them some of the . ' Tet7 beet troupe on the road . We note . Stederick Ward. Tbe Mendelsohn v , .Quintette Club of Boston and other of V ' tnerit. f - Will Clot oa ThiuiiagiTlng Day. vTbo Cotton and Grain Exchange an v. ftMBOM that it wll be cloeed to-morrow, C " Thursday, being ThanksgiTlng Day. I e Tb PoetofSoealso announce that the aooy order and registry department - i will be closed but the general delirery will be Open from 9 to 1:80 a. m. -4. - i g sj- ";, . The Xfcaatr Last Kight. The Ajnr'iO.aCo3CertCoBipaiiy gate 'aaolher of their grand entertainments ' last nlgat to a deeply interested aodieBoa. ' Prof. Brewster wee happy in the per- formanoe of the rariou trick! or ait . arofeeeioxt, whll Miss Hay da resdered , - exeelleat saucie both upon the piano aad . sJtaar. She to aa artist ofdecided merit. The eoeoea wera " graad 'aad vail . twti Mains' They play again tonight fur Ua benefit of the Oxford Orphan . JLr-r!nm. Admiatioa 85s., gallery 25a., sal cti'drenlSo. No extra charfr for r?rred seat. Tonight is positively t Utt std tbe orject for which they f 'j it worthy ere. , The Latett What ib luc ditlercnie between Harry Stevenson and an elephant .- Solutions of this conundrum w ill be reteived un l l U a m uda at l'tJlrr'U's thoe store A New Stea.Il.cr fjt New Ec Tlie f ' 1 j w log lU-in w ao Bt n t oul vv i the press Ji. patches laM -jiluiday Wilmi:-'jI n I'l . Nov la The iron scull ocikw Me-moer Man'.co being built for the O.d Dominion Steamship Com pany. was launched at I'dsey & Jones ard this aflerijoon Trie ?ejel w ill be 1 tu feet long. i'8 fet beaui. lUfeet inches d-ep Tt,e Maine i w ill ply be livecii N it .a Ya an 1 New Itrrne. N l ' Steamer Movejiei.la. Ilie K.iklr-t ,,f Ihe I! i I) l:t,e sail at 4 o clock il.i.t afternoon. tt;ii i f I o i n ui.l ariiVe aflen.o n Tb- N w b. rue the i 1 I :i. wilt! Tl e1 it...-; i ar-' I N " r r I ved Wet I. I; lit Ulid w I ball f folk tine The 11 uoi i, m; ni 'J " i I'ic k .,! of the In tep.-nd. airived fiiin Tit'iilon iarii.itM cargo of ci'ii, ii The Kn.el.-li i f ihe N ,t T K left for K ineb ni y sl-r d a v 1 1 h i cf mef cbillnl lee. Ibe lUalnl-t- hne lefl fir 11, " Leili:!i and rc v cetei dli . cargo 'f this w Hill A Er S e dr put Anoba Ncub leh 111 a 1 1 ' ' 1 1 n I Kivr eo! u in ii a com i; bl I 1 ; e aer' -SB i ! Jei t or I h V li r Nia.btlates lb The blot k in 1 1,.- A A N r led li, t" a bt I - a. -.- N. .I.-.- tbe I..II" if f Ibe in, r ht- inunira! i, Neuee In 'ii i 'i 1:1 lif'bi I t , and i: I.-, a ,1 e I i,l c II i f t . IlilMMM Ii' nine ui.ly rod he cm ! :m it I l j I . ! ' in I ear l lliM eld,- i of ib, and i liel I C. H ler i ri r i , 'lie nil. I y I y (i C'llld II P"-I- I: th lard ' can ee ) w u I I i'.i I a in a I k ' I (.-r d m e I ijjbl al I Ii.- d "'le. , f Ihe A nth man h lm uw nw WihIh t he plo , ' w iters. Ill that heel i, a i ii but I I MM re , i n 1 1 v north ei I dulliri. ' Hal I he, creaaed I counly v nd w ll" lb alb" 1: on llie ei'Ulh M,ll' lold lib ihnl hib were valued at i mug ml rale, f the river, land on the lo thousand I u ! d he pel f t ctl y w 1 1 1 1 ni . ' lo have the valuutn n in two ihoiibhiid dollar. if the old build ll bllile ai'Ioen Neiibe river. ' The peuple i Ii that bide i f ihe JillT. a Mr. tiiteliimi t-Uf:crbtb, are taxed iin nually mole than ll eir Male and ci un t tai-8 in cnibtii Niube nver. The iiu r rhfi' in the value of ihe pr belly in that pait of the col, My wcul I pay the county lo build the hi i, Ik' e. Tbe Mock owned by the county in the A A. N t' K will lie re I han build it A limine Hi'ii'M Neune river, a rail road from New Berne to Wilmington through Oiiblow, Join-n and 1'eLiler and an extension of the A. A N C. I. to l ay eltev ille are the. Ihmgb that the Joi hNaI. intendH to advocate and urge aa long an Iheie in a glimmer of hope of obtaining either. Ihe interest of the com inuniiy demandb Hiat these IhlngH be (lone, and the JnlKNAI. w ill do Its part Inwards getting tliem . A Bridge ci (led Fl'lT It J,l UN Al. I b-.ir Sll I el .' ill your last issue nomelriing bil l about a bridge across Neuse river, and il does me good to know thai others are begin ning lo see our troubles on ihe north side of Neuee river, for no one knows our troubles like we tbat have the but den lo hear. And talk about railroads being a necessity, but if everybody had as bad a chance lo gel lo market as we do they would say let's have a bridge. We have lo pay as much lo gel a bag of c itton across the river as it would I ex pect to take it to NeYork. Twenty five cents is what we hive to pay and ten cents to get it to the Exchange, and every thing e.se in proportion, and that is not the bad part of it, our lives are in danger many times in crossing the river; we have to take the weatber as il conies, and you know this season of the year it is very changeable. We have to help pay for all tbe bridges in the county and why not let us have one It would help New Berne. We have lo carry our produce and sell it to tbe hucksters and tbey sell it to the citizens. If we could drive in with our carls we would go to their houses and sell to tbem. When we start to town we don't know when we can get back on account of tbe weather. Let our busineoe be ever eo urgent, sickness or anvtbiDg tbat may be. we feave to submit to it alL and it i unpleasant. If we are jurors tbe law don't make any provis ion for us. Our ferriage as a rule is as much as our State sod county tax, and with some more. We do th. beet we can; pay our taxee. serve as jurors, go to our duty as other men go If we can't hare a bridge, give ua a steam ferry. We are willing to have any help we can get, I don't think there is a people anywhere that have as bad a chance to get to market as we do. I nope you and the friend of the cause wit' not stop sounding it out until there is relief, for no one know where tbe shoe pit ohes but the sufferer. ALFEXD Gashm). Tbe ghost of tbe White House is said t walk half of arery, night, but he eould do double that amount of work, if be wasn't afraid Of the morning air, and knew that Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup cured all kind of troublesome' oou;h8 and colds. u Sba stood ai the gate la the late Spring twilight, and when she said good-bye, she felt neuralgia kins her rory ebeek. but ebe only smiled, for aha had Salvation OiLtha greatest cure on wis foTfvtim- ' ; , " - (jRLtN MA.URlMi Nl'MbttK 16. 1 ULtj that the aame complaint of "urn out and impoverished land , pro ducing bin ail and unproni&ble crops, ixiQien from all portions of tbe United button. Writers on the subject say that bkiumng the land is the cause of it. LLi ! Tti term skinning the land 1b defined lo mean raising a crop wua or witnout fertilizers and tbvn taking off all the vegetable products or burning them off before plowing. In other words, doing ihe opposite of growing a crop for the perpuae of reluming it to the ground rreoident ('. K. Adams of Cornell l uiverbiiy, N V., says Txxik at the statistics of our Agricultural Depart num. lu every Stale. North, boulh l.abl and Weal, ihe yield per acre of all the great crops has been steadily de dining The American farmer has im p iveribhed Iho Bull and gone Weet, and it id not certain that this process has tilbeeu arrested. The New England Males lave held their own, not by means of impoveriahed agrioullure, but by ihe general eslabllshmeut of inanu ta tones Tne same process has been a" mg on. that converted the fertile laic!, of Virginia into pine barrens Ihoubands of acrea in the Eastern Mateo have been abandoned as practi cally worihlebb Kver westward has been the nioTemenl until Ihe current 1 Ii b ci uiie l' i a slop on the slope of the l'aedic and there la no West lo whose virgin boil we may II. e. Our farmers no lunger hae the alternative of stary ii a oi muiing West. They have the "ibei alternative -the one which has long confronted Ihe farmers of the old woild M Ah a Tl "N. or a belter know I cdo of llio conditioiiH tin ler which uuiiUtt will yield a bounteous and pr "liable retul II . ' ll seems tu be a settled fai l thai the fanners of America have not yet found -nt huvv to obtain large crops, and al the same lime lo maintain the original ft 1 1 1 1 1 1 y i f the soil. How can ihe fanner obtain this know ledge w ilh ihe greatest certainty and at Ihe least cost of tune or money Miall he spend his whole life in making experiments, or shall he by reading the cords of the experience of other farmers obtain the advantage of their e pt-riineniH alsuy Farmers must not be afraid of such book farming. In the next article I propose to give suiiie information regarding the great damage to the lands of the Southwest Stales, caused by burning the stalks and stubble before plowing, apian adopted lu save the labor of turning under the vegetable matter, whic h is so necessary l ' the life and vigor of the land. A. Kinston Items. A country ham occasionally finds lis way u market This is evidence that the cholera has left a few hous. Ihe Superior Court has been in en gaged since last Wednesday in trying cases on the civil docket. The most im portant case came up on Thursday. Il w as that of J . T. Edniundson of Wayne county, against the Western N. C. Rail road It will be remembered that on ihe V2tl of July , 1 bS5, an encampment of the Stale guards was held at Ashe villi'. The Ooldsboro Rides attended the encampment and on their way when between Black Mountain and Asheville nonio of the cars were thrown from the track and several of the members of the IMIes injured, Mr, EJmundson quite seriously. It was charged that the accident was caused by tbe reckless rate of speed the train was running and a suit was instituted for damages. The Railroad Company effected a compro mise with all tne injured men exoept Mr. hdmundson who refused a com promise upon the same terms and after wards brought suit In the Superior Court of Wayne for the recovery of damages in the sum of $20 000. At the instance of the Railroad Company tbe suit was removed to this county. Tbe plaintiff was represented by Messrs. Oeo. V Strong. C B. Aycock, W. 8. O'B Robinson, J. W. Bryan and Jack - eon & Perry. The Railroad Company as represented by Messrs. W. T. Dortch. F. H. Busbee and John F. Woolen. Thursday and most of Friday were consumed in the examination of witnesses. On Friday evening Mr. Jackson opened the argument for the plaintiff. Saturday mornina Mr. Dortch opened for de fendant; he was followed by Mr Robinson for plaintiff; Mr. Busbee fol- owed him for defendant and Mr. Woolen closed for the defendant. Mr. Aycock thn cloeed the argument for the plaintiff in a compact, vigorous dis cussion of the testimony. After an im partial charge from His Honor, Judge Phillips, the jury took the case and set on it Saturday night, Sunday, Sunday night. Monday, Monday nigbt (having been put on two meals a day) Tuesday , and up to this writing, Tuesday even they hve not agreed. (.lass Ball Snooting. A i the regular shoot of Craven County Oun Club the following scores wero made out of 21 shoots. Wo, Ellis 0100110110110000010008 W B. Ellis OOOOOOOOlOlOOlUlOUO 8 Dan. Jonee 0010010001101010010119 John Dunn 0000111001000010100107 Dan. Jones made the highest score out of twenty one shot, breaking nine balls. Wm. Ellis and W. B. Ellis made a tie, breaking eight balls each out of twenty-one. They then shot off a three ball score, Wm. Ellis missing his three balls; W. B Ellis broke two out of three and won the score by two balls, breaking ten out of twenty-four. Wm. Ellis,and John Dunn judged. M. D. L. DINSMORE, Capt, New Berne, Noy. 23. Notice. Thursday, Not. 4tb. Thanksgiving Day. tbe general - deliverr of tha Post- office will be open from to 1:80 a. m. The money order- and registry depart menta will not be open. - :T ; M. I? At lit, Pi K, Ourcoat Prest-ntatlun. The Salvation Army held their sol diers ' meeting Monday night at the resl dence of C T. Watoon, Eq . ihe theatre building being in other use. The friends of Capl. Hun loo had bought htm a nice overcoat, and Messrs. H B. Lane, R. O. E. Lodge and J. V. Wil liams marched up lo Mr. Walsons lo disturb their private meeting It was ihetr intention to march lu while the soldiers were engaged in singing and take charge of the meeting, but th. singing ceased just as they arrived, and wheb they entered tne bouse C apt. lluolon was making a talk. They walled patiently until he was through and called for testimonies At ibis point J. V. Williams arose and said Capl. H union, I now propose lo take charge of this meeting for a short while and you will please take your seal, lor some months past ll has been known tbat tne Salvation Army w ere holding private meetings oace a w eek and peo ple haye been curious to know what was going on at these meetings and hence a deputation consisting of 11 B Lane, Esq , R O E Lodge and J. V. Williams, have been sent to Uarn of the character of these meetings and re port to the world if we should he forlu nite enough ever to get out of this pri vale assembly. I am glad lo be able report thai while I have heard great deal here about warfare pulling on the armor- always having your cartridge ready , etc.-still 1 think It is not hksly to do any body harm except the sinner w ho may gel hot ibol if he comes w ilh in range of your tplendid weapons Ihis deputation Is a reproseiilatlT one Hi) r. I,odge in here represent ing Ihe capitalist 11 B l.aue. hsq here representing the strong arm of tti federal Oovernment, and 1 am here representing tbe city government and the Methodist Church. You should he very careful how you receive us know ing what a pow erful backing we have 1 think St. l aul the most interesting man in the Bible. He is of more inter est to us because he was called the 'Great Apostle lothe (lenliles '' Among olher beautiful things he wrote Timothy juBl before he was promoted to glory, and among the very last thing he ever penned was this, "Do thy dill genes t. come before winter. The cloak that I left at Troas with Caipus hen thou com cut bring with thee Some of us have noticed that Cap tain Ilunlou must have left his cloak at Troas also or tutne olher place for he has not had it since his arrival. We have brought that cloak to him for if the (Ireat Apostle could not eland the winter without a cloak we are afraid for Capt. Huntontotry it. Ho Captain take your cleak and put it on and see if it is the one you left. Here he prt senled a fine overcoat and compelled the Captain to put it on amid general laughter. Now as St. Paul Blood the storms of winter and the perils to which he was subjected so may you stand and bs able to write to the people of New Berne, 1 nave fought a good fight I have finished my course I have kept the faith, henceforth there is laid up for me a crown of righteousness which the Lord the righteous judge shall give me at that day and not to me only but unto all them also that love his appearing Capt. liunlon called on Mr. Lodge and Mr. Lane to speak but this was not their say. The Captain undertook to make a speech in accepting tbe coat but in his confusion had to confess that he did not know what to say. Lane Lodge and Williams marched out and left the the noisy crew singing : Follow, follow I will follow Jeeus. Any where and every where 1 will follow him. X Despite the very best attention be stowe'd upon the baby, it will grow sick and troublesome by reason of colic, diar rhoea, teething, etc. Do not fail, then, to use Dr. Hull s Baby Syrup. Price 25c It is within tbe reach of all for 25c. we mean Laxador, tbe golden specific for dyspepsia, indigestion and jsun dice. At all druggists. IrlARBIKO, On the 7th day of November. 1887, at tbe residence of Mr. J. M. Nunn, of Southern Home, Ark., Mr. J. Luther Nunn, formerly of Lenoir county, N. C, and Miss Exie Leoda Heathoote, formerly of Tennessee, Esq J. C. Vin- cett officiating. May the blessings of life attend them. J. M. N, I.N MEMORIAM. Capt. Killy Wiliis, an old and re spected citi'.en of Onslow county, died at bis home in Swansboro on Thursday morning tne 17th lost., or inn animation of tbe bowels, aged about 66 years, leav ing a wife, children and several grand children to mourn his death. in tbe death of Capt. Willis the com munity has lost a good man and the church a pious member, he being a member of the Baptist church for the last twenty-five years. DIED. In Craven county near New Berne on the 9th dsy of November, 1887, Mr. John L. Hsrtly in the 24th year of bis age. The deceased was a consistent mem ber of tbe Free-Will Baptist Church at Kitt Swamp. He was faithful to all trust confided tohim, was everpunctutl at the meetings of the church and al wars- ready to do with all hi might whatever work was assigjied him. He wm married on the 19th of Ootober and taken sick the next day and died in three weeks. He was a good oitixen as his neighbors will testify. O. Near Swansboro on the 17th Inst, Esekiel Montford; an old and highly respected colored oltiaen of Onaiow county, died at his home of old ago aad reaerai debility, aged, about 90 years. Very few people of tha county white or colored bat what knew tbe face of nnels Zekiei, aa be wae nailed, and waa rt rp'tted by.all who knew him.: : . ':, i COMMERCIAL. irro BAH MKT New Yob. Nov. -10 VU Futures opened steady J-ilen bale. f :o) November December J anuary , February March. May June July A ugusl beplembcr : j zi lo a.- :u S3 Hi 45 10 51 April. October rew Heme market steady Sales 16 bales aipjsioyt? Kice firm al 'JO tu l3 in t is I orn steady , 47 to e3 rodder, K)c. lo 81.00 per hundred Seed collou 8b 00 per hundred Turkeys jjl Xl to 82 00 per pir Exchange Closed, Ths New Berne Cotton and Oram FUchange will be cloeed on Thursday Nov. iMib, being Thanksgiving Day. '-'l JAS KKDMU.ND. See. ' Blest be the hands that toil to aid The great world 's ceaseless ne.d The hands that never are afraid To do a kindly deed . 1 liersfur. (iu rati flinl al I a M-; m HiAh Atil.M V, i,'i, liibi'tlrnl l. W 1. I'Mlnirr Ihr ehule. IM'J'U l.T ij ,rei W a Sef'llJ it'.-i rturii -.ir kl iao i .Lr.el. ! I' A I M I K V ' II ' I, I I "1, l It !, Sew belli rjTJ AITKU-liOlU for r. i f V Lrl.iui.s 1 rma. lo . gl,i . work .1 iLtn own borne. Si n, It rati l,s ultilly initio. Woik at-t.l , in.! iT.itl.uoe 1'arl rulars fr.s .Nt, c.n... Hig Ailde.M SI lino. UK. I I.N I All, CU . if M.-k Ml . Hluu. M.m It.. i ',, II 'A' tl H I III $100 to $300 A MOUTH it- Atfblll. tre ferretl wit,, rm Iiin,i.li m.u wn I, or... i,d lve their wnole lime lo in. bualli.a. K,iie in nine ii I. Ui.l l,b (jrotllably emplojed :so A few vtt-.L' lei in luwni and fill,., II I Jon "son A ( a hum Mala Ml . Klrl.iiionil a. To Whom It May Notice is hereby given written request of Win Concern lhal at the M . Walsou. a have and do member of the Board, I hereby call a meeting of the Board of County Commissioners of the County of Craven, to meet at the Court House iu New Berne on the L'Oib day of Novem ber, 1887, al eleven o'clock, a m . for the consideration of matters referred to in said request, and such other matters my properly and law fully come be fore It. JAMES A Hia AN, Chm'n Bd Commissioners Novembsr IU, 18N7. n'O id Notice Tax Payers! SllEhllT B OlFICK. CHAVKN OOI'NTV. I New Berne. Nov. 15, 17. ) You are earnestly requested lo come forward and settle your taxes between now and December 1st, IM. Ah no further indulgence ran be given. I have no disposition to add costs to the lax payers. I) HTIMM IN. nl6J15tw2l j Sheriff Craven Co. UCTION SALE. VALUABLE HOI SE AMI LOT. WATSON & STIUET. Auctioneer. - ll'KHUAi, DEC Glh. 1W. at Twelve o'clock, at the Court House door in the City of New Berne, we will sell the lot situated at the N. E. corner of South Front and George street, with the im provements thereon, consisting of comfortable two story dwelling and one double tenemeht houoe. Terms CASH. nl8 eodflvdedtd Sale & Livery; Stables. THE KIH.V1H OF A A M. tiAHN AMI M. HA UN A COM I'ANV has Iwioq dl olred bv 'lis death f A. Hahn, M. Hhn rill continue Ihs cosiness or BALK S.XCHANOE ANli LIVKRYof HORN ICft MUI.E8, etc.. at the old al.Ud ou Atuidle street, where be has been engaged In the sams butlD.u in the oily since lied, will m pleased to m.et his oia mends and customers. Will have on hand In due iwuon a FINE LOT Of HORSES and tVU'LK. Also, a FINK LOT OF Bl U4.IK8 aad HARNESS. a" SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. M. HAHN & CO. aogil owlm HJ"otioo- Having purohased th entire Stock of Boots, Shoe, and Rubbers in store un der Hotel Albert, I will sell the same AT C03T, SPOT CASH. No goods will be sent out on probation. Thankful for past patronage, the busi ness will be continued at tbe old stand undor Hotel Albert. F. T. PATTER80N. New Berne, N. C. 3r dtf 2,400 3 lb. Cans Tomatoes, AKD 1,250 Cans Corn, best quality At TEN Cents a Can. Ltxrii'icii'Q. - - (No swooaaarataadarw cooda.) AGENCY FOR fS Tl-IE Anarchists ' KECKS WERE PULLED, High Prices HAVE MET A MMII.AI; FATE AT 1111 H NliS Ul H. B. Duffy f.nce uur last sweeping announce ment through ihe J 't bja1 , our store hu been crowded w ilh swarms of anxious customers examining our prices and going aw ay wearing smiling faces, ar.. I carry ii. g deal loads of bar gains As we pr,.mir Uur : Tunee has been utterly routed and our pieieeut cry IS fur m re salesmen and a larger store for tra the f our extensivs Happy Buy crs, Tirvd Clerks' A N i Bewildered Competitors. CUSTOMER! 'i i .1 N 11 A 1 1 HF SFCKKT : Fine Goods! Low Prices! AM' Honest Dealing! All we ask is a trial, and you will be convinced lhal we sell goods LOWER THAN TH K l. iWi'.ST. " The Win li sale 'Trade especially looked after THANKSGIVING PROCLAMATION ! The ' Hard Times " have induced me to proclaim low prices on the following choice and well-eeleclcd (oods uoyai i row n l- lour Buckwheat 1 lour Choice N C. Hams Sugar-cured Hams B. Bacon Strips 'Ac. 4c. 13c. 1. V. 3c. 30c. 10c. 2. V. 15c. 20c. 15c. 85o. 25c. 10c. 85c. Best Butter Mince Meat leghorn Citron Layer lUisme (yer Figs Fard Dates Currants. 8 His fur Prunes, 3 lbs. for Dried Apples Sweet Mixed I'icklos Cranberries 10c. Oall and examine our stock, and save monT ALEX MILLER, nil dim 61 A M Broad street. K. R. JONES, Wholesale and Retail Dealer in CHOICE FAMILY GR0CERIE8 General Merchandise, HAOOINO AM TIK8 Et. Consignments of Grain C i on and other Produce solicited. I'rompt Attention Uua nnteeo1. N. W. Cor. South FVont inH WMi-a.. NKW BERNE, N. C. S. B. WATERS, Jr., rOH TBI Eest and Cheapest Line of Gents' Furnish'g Goods MA I B, SHOES, Clothing, Umbrellas, &o All the Latest Novelties always in stock. Best 93.00 Shoe in the city. Krnr Pain War&antxd, Ask to see his 60o. Shirt. ; Also, the celebrated Arrow RranJ ! Collar, two for J5c. Clothes to order a (Deoialtv. Fnw GuARAirmo. Next Door to A. M. Baker. tma. Ppiseopal Chnrch. ssplO dwSm .: Wanted, 600 TONS ofCOTTOX SEED;; Hli-hett Caah Prfeejfraid !1V llrered J fcrew Bertie; ' . cctdwtf . t..l-

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