'iV THE BEST TJTAY TOrBUILD A BRIDGE r rir ,'-iKT"'grTnr ad-am w r T J JO SAVE J.' vf . v -Biiyixig- Stioes tt Cost At F. T. PATTERSON S T ill 1 I rill I rriillliB A ni I I Hnll tUIIUtJI. U MIDDLE STREET STORES, THEN A BOOM in the right direction will be inaugurated by mak trig your purebaeeo at the hbove named Stores, where yoa will Hod bargains in Gentlemen Furrjit.liui Lioode, :.:. GlOTes,.Nckrwear. Shirts, r I annel Underwear, Hale. Caps, boos Shues, I'm brellaaj Trunks, Valises and Rubber Goods. A Railroad to Wilmington via Onslow jua. utfw giiauuK mc iuuiii. ujiuu. wu:io euuuum 10 iud uiun Ul uio uur, , and F. T. Patterson 'e stores are the pUcns to uraciiee true ocuuuiuy, multuni m purvO is hie motto j great dual fr a little War dowu prices id Calicoes, Oiogbaoaa, Bleacbiogi, bro ti Domeeiice. Stiawls. Tahle Covers, (guilts and a host Of Other floods. A full line of Boys. Youtl . aud Gentlemen s Kea.ly MnJr Clothing at Kick Bottom prices. Millionaires' i-iin fur a trifl - -on ti speak. Tliewe tdt.lt wrre not made for the CROWN PK1NCL UK (iLKMAN V OR ANY OTHER TOT EN TATE, but for our own market Be ettre to nive U8 a call and j on will tind low pi ires and tfnuJ qualitier. Boland & (Spinney Common Sense Shoes our Specially. KU3AX SCHWERIN, THE LEADER IN LOW PRICES, OFFERS THIS FALL Extraordinary Bargains In Mens, Youths, Boys and Children's CLOTHING ! The largest Stock of fine and cheap, well (ittu,' r: I wfr;:ir' and 1.. ! i..a -Clothing in the t'lt)', in all almut 250 Different Styles of Corkscrew, Diagonal, hi . cl. Heaver ah ! ( '.i- : .v r- Sir I i .r,,r- n,' ft $2 to S20 ct SvLit- Men't) and Hojs' Overcoats, Iteversihle C..- ass 1 !;.! A long felt waut supplied : viz., the lare.-i lm. ,,f Children's Knee Pants Suits nd BOYS' SUITS ever brouflt In r. ju-t the v. ' thuir f r .-it lis Latest Stjles iu soft and btifl hrilii llul.-, at n iihoiiable t r n i s. Boots and Shoes in Endless Variety. Ladies' lSutton Sluice a- li v a 'I.'),-, a j.r. l.'i Hutl.m Skat inf.' I'.-m.'s at 1.". 1 AM HOI.K A ( i K N i' I'OK Till; A A. BATTLES' METS CALF SEWED $2.50 SHOES KVKIll FAIIt ltltA.MKI. I ) r C.mmIn- llr.s, P&RsilllCrCS. Ketltnckv .leans. 1. levelled lirimi an 1 checked Domestics, viry cheap. Good Calicoes at 4c. a Yard. Don't fail to exari'iiio our Slock ! Ni m markets. Ladies' and Children's Walking Jackets, Shawls and Jerseys, suld at astonishing low (inres. Men's Furnishing Goods, Wool Oversh.rls, W lute Shirts, Red and While Underwear, Cardigan Jackets, luwer than ever As usual a Handy Line of Neckwear, latest sl.a an I patterns, handsome line of Hosiery and Silk Ilandkerchiets. Ueaatiful assortment ol Siif etdi is u pair .if line nolih Silk Suspi uders for only 75 cent.'. MAX SCHWERIN, Middle Street, Sin of I"la. ME. 8am. H. H A l.I. w il i he p lad to mn ! h is old frieniU a:ad aci j u a in t arn-r .. Mr. Sam. Knciun hki; will show you the i;:, phani. War! AGAINST HIGH PRICES. Look Out for the War. IlBTiDK j nst relumed from (he North with a Largr Stock ol ATA .M 'J -AND Children's Clothing. I can give yoa Men's nice suits as low as f3.73, Boy's Suits lot 3.00, Children's knee soit-S 12.25. I also havo a large and well selected tock of BOOKS. I can give yoa Ladies' nice Huttou Shoes for 05c. Boy's nice Shoes, f 1.00. ' 300 DozenIens, Boys and Children's Hats ! ' r . A nice Hat for Boys either Soft t 8tiff as low as 15c. I guarantee to vV.Mtt yoa in titber Wool, Straw, Soft or Stiff. Also a well selected tock of, . , "'Gent-S HTnMxisIi'sr Goods v-VJl'A good DresB ISnlrt from 35c. to 50c. Undershirts 20c. Ladies, ' - .-' : Children and Hen's Hose, 5c. - A 8pectal Drive In Boy and Men's Shoi;s. Good Shoes for t ;'- Hen from ?5c o. - - V, " A LARGE AND WELL SELECTED STOCK OF Dry Goods, Carpets r Mattings. Oil Cloths . -TRTJKS, VALlSE3,Jj4ft jol ol GENTS SCARFS from 2c. to i 60a, And other bargains too oamerons to mention. Come one, come , all, and be eonTiiced thttan sell yoa mort goods for a little money t)iaa any tbef boose-iathfelty.,. . " - Risiiop Baildine, Cpp, Baptist Churcn, TStvr Berne K. Cv' jir. A.Tnojki-s u4v?is. H Ktit Salesmen. , V:,; f:Hu YOUR MONEY BY "v" 1J1 x i j r,,,,,,ls Vr.ii..l l,...li,. ar '-. Ken's BafU 3c, Eojs 15cr THE JOURNAL. ' THE 1XFANT MEDUSA. I loved Crledusi hen cte wis a chiKi a"iy'ur,uwn trc" LeDped Where low t bust; Ik k s v nh re pi . ic pawsiuii whirl, By hhteiuto dishevelled itLUc-.c J 1 loved MoJu-.h h, n ),r ev,, r , , mild V Ooe' lancet. t envoi eJ L w r- H II I. .11 I, ., r I As tier tteif umglcJ Lairs Wit.r im-t unfurl. Bi is1 1 ug the w ay i.Lt. t-iii.r i.h I..-? lugs wi!d i tier mouth I kieeed Leu i ..i vrJ .;!. amorous slm:11. O w etltt Jeu lO I lie U 11 U '. I r t . 1 r pt- : hell ; Wide open f jT death t mU 1 fin- upon, Her eyes 1 lovrd ere uluto A imo stair Kre mortals, lured into tLcrii luthit-M. glare She shrivelled in I. r fc-s.c puU-ele. stone. Thunias ( iordun Hakt 1 ife 'I nice Vaied. Koliert ( ' lic H 'I h .i- I eceli 1 1 V translated fruin aOt-luiali vintei a reujatkatdt' stuiy, which, although wholl a Wink of ini.t'i h at loll, con- ve s a si n i tit Mil I mea ii : ii' lnti n reatier 1 1 pur pm t st to be t In- 1: le Insttii of thv son nl a S.imiii peasant, litnn in Miuahtl vt'tt and le.tietl in lentil ancc. No cl,,i!i "I nitt lip! elice, til k no w leil'e, i.r eell n( la! 1 1 ill a l lilitlseineli t , leli'htelietl the iiionottiiitiils twilight ol Ins tlas. He lived the lile nt Imi .tiid" oil n - s llieli ol h 1 s t l.ihM, lm I (,'inn 1111; inori In lit al 111 h."- t c'i s as ! he e.U s passed . W hell he 1 1 .0 In d 1:1. :.;!e ,if'i t lie. 1 1' i Mine .1 1 1 . 1 1 1 ' 1 -. He well! In I a 1 eat 1 1 1 , I. 'I t u lit: ! t i it 1 il I, : in 'alnl .1! list lie liee.l 11 . 1 .1 1 ; h ; 1 ai ' tie 1. 1 in "- 1 1 as 11 1. ' li 1 r i -d He I, lit W no li . lii I 1IM- li i II11 .ii 1 h.i 11 in spend it in 1 at 1 1 1 t he 1 hui r passimis and di Rasing tas'rs I tilt h hail lift 11 n il -i d ;, ,.s e.11 ! dlle I .si ill he n .is spaiiol. and his I , . 1 j seemed Inset at naught the tlilin 1 a 1 law id 11 a ! n 1 e t hat c 11 in a 11 ! shall s 11 tie 1 lm the aim so of Ins nw n appetites. H it a! last en-n his 11 mi I r amc lidded. 1 11 i- 1 1 1-in c o!i I aj,'e. on his 11 1 ie ! lei II lili t Inlav , he as con 1 roil t cd bv Death. The K"in cliein aipciiit tlV'o h:in, NOtheNtoiy inns, an a siMc pn-s eiit'c, and sii 111 1111 'lied him In tin' ret ll hut ion awaiting one who had misspent his li to. The old mall lit'K''t'd tn he Inn life oyei aain, ilt'atlin that his Until and childhood, 111 povcilv and Ire, had p ill hilll IIO tll.tliee to knnu (iod, or to serve 1 1 1111 . II he eonld have 'another chain c, ho would devote Iiih life to poil uoihs and to serv ice nf ( roil. riu'praci was grunted, tor tholirs! time in t hi- hlstol y td thcwoilil. He w as Mltleletl to live Ins lilc over again. He died, ami w as linrii aj;ain as I lie sun ol a powerful iinlileiiiai). He recollected tlist 1 net ly Ins lii st I I le, ail 1 1 k lie tv, t no. t hat to III in had '- 11 given, through (iod's 1 iilinil mercy and patience, thin haiice to redeem its errors, and save liiniscl Irom punish men t . Hehas now wealth, ynn'.h and t he homage ol t he woi Id He holds t he lull cup td woi hlly pleasure to ins nps, ami aain ne tirniKs ticepiy (,f It- 11,1 l'"t '";' his purpose to live a new ami lietler 1:1c. led he tlchus le 1 II IllUfT. "Vetanother.tl.lv am' I will re- pent," he khvh. " Vet a day to en joy hie. Then I will (lev ote m sell to (ioil and all good things.'' The tlavs pass; the weeks, the years. He jjrows more vicious as each carries U) its lilack record to heaven. His first life had heen ui-tt'-liiuflt-teiVornunlf" IIiu uiiimml hie Jis stained witiifoul crimes1 q imiii kt niiiAm Aii.ii.1 Li s.,mmiiL ........... ....,1.,. friend. Appalled, the terrified wretch Irives the knife i.ito his own heart and gives back his soul, still foul i and stained, to God. The folly of the man who thas, for idle, trivial pleasures, wasted the opportunity granted to him, astonishes and dismays every reader of this wild tale, liut does the reader think of his own folly who has but one life to liveT "Beware," Bays the Arab proverb, "how thou dealest with God or tby brother. For thon shalt never meet him at the same crossing oi the ways again." To every man or woman who comes into the world God gives the opportunity to enter at death into a higher, nobler, happier life. One sells his chance for fame, another for money, a third for gay clothes and vapid, fashionable folly, and yet anotherflor sensual indulgence. One day, a blank wall stoats down across the path. Here lies the man's qody, a lamp of decaying matter. His frame passes like the forgotten sound ofyeeterdsy'8irind; what do the riod garments or what does selfish indulgence count for now to aim?. . t Alas! must 6uca a toman history be Repeated over-: and vtc again, and ; the living, - take .no warning from the " 'dead? Tenths Com panion. ' - : V'- .V- , - I ' TORPID LIVER 1 k It M It U tl ) llll If 1UM t St. tl ,t li 1 ll - H lea . A tlnlui.l ("1 M .l H I I f lit U ti. mini It. 0l ftl t 111! 1 1 BILIOUSNESS, ft J" oin i. n i i t. s A'( ' 1. 1 Ian it 1 1 1. 1 I' The Oflly taeilj Coiiia?..f.'S Bii'Cl Fcsca. r s s r-t f rn ii.nl ( . j if j ihr 1 ni' . l i-' s.i, .,,,,, , "" '"''"I'.U'r, .'i'.'J ... . . . . . , n : U C U R U I. ALLEN & GUi DKAI.KKS IN General Hardware Agricultural I 111 i I 111 s 11 I I'lnws, Ihirnnot, ( 11 1 1 i 1 at n 1 , llns ami Anew, . v,,i,,l s Mtntem mid lC-a p.-r m, SU-uii. la.nines. (ot l,m ; 1 u ,.d Cresses . - , , , . , ... ,. ' ., I ei 1 1 1 1 7 its. I ami I I asler, K a 1 11 It , " ' ...........,. I U,"' ltrl,k' blaster ! ,,al r' '"ill"f. IwtUonnne, ar ulsli , Oil, j I n ss, I 11 1 1 and Hair. - Freez.er. ICclrif.-crait.rs, Oil (;ot)k Sttm s, laircka Iiiirclar j Proof Sash l.orks, w.irrsu'cil to 1 give security and satisfaction. .....,-......., ot-'O. AI.'i.Vn .V TO. rgHnHaRnd-WT.uk.H.t. lUmmdat home with out pain. Book of nr- EL B M W(l(ll.l.RT. M IX TU) T T) t ,l ARK wit. tl. a. V u.iiii I J J. ' '' (S'', mwitm . c. offie jr. t'ri.r, nu.n mithd l'n.,r- w.T 1 t 4 V 1 Fall and Winter ( y ; BUSS HAEIETTt LANE lDTite her friendB hnri thp rublic gen-1 eraiiy to can BDei (tee ner nne muiiDery Goods. H i sufficitint ui say they were selected by benw-lf. which Is a goaran- tee that the, are h.ndscme and of nice The Latest Style, the I-iom- Ooods ! and the bent bar(rin srealwav' to be foand at ber store. Styles Uneqaalled ! Quality Unsurpassed Prices that defy competition! She hopes all will call, whether they wish to purchase or not. New Berne. N.C.Oct 18. dwlm TYLER0ESKC0 st. xxnjts. HO. W VA'1 WVf.lx.lt v 1 S0VI1 BAJTZ. OPTTBT p I Eorwi rwciii! somrmi nun rmrsotk ItlnotlMMII Sni. 100 K LulU 4 er34?tw Sim PRYSTALIZS LFWSES , MOST likll.I.! an ; PURE & PERFECT LENShS In tho World. : : is, : .. -J I I I. l. I S I I 11 I I) I) 1' 1 F Y. I)ruf.'f;ist, F H RED LIGHT SSLOOH, Ne ; ii .iki t Difk. Middle St , NLvV I'LKKr, N " , :.!...- - -. PURE LIQUORS ' : I. , CHEAP FOR CASH! Take Notice Pi ,. - . ! I 1 I (V, 1 .;li(i' t c iv ' ' I . I u: . : , 1 .- k I -'I I. W . V. . . I , I I . II RODZrvTC L ERC. Uth V.'T.C tt .V-w lit 1 :.f , , ,, ,s M P , 1 1 I V s , i i, n,.,,, iiin mm-. . ,v II.U.HW M t 1 1 1 N 1 I, in. 1 A ' K 1 ' I I I K I 1M I'l.KMI Nh fr in .1 1 1 1 VI , . , , 111,11 1 . , 1 llier el 'T i- I am a . I 1 . r 1 1 1 I I l . I v . ti 1, o , . s 1.. a .. .11 , , , ,,,. , , , , , .Mv , , p-ori -p. p. pn LXlcen, iv 0y (X LiO., PATTTTTPC n t " UAi.a CnTTlTrli,;'r''rl MrflT!" I .4. irTII FkuT STklTT 4"-1"lv E' JjKKN kN. . ' r i p t r n 1 1 n i rni iiu mrniTnii CAOItnni irnULinir Uloi AILn i The Fast Freight Liut r'"''- '" "-'-', B.mmn,. rhii.a.irki. ic.a. b.i., Kir . - rt KUubelh CI I f. n. t . THE STEAM ECS T1 A ftT T7 rH J TTl?OTiT?T ib'R V.rrm wilt nj'i nn n-f'.. ,nr si'I'MbI1 WH'NrM'Ai fti.d K hi h fct i HI V for Kl7J t el h I iiy faini rptt;m :.r f-'o.iw Inn dart- ii, ii f. Kuv;:.r.:i.v,;;rK,K.n.n,) Ui( Pfliiin .tlrn K. h fnim ii I'.iidl rftll'r ' n oflfr!: K f ro. i . . : .. f.i i - . .,-1. . . . .... i No ,rB, , , , , , f. ,-,rB, wliifh r r i trr Ki t , i. ,. , , ,;,,, i . ,''Lr",'"ih ''' ''."'V0".' "' , . . . (Z . ZlZ , .I ,l " ' ' ,r, ,, ,, .. . . K. R , 1 -R SI - t' top From Bal'lTV'Tf hv I'r.im ': A Itn R, Pr. siilcDi St Miatimi From Norfolk, by Snr'olR s,,aihorn K R F'rom Bomon. hr Mprt-hftn'Bil MlriPr. ImtiB- rrailonto; New t ork tod f kt.giaDd Ralea as low nd Vim quit if r than hy any othr line Wbeii oftcaaion requlraa a Sf h Micle r f foor trip pi wek will roc JNO. 8 WIL-O 'Grn. Fgt. TrafTc Agent, P. R. R l, General Traffle Hacagpr. OF.O. PTFPHEf, TX-naion freiebt Agent, V. W. 4 B. R Pblla. B B. O' HJKK, Oaneral Fralgbt Afent. N T P. !. R. R, NorTolS.Na H C. Ht'DGI "8. General Freight afent. S. B R. R Norfolk, Va, GEO. HKJfDERROrT, Asrak feb4w . ewSTBS.a.a Uso II:::VsOhiII Syrc? Steamer Howard, Independent Steamboat Line. i -M-A u.e i-th day tl.e ,ll,u liUW .1 I ;. )'.. schedule: i : M-.nday and : f r: 1 jo jay aDd . i I : I V. t . L t : J c V hi U.t- ehl:.r J a 1 TI I i. M1l,.,fd . . .1.; t 1 .rl nr. ! 1 1 h 1 I V NEUSZ L TRENT EIVEB SttttiJiLoat Cc:..rjany. - ' 1. . 1.11, n. b . .. 1. I Sl. K'.le rliir Steam tr Llualoii. . 1. 1 ut l. ti.rii 1 b s a n.l w t - ' a -1 h:t.- .1 m a 1. 1. s f. ..s a J e 1 i 1 1.1,.' 1 i t- v, 11 11 , ,r, Mni.u 1 t .: w s i.t.i.,1, t Hyde Line Company. ' ' ' 1 - 1 V I S r I i ; s ' I : 1 . t I . 1 a , ' ' i I n a M a ' I 1 v, u Ul.tlt- 1. t it, h " .! - t V . . 'i. .i.h f i-K . !: I V t A M 1 1. 1 A : b i k ' ;i ti 1 ,(- to ii.a Rh 1 1 'tin 1 t'tUiet t, 1 : 1 ' m t . 1 h indli ntr l ' ! i I,lfb HI) .1 ! I ' 1.1 ( I H HloliK I l t ' "i. - - M f refill ' 1 1 ' n. wnk. ' 1 nl ll. r ' " I I l 1 1 l-.i s i ;,i Ciicgfl c! r;er ia New York The N. ( Freight Line I OH M-;V YORK, BOSTON, PROVIDENCE, 4flf I l.a ill a IM rilt 'it ) ' . N t i" I r It 7. Milt I 1 1 1:1 i:u. Office i' Acic York an.i A'altmot ZVtiTisjoF lu; le t Co. l:-: f ..1..: .-.', T . li. le ' s I 1 . '. f S... ! , ' ' ' I I. lei-' ll. . f 1 v Ilrn.i. SKMI-U l.l.hl.'i s I I A M 1. lit, ee Nfw ii!ui u!. Eiltimore !.. s I I. i I M I I 1 1 "II KSliA I'l n is (., " 1" ' - X. I , w . tl . ui KIAV t c 11. 1 ! ll h I i - . , i'l. lm.,,: ' !..,!..'i 1 ... t !,, 'a v . a .i . : , k t 1 , , 1 . h n W I ')'' ' 11 1 l.I! L.. 11 S, n 1. . I : 'e - Ills I'., . S.. ,.. I I ' I ' 1 fM u.i'i w.'hrt t W I, I s . I i ..Is, ,. J( I I'l V. 1 I . , I, ; o t H-I 1 ,r 1 nl.nl t. I'e-Mi I .. 1. T i.ss.l M . i 1, ,1 :di i Nsw V lis - -r W s. 1 1. In, k: IS.tcrd.j Is.. .lir-, I'.Sill.SlOAII Hi'..- r- '-I s SsitrlM hi' hi1' ! k ' n ' i' , ft I. 1 1 Mst g u.rnii l. h.i 1 ... hi s il.iTsrst.1 offlr. of ifCld hiili.. il Bttlk &sd Ship Til N. Z. LINE. d t. 1 s n kAV A, N.o ,nt OLD DOMINION Steamship Company. TKI-WKEKI.Y LINK. Tti Old Dominion Slamhlp Tom j..n, Old nH P.Tortl Water J Horn, ill AlhrmtrU and (hrtapttlic t.Dtl. FtlK Korfolh. Il.lllnaor., Nw York, Phila dtiphla. BoMon, Prorldoaei, And " -ws i. . ':n n " "" m"m'. mh ember tth. . s" , . ii in i : :rt n r mi llio - ; Cl., H. D A D r ---, dletUUSrs 11 BW BBTflB UQ lUDllCO .. -' w'-i M1 from Norfolk, Va.. MrNKW 'vJ- : V..V'rsT Td B i for KiDn Tr-oion, anlllo6, , KndtDKa on the Neoae udTnniiii..- I Ktornlns, will aali from NSV BKRNlt" rtanand Frldaya at a x.. maktrtc eonnKo. noj with tha o. 1) s. 8. Oa.'aiIk?lM for New Tor. R. 8. P. C?.'IJ for Baltimore, Clyde LlDe Ships tar Pht. delpbla. and M A M. T, Ca. s ahlps loi wlT " ton and Proridance CHir nDUrlnt eJtorU to ple.aa oor natron l andonr almnai perfect aervtee for u cail lIelve,rf Tf,' " marmiitee vVaTn offer ali Phlpoera as to wna' we wlU do tor ihem tn tbe fa to re , . ,wr Fralghts not reeelvei ;or tUMantanur 8 am.oaaa1Ufday. T".1"" .k1!! ' tbsnfhrt. able room, and every eearteer and Mtenr Hon wui be pu tbem by the theeii. - K. a BOBKBTH. Agent! T' KsflSM. CCLPSTPSR TtJRHrii ' - , - -Assets, Norieu, Va. - - f sw Tor aty. "