eat Executor's Sale. .JL I 7HL BELL FOB THE HEXT THIRTY DAYS Tie entire REAL AND PERSONAL PROPERTY owned by the HANNAH COHEN, deceased; t,!x &Ioe Dwelling Uouet, looted ob PoUook and Hanoock street, in - ood condition, nil well rented ; one large three story inb cellar iron front t sliding, corner Pollock end Middle itreete, known as the Weinstein Landing. Also. MTwnl Farau in Oraren county, new the eitj of New Berne. All Wf tka ahote Propertj will be eold at Low Prieefl and Easy Tenni. - for firth e information enquire of ' 7m. COHEN, at Weinstein Building. ;:3,C00 I7crf!i of Goods to be Closed Out. p " Goods Reduced to Half Prices ! a ' ' Tereoeta, formerly 16.00, reduced to 13.00. Oorknerew -Suite, formerly $15 00, reduced to $7.50. . '"' Boy's Diagonal Suite, formerly 1 10.00, reduced to 95.00. Oawinere Suite, formerly 18.00, reduced to $4 00 ' Blue Cheviot Suits, formerly $10.00, rednoed to 15.00. ' li - Gray Cheriot Suite, formerly 110.00, reduced to $5.00. A full line ef Caasimere Pants, eil at half prices, fsom 75o. upwards. - A Urge atook of Gray and WhiU Blankets, Carpets, Dry Good, Boole aaiChaea, Hats and Gaps, Genu' and Ladies' Furnishing Goods, Urn IrtUaaj Trunks and Valises, Saddlery and Harness. All mast be sold and ke reasonable offer refused. Cy All I ask is for you to come and coDrince yourselres. tW REMEMBER TliE PLACE, "yjSTioOLm COHEN, . r Ex. for Hannah Cohen, deceased, Weinstein Building, cor. Pollock and Middle sts., elidwtjml NEW BERNE. N. C. THE CHEAPEST, .AxicI t-Iie latest, Styles THE JOURNAL. Webster defines a kiss as a 'Salute made by touching with the lipa preyed together and suddenly parting them." Tbe "suddenly parting ' is what caused the rejection of Webster as a stan dard authority in all well regulated aanctnma. Etkjb Y man has in his own life lollies enough, in his own mind troubles enough, without oeing anxious about the affairs ot others. Mr. William Crooke was walking down street the other day. He had a boil on his leg as big; as a walnut MrT. II. Mans who is very fond of practical joking thought he'd play a joke on Mr. Crooks so he slid noiaely up behind him graobed him by the boil and imi tated the bark of a dog Bow bow boa t! Mr. William Crooke has a long loot he pointed it at Mr. Muns mom a dozeu ti i es and then he gave Liui one for good measure Mr. Muua weutboiue looking as it he had tiet-n hcalped wrong and Mr. Ci'uoke weutclowu to bis office with bis leg o er bis eboulder with bis face as wry ar i loaf of that kind of bread little uj. ukes like tbeseare -IN- Glen's, Youth's and Children's othin la 4Vbtton Cutaways. Prince Alberts, "Square and Kouud Cut Backs, Ton will dow find at H. SULTAN'S, At Rock Bottom Prices, Lower than the Lowest Without Exception: A fine line of Silk Lined and Silk Paced, in heavy and light weight, Orerooata, la the most fashionable colors, at tbe lowest prices imaginable. A larger and finer Line in I GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS, than iter. Also a very attractive assortment of the latest Styles and pattern Gent's) Neckwear. IB Soft end Stiff Hats we carry the latest and leading styles. Oar Stock of BOOTS AND SHOES is complete in every partica lar, sad at prices that cannot be duplicated. We also have not forgotten the Ladies, and desire to call their attcn lien to oar ;.' Host Elegant Line of Dress Goods, which we will sell at Reduced Rates, and which will enable ady one to tsy Urge lot ot goods for a little money. W Call their special attention to the best assorted stock of New markets, Wraps, Dolmans, Walking Jackets and Jerseys in the city. Also, a fall line of Carpets. Ruffe and Blankets. 7 Giro him a trial before purchasing your goods, as yon will find 'i tojoor own interest to do so. oal2 dwtf Asa Jones' Old Stand. J. W. STEWART, iq5 HKAVQ.CAKTER8 FOR Ml' I, EH, B ORSHA tod BOOGIES. Horn and 0rrlRf, to hire at i-im. everything soarirjUvd aa rcprcaanMxt. plISWT Ili4 St.. HBWVarm. B. C. ' 'C Mortgage 8 ale irraaattB B perm ot ale contained In a MUd to Pul Jon, ol tb m OMtvte. T William CollUan, on tbe rf MHt 1KM. and aaaHiied ionic MiucfftbrauT.IM&.I'HI n AoctMwuat U Court Boot door In t m Nnrtm, i IwIt, o elonk, M. . .nsijiniT. MOV. a Sal. 1W7. the fol- f raal BBtaU. attaatad in tha CMj ot i aJlrr. kovwa and dwtlBrlhed In a o( the City of Nawbani ea low num. a.nd m, ass Wmm. trU of Bale Obbb. r. DcrrT. Hotioe. rsdrWe. J. W. tan, bu daly t M adalal4rtor of tb nteto or . imnll, d4 iioroby fr notice . roalrM oil Mfsool hoTlBcelmlm : MWtaof tb Mid LakJj a. BomII t um t the eoid J. W, Lam duly id. fo nrmnt on or bofor to Dtnabtr, 18M. or la thU ., M ploto la b of PMOTctT. IqAcoMS ike ttU bom per i W. LAJra, aajBin!utor. W. L DOUGLAS $3 SHOE. Thm nT as SKAJCLKaS Mat tank! Br aalU. wiaawt oait iMrfMt at,4y Mm BDB LtH. BU atria Km. AttnluhA coMtec W or . Boys, BU nv IM V mm w - tua IHOI la ealtod t Mmrj wear. Uaoi oM by yr daitar rrlM W.L. DOUGLAB. Brtjcktaa, UmH. va a 7 I a I ISA i t 1 "i i nil .mil ROBERTS & HENDERSON BsBtTavI LutTuei ifesti, New Berne If. J. Only flrtt class Companies represen ed in fir, life aal AeeUsat luvsaes. Total Capital orer Forty Uillionso Dollars. Jun24dlT Day-AHDrold Iline 'a. Grwaai t of arad. ;omr KH A toMM nrai i t m umiu. a a a I toaaii oorvoaoa. malr.4 Mo vaddllnc . BDd ratnaUa lBarBUoa -v.iara Fat K H, Wo fcaaaal i,tay, Aridrvaaatoaee a iwi) wuvafi w a k a txi, , ... - - 001,BfBim.t Mortgage Sale On MOMDAY, DECEMBER 6th. 1887, at the) Coort Booee door In New Berne. CrareB eoantr, North Carolina, I will cell at Public Sale for Cash.lhe land of P. Trenwith, eoneistiBg of about three hood red and twenty-fire acres, with all tbe improrements thereon, situated in Craran oonntr, a few milee below New Bern, and more fully deeoribed In a BsorttMe deed ezeented by P. Trea with and Sarah F.. bis wife, and re corded ia Regieter w Office la Crave eoantr, 5. a. Book No. 90 folios 8M sad SOS, to estkfr claims for which said monrer was aaade. : ...I MAKQABET 8. 8MALLWOOD, By Bant W. eaiXtwooD.. - 'wjorl atwlw.-.----; end in fact all tbrout nod Iudk lii.fusfe No person can uae it w nhoui imtutd mte relief. Three dost a uill lelieve &u case, and we consider it tbe duty of nil druggiaiB to recommend it to tu poor, djiog consumptive. l least to try one bottle, aa b0,QC8 dozen b tiles wee no! j last year, and no one cose here 11 fuiicd was reported Su h a uiedkiut- a. ill Gtrman Syrup caiiuot te too widely known. Ask your drugit ubjul u Sample bodies to try, euld at 10 ceuir. Regular size. 75 cents Sjld by bll druKgtsls and dealers :u il.e l uiuxl States and Canada. A convict, with a bull and cliaiu attachameut, gave t au t x ue for Dot taking a summer vacation that he was closely tied to busi ness. ! Cvui uiulloii luc urablc Read the following Mr (.' 11 Mo: 1 1.-, Newark, Ark., sais: ' Was don nab Abscess of Lunge, and fi u uJt an.i pl.v aicians pronounced me an imurable Consumptive. Heau lak ing Llr Kin h New Discovery for ('otiBumpuou. am now on my third bottle, auil nble to oversee the work on my fmm ll it the finest medicinu ever nia le Jesse Middlewart, Ueealtji. (ihio, says: "Had it not been for ltr King's New Discovery for Coiitniiniaio-i I would have d ird of Ludk 'l ioubli r. Was given up by dixloro Am uuw in best of health." Tiy it. lor taif ui ll N Duffy 'a druK slore. Au 6JH'lt life MivtT tiia! a woman drow us mucli n.ier than a man, liocause slie ktH'p.s In r inc.u: h open. Another libel on the l.ui sex. Slchl Improved. New Yokk i ity. April 7. lS'M. Mb A. K. IlaWKHb: Dear Sir- Your patent eve glasnes receivol huiiiK tune since, and am very much gmtilied at the wonderful change that bap tome over my eye-siul.' since I have discard-t ed my old glasses, and am now ueann yours. Al.KXANDKK Atlalt, Blank Book Manufacturer and IS.ic'y Stationers' Board of Trade. All eyes fitted and tbe Hi guaranteed at the drug store of V. H. Duffy New Berne. sep r Ira Klcrlrlt Ulllfi.. This remedy is beconoric ui ll known and ao popular us io m e l no special mention. All who have um -d , Electric Bitters sing the same i-ong of praise. A purer medicine does not ex ist and it is guaranteed to do all that is claimed. Electric Hitters will cure all! diseases of the liver and kidneys, will remove pimples, boils, salt rheum and other affections caused by impure blood. Will drive malaria from the system and prevent as well as cure all malarial i fevers. For cure of headache, consti-1 pation and indigestion try Electric Hit-1 ten. Entire satisfxetinn guaranteed or money refunded. Price, 50c and SI 00 perbotlle at R. N. Duuffy's drgMore. - - - ! A Taterson girl savs that she is just like a wheel for all the wotM. 'Cause she has nine fellows. Ilorsrs, Cattle and ('lilt krns. For colic and grubs, for lung fever, cough or hide bound, 1 gave Simmons j Liver Regulator in a mash twice a day. You can recommend it to every one STILL LEAD ! AstaalBAJng fcuitiu. It U the duty of every person w ho has naed RiiBcJiM' dp.rin.nn io I -1 ita wonderful qualities be known to tbtir lau'e to occur at any time but one frienoe in curing Consumption, severe thing a inau c iu do that will not be Coughs, Croup. Asthma, Pneumonia, uo mistake is to call lit A. M . Baker and buy oneof those elegant Cloaks that he has so cheapjtake one home j to our N ife it will be ecODomy. New way to Cuke a balky Hi' If your lloiseis disputed to lay down on the stieet or to balk loij'l t-t li, ad and hammer the sullen built; don't hold his uose or put a haudlul ol tMavel lu his ear; MARKS Has returned from the Northern Markets, and now his Large and Commodious Store if packed with poods, direct from Importers, Jobbers and Llanufaefurors. I am now prepared to offer better induce ments for the future than ever in the past My Stock is much larger and could hot be homo Lot that; Mmply leau over j better RfilpptpH T hrfV in larrra nnenfitiaa and whi.spcr iu hibeai; the old uag 6 uwiimBfl lui ll he Hollers it at all. ought to get up in au l iin t an t and Lever Mop uutlll he pulls up )u lion I ol one ol otll dry goods More.' 11 oll UJUM kh to the Iloie is this, tell hi m the ale M-lling I i-i Cloaks at way don n pi ice.- a' H.iker'Ktoie, if I lie Jlone tloii't lee I he hinper tin n ii'M a-Min-d ihiH lemedy Is h ' good bin I! i a f.ict that A. M. Il.ilei li .if a !.. 1 lot ot (all and liiti i i:.-i ('help and ! h i' hdiMi.Miiue ' is , I. Ilmg some LAbH, which enables me to sell cheaper. Give me a trial and be . convinced that O MARKS is really the LEADER OF LOW PRICES. It would be folly for toe to attempt a full description of all my stocks The uioM elegant Hue of A. M. Ham. 11.- He n -;i- 1 lhallk oii hi lu-t-i't-ly lot tilling and suit mg me so nic. lv completely and cbeaplv ill the Cloak Ilia! my hilvliaiid bough! ol on Ion he was 111 New Hem; he N'lVidVo much money in the plilchise that In go! me a Iloi nel; he -a s I he cloak lit.s me as a coal t h a ( lu I a 1 1 I Pali 1 H to see hie p.wadt' the slieelfi ol New Hern wilh 1 1 1 hi in llnsiiew ill I in which Mills lii in entirely and lits I ha! he Is Mil 1 hi re Is no one liny while that can sell better gooda for so little nioiiev an jn:i do; 1 intend to Collar and Cud' him ll he don't buy fioin you legulatly. I'or 1 am determined he shall invest here alier at the i hc.ipcM and best phiee in ! he ( ity . ( i i ai'elully Yours M. K. Hi. an k . "MarieiT Maneif "yelled an excited fanner, the oilier day, as lie rushed out of K.tkci V store where goods an sold so i heap. ' "Dump out those Tateis and make room!" "What lor," (.aid hhe. "Why," Haul he,-' 1 am going to buy a whole lot ol Cloaku and put them away a.s an investment. 1 lind I he prettiest, handsomest and the most Htylish lot of Cloaks here that I have ever seen in this town and they are at only hall price. Really 1 have never seen any thing to reach them." "Well, but they may go down, John," said she. "Down! let them go down, the goods in them clonk's are worth the money." "Susan, my daughter, 1 fear you are gelling reckless. You have had two i loaks this fall already and ,wm :ily had one last vrinter. W hat is the cause!" Well, father, you M-e linker has just received a bran new lot of the loveliest wraps of all kinds, and he is selling them that has ever been brooght to this market, including all the Latest Styles, lieautiful Suitings and Cloakinge. All the Latest Novelties in Fancy Goods! Silks! Satins! Velvets and Velveteens! Shoes! Shoes ! Shoes! Siu h'a line of Shoes never was exhibited Id this place before. Mens Ladies, Misses and Children's ol all descriptions in endless TarietJ. And my line of Ladies, Misses and Children's Cloaks w, ll jou will have to come and see them, they are beyond descrip tion, the largest, handsomest and BEST line in the city. Also a hand some lot ol Wraps and Shawls, Flannels, Etc., Etc. Ilr IT ty DON'T FAIL to see my line of etc., et widths, Tabic having etock as the bent medicine i at half piice, sol bought both of these lovely tlnugs for what one would have cost, last year." known for the above complainlx In using it with my chickens, for cholera and gape, I mix it with the doup h and feed it to them ones a day. Hy this treatment I hitve lost none where the Regulator was given promptly and reg ularly. E. T. Taylor, Agt for Grangers jf Ga. ADVICE TO MOTHER. Mas. Winflow'b &oothino Syrup should alwMje bo used for children teething. It soothes the chil.l. mra ne tbe gums, allays all pain, cure wind colic, sod is the boKt rempdy for tiiar- boea. Twenty uve reuu a !':' ! mar?l dtuthsat n It I.Kdifg of I lip White House , have found that their sometimes eires- he has there you will be surprised sive duties prodece a low. weak, tired aud pleased to. and tremulous state of the s stem, tndj - that iron restores richnesj and color to The Lady who attracted tbe most ib. blood caliaya nark a natural atterition on the streets today and healthful tone to tbe digestive organs, ! .1.1 . j j j i and phosphorus mildly stimulates the waa "'"soeu wuutue prei brain all contained in Vr. barter's Have you heard the latent. Well the latest piece of really good news is t hat A. M. Ilaker luia one of tbe loveliest stock of really nice new Stylish and handsome Clohks ever brought to this city go and look at tlieio whether you want to buy or not take your fiiciids and every body go and 1 rk at those Cloaks. This catches jour Eye does it well if you will call at A.M.Baker's and see that elegant stock of Cloaks before purchasing, which is very large, embracing all grades from the cheapest to the best : All wool Three ply. Brussels, all wool Ingrain, Napier Matting, Pine Matting, Oil Cloths, all A TI . A A mtii, nags, cic, etc. OH Cloth- By calling at my store yon will find very many things that cannot be mentioned here ; space would not permit, and besides they are too numerous to mention. Iron Tonic. Wanted to Purchase, 50,000 Bush. Rice. tiest in everv wav got her dressgood? and wrap from A. M. Baker. Two thousand five hundred yards 3-4 Cashmere at 10c. per yard. Double width Cashmere, 15c. per yard. All wool Sacking, 15c. per yd. Infants' Shoes, 15c. and upward. The prettiest and best Ladies' Button Shoe In the city for 11.25. Pants Cloth, 10c. np. Fine imported ErTglish Half Hose, 12Jc. per pair. Towels. 5c. np. Turkish Bath Soap, 5c. Good Note Paper, 5c. quire. Envelopes, 5c. pekg. All Bilk Ottoman Ribbon, 5c. yard. Hose and Half Hose, 5c. pr. Heavy Itibbed Hose, 10c. pr. Linen Cape Collars, 6c. Ladies' Kid Gloves, 4 button, 50c., new goods. Ladies' Boncle Jerseys, 60c., worth 12.00. Ladies' Collars and Cuffs, 5c. Ked and white Flannel, 15c. np. Corsets, 25c. np. A Big Drive In Note Paper-a 5-quire Packatrt, rood quality, for 15c. Hamburg Edgings, 3c. 5c. and 8c. Men's Scarlet Wool Undershirts, 50o. each. A Big Job in Ladies, Misses and Children's Underresta and Pania. Misses' Vests and Pants, 25c. each. Many other Drives that cannot be mentioned now. 200,000 Tons Pure Agricultural Lime. 7. P. BURRUS & CO.. GRAIN & COTTON COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Market Dock, , , --y.. - - V' SEW BERNE, JT. C marl dwtf - . i""-. L':b::i:3'oC:v!r:n-i What Boots it if! Shoes to buy bargains' said a delighted Cus tomer the other day at A. M. Baker's We blush to think how low we have become in our prices A. M. Baker. Willis, Edwards & Co. Bmva reopened the "New-Berne Machine Works, and hare added -Tools totelr works to do all kiadt -of alaohlaa aad Boiler Work at short noUoav -" They have els added foundry to their works, and are prepared to do the best of Brass and Iroa Casting, V House Plnmbinira specialty. v "' , If yon want good work pira ni a call. All work guaranteed and dore at r t" r:it the tiirc?. iyU r Wholesale Trade. I am now prepared to offer better inducement to Wholesale Bayera than ever before. My atook U much larger, more raried and oompUte. I buy in large quantities from FIRST HANDS for SPOT CASH, which enables me to sell CHEAPER in email quantities than Xortaen Honges. " .. y rj,t Gome and see me. I can save you money. I3T Agency for Clark'a a N, T. Spool Cotton. , To the tfutilic. Allow me to thank jon kindlj, fine and nil, for JvwJIberal pttouxi LOW TRICES SHALL ALWAYS LKADi Ma, rery trnly yonra, 7 . v-. y.-. v :f -' ;.'";'

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