OUKNAL M' -1 vqti yiwrNo; 204; NEW BERNE. N. C.. SUNDAY. NOVEMBER 27. 1887. PRICE 5 CENTS. -r i , 1 LOCAL .NEWS. FefUWaJ IIIbUiu Al-M-Me.- . Hew Beme.latitnde, , 88P North. . f , ? f ; , longitude, TJ r "Wert, 1 iSvk rises.' 3 I Lenrth of day. -- i 8aa mm, :t8 1 10 hours, S3 minute. Mi rUes M 8:41 p. m. BUSINESS LOCALS. ; ' TptJRKEY8, f and floe. A Another lot just in tine !. ' ; Al SSKmHas is ihlt a rhyme ;. " . . If yen wanton bow's your time. , , ; - rpHB -JABMAN" ICE FACTORY to , u - A now in foil operation, and U pre ..' , pared to tarnish ioe te iu patrons at oni -- half cent per pound. Open at all ijA hours for the deliyery of Ice. ;'. J. A. Bullosas, UO81Jw,l Business Manager. Op .ARRETT'S Med do Vineyard Cognao and Wine for aale, at Manufsotu- Cl rr prior, by Jams Rumoxd. REMEMBER I sell First-Class Good and warrant them. Refund money If not satisfactory, and guarantee to aatl ' the. saoae daaa of good CHEAPER than any house in the oity. THE GROCER, E. B. HACKBURN. JOHN DUNN la aUll ahead in Fine Good at low pfioea and hi store i the pride of the town. Call and get hi (rice. FOR RENT A convenient dwelling. Apply to J. F. Ives. ocSIHf. New Berne. N. C. PURE Liquor and Wine for Medici nal and other use, at wboleaale. James Redmond. ANEW Btook of Oil Stove and other House-keeping Qoods at Geo. Allen & Co. DIRECT importation of French Brandy and Holland Gin arrived In bond and duties paid at Custom louse in New Berne, guaranteeing gen jine good for aale. Jas Redmond. BROWN B GEORGIA COTTON GINS, with Self Feeder and Condenser. All of the latest and aooat approved pit- tern. Geo. Allen & Co. REDMOND'S Ginger AU. Lemon Soda, eto., equal to imported. ' j : James Redmond. BUGJIE3, ale at McD. Pates1 make, for Pail Bros'. Capt. Matt Manly s many friend were pleased to aee him out yesterday. 4Th Superior, Court 'convenes torpor- row, Judge Avery presiding. There is large oriminal docket. A card frum Raleigh last night date that there were fifty-two conversion at BT. Mr. Pearson1 meeting on Friday night. He will be in New Berne in February. Keating of the Club. ' A special meeting 'of the Craven ' County Gun Club will be held tomor row. (Monday) evening to receive the : rsfort of the committee on the Fair. A fult meeting is deelred. i - The Beat of the Season. Cot John H WhUford wa at the Ex change yesterday with a lot ot cotton which he soldi for JOt; the highest prioe of to season; CoL Whitfbrd Uke ex tra pain with hi cotton and be finds that tt pays. Th) Commiaslonere Vesting. Al a speoial meeting of the county commissioners hsid T-wterday thepropc sitlanof the East .Carolina Land ' and Railway Company- asking for an eleo- tiyn on subsoribin fifty thousand dol lars to th capital stock ot the company was formally submitted with amend ments agreed upon at a former meet log, and the election ordered. "A haw regis tration wa also ordered. , The pro ceedings of all hi special meeting in regard to this matter will appear in Tueeda? iasua."' " '.V 'Vl 'i'V?.. ; There i ample time now for. & people to discuss thi. matter and. we hope It will be done strictly upon th merits of th proposition. Th friends of the measure ar honest in their opinion that it will b of material d tantage to both the ooojity and oity to mak this' subscription. Bat they must reepect tbs opinions of those who thin! other w lb.' Iany"uncharitabl thing ar said ta a tanvass of such mat ter i as J this . that might ; as well be left uteid. We all desire that oar city and eonnty should prof per;' we only i7er as to the proper thing to do to bring it about. It is almost the unaoiasous verdict ot the people her tbst tvrV!f f executive ot lbs State baa cot given us that recognition and aid -thich I e might hsve. don without In jury to acy other section of the State, in tie ex union cf ,the A.&NCiE.to t! e C. F. & Y. V. R. So if we expect to r :e for-?, ! '!! vv cur waite 'a-- ar,j t nref t i rerHTwhlw. j , r t l e-T)i'79 our diJer- i : -. Lst t not r ; it i r r ' riftecscnot i ' ; ! t i 9 cur fel- The Game: Kah, and Oyster Fair. Commiaeioner J. T. Patrick is in the city and held a conference with the committee appointed by the Craven County Gun Club on holding a Gamr, Fish' and Oyster Fair. Mr. Patrick made some valuable suggestions to the committee iu. regard to the details of getting up the Fair, and if the citisena of New Berne will aid to the extent of three hundred dollars the Fair is i sored. Mr. Patrick aavs he can bring two or three thousand people here if we want them. It is an opportunity to give the town, and the products of our forests, river and sounds such an ad vertiaement as they never had before. The Club will organize an association pretty eoon and appoint committee to begin work. We trust that every oiti- sen will lend a helping hand. The Meadow Fertilizer factory. One of the new induitriea established in New Berne is the fertiliser factory on the old cotton factory site by E. H, & J. A. Meadow, They are now work' ing about twenty band regularly be aide others employed at varioua time. They are turning out from fifteen to twenty tons per day of manipulated guanos adapted to the growth of varioua crops made in this section. They make a special manure for beans, one for cab- base, for potatoes, for cotton and all other crops grown in Eastern Carolina, and tbev are thoroughly reliable, flrat data good being used. Witb the establishment of such in dustries, it is necessary to their success' ful operation that we have facilities for reaohing tha interior of the neighboring counties and the Slate. Durham has found it necessary to subscribe largely to two hew railroads in order to secure lower rates of transportation for their goods and to better reach new territory for raw material. If a town want manufacturing enterprises and employ merit for its people, the people them selves -must show a progressive spirit; they must show energy, push and de termination, and when they do this they will attract capital and business men. No man of means and business tact wants to eo to a dead town, nor is he going. The Meter. Meadow cannot be too highly commended for the enterprise they have shown in starting this indus try. They, with Capt Gray, Uaj. bOenniaon, and the saw mills in and near the city are distributing the money that goes into the channels of trade, and soon Messrs. Moore ft Brady will begin the packing of oyster which al- way give the retail trade of the town an Impetus that is felt st almost, every tore. These thing help wonderfully in short crop years, and with anothsr railroad outlet other industries will spring up and those in existence will increase their capacity. Let the news go abroad that Craven county has sub scribed to the road from New Berne to Wilmington and that the building of the road Is a fixed act; capital wfij seek New Berne that would never other wise come here. Church Services Today. ' MethodiBt Churoh Rev. L. W. Craw ford, pastor. Services' at 11 a. m. and 7 p. m. The pews are free.' Ushers al ways la the -vestibule to receit stran ger. AU persons ar cora tally invited to worship with , the congregation. Sunday School at 8 p. m. :V Christ Chnech V. W. Shields, Rec tor lst Sunday In Advent; 8 a. m. Holy Communion at St Cyprian's; 11 a. m. morning prayer: 4 p. ox Sunday School; 7 p. m. vning prayer, All people willj be weloomaa to services ot tnis churoh. Usher at th door to provide ats.. c. - '' '' Presbyterian . Church Rev. ' L. C. Veas. D. D., pastor.- Services at 11 a. m. - Subject, "The Wordless Bodk." The sermon wilt be for the young, who an specially invited to attend. At 4:45 p. m. Subject, "The Defeated General." Sabbath School at 1:39 p, in'.' A cordial Invitation ie-extanded so-all tote pres ent at these service. iv, - Baptist phurch.-ttere ;wfll Mo;ao services In' this ' church today except Sabbath school at 8 p. m, to wLich' the publio are cordially InTited. f j ' : Ebeneser Presbyterian Church; col. Rev.Wm.lt. Carr, pastor,.'. Services at 11 a. m. and 7 p. m. Sabbath School at 3 p. m. - Pews free; tns publio cordially invited to attend. ;. ,.;; ... Y. M. C. A. Devotional meeting at 5 o'clock p. ' m. Subject: AFollowing Christ involves self denial. -Mat xvi: 84 Leader, II. Q. Tull' . ?r Second Adventist .Church Elder Eairene F"ott pa-tor. Services at 11 a. m. ac.l 7 p. m. Sul jct for the morn leg sermon, "Wby will ye also go away." Subject for the evening ser mon, "Tbe nature and tpbere of saving fsi.h." Ike publio are invited, f1 v1 Steamer Jtore.nent. TLeVetpercf tie E. CD. line will srrl-e I T' r .'it cf tbis I'd f" ' t r t 4 oVTtS. A I0ETHEB5 YISITOR'8 TIErVS; Or, From Little Washington to Ntw Berne On Foot. OOMTTNUED. If, tor the sake of argument, we ad mit that cotton and corn mutt go from the upland of North Carolina, what ebomld we culitvate? Flrat, I would auggest hop. They require little care aa oompared with other- crop, and only seed the waste ground along the fenoe lines. Iu nor thern New York Broome and contigu ous counties they are trained up per pendicularly set frames and allowed to spread as far sach way as they can ex tend. They are thus low and easily gathered by the pickers, and have a sure market often bringing 84 per bushel. Cotton pickers would thus find remu nerative employment when not other wise at work. Second, honey is a sure-paying in vestment, when improved hive and methods are acquired. Thee two oc cupation, and feeding the cattle, eto , of the drover who follow the turnpikes at 7o. per head per night, have placed many of the northern New York land owner wealthy and at leisure. Most of them commenced in a small way, and gradually beoame hop-king and apiarians, fampblets are easily ob tained giving all tbe necessary instruo tion, well illustrated with cut, dm grams, eto., and any house wife can manage bops and bees in a short time. Third, peas and lentils are prolific injure the land less, and, when plowtd under, fertilize more effectively than any other orop lentils are far superior to peas and go much further iu family use. A handful or so makes a pot of thick, highly nutritious, red-colored soup. Ia country districts of Oerm&ny Franco, and contiguous countries tbe children fatten, living chiefly on lentils The soup, when seasoned to American taste with pot-herbs, eto., cannot be surpassed by any .other vegetable prep aration. Aa a orop, lentils are gathered several times during a season, three gatherings, and the vines plowed under as the only fertiliser for next year, be ing the French custom. Their growth and cultivation ia similar to peas, but they require less care than peas. For run-out lands lentils are the farmers' friend, for cattle eat voraciously of the vines and thrivs upon the feed. Mixed with inferior fodder they enablo the farmer to "clean up his supplies." Fourth, flax pays well on rich land It is always in market demand, and the house-wife and her daughters can drees and weave flax into many beautiful articles of apparel and home-use. It is durable in fabrios, economical as a sub stitute for "store goods," while no linen exoeeds the home-made. On the other hand tt is a sure orop, grows from seed sown broad-cast, looks ornamental to tbe farm front and is easily gathered. Fifth, sweet oorn grows as many as five ears to the stalk in New Jersey sand. In North Carolina land s it should exceed the Jersey produot. There is always a market for it, but fewer farm ers crop it because never grinding it to meal. It is the "pop-corn" of the conntry-sidss for winter evenings and village-stores. As mush-meal and "flit ters" (and why 'not corn cakes or bread?) it excels. Sixth, peanuts, if properly planted and oared for, pay muoh better than some other crops rsgularly cultivated. Comparing the production of one year ith another, peanuts are aaier man Irish potatoes. Tbey transport well and are more easily handled. Seventh, vineyards of the best grapes oan never be too extensive for the wine market. There is no reason why we should import wines that ws can exoel with our own grape product, wnue no fruit exceeds the grspe as a wholesome artlole of home consumption. New Jersey ha competed with the world's vintage successfully and grown famous for her extensive grape-culture, which is every year extending. Eighth, Nortn Uarolina lands win arrow all the cereals, oats, rye, wheat. barley, etc, if the farmyard and swamp and compost neaps f urnisn the manure for a "rotation of crops," and truck farming has climate and admirahle fa cilities in this State. Ninth, why refuse to abandon cotton- planting to the more southern States if we can do better wttb and for our acreage h Cranberries require car but flooding, gathering and shipping, after having been one planted; while cotton, eventually, will detaoriate even the land where cranberries could be grown at muoh less cost of preparation. Why not substitute the cranberry wherever a low dam with e waste-gate can be used for top-dressing the vine with a fertiliser, strewn creek, or by top-dressing tbe dam-pond t ' When the berries ere rips flood-the Vine enough to float the berries on a windy day and gather at the waste-gate or shore. Th annual decay of the vine wilt soon render top dressing unnecessary and the cranberry bog become the most reliable and valu able portion of the estate. -,ch Tenth, a plot for ornamental grasses such as the indigenous broom aaga, dog fennel, etc., and others not natives, oan be probably made where the soU oan be best spared ? while berry patches; hedges, always pay well. In som States there are, whole berry planta tions where the young folk are pros perous in perquisites at- two cant per quart,.-""':'.-'4.';" ' Eleventh, in the maratlme provinces of th Canadian Dominion thousands of farmers plant 1,000 maple tree and manufacture their own sugar and sup ply ths market; and sugar an excellent remedy for coughs, cold and throat in flammations, sjld in round and square cakes st a cent each, gives employment to hundreds of venders in all our North era cit'f'i doriP'r eimmer and fall, re side", it csa be i ' " uei ad excel iu the rnsfk'' t : i c ' 7 J t '- f-T.; "' .x) t - --. place ef many now in use which are unprofitable. Lilacs, shrub and other blooms are alway saleable on the street and in the markets of town and ciiits during their season, while floriculture, in almost form, is profitable to a farm. Thirteenth, nothing that oan be made to pay should be ignored by the farmer ; and every pair of hands can be well employed where a land owner realize thia fact. Neither i it the hardest work or the heaviest tillage which reap tbe most profit. J. W. Stevkstun. The Goyernor of Missouri has become jealous of the attention given to out laws; but he still continues to recom mend the famous Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup for coughs and oolds. The proprietors of Salvation Oil, the greatest oure on earth for pain, will pay a large reward if any certificate pub lished by them is found not to be gen nine. It costs only 25 cents a bottl List of Letters Remain inir in the poetomce at New Nov. 27, Berne, Craven county, N. C 1887: Harriet banks, Itev. () 8. Anderson, Rufus E. banington, Nathan baas, Henry A. Uaekins. Harah Umphrt-y. Mrs. Annie Lewis, Messrs. Lamb lUoo.. Henrietta Lane, Narcey Moore, Chaa. Stafford, 1) A. Simpson, Ixmisa Wil liams, George Williims, William A. Wilcox. Pt-rsuUB calling for above letleid will say ad ei lined , and give date of list. ' M. Ma.nly. 1' M To the Officers and Ui rnc Steam Fire tientlemen : - Vuu Member, ol Knginc, No Ne n 1. are hereby re quest d tu assemble al uur engine hout-e at 1 p m. today, in citizsn a dreeB, white gloves anil fatigue onp to attend the funeral of our lite worthy servitor, Frank Foul. Officers and members uf Kicelnior Floee Co are cordially iDvited to at tend. Max tViiw ehi.n, Sec FOlttiUN JiEWS. H .NKKAL OF Tilt tCUOI.TKN V liKAti Dovkh, Nov. 24. Five thousand per soi s attended the funeral today of tbe victims of the W. A. Sobolten disaster. There was a general suspension of busi ness In Dover. Tbe Queen has sent a message of sympathy to tbe bereaved families. tLX KMFKttsS KUUKNIK'S I1.1.NER8. Amstkhdam, Nov. 24. The report of the illness of ex Empress Eugenie was greatly exaggerated. She is under message treatment for a local affection Kbe uom out walking daily. today's papal CONHWTOKY. Romk, Nov. 24. The Pope, at a cor. sistory tomorrow, will preconcise thirty six archbishops and bishops, including appointments to vacants eees in Am erica. Ilorara, Cattle and Chlcktms. For colio and grubs, for lung fever, cough or hide-bound, I gave Simmons Liver Regulator in a mash twice a day. You can recommend it to every one having jtook, as the best medicine known for the above complaints. In using it with my chickens, for cholera and gape, I mix it with the douph and feed it to them once a day. By thie treatment I have lost none where tbe Regulator was givea promptly and reg ularly, E. T. Taylor, Agt. for Grangers of Oa. A Chance for American Inventors. New Yohk, Nov. 24. The firm o R W. Oameron & Co., of thia city, who are agents for the government of New South Wales, are in receipt of com munications offering a reward by tbe government of $125,000 to American inventors for any process which will exterminate rabbits, whioh have be oame a peat throughout Australia and) New Zealand. In 1864 a few English rabbits were introduced into the Bo tanic Garden at Dunedin. These hare increased to such an extent that they are now publio nuisanoes, threatening to destroy not only all the vegetables, but even the sheen nasturairn of thn entire country. The magnitude of the evil and the urgency of the case are Indicated by the extent of the reward, which, at the same time, is an expres sion of confidence in American inge nuity. , , Lemon Elixir. A PLEASANT LKKOH DRINK. Lemon t Elixir is $ prepared from the fresh jnfce of Lemons; oc robin ed with 'Other vegetable liver tonics, cathartics, aromatic stimulants and blood purifier. i Fifty cents and one dollar per bottle. Sold by druggists generally and by all wholesale druggists. Prepared by H. Motley, M. D., Atlanta, Oa. ' ' .. : , For billioueoess and constipation take Lemon Elixir. . For indegeetion and font stomach take Lemon Elixir, r , ' , uFor aiok and nervous neadaene f .-' take Lemon Elixir. - ' rl . For . steepness and nervousness , : tai Lemoa Elixir. ' ' ' y, For loss ot appetite and debility : f take Lemon Elixir.- . ' . '" For fevers, malaria and Chills, take Lemon Elixir.- ' ' '.', ' Lemon Elixir will not fail in any 'of the above named diseases, all of!' whioh arise from a torpid or diseaaS , ri od Uorr - ; ''J . - 1 . "-- Lemon Hot Drops "ti -"t'-" Cure all coughs, Golds', Hoarseness, Sore Throat, Bronchitis, Pneumonia and all Throat and Luna: diseases. Price 25 cents. Lemon Hot Drops, - -goM by druggists. Prepared by Dr. H. 1 ey Atlanta, Ga., iu both liquid ari l lore: ie form. '" - . ; ' Ff te '3 in Kew Cerne, wbolpsae nd rt-.::. 1 ' N. DoTy 1i dirt store. Ca-h - ;. , --v V e rr ' '-r. COMMERCIAL. COTTON HJLltBlKT. Niw Yokk. Nov. 26. 1C:2U a. m Futures opened steady. Sile of Si, IKK) bale. November, 10 &4 May, June. July, AugUbl 10.8i 10 91 10 85 10 9U December, 10 49 January, February , March, 10 58 10.65 10.70 September, 10.60 April. 10.77 October, 10 25 New Berne market steady. S&lee of 214 bales at 9 to 10 25. Sales for the week 851 bale, against !KiJ same week last year Eggs 10 to 17 Hioe firm at f' to 81 OJ, in socke Corn steady, 47 to 55. Fodder, bOc. to $100 per hundred Seed cotton 83. 00 per hundred. Turkeys $1.50 to 82.03 per pir AGENCY FOR ' blest be the hand that toll to aid The great world's ceaseless need Tbe hands that never are afraid To do a kindly deed. ' Theretcre you can Bud at TANSll.l. a KINK C1UAH Alit.Ml, .uiHi,leudel Ijy W. I.. Palmer, liie rnolcebl arlely made al popular prices. '. 1. I'AI.MKK heeoud door from cor rXouUi From ami feliadle blleela. New Bel ue. N r J A NTBI)-LA 11 ICS tor $100 to $300 A MUM II cm I.,- m.le WorfclllKlol l. a Auelil l ie rerred alio v&u furnl.h their iwn liora?. im.l give llielr wuole time ui thr luBliieftH Spur, nioimiu u mil be pinially em pio ,-,1 A few vacauelee lu iowiib and 111,1. il Jon HHoN 4 C.i.. H".' Main M . Itletiiu.ilid Va. Notice Tax Payers! Shkwff'b Ornt E, Ckavfj County, i New Berne, Nov. 15, 1(J87. t ou are earnestly requested to come forward and settle your taxes between now and December lst, 1ISN7. As no further indulgence can be given, I have no deposition to add ooaia to llie Ui payers. P. 8TIMSON. nl6J15tn2t.) Mherilf Craven Co. VUCTION 8 A I.E. VALUABLK HOI'SF. AND LOT. WATSON & HTRfcET. Auctioneers- TUESDAY, DEC. 6ih. 1887, at Twelve o'clock, at tbe Court House door in the City of New Berne, we will sell the lot situated at the N. E. corner of South Eront and George street", with the im provements thereon, consisting of a comfortable two-story dwelling and one double tenement houoe. Terms CASH. nl8 oodtivdedld Sale S Livery Stables. ' TIIK 1 I KM.' UK A A M. llA UN AND M. HA UN A COM PA NY has been dla- olyed liv 'he itnalh ' A. llalin. M. UbIid '111 continue tha Juilneaa or HALK. KXOHANOK AND LIVBRY of HOllHKS. MUI.Kd, etc. at Ui old stand ou Hiudle ilreet, where he haa been angaed In the aaina bonnes" in the city since 106. will trt pleased to meet hta old friends and customers. Will have oa hand In due aaton a F1IVK LOT OF HOR8K9 and IH'ISS. Also, at VINH LOT OF BIUUIE8 and HARNESS. - SATIsrAOTION OrjAHANTEEI. M. HAHN & CO. audi dwSm Motice. HaviDg purchased ths entire Stock of Boots, Shoes, and Rubbers in store un der Hotel Albert, I will sell the same AT COST. SPOT CASH. No goods will be sent out on probation. Thankful for past patronage, the busi ness will be continued at the old stand undor Hotel Albert. F. T. PATTEKSON. New Berne, N. C. seSrdtf 2,400 3 lb. Cans Tomatoes, -AKD 1,250 Cans Corn, best quality At TEN Cents a Can. jLtXTlldolL's. (No seconds standard goods.) New Berne, N. a Willis, Edwards & Co. Hare reopened, the New Berne atacnla Works, and have added Tools to their works to do all kinds l Machine and Boiler Work at short notice. . ' They have also added a foundry to their workaj and an prepared to do the best of Braes and Iron Casting, House Plumbing a specialty. -. If yoa want Rood work giro ns a ealL All work guaranteed and done at prices to suHtl times. V : iyll wly ii i uriLtuaa i rao lu Laa t Usui . pita am work l itielr own Uoiiiea tl u 11 per ilnv can ha quietly made. Woik rt-m l v mail any dlisLauoe. 1'arlieulura frta Nuoauvaa slog A rtil real at ouoe. t HL-M KM A 1 I lUjr Minm , Bmluu, S. I'm :: ;OOT323LOCi THE Anarchistc liECKS WERE PUUED, AM) High Prices HAVE MET A SIMILAR FATS AT THK HANDS OF H. B. Duffy Niece our luti sweeping announce mem through the JovkhaL, our store .' has been crowded with swarms Of,1 anxiuus cudiomorB, examining our prices and going away wearing smiling; faces, hp 1 rarrjuig dtad loads of bar gains. A we rtuured. Hard Times has been ! ulterlv routed, ajid our 'present cry is for mure salesmen and a larger Store f..r the a cc. in 11 1 1 j. I tit 1 .11 of Mir extensire ' trolc 'X Happy Buyers, Tiivd Clerks,! Bewildered Competitors. CUSTOMER! u i AN 11 A V K THE ShX'KET' Fine Goods! Low Prices! AND Honest Dealing! All we ahk ic a trial, and you will be convinced that we nell goods LOWER THAN THK I.uWKST. f The WI11I1 ale Traiie especially looked after . S. B. WATERS, Jr., PX)R THK Eeet and Cheapest Line of Gents' Furnish'gGoods HATS, SHOES, Clothing, Umbrellas, Sue. All the Latest Novelties always in stock. Best $3.00 Shoe in the cily. EvEHT Pair Warranted. a Ask to see his ftOc. Rhirt V. Also, the celebrated Arrow Brand Collar, two for 25c. Clothes to order a tpecialty. FrTB Ouarantkkd. Nxt loor to A. M. Uaker, opp. Fplsoopiil Cmirrh. seplli dwSui Wanted, 50( TONS of COTTON SEED. Hlgliejt Caali Trico paid, de livoreil in New Berne. K. U. J. A. MEADOWS. X ocBdwtf ' - Wanted to Purchaser 50,000 Bush. JRice. : 200,000 Tons Pure Agricultural Lime. w. p. Dunnus s co., GRAIN ft C0TT01T ? t " COMMISSION lCHANTS, Market Dock, SEW BERME, N. O - : raarSdwtf 4 After Bclng alcKid;? I still have sv FULL BTOCK of the FINEST GROCERIES.' fcRt.lSOODS &o., which' t am selling; at" prices to nit the times. .Vx ...u-.V'' - Foot of Middle srJffsw Berne. - : j ;...f a botM win, . $(J'a DayrAGold T Tot Acuta. Orndt JT-t r RmMM rr ofTerd. A 9 t i fBrlbflnsxtfweJWonl.hu. ; . . al niii WMtm nn t-- r lt rrnmtrr, 1't plrof r''! si ' ertii" 1 1 f r j- : a t