( 1 ' r- n tU Wm, lj n f 'a ILL FOH THE I7EXT THIETY DATS " AL AND PEES ON AX. FROPJaBTY owned fey the -Aii COlilSil, decoded; ; (- - . . '.t-v.,v. D vellicr Houses, located oa Pollock and Eanoock streets, la Ion, ail veil rested ; one large three story sub-cellar Iron front , enter Pollock ul audale streets, xnowa -as tae vVelaAeia crvl Farms ia Craven eounty, near tie city of New Berne, f the abovs Property will be told at Low Prices sad Easy Term. f 4 iher information enquire of ' . " ' ,. 7xa. COHEH. at ; Weinstein Building,' i i i i .''.' ? ,::3 Vcrlb cf C::i!i 3 b Glased 0;i Goods Beduced to Half, Prices! Overooata, formerly $6.00, redaoed to 13.00, Corkscrew Baits, formerly $15.00, reduced to $7.50. ' Boy's Diagonal Baits, formerly 110.00, redaeed to $5.00. Csssimtrw Baits, formerly 18.00, redaoed to 94.00. Has Cheviot Baits, formerly $10.00, redaeed to 15.00. Grsy CheTiot Baits, formerly tl0.00( redaeed to $5.00. A fall line ef Ctaaimert Pasts. -all st half prices, from75e. upwards. large sloes? of Gray tad White Blankets, Carpets, Dry Good, Boots : hoes, Ilits tad Caps, ' Gents' tad Ladies' Faraishing Goods. Um "Trunks and Values, Saddlery and Harness. All mast be sold and reasonable oner refused. I J" All X ask is for yon to eome and convince yourselves. z r BEMEMBEB TBB PLACE, !.;r'7VioaLm COBKLNT, ' ' Ex. for Hannah Cohen, deceased, 4 Weinstein Building, eor. Pollock and Middle stf., oel2 dwtfyd NEW BERNE. N. C. THE -JOURNAL. mE CHEAPEST, Ind tlie Xatest Styles IN- - J ii's; Youth's and Children s et to tn t 1 i 4 button Cutaways, Prince Alberts "Square and Round Cut Backs, la from the best of Corkscrews and Cassimeres. Yoa will now find at H. SULTAN'S, .t Rock Bottom Prices, Lower than the Lowest V;, ".Without Exception: . fine line; of Silk Lined and Bilk Faced, in heavy and light weight, , ercoata in the most fashionable colors, at the lowest prices r.inaUa.y.Vi."J -A larger and finer Line in GiaiTS1 FUENISHINO GOODS, a ever. V Also a very attractive assortment of the latest Styles and terns Gent's Neckwear. Ia Soft and Stiff Hats we carry the latest and leading styles. Oar Stock of BOOTS AND SHOES is complete in every partica r, and at prices that cannot be duplicated. We also have not forgotten the Ladies, and desire to call their atten a to our Host Elegant Line of Dress Goods, ich we will Bell at Reduced Rates, and which will enable any one to .- a large lot of goods for a little money. . ,'e call their special attention to the best assorted stock of New kets, Wraps, Dolmans, Walking Jackets and Jerseys in the city. ;.JO, a lu.ll 11UO VI VUUCM) ituga ouu viBumcts. 'T Give him a trial before purchasing your goods, as yon will find t o your own interest 10 uu bu. Asa Jones' Old Stand. . pe v ccl2 dwtf a lantlc,; A N. C. Railroad timk table s. Erfeot 8.-00 P.M.. Monday Nov. ,' 14V1887. a EitT.i SsHXPCUi : Coiko West , ki Paatenaer Train. No. 50 ; Stations. A &a!V ""Ooldaboro Ar. Lve. 11 7 a m 10 19 10 49 0 58 10 08 8 10 8 25 m 5 37 Kit LaGranse 0 4lvit Kinetoo 8 88 t New Berne Pm MorebfcadCitr Daily exoept dubuj. i East. EcnEDfLK. Qoma Wssr. ! . No. 2 t 1 Ft. A - t Mixed Ft. A Train. Stations. Pass. Train. 6 10 .Ooldaboro . P . Beet -a LtOrangt ' 111 ' 18 Fallinjc Creek 19 44 1I4 Klneton ; 11 08 IS 20 CasweU -l 1141 1146 .Dovw VfllieU81 Core Creek 1048 1048 Teaoarora ' 10 0010 18 CTark' J V..)xrn m ( 0 SO Thnr ey a Btnrdey. .- . V. L DOUGLAS $3 SHOE, 51 ' fO n-w with WUmingtoa Wei nd North, tearing Ooldatxire .ill wtuh KkchmonS 1 BTlU orinf Oolrtorol:8ep.jn, mm tih Kichmone 4k lHTf!l . t (i-iii.hcro p.mMldir1Ul 1 Wei ion Train from Mi ,. 1 ' '' '" " -- - with Richmond and Ban i freight, ieaTlnf Ootdabore -c', with VTllmlnirttm ana rTmin J?orUi OouodUaT- tn. , v 1 Wttmrrtn Tld 'n t-oulh b- . . J IeaTlnf eboatatha world. wlUf, I I I wt taki or aWtta, - I , 1 . v VlaMt Oal jpartoot ttfO k 5 aodwarruitaL Cuinnai,ifj ! i ml . - Battoa lalltM, all u IV V.rt? at . W. I IHbLAS . SBOB hi MM for Mwwar. u h "t,T trrUa W. I. SMWO&LS, BiwakSM ROBERTS & HEUDEESOU I New Berne, IV. O. Only flrrt class Companies reprtata firs. 1U sal leeUsat t&nfsaes. ;' Total - Capital over Forty lGUions o i j-t.' .Dollars. Jon24dlT f: U- Sortgagt. Bale, n v t - f ; 6o MOMDAt, DECEMBER 5th. 1887, at the Coart Hocee door ia New Berne, Craven bounty, -North Carolina, I trill sell at Pablio Bala, for Cash, the land of P. Tren with, consisting of about three hundred and twenty-five acres, with all the improvements thereon, situated in Craven county, a few miles below Now Berne, and mors folly described ia a mortgage oeed executed by P. Tren with and Surah F., bis lfe, and re corded in RgiKter,s Offlce la Crsvoa conn-y. N. C, Pxk N6. tO folios 14 and 1.5. to sstUfr, clsirrs for -which said m or' iJir-''. - :at j :.-r n. t iLtrocn. ? r :k-. 1 ' . iktvrc . : The C2&S Eoy TTai Particular. Applicant , : for work Do you want ta employ any more help, . Proprietor Tea, 7 I believe we are a little short Jianded. Do yon understand the bnsinesef v . - ? Applicant 1 oorht , to, I've worked at It far t wont v ' vears' and lean brlnz you Teoommendation from every man I ever worked for. - v -:: ' Proprietor Can't you come In faint The office boy. is oat jnst now, and the porter and the private watchman are holding a labor meeting. I'll state your ease to them when they are disengaged, aid if they are willing Ishali be rlad to hire too. Bnt 111 tall von frankly that though I may be able to gei me consent or tne private watchman and the porter Fm aome what . in doubt about the office boy. He's awfully- particular. However, it'll do no harm to call again. Boston Transcript-U ?f,' SajayUS. r What s truly leautifol world wo live ia! Nature gives ns eras dear of nsonn tains, (leas and eeaa, and thousands of means of enjoyment. ' We can desire no better when in perfect belth; bat how often do the usajority of .people feel like giving it up disheartened, dis eonraged and worn out with disease. i when there is ae occasion for this feel log, ae every sufferer can easily obtain satiefaotory proof thai (Team's August Ftneer will make them free from dis ease, as when born. DveoeDaia and Liver Complaint are the direct ceases of seventy-five per oent. of snoh maladies as Biliousness, Indigestion. 8iok Head ache, Costivenees, Nervoue Prostration, Diuinees of the Head, Palpitation of the Heart, and ether distressing symp toms. Three doses of August Hover wtu prove ite wonaerral effect, ttsm pie bottles 10 oents. Try it. I got a letter from Johnny to day. He's a gittin along fine, and says he's into cabe root. Mrs. Hayseed tfhar i l told yon that thar boy would make a nog or bissein . Us as a s very .ocgLt e on lit, crocks so y up behind him r. . : . i C. ;.c .3 v as dorn t t Ha cut c Lad a I .Usl'a lcjtsl -walnut : : r. T. II. Hg wLo fond cf i:: M iokicg t ne'a tiay a ju he slid Lo:t grabbed him by the boil and imi tated the bark of a dog Bow bow bowf! Mr. William Crocke has a long foot ho pointed it at Mr. Mans most a dozen tiu.es and then he gave him one for good measure Mr. Mons-went home looking as if he had been scalped wrong and . Mr. Crook e went down to his office with his leg over bis shoulder wiUi his lace as wry as loaf of that kind of bread little mistakes like these are liable to occur at any time bat ; one thing a man can do that will pot be no mistake la to call at A. M. Baker and buy that he to your O 9 Has ireturned from noir l his Large ; and Cpnimodious v Store if iy oneof those elegant Cloaks packed TWith COOds, dfrect from ? '.J b has so cheapjtake one home . . . - ' . 1 ; a w " ' t-' ' t We it will be economy. t I iPjJgrtcrS," JctbSrSs rwiT TocrjEBlaiy W I am ;Tiow prepared ;to rofe betterUinduce; mentsi for the future than ever in the past. Uy" Stock is much larger and could not bo DeuerTseiectea. 1 ouy in large quanuues ior e - to: sell cheaper,. mvinced that -u v Bid me dieoouree. and I will enchant thine ear with tales of astounding eures or ail eons or sneering by Bel vat ton Oil. rnoe only iso oents. t An Indian boy wanted to hang him eelf after seven school girls had kissed him. He didn t, for he found they had given him nothing mors serious than a cold, whlcn be speedily cured with Dr. Boll's Cough Syrup, and then married tne prettiest one. What Divine Providence has made necesssary, human provi denes ought to comply with cheer fully. : ADTIOBTO , MOTHERS. Mas. Wis Blow's Boothwq Syeup should always be need for children teething. It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all pain, cures wind oolio, and is the beet remedy for Jdlar- noea. Twenty-five oents a bottle. mar?l dtnthaa wlv 2,400 3 lb. Cans Tomatoes, 1KD 1 ,250 Cans Corn, best quality A t TEN Cents a Can. Lt TJlMCll'Se (No seconds standard goods.) New Berne, N. C. WARTBD LADIES for oar rail and tlunuaaaTrada.lot&ka llaht.til.aa ant worr mair own aomaa. fi o vi war day aa ba qnlaUv mada. work aant by mall m.mw rililAnM. P&rttnnl.ra rrna Nn mh m. Bins. Addras at onaa, 0&E4CKNT ART CO., HT Ml'k Mi. Boston, MUaa. Box 6170. nK dwioi inn t. tonn a aoim ean be eiUU Ml SUUU werklns or as Acabte pra rrrad who ean forntah their o boraca and give their woola time to tbe bnalnaas Span BODWiimv oa prODtaoiy ampioyaa aiao. a aw raoanetaa la I own. and cltlea. B. V. JouasoB 4 Oj 1001 Mala 81. Blebmond. Va, AUCTION SALE. :v4.. ' .A., VALUABLE BOUSE AND LOT. WATSON & STB -,ETr Aaotioneers TUESDAY.' DEO. ih. 1887, at Twelve o'clock, at the Court Honee door ia the City of New Berne, we win sell the lot situated at the N. E. corner of South Front and George streets, with the im provements , thereon, consisting of a oomfortable two story dwelling and one doable tenemeht ' houoe. ' Terms CASH. . . nl8eodflvdedtd i.H. CEABTBXB. . SA81L MASLT. J0E1T E C1UBTHEE & CO. Fouaders and Machinists, jaUnafaVCoreri g&& Docvlm U domin michkists' sotfliei ' tovUders ef Cngines,' Boilers, , Saw tUlla, EdglBR A Cwt-eff Blacblaca, -Wsare pranarad tede OaetlMs ef an kinds Witaprompuieas. -, , , , j ir. at Partlealar and Immediate attention rlrca K rpal a of isU klDda. , - ? We will balad to flTB rl ana and vatlttiatca1 foranr deaoilpuonef maclilDerj. . , WS are the aecnta fbr the aala of tba Amn i Uian Saw. Aao for O. A A. rrramln's eela bra ted indestraoUble Mum Valvea. - We rlra aatlafnetorV rnarantM frr ? wnrk dona by na. . . . : v JrJ c - wiy Nrw wat to Cimx a- u IlOEs. If your Horse is disposed to lay down on the street or to balk don't get mad ' and hammer the sullen brute; don't bold his nose or put a handful of gravel in , his ear; so no not that$ simply 'lean oyer and whisper in his ear; the old nag if he notices at all ought to get op in an "instant1, and never stop nntill he pulls op in front of one of oar dry goods stores. til yon mnst say -to ' the Horse is thig, tell him they are selling ladies Cloaks at way down prices at Baker'8;8tore, if the Horse dont notice the whisper then rest assured that this remedy is no good but It iia fact that A. AC Baker bas e lovely lot of fall and winter goods that he is selling cheap and that in the stock .is some handsome Cloaks. A. M. BAKEE. Dear sir 1 thank you sincerely for fitting andsuitiog me po nicely completely and cheaply in the Cloak that my husband bought of you when be was in New Bern; be savedjso much money in the purchase that he gqt me m Bonnet; be says the cloak fits m as a -coat that he fairly Pants la see me parade he streets of New Bern with him in this new attire which suits him entirely and ate that he is sure there is no one any where that can sell better goods for so little monev as you do; I intend to Collar and' Caff him if he don't bay from yoa regularly. For I am determined he shall invest here after at the cheapest and best place in tne city. Gracefully Yours M. K. Blank. its LOWYPBICES. CASH, I which enables Qivei me- altrial and be 0. .Mi is really the LEADER OF , It wonld be folly for me to attempt a fail description of all my Stock Th-e most elegant line of ,-'- i ii . a. ' l . i i a. it t Ta i t l 3i T-i i tnin nas ever oeen orongat to tuis man et, laoiuuiug au tue uatcm SCMes, Beautiful Bnitings and CloakingB. ''v1 - 'x ' All 4lt Trd4- Twrrtl 4-i rn "T? m av7 Iaa i f r-w a a mm mm k . v u l wi m m m m - will a m ."i -1-1 VUV U.WHII .IVIVtWVH aUMVJ VUVUVI Silks! Satins! Velvets and Velveteens I . f - V sr-wstaari t "Marieri Marten" vyeiied ttn excited farmer, the other day, as be rushed ont of Baker's store where goods are sold so cheap. MDnmp out those Taters and make room!'' "What for." said she. WhT, said he," I am going to boy a whole lot of Cloaks and put them away is as investment. I find the prettiest, handsomest and the most BtylUh lot of Cloaks here that I have ever seen in this town and they - are at only half price. Really I have never seen any thing to reach them." "Well, bnt they may go down, John," said she. "Down! let them so down, the goods in them cloak's are worth the money." 'Susan, my daughter, 1 fear yoa are getting reckless. Yoa have had two cloaks this fall already and yoa only . had one last winter. What is the causer 'Well, father, yoa see Baker has just received a bran new lot of the'loveliest wraos of all kinds, and he is selling them at Half price, so I bought both of these lovely things for what one wooid have cost, fast year." , , i . Have yoa beard the latest., t Well the latest piece of really good news is that A U. Baker has . one of the loveest stock of really nice new Stylish and handsome Cloaks ever brought to this city go and look at them whether yoa want, to boy or not take your friends and tevery body go and loot at those Cloaks. : This catches ' yodr Eye does It well if yoa will call at A. M. Baker's and see that elegant stock of Cloaks be has there yoa will be surprised ana pieasea to. Pach a line of Shoes never was exhibited In this place before. Hens Ladies, Hisses and Children's of all descriptions in endless variety, And my line of Ladies, Misses and Children's Cloaks wnll von will have to come and see them, thev are hevnnd deserim tlon, the largest, handsomest and BEST line in the city. Also s hand-? socse lot of j I WraPs and Shawls, Hainels, Etc., Etc.' iyry Br" DON'T FAIL 3 a to see my line of . befcire purchasing, which is very large, emlbraoing all grades from the chenpest to the best t All wool Three-ply. Brasselsk all wool Ingrains,' eta, etc. Napier Matting, Pine Matting, OU Cloths, all widths. Table Oil Cloths. Mats. lines, etc., etc. ' ,J-V' By icallin? at my store you will 'find very wtotiw' 4i?Tirifo 4riof ovtAf na mnnriAfion hova space! Would "not permit, arid besides they are too li' umerous to mention. Two fthoosand five hundred yards 3-4 cjishmere at 10c. per yard. llonltilAr1rir.li lluliinan nw varri I . r - r 1 lniaiats' enoes, ice ana npwara. yi , The tprettiest and best Ladies' Button Shot In the ity for 11.23. fanis uiotn, 100. bp.. ' , f ine imported English Malf Hose, I29c per pair. TOW sis, fio. V. , , : .; Tori ish Batb Soap, 6c ; . - ' - Goo 1 Note Pappr, 6c quire. Eatelopei , 6c plcg. ' ' 'All i ilk Ottoman Bibbon, 5o. yard. . . f - & Ho and Half Hose, 6C pr, ; Heavy JKi bbed Hose, 10c. pr. r. -1- ; Lafflies' Kid Gloves, 4 bfitton, 50ci new! goods. , ; - ;;Ladlies'Boacle Jeraevs. 60a. worth 12. W. ' 1- - liaoser uoiiars ana uaffs, 6c..i Red and white Flannel, 16c op. lOorJets,26ciTip.J -j,hz. o f vmvu ia afaw f-A fv.ei quauiv, jo m Hamburg; 01 .150 :7'-fi.y-?. nrg Edgines. 3c 6c and 8c. lien's Scarlet Wool Undershirts: 60c teach. quire Package,' food f A! Big Job tnjLadies, Misses and Childlren's UnderVests' and Pants, JXisses' Vests and Pants. 25c each.. ; .', I y Many jother Drives that cannot v .'f.-4 ' " - to 19: Tha t.ttA w arrin of rroif Ail tha mnuf if attention on the streets today and! lfln. eTBr oiorcjBjf stoca is mncn. was the best dressed and the pretri best -.' In every : way got bet dressgoods and wrap from 'A. - AL isaker. . - ,- .f What Boots it if I Shoes to buy bargains," said 'a delighted Cus tomer the other day at A. M. Baker's. ' ' - . ,' We blush to think how low we have become in our . prices A M. Baker. " DR. .J. D. CL ' T-a bodBT.' S1 A R. . ""', 3. l"a, tu dalj? be mentioned now. "K I am how prepared . il,bayta large! qua which enables mo to Bootes. r mm uome a ::; -fro ;miH3: h n to offer better ifa from jTinST .: LT-. it . i if V. cade. ducements to Wholesale Buyers' jjj-ger, mora varied andcomt'.cte. sell CHEAPEE in small quantities than 'Northern . e ' ntities enct for Clark ,r t ' f If l ean avo yen liccv, 's cj. N, T. Spool Cotton. If' T Allowmite'thaEkybak iCuij-, ere r in t-3 rasf al to ssipr a ccl'zzt.c T tY---s rrf S T T - - ' A fiV - iaAJiJ ..... lE:i,f,rjc (ff ".:r l.lcral ps'-