Jl. HE" ' ... .1 . 5V0U VL-N0. 213 .NEW BERNE. N. C., THURSDAY. DECEMBER 8, 1887. PRICE 5 CENTS, OCT iNAL. 'iV,-.-. I? LOCAL NEWS; U tfw Berne, latitude. 83 North. ioecitodt n r Was. 3a mi, 4:4 1 10 boon, SS Minutes. ' It MM rlwl M C".4l P. aW - j;' BU8I5ES8 LOCALS. "--,-"- - ' aaasjMtaf . ""A ' Kna lot of free- Pork end Homo- Fat Turkay and Chlokeoe. vraera i . eeivd Ip Oorad Heme. TTJST ARRIVED another lot or Unoice - Prewar, Jelly end Minoe Meal at r i Jmo. Pcin'a, fI rrAREETT'SMedoo Vineyard Oognao IT uut Winaa for aala, at lijuofectu- ? ' r, nrioea. by . .ahm Rmod. PTJBE Liquor and Winaa tor Medici pal and other uaes, at wholesale. ' J AXES UKDaWBP.. A HEW Stock of Oil Stovea and other Bonee-keeping Oooda at . Gno. AXLO 4 Co. DIRECT Importation of Frenob Brandy and Holland Gin arrired In bond and dmtiee paid at Ooatooi louee in New Berne, gnaranteeiag gen jina Koode for aale. . Jas Rkdmoot. . O RO WN GEORGIA. COTTON GIN8. Ml UH ftaif Feeder and Condenser All of the latest and moat approred pal lent. , go..Allw dt Oo. REDMOND'S Ginger Ale. Lemon Boda, eto., equal to imported. Jambs Rkomond. OLD PAPERS In any quantity for aala at thU office. BuaaiEs, aale at MoD. Patee' make, for DaIL Buns'. Helen Blyth at the theatre tonight. Only s Woman's Htart" will be presented at the theatre; tonight by Helen Blythe supported by a strong end well selected company. Capt, Dinamers givea notice that tba ' Craven Gun Club will have a aboot of glass belle tbia afternoon on the marah near James City at 8 o'olook. The poatoffloe known aa "Oliver" ear Plney Grove, Jonea county, it now open for bnslneaa. The Jotjmal tends a good package to the new office. The Golden Link Band of tbia city wore out on Tuesday night discoursing good musio. This band took the pamlum at the Bute colored Fair and U deserved iu i Theeyetertln market this week are Tsry 'fins and sell for fifty cents pr gallon. How we could eoatter tbem along the C. F. 6fc Y. V. R. If we only hi the connection ws ought to have. '. Mr. R. H. Duffy Is placing aome hand " some holiday goods la his drug store, sxner Pollock and Middle sta. Among , the large variety ha has, k lsdiee' beeutifol dresamg ease, which is to be raffled off Christmas. Only young ladle are allowed ohanoss ia thl. , and the novel pert of It la that only the ' reglittru-g of the hams Is required to Obtain a ohaooe. PeraonAl. -: ' . Re. Dr. Vaas it attending the General , OhrtrtU" Coafarehos, which convened , j a Washington, D. CI, yeaterdaT, under ' the euspioeeof the Evangelical Mlir aao tor the United Sutes. Many - iAtereating. topics are on tba progrsm for dlaouaaioa. , . ' - SUamef ICOTSmsnts. ,. The Vssper f tbs X.C.I). lias arrived r yettarday afternoon with cargo of gen eral merchendlee. Tbs EaglM sailed ' yesterday aftsraooa with eargo of oov ' ton lumber, tc The Vesper will sail tomorrow aftsraooa at 4 o'clock. tlecUoh Offloert. ' ; : ,: At a meetlog of EUU Hoes Company held last night the following officer 1 wars sleeted tot ins year 1888: Fors aaaa. Luring D. Gas'kill: Assistant Fore man, Joha Thomat; Captain of Hoa, Eliaba Odam; BaoreUry and Treasurer, I. M.Wotnble. J rjieriff ITaLn Sotined Ebariff Haha was aotlSed yesterday by tba board of commissioners to ap psr before tbem oa Saturday, the 10th dir of December, at , 10 o'clock, a. tn . when he will have an opportunity of beicg inducted Into theofSceof sheriff after complying with the law. This order was issued upon tbe notice to the board by Sheriff Stlmson that tbs Supe rior Court at this term bad decided the qeUon that he, Suooson, ia not enti tle 1 to tbe cee of sheriffs . " " V,'a srs informed that Sheriff Cahn wm before I be commieeinert On Monday U t t' i itsteJ tbst ha was anxious and wiV.'.Ti to sett's ssy errors that might It f cl ia th'r ffJf-nerl . with him, tz 1 i' 1 1' i ' i cf t!s attoroy wbo h I i ! 1' i li t'.l cf tit sett: a!v s Hi c.st4 a swTc'rg- : - T''-rl aHtittxin , . T r -of The Sup rior Court.' Court eoBvened yesterday morning at 9 JO o'clock,. The argaBaent in the caee of Howard & Jonea . the Prort dent Life Aeeooiation was ooooiudad by P. O. PeUetier. Esq., for the plain tiff a. The jury returned a verdict for ton defendant. - In Che CM of Nathan H Smith vs. Hattie 8. Bmith, diToroe, a rerdiot was giran for the plaintiff. The eammons docket waa called and motions heard. The jury waa discharged for theJerm. Court adjourned" to 10 o'clock Thureday morning. Our Washington Letter. We bate eecoed the aerrioea of a oom patent writer in Wathington City to keep na posted on what ia going on during the aeeaion of Congreea. He ia a genuine "tar heel" and will report uoh matter aa are of Interest to North Carolinian!. We gire the Orel batch of bis neway liemi on our second page to day. Heatatee that our member, Mr. 81mmona, waa the second North Caro linian called in the drawing of eaats and that be selected a seat just in rear of Mr. Randall. The last named ftea tleman will have a good backer in hia efforta to secure the repeal of tba in ternal revenue lawa; but not in per petuating a tariff for protection. Abolish the internal revenue laws and make a revenue tariff, ia the elogan of all true North Carolina Democrat. CITT 10CNCIL PROCEEDINGS. December 0. 1887. A regular meeting of the board of oily couocilmen waa held this evening at half past tevan o'clock. Councilman B. B. Lane iu the chair. Present. Council men R P William-, B. B. Lane, V. A. Crawford. M P. Holly, John Greer and H. P. Kennedy. A petition from Capt. I pock A Jonea for a reduction of license tax which waa on motion of R P. Williams re ferred to tbe committee on lioenee and ordinancea with power to aot. Committee on fire department made report in reference to a heater to be put in tbe Atlantio engine oompanj nonee. Oa motion of R P. Williams the matter waa referred to the com mittee with power to aot. R. P. Williams moved that the ordi nance requiring that fUh dealers license be paid by the jear be repealed, and that .all daalera he required to pay lioenee tax by the month in advance. Councilman Kennedy moved to amend by postponing until next regu lar meeting. On a vote being taken the amendment was lost and tbe original motion waa oarried. R P. WiJliame moved that all Iioented draymen be notified to gat from the oity marshal a tag with the number of hia lioenee on it, free of ohara-e for tbe , and place the Same on a part of the dray or oart so aa to be teen. Committee on police reported that it had advertised for bids for the work on the city properly and eubmiited bidt of B. M Pavie and J. A. Simpson. ' On motion of S. P Williama the con tract was awarded to J. A. Simpson it being tbe lowest. On motion of R. P. Williams the city marshal, be instructed to move tbs headquarters to the new Quarters as toon at the repairs were completed. proposition frooi Atlantio engine company to make a pass way through their building to give aoaess to tbs rear iota of both theirs and the city Quarters oa oonditioa ' that the city defray on half the sxptnts, was submitted. On motion of H. P. Kennedy the proposition waa accepted, and that a voucher ba iasueJ by tbe Clerk at once. Finance) committee reported that the titles to Ihe property recently purchased from Mr. Henderson bsd been executed and a policy of insurancs taken out oa, thesms r ' Councilman Kennedy called attention Tto the need of lamps 'oa' the cotasrs of esveral strsets in the upper nan of the dry. W vU -1 ; The Marshals report was read aad oa motion adopted. -; ' - X. have made 86 arreeta during tbe month of which 80 ware oonvk-tad and discharged 1 worked on the etrewts. Fines collected, ltX .':. i 0 Oots,- i i.i-j.v-' 6170 Totals y-'D' O-t T1.1B One half of Che above Boat was de ducted for fees, j J. M. Hasan. Tbs matter of quarters for the New Berne Steam Fire Engine Company waa brought up by R. p. Williams.' Oa motion of coaocitman Crawford it was referred to tbe committee on fire de partmeot with power to act. HoctIy t U't were allowed J A Bumbfr of order fcolj by J. J. 7varf ti Pyr'-s-n L'awp'.I were re i 1 m r -(.- - for in ' 1 H . i - -.rue ted to : t -.? : t r t. Einston Itemi. Dr. Palletiar will rl a out his drug store aad Dsove to hia wife's farm in Jaaes county. The Grange of Pink Hilt is orderina salt aad ether articles and saving the profit usually given the merohaate. -Mr. Johnnie Latham, of Beaufort county, now a pupil of Balem Academy, was in tows Baturdav. He ia well pleaeed w 1th our town. 8 JH. Loftin has removed tbe partitien between two of hia brick stores and it making a very handsome store room in ntoh to ahow up a larxe stock of goods. Sheriff Button infonbs ut that the railroad jury that "held the fort" to long ware not put on two meala a day by order of the court, but by their own request. Mr Clay Parrott baa moved to his pUoe on Tadkin HUl.and kUb LaRoqu into tba bouse out or wbicb Mr. f moved. Kinston is moving and will continue to move. C. a Bosden and Frank Howard. from near Siohlanii, Onslow oounty. were in town Tuesday with freah pork and rice, which Bold for a Rood price. Onslow ia bringing in lots of excellent produce. Alex. LaBoque and Billia Moore have traded nouses. Mr. Lbtuque hat moved into tbe bouse oocupie by r. Moore. aad Mr. Moore into the one occupied vy Mr uiibro. and Mr. bilbrotoMr Grr'. house in which Mr. LRuque was liv tag all the same day. Mr. A. E. 8. Lindtey visits Kinston so frequently of I sue that he ia getting to seem like a citizen of the town He tayt be comes to insure the pvople. Wbo knows but that be has au idea of taking out a large interest in the lif of aome one of our loely ladies r Ail right, friend, if you will oome and live wiuh us. The board of education met on Mon day at Dr. Harper's office, all the mem bers being preaent. Tht-y examined tne treasurer's vouchers and audited his ac counts, Boding tbe finances ia good sbspe. Several changes were made in the committeemen and parties appoint ed to select sites for school houses. The board dispatches business rapidly and how themselves well tuited to their work. It will be remembered aa a coinci dence that the Annual Conference of 1887 of both the Methodius and Free- Will Baptists were saddened by the death of a prominent preacher during tl eir settiont. Dr. Burkhead of the Meibodiete and Elder Henry Parknr ul tbe Free Will Baptists. Elder Henry Parker waa a member of Gum Hvamp Uburob, filt oounty. lie lrt home in g-ood health, but wat taken tlok on Saturday of the Conference and died on Sunday. Hit remains were taken home for burial. A detachment of the Salvation Army came up from New Berne and held forth in the oourt houte on Sunday afternoon and night. A full bouse, about equally divided between whites and blackt, waa preaent at both meet ing. Solomon, aays there ia nothing new under the sun. but the Salvation Army had not begun ita career when H lomoo wrote that If you want to getallatlrredup.andnotknow whether you are behaving in ohurch or not. and feel tike you don't know how you feel, go to the Salvation meeting. Elder Cummlngs of Kinaton, inform ut that tba late Conference of tba Free Will Baptiate of Eaatern Carolina at Watery Branch, Wayne oounty, waa a moat harmonious and excellent aeeaion. Large addition! to many of thechun bee ware reported. Enoouraging eotnmuol oationt were received from the Western and 8.' C. Conference, and viaiting delegates were appointed to both. Tbe next meeting will be at rree Union, Greene oounty Thursday before the 2d Sunday tn November, 1888. Eider Bllbro or Kiotton ia appointed aa alter nate to preach the introductory, and will probably preside Mr. Samuel Howard, a highly re tpeoted cilisen of tbe oounty, departed this life on Monday night at 1 o'clock. aged 78 year. He waa taken with a chill oa Friday before, rapidly grew worse for a time, when he became un- oonecioue and remained so till hia de cease. He leave a wife, four daughter and a bob, aad many other relatives and friends to lament hia -departure. Be has led a quiet. uprUbt. moral life at hia home near Kinston for manv veers. aad leave the memory of moat excellent record as a nob Heritage to his offspring. Dr. Harper conducted funeral aerrioea at his horns oa Wednesday morning after which he was buried ia the family graveyard near his residenoe. a large ooaoourss of his neighbor having aa ambled to nay their last tribute of re spect. ' AU tie commissioner ware promptly on time Monday exoept CoL Whitfield who was prsvtmted by severe sickness All the county officers renewed their aondt exoept the sheriff who was al lowed till flret Monday In January . The oounty attorney was i Detracted to bring outs against those wbo-have hired coa viots and failed to pay ooat. Tbe annual etatement of the. elerk shows 8317 la paid to the oommiastoaerB for aery loss and milage during the year, and ws notion that they received only 81 (0 per day during the latter part of tbe year. Several email orders were allowed, but the following sic tbe more important onaa: a. Loftin, feeding priaoner,eto., 180.06; restaurant, feeding tied joiy. 833.60; repairing Ed ward a hr id re about 1200; aummoDicg jurors, 827 00; Mrs. Forlsw, feeding tied jury, 489 00; Dr. Rouotroe, attending the poor, 8494 25; N. J. Route, county attorney. 60 00; pan rr list for December 18X50, mak ing about 761,20. . ,. - ... , y . r Tylor killed the bear! On FVid y iiT'Tir ol lMt was t;lio i c r-n 1 ' biif-f. Hi not - f H! him, raising suoh a jell in the mean' tire that Z&ck Raodea and other of the neighbors came in haste with their gun to help kill anything they might find. Billieaoon got hi gun ai d all pursued in hot haste. The dog aoon brought Mr. Bruin to bay oo ihe ground. Several of the party ebot him with small hot, but Billie did the work with a heavy load of bucks. Tbey put him into S mule cart and brought him to Kins ton. A large part of Kinston took a look at the bear. He weighed 250 lbs. gross . Billie Bond bought him and sold out rapidly at ten cents a pound, almost everybody trying aome bear for break fast Our drv, good man, A. E Ed wards, purchased the hide and oounu on getting a good profit out of it. Zicb Rhode proved as brave on a bear bunt aa he i in pursuit of moonshiners. ADVICE TO nOTHEHS. MKS. WlHSLOW B HOOTHLNO Bvhl'P should alway be uped for children teething. It soothes the child . sof ten the gums, allays all pain, cures wind col io, and is the beet remedy fur diar hoaa. Twenty five cents a bottle, marll dtuthaat wl l&DVIKTl IMtNT What I lit Editoh Joi'KN.l: An I received O. hi White's letter through ihe Jul KM L I wish to reiura another. Mr (j Ii While, why aa it ihat D N Kilburu was not io court at the 8pring ana thi Fall term if b was nui saiiittied you would defend him as youoid'i1 Wby was It mat yeu told some of the jurors thev bad ougbt to convict Kiiburn when tbey made a mi. trial ? You say you were in oourt and heaid the case tried If so. you know that Ilia Honor Judge ttbepard charged the Jurors lu favor of the Stale, and you know tbe Ju Ige rrpiimanded tbem for making a mistrial lu such a plaiu Caae and uow you, since being elected, turn round and abuae Ilia Honor Judge Hnepard a much as you do the State's witness for trying to malutain the peace and dig oity of the Slate. Now which is the meanest? a sulioitor for refusing to let good and just laws be executed, or tbe anarchist wbo tries to preveul tbe law from being executed. You say 1 have made tbe taxpayers loae many hundred dollars, but they know what you are without me telling you. Why tbe teachings of Chiist area failure and tbe laws a bumbug is because there are so many wbo plaase tbe devil for mon,y which Christ said was at the root of all evil. You accuee myself and Mr. Jas. C Harrison of being malicious Slate wit nesse If that is true, what right bad you to tax the people with the cost, when it was your duty to make us pay it? I think, since you have been showo to te inoompetent to act a servant a solicitor, you ouht to resign, that the peopie may get one that is compeu-m J O UaRCMIR Personal Mr. N 11 Frobliobstein of Mobile. Ala VrilM' I lain irrulf nl.u.iit. I n recommending Dr. king.1 New Discov ery for Consumption, having used it for a severe attack of Bronchitis and Catarrh It gave me instant relief and entirely cured me, and I have not been smiciea since t also neg to state tbat l had tried other remedies with no uood result. Have also user! Eleotrio Bitters and Dr. King' New Life Pills, both ol wnom i can recommend. Dr. KinirV Naw Diiw-nvArw fnr Pn. sumption. Cough and Colds i Id on a positive guarantee. For Sole at R N Duffy' drug store. Notice ! To the Members of Craven County Oun Ulub: Tbe regular shoot of glasa balls will take place on the club around on James City marsh. Thursday, December 8th. at three p m All member wbo wish to shoot tbe full ecoi e must be promptly on time and ready to take tbe soore in their regular turn. If any member ai rives on the ground after the shooting has commenced, he will be obliged to take hia soore when tbe previous on ended As I expect to be absent, Mr. W. a. Kill will act as captain. M. D L. DutbXORK. Capt. If tbe food ia not properly digested it become corrupt, and poixon the sys tem it ia intended to nourish. This ia indigestion. M wife baa (offered for many year with indigestion. After trying every thing else recommended, be tried Sim mon LiTr Regulator. In three days after taking it according to directions aha waa la perfeot health; abe doe not aaffer at all and own e t anything b wanta without any of her previous symptoms. W C. 8TOIK8, Bainbridgs, Oa. The largest river in tbe world is the Amacon, being 4,000 miles long-, 120 milee wide at its month, and navigable for large ships 2,200 miles from its-moath. The moat remarkable who known ia that ia the Castle of B'monetta, two mile from Milan. It iv ports tbe echo ol a pistol sixty times. - i a r . , To Sc Absolutely Certain ol most things is cifScult. hut if tbs united testimony of people tn every walk of life, for more tbaa a quarter of a cniur', la good evidence thea dys pepsia, loaa of appetite, bvadeehe, wake fulnees and deliberation, from whatever cane, may be cured by Dr. Harter a Iron Tmie. r y .--;- - r - To Arrive:-; ' CAPT. W. A. EXLOK will be at -the stables .of tbs Henderson House about . -i -',' T 'i cf Dcr -' r w ; '-, a i r load COMMERCIAL. COTTON HltKIT. Nkw York. Dec 7 10:fU a. m Futures opened barely steady. Salea of 7,700 bales. December, 10 40 June, July. August 10 88 10 87 10 91 Jsnuary, 10 48 February, 10 54 March, 10 2 April, 1070 May, 10 77 Bepwamber, October , 10 80 November. New Berne market steady. Sale ol 180 bales at I t) to 8 8. Egg 17 to 18 Rioe firm at $1 00 to tl. 07, in sacks Corn steady, 47 to 55 Fodder, 80c to $1 00 per hundred. Seed ooiton 88 00 per handred. Turkeys f 1 50 to $2 0(1 per pair. NOTICE. By virtue of mortgages executed to me by A li Uollon. I will sell at Pub lie Auction, at the Brick Store on Mid dle street, in the city of Newborn, late ly occupied by said A H. Holum. on the 22d day of December A .D. 1887 commencing at 10 o'clock, A M . tbe stock of Liquors. Cigars. Tobacco. Fur niture and fixtures in the said store. JOHN 0 (IARDNEK Tbis 1st day of December. 1887. 2d id ' Imitation is tu sinckhbst flattkby "BELL tbe JEWELER" Has returned from Northern Markets with the Largest, Most Complete and Varied Stock of Watches, Diamonds, FINE JEWELRY, STICKLING SILVKK AND PLATED WAKK ever seen In (his section. He has no hesitation in saying be can offer lb, best inducements (o buyers, del dwtf NEW BERN E THEATRE. ONE NIGHT ONLY. Thursda- Dec'r 8. THE BKA CTIFl'L YOU NO AND I'HENUMK- H A L ARTISTE, HELEN BLYTHE, "The American Actress," ill appear in tbe Greatest of Emotional Dramas of the present day, Only a Woman's Heart Supported by a Strong and Carefully Selected Company . Elegant Wardrobe and Coetuwer, Beautiful HiaK Hellinus. New and Original Music. Mb Brecher remarked that erery man. woman and child would be bene fited by seeing- this exquisite produc Lion Depictiujc as it does the greater f all human euiotiuns. a mother 's love There will be no advance in prices t -ee this great arii-U and plsv- AdmiHsion BOo Uallery 2!c Reserve seats 75o , will be on sale Thorsdsy morning at Meadows' drug store. AGENCY FOR ' Blest be the hand that toil to aid The gret world 'a ceaseless need Tbehsnd that never are afraid To do a kindly deed." Therefor you ran And at TANRI Ll.'S PINK D1QAK AOKNCY. superintended by . Ij. Palmer, tbs choicest variety made al popalar price. We. I. PALM K H. RecOBd door from eor. Bmi h PYont sod Miaals straela, New Bern. N ,' Sealed Proposals for the Con struction of a Bridge Across Neuse River- Btats or Nobtb Carolina CaAVtn C'OOBTT QHlce Board Coanty Commission srs. New aerne. Nov. aUi, 18IS7 The Board ol OommlastODsrs f Craverj 'ounty hereby tavitea sealed proposals for cous.iuotuif and bnlidlD b Bridae aenws Nsoke Klvei in Taven Oounty, al aome eon vtolent pise within two miles of tba Doari House in new herns, vo be aetarmlned by ths eaid Commissioners; said proposal- to ounlain plana and p el cations for furnish ing material and bulldina aaid Bridae, ao tbs aatim ted oust of im same. The said Bildaetob so eoustrnctao) aa to nermlt lha easy and onobsuocurd paasags, when coin In uppusiW direct ona, 01 ail kinds of rshl oiaa, aud for be ab and eonvenisnt paaaaa of animals and persons to and fro, aod abad In all respects conrorm to the rqalrmnu sod ases of flrek-eleas Biid(s. aid Balds ball also Di prxvidea wun a Dra of snab llmeoaions aad or suen eoostractloa aa to permit tbe paeaace, witbat delay, of all lDdsfkieeaior .al, tssssIs. Kakl Proooaala. with auwi and ananiflM. (ions pro parly aeaied, ddi essiid to the Hoard of OnmmlaUouers of ittna ,-oaety, aed doissil. "eVa.ad Proposal for eonssruettna a nirage acro-e rDa River. snail be died W'lh tbs !! rk Of thv Mid Hoard oTUnnmi. t -i at his nffine la New nvraa, en or ba forevhs Fi at Mo day n Pebroary, laa,wben said ptoposaia will b opened f. exaairna il m, l a ttcwrd reeervs tbe riicrit te reject any aan all bide, aod agrees to pay u aom of hfty Sol ars lor snob plan and apaclfloe tKMis as ma be adopted. Bf order 01 tbs oaaru, OBVUA.HTO TJB8, itaglstar of Deeds, r x-om to lerk. The VllBloatoa (N. C ) H-min.r. riolda. aoreAjwnsatd a telsti Ne ws and wnaerrer eu sx- ae raotio ', ioe bix-t daya. oass a week, tbe akova alT rtlaemaai, aad aawt sill or aeeaaa ef saie. arrperlv made eat afotast tbe owet) ef Craav sad vmWss, to tbs Olar of tk B wrd of wmlsituaars favaa Ooaatjr, atavr eax N o. grm lawvq . it tTvBB, Olerfc 1 Ana vwwiaivmu, w, iaH BM eery qaaltsaiaa Admlnl aoref the eatata ol Lake K tUMSaU, aod beraby flvaa imttee Wat as reqnirwa an paraona having eiatma attiat tbeaateteef tbeeaHt LskaK. kna,ii VO praaent tbem to tbe said i. w, Laoe rtnly shthentratd, for pa' frient. ro or bfr. if The Salvation flrr.; I (mail in comparison to the Army c.' Buyer who visit daily the ' - Mammoth . Dry Goods Repository OK H. B. Duffy Here are sumo of the attraction: IT.., rtl,.- t i wt HUIUI KjUtlL Kt . Ufl, Ued Qannel all wool 15a. Men ai.d Uov ll.i. fin Men's Heavy Iknits $LI3 lioy s lioots gV, A nood IaUy s Kutlou Shoe 1.00 Uouble-widtb tashmere, all color. lSo. t'blldren's Button Nhoe 60c Four Handkerchiefs for 10a. All hneu Handkerchiefs Jo, All linen Napslu. Urge size Jc, And others equally as startling, to ha e.Tl by I'allliu r.irli lirf i,. iki. ,u :il sold. fieaee liememler l hat tka "n.LD causes Us to turn away customer tinny, tuereiore jou tbouia call aaxlT snd be served. ,V'. To The Wholesale Tratte: We would ref,r vou to avteaa ountry merchants in every vicinity of tbls and adjoining counties who araaO- lually Retting rich selling Bargains bought of us. ... We keep eiactly what you need, at figures that boldly defy competition. ' As many Huts and Shoes as any two loi e iu iot) city , In the iniigiiN;e of the Hul vationlat, 'Will you come." 2,400 3 lb. Cans Tomatoes, -AND ,a-VV Cans Corn, best quality At Ti: Outs a Can. (No seconds-standard goods.) New Berne. N. C. ' STOP! STOP! STOP! AT EATON Ihe JEWELER, AND SEE TOE o Largest aod B-st Selected STOCK OF Watches, Clocks. Jewelry onr TTI 1 V r ouiiiil OIL ViSlt AND PLATUD WARE. To be found in Eaatern North Carolina. Com and sea me. Don't forget th place. 8AM. K. EATON nov29 dwtf Middle etreet Sale & Livery Sfct!::. ?aA? ! - - 1 i ill c ived by b ' a. BabB. ac li Ul eoBtlaae t vslaeea ot tu LIVSRTof ttOFv 1 wuufsosa. a, I 4u am l u a, a e sweat, where ha i eeea abeam ta ta - aaase hautnaav tn t eiusiBea laae. win espiaaasa te nlS ft 111 ill il na ITS . eel I m matalsaaa sax pan i ra. . win sssi aaa In woe aaaam, a r bT OW HN8K ssi NtU a. Awn. rinm uit r ivin , eiaTtsFAonoit orAA(rrr n.HAmr & c ' aoailwta $103 U tU t"E!"T". f.-rrad wboeao famtb if 1va Uielr wool nm. w asomea ts an ee pros h , . a raw vanatiele In towi , J41MoiUs,W4Mi T-JJWTFtX-I r' 1 1 t oriiaaa i , - firl t In.if u ' II ' f w the t"t "v or 'onmnw, t . ,v a, vi i l!xladl In hr f t r . p. a to ifca e. i , r i'.,t ' f. V .T. T-.I -