to build beidqiiItheoubnaU KO E0C2ECLD COtLD EE ITEOUT fcTEAMER. 1 r , V 13 TO SAVR ? T IIIDDLB STBJEETST0EE8t THEH A BOOM in the rieht direction will be inaugurated hf mkioe our Durebaaea at the ahr... earned btore, where yoa will find bargains m Gentlemen's FurouhioK Goods ( soVee. Neckwear. Bninarr lannel Underwear. Hata.CaDa. Boo.. Shoaa TT1 tieilas, lranie, vaiiaeeaaii bbikimwwo. fl ;i:ilrc2d folVilmlniifoni via !0n$Icw U jut"jtuw jateUAX the public mindwaiU Monosy 4' the order of (be dar, and F..T. Patterson's atorea m the placa to practioe true economy, multum in purvo is nia niono a Kreai ohi ior, a nine way dowa prioea u4Jalicoe, ; ". Uicibaqal. BlecbicK. iroWBDomefctics. Saawla, Table Covers. Quirts, aod a boet oi otter xooaa. ' 1 . A. Jtill Im ( Boys. Youths and Gentlemen's Beady Made Clothing at Rock Bottom prices.' 'Millioairea' suits for a trifl-ao to epak Thew irnods wre not made forth CEO WN FRJNCK OF GERMANY OR ANY OTHER t-OTEN- V TATE . bat lot our 9 n tsarlet , Be eure to tlve a Oalt and you will Ood low price aad good qualities. - J; Bo! n! A Bpinney CommoB Benee 8hoe our 8iecialty . THE.EADEE V& L07 PEICE3, OFFE its, THIS FALL i i. u . ......... ESIIoipary. Bargains . V tf..I?sXutlis, Boys and Childreu's M)raiJNG ' -Tha largest Stock of .fine and cheap, welt fitting aod wearing and beat made - Clothing in Le Citj, in all about (0 b if f e rent Styles V A if Oorkwrew,4)UirorDii, TVoristaa, Beam ana CassitoereSuiU. ranging from ;'Jf,: SQto $20 Sxxit- - , - Ilea's and Bojs' Overooats, Reversible Goat aad UltUerettes. " V A, JoogteH wanOupJ)Ued: via., the largest line of , , Children's Knee Pants Suits ad BOYS SUITS brought hero, just th Tery thing for city trade. -Litet Stylos la soffundBtiff brim Hate, at reasonable prices. ; Dcots and Shoes Ladies' Button Shoes as low as G5o. a pair. 15 Button Skating Boots at $1.00. I AM SOLE AGENT FOR THE A. A. BATTLES' MEN'S CALF SEWED $2.50 SHOES EVERY PAIR WABRtlTID. Dry G"Qds, Dress Goods, Worsted Poplins, Cassimeres, Kentucky Jeans, bleached, bron andcheoked Domes tios, very cheap. ' ftnnrl fialir.nps at 4n n. YarA " r r jc?Z-' : r- . . Don't (ail examine our Stock , of Newmarkets, Ladies' and Children's 'Walking JftQk e to, St awls and Jerseys, sold at astonishing low figuroa, i"- Men's jFurnfching . Goods, Wool Orerhhirts, White Shirts, Red and White i ' , i Underwear, Uardigan Jackets, lower than ever. -r As nmai J)andy Line of Neokwear, luteut shapes and patterns, handsome "r,V line of Hoaiery and Silk Bandkerchiels. i .Beautiful assortment of Sutpei.ders ; a pair of fine nobby Silk Suspenders , , 17" ,-43:X:i-' .' "-,MRr8AM. R. BALL will be glad to MB.' SaM. ENGLANCER will show XI AG1I0ST HIGH PniCES. Look Out ior tiii nTirjff just returned from the North with a haigt Stock of -if'' : Ohildreh's I can give joa'MenVaicev soiri us Jbw"4'8S!?5?briaUi WM. Childnm'a knee'; snitc (tXS&'Jt alsd lav -'Tare1' nhd well 4leeUd stock of 8HOKS. I can giva'yoa Boy's pice Shoes, 11.00. COO DozenliisBoyspan A nfce'Hat for Boys either Softer Stiff eslow as 15j. f I;narante to gait jo hA either Wool, BttMi Sqffi brgti!l &JwJ;axXL. .ielceted atock of - V- rr-0 -&&M&p& .A good Dress Shirt from 35c. to, 60c TJnder8hirta 20cr JLaaies, CLildrenS and Men's Ilose, 5c. . ,,' , , ' '- r , ' , . i A Special Drive in Boy and Men's Shoes. Good Shoes for Ilea from 75c pp.- - " ' - ' 'i 4 aVLaeqe and well "C::i:i' Odrpcts,. L:::.3V 'OH CIclItp: T"L3KS, TAT ISE3, aod a fine lot olGENTS' SCARFS'from 2Jc to . . And r" v'ns t ,) numerons to. mention, t ome one, come f r 1 ! ! t' it I ran sell jog wore goods u for a little money t'- "t ?-v i.;,.i-r L.. . j ia the city. . ' ; . x-'.'..r.W " ! t-r.T v 'rt Ct-rcb, Tc T:rn?, 6.".;": YOlXIt. MO TJv .7 w j - e r -i-r- -Ni..t . .. .,iei . SCHWERIM, m Endless Variety. " MX 8CHWKEIN, Middle Street, Sign of Flsg. meet his old friends and aoqaaintances. you the Elephant. ti ovvaii n-!3j.! Ii::t e-I LadieB 'moa :Baitob' Shoes 'for 65c sllected stock of ; - r laWVh U Cloth I. Father of those who brave the treachcr The sea ia mighty, and bur boats .'are maul . : . r Calm is the tea today, theaunlihtfrei.; I "' b h8 wind that alio ths i ' !irord- ere we trust our all to tbee; Tby sea ia migbtr, aod oar boats are tmalL When tbe safe stillness crteu upon the .-i ways, , When lbs white moonlight cbeeri tba silee nlitbt. Guard us lest danger lurki beneatb the calm; f by saa is algbty, and our boats are m-.ll. When tbe wild hurricane uplifts its voice. Add cold embracing billows threaten u. If thou should 'st slumber we are power leas; Tby sea ia niighty, and yur boats are small. Bread giver to tbe crying fiuerleat! Husband of widowed women left to mourn! Our all we leave tbem: Ob! protect them. Loral Tby sea is mighty, and our buats are email. Sailor's Magazine. Indifference to Per sob all tie. Shortly alter Mr. SoWard took his seat in the United Sia es Senate, be annoauced that, under no cir- eumsuuues, would be rery to a personal attack. There is do I Senator," said he, "whose reputa-' tion is ol sufficien: importance to' justify bim in taki' g Ave minutes; ul tbe Senitle 8 time to defetid it." 1 Daring bis (teuaiorial term he was1 always respectlul toward bipliii 1 cal oppoueulo, altbuugbhis radical opinion and bold uiteraucearxiiLed , tbeir bitter bostility, and drew upon him many tierce at tacks, lie never noticed tbeise; personalties iu public debate, and, to all appearance, was us ludttier- eut torlbem as to the ciying ol an infant. 1 The eloquent Judab 1. lSeujaunu. whose seat was next to SeWaidV, once attacked him iu an impassion -d speech. Ah soon as the orator I reMJined his seat, Mr. tSeward turn ed to him and said, iu ibe most iu J different tone, ''Benjamin, give tue 1 a cigar, and when your seecli is printed, send me a copy." I Tben rising, be retired to tbe I cloak room and smoked Benjamin's cigar as canity as if tbe donor ami be were political aud mends. Mr. Stanton, who relates this anecdote in his "ltaudom lt?collec Hons," dencnbes a similar sceue iu the Senate Chamber a quarter of a century before, wbereiu Clay and Van Bureu were the actors. Pres ident Jackson's order removing tbe public deposits from tbe Umted States Bank to its braucbes had alarmed tbe merchants aud bankets, aud excited tbe Whigs. Clay aud Webster, their leaders, hurled anathemas against the President, aud compared him to tbe stock tyr ants ol oldeu times.. Vice President Van BureD, a model ol courtesy us ibe presiding officer of tbe Senate, used to listen to tbe most bitter attacks on the administration, ol Which be was a firomiuent member, with the placid ty of a cold, neutral, - impartial re leiee. One morning Mr. Clay, in tbe course of an eloquent, impassioned speech, implored the V ce Presideut to hasten to the White boused aud on bended kuee exert bia well kuow n influence over the despot, to per suade Hi in to restore the Federal fuuds to tbe Bank, and thus avert a financial panic. Aft soon as Clay had closed his vehement philippic, Van Buren, cadiug a Senator to the chair, went straight" across the Chamber to Clay VMM. i! . 'Tha Senators looked on with no little apprehension and even Mr. Giy eemed alittls disconcerted as he rose Jrora hw seat. :; ... f'Mr. ' Senator said the Vice- President, bowing gracelully, "al low me to be indebted, to yea for another pinch of your aromatic maccoboy." vjav. one red, Bi9 gola snuff oox. and- resumed bis seat, while Van turen 100K a aeucat piucu, ana then . the Vioe-Presi- aenra cnair. vt3; . 1 ? Neither Mr, van Buren . nor Mr. Seward affected" an Indifference they didt not feel. Both " of tbem looked opon personalitie! in debate atl'part -of thegame of politioa, a . .a " . waica a statesman shonld no more heed than does a lawyer the attacks of opposing counsel. - They took 411 such critisma as a tribhia td, tbeir personal influence, .which their opt pbnents were bent on ' destroying. Youth's Gompanion.t ; , Wwiirfal BeatoraMon ralhr. Mr. A. K. lUwKEt;: Daar Bir The spectacle! I procured "from you eight years aeo entirely, atored, tat sight, and, uDl.l -two years aioce, ha?e been sble - r .l ""'Jinept rr'nt ' oot g!n-.s. W. B. LOCKETT, at D. I f - f ' ; ''eft vnrr'"ed " - ' v.- s. l' ' "-. : w - , N " b 1111 r-" w- 1 DYSPEPSIA in? i4 a sraiCTiv viatrai.t atTLSs runu attotemf. PHILADELPHIA. Prioe, ONE Dollar The majority of the Ula of the human body asrlee from a dlaeaaed IJver. hiui- mona Liter Regulator has been the meai.8 of realorlug more people to health and happiness by giving tnrm a healthy Liver than any oilier agency on earth StK THAT VOU GET THE GLNl'INK. SAVED HIS LEG SCROFULA fsr rut BONE CURED ! f-ft . An). , AU..U - The t-v k?T m it' ii it 4.. lit .. l iv H a to..- a Ull't-r at I n of Hit t tltUl. II. t dlM ;i.v . diuary . u iu iuoIIm (JUS S tl j'l..llis. A' my uftlii 1 1 'ii It. i i tttjtcaiht- li.ifl u-sr-liiai powtr f wrj? t tmrTicularo lw, hum r tun . : : v i 1 i, 1 from inf ul .1 i: u i- ii u'aiiy 1 ,.'iiful l.t-toin tbo 1 1 ff I I'll- My i lfcM Ir-g '1 m rmi ii.oi. 1 ii. tbrt ! ufTri'lt-1 Kiliall . Iff I teK l' inn Itfeo about fotu itfD . .f i.f ul- tis on in y tl He fl.h ll,U II. I. If Ihe riklH lK lltt'l ililrh Lliiu th- U 111 llli.luil III KHr tors Jclt ruiltir 1 lo Mi j)iilat 1 k t i"V tltfB kllt-t. 1 Hi UlH'l Ml fully In-rfornii 1 1 1! li M. M.iii-i, AUi.m, and Dr. W P. R-mi. of iJilmtil.t the loss uf ui U'g me otjy tfiu j ai y rt lief. The H)l.t'in w;. still In my tyi-t. 111 ami aoon b,'pu to kIiiiw iim 1 iiitin. In a t-hi-rt UUit' Itfttl larf nli-'i ujijx in fit (ii my left It-g, roi1ii(f u f i - m 1 1 j i i.f. - l i tt.i' liinlij. KrtMjiiriK !y wnitt' .t m k I ..,.1.1 l.- trui k. .1 l-y the f,i.,., r i.lrfra. and l)i Korea Mi l ni 1 f n1i;r holna arrrM) olttiipivt- dial my ffh- n Minknifii Cowlil n-'l bii.nJ ibcbii-inL au.l would uiwo m a from tittr ljibt wlnit-r I Mas MTMil'it to try S. 8. 8. Ati a lt t-fTiirt 1 i sf'lul to do so, and a'Mitit ewii inmiiliN an I Im ffiin taklnu Ihe Si'ecilK'. 1 so i ii U .ili in f. 1 1 I he irtxiil tflota of ih inoiUMni'. Hi" fTt-niw runiiiiig iK-an to grot It at anil Us-h nd (InaJly cenr-!. tliA ulturi lifxlfd, my ll nli Im au.e fli tn and 'tild, and today niter n.-.ln tnilT one 1h( t lta, 1 am as l I n I at- mt a m n of my fttjtl ua the If la In (it'iiigls. 1 urn at nly uiis fr-H.t old but ftt-l ii younji-i r jinl til i tnucr hail 1 dlJ he u I v tv t li l ti-v Iw.-IkU ibe tetriule d lat r to K-tnliid me of tlm torta'ti I aiiiTci'ed 'r mi main .wars, fact-o, the ar. of i hs .c i"f ti 1 v tu-nh d uImtp I want I lit world i. know . f thf a'moft miraculous curt ffit'U'd on me iv S h M , and I rail uiii (hotc hn tali to k now l i.e. parilculnrM Hrwl I y from int to write, and I Hill rt-nsld. r li a iaun as wi M no a luly to mwi r i hdr Mums. 1 refer U lr W I. Bond, nf iiiiumia, aa to the truth of ugr LatemeLL Very tfratcfuUy ymtm, li iLai.K. Treatlat nn Rlood and Bktll D ! RiailtXl frtte. Tut bwirT hi acini t u.. Draw!- X AUauta, Oa. GR0CLR.LO0K 10 .OUR INTEREST PATAPSGO FLO RING MILLS 1TT4 .... E8TADLI KD.. .1 774. PATAP.NCO xCriT.i. iIVE PTET Tk.'rnBl.r r. il loiirli'i. Thi. I" LOOK n . .. rOiK-Cll. li 10 tl taptrlor lo A.r rln IhliOuuiilry All the ileal Hrao Ann-ricm Flour are aolrl oa i nro narkeu.. win re the "Patapsco Superlative" Laadaaad eunn.ianda decld. dly mora n.oney bec.te ' ok. a i he WHITEST. SWE ST AND MOST tiUT'i BREAD. AikyonrHr t;alaofor PATAPS) O PAH , BEUPOHD . .LT BlLltx 1 K.TIILV HafLiTO. rAHILV, C. A. GAMBDILL MANOF'G CO.. 814 COMMERCE ST., BALTO., MD. RBPRESErjTEO BY E. K. BISHOP, Jnnind6m lall BIKRE. N. C. GEORGE ALLEN SCO. - . DEALEllb IN General Hardware Affrtouituraf Impleruentt Plows, ilarrowa, Cultivator, C'j'l i' vUs'aMd."Ajiea. Wood's." Mowers, aud Reapers, ' Kteam Knaines. Cottott Ol'S d Presses, Fertilizer. 'Lund Piaster, Kainit Mecbautes f ool aad Hardware, Umo. fftrlclt. Omeht, Plaster Ualr Pfttnt, CLlrMimloe, Var ttisa. OU.,tlasa; Pnttyr aaid Uatr. h FrefJiera, CcrAaaratwn. OH jook' 8toTCaV liareba Bnrr;lar Proof Sash Ireks, Wj4rrant4Ml ta rIto security ai.d satlsfacfiup. 'puhjks vkk txw; i : . QKO.'aLLEN 4ft CO. Vimst Edwards Co. Hay reopened tbe New Bersa Mack in Workav and have added Tools t sir works to do all kiads of Machine aaa Boiler Work at short sot ice. , i " Tbey bare also 'added a foundry to their work, and are prepared to do ths b"t of Draas aad Iron Caatin i -Ilouce Plumbinii a specialty, . i V If 'you want pood work trie os a Call. All k sruarstitef d and dore at prict t : t: jH wly Li 1 j-a i MOST BBlLLLAJfT, PURE & PERFECT LENSES In tbe w orld. They ar aa ti uprrBt and colorltwa aa llKiil ltaelf, ua for kufLijuitt or euauruooe to tne ee. canuc.t be ncrlled funblmg trie vexivr tt ictnlrcrai umvutnoai laiigu. In fat t, thry thl e Tetin ovialb fioiu ltif le.Vng plij aiclana'i lu the L'niuil Sietoe, Ouvcrmut, ienatora, legUlatorb. Bt"tfc in en, lut u o uviv lu ai) pro feea.ous, aii li. ditfeieui braurljee ul trade, uauke b , roectianicB, etc., ceji b- given who have had theli eight improved by ihelr uee. A ll. KYl;H F1TTKI) AM. JHK HI' Ut'AKAMlHl UY F. S. DUFFY. Droofiat mart NKA HKRNiC N i . ly - Take Notice ! Otir el.irele tillod with I'ruv isi-iiir, Oroceries, Caunrtl tiiiods, Drj (JiMxlh, Crochery, Etc. We keep a full line of the i-eieDraiea rrison dools and Shoes. ALSO C. S. Parsons fc Sods' Boots and Shoes. Every pan viarrKi.tid iu ie aatia faction. Country merchants am! the jeopl generally are request! to call aud ex amine our large atock before purchas ing We will give you low tigurea. We joh Lonllard Snuff. ROBEKTS L BRO., South AVutii it.. Sew liernc.X. S?;7f..r.V! . .' -CI J. CniiB m MllillTV tjHOUr. Imt I have iihk.n in YlMi iny lUHDWAliK. MA llllNKUVanil A(i Kli L'l.T 11IA I, IM I'l.FM K.N I S from J f WIUH Y Uierefure 1 am all ltllill I 1 li II you hi prirea help out a abort crop Hiiinringly r. a. i.HBir,. l-.Mlli.MI .t wani Green, Foy & Co., BANKERS and Commission Merchants SlUTH KKONT HTKKKT, 4.d ly NLW Htli S h. N. ('. EASTERN CAROLINA DISPATCH Tbe Fast Freight Line ULTW B w flfrna. Caat'rrn North stroll ta Polnli, aud raorfolk, lialllmorft. Phlladrlphla. niw lork. Hoilea, It to.- via Kllaabnh Cliy. IM.C. THE STEAMERS EAGLET and VESPER of this line will run on regular achedule time i.bmiik New B.-rne eer MoMJAY, Wr D.NKHi.A Y hiiu KttlHAY al'FOUK P M., h.llu etb City and return ou ibe follow ing uaa Theae at am- m In rnnnect'on with lha Atlantic A N. C, R. H.. N. rfola Hon tbem R. K , New Yora. I lula. aDd orio!k K. K. aDd lha Vni.y Ivanla R. R . form a reliable ai d regular llii" oflerlng Uerlor laclllilea foi quick iriinporiaLion No al Kllral-elh CUT. al whlob point fro gin t . 1 be loaded on cara to to tbrongt to d.-ntlri.t 'on. Llreet all coooa to be .hipped via Eaaleru I'aroilna Lilepateu ailv i.i inilowa: Kroro New York, by Penu. R, K., Pier 27, North River. Prom Philadelphia, by Fblla., W. A It in . . R., Dock hi. station. Fr .ui HalMrnorr by Pnila. Wll. Jt Balto, R. R, Pmkleot Kt, a ailou. Fioto Norfolk by vor ola Hoothern R R. From Bo. too by Sercban aA Miner Iran. po'ailouto ; New York and .New r uglaud Rate, aa low arid time noicker tban by any olhr line Wben oiyaalon requlrea a achedola of foor trip, pei wek will oe run. JNO. 8 Wl L ON (Gen Fgt Traffic Atent P. R R ), OeneV.l Tiafflo Matager QKO. 8T.PBE -8, Dlvialon r reight Aaent, P W. 4 B. R R Phlla. B B. O VKK, Uueral Freight AgaDt, N T. P. 4 N. K R, Morfoia.v. D O. aUUUl 8. Qeucral Freight Agent. I S. a. R , Norfolk. Va. GEO. HENDERRON. Agent, febSO dw Newberne. M. O. K. R. JONES, Wholesale sad BeUU Dealer in CHOICE FAMILY GROCERIES t ABT) General Merchandise, BACJQLN'Q .JSS1 , TIES Etc VOcroslcumenta of Grain, O iioa and other ProduoaeoliclKad. , Prompt A ttea'ttoii- Qua r nteed. It. W CSot. South Troot aad itiddUSf " r; 1 ? "ke W " BPRXE, N. O.V "f 'm&MSB&f r T 7 ilr ii " rr li r r ' V. ..,, J i " l,jit ) w bibie, a. a. dec.l WINTB SCHKOULK Of THE tTEAMih IROHH. To gu luu) tneol oat aS4aftar Dar. lt, U87, ondi.y-Uav Bew Bern ' at VF1 "lK'")' awpplng at Adam Crea, tmiuia creek, and felon, wail. Tueadiv-Leava bayboru at feV A. if. ter Oaw Borne, atovpn-g at HianowmJl.Viuiuc niers.8nuibaOnwa and AdamaOeck. 1 tiorndny Lav New berue a bKVEN A-f. 'or Buo. aiopplDg at Adams Cree. b";1!?a Crtwa, V&oeii,eraodlobeTaU. Friday Leave batjooro at KEVAK A. If or New Beine. eloppiug at Btonewail, Vau demere. btulihn Urc-k. aud AdamaCraeK. By tnts arrangement we ara abtataSDaka oloae ooDiiecilou wit tue Northern eteanara. also tmvloij ood nccouiu oitatlona beta tor pneaeuiterfc aiid fr Ul I Mt v. r, Im . k the merctinntb und p rod aoera alone lie men viio 1 iu j eijpport. Freurnt received uoin eover . ver dy of tbe week. Kor 'nuljer iDfoiioailou euoulre at tne ufnee f,o; of Craven KIreeL. Or any of iw agents el tbe following (v 1. Mi-uONHiA L. euiuha Creek. v u 11 Ann' Mi, Vandenjere, &; n rowxtu, Htonewaii i W 1Eh -'- W t-LL. r-ayboro. ' apailw w. P. BUKHD8. Q. M. Steamer Howard, IndfpendeL' Steamboat Line. Coturui ui iuK JKJNUAY, the 12th day 01 w uieuiut r, joei. me tamr HIIW. AKU w,u run lhts foiiowma schedule: for Ireutou, eery Monday and Friday, KelurniUK e er) Tuesday aad Saturday Fur I'ulloktinlle evtry Wednesday at 6 a m , reluming the earoe day. ' . J J LAM HER. Manager. ' J. J. Li.sjsw av, Agent at New Bern. '- NEUSE L TRENT RIVES 8teamboat ComnanT. W Ul run Hie fo !uw 1 Juun&r. it. iao7. Led'jie on and aitfl Steamer '1 rent VN 1.1 ,tu v . t .i.ili. v. Ill w H.-me im lrenton aTary .'1 hi.iii) at t, a. ui.. returning, lifiil.m m n lutBdav and Hal. ur.liix . i . .in-j, 1. 1- ., . , nt,,,,,,,. ii,. ri. Steamer Kloston. w ; 1 ;. i. I u h hi : n. . hi. I l.i.i, .1 I and : i:t; m . nvt.Mii" l.n l ., Muqoiji n4 ' it hi i.u intermediate n N.'i.m Kit , i J. J. 1'lhinUAy.m.MiM w. r nuMi, Hiuatoa , I w v i.i i. a t-n i 4; i reniou. M I I ui i i I i . ' .1., tr ... - 1 I It It A L J M W h 1 1 I il... 'i N.O Change of hu m New lork. 1 1... J n L'..:..Li r ' FOIl NEW YORK K x 1 1 M PWIIUT ilPXTnt' " auti ft 1 1 vouti l tll UIMl ViMt fn tL;,tl.iri.i:rri,;iighilnJS.W f..l N.i Hrrueal 111. K 7. AU'I11 ItJVICK, 1," MX- .. 4 I." ! ... J ... ' i' .-v.w a.wm ivin una jytntVvt jiumjiuillllioii TV. . . . . . 11. i. i.riii. Lt,uiu i.iiiniibi thai tbl.laoaa. u t,. - .tleaiu l.m.. i.ul uf h. York m.Ua ttMJ ' vnu ii.vniii.ur. lor Oiew Baraa . iim.i......nut(ciyuii.jaii. MKMI--W KKK I.Y .s'l' f A MICBo '' Jatw8en New Berse and fialtimort jrtolkj Ul'Hl r.. w H.rLr I ',- m. r TTT-jm. miDAYS.i i . id l.a?e UaiUmora le ' ' Ht-riir W M)." l.-lMVN dud SATnunav ' e. p. in ( " aff.Bl. ar. hk fotfew. K.llllKN Ins'UL .1...-1 ki....r o Libi si.. Bal't.M .' A W Mrl AKkll H Awl Nrr.l. V. .. w l. Olya. a tic ' fhUadaiphia.'ll float D.r.N Yur S Halm Iran- l.lne.Piet Nonartvar' L. SlIIDDBiiL. RM on A t :nlr.l tsti.r. E. H. K..kWKll, Providpnce li. I. D O Mmh, I'. II Rit.r, Derrick wharf. " Ship, im..- l'i ion . Tu.xtiji and Salordayt " " N Ytuk d.ilj W " Ualinnorr, WMlntKiiKa andSatarSay Fall liitcr. Mood.,., Wadaaaaaya Friday. 7 ' Prt'Tiflciic.. Saiardayt li. , to all point, at tba oflloaa of panie. iTcid Breihge ol Enli ud Ship N. Z. LINE. d - ....... u in.. , ww Tm - old Dor.iir.ian Steamship Company. TKi-WMKLY LINK. . .: The Old Dominion Steamahlp Cm paw 7 'a Old and Favorite Water . ; Route, via Albemarle araa Chcaapeaka Caaal. -rf FOR Ifarfolk. BalUmora, Row York, Paila delphla. Boatoa. Prerldewoa, And all poima. North. East aad West On and after MONDAY, NOVUtBKK 1m, 1887, nnill fanner botleo, the - lUmn Hew Bmi ud Pvsi!ic3 will aatl irom NOKFoLK, Vtk. ' lor FF BKHMC, via Waahlnaton, Motidaya.Wedii.-. daya and Frldaja. making vlooa ooaneoiio with U.a Stamr- of Ui N. f. h S B. Co, (or Kjcaum Troatoo, andalloiht , landlnga an the Nana ana Trent Rl vera Returning, w&J aU arofa Jaw ria.KNK for HORHjLK dlreat, M aoaya edoe. dayaand rridaya at A av. making eon . -Uoau with tbe O. li B, s, Oa'i tm for New ToS, B. m. P.Uo.V ai.rr lor MalUmora, Clyde Lino Bbtpa tir 1 1 -delphla. and w AM. T, tXx.H anlpa for I ton aad ProTtdeoeo n - . Oar anttrlngaOortatO pfcaaa dot pair and oar airnoai perfect aer-rtne for in. i twelve y eara. kt Uia beat fuaraotee w Oar aifahlppera aa to wo ,we wtU c . them ia tbe future 1 - ' . OidaraUrroada ears Of O.D.fi8,C ... ' toik Va. a . ...r - -.- rrettbto not rwoalvad tat aaipv i a m. on aetlina daya. Paaaepgera wlU and a jood taMo ante room a, and twj ewn. Uoa wULaa paid tbem by ln ,i-r.v,---v.? Aa a Eon alasaas. CCLPtPFFR 7 ff.H'STASroftD. ... ti. r. a r. Aft., few I e k t