7 THE JOUIINAL. ' JILL GULL FOE THE a tLtlre REAL AND PERSONAL PROPERTY owned by tat : II ANN AH COHEN, deceased - -f v " ' ' L.x mo Dwelling Uoasea, located an Pollock and Hancock streets, in i condition, all wil rented ; pne .-.Kgt corner, rouoex ana auaeus Alto, several Farma in Craven eoanty, near the eity of New Berne. All of the above Property will be sold at Low Prioea and Easy Term. l or runner information enquire or Urn. C0HE1T, at JVeinslein Building. , r v 23,000 : Vcrlb cf Oc:da lo bs Closed ObL . Goods Beduced to Half Prices ! - i Overcoats, formerly 8.00. reduced to 13.00, : Corkscrew Salts, formerly $15 00, redaeed to $7.50. " ' Boy'e Diagonal Suits, formerly $10.00, redaeed to 15.00. ' ,f Cajaimere Suits, formerly $8.00, reduced to $4.00. ' i Blue Cheviot Suite, formerly $10.00, reduced to $5.00. " 5 ; Gray Cheviot Suite, formerly $10.00, redaoed to $5.00. AfuUlmeefOMMumerePanta.mil at half prioea, from75o. upwards. - A large (took of Gray and White Blankets, Carpets. Dry Good, Boot ud Shoes, Data and Cpe, Oeate' and Ladies' Furnishing Goods, Um brellas. Trunks and Values, Saddlery and Harness. All must be sold and no reasonable offer, refused. CP" All I ask is for you to come and BEMEMBEB THE PLACE, Ex. for Hannah Cohen, deceased, Weinstein Building, cor. Pollock and Middle its., NEW BERNE. N. eelldwanl HE CHEAPEST, cl tire latest, Styles - IN r Jen's, Youth's la 4-button Cutaways, Prince Alberts, 'Square and Bound Cat Sacks, made from the best of Corkscrews and CaBsimeres. Yon will now find at ill H. SULTAN'S, At Rock Bottom Prices, Lower than the Lowest Without Exception : A fine line of Silk Lined and Silk Faced, in heavy and light weight, Overcoats, in the most fashionable colors, at the lowest prices imaginable. A larger and finer Line in v GENTS' FURNISHING GO0D8, than ever. Alao a very attractive assortment of the latest Styles and patterns Gent's) Neckwear. In Soft and Stiff Hata we carry the latest and leadiog styles. Oar Stock of BOOTS AND SHOES is complete in every particu lar, and at prices that cannot be duplicated. We alao have lot forgotten the Ladies, and desire to call their atten tion to our H llost Elegant Line of Dress Goods, which we will sell at Redaeed Rates, and which will enable any one to bar a large lot of goods for a little money. We call their special attention to the best assorted stock of New markets, Wraps. Dolmans, Walking Jackets and Jerseys in the city. Alao, a fall line of Catpets, Rngs and Blankets. ry Give him a trial before purchasing your goods, aa you will find it to your own interest to do so. . odidwtf DR. J. D. CLARK DENTIST, II Sawsauui. m. c. OAs Ctwvea twa rollo rf-ieavy ROBERTS & HENDERSON Cssil Iixtrvci lgtsts, iSeTT Heme, Ti. J Only ftrft' elaea" Companoea repreeeo . '-i .v .din. rr. life sal Xeeiisnt lafsrtae. Total Capital orer Forty Millions o r Dollars. , JnnMdlT j. bl. ciAwraxa. i aaau. mamli. ::iTi S. CBABTREE & CO. f engineers; I- , rounders And Machinists, Hanufactarers an Dealers ta mum ncsisir swim . . . . . - A '- BmU4M Batla& BleaerB, r Kill. SMia Cm-mtt U t m raradtweeCaatlBaue all ktea -.r r4 twaaadlau attrattoa glTea i r'viltortveplaiiaaBdwOinak t , .':. . , uoa ot SDaeblaary. . . v - nr W Sjeer- k a A. Haui s M. y, .. . ri - frrst) work , . d2ww.r Safe. LTYDAYS ITEXT T large three-story sob cellar iron front j sweets, nown as we v iiuhu j convince yourselves. - and Children's Asa Jonea' Old Stand. OXrotio i Having purcnaaee tne enure Btocc oi Boot, Sboee. and Bobbers la store un dsr Hotel Albert, I will cell the same AT COST. SPOT CASH. No goods win be sent out on probation. Thankful for past patrons ge. the bust neat will be continued at the) old stand undor Hotel Albert. T. T. PATTEUSON. Hw Brn. N. C eeSrdtf W.L. DOUGLAS $4 SHOE, the ori ginal and only hand wd welt f ( shoe ta the world, eqaais custom made hand s wed shoe that cost from 14 to $9. - V.L. DOUGLAS $3GHOE.' m w wotm, uav I (Httxi aaS In. all n4 tmnlM a IMl . MlwamMad y.UiiSorS Bon. -W. I "l.AS W. M4 to hmwf ww. If m T" - Js W. GTET7ART, EKA.IUAETR3 FOB xrxr, E0R5E9 e h rm ?' W nr. i r r mr i r .1 F I ' . - I)e lessens' raaanuCiBiL - The Panama Canal scheme la again attracting public : attention. M. De Lesseps baa been trying to Induce the French Government to lend money to the . company. It has been asserted that lie will be anoceasfuL and the aid asked for will -be fires. There -are a large number of difficulties In ths way of completing the channel, and Is U a wonder that before thia the whole bottom ol the scheme ban ' 'not fat len out In spite of all the diffi culties the projectors bare not lost faith, 'and - are v. etill of the opinion .that they will be Able to complete the work.- A new plan of reorganization nas been proiioeed and an agreement will te entered; into with the stockholders tp carry it foward. U is not Very probable that the French Government will give the aid asked for, because if it should advance the money the ulti mate result would be that Prance would become the owner, and this would involve her in difficulties wUh other nations. The United States would have, Something to aay about each 6wnersbip. The people of this ooantry would not be likely to permit each a thing as the ownership of the oanal by a European power. Demoreat's monthly. The largest number of cattle ever received in one year was of Chicago in the year 1884, being 1,874,984 beeves, 30,223 calves, 6.640,625 hogs, 749,917 sheep, and 15,625 bones. It required 9,000 trains of 31 cars each, which, if coupled to gether would reach 2,146 miles. Surgical Pbogeess. At two of the leading hpitala of Paris the death rate from am Dotations of all kinds hqg fallen from 60 perl oentjn 1880 to about 15 per cent at present. J Never run into debt, unless yon see plainly a way to get oat again. I . A.taalaklag- Sveeeaa. It it the dutv of every person who ha need tJotchee t (Jtrman tyrup to let ite wonderful qualities be known to their frienoe in curing Consumption, sever Coughs, Croup. Asthma, Pneumonia, and in fact all throat and lung d is. aces. No person can us it without imsaediat relief. Three dosee will felt any case, and we consider it the dtrty of all druggists to recommend it to the poor, dying consumptive, at leaat to try one bottle, a 80,009 dozen b 4Ue ware sold lat year, and no onecae wbae it failed was reported 8ui-h a mediate he the German Syrup cannot b so widely known. Ask your drusalM about it. 8ample bottlee to try, eol at IS cents. Kenulsr aise. 70 oenta. Bold by all drustists and dealer in the United Hfeatcsand Canada Advice to the Aged. Age hrlajr twrirMMtea, uch aa alaa rtu kwaia, wak kadaXTS Ml ai4 mr asMl ttnia Urw. hove m apMtn ff act aa ttiaaa ai, w. UaaalaUBa hwwala, -; vl aiaakar;s wlta aU-almiat; a niPAEHHG VIG0E tm tbw atMr. fclaaaar -mm Hrmn Tfewjr atr aaafa4 t M ysig. SOLD VBTWUIt. . "TYLERDESSOO St. aiWark LonaiPriw - -v - - viirtK nwu epsataw Bra. - Orer 1,000.000 won dories Ui past atx Tears. This Baarrelous eueeeae Isdae. , 1st To the snperiorlty of Oarmliaa on el other malarial, a a sttSaoar for Ooneav SDO-Te the aoperior Qjuality, shape aad workmanship of oar Corsets, eosAlaod. With their low prteea - ;-: r , Avoid cheap Imitations made of tarlem Unds of eord. Koae are fnnla mtBe MDB. WArTKIJTS CC'AUSS" Is printed m In;cf r ' roMUTAvtl . ccf r. Wslis 1 J a K w rvintia , I jBaSll OoDRT B5 I DAfItViVitwn U I 1 aaaOfficirrms -V , - The bargains that bloom la the tall, Tra-la, ' " Are often bat promise and show, The people 'don't know what they " - bay, -' - - , '- ' ' -' 'Tra-la,, They often had better go alow. Bat of that there's no need as to what We call, Of bargains that we offer as trades men this LdL r ' k ' . . Tra-la-la la, tra la-la-la. ; The bargains that bloom in the fan, Tra-la, . , T Hare largely to do with the "case; All people they need many a thing, Tra-la, - T. Let them see what is. truth and what's ring, Tra-la, And boy at a trust worthy place. Oome and see what we mean when we say and call, Of bargains indeed which we offer this fall. Tra la la la, tra-la-la la. Moral of all thia Go to Baker' to bay yonr Dry Good a. - A B in yonr bonnet, my friend! and 0 na and Q 0 horBei "'ht roand in of oor 8tor door. H them np, oome in, get nn- at hpr I amu hv lnrilr at " w - m j our bargains. Don't be a J and neglect this good tarn V Oypnr seir. we it in earnest wnen we promise to snit Uto a T. Bring along a V and we will W up half a dozen bargains. Y do we do this! Simply because oar prioea are all knocked episdn oaop. All this is foolishness, bat it is a fact that A. M. BAXXB ws won't asy any more ; come and see ns. On The List As some day it may happen that yon need thia thing or that, We bare a little list, we've got a -' little list Of first class goods at prices down to the lowest flat, la which we will persist, in which we will persist, . That our nobby stock of fall goods ne'er excelled, Befitting any lady whose name ' was ever Appelled. Oar cloaks of rare material and workmanship to matchi ' Of quality superior, they aereraeed a patch.' . : : And then oar Misses' cloaks they'll eonTinde the reflest pessimist, , Toull find themon oar list, on .f bar unexampled list. A. M. Bakxb, the Dry Goods Man. don't forget he watts yon on his list as one of his nest customers.' ' 4 Baker's bound to hare a fit today, vile don't care If His smalt The fit be wants is pro-fit, friend,' f v So look joa one and ad. V' For gains. 7 What gainst - Why i Bsr-gains, triend, ' i-i i Tast glance within his store,-.. Such "bargains he will show yon, . As ne'er were seen before. - -' yew tiee.f What tieal Why nortl- 4. ' ' ' - . ". - - . .,. ties, ;,:,.....-.-." ' i In every tee le sells, f'v Don't shun. What stunt Why re dseshBB, -'" ; ,... - In iriecs ta pTcars yea wtUj' ' Eare trrc. Yilzt gznu Why y STOLL fAi A" fOi-: Has returned from the now his Large and Commodious ; Store u packed with poods, direct from ; V - I am now prepared to offer better induce ments; for the future than ever in- the; past. My Stock is much larger and could not bo better "selected. .1 buy in largesquantitics for CASH, which, enables me to sellf cheaper. Give me a trial and be -convinced that - is really the LEADER OF LOW FBICES. ' . It wonld be folly for me to attempt a full "description of all my stoek The most elegant line of ' . , , L that has ever been brought to thia market, including all the Latest Styles, 'Beautiful Baitings and Cloakings. . .p.r - All the Latest Novelties in Fane Goods! ; Silks! Satins! Velvets and Velveteens! Bach a line of Shoes never was exhibited in this place before. Mens ' Ladies, Misses and Children's ol all descriptions In endless variety- And my line of !' v'i Ladies, Misses and Children's Cloaks; ; well yon will have to come and see them, they are beyond descrip tion, the largest, handsomest and BEST line in the city. Also a hand -some lot of -. Wraps and. Shawls, Flannels, Etc., Etc. CP" ty ty DON'T FAIL 3 jr jrf to see my line of OA. 3FL PETS, , before purchasing, which is very large, embracing all grades from the oheapest to the best : All wool Three ply. Brussels, all wool Ingrains, . etc., etc. Napier Matting:, Pine Matting, Oil Cloths, all widths, Table Oil Cloths, Mats, Ruga, etc, eto. - -t By calling at my store you will find very many things that cannot be mentioned here ; space would not permit, and besides 1 they aro too numerous to mention. Two thousand five hundred yards 3-4 Cashmere at lOe. per yard. ' Doable .width Cashmere, 15a. per yard. .- - AQ wool Backing. 15c per jd. .f " Infants' Shoes, 15c and upward. The prettiest and best Ladies' Button Shoe in. the city for II J5. -Panu Cloth, 10c np. . . - Fine imported English naif Ilose, 12jc. per pair. ' i. Towels, 3c np. , . Turkish Bath Soap, 5c - . : Good Note Paper, 6c qnire. Envelopes, 6o. pekg. ' ' ?1 AUailk Ottoman Bibbon, 6c yard. ' v v n v . Hose and Oair Hose, 6c pr. Heavj Bibbed Hose, lOe. pr. Linen Cape Collars, 6c - y Ladles' Kid Gloves, 4 button, 60c, new goods. Ladies' Boncle Jerseys, 60c, worth t2XK. . V J. ' Ladies' Collars and Cuffs, 6c . . , Bed and white Flannel, 16c np. Corsets, 25c np. . . A Big Drive In Note Paper a 5-qtiire Packrge, rood inality, for 16c. . " . - - . , . ? - Hamburg Edgings, 3c 5c and 8c - T v- y- ' Men's Scarlet Wool JJndcrehirtis 60c esch. , '. v . - : tS.Bi J2J B Ld,. d Children' UaderresU and Pants." Misses' Vests and Panto, 25c each. r -- , . , Many other Drives that cannot be mentioned now. ' ' ' EibleGale Trade."' I ant now prepared to offer better inducements to Wholesale r-rr-, than ever before My stock is much j X bay in large qttanUties from which enables me to sell CHEAPER Honsea.:-"v .. Come and see'me. I ; iy Ajr Agency for Clark's 11 O ia im in Allow me to Hank yon kindly, cue n1 all, f. r jour liUrtl p Tuit d o tlt fcr a coti:rrt:ce cf tie israe. tti-r:- - LowrnicEs cii.ml ai.;vam lsad. 7 Iforthern Ilarkets, and V larger, more varied and ecu ' If ; c. FIEST HAITDS for EFGI CAC" in small quantities tlan rorlbc: . .J--- ..- can cavo ycu mccv. O. jr. T. Epc-ol Ccttca. f p